Rosgosstrakh refused to pay under compulsory motor insurance: what to do and where to go. The insurance company Rosgosstrakh does not pay insurance If you have received a refusal to pay insurance compensation from Rosgosstrakh

Rosgosstrakh does not pay, or pays, but very little. Every second person who is insured with this company faces this problem. The insurer has a lot of excuses for refusing to pay insurance compensation. It is necessary to make it as difficult as possible for the insurer to invent a refusal and do everything according to the instructions below.

Instructions for receiving insurance compensation under MTPL

Step 1: your actions in the event of an insured event

Let's say you are involved in a traffic accident involving two cars. While you are waiting for the traffic police, and this is usually not very fast, you need to fill out a notification about the traffic accident and take high-quality photographs. The frame should clearly show:

  • location of damaged vehicles with state license plates;
  • road markings;
  • signs;
  • traffic police car;
  • street name.

When filling out a certificate of an accident, make sure that the traffic police officer indicates all the damage to the car, and it is also advisable to make a note that “hidden damage is possible.” Carefully read all the documents, especially the accident report, that you will sign. It is advisable to find two witnesses, enter them into the protocol and exchange contacts with them. As a result, you should have the following documents in your hands:

  • certificate of accident;
  • resolution (or determination);
  • protocol.

If you use a tow truck service, do not forget to take a receipt from them, which should indicate the address where the car was picked up from and where it was delivered.

Step 2: Contact Rosgosstrakh LLC

It is necessary to prepare a set of documents provided for by the Federal Law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance”:

  • certificate of accident;
  • resolution/ruling in a case of an administrative offense, or a resolution refusing to initiate a criminal case;
  • notification of an accident;
  • documents confirming the ownership of the vehicle (PTS, STS);
  • a civil passport, if you provide it personally, or a notarized power of attorney from the owner, if the car does not belong to you;
  • documents confirming the costs of an accident (vehicle evacuation, vehicle diagnostics).

Be sure to make readable copies of the above documents and keep them with you. We transfer documents according to the document acceptance and transfer certificate.

Step 3: Conducting an independent examination by an expert technician to determine the cost of restoration of a damaged vehicle, taking into account wear and tear

According to the Federal Law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance”, the insurer must organize an independent examination within 5 days. If the insurer delays, then you have the right to conduct the examination yourself, but be sure to notify the insurer of the place, time and date of the examination. This can be done by sending a telegram. You also need to take into account a number of features: the expert must have the education of an expert technician, and also make calculations in accordance with the Methodological Recommendations.

Step 4. Payment of insurance compensation

In accordance with Art. 12 clause 21 of the Federal Law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance”, within 20 calendar days the insurer is obliged to make an insurance payment to the victim or issue him a referral for repair of the vehicle indicating the repair period. A referral for repairs is issued only with the consent of the victim. If the deadline for making an insurance payment or compensation for damage caused in kind is not met, the insurer, for each day of delay, pays the victim a penalty (penalty) in the amount of one percent of the amount of insurance payment determined in accordance with this Federal Law by the type of harm caused to each victim.

This is how fast everything should be according to the law, but in reality we are faced with this:

  • refusal to pay insurance compensation for reasons invented by Rosgosstrakh;
  • Most of all, Rosgosstrakh likes to pay ridiculous amounts;
  • Company employees may completely forget about your payment case.

Step-by-step instructions on what to do if Rosgosstrakh does not pay

First of all:

  • 1. It is necessary to establish the market value of the restoration of a damaged vehicle, taking into account wear and tear resulting from the road vehicle. This can only be done by an expert technician. Ask him in advance to draw up an expert opinion in two copies, or make a certified copy.
  • 2. Write a pre-trial claim to Rosgosstrakh, ALWAYS indicating your bank details. The claim is written in free form. Submit your claim to the address: Moscow, st. Obrucheva, house 53, building 3 (Kaluzhskaya metro station). You can find a sample of writing a claim on our website http://site/ Attach one copy of the conclusion to the claim (if a certified copy, then give a copy to the insurer!!!) and wait for payment within 7 days.
  • 3. I want to upset you right away, Rosgosstrakh rarely pays out claims. While you wait, feel free to write a statement of claim to recover insurance compensation, penalties, fines and legal costs.
  • 4. The statement of claim can be submitted either to the Lyubertsy City Court (this is the jurisdiction of Rosgosstrakh LLC) or according to your registration.

