Who pays for battery repairs? Who pays for battery repairs How legal are these fees?

Every resident of an apartment building will sooner or later have to go through a situation either with repairs or with the replacement of old riser pipes with new ones. All materials have a finite lifespan, so the issue of updating communications will someday become inevitable. Before replacing heating risers in an apartment, you need to find out who is responsible for their condition and pays for the work: the residents or the management organization.

Whose house is there a boner in?

All issues in the housing sector, including housing and communal services, are regulated by several resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation (PP) and the Housing Code (LC). First, in PP No. 354, and then in the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, it was determined that all engineering systems of the house, which include risers, are part of the common property of an apartment building (MKD). In PP No. 491, in the second paragraph, it is additionally stated that the equipment of these systems is considered common when it serves more than one room in the house.

There are several regulatory characteristics of the common property of apartment buildings:

  • belongs to all apartment owners on the right of common ownership;
  • is located in an apartment building inside or outside the premises or outside this apartment building;
  • intended to serve more than one room in an apartment building.

The riser runs through several apartments in the entrance; therefore, it cannot be considered the personal property of any one owner. Additional confirmation: in the event of an accident, it is impossible to stop the supply of heat to only a single apartment - the entire riser is completely turned off. So, we found out: risers are part of the common property.

Who is responsible for the repair and replacement of common property?

Now let’s figure out who is responsible for the risers in an apartment building. Let's turn again to the Housing Code. It says that The management company (MC) is responsible for ensuring high-quality maintenance of common property. This leads to the conclusion: according to the law, replacing risers in an apartment building, as well as repairing them, is the direct responsibility of the management company. And who should change the batteries in a privatized apartment, read.

At the same time, the management company must perform its functions in such a way that the condition of the common property at any time ensures the uninterrupted provision of high-quality utility services. An old, rusty riser pipe is an indicator of a clearly low level of work on the maintenance of common property. Find out what the responsibilities of the management company are in the article.

Who pays for the work

Any work must be paid for; Nobody argues with this. The question is who bears the costs: residents who live in an apartment with a problem riser, the management company, or all owners of the premises of this building must pay jointly. This difficult topic causes constant controversy and has different interpretations.

Responsibility for common property

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 491 of August 13, 2006 determines what property in an apartment building is common, who owns it and pays for maintenance and repairs, and who is responsible for maintaining the proper condition of common property. In particular, it defines, in addition to repairing the heating system, who is responsible for the condition of attics, basements, elevators, etc.

To clearly understand at whose expense the risers in the apartment are replaced, you need to know what work is included in the “maintenance and repair” article (each of us pays for these services monthly using a separate receipt). PP No. 491, section “Rules for maintaining common property in apartment buildings,” will help us with this. It states that each owner pays, among other things, for the maintenance and repair of in-house utilities.

An expanded interpretation is given in section PP No. 290 on the minimum list of services for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building. Clause 18 states that in order to restore the functionality of, for example, a heating system, it is necessary to repair or replace equipment and heating devices that are part of the common property. In addition, if depressurization (breakthrough) occurs in any section of the pipeline, then immediate restoration of the integrity of this pipe is mandatory.

Having made sure that the risers are part of the common property that falls under the responsibility of the management company under the heading of expenses for the maintenance and repair of residential premises, it remains to put an end to the question of who pays for the replacement of the risers in the apartment, and on what grounds.

Since all owners of apartments in apartment buildings participate in the costs of maintaining common property by paying a fee according to the above article (Article 158 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation), this means that all work on the riser is paid for jointly - by all owners of premises in the house. Owners of privatized apartments bear the burden of personal expenses only for intra-apartment pipe distribution.

Since all homeowners pay for the common property, we once again focus on who should change the risers in a privatized apartment, and who pays for the replacement of the risers: the management company does the change, all the residents pay, transferring money to it monthly.

How to protect your rights

As planned, replacement of heating risers in an apartment is carried out in the spring and summer, but emergency situations can arise at any time of the year. Therefore, without delay, call the emergency team, and then take the application to the housing department to replace the riser. By the way, in it you can recall that in order to carry out emergency work (which are not uncommon in public utilities), the management company must provide a special reserve of funds for the cost of maintaining and repairing common property in the apartment building.

Your application must be completed as required by Law No. 59-FZ, a registered copy must be given to you, and then you must be notified in writing of the expected date of completion of the work to replace the riser. If the answer is negative, you can go to court and recover money from the management company for the damage caused if, due to rotten pipes, your apartment or your neighbors’ apartment suddenly floods.

