Rockefellers and Rothschilds - does the rivalry between the two richest families on the planet influence the fate of the world? The Rothschilds, mysterious and powerful. How do they fight to rule the world? Rothschilds first channel

A week ago, we told you about the Rockefeller family of American billionaires in connection with the death of David Rockefeller, a man with seven hearts, in the one hundred and second year of his life. They talked about his grandfather John Rockefeller - the richest man of all time. We promised to talk about another influential clan - the Rothschild family.

Analysts and conspiracy theorists love to talk about the struggle between two clans: the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds. The Rothschilds also played an important role in Russian history, and, oddly enough, a rather positive role.

1900 World Exhibition in Paris. Two leading Russian oil companies were awarded the Grand Prix of the exhibition. This is the Nobel Brothers Oil Production Partnership. One of them established the very Nobel Prize. And the second company is the Caspian-Black Sea Oil Industry Company. And this company is Rothschild. The capital of the Nobels and Rothschilds helped create a powerful oil industry in Russia. The Baku field began to operate at full capacity with this money.

There was a period when Russian and Baku oil production accounted for more than half of all world production. What was made from oil then? Kerosene. Kerosene lamps are found in almost all homes. Illumination of cities with kerosene lanterns. Russian kerosene dominated the European market. John Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company was forced out of Europe.

This was an example of the competent use of foreign capital for the benefit of the country. Russia didn't just hand over its oil fields to foreigners for exploitation. Do whatever you want, just pay taxes. No. Engineering, science, and geology developed. Specialized educational institutions were opened. A powerful oil industry base was created. The revolution of 1917 swept away everything - both the Nobels and the Rothschilds. But the base remains. Oil fields were developed in the Volga region, then Western Siberia. Using foreign capital, we developed our own productive forces. Oil revenues are our main export item. More than a hundred years have passed, and those correct economic decisions are still working for the benefit of the people. So in this particular case, not only were the Rothschilds using us, but we were able to use the Rothschilds. Which, apparently, doesn’t happen often.

A vintage photo of a cart pulled by four zebras is usually captioned on the Internet these days with the caption “What do you know about luxury?” 1895 Lord Walter Rothschild rides zebras in Piccadilly Circus in London, breaking one of his clan's rules, allegedly written by its founder Mayer Amschel: "Never forget that modesty leads to wealth." It is difficult to say whether the first Rothschild actually wrote something similar, but in the British Museum a whole room was allocated for the collection of luxurious interior items of another family member - Ferdinand Rothschild. Solid gold and precious stones.

The Rothschilds made their fortune from gold. More precisely on the exchange. First, coins of the German principalities. And then gradually moving on to large-scale banking speculation around the world. And, in fact, buying up Central banks and European states. In the 19th century there was even this joke: “There are several empires in the world: Great Britain, Prussia, Russia and... the Rothschilds.” As a result, today the Rothschilds are co-owners of the US Federal Reserve System and the Bank of England. Queen Elizabeth's recent visit there. Dozens of large banks around the world. This is the richest, and at the same time, the most closed family in the world. Another Rothschild rule: do not disclose the size of your fortune either in court or in a will. Well, this rule has never been broken. The Rothschild money can only be judged by rumors, about 3.5 trillion dollars. That's more than the UK's GDP.

“Of course, if you are by far the richest family in the world, then, of course, your influence is colossal. The Rothschilds have a first-class understanding of politics, they know exactly what will happen. Back in the century before last, Rothschild’s wife Gutel Schnapper said: “If my husband does not want war, then there is no war,” says political scientist Christoph Herstel.

This is a typical modern caricature. The Rothschilds feed the CIA, the British intelligence service Mi-6, and the terrorist group ISIS, which is banned in most countries of the world. Since the time of Napoleon's war with Austria, they have lent money to the warring parties, both the emperor and the Austrian army, having, of course, their own interest on this. The Rothschilds also had interests in Russia.

In the end it all ended with the revolution in 1917. But the Rothschilds were active here even later. Although they never showed up in any deal. Despite the fact that there were rumors of their connections with Mikhail Khodorkovsky and a number of other Russian oligarchs.