Instructions for receiving insurance compensation under CASCO

Insurance compensation under a CASCO policy is paid upon the occurrence of an insured event, for example:

  • traffic accident;
  • hitting an obstacle;
  • fire;
  • illegal actions of third parties (PDTL);
  • hijacking;
  • damage resulting from interaction with various objects.

To avoid unnecessary problems with receiving insurance compensation, you must correctly prepare the following documents:

  • All damage must be recorded by the relevant authorities, for example, traffic police and police department officers, and if possible, attract witnesses to the incident;
  • If it is not possible to establish the cause of the damage, do not invent or make your own assumptions;
  • Do not refuse to initiate a criminal case on the fact of causing damage due to its insignificance;

Each insurance contract is concluded individually, with its own rules and features, so please read the insurance rules carefully.

The insurance rules of PJSC IC "Rosgosstrakh" establish a list of required documents:

  • 1) In the event of an insured event for the risk “Damage”:
    • b) a copy of the driver’s license of the person who was driving the insured vehicle at the time of the insured event;
    • c) vehicle registration certificate;
    • d) original documents from the relevant competent authorities (State Traffic Police, Ministry of Internal Affairs, etc.) confirming the fact of the occurrence of an insured event (Certificate of an accident, Resolution on refusal to initiate;
    • e) original invoices for the services of specialized organizations for vehicle evacuation, if such evacuation was carried out;
  • 2) In the event of an insured event for the “Theft” risk, the following are presented:
    • a) original Insurance Agreement;
    • b) originals of registration documents for the insured vehicle (vehicle passport, vehicle registration certificate);
    • c) the original document certifying the right to own, use, dispose of the insured vehicle;
    • d) complete sets of key fobs, keys, cards - active and passive activators of all electronic and electronic-mechanical anti-theft systems, all keys to mechanical anti-theft devices with which the insured vehicle is equipped;
    • e) a copy of the resolution to initiate a criminal case.

If any of the above documents and/or things were lost as a result of robbery or robbery of a vehicle, a document confirming this circumstance is provided.

Also, don't forget that:

  • the insurer is obliged to inspect the vehicle within 5 working days;
  • study the received documents and, if the case is recognized as insured, determine the amount of loss, draw up an insurance act and make an insurance payment or send the insured vehicle to a repair organization/car service station (service station) for repairs within twenty working days from the date of receipt of all documents.

Please note that the following provisions cannot be grounds for refusal to pay insurance compensation:

  • violation of the deadline for the policyholder to notify the insurer of the occurrence of an insured event;
  • discrepancy between the circumstances of the damage and the mechanism of damage;
  • the driver who drove the insured vehicle is not included in the insurance policy;
  • stealing a car with documents and/or keys.

What to do if the insurer refuses to pay insurance compensation?

First, you need to establish the market value of restoring the damaged vehicle as a result of the road traffic accident. This can be done by an appraiser. Ask him in advance to draw up an expert opinion in two copies, or make a certified copy. After this, write a pre-trial claim to Rosgosstrakh indicating your bank details. The claim is written in free form.

Recently, we encountered cases of refusal to compensate for loss of marketable value (hereinafter referred to as LTV), which our clients “caught” by writing an application for compensation to the well-known company Rosgosstrakh - the largest MTPL insurer in Russia, by the way. So, let's read it. What the Dear Insurer writes to us:

This type of payment is not provided for by the Rules for compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners, approved by Bank of Russia Regulation No. 431-P dated September 19, 2014. and is not included in the insurance payment. In addition, in accordance with the Rules for organizing and conducting an independent technical examination of a vehicle, when deciding on the payment of insurance compensation under an MTPL agreement, an assessment of the loss of marketable value is not provided.

Eh, now I would like to refuse payments in 2018, referring to the instructions of 2014... The regulation of the Bank of Russia does not indeed provide for compensation for TTS; in addition, it does not provide for many other things, for example, the priority of compensation in kind, but insurance companies prefer to forget about this.

Until 2014, the issue of compensation for TCB was repeatedly raised and the position of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation was always clear: - Compensate for TCB! But fortunately for us, the RF PPVS No. 59 was recently published, which agrees with the position of the 2014 regulations in the part “not included in the insurance payment” and says the following:

Clause 20. In the application for insurance compensation, the victim must also report other damage known to him at the time of filing the application, in addition to the costs of restoring damaged property that is subject to compensation (for example, loss of marketable value, costs of towing a vehicle from the accident site). -transport accident, etc.).

