Where can I print a receipt for paying a traffic fine? Making a payment slip for a fine Traffic police fines write a legal entity on the payment slip

Firstly, it should be noted that traffic police officers have the right to draw up reports of administrative offenses not only for violation of traffic rules (traffic rules). Violations of other rules provided for by the laws of the regions, committed with the use of vehicles, also have the right to be recorded and processed by a traffic police inspector or technical means in automatic mode.

Secondly, no organization, that is, a legal entity, can, for obvious reasons, independently drive a car that belongs to it (it). But an organization can be held accountable for violating traffic rules. How could it be otherwise if the offense was recorded by special equipment? In this case, it is not known exactly who was driving. A special article was introduced into the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses for this purpose.

"1. Administrative liability for administrative offenses in the field of traffic and administrative offenses in the field of landscaping, provided for by the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, committed with the use of vehicles, if these administrative offenses are recorded by special technical means operating automatically, having photo and filming functions , video recordings, or by means of photography, filming, and video recordings, the owners (owners) of vehicles are involved.”

Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation Art. 2.6.1 clause 1

However, it is not uncommon for a protocol to be issued to the driver of a car belonging to an organization. In this case, it is also better to pay the required amount from the company’s account so that a debt does not inadvertently arise on the legal entity. And later, collect the amount of the fine from the employee, or just withhold personal income tax and forgive the fine. Or hold nothing back at all. The decision is yours. But the execution of payment orders for the payment of a traffic police fine will be somewhat different in these cases. We provide both samples of filling.

Payment order fine from traffic police for organizing video recording

If a receipt from a photo and video recording center has been sent to the address of a legal entity, and the organization has decided to pay for it, you need to pay attention to the following point. On the receipt, immediately below the Russian Post barcode, there is the line “Resolution”. This is not the number of the fine decision, but the UIN identifier code, which, however, encrypts the data of the decision itself. You must indicate this code in detail “22” of the payment order.

Basic details of the order form for the payment of a traffic fine by an organization
Field no. Props name Contents of the props
101 Payer status 01
18 Type of operation 01
21 Payment order 5
22 Code Take from the line "Resolution:"
104 KBK 18811630020016000140
105 OKTMO OKTMO code of the municipality in which the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs that issued the fine is located (available on the receipt)
106 Basis of payment 0
107 Taxable period 0
108 Document Number 0
109 Document date 0
110 Payment type 0 (from March 28, 2016, the value of attribute 110 is not indicated)
Sample payment order for payment of a traffic police fine in 2014 for organizing

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The fine is paid for the driver by the organization

Traffic police officers always draw up a report on traffic violations in relation to a specific driver, even if he was driving a company car and is not its owner. However, the data of the organization who owns the car will also be included in the protocol. If the employer decides to pay a fine for the driver, then the payment slip must indicate the details of the offender and the protocol details in the “Purpose of payment” field.

The usual option for filling out a payment order

20 UIN characters should be found in the protocol and rewritten in the “Code” field of the payment order. If you can’t find anything, or you are tormented by doubts about this, as a last resort, put a zero (“0”) there. Then, after some time, do not be lazy to check through electronic services whether this fine has been paid off in the traffic police database.

Sample payment form to the traffic police; a fine for a driver is paid by an organization in 2014 with a UIN

Download sample in Word or Excel format

Fine for an employee indicating document details

In some regions, the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate still requires information in the “Purpose of payment” details, starting with region codes, series (00 – decree-receipt, 01 – protocol, 07.09 – video recording, etc.) and document number which served as the basis for paying the fine, its date. And only then should you write down the details of the driver - the offender, including his Taxpayer Identification Number, if the employee has such an identifier. We list all details separated by commas. Don’t forget to take the UIN from the decree-receipt or protocol. Then a sample payment order to pay a fine to the traffic police will look like the photo below.

Sample of filling out a payment form for a fine in the traffic police for an employee in 2014 according to the requirements of 2013

Download sample in Word or Excel format

If the organization does not want to pay a fine for an employee

In the event that a violation of traffic rules involving an organization’s official vehicle is detected by technical means, its head may decide not to pay the fine at all. The law allows you to do this.

"2. The owner (possessor) of a vehicle is released from administrative liability if, during the consideration of a complaint against a decision in a case of an administrative offense made in accordance with Part 3 of Article 28.6 of this Code, the data contained in it is confirmed that at the time the administrative offense was recorded the vehicle was in the possession or use of another person or has now been removed from its possession as a result of unlawful actions of other persons.”

Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation Art. 2.6.1 clause 2

In this situation, you just need to appeal the video recording receipt in accordance with the established procedure. The complaint must be accompanied by documents confirming the driving of the vehicle by a specific employee of the organization (waybill, order, etc.).

You can't get a discount for any traffic violation. The list of violations that are subject to a discount is given in Article 12 of the Code, and includes:

  1. Driving without documents (MTPL policy, STS, driver's license).
  2. Driving with unreadable, dirty license plates, or with tinting.
  3. Ignoring the rules for the safe transportation of passengers (for example, the absence of a child seat).
  4. Failure to comply with road signs (for example, speeding).
  5. Dangerous driving (driving into oncoming traffic, improper maneuvering, etc.).
  6. Driving a faulty car.