“They have always viewed Russia as a place where they can quickly earn a lot of money and make profitable deals. Many of them, especially in the 90s, were committed behind closed doors. Maybe I’m wrong, but the Rostildes have not been doing business in Russia in recent years,” says writer and historian Mark Hollingsworth.

But in Europe, especially in the current acute election period in the leading countries of the European Union, the Rothschilds, on the contrary, are active. One of the main candidates for the presidency of France, Emmanuel Macron, is a man of the family, associated with her since his time working at the French Rothschild bank.

“Macron is not so much associated with Rothschild, although he worked for him at one time, but rather represents a new oligarchic trend in French politics. This trend is associated with two large financial enterprises: the Rothschild bank and influential media companies,” explains political scientist Jacques Sapir.

The Rothschilds have many such “influential media companies.” Among them are the French newspaper Liberation, the British edition of the Economist, the Daily Telegraph, as well as the British national television BBC, headed by Marcus Ages, the son-in-law of one of the Rothschilds.

The smiling old man, who usually refuses interviews with media outlets other than his own, is Jacob Rothschild, one of the richest men in the world and the oldest of the clan. He is 80. Comparing the portrait of the first Rothschild, Amschel, who lived in the 19th century, with Jacob, you can’t help but think about the transmigration of souls. Too similar. It is not for nothing that conspiracy theorists call the Rothschilds the main characters of a secret government that has been ruling the entire world for centuries. The annual closed meetings where the fate of countries and their governments are said to be decided are called the Bilderberg Club.

In general, dozens of documentaries and even several feature films have been made about this family. Moreover, one of the first, back in 1940, at the German studio UFA. The Center for the Film Industry of the Third Reich, which was personally led by Propaganda Minister Goebbels, made a film about the Jew Nathan Rothschild and his business in England at the beginning of the 19th century. The propaganda intent of the film is clear. England has supposedly been conquered by Jews since then.

That is why, they say, Germany has to fiercely bomb London and exterminate all the Jews. However, the Rothschilds, in spite of everything, were not touched in the Third Reich. Louis Rothschild, detained by the Gestapo in Vienna, spent at most a day in prison, paid 200 thousand dollars, and also signed over one of his metallurgical plants in the Czech Republic to Germany; unlike hundreds of thousands of Jews, he was released with an apology. True, the family prefers not to dwell on this part of the story.

The controlled press writes exclusively about the Rothschilds as hard workers and the Rothschilds as philanthropists. And, yes! The main motto of the clan was the words of Nathan Rothschild, spoken in 1815. Then he bought up all English securities and brought down the London Stock Exchange, being the first to learn from his agents about Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo. “Whoever owns the information owns the whole world!”

The head of the Department of Public Relations of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia, Borukh Gorin, commented on the report by Anton Vernitsky, shown on Channel One of Russian television, “The Rothschilds, mysterious and powerful. How do they fight to rule the world?

“We see how in recent years journalists, in pursuit of sensations, do not hesitate to use extremely dubious, if not “dirty” sources. Unfortunately, the report dedicated to the Rothschild family was no exception. Here, the viewer is presented as truth by the reasoning of conspiracy theorists about the supposedly existing secret world government, which includes the Rothschilds, about their financing of the “Islamic State” (banned in Russia), about the Rothschilds as organizers of the revolution of 1917 in retaliation for the refusal of Nicholas II to transfer control of Central Bank. The level of reporting is eloquently evidenced by the fact that one of the three experts speaking on their own behalf was the writer Yuri Vorobievsky, who publicly stated several years ago that he considered the famous anti-Semitic forgery “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion”, which turned into the “bible of anti-Semites,” to be authentic documents. . It’s sad that Channel One unwittingly acts as a broadcaster of anti-Semitic fakes. Such things do not increase the ratings of TV shows, but the level of interethnic tension in society,” Borukh Gorin emphasized.

Reference: Report by A. Vernitsky “The Rothschilds, mysterious and powerful. How do they fight to rule the world?” was shown in the Channel One program “Sunday Time” on April 2, 2017.


