The volume of product sales is a line in the balance sheet. Production volume in the balance sheet Product sales volume in the balance sheet line

Every year, companies prepare financial statements. Using data from the balance sheet and profit and loss report, you can determine the effectiveness of the organization’s activities, as well as calculate the main planned indicators. Provided that management and the finance department understand the meaning of terms such as profit, revenue and sales on the balance sheet.


Products on the balance sheet are the amount of revenue received for the sale of goods in the reporting period. In this case, the form of calculations does not matter. Products can be sold on credit, for cash, with deferred payment or at a discount. Therefore, for a more accurate calculation, the formula for calculating net sales in the balance sheet is used, when the revenue received is adjusted by the amount of goods shipped on credit.

Sales volume reflects the amount of funds received by the company. Therefore, it should be calculated by all organizations. The indicator can be expressed in the quantity of goods sold, the amount of funds received, the monetary value of goods sold, etc.


First of all, you need to determine revenue:

Revenue = Production volume: output x Price.

For an enterprise that has a monopolist in the market, the price of the product does not change. That is, sales volume depends only on the number of products manufactured. To determine how efficiently an enterprise operates, it is necessary to subtract total expenses from the amount of revenue received. Costs increase as output increases. This nuance should be taken into account when planning production.

Scope of work

Work is an action aimed at development. Production volume is measured in the number of manufactured products of each type. How to calculate this indicator, for example, in construction? It is necessary to first familiarize yourself with the design materials and divide them into underground and above-ground work. Then the volume of work required to complete each task is calculated: laying the foundation, heating system, water supply system, all floors and building elements. The consumption rate of materials is indicated in the design documentation. The calculated amount of work is multiplied by its cost.


The amount of expenses for production of products in accounting is called cost. It includes labor costs, material costs, and interest on loans. All expenses are divided into fixed and variable. The former do not depend on production efficiency. It is the sum of fixed costs such as rent, taxes, depreciation, etc. Variable costs change in proportion to the change in the quantity of products produced. Most of the funds are spent on purchasing materials and paying salaries.

Profit calculation

Profit is one of the performance indicators. Therefore, when analyzing the work of an organization, one should correlate the level of profit received with the costs incurred. There are several types of profits.

1. Income received from sales is called revenue or sales volume.

2. Gross profit is sales volume adjusted by the amount of production costs incurred:

  • VP = Sales volume - Cost.

3. Net profit is gross profit cleared of all other expenses:

  • PE = VP - Expenses.

Example No. 1

In April, the company sold goods worth 200 thousand rubles. The cost of production amounted to 90 thousand rubles. Overhead expenses in the form of salaries, rent, taxes amounted to another 30 thousand rubles. We count:

  • VP = OP - S/S = 200 - 90 = 110 thousand rubles.
  • PE = VP - Expenses = 110 - 30 = 90 thousand rubles.


  • OP = (Fixed costs + Profit): (Price per unit - Variable costs per unit).

To determine your target sales volume, use the following formula:

  • OP = (Fixed costs + Profit before interest) : Marginal profit.
  • MP = Price - Variable costs per unit.

As mentioned earlier, in order to determine the efficiency of the enterprise, it is more appropriate to calculate the net sales volume in the balance sheet. How to calculate? It is necessary to adjust the OP for the amount of returned goods, as well as those that were sold at a discount and provided by the consumer. The formula looks like this:

  • OPC = (Net profit x 100%): (OP - Returnable products).

Example No. 2

Based on the results of a month of work, the company received 1.32 million rubles. arrived. The product is sold at a price of 250 rubles. a piece. Variable costs per unit are 98 rubles, and constant costs for the entire production volume are 0.38 million rubles. Let's determine the sales volume in the balance sheet.

1. First you need to find the marginal profit:

MP = Price - Variable costs = 250 - 98 = 152 rubles.

2. Calculate sales volume:

OP = (Fixed costs + Profit before interest): Marginal profit = (380,000 + 1,320,000) : 152 = 11,250 pcs.

