Fine for unauthorized construction of a private house without a building permit. What is the fine for building without a building permit? Illegal building on the site

Legalization of self-constructions and illegal apartment layouts

Only this year, 2013, we managed to replenish the budgets of the Moscow region, due to fines for unauthorized construction in the amount of more than 30 million rubles. The best thing for Architecture is that this amount continues to grow. Why do we pay and is it possible not to pay fines? Everyone who violated the requirements and current regulations when using housing must pay, but there is an opportunity to approach the current situation wisely. Last week, a family contacted Istrariel who purchased a house with illegal construction in the Istra district. The family was forced to pay a fine because the inspection revealed an illegal extension. According to the documents, the status of the self-built building was not listed anywhere, our lawyers got involved in the case and, based on the prologue that the building was purchased along with housing and there were no grounds for its demolition, the family won the dispute with the Architecture.

But such “happy ending” situations are often very few. But if this has already happened, let’s figure it out together. Start by assessing the situation together with our lawyers, consultations are free, so you can get started.

Now about the fines, prices for some reason vary greatly from the Region to Moscow itself, and today the amounts are significantly tugging at the pocket. So, using the example of fines that have already been paid, a situation has arisen that often many who have already paid a fine, have nothing else to do, will not want to fall for this bait twice.

The size of the fine for unauthorized construction in 2015

Download the list of fines for construction without permission in 2015. In 2015, there were some changes in the pricing policy, the table taking into account these changes:

15/01/2015 Unauthorized building 4400 rub. legalized
18/01/2015 Extension to the house 3700 rub. legalized
29/01/2015 Unauthorized building 2900 rub. legalized
30/01/2015 Opening in the main wall 4400 rub. legalized
4/02/2015 Apartment redevelopment 3550 rub. legalized
8/02/2015 Bathhouse unfinished 2850 rub. demolished
8/02/2015 Construction garbage 1900 rub. eliminated
12/02/2015 Main wall of an apartment building 1800 rub. legalized
14/02/2015 Unauthorized building 1900 rub. legalized
21/02/2013 Unauthorized building 1900 rub. demolished
4/03/2013 Unauthorized building 2900 rub. + 2000rub. legalized
5/03/2013 Extension to the house, in Khrushchev 2900 rub. + 1000 rub. legalized
21/03/2013 Extension to the house 3200 rub. + 1500 rub. legalized
2/04/2013 Noise during construction 600 rub. + 500 rub. eliminated
4/04/2013 Bearing wall 1400 rub. eliminated
5/04/2013 No hood 1600 rub. + 400 rub. eliminated
9/04/2013 Kitchen relocation 3900 rub. legalized
12/04/2013 The "drain" is bricked up 240 rub. eliminated
19/04/2013 The structure of the house is damaged 2200 rub. + 3000 rub. legalized
22/04/2013 Apartment redevelopment 700 rub. legalized
29/04/2013 Unauthorized installation of electrical wiring 720 rub. + 3000 rub. eliminated
02/05/2013 Basic structure 800 rub. + 500 rub. legalized
09/05/2013 Hood - no draft 240 rub. eliminated
17/05/2013 Unauthorized installation of a gas boiler 600 rub. + 700 rub. legalized
22/05/2013 Inconsistency of living space 1100 rub. legalized
28/05/2013 Gas pipe in the wall 4250 rub. + 500 rub. eliminated
07/06/2013 Electrical wiring does not comply with the requirements of the PUE 250 rub. deleted
11/06/2013 Moving a gas stove 500 rub. change in respect of
19/06/2013 illegal building 600 rub. + 300 rub. legalized
23/06/2013 Half of the house is missing from the plan 9000 rub. + 1000 rub. to the new plan

Fines for construction without a project amounted to at least 3,800 rubles in July and August 2013. depending on the type of building. Our agency can advise anyone who wants to legally legalize buildings free of charge. Upon completion of the registration, the Istrariel company issued new and a certificate of ownership, i.e. extensions were legalized.

About prices: Prices do not vary much depending on the area of ​​the buildings. Therefore, it doesn’t matter what the cost will be to legalize minor repairs (in which the supporting structure was affected) or an entire extension to the house. There is demand, and this means that in addition to Istrariel, private traders are starting to “trade”, the main thing here is not to buy into “a cheap fish with a smell” and an ocean of promises, it is important to get official documents, Why? Read below very carefully if you don’t want to redo everything.


Responsibility for unauthorized construction.