If events develop favorably, you will either be reimbursed for the cost of the damaged property or offered to repair the damage. If the management company denies its guilt, you can contact an expert organization that will assess the damage object.

The same “Rules” (clause 42) stipulate the responsibility of the management organization to the owners of the premises in the event that it violates its contractual obligations and its employees perform unsatisfactory work on maintaining the common property. Under current legislation, it is easy to hold them accountable.

In pre-trial order, you can contact the supervisory authorities; State Housing Inspectorate, Prosecutor's Office, Rospotrebnadzor. Send your written request there; better - collective, with the signatures of your neighbors.

In order to effectively defend your interests in the event of their violation by the management company, you need to know about your rights and be active. And in difficult situations, competent lawyers will always come to your aid.

Still have questions about who pays for the replacement of risers? Ask them in the comments to the article

This type of work is paid monthly by all residents of the house, both owners and tenants, according to the article “building maintenance and repairs.” When removing a radiator without subsequent restoration, this action must be agreed upon with the local management company, because, as stated, batteries are included in common household property and interference with a closed thermal system may affect the temperature conditions of individual apartments. Replacing heating batteries with your own hands The ideal scheme for replacing heating batteries in an apartment through the housing office: an accident, calling a technician, quick and free installation - in reality, it rarely works. More often, there are situations when residents are forced at their own expense to remove and replace the old leaking radiator with a new one, which is purchased by the apartment owners themselves.

Replacing heating batteries in an apartment: do it yourself or through the housing office

Homeowners can decide at a collective meeting that apartment heating appliances in their home will be changed only for an additional fee. This provision must be reflected in the management agreement.

Management Agreement Does the tenant have an obligation to pay for replacement radiators? The above “Rules for the maintenance of common property” apply not only to owners, but also to citizens living in non-privatized housing and who do not have a legal basis for its ownership and disposal. Plumbing services The specified document contains a list of common property: it also includes a common heating network, consisting of risers, radiators, shut-off valves and other equipment.

In addition, it also contains an indication that the necessary actions with common property are paid for by the management company from payments collected under the line of current repairs.

At whose expense should the heating radiators in the apartment be replaced?

In this list:

  • risers;
  • shut-off and control valves;
  • collective metering devices, heating elements.

According to this decree, radiator designs can officially be considered common property, common property. But management companies and housing office companies servicing the house prefer to hide this information.

And as a result, residents and apartment owners, when the battery leaks, try to repair it themselves. Replace with a similar or more advanced, improved design.

Management companies save on repair work by shifting their responsibilities to consumers. Changing a radiator in a municipal house In a non-privatized apartment, the owner of the premises must replace the batteries due to leakage, poor heat transfer or wear.

Residents should know who owns the house and who maintains it.

Who should pay for battery repair?

How to change the heating in this case? ATTENTION! If you need to change the heating elements in your apartment yourself or equip it with improved batteries, you can do this only with the consent of all owners of the apartment building. Now apartment owners are carrying out large-scale work to improve their homes, changing the layout, location of the plumbing and heating systems in the room.
Installation of new radiators without the consent of the remaining residents of a multi-story building is considered arbitrariness. The violator may even be held accountable, especially if the heating operation is disrupted or its quality has decreased.

In the event of a pipe or battery leak, the management company must replace it. Also, at the expense of the management company, the heating system is modernized if its service life has expired.
How to get permission? Older models of heating devices may not meet quality requirements.

Who should change the heating batteries in an apartment, including a privatized one?

  • 1 Battery in an apartment: whose property?
  • 2 At whose expense are the batteries in the apartment replaced?
  • 3 What difficulties may arise when replacing the battery in an apartment?

The question of who should change the heating batteries in an apartment becomes especially acute with the onset of cold weather. After all, if the battery leaks or there is not enough heat in the house, replacement cannot be avoided.
In this article we will figure out who owns the batteries in the apartment and at whose expense they are replaced. Battery in an apartment: whose property? Government Decree No. 491 of August 13, 2006 determined the composition of property that is considered common.

Who should replace a leaking battery in an apartment and at whose expense?

What difficulties may arise when replacing the battery in an apartment? What should the owner or tenant do under a social tenancy agreement if the batteries in the apartment are in working condition, but are obsolete? In this case, you can replace them only at your own expense, since the management company is not obliged to do this. This is where difficulties arise. Since the battery in your apartment is a common property, the tenant’s ability to replace it himself is limited by law.
In accordance with Art. 44 and art. 46 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the battery, being part of the common property, can be replaced only with the consent of all owners at the meeting. If you ignore this fact, replacing the battery in the apartment will be regarded as unauthorized disposal of common property, which entails certain liability for the violator.