How to determine sales volume in the balance sheet

Having the financial statements data, you can calculate all the main financial indicators. You can, for example, determine sales volume. There is no balance formula as such. Since this data is reflected in the “Profit and Loss Statement”. Line 2110 indicates the amount of products sold in monetary terms after deducting VAT. All costs for the production and delivery of products are also reflected here: line 2120 + line 2210 + page 2220. The organization may have other unforeseen expenses (line 2350) and income (line 2340).

Line 2400 = 2110 - (2120 + 2210 + 2220) + 2340 - 2350 - 2410, where 2410 is the amount of income tax.

Net sales on the balance sheet can be calculated by subtracting retained earnings (uncovered loss) at the end of the period from the value at the beginning of the period. A positive difference indicates a net profit, and a negative difference indicates losses.


The efficiency of the enterprise in the reporting period is calculated by correlating various indicators of profitability and costs. There are several profitability indicators. Let's look at the main ones.

Determined by the ratio of profit to revenue. If gross profit is used in the numerator of the fraction, then this indicator is called gross return on sales. =:

  • GPM = Gross Profit: Revenue = (Sales Volume - Total Sales Volume) : (Price x Number of Products).

Operating return on sales is calculated as follows:

  • ROS = EBIT: Revenue = line 2300 + 2330: (2110 - (2120 + 2210 + 2220)).

Balance sheet return on sales:

  • RP = Profit: Revenue = line 050: line 010 (form No. 2).
  • RP (from form No. 2) = 2200: 2110.

Most often, to determine sales efficiency, the net profitability indicator is calculated:

  • NPM = Net Profit: Revenue.

These formulas are used to determine the share of different types of profit in revenue. By analyzing the value of the coefficient over time, you can determine what changes have occurred in the organization’s activities.

Explanations for reporting

Each type of accounting report is accompanied by an explanatory note. It contains information:

  • about the chosen method of accounting for fixed assets, inventory items;
  • description of some balance sheet items (terms of debt repayment, rent payments, etc.);
  • information about shareholders, capital structure;
  • data on mergers, acquisitions, liquidations;
  • off-balance sheet items.

Often an explanatory note provides more information about the financial position than statements. According to data from the balance sheet and f. No. 2 you can obtain information about the current state of affairs and performance efficiency. Having false information is worse than not having it. Therefore, it is important that financial statements are prepared correctly.

Unfortunately, even accountants make mistakes. The use of technical means allows you to avoid arithmetic errors, but not methodological ones. Also, reporting may be distorted due to the low skills of a specialist.

It is important to understand that the data in the balance sheet reflects the state of affairs at the reporting date. The very next day these indicators change. In the last weeks of the reporting period, the organization tries to defer payments, but in the first days of the new year, funds will be used to pay off the debt. Therefore, reporting is always done “with a reserve”. In the registers you can always find costs that will reduce the profitability indicator. For example, write off more inventory, non-current assets or bad debts. After all, it is always easier to lose profit than to increase it.

According to accounting rules, all transactions must be reflected at historical cost. But assets and liabilities arrive on the balance sheet at different periods of time. Therefore, on-balance sheet acquisition costs do not reflect the true value of the assets. You should also consider currency fluctuations if you have assets or liabilities denominated in foreign currencies.


Financial statement data is used to calculate sales volume. However, you should not rely entirely on balance and form #2. They contain only part of the important information. Typically, profitability and real value of assets in financial statements are understated.


Line 214 “Finished products and goods for resale”

Line 214 reflects:

[Debit balance on account 41 “Goods”]

[Debit balance on account 43 “Finished products”]

[Credit balance on account 42 “Trade margin”]

[Credit balance on account 14 “Reserves for reduction in the value of material assets”,
as regards finished products and goods]

[Debit balance on account 15 “Procurement and acquisition of material assets”,

[Account balance 16 “Deviation in the cost of material assets”,
in the part related to the cost of purchased goods]

Finished products are part of inventories intended for sale (the final result of the production cycle, assets completed by processing (assembly), the technical and quality characteristics of which comply with the terms of the contract or the requirements of other documents, in cases established by law).

