The Swedish model of economic development - presentation. The Swedish mixed economy model The essence of the Swedish management model

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Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus Belarusian National Technical University Correspondence Faculty of Construction Department “Construction Economics” Specialty “Management” International Economics and Foreign Economic Activity “Economic Analysis of Sweden” Shikhantsov Leonid Anatolyevich Minsk, 2010

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Contents: 1. General characteristics of the country 2. Characteristics of natural resources 3. Production (industry, agriculture) 4. Analysis of macroeconomic indicators 5. Analysis of the country's balance of payments and foreign trade. 6. Characteristics of the economic model of the country in comparison with the Republic of Belarus 7. Economic relations with Belarus 8. Search for a partner for concluding a contract (export or import) 9. Conclusion with analysis that we can export and import Literature

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The government of the Kingdom of Sweden is determined by the Constitution and other fundamental laws, such as the Law on the Form of Government, the Riksdag Statute, the Law on Succession to the Throne and the Law on Freedom of the Press. Queen Silvia and King Carl XVI Gustaf State system Sweden is a constitutional monarchy. Since 1818, the Bernadotte dynasty has been in power. The Constitution is in force from 1975. The head of state is the king, who is the symbol of the state and performs representative functions. Legislative power is exercised by the parliament (Riksdag), founded in 1435. Since 1971, it has been a unicameral parliament, consisting of 349 deputies elected by universal direct and secret ballot every 4 years. The party or coalition that wins a majority of seats in the Riksdag elections forms a government headed by a prime minister, who holds executive power.

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Capital of the country: Stockholm. Large cities: Gothenburg, Malmo. Area - 449,964 thousand square meters. km Population -9,122,000 people. Sweden stands out among other countries for its high economic and social achievements. This country ranks among the first in the world in terms of the volume of social services. In terms of living standards, it is ahead of almost all countries in the world. The current economic system in Sweden is usually characterized as “a mixed economy combining the main forms of ownership: private, state, cooperative.” About 85% of all Swedish companies with more than 50 employees are privately owned. The rest comes from the state and cooperatives.

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Natural resources The land in Sweden is mostly infertile. The subsoil of Sweden is rich in metals (deposits of complex sulfide ores containing copper, zinc, lead, gold, silver, etc.) and poor in mineral fuels. Significant deposits of metal ores are associated with extensive outcrops of igneous and metamorphic rocks. There are no deposits of coal, oil and natural gas. In terms of iron reserves - about 3 billion tons with an average metal content of more than 60% - Sweden ranks second in Foreign Europe (after France).

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Industry 90% of enterprises Average 35% of all workers and employees. Large 55% of workers and employees. The country ranks 2nd in Europe in iron ore production. Copper, lead and zinc, marble and granite are also mined. Electricity production at hydroelectric power stations and nuclear power plants (in approximately equal shares), other sources of electricity account for about 8%. Ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy and electrometallurgy are developed. Swedish steel is of the highest quality. Mechanical engineering produces sea vessels, cars and trucks, airplanes, computers, ball and roller bearings (1st place in the world), electrical household appliances. The woodworking and pulp and paper industries (leading in the world) have developed. There are enterprises in the chemical, textile and food industries.

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Agriculture Agriculture employs 3% of the population, but thanks to high labor productivity, Sweden is 80% self-sufficient in food. Main industries: Animal husbandry for meat and dairy production. In crop production - production of feed (3/4 of the cultivated area), grain (barley, oats, wheat), sugar beets, potatoes. Most farms are small family farms.

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Average population density: 20 people/km2 Urban population: 83.3% Age composition of the population: under 15 years old - 18.2%; 15-65 years old - 64.4%; over 65 years old - 17.4 Natural increase (decrease) of the population: -0.8% Life expectancy: men - 77.6 years; women - 82.6 years Macroeconomic indicators Sweden is an industrial-agrarian country with a high level of development and living standards of the population GDP: 346.4 billion dollars GDP per capita: 38,455 dollars GDP per capita according to PPP: 28,400 dollars Employment of the working population: agriculture - 2.4%; industry - 24.6%; service sector - 73% GDP composition: agriculture - 1.8%; industry - 28%; service sector - 70.2%

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Foreign trade balance The most important trading partners In terms of foreign trade turnover, Sweden ranks 10th among developed capitalist countries. The value (billion crowns) of exports is 80.2, imports are 83.3. Exports are dominated by: products of mechanical engineering and metalworking (49% by value), woodworking and pulp and paper industries (20%), metallurgy (8%). Main import items: machinery and equipment (36%), fuel (18%), chemical products (8%), metals (7%). The geographical direction of foreign trade indicates Sweden's strong economic, trade and political attachment to Western Europe, which accounts for 3:4 of Swedish exports and imports, including 1:2 to the EEC countries Germany Great Britain Norway Denmark Finland USA Export % 10 11 11 10 6 5 Import % 19 10 6 7 6 7