Who should change the batteries: responsibility of the parties, heating repair

For example, if the batteries purchased by the owner do not correspond to common house heating devices, then the HOA may prohibit their installation. The apartment resident must carry out such work through the housing office and coordinate with his service organization the replacement of batteries.

If it establishes similar ones to those that were provided for during the design and construction of the house, it is enough just to notify the management company without waiting for a special permit. Coordination of work with the HOA When replacing radiators with heating devices of a different type (different from those envisaged by the architects), increasing its area or choosing a new installation location, an experienced specialist is required who will help calculate the possibility of installing heating devices, since the load on all thermal home network.

Removal and replacement of emergency radiator. at whose expense?

She will confirm that the installation of radiators will not negatively affect the overall heat balance. After receiving recommendations, you can begin work.


Expertise is required for the following actions:

  • moving the battery to another location;
  • installing a new type of radiator;
  • Battery configuration changes.

Examination of failed radiators The management company refuses to change the batteries. What should I do? Despite existing legislation and obstacles to replacing batteries yourself without contacting the housing office, dismantling old radiators and installing new radiators on your own is much easier than waiting for these actions from the management organization.

When refusing to replace heating appliances, housing office representatives rely on the concept of “balance sheet delineation” of property belonging to the owners and the entire house.

At whose expense should the batteries and plumbing in the apartment be changed?

Can I change the batteries myself? The housing law, which classifies heating radiators as common property of the condominium, narrows the possibilities for dismantling and installing new radiators by apartment residents. Having decided to dismantle such an old device and install a new one without the help of the housing office, the tenant risks encountering many obstacles. The same document indicates that the removal or installation of an apartment heating device can only be carried out by a decision adopted by a majority vote of all home owners. If there is no agreement, independent activity to change the configuration of heating appliances in your apartment will be considered as sole management and disposal of the condominium property. And for any failures in the heating system, it will not be the housing office that will be held responsible, but the resident of the apartment personally.

Who pays for battery repairs?

Often, apartment owners think about choosing craftsmen to carry out installation work. You can call specialists from a private company who will carry out the work quickly, using professional equipment.


But it is better to use the help of specialists from the housing office or the management company; they know better the specifics of laying utilities in the house, the location of the taps, and know how to change the heating without problems for other residents. In the event of a leak in the heating system, the owner of the apartment will not have any claims.

It is also beneficial to contact “local” plumbers if the heat meter is broken; they will carry out the work professionally. The management company refuses to change radiators - what should residents do? The management company servicing the apartment building deals with the repair of the municipal heating system and replacement of its elements within the building.

According to which, homeowners in an apartment building (more than three) will be charged a fee for major home repairs.

Overhaul includes repair of foundations, facades, roofs, elevators and basements, as well as replacement of electrical wiring and in-house engineering systems.

The contribution, as well as the receipt for payment of utility bills, comes to the mailbox. Its size depends on in which subject of the Russian Federation the residential premises are located, as well as its type and area.

This was necessary because throughout Russia the number of houses in disrepair or dilapidated condition has sharply increased, and government programs are not able to fully pay for their restoration.

Funds collected from owners are sent to a special fund for major repairs and will be added to existing programs.

Do I have to pay these bills?

According to Federal Law Each owner is obliged to participate in raising funds for major repairs, since they are included in standard payment documents for housing and communal services (Article 169.1 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

If he does not pay the receipts on time, or does not do so at all - Penalties will begin to accrue if payment is not made by the 20th of the current month (for the past month).

If the owner constantly ignores receipts, the debt (including penalties) can be recovered through court. Also, along with the debt, he will be forced to pay legal costs.

No one can evict a defaulter from an apartment, but various restrictions will apply, including a ban on leaving the country.

Carrying out major renovations to your home does not relieve you of your responsibility to raise funds. They will “accumulate” until next time.

From what age and at what age is the fee charged?

You can become the owner of an apartment from birth, but you can fully manage the property and make payments and transactions after reaching adulthood. Who pays for major repairs of an apartment building and from what age?

Since taking care of the home, maintaining it and the common premises in an apartment building is the responsibility of the owners (Article 30, clause 1 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation), a citizen who is the owner must pay for major repairs from the age of eighteen.

In December 2015, bill N 399-FZ was adopted, according to which regions will be able to independently decide whether pensioners will pay the contribution. That's why people over 80 years of age can count on 100% compensation for expenses.