It occurs immediately after you have built or made adjustments to a capital structure, without bothering to take out a building permit (this is for home owners) or permission to carry out redevelopment (for apartment owners). Another very common situation is when the permissible stages of construction are expanded, i.e. Instead of an opening in the wall, the wall is completely knocked down. However, there are cases when on the site not intended Residential buildings are erected for a specific building; these are the types of cases that people especially like to fine.

At the beginning of 2014, a decision will be made on a thirty-fold increase in fines for illegal construction. Istrariel is already preparing specialists for this period, when the price will increase significantly and it will be necessary to help its clients, before the law gains its legal force, the queues will be colossal, since we are accustomed to leaving everything “for later.”

But today many people don’t even think about the fact that without a special permit for building a house, “self-construction” will be considered illegal. It can easily be demolished if construction rules are violated; communications cannot be connected to it. If the developer prevents the demolition of the house, he may be held accountable, including criminal liability.

You will not be able to register such an illegally built house, much less register it with the BTI. The consequences of self-construction will be very negative, regardless of whether the developer did it out of ignorance, mistake or deliberate disregard of the law. Overcoming all three of these cases is possible only as a result of long work and considerable investment of money if you have chosen the standard official path.


Legalization of self-construction.

How to legitimize the process of erecting a building that was built unauthorized? Unauthorized construction of buildings is a phenomenon not uncommon in our country, and in the practice of Istrariel, the legalization procedure is very frequent. It is enough to look at suburban summer cottages and see many buildings that in appearance resemble barns, bathhouses and other outbuildings with a purpose incomprehensible to the prying eye. At the same time, the legal status of such objects still does not find clear regulation in the legal norms of the Russian Federation. This is where some difficulties arise in the procedures for legitimizing such buildings, that is, registering the owner’s rights to them. If we talk about the legislation that is in force in relation to the issue under consideration, we can say that the owner of the plot can erect buildings and structures on his land plot, in addition, give permission to other persons to erect structures. But at the same time, the owner is obliged to comply with construction standards and norms, in addition, to remember what the purpose of his land is. Sooner or later, the time comes to formalize your illegal extensions and structures. This is an urgent need - dictated, first of all, by the fact that land owners cannot carry out any transactions with such buildings. These buildings and structures must be registered in the proper manner. Also, the law requires such an action by the owner as the demolition of an unauthorized building. Let us note that it is impossible to legitimize unauthorized construction only if it violates the rights and interests of other persons and grossly violates all existing construction standards. Therefore, if the owner of the land plot wants, he, of course, can demolish the annoying structure.


What can be considered an unauthorized construction?

They act on the basis of the definition - an unauthorized construction is a residential house, structure or other property created on a land plot, but not legally. In particular, the law clearly limits the procedure for demolition and legalization of unauthorized construction, and also shows the fact that the owner of a land plot is limited in his actions until he does so as required by law. So, unauthorized construction is subject to either demolition or legalization. Let us note the following. In the event that an illegal building grossly violates the rights and interests of other citizens and legal entities, then such a building must be demolished. Also, those creations of human hands that violate all existing building standards and norms are subject to demolition. In principle, the definition of unauthorized construction exhaustively lists the main characteristics of such a structure.

So, an unauthorized building is being erected:

  1. without complying with building codes;
  2. in the absence of sanitary and hygienic standards;
  3. without a building permit.
Note that the actual presence of at least one of the above signs indicates that the building has spontaneous origin. The list of buildings that a person erects on his land plot and which can be recognized as unauthorized buildings remains open to this day. Other buildings that were built incorrectly and illiterately include bathhouses and garages, sheds and pavilions, etc. The provision of land plots in accordance with their use, which is permitted by law, is regulated by a regulatory act - the Land Code of the Russian Federation. In particular, the procedure for providing land plots for construction and lands that are owned by the state at the municipal level. Such provision is carried out without prior agreement on the location of their location, but it is intended for individual construction.2013-04-16

Is it possible to sell an unauthorized building?

The most interesting thing is that the definition of unauthorized construction has been clearly regulated by law for several decades. That is, people step on the same rake again and again many times. Thus, based on paragraph 1 of Article 222 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, an unauthorized construction is a residential premises or other structure, in addition, any real estate object that is created on a land plot. But such construction did not take place in the manner prescribed by law, that is, without receiving, which is necessary in cases of construction of a residential building or bathhouse, as well as other objects. In addition, the law makes it clear that the person who carried out such development does not acquire the rights of the owner to it. Thus, such a building it is forbidden sell and donate, as well as carry out other transactions.