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Economic model of Belarus Preservation of a large public sector in all major sectors of the economy. Administrative regulation of cash incomes of the population and prices for essential goods. Preservation of the socialist system of social protection of the population. Maintaining employment through a system of government orders and a direct ban on layoffs. Non-application of bankruptcy procedures to unprofitable state-owned enterprises. Stimulating exports through various systems of benefits for exporting enterprises. Sweden Mixed economy: private, public and cooperative forms of ownership. The most important role of the public sector is the accumulation and redistribution of significant funds for social and economic purposes. Social policy plays a primary role. Full employment and equality, which depend on price stability, economic growth and competitiveness. Progressive taxation and a system of extensive public services.

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Economic ties with Belarus Sweden is becoming an increasingly important trading partner for Belarus. Since 1999 The growth rate of our exports is constantly growing. Its product structure has also become more diversified. Large concerns and companies in Sweden are showing a strong interest in developing long-term trade and economic ties with Belarusian business entities. Diplomatic relations between the Republic of Belarus and the Kingdom of Sweden were established on January 14, 1992. At the end of 2007, there were 12 companies with Swedish capital operating in Belarus: 7 joint ventures and 5 foreign ones. The development of regional ties helps strengthen relations between the two countries and establish direct business contacts. Trade ties between Belarus and Sweden will strengthen. Belarus could benefit from Sweden's experience in the use of alternative energy sources.

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Selecting a company to enter into a contract History. Plannja AB is a subsidiary of the Swedish steel giant SSAB Swedish Steel, the largest manufacturer of metal products for various fields of construction. Plannja factories are located in Sweden and Finland. Products with the Domex, Docol, Dogal, Aluzink, Prelaq trademarks manufactured by Plannja appeared on the construction market more than 30 years ago. Products. Painted steel sheets from Plannja are widely used for façades and roofs. The starting material - steel - is available in five different types: hot-rolled, cold-rolled, hot-galvanized, coated with an alloy of aluminum and zinc, and with a polymer coating. A special coating gives the steel product excellent protective qualities and an aesthetic appearance. Plannja products can withstand 60-degree frost. The service life of the product is 40-50 years. In the world. In terms of sales of painted steel sheets, the Swedish group of companies SSAB Swedish Steel occupies a leading position in the world, second only to Australian companies. In Belarus, Plannja products are sold by ODO Luksstroy.

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Export and import * - volume of exports of petroleum products The main export items to Sweden in 2010 are: potash fertilizers; salt, nitrogen fertilizers, peat; tires; other hot-rolled carbon steel rods; petroleum products, round timber; cloth; linen fabrics; furniture and its parts; trailers and semi-trailers. The basis of Swedish imports to Belarus is: communication equipment and parts for it; electric generating sets; milk processing equipment; dishwashers; liquid pumps; paper and cardboard; truck tractors and trucks; rolled flat; fittings for pipelines. 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 9m 2010 9m 2010% to 9m 2009 Trade turnover 235.3 351.6 480.5 212 261.4 223.4 179.2 104.5 Exports 136.9 262.6 365.7 77.1 96.95 72.7 55.7 107.1 103.6* 220.4* 322.5* 6.7* 0.0* 3.5* 0.0* Imports 98.4 89.0 114.8 134.9 165.5 150.6 123.5 103.4 Balance -38.5 173.6 250.9 -57.8 -69.5 -77.9 -67.8

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Literature Volkov A.M. “Sweden: socio-economic model” M. “Mysl” 1991 General information about Sweden: brochure of the Swedish Institute. -Stockholm, 1994 publication/2004_01_27_3478.html htm plannja/about.html

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Swedish management modelSWEDISH MODEL

People come first!

The most important difference between the Swedish model and
other management styles is a conclusion to
the foreground in the business environment of the person himself.
This reflects the egalitarian values ​​of the Scandinavians
and understanding that without creativity and
hard work of workers even the most
effective leadership style ceases to be
as such.

Two Swedish ideals

For a Swede, work is always
the meaning of life
Strict adherence to the letter of the law
Sweden is a unique phenomenon

No hierarchy

The Swedish management style is characterized by less
compared to other cultures with hierarchy:
informality in relationships, minor
difference in the status of managers and workers, not strict
and informal organizational planning
So, for example, with the statement that for
effective labor relations often exist
non-compliance with hierarchical order is necessary,
22% of Swedish respondents disagreed
managers and 75% are Italian.

No control!

When managers try to control employees who, in fact, do not accept any form of strict control, then we can hardly talk about an effective management style.
People are instilled with the idea of ​​equal rights and their equal importance, that no one
allowed to stand out. A successful Swede is not necessarily rich or
famous Swede

More qualitative indicators are used, which complement and sometimes replace quantitative assessments.


a new interpretation of the concept of “capital”.

