Power of attorney for obtaining medical insurance. Sample power of attorney for obtaining a medical policy Sogaz medical power of attorney for obtaining a policy

In accordance with Federal Law No. 326-FZ of November 29, 2010, which explains the principles of compulsory health insurance for citizens in the Russian Federation, when choosing (or in case of replacement) an insurance medical organization, insured persons contact the selected organization personally or through their representative . When applying through a representative, you must provide a power of attorney confirming the authority of the attorney. The document must be drawn up in accordance with the provisions of part one of Article 185 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation dated November 30, 1994 No. 51-FZ.

A power of attorney to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy can be notarized or drawn up in simple written form, or certified in one of the following structures:

  • the organization in which the principal is studying (carrying out work activities);
  • housing management company (housing and construction cooperative, HOA) at the place of residence of the principal;
  • by the administration of the medical institution when the client is in hospital.

Thus, a power of attorney is drawn up in simple written form and does not require notarization, but if necessary, this form can be issued by a notary.

How to draw up a power of attorney

There is no single approved form of the document, but there are certain requirements for the content of the document. The power of attorney for obtaining a medical policy must include the following information:

  1. Document name.
  2. Place and date of compilation.
  3. Complete information on the principal and attorney (full name, passport details, registration information).
  4. List of functions entrusted to the attorney on the basis of a power of attorney.
  5. Validity period.

Please note that the power of attorney form for obtaining a policy from insurers such as RESO, SOGAZ, Max M is issued directly at the offices of insurance companies. On our website you can download a general sample power of attorney for obtaining a health insurance policy.

The document must be endorsed by the parties with personal signatures of both the attorney and the principal.

What documents are needed to obtain

In addition to the power of attorney, the representative of the insured person must provide identification, as well as originals or certified copies of the documents necessary to obtain the policy. For an insured person who is a citizen of the Russian Federation, these will be:

  • passport (copy);
  • SNILS.

For a child:

  • passport (copy) of the legal representative of the minor;
  • child metric;
  • SNILS.

Citizens of the Russian Federation will initially be issued a document confirming the issuance of a compulsory medical insurance policy, the validity of which is 30 days, after which an indefinite policy will be issued. A replacement policy will only be required if it is damaged, lost, or due to a change in personal data, for example. For foreign citizens, compulsory medical insurance is provided only for the period of stay in the Russian Federation. When extending the period of stay or changing documents, the compulsory medical insurance policy is replaced accordingly.

When receiving insurance policies for company employees

To save time, policies for employees of one institution can be issued to any person authorized to receive it by the management of the organization. The head of the organization issues a power of attorney to the representative of the insured persons, which must contain the following details:

  1. serial number;
  2. date and place of compilation;
  3. full name of the organization;
  4. OGRN, INN, legal address;
  5. Full name, residence address and passport details of the attorney;
  6. name of the insurance company;
  7. list of functions entrusted to the attorney;
  8. validity period of the document;
  9. signature with transcript of the attorney;
  10. the document is certified by the signature of the head and affixed with the seal of the organization.

Important! If there is no validity period for the power of attorney to obtain insurance policies for the organization's employees, in accordance with Article 186 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the document is valid for a year from the date of issue.


The law provides for obtaining an insurance policy by proxy in cases where insured citizens cannot contact the insurer in person. Also, in accordance with regulations, the choice of the form of power of attorney is at the discretion of citizens. If the principal is an organization, the power of attorney is issued to the guarantor by the head of the institution.

Citizens insured individually in the compulsory medical insurance system have the right to send a representative on their behalf with a power of attorney drawn up in simple written form. Inpatients who are unable to contact their medical insurance company on their own can obtain a power of attorney for an attorney from the chief physician of the medical institution. If the insured person is away and needs to urgently obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy, the best option would be to register powers for a proxy with a notary. The form, along with certified copies of supporting documents, will need to be sent to the authorized person by first class mail with an inventory of the contents and a return receipt noted.

If you have any questions about the power of attorney to receive compulsory medical insurance, you can ask them in the comments to the article.

With a power of attorney, one person authorizes another to perform certain actions on his own behalf (Article 185 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

The issuance of such a document is relevant when someone, for one reason or another, does not have the opportunity to do something on their own. The point of issuing a power of attorney to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy is the same.