How to legalize unauthorized redevelopment of an apartment?

In order to avoid unnecessary worries and troubles, it is necessary to legitimize the changes that a person has made on his own initiative. In accordance with the legislation that regulates issues related to the redevelopment of an apartment, as well as other premises, it can be left in a modified form, but only if such alteration does not violate the rights and interests of citizens, in addition, if such changes do not pose a threat to health and life for other persons. In order for the changes to become legal, it is necessary to file a claim in court. In this case, the defendant is the local administration. The application must indicate the legal address of the defendant. Istrariel can defend your opinion in court. Before filing a claim, you need to request documents.

They are necessary in the following procedure:

  • conclusion on the technical condition of load-bearing structures;
  • conclusion of sanitary and epidemiological authorities;
  • the conclusion of the fire inspection that the redevelopment did not affect fire safety in any way;
  • title documents for the apartment.
The completed application must be submitted to the district court of the district in charge of the premises with redevelopment. In order for the court to have a positive attitude towards the request specified in the application, it is necessary that all the conclusions of the authorized bodies be positive. This will be the basis for the court to recognize all redevelopment as legal. Based on the decision of the judicial authority, the BTI will issue the person a brand new passport with official changes in the technical part. It is better to legalize the redevelopment of premises for any purpose, without waiting for fines and public auctions. After all, the management company, if it learns about such an action by the owner or social tenant, can file a lawsuit against the owner of the premises. This provision applies to premises for various purposes, including commercial ones. Therefore, it is better to carry out all the necessary actions with the premises in advance. After all, without legalizing the redevelopment, such premises simply cannot be sold, exchanged, or donated. It is probably only possible to rent out, since most of these apartments are not officially recognized as rented.

Legalization of the redevelopment of an apartment is the basis for registering the newly built property.

In addition, this procedure is necessary:

  • to make changes to the technical document for the apartment;
  • registration of redevelopment in the documentation of state accounting of the newly reconstructed object.
  • 2013-04-24

    How to avoid bringing redevelopment to court and a fine?

    Before making any changes to the architecture of a residential building or apartment, ask your neighbors whether this redevelopment will bother them. This will help avoid both courts and fines. Hundreds of complaints of this kind are received in Istrariel with a request to legitimize and in this way shut up annoying neighbors, but is this true? Why not immediately ask your neighbors whether the innovations will bother them?


    Who is responsible for unauthorized construction?

    Contrary to justice, the one in whose name the property is registered will be held responsible for the acts committed. A person who does not have a legal education cannot independently collect all the documents necessary to legalize the redevelopment. And how much effort must be spent to bypass all authorities! After seeing the list of documents, a person may change his mind about changing something. After all, it contains a lot of 13 points. Can you imagine now how many authorities you need to go through to get the coveted document? And is it worth asking where the former determination went?

    A government agency has every right to ask you for any document for an apartment. This could even be written permission from neighbors to redevelop your apartment. But time spent persuading neighbors and going through authorities may be wasted. Therefore, here you cannot do without the help of a company specializing in such issues.

    For example, you will need to obtain permission from your neighbors if you want to add a common area to your apartment. Since such places (including staircases) are in common ownership of all owners of the house, you will have to obtain written permission from all of them. And only after receiving permission you will be able to annex the desired territory to your apartment and not be responsible for the unauthorized construction.

    The Istrariel company will help you arrange the redevelopment legally and quickly. The legalization of redevelopment cannot be ignored, as this is fraught with consequences, namely, liability provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The authorities can not only impose a certain fine on you for unauthorized behavior, but also force you to return everything to its original place. After all, if your actions (the so-called unauthorized construction) pose a danger to other persons, then it is natural that they will cause damage to the entire house as a whole. And here the owner of the apartment will put everything in order at his own expense. Therefore, if you turn to anyone who will help you understand all the intricacies of such repairs, take into account the technical features of the house and do everything without errors, you deprive yourself of responsibility for what you have done. We are glad to see any of our clients. Contact us! Our employees are very well versed in legal issues, so your case will be handled competently.

    If the redevelopment is completed, before obtaining approval from the Architecture.