Goods are part of inventories purchased or received from other legal entities or individuals and intended for sale.

The actual cost of inventories during their production by the organization itself is determined based on the actual costs associated with the production of these inventories. Accounting and formation of costs for the production of inventories is carried out by the organization in the manner established for determining the cost of relevant types of products.

Organizations carrying out trading activities also take into account purchased containers and containers of their own production on account 41 “Goods” (except for inventory used for production or economic needs and accounted for on account 01 “Fixed assets” or 10 “Materials”).

Enterprises providing catering services reflect in this line the remaining raw materials in the kitchens and pantries, and the remaining goods in the buffets.

Remains of goods are reflected in the balance sheet at the cost of their acquisition, formed in accordance with the accounting policy.

Finished product accounting

Accounting for finished products is regulated by PBU 5/01 “Accounting for inventories”, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 06/09/2001 No. 44n, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 07/19/2001 No. 2806.

The procedure for organizing accounting of finished products on the basis of PBU 5/01 is determined in the guidelines approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 28, 2001 No. 119n, excerpts from which are given in this section.

Finished products are products and semi-finished products that are a product of the organization’s production process with fully completed processing (assembly), corresponding to current standards or approved technical specifications, accepted at the organization’s warehouse or by the customer.

The purpose of accounting for finished products is the timely and complete reflection in the accounting accounts of information about the release and shipment of finished products to the organization.

The main objectives of accounting for finished products are:

  • correct and timely documentation of operations for the release, movement and release of finished products in the organization’s storage areas;
  • control over the safety of finished products in storage areas and at all stages of movement;
  • monitoring the implementation of production plans and sales of finished products;
  • timely identification of unclaimed items of finished products for the purpose of their possible modernization or discontinuation of production;
  • identifying the profitability of the entire range of finished products.

Released finished products must be transferred to the warehouse to the financially responsible person. Large products that cannot be delivered to the warehouse for technical reasons are accepted by the customer's representative at the place of production (release).

The release of finished products from production is documented by invoices, acceptance certificates, specifications and other primary accounting documents. A warehouse accounting card is created for products received at the warehouse, similar to materials accounting.

Planning and accounting of finished products are carried out in physical and cost terms. If there are no questions with natural indicators, then several methods are used to determine cost indicators (evaluation of finished products). Let's consider the main methods for assessing released finished products:

When forming accounting prices for each product item, it is advisable to take into account the rule of the correct ratio of product costs, i.e. two item items with the same actual cost must have the same accounting value. This is necessary for the correct distribution of deviations (deviations are distributed in proportion to the accounting value) for each product item.

Thus, if accounting prices and deviations from the actual cost are reflected for each item, the use of sales prices as accounting prices is not entirely correct, because the ratio of selling prices does not always correspond to the ratio of product costs (products may have the same selling price and different costs).

The actual cost of finished products depends on the cost accounting and costing methods used in the organization.

Synthetic accounting of finished products.

To account for the availability and movement of finished products of a material nature at manufacturing enterprises, active accounting account 43 “Finished Products” is used. Regardless of the assessment methods, the release (receipt into the warehouse) of finished products manufactured for sale is reflected in the debit of account 43.

This section discusses the accounting of finished products of a material nature. The production of such products can be divided according to the purposes of their use as follows:

  • sale of finished products;
  • general economic use (household equipment);
  • general industrial use (tools);
  • use in the further production cycle (semi-finished products).

Accounting schemes depend on the purposes for using finished products and on the evaluation methodology used at the enterprise.

If an enterprise produces a small range of products for its own needs, it is advisable to keep accounting records at incomplete (reduced) production costs and reflect the production (manufacturing) of products as a debit to account 10 “Materials” with a credit to cost accounts 23 “Auxiliary production”, 29 “Service production and farms."