Why do you need a compulsory medical insurance policy?

Current legislation establishes that citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to use a fairly large list of medical services free of charge. To do this, you need to have a compulsory health insurance policy in hand.

For working citizens, the employer contributes funds to a special fund for payment of these services.

Entrepreneurs do this on their own. They do not take money from the unemployed and disabled. But these categories of citizens can also receive free medical care. help.

Attention: a compulsory medical insurance policy is a document that indicates that a citizen is insured in the manner prescribed by law.

A person who has a piece of paper can freely:

  • use ambulance services;
  • visit clinics;
  • is in the hospital and so on.

Sometimes, in order to have the right to free treatment, you have to issue a power of attorney to receive a MAX-M compulsory medical insurance policy or another insurer operating in a certain territory.

When is a power of attorney needed?

As noted, this document gives one person the authority to obtain the policy of another person.

Examples of situations where such actions are relevant:

  1. The state of health of the principal is such that he himself is not able to draw up the necessary papers.
  2. A person who needs a policy does not have time to visit the insurer's office.

A power of attorney to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy can be issued to a representative of the employer, who will draw up documents in the name of all new employees who do not have an agreement with the insurer.

Who can you trust?

The Civil Code does not limit the circle of persons who can be principals. Or barely truncates it. Cannot represent the interests of other persons:

  • incompetent;
  • limited in capacity;
  • minors.

All others may well receive a compulsory medical insurance policy not for themselves.

There are no rules that the attorney must be a relative or someone close to you. The risk of making a mistake in choosing a trustee, in this case, is minimal. After all, we are not talking, for example, about real estate transactions and receiving funds. Therefore, you can safely trust some stranger.

Document form

According to Art. 185.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, some powers of attorney must be made in notarial form. For example:

  • for transactions requiring contact with a notary;
  • to dispose of rights registered in a particular state. registry

The power of attorney form for obtaining a compulsory medical insurance policy does not require a notary’s signature and seal. You can simply fill it out by hand and type the necessary data on the computer. The document must be signed by the principal.

It’s another matter when the person who needs the policy cannot sign. For example, for health reasons. In this case, they resort to the help of a signatory - a person who signs the document for the principal. His identity and legal capacity must be verified by a notary.

Attention: if desired, despite the fact that this is not necessary, the principal can contact a notary office and draw up the necessary document there.

Any compulsory medical insurance policy that can be found consists of several blocks:

  1. Parties' data. All information from the passports of the principal and the attorney is copied or reprinted from the double page, where the photograph of the owner of the document is placed. The registration address is indicated.
  2. List of powers. In the case under consideration, it is necessary that the trustee, at a minimum, has the right: to represent the interests of the principal in all organizations and institutions on the issue of obtaining a compulsory medical insurance policy, signing all the necessary papers, and receiving the policy itself. If desired, the principal may grant the attorney other powers.
  3. Date and place of drawing up the power of attorney. You must indicate the date, month and year of signing the document, locality, subject of the Russian Federation.
  4. Duration of the power of attorney.
  5. Signature of the person who executed the document.

To obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy you can find:

  • at a notary's office;
  • from a professional lawyer;
  • download here on the website.

Nuances of drawing up, issuing and using a power of attorney

It is worth dwelling on a few of them.

Validity period

Art. 186 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation says that if there is no mention of a period in the text of the document, then it should be considered equal to 12 months.

Attention: the principal himself determines for how long the power of attorney should be issued. It could be several days, or it could be tens of years.

However, if we talk about a document that gives the attorney the right to receive a compulsory medical insurance policy, then it is not worth issuing it for a long period. It seems that, on average, in a month you can carry out all the necessary actions, contact the insurance company, and receive the coveted piece of paper.


If the principal so desires, he can issue a power of attorney with this right. What is its essence?

If the attorney, for one reason or another, cannot or does not want to exercise the rights specified in the power of attorney, he can transfer his powers to a third party, but only for the time specified in the original power of attorney.

Cancellation of power of attorney

The principal can at any time “take away” all transferred rights from the attorney. If the power of attorney was issued by a notary, you will have to contact this official again.