Clause 37. Real damage resulting from a traffic accident, along with the cost of repairs and spare parts, also includes the loss of marketable value, which is a decrease in the value of the vehicle caused by premature deterioration of the marketable (external) appearance of the vehicle and its operational qualities as a result of a decrease in the strength and durability of individual parts, assemblies and assemblies, connections and protective coatings due to a road traffic accident and subsequent repairs.

Loss of marketable value is also subject to compensation if insurance compensation is carried out within the framework of a compulsory insurance contract in the form of organizing and (or) payment for restoration repairs of a damaged vehicle at a service station with which the insurer has entered into an agreement for the repair of the vehicle, in accordance with the law. limit of the sum insured.

Clause 50. When compensating for damage in the form of organizing and paying for the restoration repair of a damaged vehicle at a service station with which the insurer has entered into an agreement for the repair of the vehicle, the insurer is not exempt from reimbursement of other expenses caused by the occurrence of the insured event and necessary for the sale by the victim rights to receive insurance compensation (for example, loss of marketable value, evacuation of a vehicle from the scene of a traffic accident, storage of a damaged vehicle, delivery of the victim to a medical institution, the cost of restoration of a road sign, fencing, costs of delivering repair materials to the scene of the accident - transport accident, etc.). The victim must submit a corresponding application to the insurer for reimbursement of other expenses.

It seems like it couldn’t be clearer, right? It is stipulated not only that the TCB is subject to compensation, but also the order in which this compensation occurs. Accordingly, if you receive all sorts of replies to your application for TTS compensation, feel free to order an independent assessment and demand compensation through the claim procedure, and if refused, go to court. With a probability close to 100%, the court will take your side and oblige the insurer to compensate not only the insurance policy, but also legal costs. The main thing is that your car meets the requirements for vehicle compensation.

Well, now let’s talk about the fact that the Unified Methodology (EM) does not provide for the calculation of UTS, this is true, but insurers forget that the EM does not describe methods for assessing health damage, damage to buildings, and does not describe anything at all except restoration repairs, maybe this means that nothing other than repairs and compensation is needed? - No!

Let us turn to the same RF PPVS No. 58, it says:

Clause 37. Under a compulsory insurance contract, the amount of insurance compensation payable to the victim in connection with damage to a vehicle for insured events occurring starting from October 17, 2014, is determined only in accordance with the Unified Methodology for determining the amount of costs for restoration repairs in relation to damaged vehicle approved by the Regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated September 19, 2014 No. 432-P (hereinafter referred to as the Methodology).

Expenses necessary for restoration repairs and payment for work related to such repairs, not provided for by the Methodology, are not included in the amount of insurance compensation (for example, costs of applying (restoring) airbrushing and other designs to a damaged vehicle).

In case of damage to property not related to vehicles (in particular, real estate, gas station equipment, etc.), the amount of insurance compensation is determined on the basis of an assessment, estimate, etc.

Wow, what does it mean that EM does not cover everything that needs to be compensated, and what it does not cover is simply not included in the insurance compensation? Those. if these expenses are not included in the insurance compensation (Rosgosstrakh’s statement says so), it does not mean that they should not be reimbursed (and Rosgosstrakh forgot about this). Actually, all this was clear from the 20th point, which we cited above.

So, dear insurers, don’t try to make fools of people with your clumsy replies and try to highlight only the parts of the text you need. And as always, we advise drivers to fight for their rights and not give up.

Thank you for your attention and, as always, we are ready to answer your questions by phone!