Swedish insurance company
Skandia was one of the first
organizations, which in practice
applied the concept
intellectual capital and
made an attempt to measure
its individual components.
Since 1996 in annual
report, Skandia presents
own intellectual


All important decisions are discussed with
representatives of workers and employees.
And they agree with the trade unions.
All parties involved in the process
decision making must be
All nuances and additions must
openly discussed before being
finally approved.
Workers must be informed
about the decision made.
Swedish managers don't like
to give orders. It is believed that
workers can do
independent conclusions and
conclusions within its
Mandatory information
is a basic requirement
Swedish law.

Every employee has the right to propose a solution.

Decision making process carried out by
negotiations and mutual adjustment, takes
quite a lot of time.
For example, a comparison of the features of adoption
strategic decisions in the UK and Sweden
showed that Swedes spend twice as much
time, and not only for identification
strategic problems (37 months versus 17 in
UK), but also on decision-making
(23 and 13 months, respectively).

delegation and coaching


Delegation and coaching

Delegation involves giving
powers and responsibilities of people who
work for you, making decisions together with
them and encouraging their initiative.
Coaching is designed to improve work efficiency
subordinate through independent decision
problems that prevent them from achieving their goals, and
increasing his motivation to achieve


Of course, the Swedish model has its own internal contradictions:
Workers should be given space to make their own decisions, but
In this case, it is necessary to clearly define the boundaries over which they should not cross.
Workers need to be empowered to do the job. But if you give
their excessive powers without proper training and necessary skills, they
may make serious mistakes.
However, if a balance is achieved in these directions, then the result will be very
an effective model that liberates and liberates
creativity and talents of all employees.

Economy of Sweden National currency: Swedish krona; Sweden's GDP: $380 billion (data for 2011); GDP per capita: 40 thousand dollars; Unemployment rate (for 2012) – 7.5%; Percentage of economically active population: 69.9%

The Swedish model is based on the position that a decentralized market production system is effective, the state does not interfere in the production activities of the enterprise, and active labor market policies should minimize the social costs of a market economy

Jan. Feb. March Apr. May June July Aug Sep. Oct. But I. Dec. 2007 6, 9 6, 4 6, 9 6, 5 6, 1 7, 8 5, 4 5, 3 5, 6 5, 7 5, 2 5, 6 2008 6, 4 6, 1 6, 3 6, 0 5, 9 8, 1 5, 8 5, 2 5, 9 5, 7 6, 2 6, 4 2009 7, 3 8, 0 8, 3 9, 0 9, 8 7, 9 8, 0 8, 3 8 , 1 8, 0 8, 6 2010 9, 5 9, 3 9, 7 9, 0 9, 6 8, 2 7, 7 7, 9 7, 7 7, 4 7, 6 2011 8, 4 8, 2 8 , 1 9, 2 7, 0 7, 2 7, 1 7, 3 2012 8, 4 8, 2 8, 0 8, 5 9, 1 7, 4 7, 5 7, 6 7, 5 7, 8 7, 6 2013 8, 4 8, 5 8, 8 8, 7 8, 2 9, 1 7, 2 7, 3 7, 5 — — -Unemployment in Sweden

permanent foreign policy neutrality 1814; With ; non-participation in both world wars; record length of stay - Social Democratic Labor Party in power; party historical traditions of peaceful means; transition to new formations. Specific factors unique to Sweden:

long-term favorable and stable development conditions; the economy is dominated by reformism in the working class; movement search for compromises based on accounting. interests of various parties

“Functional” - socialism is the distribution of consumption and redistribution of national income through taxes and government spending. record levels

Each socio-economic model pursues and is created for specific purposes. In the Swedish model, social policy plays a primary role.

Components of the Swedish model: General welfare policy Trade union wage solidarity policy

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus
Belarusian National Technical University
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Department of Construction Economics
Subject "Foreign economic activity"
student, group 312329, correspondence department
Patsenko T.V.
Gurinovich A.D.
Minsk 2015 CONTENTS:
general characteristics of the country;
characteristics of natural resources;
production (industry, agriculture);
analysis of macroeconomic indicators;
analysis of the country's balance of payments and foreign trade;
characteristics of economic and political relations with
7. conclusion with analysis that we can export and
import from this country.

coat of arms

Political system

a constitutional monarchy. The Constitution of 1975 is in force.
The head of state is the king. The state is governed by a government led by
with a prime minister who is elected by the Riksdag parliament), based in
1435. Since 1971, it has been a unicameral parliament, consisting of 349 deputies elected by
universal direct and secret suffrage every 4 years. Party or coalition
who receive a majority of seats in the Riksdag elections form a government led by
with the Prime Minister, who holds executive power.
The current King of Sweden since 1973 is Carl XVI Gustaf.
Government system of the Kingdom of Sweden
fundamental laws such as
Law on the Form of Government,
succession to the throne and the Law on Freedom of the Press.
King Carl XVI Gustaf