If the document has not been certified, then it is enough to inform the competent authorities about the termination of legal relations with the attorney - in particular, the insurance company, and the authorized person himself.

Thus, a power of attorney to receive a compulsory medical insurance policy can be issued quite quickly and independently, taking an ordinary piece of paper and a pen, having found out the passport details of the potential attorney.

If a citizen does not have time to obtain a document on compulsory health insurance, then he has the right to instruct a trusted person to do this. Drawing up a trust paper gives the right to a third party to write an application to receive a paper for compulsory medical insurance.

Having a document on compulsory health insurance allows a citizen to use the services of doctors free of charge. Also, based on it, he has the right to undergo tests and receive a list of medications. For a person with an illness, this is no less important than financial support, although the latter is also mandatory, and it is necessary to apply separately for a pension for a bedridden patient.

Read the article about the need to obtain compulsory medical insurance, the rules for drawing up a trust document for third parties and the procedure for obtaining compulsory medical insurance on behalf of a child.

It's important to know...

Why is compulsory medical insurance necessary?

Compulsory medical insurance means a compulsory health insurance policy. Every insured citizen has the right to receive it.

Why does a citizen of the Russian Federation need compulsory medical insurance?

  1. When visiting a medical institution, a person is required to provide an insurance policy in order to receive free service. The exception is situations of emergency medical care.
  2. To be able to choose a medical institution. If the insured person changes his place of residence, he has the right to change the hospital serving him within 1 month.

Responsibilities and capabilities of the holder of compulsory medical insurance:

  1. In accordance with the rules established by the employees of the medical institution, in order to choose a hospital, a citizen or his representative by proxy must write an application.
  2. If changes occur in the applicant’s life, he notifies the insurance company employees about them. Changes may be:
  • change of surname and first name;
  • moving to another area and others.

To represent the interests of the insured person, a power of attorney is issued. It is issued in a situation where a citizen is not able to independently contact the insurance company.

An attorney has the right, by power of attorney, on behalf of the applicant to contact the insurance company to resolve any issues that have arisen.

How to issue a power of attorney?

The procedure for registering a power of attorney to obtain a medical policy:

  1. The power of attorney is drawn up in any written form.
  2. The document does not need to be certified by a notary.
  3. It is issued in two copies. Both forms will be required when receiving a compulsory medical insurance policy.

To obtain a child's policy

The law also provides for the possibility of obtaining a child’s medical insurance policy by proxy. It is drawn up in writing and does not require notarization.

At the point of receiving the medical policy, the child’s authorized representative provides:

  • power of attorney executed by the parties;
  • your own ID;
  • birth certificate of a minor;
  • ID card of the child's parent;
  • If the baby has SNILS, then this is also provided.

After the authorized person submits a complete package of documents, he is issued a temporary compulsory medical insurance policy. Its validity period is 30 days. At the end of the period specified in the temporary policy, the citizen, by proxy, takes the permanent one.

To obtain compulsory medical insurance policies for employees

If the employees of an enterprise do not have time to obtain their compulsory medical insurance policies, then any citizen has the right to do this for them by proxy. The authorized person will represent the interests of employees wishing to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy.

According to the Civil Code, a power of attorney to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy for employees is drawn up in writing. It is drawn up on behalf of the head of the company and must contain:

  • signature of the first manager;
  • signature of authorized persons;
  • wet official seal.

The document drawn up by the manager gives the authorized person the right to:

  • obtain medical insurance for employees;
  • submit the necessary papers to receive them.

Important! The procedure for obtaining a compulsory medical insurance policy takes 60 days. Citizens have the opportunity to monitor the registration process online.

After the trustee receives the employee policies, he must issue them to the owners. When issuing papers, an authorized person fills out a registration log.

Based on the received policy, fill in the following information:

  • registration number of the compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • Full name of the employee;
  • his position;
  • serial number and series of the insurance document;
  • date of issue;
  • signature of his employee.

Having a policy allows an employee to exercise the right to receive free medical care.