Applicant: Lebedev Ivan Alekseevich
Payment case number: 0016723280
On August 16, 2018, an accident occurred in St. Petersburg. On the same day, the traffic police issued a resolution, which stated that I was the injured party. On the same day, documents were submitted to the loss settlement center.
On 08/22/18, an expert appraiser from the insurance company arrived at the car’s parking lot, because... the car is not running. After inspecting the car, I was given a document indicating that the inspection had been completed.
08.23.18 (attention!) TELEGRAM arrived! It contained a requirement to bring the car to the claims settlement center. Call support. According to the call center operator, a system failure occurred, as a result of which this telegram was sent to me by mistake and that a decision on my payment case will be made on 08/28/18.
08/30/18 Call to the contact center. A certain Roman said with a grin that I need to wait 20 days from (again, attention!) the moment of the examination, which is contrary to Federal Law No. 40-FZ. He foolishly decided to attribute the employee’s incompetence to his illiteracy and, possibly, his short tenure in the company.
On 09/04/18 I checked the status of the case on the RGS website (I checked consistently every 2-3 days). The website contains the following information: “In your case, a refusal to pay insurance compensation has been approved. Information about the reasons for the refusal is indicated in the written notice sent to you by mail.”
Attention, questions: 1) why the contact center employees cannot provide detailed information about the reasons for the refusal, but cannot even give the track number of the letter they sent (and they also sent it to an unknown location, since registration and place of residence do not currently match) .
2) In general, are there legal grounds for refusing payment under compulsory motor liability insurance if traffic police officers checked all the documents at the scene of the accident (including the insurance of both participants in the accident)?
Of course, I don’t want to go through the courts, but, apparently, I’ll have to... I don’t recommend insuring your car with this company, even if you don’t have much of a choice.

Reasons (grounds) for non-payment - in what cases (legal and illegal) does the insurance company not pay insurance?

So, let's first look at possible pretexts for refusal under MTPL. There are actually few of these prepositions. First, let's figure out what OSAGO is. This is primarily car owner liability insurance.

Thus, you need to understand that when purchasing an MTPL policy, You do not insure the car against damage, but your civil liability to third parties.

Simply put, this means that if you damage someone else’s property (this could be not only a car, but also, for example, a bicycle, a lamppost, a fence, etc.), the insurance company will pay for the damage to the owner of this property for you (in within the sum insured).

If you are innocent, your policy will not be used at all, and the premium will be paid according to the policy of the culprit.

Grounds for exemption of the insurer from payment under compulsory motor liability insurance

  • the at-fault party’s insurance was not valid on the date of the accident;
  • the culprit insured a vehicle different from the one involved in the accident;
  • the victim restored his property before the damage was recorded by an independent expert organization;
  • The accident occurred while the culprit was using the insured car in competitions, testing or for learning to drive on areas prepared for this purpose.

These reasons are legal and quite logical. In addition, in accordance with Art. 6 of the MTPL Law, the insurer will refuse to pay for:

  • lost income that the victim would have received under normal conditions;
  • moral damage;
  • environmental pollution;
  • antiques, precious metals, cultural heritage, etc.;
  • damage caused by the transported cargo (in the event that the risk of transportation had to be insured separately);
  • harm received by passengers or employees (if this harm must be paid for under the appropriate type of insurance);
  • damage incurred during loading or unloading a vehicle.

The insurance company cannot have any other legal grounds for exemption from payment. It is necessary to understand that in no case are circumstances such as:

  • the culprit was not included in the MTPL policy;
  • was under the influence of alcohol;
  • left the scene of the accident.

None of the above grounds exempts the insurer from making payments.

The insurance company does not pay for CASCO: what to do? Here the situation is a little more complicated for the simple reason that a voluntary type of insurance, the conditions of which, unlike compulsory motor liability insurance, are not regulated by the State. Insurers themselves draw up insurance rules and in each company they are different, which means there can be a great many reasons for refusal.

If the insurance company does not pay for CASCO insurance, the course of action should begin by considering the main reasons for the possible refusal. CASCO is voluntary insurance of property, in particular a car. A standard contract contains the following risks:

  • damage to the vehicle (in the event of a traffic accident, illegal actions of third parties, fire, exposure to natural phenomena or animals);
  • vehicle theft (in other words, theft);
  • total or constructive loss of the vehicle (damage to the vehicle after which restoration is impractical).

The vast majority of insurance companies will refuse payment if the following circumstances exist:

  • the event occurred at a time when the policy was not in force (has not yet begun or has already ended);
  • driving by a person under the influence of alcohol or drugs, who did not have the right to drive a vehicle under the terms of the CASCO agreement, or by a person who does not have (deprived) of a driver’s license;
  • the damage was caused by the owner’s malicious intent;
  • damage was received as a result of exposure to radiation, a nuclear explosion, military action or during the seizure of the car by government authorities;
  • the circumstances under which the car was damaged are unknown (in this case, the insurer simply cannot establish the existence of an insured event);
  • damage was caused when loading or unloading a vehicle or when renting it out without the consent of the insurer;
  • the insurance company will refuse to repair damage caused to uninsured additional equipment (for example, you insured a car with summer wheels, but the damage was caused by winter ones);
  • Damage to parts that needed to be repaired before insurance is not paid for (for example, if you insure a car with a dent on the fender, the insurance company will not pay for future repairs to that fender);
  • car theft along with registration documents, ignition keys.