In our program we talked about the Rockefeller family of American billionaires. John Rockefeller was the richest man in the world at the beginning of the twentieth century. Perhaps the richest in the history of mankind. Then we talked about the Rothschild family. These bankers provided loans to many European monarchies in the 19th century. Their wealth is still enormous.

Conspiracy theorists around the world love these families. The life of these families provides rich soil for numerous historical and political speculations. Conspiracy theorists see in them the secret forces that rule the world. The forces that start and end wars, organize revolutions, change regimes. The forces that move history.

Is it possible? They are not gods, they are people. They are capitalists. And the main interest of a capitalist is profit. They work for their own profit. Did Rockefeller ask himself that the extreme concentration of the oil market he created was hindering the development of America? Did the Rothschilds understand that when they manipulated financial markets, this also hindered development?

I think that these smartest people understood everything perfectly. But such a formulation of the question is not for them. They worked for themselves, for their own interests. They increased their capital. Then other players came, new elites with their own interests and gave their answers to such questions. And these answers often led to decisions that were unfavorable to either the Rockefellers or the Rothschilds. For example, the destruction of the oil monopoly in the USA, the Standard Oil company. And no matter what they say about how cleverly John Rockefeller got out, how he retained control in several new companies, he actually lost a lot.

I think the world is too complex to be controlled from one headquarters. But if such a headquarters exists somewhere, it is not on Earth.

Numerous researchers of the life of the Rothschild and Rockefeller families are similar to alchemists. Some have been searching for the philosopher's stone for centuries to no avail, while others are looking for direct evidence of how exactly these families rule the world. What unites alchemists with Rothschild and Rockefeller scholars is the belief that the truth is somewhere nearby.

The Americans Rockefellers made their fortune from oil production. It is not for nothing that the first Rockefeller, John, born in 1839, managed to take control of 90% of the entire US oil industry.

“The Rockefellers are oil geopolitics and food. Back in the 70s, Kissinger said that if you control oil, you control nations, and if you control food, then all of humanity. Genetically modified foods are also in the possession of the Rockefellers, as are chemicals for the agricultural industry,” says economist, writer and political scientist Frederick William Engdahl.

The Europeans, the Rothschilds, built their empire on gold. Long before the Rockefellers. According to legend, the founder of the clan, Mayer Amschel, began by exchanging coins of the German principalities. Today, the family's fortune, according to some estimates, exceeds the UK's GDP - about three and a half trillion dollars.

But the reason for the confrontation between the richest families in the world is the confrontation between gold and oil. Europe and USA. No conspiracy theories. Only business. It's no secret that most of the world's gold is stored in the United States, in the banks of the US Federal Reserve System, which, in turn, is controlled by the Americans Rockefellers. Almost all European countries store gold there. But in 2013, the German Central Bank decided to return its gold, 300 tons. The United States gave it back in parts, stretching the procedure for almost four years. In February 2017, almost everything returned to Germany. Something similar has already happened in history - the French tried to return gold.

“Everyone remembers this episode, it is often mentioned very much. What a fellow De Gaulle is. He took them, collected these nasty green pieces of paper and went to the United States, and threw them away, said: “Take them! Choke and give back the gold!” But few people know that he carried out the will of the Rothschilds, because de Gaulle was closely connected with the Rothschilds. This backfired on De Gaulle. In 1968, there were unrest in France. In 1969 he flew away. The Rockefellers began to prepare a retaliatory strike. Are you hitting our gold standard? Very good! And we will completely uncouple gold from the dollar. But here the question arises: what can replace gold? Replace with oil,” explains Andrei Fursov, director of the Institute for Systemic and Strategic Analysis.

This is the ongoing struggle between the Americans Rockefellers and the Europeans Rothschilds.

“This is a big game that has been going on since at least the 16th century, it’s about conquering the world by all available means - war, trade, corruption,” says political scientist Emmanuel Leroy.

Then, in 1971, US President Nixon, realizing that others might follow de Gaulle, announced the suspension of the convertibility of the dollar into gold. That is, the dollar was no longer backed by gold. The price of oil came to the fore. Conditions for the world began to be dictated by those who print dollars and control the Federal Reserve System. That is, formally the Americans Rockefellers won then. Now they say that the European Rothschilds have struck back. Like, Donald Trump, the President of the United States, is their protege. However, against the backdrop of the struggle with each other, both the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers are striving for the same thing - increasing their own capital, and therefore influencing the world.