Structure and example of drawing up a power of attorney

There is no single form for issuing a power of attorney, but certain rules must be followed. A power of attorney to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy is issued in writing. It should contain the following data:

  • place of drawing up the power of attorney and date;
  • full title of the document;
  • passport details of the applicant and his authorized representative;
  • list of transferring powers to an authorized representative;
  • the period for which the power of attorney is issued;
  • signatures of the parties to the transaction.

Due to the lack of notarization of the document, errors may be made in it. Therefore, when applying to a medical institution by proxy, a citizen must have with him an identity card and a pension certificate of the citizen who transferred his powers.

The compulsory health insurance policy is issued free of charge to residents and non-residents of the Russian Federation by insurance organizations that are participants in the compulsory health insurance system. If there is no such structure in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, in order to obtain a policy, a citizen must personally or through an authorized person contact the regional compulsory medical insurance fund.

A power of attorney, which provides the opportunity to obtain an insurance form, is a document authorizing one person to represent the interests of another person (the insured) when performing certain functions before an insurance organization. The document is in demand in situations where the principal, for various reasons, does not have the opportunity to personally interact with the insurance organization.

How to draw up a power of attorney?

The document transferring the functions of obtaining a compulsory medical insurance policy must be drawn up in writing. There is no single form of power of attorney approved by authorized bodies, but the presence of the following information in the text is required:

  • place of registration, date and name;
  • information on the principal and authorized person (passport or identity card details, last name, first name, patronymic, registration information);
  • a detailed list of delegated functions;
  • validity period;
  • signatures of the participating parties.

Notarized registration of a power of attorney to obtain an insurance policy is not required, but can be done at the request of the parties. The procedure for registering a compulsory medical insurance policy takes place in two stages, so it is advisable to issue a power of attorney in 2 copies or have the original document and a copy on hand.

Due to the lack of notarization, there may be errors or inaccuracies in the text of the power of attorney, so it will not be superfluous for the authorized representative to have copies of the principal’s passport and pension certificate. This fact will speed up the verification of information in the application and the text of the power of attorney when preparing information for filling out the temporary certificate form. These copies do not remain at the registration point, but are returned to the bearer after verification of compliance.

A sample power of attorney for obtaining a compulsory medical insurance policy is available.

Power of attorney for receiving a child's document

Under a power of attorney for a medical policy, an insurance policy can be issued for a minor child. The text is prepared in writing and also does not require certification by a notary.

The authorized person must present at the point of receipt of the insurance policy:

  • power of attorney;
  • own passport (identity card);
  • child's birth document;
  • confirmation of the identity of the parents or one of the child’s parents (identity card, passport);
  • SNILS for the child (if one exists).

After providing the necessary documents in full, the authorized person is issued a temporary certificate with a limited validity period (30 days). By the end of the period specified in the certificate, you must visit the insurer to receive an issued permanent compulsory medical insurance policy.

Power of attorney for obtaining employee insurance policies

The interests of enterprise employees when issuing insurance policies and other relations with the regional compulsory medical insurance fund can be represented by the employer through authorized employees on the basis of a power of attorney. An authorized employee must represent all employees of the organization or individual entrepreneur, including non-residents or non-residents of the Russian Federation.

The document form for the right to represent interests in the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund is drawn up in writing on behalf of the enterprise, signed by the first manager or other authorized employee and certified by the main (official) seal of the company. This requirement is enshrined in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Article 185).

The document form for representing the interests of a private entrepreneur is signed by him personally and sealed with the seal of the individual entrepreneur; if desired, it can be certified by a notary. The document contains the right of the authorized representative to receive medical policies, transfer and receive the necessary documents.

The procedure for obtaining an insurance document may take up to 60 days. During this period, when applying for medical help, instead of a permanent policy, the employee presents a certificate of registration in the insurance company of an application for its issuance.

The websites of a number of insurance organizations provide the opportunity to track the degree of document readiness online.

After receiving the policies, the authorized person issues them to employees with a note in the appropriate registration log, providing the following columns:

  • serial number,
  • last name, first name and patronymic of the employee;
  • name of the employee’s structural unit;
  • policy number and series;
  • date of issue of the document to the employee;
  • employee signature;
  • note.