Depending on the terms of insurance, there may be other reasons for refusal to pay insurance compensation.

How long does it take for an insurance company to pay out insurance and compulsory motor insurance?

Insurance companies often delay the processing of applications for insurance compensation. How to determine the period within which the insurer must pay?

In terms of compulsory motor liability insurance, this period is clearly regulated by law.- no more than 20 days, excluding official holidays, from the date of submission of the last document and inspection of the car by an independent expert organization.

The terms for voluntary insurance are established by the insurance rules and, as a rule, do not exceed two weeks. When thinking about which insurance companies pay out in cash, there is no doubt that the ones we are considering in this article can and should do so. But we’ll talk further about what to do if the insurance company doesn’t pay the money on time.

The insurance company does not pay: procedure

If you receive a denial of insurance payment, you need to calmly, putting aside your emotions, examine it for legality. If, from your point of view, the refusal is not legal, then first you should contact the insurance company for negotiations.

To reinforce your intention, you must indicate the insurance policy number, the circumstances of the event and the reasons for your disagreement with the refusal. The claim must be prepared in two copies: one copy is transferred to the insurance company, the second remains with you.

Important obtain confirmation of document acceptance from the insurer, this can be done by asking for an incoming number and stamp to be placed on your copy. In case of refusal to accept the claim, you can send the document by valuable letter with notification.

Obtaining confirmation of an attempt at pre-trial settlement is an important point if in the future you intend to go to court to protect your interests (see)

After all, for compulsory motor liability insurance, for example, the Law establishes no alternative, and if you cannot prove to the court that you filed a claim with the insurer, the judge will leave your case without consideration.

What to do if the insurance company repeatedly refuses to pay? There is another option for pre-trial settlement - a complaint against the insurer’s decision to the insurance supervisory authorities.

In the case of compulsory motor liability insurance, it is necessary to file a complaint with the Russian Union of Auto Insurers and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, in the case of CASCO - only with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, since RSA deals only with motor vehicle issues.

The supervisory authority will request the necessary documents and explanations from the insurance company. If violations of current legislation or insurance rules are detected, the regulator will oblige the insurer to reconsider its decision to refuse.

If you still cannot resolve the dispute peacefully, and you are confident that you are right, you should definitely go to court to protect your interests.

The first step will be the preparation of the necessary documents, the list of which is as follows:

  • statement of claim;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • a copy of the insurance contract and receipt confirming its payment;
  • copies of documents submitted to the insurance company during the initial application;
  • a copy of the letter of refusal to pay;
  • a copy of the pre-trial claim and its response;
  • a copy of documents confirming ownership of the damaged car and a civil passport;
  • a copy of the representative's power of attorney.

It is worthwhile to dwell in detail on the contents of the statement of claim. It must indicate:

  • name of the judicial authority;
  • name of the plaintiff (full name, residential address, contact telephone number);
  • name of the defendant (name of the insurance company, location address);
  • circumstances of the case;
  • claims (amount of damage, penalty, legal costs, etc.).

For information on how to file a claim in court against an insurance company under CASCO, read the article.

The above set of documents is prepared in two copies, one of which is sent to the defendant. Where should I go with this?

So, now with a prepared claim you need to go to court at the location of the defendant - the insurance company. Within 5 days, the court will review the submitted documents and, if the package was prepared correctly, will issue a ruling to accept the statement of claim for proceedings. After this, all that remains is to wait for the trial date to be set.

If you have received a refusal to pay insurance compensation from Rosgosstrakh

Rosgosstrakh is one of the largest insurance companies in Russia; a huge number of concluded contracts and the presence of sales offices in all regions of the country encourage the insurer to refuse payment for sometimes far-fetched reasons.

Being a virtual monopolist of the insurance market in many remote corners of the country, the company is not afraid of losing a client.