If an enterprise carries out industrial production of a large assortment of products for the purpose of their further sale, active accounting account 43 “Finished Products” is used to record the availability and movement of finished products. In this case, it is advisable to keep accounting records at accounting prices (planned cost, contract prices). This is due to the fact that at the time of release and sale of finished products, the actual production cost is still unknown and its calculation, as a rule, occurs in the month following release (sales).

Determining the actual cost of material resources written off for production is permitted using one of the following inventory valuation methods:

at the cost of a unit of inventory;

at average cost;

at the cost of the first acquisitions (FIFO);


(see text in previous)

59. Finished products are reflected in the balance sheet at actual or standard (planned) production costs, including costs associated with the use of fixed assets, raw materials, materials, fuel, energy, labor resources, and other costs for production of products or direct cost items.

60. Goods in organizations engaged in trading activities are reflected in the balance sheet at the cost of their acquisition.

When selling (dispensing) goods, their value may be written off using the valuation methods set out in paragraph 58 of these Regulations.

When an organization engaged in retail trade accounts for goods at sales prices, the difference between the acquisition cost and the cost at sales prices (discounts, markups) is reflected in the financial statements as a value that adjusts the cost of goods.

(see text in previous)

61. Goods shipped, work delivered and services provided, for which revenue is not recognized, are reflected in the balance sheet at the actual (or standard (planned)) full cost, which includes, along with production cost, costs associated with the sale (sale) of products, work, services reimbursed by a negotiated (contract) price.

(as amended by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 24, 2010 N 186n)

(see text in previous)

62. The values ​​provided for in paragraphs 58 - 60 of these Regulations, for which the price has decreased during the reporting year or which have become obsolete or partially lost their original quality, are reflected in the balance sheet at the end of the reporting year at the price of possible sale, if it is lower than the original cost of procurement (acquisitions), with the difference in prices attributed to the financial results of a commercial organization or an increase in expenses for a non-profit organization.

Rules and procedure for filling out the section “Current assets”

Finished products are reflected in the balance sheet

a. - in the balance sheet asset as part of non-current assets

b. – on the balance sheet as part of current assets

c. - in the liabilities side of the balance sheet as part of capital and reserves

d. - in the liability side of the balance sheet as part of long-term liabilities

e. - in the liabilities side of the balance sheet as part of short-term liabilities

105) The moment of selling products is:

a. - transfer of products from the seller to the buyer

b. - transfer of ownership of products from the seller to the buyer

c. - receipt of funds for products by the seller from the buyer

d. - shipment of products by the seller to the buyer’s address

Transfer of ownership from seller to buyer


a. - at the time of shipment, unless otherwise provided by law

b. - only after payment of funds

c. - at the time of shipment, unless otherwise provided by law or contract

Finished products in accounting

Depending on the accepted accounting policy of the seller

e. - only at the time of shipment

107) General procedure for transfer of ownership:

c. - determined by the accounting policy of the organization

d. - is fixed in the contract between the seller and the buyer

Accounts receivable from buyers and customers of the organization

Occurs at the moment

d. - at the time of crediting the advance upon shipment of products

Accounts payable to buyers and customers of the organization

Occurs at the moment

a. - shipment of products to the buyer

b. - receiving an advance from the buyer

c. - receipt of payment for shipped products

d. - offset of the buyer's advance upon shipment of products

e. - refund of advance payment

110) Write-off of the actual cost of products shipped to customers is reflected:

111) Revenue from sales of products to customers is reflected:

a. - D 43 “Finished products” K 90 “Sales”

b. - D 90 “Sales” K 62 “Settlements with buyers and customers”

c. - D 62 “Settlements with buyers and customers” K 90 “Sales”

d. - D 43 “Finished products” K 90 “Sales”

e. - D 62 “Settlements with buyers and customers” K 43 “Finished products”

f. - D 90 “Sales” K 43 “Finished Products”

Profit from the sale of finished products is reflected

a. - D 90 “Sales” K 99 “Profits and losses”

b. - D 99 “Profits and losses” K 90 “Sales”

c. - D 43 “Finished products” K 99 “Profits and losses”

d. - D 99 “Profits and losses” K 43 “Finished products”

How are finished products reflected in the balance sheet?