A medical policy indicates that its owner can qualify to receive the legally established volume of free medical care. The laws of the Russian Federation do not prohibit the procedure for obtaining it through a representative. A power of attorney for obtaining a medical insurance policy is a revocable document, that is, the trusting citizen can revoke it, and the person who is entrusted with certain powers can renounce them. In some cases, this method is the most convenient or the only possible.

"MAX" is one of the large insurance companies on the market. When drawing up a contract or receiving payment, each policyholder will need to fill out an application form. All application forms are approved by the internal regulations of the MAX insurance company.

Insurance payments are made only after the client submits a corresponding application and additional documents. Based on them, the situation is analyzed and a decision is made whether to issue compensation to the person or not. This fully applies to the insurance organization MAX, whose clients can download individual applications for payment remotely.

Insurance "MAX-M" - Download application forms for replacement of compulsory medical insurance

Citizens using the services of the MAX organization can download application forms remotely, but their number is very limited. From the official website of the company you can download an application only for the following programs:

  • . The company's client can download application forms intended for changing/selecting a medical insurance organization, as well as obtaining a duplicate of the policy (its renewal).

These are all application forms of the MAX insurance group that are publicly available. They can be downloaded and filled out, and then submitted to the insurance company.

The application form must be filled out accurately and without erasures. It is advisable to write all data in block letters. If possible, the client can download the application form, fill it out on a computer, print it and sign it.

"MAX-M" - List of documents for obtaining a compulsory medical insurance policy

In addition to the application, additional papers must be submitted. These are documents identifying the applicant, indicating the occurrence of an insured event, containing data on the amount of funds spent by the client to eliminate the consequences of the incident. The specific list depends on the selected program.

To receive assistance, it is enough to present a compulsory medical insurance policy. No other documents will be required.

Compulsory medical insurance application forms:

About choosing or replacing a medical insurance organization The document is filled out in case of receiving a new contract or changing the insurer. Please indicate:
  • date and place of birth;
  • passport details;
  • registration and actual residence;
  • citizenship;
  • gender;
  • nature of treatment: change of company once a year, replacement as a result of a change of registration, etc.;
  • type of document requested: paper, plastic, etc.;
  • number of previously received compulsory medical insurance, if available;
  • client type (select from the list).
About issuing a duplicate or reissuing a policy Filled out when a document is lost or when a new form is received, due to a change in personal or other data.

The document will need to include:

  • personal data;
  • in connection with what the appeal occurs: issuance of a duplicate, re-registration, etc.;
  • category of insured citizen (select from the list);
  • place and date of birth;
  • citizenship;
  • passport information;
  • place of registration and actual stay.
Power of attorney If the insured cannot contact the insurer's office, then another citizen can represent his interests with a power of attorney.

The document should indicate:

  • date and place of registration;
  • data of the trustee and the principal;
  • passport details of each party;
  • powers;
  • validity period.

There is no need to notarize the completed form. It is enough that the power of attorney bears the original signature of each party.

If you need to register this product, you will have to collect:

  • Identification document of the insured (for example, passport).
  • Passport of the legal representative of the insured (if the latter is a child).
  • SNILS.
  • A power of attorney issued in the name of the applicant if the latter acts on behalf of another citizen.

Foreigners may need not only a passport from the state, nor a SNILS, an employment contract, or part of a notification form for the arrival of a person who does not have the citizenship of the Russian Federation.

"MAX-M" - Where to submit documents for issuance of compulsory medical insurance?

The documents listed above must be submitted to the insurer's office.

1. Find the nearest branch through the official website: .

2. To do this, you need to select your city of residence (the system determines it automatically, but errors are possible), and then click on the button at the top of the page.

3. The user will see a list of all branches located in the selected city. If you have a large number of results, you can use the detailed search bar by entering a specific street. You should focus on offices that specialize in loss settlement.

To submit a form to receive an insurance product or issue a duplicate, you must fill out an application and contact the insurer’s office. To receive a claim payment, you will need to submit an application to the office where the loss settlement department is represented.

It is important to understand that an insurance company representative may refuse to provide a service if the policyholder provides false information.

Thus, some samples of applications submitted to the MAX insurance group can be found in the public domain. In order not to waste your personal time, it is recommended to use the links provided above. Documents are attached to them. The specific list depends on the current situation. The entire package of papers is handed over to company employees in one of the claims settlement offices.