Total area: 449,964 km2, third largest country in Western Europe. Europe
Population: 9,723,809 people
Capital: Stockholm (871,952 people)
Large cities: Gothenburg (524,767 people), Malmo (309,912 people), Uppsala (140,454 people)
Language: Swedish; recognized minority languages: Sami, Finnish,
Tornedali dialect of Finnish (Meänkieli), Yiddish, Gypsy (Romani Chib).
Religion: 82% belong to the state Evangelical Lutheran
The current economic system in Sweden is generally characterized by
as a “mixed economy connecting the main forms of ownership:
private, public, cooperative.” About 85% of all Swedish
companies with more than 50 employees are privately owned
capital. The rest comes from the state and cooperatives.

Natural resources

The subsoil of Sweden is rich in metals and poor in mineral fuels.
Limited by the location of sedimentary rocks determined
virtual absence of deposits of coal, oil and
natural gas. Swedish iron - ore deposits
are among the richest in the world, both in terms of concentration of ore reserves,
as well as the metal content in it. Among the colored deposits
metals, the most significant are located in Norrland
plateau. This is a deposit of complex sulphide ores in the area
Buliden - Kristineberg, containing: copper, zinc, lead, gold,
silver, gray pyrite, arsenic, lead deposit
(Laiswall) and copper (Aitik).
Sweden is the main exporter of iron ore and the largest in
In terms of iron reserves - about 3 billion tons with an average content
metal more than 60% - Sweden ranks second in foreign
Europe (after France).


Sweden ranks 2nd in Europe in iron ore production. In the country
Ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy are quite well developed, as well as
Swedish steel is of the highest quality.
Sweden produces cars, trucks, ships,
airplanes, computers and electrical appliances. The country is on the first
world leader in the production of ball and roller bearings.
The woodworking industry is well developed. Sweden ranks
a leading place in the world in the development of the pulp and paper industry.
There are also chemical, textile and food processing enterprises in the country.


Only 3% of the working population is employed in
agriculture, but this industry is so
highly developed and mechanized that it
satisfying internal needs, but
and for export. Sweden is self-sufficient
Agriculture is dominated by large
enterprises that provide over
90% of the country's food needs.
meat and dairy
cattle breeding
pig farming. They grow wheat, rye,
oats, barley, as well as vegetables and potatoes.
From the food industry
production of dairy and meat products is highlighted

Macroeconomic indicators

Foreign trade balance

Sweden's export volume, billion US dollars
Sweden's import volume, billion US dollars

Major trading partners

Great Britain
Export %
Import %

Economic model

Preservation of a large public sector in all
main sectors of the economy.
Administrative regulation
monetary incomes of the population and prices for
essential goods.
Preservation of the socialist system
social protection of the population.
Maintaining employment through
system of government orders and a direct ban on
Non-application of bankruptcy proceedings to
unprofitable enterprises
state form of ownership.
Stimulating exports through
various systems of benefits for exporting enterprises.
Mixed economy: private,
state and cooperative forms
The most important role of the state
sectors - accumulation and
redistribution of significant
funds for social and
economic goals.
The primary role is played by social
Full employment and equality, which
depend on price stability,
economic growth and
Progressive taxation and
system of extensive government

Economic ties with Belarus

Sweden is becoming an increasingly important trading partner for
Belarus. Since 1999 growth rate of our exports
are constantly growing. It has also become more diversified
commodity structure. Large concerns and companies in Sweden
show a strong interest in the development of long-term
trade and economic relations with Belarusian entities
Diplomatic relations between
Republic of Belarus and the Kingdom
Sweden established 14 January 1992
Sweden is interested in increasing trade and economic cooperation with Belarus.
Currently, indicators of economic cooperation are very positive.
Trade turnover in 2012 maintained its dynamics, the influx of direct Swedish
investments in the Belarusian economy.

Export and import

Belarusian exports for Jan.-Oct. 2014 - 43.21 million
dollars, in 2012 amounted to 74.8 million dollars. USA, in 2011 -
$91.5 million USA, not reaching record levels
2006 at 365.7 million dollars. USA. Main articles
Belarusian exports to Sweden in 2009-2011
alloy steel; linen fabrics
Imports from Sweden (mainly high-tech) for Jan.-Oct.
2014 – $104.45 million, in 2012 amounted to $209.5 million. USA (in
In 2011, this figure was $217.5 million. USA). The basis of it
consisted of: electric generating sets; tractors and fifth wheels
tractors; cars; communication equipment and parts for it;
flat rolled products; steam boilers; liquid pumps; polymers
ethylene; artificial and prepared waxes; petroleum products; acids,
industrial oils and alcohols; fittings for pipelines, etc.