It is valid for pensioners living alone and for families consisting of non-working people of retirement age (Article 169, Part 2.1)

Compensation in the amount of 50% of the amount of expenses will be provided to people over 70 years of age, disabled people of the first and second groups, Chernobyl victims, disabled children, persons supporting disabled children (Federal Law of June 29, 2015 No. 176-FZ).

In addition, it is worth paying attention to the age of a particular house; the older it is, the more it needs restoration. Therefore, the amount on the receipt will be higher.

The law provides for a reduced rate for new houses. Federal Law No. 176-FZ allows that residents of new buildings put into operation after the program was approved may not pay these receipts.

Exactly for what period is determined by the regions themselves, but it should not be more than 5 years.

Who should pay for major repairs: the owner or the tenant?

The grounds on which the tenant can live in residential premises:

  1. Municipal or service housing. If the tenant lives in municipal housing, then he is obliged to maintain it in proper condition, pay utility and other payments on time, as well as current expenses for the maintenance of common property. These responsibilities are defined in the social tenancy agreement. But major repairs are carried out at the expense of the owner of the housing stock.
  2. Privatization. If the apartment was privatized by the tenant, then he is also obliged to maintain the living space in proper condition, but no one has the right to force him to take part in collecting funds for major repairs.
  3. Renting a living space. Who should pay for major repairs in this case? Without the consent of the owner, the tenant cannot carry out redevelopment or reconstruction, therefore, he should not be charged any fees. This is the owner's responsibility.

Who pays for major repairs in an apartment building - the owner or the tenant?

Based on this, Payment for major home repairs cannot be demanded from the tenant. Many owners who rent out apartments believe that this amount is included in utility bills, but this is a misconception.

How legal are these contributions?

Since these payments are established by law (Part 1 of Article 158 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation) - they are mandatory for all citizens of the Russian Federation. And, as mentioned, certain sanctions may be imposed for non-payment.

But since not all payers will wait for repairs (death, sale or other reasons), in October 2015, a group of deputies filed a lawsuit with the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. In it, they expressed their demand to correct the fact that residents must pay for the maintenance of other people's property.

In April 2016 fundraising for the “common treasury” was recognized as absolutely legal. It was also decided to review the order of work in residential premises, according to the objective condition of the houses.

In addition, this order can be challenged in court.

To summarize, we can say that contributions for major home repairs are completely legal and obligatory for payment.

Who pays for major repairs in an apartment building? If you rent housing, you are a tenant, you must understand that paying these receipts is not your concern. This is the responsibility of the owners alone.

According to this regulatory act, the common property of an in-house heating system includes:

  • risers;
  • heating elements;
  • control and shut-off valves;
  • collective heat metering devices;
  • other equipment located on these networks.

However, when the need arises to change the batteries in an apartment (especially in a privatized one), both the owner and the management company interpret the legislation in their own interests. Due to regular judicial appeals, the need arose to clarify the normative act. To clarify the controversial situations, the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation sent letter No. 6037-RM/07 dated April 4, 2007, in which batteries in apartments are recognized as included in the common property of the building.

Replacing heating batteries in an apartment: do it yourself or through the housing office

Moscow from 40,000 rub. Division of jointly acquired property Moscow from 15,000 rubles. Similar questions

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See also

  • Redemption 1.

At whose expense should the heating radiators in the apartment be replaced?

Meeting of house residents In reality, it is difficult to imagine that a general meeting of residents will be held to agree on the replacement of each battery in the house. The responsibilities of the chairman of the HOA include monitoring the general heating system for the building. In addition, the thermal balance of the building is often disrupted through independent installation of new batteries, as a result of which the temperature regime in some apartments may be disrupted.


The chairman of the HOA whose temperature balance of the house has been changed must identify apartments with illegal installation and replacement of radiators in order to organize normal heating of the entire house. In the rules for the use of housing stock, control over unauthorized changes to heating equipment in apartments is assigned to the service organization. The homeowners' association can contact the housing office and dismantle the extra radiators illegally installed at the expense of the residents.

Who should pay for battery repair?

She must monitor the condition of the risers of the apartment building, heating pipes, and carry out repair work if necessary. Battery replacement is free of charge. If there are shut-off valves in front of the apartment, the owner of the property usually pays for the replacement of radiators. If the management company repairs the risers unconditionally, then the management company often refuses to change the equipment in the apartment for free.