    A certain person made an unauthorized redevelopment, and the housing inspection found out about it. Soon he received a paper that spoke of the citizen’s obligations to legalize the redevelopment within a certain period of time, otherwise he would be held liable in the amount of 2000 RU minimum wage for unauthorized redevelopment. At the same time, the minimum wage as of January 1, 2013 for calculating fines and other amounts, 12,200 rub. on the basis of Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 12, 2012 No. 718-PP. If the culprit does not want to legitimize the repair, then what will he face for it? There can be a lot of problems from not wanting to legalize repairs/construction or redevelopment. For example, the most common one is a fine. Its size is determined by the housing inspection and is an amount equal to twenty-five minimum wages. Among other things, a person will be forced to legitimize the redevelopment. So think for yourself. Either you will pay once for legalization, or you will pay the amount of the fine plus the amount for the changes you made to the living space.

    The second problem will be more serious, since if a citizen evades his obligations, the case is sent to court. The court can decide sell an apartment at auction. Well? Do you think you won? That's what we're talking about!

    Not every person knows all the norms and rules established by the Government of the Russian Federation; there is no time to study them. Therefore, it cannot be aware of those events that not every redevelopment can be agreed upon. And if this redevelopment violates the rights of other citizens, this will lead to the return of the premises to its previous state according to the plan of the technical inventory bureau. Therefore, any smart person who is faced with such a situation or simply understands the danger of acting independently in this case will advise you to contact a special company. Such an organization will help you do everything without making mistakes. Any private company will not allow you to have problems due to ignorance of the law. Our specialists will help you do everything in the best possible way. You can always count on us!


    How are redevelopments carried out without fines?

    An interesting fact is judicial statistics, which say that in the Istra district, only 2% of the residents of all repairs performed did it with permission and received their documents in advance. The rest overpay.

    If you want to expand the area of ​​a small hallway by partially shifting or radically moving partitions at the expense of adjacent rooms and then install, for example, the same dressing room in the freed-up area, you will first need to obtain a special one, without which a radical redevelopment of the hallway in the apartment is officially impossible.

    According to the redevelopment rules, outdated partitions, as well as adjacent walls, must be completely demolished and then built in another place not indicated in the technical passport of the premises. Relocation without confirmed permission to carry out redevelopment is considered a rather serious violation of current housing legislation and, as a rule, threatens those who disobey with a significant fine. from the registered owner of the property.

    Issues with illegal redevelopment may arise at that stage if you want exchange or finally sell other people their apartment. Therefore, you will definitely need to officially legitimize redevelopment implemented in practice through a court decision. This relatively lengthy process may take you about a week. No, of course, there are ways to carry out legalization faster, for example in 3 days, but for acceleration we are forced to charge an additional fee.

    You'll have to draw up well-written claim statement to Istrariel with a request to approve the actual redevelopment. We file a lawsuit and a lawyer with extensive experience defends your interests in court, and the court must examine the claim and only then make its final decision. Having stood out on the market for many years, our reputation is already known to many. What do the reviews indicate?

    The construction of a building or structure without obtaining the appropriate documents, including a construction permit, is illegal.
    In Russia, unauthorized construction is a common phenomenon, despite the fact that there are a number of documents imposing liability, both administrative and criminal (in case of accidents).

    In accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Article 222, an unauthorized construction is a building, structure or other structure erected, created on a land plot that was not provided in the prescribed manner, or on a land plot, the permitted use of which does not allow the construction of a given object on it, or erected, created without obtaining the necessary permits or in violation of town planning and building codes and regulations.

    Sometimes illegal construction is a temporary phenomenon, that is, the developer begins construction without a complete package of documents, but receives them during the construction process. In this case, the developer, at best, risks receiving a fine, at worst, a refusal to obtain a construction permit or a refusal to connect to any utility networks. In this case, construction turns into the well-known long-term construction.

    Unfortunately, the phenomenon of deliberate construction in violation of all norms is also common, while not complying with the rules of development and land use, or building codes, or sanitary standards.


        The legal norms for illegal construction are defined:
      • Civil Code of the Russian Federation Article 222 Unauthorized construction.

    Responsibility for illegal construction:

      • Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses N 195-FZ, Article 9.5. Violation of the established procedure for the construction, reconstruction, overhaul of a capital construction project, or its commissioning.
      • Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, Article 58-62. Responsibility for violation of legislation on urban planning activities


    1. Construction or reconstruction of capital construction projects without a construction permit shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine:

      • For citizens - an administrative fine in the amount of 2 thousand to 5 thousand rubles;
      • For officials - from 20 thousand to 50 thousand rubles;
      • For persons carrying out entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity - from 20 thousand to 50 thousand rubles or administrative suspension of their activities for a period of up to ninety days;
      • for legal entities - from 500 thousand to 1 million rubles or administrative suspension of their activities for up to ninety days.