When preparing documents about an accident for Rosgosstrakh, be extremely careful, because The insurer often refuses on this basis, for example:

  • incompletely completed European protocol, if the registration of an accident occurs without the participation of police officers. Fill out all available fields, do not forget to indicate that 2 cars were involved in the accident, and no property or health was damaged. Be sure to draw a diagram of the incident and describe all visible damage to the cars, then, together with the second participant, sign your signatures on the front side of the document. Next, each participant in the accident must fill out the back side of the notice, describing the circumstances of the incident there; the culprit admits his guilt in writing.
  • errors in traffic police documents. Check the certificate issued to you immediately at the scene of the accident. Rosgosstrakh will find fault with the document if it finds errors in the full name. drivers, the name of the car or its state and identification (VIN) number. In addition, the certificate must indicate the degree of guilt of both participants and the traffic rule violated by the culprit.
  • incomplete set of documents. The list of mandatory documents is fixed in clause 3.10 of the OSAGO Rules. If only the car is damaged, this list includes:
    • identification card of the payment recipient;
    • power of attorney to receive funds (if the compensation is not received by the owner of the car);
    • bank details for transferring insurance payments;
    • certificate of accident (form No. 154);
    • notification of an accident;
    • copies of the protocol, resolution, determination, if any of these documents were compiled by traffic police officers.

      This can be clarified in the accident certificate - if there is a checkmark next to the name of the document, it means that the document was drawn up and is required to be submitted to the insurance company.

Do not begin repairing your car until it is inspected by a representative of Rosgosstrakh or an independent expert on behalf of the insurer. Also, before the inspection, you should not change the picture of the consequences of the incident (remove the bumper, adjust the fender so that it does not rub against the wheel). These two actions will result in a denial of insurance benefits.

Another typical reason for refusal of payment from Rosgosstrakh- non-contact road accident. An example of such an accident is as follows: while avoiding a collision with another vehicle, the driver makes a maneuver and crashes, for example, into a tree.

In this case, two cars will be involved in the accident, but only the victim’s car will be damaged. Under such circumstances, Rosgosstrakh, unfortunately, will almost completely refuse insurance payment.

If you have received a refusal to pay insurance compensation from Rosgosstrakh, do not worry and first of all carefully read the reason for the refusal and if it does not comply with the law, feel free to defend your rights, and the above instructions will help you with this.


Experience shows that refusal of insurance payment is not always justified. Having refused payment, the insurer is often confident that a legally unsavvy consumer will not argue.

At the same time, it is simply necessary to defend your rights! Having realized that the policyholder is serious, many insurance companies will prefer not to bring the matter to court, but to fulfill their obligations voluntarily.

The list of grounds for refusal to pay is established in the Rules for compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners, approved. Government Decree of May 7, 2003 No. 263.

8. In accordance with these Rules, damage caused as a result of:
a) force majeure or intent of the victim;
b) exposure to a nuclear explosion, radiation or radioactive contamination;
c) military operations, as well as maneuvers or other military events;
d) civil war, civil unrest or strikes.
8.1. Damage caused to property belonging to the person responsible for the damage caused is not compensated.
9. The onset of civil liability of vehicle owners due to:
a) causing harm when using a vehicle other than the one specified in the compulsory insurance contract;
b) causing moral damage or the emergence of an obligation to compensate for lost profits;
c) causing harm when using vehicles during competitions, tests or training driving in specially designated areas;
d) pollution of the natural environment;
e) harm caused by the impact of the transported cargo, if the risk of such liability is subject to compulsory insurance in accordance with the law on the relevant type of compulsory insurance;
f) causing harm to the life or health of employees during the performance of their labor duties, if this harm is subject to compensation in accordance with the law on the relevant type of compulsory insurance or compulsory social insurance;
g) the occurrence of an obligation to compensate the employer for losses caused by harm to the employee;
h) the driver causes damage to the vehicle he is driving and its trailer, the cargo transported in them, the equipment installed on them and other property;
i) causing harm when loading cargo onto a vehicle or unloading it;
j) has become invalid.
k) damage or destruction of antique and other unique objects, buildings and structures of historical and cultural significance, products made of precious metals and precious and semi-precious stones, cash, securities, objects of religious worship, as well as works of science, literature and art, other objects of intellectual property;
l) the occurrence of the obligation of the vehicle owner to compensate for damage to the extent that exceeds the amount of liability provided for by the Federal “Law” “On Compulsory Insurance of Civil Liability of Vehicle Owners” and “Chapter 59” of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (if a higher amount of liability is established by the federal law or contract);
m) causing harm to the life, health and property of passengers during their transportation, if this harm is subject to compensation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on compulsory insurance of civil liability of the carrier for causing harm to the life, health and property of passengers.

You can file a lawsuit, but... they were in a hurry to repair the car.