45 accounting account - This is a register designed to summarize information about the movement of those products or goods that have already been shipped, but are not yet considered sold. Where can you see the entire volume of products created during the period? How the total volume of products created is related to account 45 and how the data for line 1210 of the balance sheet is generated - this is discussed in our article.

Accounting statements: features of accounting for the cost of finished products

The value of the balances of finished products listed in the warehouse as of the reporting date in the balance sheet is included in the amount reflected in line 1210 “Inventories”. That is, finished products are an integral part of inventories, the total value of which consists of (clause 20 of PBU 4/99, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated July 6, 1999 No. 43n):

  • raw materials and supplies;
  • costs in work in progress;
  • finished products, goods and goods shipped;
  • expenses of future periods.

Write-off of the cost of manufactured products when they are shipped during the month of manufacture is reflected by posting Dt 90 Kt 43 at book value. At the end of the month, the cost of shipped products is adjusted by postings Dt 90 Kt 40 or Dt 90 Kt 43, depending on the selected deviation account.

When taking into account deviations on account 40 for products that remained unshipped, at the end of the month you will have to make a posting Dt 43 Kt 40 for the amount of deviations associated with these products, so that the balance on account 43 shows its actual cost.

For shipments of finished products or goods with a special transfer of ownership (the shipment takes place, and recognition of the sale occurs later), an interim account 45 “Goods shipped” is used, i.e. in the correspondence of transactions reflecting such a shipment, instead of account 90, account 45 is used: Dt 45 Kt 41 (43). Recognition of the sale will subsequently be reflected by posting Dt 90 Kt 45.

What goods are included in account 45? These are, for example, goods transferred for commission. Also, account 45 “Goods shipped” is used in case of export of products. The use of account 45 when exporting is due to the fact that ownership remains with the seller for some time until all customs procedures are completed.

Finished products remaining in the warehouse on the reporting date will appear in the balance sheet line reflecting the amount of inventory and will become its component. The cost of finished products is formed by 2 rules: acceptance for accounting at the actual costs of its creation and disposal in the assessment chosen by the taxpayer (at the cost of a unit, average or first acquisitions). Accounting for the movement of products during the month of production, when the actual cost has not yet been formed, is carried out at the accounting cost, which is then adjusted for the amount of deviations.

Reflection of main production in the balance sheet

Main production in the balance sheet should be recorded on line 1210 after the company accumulates debit balances of the 20th account at the end of the reporting period. The article will discuss the intricacies of the procedure for reflecting information in this report.

Where is the main production reflected on the balance sheet?

The balance sheet is the main accounting reporting tool for organizations. Using this form, the state of the finances and economy of the enterprise is reflected at the reporting date. The balance sheet includes the balances formed on all accounting accounts by this time. These balances are collected into groups according to pre-designated characteristics, and then entered into the report lines intended for this.

To reflect data on the account intended for main production, you should go to the balance sheet asset. In this part of the form, in the section “Current assets” (2nd section) in the inventory line, data is recorded, but not separately, but as an integral part of all inventories formed as of the reporting date. If desired or necessary, you can decipher the line “Inventories” already in the explanation of the balance sheet.

Count 20 - main purpose

Account 20, called “Main production”, in accounting in accordance with PBU is intended to collect data on production costs. If we decipher the positions that can be reflected on account 20, then expenses associated with the following actions are recorded here:

at cost, planned or included in the standard;

by volume of material costs;

by volume of direct costs.