    2. Violation of the deadlines for sending notices about the start of construction, reconstruction of capital construction projects to the bodies of state construction supervision and executive power, or failure to notify about the completion dates of work that are subject to inspection, entails

      • Citizens are subject to an administrative fine in the amount of 500 rubles. up to 1 thousand rubles;
      • For officials - from 10 thousand to 30 thousand rubles;
      • For persons carrying out entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity - from 10 thousand to 40 thousand rubles;
      • For legal entities – from 100 thousand to 300 thousand rubles.

    3. Continuation of work until reports on the elimination of identified deficiencies during construction, reconstruction, and major repairs of capital construction projects are drawn up entails:

      • Imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of 2 thousand to 5 thousand rubles;
      • For officials - from ten thousand to thirty thousand rubles;
      • For persons carrying out entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity - from 10 thousand to 40 thousand rubles or administrative suspension of their activities for up to ninety days;
      • For legal entities - from 50 thousand to 100 thousand rubles or administrative suspension of their activities for up to ninety days

    4. Operation of a capital construction facility without permission to put it into operation, except for cases where the construction, reconstruction, and major repairs of capital construction projects do not require the issuance of a construction permit, entails:

    • Citizens are subject to an administrative fine in the amount of 500 rubles. up to one thousand rubles;
    • For officials - from 1 thousand to 2 thousand rubles;
    • For legal entities - from 10 thousand to twenty thousand rubles.


    The Civil Code clearly states that an unauthorized structure is subject to demolition by the person who carried it out or at his expense.
    But in practice, arbitration courts very rarely oblige persons who carried out unauthorized construction to carry out demolition. Most often, the court, refusing to satisfy the claim for recognition of property rights, does not impose on the plaintiffs the obligation to demolish illegally erected objects.

    The court must also prove that it was this person who carried out the construction. At this stage, serious difficulties await the plaintiffs, especially when no projects or plans were agreed upon at all, applications for construction permits were not submitted, etc.
    If no one has formalized anything, then the evidence for the court can only be the construction actions themselves. But in practice, even proving the fact of construction is sometimes problematic. For example, if the construction was completed before the plaintiff acquired the land where the squatter construction was recorded.

    Another problem in the demolition of an illegal building is the fact that it is transferred to another person. That is, when the developer can say that he did not build the property, but that it was inherited from the previous owner. Here obvious difficulties arise with the content of the law, because according to Art. 222 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the one who erected it and who is guilty of violating the law must demolish an unauthorized building. But it is also prohibited to sell, donate, lease, or make other transactions in relation to illegal construction.

    The right of ownership of an unauthorized structure can be recognized by the court; this decision, on the part of the developer, seems justified in view of the lengthy and expensive procedure for obtaining a construction permit and allocating land plots, as well as the practical impossibility of legalizing an already erected structure in an administrative manner.

      Unauthorized construction includes, among other things, any unauthorized extension to an individual house. In what cases will the construction of a building be legal?

      You can begin construction work after:

    • the right to acquire ownership of a plot of land has been formalized;
    • a project of the planned structure has been created and approved by the necessary authorities;
    • a warrant for excavation work has been received;
    • permission to begin construction has been received.

    All these activities include corresponding stages and substages. If you abandon this rather lengthy process, the developer faces statutory liability for unauthorized construction.

    Consequences of unauthorized construction

    Civil liability

    Clause 3 of Article 25 of the Federal Law “On Architectural Activities” provides grounds for holding an individual accountable for uncoordinated and unauthorized construction. First of all, a person is obliged to restore the land plot to its original form and demolish the illegally erected building.

    All illegally erected buildings can only be demolished after a court order has been issued. Instructions issued by local administrations and district commissions to suppress unauthorized construction do not apply to the demolition of an unauthorized house.

    Even if the ownership was somehow registered in the Rosreestr office, this does not provide grounds for avoiding the forced demolition of the house in the event of a significant violation of the rules and regulations during the construction of the building.

    The court may invalidate the record of ownership of a constructed piece of real estate if it was built on a plot of land that previously belonged to another person without the consent of the relevant authority for the construction.

    If the plaintiff, who built the building without permission, refers to the expiration of the three-year limitation period after the construction of the property, then these arguments will not be taken into account by the court, since this mandatory rule does not apply to the rights of the owner. The same statute of limitations does not apply to those buildings and structures that, after construction, may threaten the life and health of the people living there. In this case, a statement of claim to the court for illegal construction of a house can be filed by the commission to suppress the unauthorized construction of buildings.