ATTENTION! In this case, you should write an application for a replacement officially and register it. It is recommended that you consult with a lawyer experienced in utility law on this issue. If the management company ignores consumers and does not deal with its direct business, a written appeal will become the basis for going to court.

Who should change the heating batteries in an apartment, including a privatized one?

As a result, the homeowner independently buys and replaces the battery, providing heat in the house. ATTENTION! If the apartment owner independently repairs the heating system, he may demand compensation in the amount of the cost of the radiator. Unfortunately, even through the court it is difficult to achieve this compensation; the management company finds arguments in its defense.
Therefore, it is better to first consult with an experienced lawyer about when you can present an invoice to the Criminal Code before starting a controversial case. Main features of the process During operation, the batteries wear out and require replacement for better operation of the heating system. But radiators, as common property, are to be replaced in the apartment at whose expense. The management company may not consider such work necessary, and by law, the ability to independently repair common property is limited.

Who should replace a leaking battery in an apartment and at whose expense?

Simply put, if your battery is leaking, the management company will replace it. You need to call a specialist, and he is obliged to replace the device free of charge. It would seem nothing complicated. But in practice, things often happen differently.
The management company's employees may say that they do not have a replacement battery. They may offer to repair the old device or install plugs and ask you to wait. This wait usually drags on. Therefore, the owner cannot stand it and purchases a battery at his own expense, because no one wants to freeze in the cold season.


If you nevertheless changed the battery in the apartment at your own expense, you have the right to demand compensation from the management company through the court. However, practice shows that such disputes are rarely resolved in favor of the owner. If you find yourself in this situation, it is advisable to contact a lawyer for professional help.

Who should change the batteries: responsibility of the parties, heating repair


They classify actions to replace or complicate radiators as a procedure for refurbishing the premises, which requires coordination with the relevant authorities. But this point of view is erroneous, since the technical passport does not require indicating heating devices; it does not contain information about the location and availability of their quantity. Only a heat source is prescribed, for example, a thermal power plant. Consequently, homeowners cannot be forced to restore the premises to their original condition, as is the case with reconstruction.

But you need to notify the Criminal Code of your actions. Remember! Independent replacement of radiators in an apartment at your own expense requires mandatory notification to the service company. Notifying the service company when replacing radiators The simplest situation is considered to be when old radiators are replaced with new ones of the same type. But the rest of the work must go through examination.

Removal and replacement of emergency radiator. at whose expense?

But it is often very difficult to force the homeowner to remove an additional and illegally installed battery or return the heating structure to its previous form. A way out of the situation may be to file a lawsuit to compel action to dismantle the radiator. Lawsuit in court Are new heating devices included in the registration certificate of the premises? To install an additional heating element or modify an existing radiator, you must coordinate your actions with the HOA. It often considers such a process as re-equipment, which should be noted in the technical passport of the premises. The work of the HOA Many HOA chairmen believe that a new heating device or its modification is a reason to enter data about this into the registration certificate.

At whose expense should the batteries and plumbing in the apartment be changed?

According to it, the tenant himself repairs and maintains heating appliances in his personal apartment. But no one can, at will, change the composition of the property belonging to the common house. Replacing batteries Remember! The existing contradictory points in the law do not invalidate the main provision that classifies radiators in apartments as common property of the house.

And if the emergency radiators in your home require replacement and do not have shut-off devices, you need to contact the Housing Office and the management company with a request. If you refuse the above actions, you can write an official letter to the organization servicing the house, where you outline the situation and demand replacement of the batteries. And then, having studied housing legislation, file an application with the court to force the battery to be replaced.

Who pays for battery repairs?

It does not have a specific definition, but it is related to the ratio of heat supplied to the house and its losses, that is, ideally, the second factor should not exceed the first. With an appropriate balance, when gains and losses are equal, the required temperature is established in the building, necessary for the comfortable living of residents. Imbalance of the heating system can occur for various reasons, including due to open heating main lines as a result of long-term repairs of city heating networks and the installation of illegal heating radiators in apartments. Who should replace the battery in an apartment? Having registered housing as his own, a citizen sometimes has no idea that not everything in his apartment belongs to him personally. The provisions of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation explain what applies to common property.

Sobesednik.ru learned from a lawyer who and how should compensate for damage caused to real estate by natural disasters.

Not only Moscow suffered from the hurricane that swept through Central Russia at the end of May. According to estimates by the Ministry of Emergency Situations, more than 180 residential and administrative buildings alone were damaged - the roofs of multi-storey and private residential buildings, maternity hospitals, and so on were damaged. And if the maternity hospital and administrative buildings are repaired quickly and at state expense, then who and how should compensate for the damage caused to apartment and private buildings? Sobesednik.ru asked Alexander Perepelkin, a lawyer specializing in real estate issues, about this.