If products are not mass-produced, but in units, then such enterprises are allowed to use only one point for reflection in the balance sheet - to account for refineries exclusively at actual cost.

So, the balances accumulated on account 20 by the end of the reporting period should be entered into balance sheet line 1210 called “Inventories.” When a certain balance is formed in the “Main Production” account at the end of the reporting period, this indicates a balance of work in progress at the enterprise.

Direct production costs should be recorded on account 20. In addition, at the end of each month, a certain share of expenses from accounts 23, 25, 26 should be attributed to this account.

The accounting policy should be formulated so that this document provides a criterion for distinguishing direct costs from indirect ones, principles for assessing oil refineries, and methods for closing the account of indirect costs.

Video (click to play).

Finished products in the balance sheet

The definition of “release of finished products” is understood as the final stage of production, the result of which is the receipt of manufactured products, parts, their parts or semi-finished products that have undergone a certain technological processing into the warehouse. Such material assets are called finished products. Let's learn about the features of this asset and figure out how finished products are reflected in the balance sheet.

Volume of production in the balance sheet

Information about the volume of products produced is generated on account 40. It is used to record the amounts of the planned cost of production, or to reflect transactions at actual cost. Accounting features are fixed in the company's accounting policy. Most often, count 40 is used in companies specializing in mass production of goods with an extensive range. To calculate the actual cost value, the account accumulates data on the cost of raw materials, contractor services, employee wages, fuel and energy costs, as well as other production expenses.

To reflect the planned cost, the company uses information about the cost of homogeneous products produced in the previous period, or it is calculated based on average values. By posting D/t 43 K/t 40, the recorded cost of manufactured products and reflected in the composition of the actual finished products is recorded.

In some companies, account 43 “Finished products” is used without generating the 40th account. With this accounting algorithm, in the debit of account 43, the cost of production is formed from the production accounts, which is recorded by posting D/t 43 K/t 20, 23, 29.

There is no special line in the balance sheet for production volume data, since this information is included in the block of industrial inventories, for which line 1210 is allocated. Finished products in the balance sheet are reflected in the same line - in the structure of inventories along with other working capital.

Product sales volume in the balance sheet: line

Revenue from sales of products is not reflected in the balance sheet, since it records the results, i.e., profit or loss as of the reporting date. The sold product is neither an asset nor final information. The revenue indicator is included in the financial performance statement (FIR) and plays a key role in calculating the financial result achieved by the company for a certain period.

However, there are options when revenue is recorded as an asset on the balance sheet. This happens if the sold products are not paid for by the purchaser in the reporting period. In this case, the cost of the consignment of goods goes into the category of accounts receivable and is indicated in line 1230, provided in the balance sheet for data on debts of debtors accounted for on account 62.

Revenue from the sale of inventory items is recorded by posting D/t 62 K/t 90/1. At the end of the reporting period, the amount from the debit of the 62nd account increases the amount of accounts receivable. Thus, the unpaid debt is reflected in the amount owed. When money is received from the buyer, posting D/t 51 K/t 62 will neutralize the debt, and the amount of proceeds will be reflected in the financial statement. It is important to remember that in balance sheet line 1230, unreceived revenue is taken into account together with VAT, while in the general financial report it is recorded without tax.

Profit from sales of products in the balance sheet: line

But for profit in the balance sheet, line 1370 “Retained earnings/uncovered loss” is used. True, it records the total financial result obtained from all types of activities - operational, financial, investment. In addition, profits and losses of previous periods can also be taken into account here.

For the analysis, we will use the Balance Sheet F 1 and the Profit and Loss Statement F 2 for the year. According to Table. Thus, based on the data in table. When analyzing profits, an important role is played by the analysis of the influence of factors - factor analysis, which is a technique for a comprehensive and systematic study and measurement of the impact of factors on the value of the performance indicator. Let us note the main types of factor analysis:.

Net sales in the balance sheet: line. Sales volume on the balance sheet: how to calculate?