    When constructing a building on someone else's land, the owner of the site may not file a demand for its demolition, but has the right to ask a judicial authority to recognize the right of ownership of this building. If such a requirement is satisfied, then the unauthorized developer has the right to receive compensation for the constructed facility. The court evaluates all the developer’s investments as accurately as possible, determines the market value of the property and sets the amount of compensation.

    Administrative responsibility

    An individual who has violated the construction rules, in addition to civil liability, in accordance with the federal law “On violation of requirements during the construction of buildings and structures,” may be held administratively liable on the basis of the Code of Administrative Offences.

    There is a fine for construction without permission:

    • for citizens from 2 to 5 thousand rubles;
    • for officials and individual entrepreneurs from 20 to 50 thousand rubles;
    • for legal entities from 0.5 to 1 million rubles.

    Actions of the court when resolving the issue of unauthorized construction

    The Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation explains that if an individual is unable to provide a construction permit, this cannot become a basis for the court to deny the right to this construction.

    During the consideration of the claim, the court finds out whether the developer tried to take actions in order to recognize the building as legal. To do this, an individual had to submit an application to the state bodies authorized to make such a decision. If such an appeal was made, the court finds out what answer was given and what rules of law the state body referred to. If only the refusal of the government agency became the basis for non-registration of the structure, then the court satisfies the statement of claim.

    To avoid penalties and other sanctions after the construction of an unapproved property, you should seek advice from the lawyers of the service by calling or asking a question using the electronic form posted on the website.

    Customers often strive to start construction as soon as possible. But starting construction before obtaining the appropriate permits is fraught with legal problems.

    Nevertheless, many builders follow the lead of customers and often do not wait to receive permits, but begin building at the stage of submitting documents.

    In our article we will analyze the consequences of such a decision - what is the fine for construction without a building permit?

    What is needed to start construction work

    First, let's figure out what is needed to legally begin construction work:

    All these stages must be completed in order to begin construction legally. But each of these stages contains its own substages. The process of going through all the circles of bureaucratic structures is not quick, which is why many people have a desire not to wait for official permission, even if no one planned to break the law at first.

    It’s easier for those who build non-permanent buildings - they don’t require permission at all.

    What is considered unauthorized construction?

    The definition of the Civil Code, Article 222 states that this is a structure erected illegally. Such a structure has only two options for the future - it will either be demolished or legalized.

    Unauthorized construction is considered if:

    • it was built without complying with construction standards;
    • sanitary standards are not met;
    • there is no building permit;

    If at least one of these signs is present, then the construction is unauthorized.

    Until legalization, such a building cannot be given away, sold or used in other transactions.

    Let's count the money

    It’s worth facing the truth and saying that most people begin construction even before receiving official papers, thereby violating current legislation.

    Illegal construction faces administrative liability. There is article 9.5 about this in the Code of Administrative Offenses.

    The fine for unauthorized construction without permission for citizens will be from two to five thousand rubles. The fine for unauthorized construction for officials is already more significant - from twenty to fifty thousand. For individual entrepreneurs, the fine is the same, but in addition to the fine, they also face administrative suspension of activities for a period of up to ninety days.

    If a legal entity decides to build a capital structure without permission, then the fine will be quite large - from five hundred thousand to one million rubles. In addition to a fine, legal entities may also be subject to administrative suspension of activities for the same period as in the case of individual entrepreneurs.

    What else can they be punished for?

    In addition to construction, it will be illegal to carry out excavation, construction, economic and other types of work without obtaining permission from the cultural heritage protection authorities, when it is required. This applies to the reconstruction of the old foundation, which is classified as a cultural heritage site. You can view more detailed information in the same Code “On Administrative Offences”, Article 7.14 and in Article 52 of the Town Planning Code.

    Fines - from fifteen thousand to one hundred thousand for citizens, from twenty to three hundred thousand for officials, from one hundred thousand to a million for legal entities.

    Construction of a private house

    As we have already understood, the fine for a citizen for illegal construction of a private house is small. But there is another opportunity to break the law - to develop the site in a manner inconsistent with its intended purpose. This type of violation is discussed in detail in the Land Code - Articles 40 and 42.

    According to the Administrative Legal Code, Article 8.8, in this case the fine for a citizen will be from one thousand to one and a half thousand, for officials - from two to three, and for legal entities from forty to fifty thousand rubles.

    If the problem of illegal construction has already arisen or is just brewing, we recommend that you seek professional advice from specialists in the field of law and the construction business.