So where should citizens go if the roof is damaged and the repairmen are in no hurry to go?

To answer this question, you need to understand exactly what kind of houses we are talking about. If we are talking about private houses, then the owner is responsible for the risk of accidental loss of property. That is, if the local authorities decided to fix something here, then this is their good initiative. According to the law, they are not obliged to do anything in this case: there is no law that would oblige them to pay you compensation.

Therefore, in places where there is a high risk of fire, flood, seismological shocks and similar disasters, it is better to insure private houses.

Is the situation different in apartment buildings?

The same - with the only difference that apartment buildings are different. And if most of the apartments in the building are municipal housing, then the owner (the municipality) will certainly undertake to repair them. But - precisely because the owner.

Actually, in apartment buildings, as you know, the highest body is the general meeting of the owners of the residential building (and their votes are distributed depending on the occupied area). Therefore, if, for example, a city in Moscow has more than 50% of the votes in its house, then in this situation, again, it is the good will of the city - to hold or not to hold a general meeting. If the city has a smaller percentage of ownership in the house, then the decision of the residents plays a big role.

What should this decision be about? To repair or not? It’s already clear - fix it...

Here the decision is on a different topic: from what means to pay for the repairs - to collect additional money for this or from general funds. You must understand: your apartment building will be repaired in any case, the question is at whose expense. Meanwhile, all the money that is collected from residents is strictly targeted: for sewerage, for hot and cold water, for maintenance... Accordingly, within the framework of maintenance, a certain plan for the so-called routine repairs is provided. Most likely, these funds can be used to make repairs after damage to the house as a result of a hurricane (or flood).

But another situation is also possible - in this fund, where funds for current repairs are accumulated, there may simply not be any money. And not because the management company squandered them (then the issue is resolved differently), but simply certain expensive housework was planned, and they “ate” the entire fund...

And what is the way out? Chip in?

Responsibility for the risk of accidental loss of property, I repeat, lies with the owner. If you are a tenant and have entered into a social tenancy agreement, you can demand repairs from the landlord (municipal authorities). If you are the owner, you cannot demand. At a general meeting, you can decide: to use the money that you pay for repairs and maintenance of your home for repairs, or to collect an additional certain amount.

Will that voluntary insurance, which is usually included in receipts for payment of housing and communal services in Moscow, help solve the problem?

Don't think. In any case, you need to see if among the insured events that are specified in this insurance, there is such a thing as “damage to property from a hurricane” or “as a result of other force majeure circumstances.” I don't think she has that. And, as far as I know, the insurance premium itself is small - based on the neighbors’ bay, no more. Therefore, it is necessary to insure property against natural disasters.

As you assure, each situation must be analyzed individually. But there must be a general algorithm. What can we advise readers whose homes have been damaged (not necessarily from a hurricane flying over the capital, but also from floods, forest fires and similar disasters)? Should the first step be to hold a general meeting of residents?

This is too long a procedure. It's better to start with something else. Each house (depending on which method is chosen) is managed either by a management company or an HOA, or the house is under the residents’ own management (this also happens if, for example, there are few residents in the house). The first thing you need to do is contact the structure that manages the house and find out whether it has the ability to repair it, in what time frame, and so on.

If the management company evades answers and repairs, you can complain about it to the housing inspectorate. But, I repeat, this is if there are sources from which something can be repaired (and in such cases, as a rule, no problem with repair arises). But if there are no sources... The situation becomes much more difficult for residents.

And is it really bad if the house is private? Is it either insurance or the kindness of the governor?

Naturally. There was an attempt to introduce compulsory insurance for residential property owners in case of natural disasters - the idea arose after severe floods several years ago. The bill was discussed a lot, but it remained a draft.

Insurance after those floods was called a panacea. In principle, it’s also possible to recommend that owners of apartment buildings insure their houses against natural disasters? But will this help? As far as I know, insurance companies don't like this kind of liability...

That's it. The question is not whether the owners will decide on insurance or not, but rather the virtual absence of insurance products in case of natural disasters. Insurance companies, on the contrary, always emphasize that force majeure and natural disasters are not an insured event.

But even if the owners find an insurance company willing to sell them such a product, an important point is how well the insurance company is doing financially. I advise you to be sure to inquire about this circumstance before signing the contract.