This form of report is convenient to fill out, but it is difficult to carry out analysis on it. Unlike the standard report form, commercial and administrative expenses are not highlighted here in separate lines. It is not possible to detect profit from sales in the balance sheet, as in a regular report. We will tell you how information about product output is reflected in the balance sheet in our consultation. Volume of product output in the balance sheet: line Let's consider the line used in the balance sheet to reflect product output when it comes to completing the production process and posting finished products to the warehouse. We talked about what accounting entries are made in this case in our separate consultation. It should be understood that the sales profit figure only implies results from ordinary activities. This means that if, for example, fixed assets were sold during the reporting period, then the financial result from these operations will not affect the line. VIDEO ON THE TOPIC: Training 1C 7.7 Creating an Invoice. Lesson 18

Commercial products

Each line of the balance sheet has a specific meaning and code. To reflect indicators about the movement and availability of finished products, a balance line is used. Information from account 45 of the accounting account is entered on this line.

Profit from sales in the balance sheet: which line As mentioned above, in the balance sheet you cannot directly see how much profit from sales was for the reporting period. In order to find this indicator, you will have to look at the line item on the income statement. A positive amount will indicate a profit, and a negative amount will indicate a loss.

The volume of product sales on the balance sheet is the amount of revenue received for the sale of goods in the reporting period. In this case, the form of calculations does not matter. Products can be sold on credit, for cash, with deferred payment or at a discount. Therefore, for a more accurate calculation, the formula for calculating net sales in the balance sheet is used, when the revenue received is adjusted by the amount of goods shipped on credit. Sales volume reflects the amount of funds received by the company.

Revenue from net sales in the balance sheet is a line

If taxes under special regimes are paid along with income tax when combining regimes, then the indicators for each tax are reflected separately on separate lines entered after the indicator of the current income tax, an appendix to the letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia from the Net profit itself is given on the line If the company receives revenue in cash desk, situations are not excluded when the following limits may be exceeded:. Such violations may be punishable under Art. The connection between revenue and this balance sheet item can be traced in detail by studying another accounting report - on cash flow. It is from the financial results statement that the amount of net profit received by the company is included in retained earnings and is reflected in the 3rd section of the balance sheet.

How to find sales volume

Gross output differs from marketable output by the amount of change in work in progress balances at the beginning and end of the planning period. Changes in work in progress balances are taken into account only at enterprises with a long production cycle of at least two months and at enterprises where work in progress is large in volume and can change sharply over time. In mechanical engineering, changes in the remains of tools and devices are also taken into account. Secondly, gross output is defined as the sum of marketable production of technological processes and the difference in the balances of work in progress of tools and devices at the beginning and end of the planning period:.

Profit from product sales is one of the main indicators of the financial results of an enterprise's economic activities. The results of the company's work are usually summarized quarterly after the preparation of financial statements. However, profit from sales can be calculated monthly.

19. Methodology for calculating gross and sold products

Rostislav Kovalenko If at least one of the above conditions is not met in relation to cash and other assets received by the organization as payment, then the organization’s accounting records recognize not revenue, but accounts payable. How are export customs duties reflected in the Statement of Financial Results?

The result of labor often appears in material form - in the form of products. Products manufactured at the enterprise at different stages of the technological process are in the form of work in progress, semi-finished products or finished products. Finished products are products of an industrial enterprise that are completed in production, comply with state standards or technical specifications, are accepted by the technical control department, are provided with documents certifying quality, and are intended for external sales. Semi-finished products are semi-products, the technical processing of which is completed in one of the production workshops of the enterprise, but requires further development or processing in related production in another workshop of the same enterprise, or which can be transferred for further processing to other enterprises. Work in progress is products that have not received a finished form within production, as well as products that have not been checked by the quality control department and have not been delivered to the finished goods warehouse. The products of labor are broken down into means of production, means of labor and objects of labor and consumer goods - food and non-food products.