“The influence of these two families in the West is still great, and their era is not about to end. They are not enemies, they are different members of the same board of directors for the globalization of the world,” says Frederick William Engdahl.

It is difficult to predict how the new round of confrontation between the Rothschilds and Rockefellers will end for the world. Conspiracy theorists are talking about the imminent end of the Federal Reserve System and its offspring - the unbacked American dollar. But in this case, according to analysts, the entire global financial system will collapse. However, in the case of research into the activities of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, it is always difficult to understand where conspiracy theories end and analytics begin. As well as vice versa.

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It is fashionable to say that “we don’t watch TV”; even discussing TV programs is almost indecent. Meanwhile, as they write on social networks, “fascism crept up unnoticed.”

Few people paid attention to the final news program of Channel One this Sunday. But in vain - it showed a story about world government, illustrated by Goebbels propaganda. Literally.

On April 2, the “Sunday Time” program with Valery Fadeev aired a story about the Rothschild family, and as a version, without explaining that this was bullshit, it was said about the existence of a secret world government.

Of course, seriously analyzing the plot about the existence of a world government led by the Rothschilds and hints at its participation in the assassination of US President Kennedy - this already smacks of a medical diagnosis, but... This is shown throughout the country in the main final program of a national television channel! Moreover, the plot used a fragment of a film filmed in 1940 in Germany.

The full plot of “The Rothschilds, mysterious and powerful. How they fight to rule the world"

Let's repeat. A film was made in the Third Reich about a worldwide Jewish conspiracy. Propaganda, made by the department of Joseph Goebbels, expressing the misanthropic ideology of Nazism. And a fragment of this picture was shown on April 2, 2017 on the federal television channel in the Russian Federation as another version in the story about the existence of a world government.

In the plot “The Rothschilds, mysterious and powerful. How do they fight to rule the world?” under the authorship of Anton Vernitsky, the film itself is commented on as follows: “The propaganda orientation of the film is clear, by that time Germany was fiercely bombing London, and all Jews were either driven into ghettos or imprisoned.” That's all. That is, the very fact of the Jewish conspiracy (it is eloquently illustrated by the line connecting the cities on the map, which ultimately forms the six-pointed Star of David) is in no way denied.

In Russia, few people reacted to the Channel One story. Officially, no one at all, except for the head of the Department of Public Relations of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia (FEOR) Borukh Gorin. He wrote on April 4 in Lechaim magazine:

« We have seen how in recent years journalists, in pursuit of sensations, do not hesitate to use extremely dubious, if not “dirty” sources. Unfortunately, the report dedicated to the Rothschild family was no exception. Here, the viewer is presented as truth by the reasoning of conspiracy theorists about the supposedly existing secret world government, which includes the Rothschilds, about their financing of the “Islamic State” (banned in Russia), about the Rothschilds as organizers of the revolution of 1917 in retaliation for the refusal of Nicholas II to transfer control of Central Bank.

The level of reporting is eloquently evidenced by the fact that one of the three experts who spoke on their own behalf was the writer Yuri Vorobievsky, who publicly stated several years ago that he considered the famous anti-Semitic forgery “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” which turned into the “bible of anti-Semites,” to be an authentic document. . It’s sad that Channel One unwittingly acts as a broadcaster of anti-Semitic fakes.

That's all. No more official reaction. Even on social networks there was no big “wave”. Just a few posts like this:

Or this:

Everyone is so accustomed to playing with types of propaganda on television that this no longer surprises anyone. But in vain, as Alexander Raikov writes, whose Facebook post is given above:

«… 6 million Jews lost their lives only because a handful of inadequate hysterics believed in a conspiracy theory. 27 million Soviet citizens gave their lives so that this misanthropic hysteria would never be heard on air again. Among these millions, most likely, there are many relatives of Mr. Fadeev himself. But these victims do not at all embarrass Mr. Fadeev to repeat on air the words of the people who pushed them to their premature deaths».