Revenue from sales of products in the balance sheet. Volume of output in the balance sheet: line

Vladimir Orekhov This report form is convenient to fill out, but it is difficult to analyze it. Unlike the standard report form, commercial and administrative expenses are not highlighted here in separate lines. It is not possible to detect profit from sales in the balance sheet, as in a regular report. So who has the right to work without a cash register until the middle of next year? Product release usually refers to the final stage of the production process, which results in the finished goods being delivered to the warehouse.

The volume of production is in the balance sheet. Which line shows profit from sales in the balance sheet? Reflection of revenue in the balance sheet. Net sales in the balance sheet: line. sales volume on the balance sheet: how to calculate?

Dt In retail, you additionally need to take into account the markup Dt Financial results report for analyzing business activities It is the financial results report that will make it possible to analyze the structure of the enterprise's profit, its dynamics in comparison with previous reporting periods. To properly understand how profit from sales is formed, it is best to analyze what turnover goes into the th account:

Product output in the balance sheet line

Every year, companies prepare financial statements. Using data from the balance sheet and profit and loss report, you can determine the effectiveness of the organization’s activities, as well as calculate the main planned indicators. Provided that management and the finance department understand the meaning of terms such as profit, revenue and sales on the balance sheet. The volume of product sales on the balance sheet is the amount of revenue received for the sale of goods in the reporting period.


Product release usually refers to the final stage of the production process, which results in the finished goods being delivered to the warehouse. Sometimes the release of a product is considered to be its transition into the sphere of circulation, in particular, the transfer of ownership of the product from the manufacturer to the buyer. In the latter case we are talking about sold products. We will tell you how information about product output is reflected in the balance sheet in our consultation.

Volume of output in the balance sheet: line

Let's consider the line used in the balance sheet to reflect the output of products when it comes to completing the production process and posting the finished product to the warehouse. Let us remind you that accounting for the output of finished products can be kept both using account 40 “Output of products (works, services)”, and without its use, when the cost of finished products is reflected directly in account 43 “Finished products” (Order of the Ministry of Finance dated October 31, 2000 No. 94n). We talked about what accounting entries are made in this case in our separate article.

But regardless of how the release of finished products is reflected in accounting, finished products in the warehouse in the balance sheet are indicated on line 1210 “Inventories” (). If the amount of finished products in the organization's total reserves is significant, the organization must reflect information about product output in a separate line in the balance sheet or indicate the relevant information in the notes to the balance sheet.

Of course, finished products are reflected in accounting on line 1210 only in terms of product warehouse balances. How are sold finished products reflected in the balance sheet?

Product sales volume in the balance sheet: line

There is no separate line for revenue from sales of products in the balance sheet. And this is not surprising. After all, the balance sheet reflects the assets and liabilities of the organization as of the reporting date (clause 18 of PBU 4/99). And the sold products are no longer an asset. Information on financial results, which includes information on revenue, is given in the profit and loss statement (clause 21 of PBU 4/99).

However, in some cases, a line can be defined for revenue from sales of products in the balance sheet. This applies to cases where the finished products sold were not paid for by the buyer. Let us recall that revenue from the sale of finished products is usually reflected in the following accounting entry (Order of the Ministry of Finance dated July 2, 2010 No. 66n):

Debit of account 62 “Settlements with buyers and customers” - Credit of account 90 “Sales”, subaccount “Revenue”

Consequently, unpaid receivables from customers, which are equal to sales revenue, will be reflected in line 1230 “Accounts receivable” of the balance sheet. But here it is important to take into account that the revenue in line 1230 will be taken into account together with VAT, while the income statement indicates net revenue, i.e. reduced by the amount of VAT accrued on revenue.

For profit from sales of products, line 1370 “Retained earnings (uncovered loss)” is used in the balance sheet. In this case, in this line, profit from the sale of products will be taken into account in total with the financial results from other operations, both for ordinary activities and for other activities, as well as with the profit (loss) of previous years.