How to track traffic police fines for legal entities? A mobile application called “Staff and Traffic Police Official Fines” will help you track traffic police fines, with which you can not only check their availability, but also pay immediately.

    • state duty payer status 01 or 08
    • What is a UIP in a payment order in 2018?
    • registration of a payment order at the traffic police
  • registration of a payment order at the traffic police
    • Payment for a fine to the tax office: sample 2018
    • Online magazine for accountants
    • Payment order 2018, new filling rules
      • How to fill out a payment order for fines (nuances)?
    • Sample payment form for a traffic police fine in 2014 for an organization

state duty payer status 01 or 08 The development of the project is aimed at administering mandatory contributions for pension, medical and social insurance by the tax service, which involves entering code “01” instead of the previously indicated code “08”.


Rules, Appendix 2 to Order of the Ministry of Finance dated November 12, 2013 No. 107n). These codes used in 2017 can be viewed on our website. It must be taken into account that when paying fines, the 14th-17th categories of the KBK take on the value of 3000 (with the exception of certain types of insurance premiums).
Let us explain how to fill out other fields of a payment order for an organization or individual entrepreneur to pay its fine (Rules for specifying information, Appendix No. 2 to Order of the Ministry of Finance dated November 12, 2013 No. 107n): Field What is indicated How to fill out 101 Payer status 01 (if the taxpayer is an organization);09 ( if the taxpayer is an individual entrepreneur);02 (for a tax agent) 105 OKTMO OKTMO at the location of the organization (place of residence of the individual entrepreneur) 106 Basis of payment TR - repayment of debt at the request of the tax authority; AP - repayment of debt according to the audit report; etc.

Payment of a traffic police fine by a legal entity 2018 Moscow

The inspectorate in which the “penalty” was registered will be indicated as the recipient of the “penalty” payment for taxes and contributions. OKTMO props. Since 2018, the OKTMO of the municipality in which the sanction is paid is indicated. Traffic police fines - LLC - Payment systems I personally paid them more than 10,000 rubles, there will be more and it will turn out on a particularly large scale, our police only move when there is a mass filing of applications.
my phone number is 89126008886 Gregory Dear users, good afternoon! On behalf of the company, we apologize to you for the lack of support for this feedback channel/forum. Starting from December 1, 2018, we have adjusted the work of our specialists and are ready to help you resolve any issues. Colleagues, first of all I would like to thank you for using our applications.

Traffic police fines for legal entities


To find fines, proceed as follows:

  1. Go to the State Services website (http://www.gosuslugi.ru/).
  2. Please register.
  3. On the main page of the portal in the upper left corner, select the “For legal entities” section.
  4. Create a personal account for a legal entity.
  5. Next, click on “Services and services of the portal”.
  6. Select "Traffic Police Fines".
  7. Click on “search by vehicle or driver data.”
  8. Click “Pay the fine”.

Searching for a fine by vehicle license plate number The search algorithm for traffic police fines by vehicle license plate number is the same as the previous one. After entering the state number, click on the “Find fines” section. You can also pay fines online here. Payment of fines through a QIWI wallet using a driver's license. A legal entity can also check and pay traffic fines using a QIWI wallet (https://qiwi.com/).

Payment order for payment of a fine (sample)

The high speed of updating the database will allow the car owner, including legal entities, not to worry about delays. To take advantage of all the features of the application, you will need:

  • driver's license number;
  • STS data (or several vehicles that you want to track).

It is not necessary to enter all the data: one parameter is enough to find a receipt in the database. If the fine was issued in automatic mode (for example, by a traffic video camera), then it will not be possible to find it using the driver’s license number.

To track fines of several vehicles, there is a multi-search. This function is very convenient if a legal entity manages a fleet of vehicles and needs a convenient tool to track the responsibility and integrity of all its drivers.

Payment for a fine to the tax office: sample 2017


The requirement to provide explanations does not mean that the tax authorities have found an error. If, after the Federal Tax Service employees have requested explanations for the submitted declaration, the taxpayer submits an update, then there will be no fine due to an error in the initial declaration, which led to incomplete payment of tax. Naturally, provided that the arrears were repaid in a timely manner.< … Главная → Бухгалтерские консультации → Платежное поручение Актуально на: 1 июня 2017 г.

For committing a tax offense, tax sanctions may be applied to an organization or individual in the form of a monetary penalty - a fine (clauses 1.2 of Article 114 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). We will tell you how to issue a payment order to pay a fine in our consultation and give an example of such a payment order.

How to fill out a payment order for fines to the tax office in 2018

    • Making a payment for a fine
    • Traffic police fines - LLC - Payment systems
    • Which payer status should be entered in field 101 of the payment order?
    • Traffic police details for paying a fine - where and to whom to pay
    • Payment of traffic police fines from a legal entity, payment with VAT or not
  • Payment of traffic police fines from a legal entity, payment with VAT or not
    • Payment of traffic police fine payment order individual sample
    • Sample of filling out a payment order in 2018
      • Receipt samples: Form PD-4 Sberbank (tax)

Registration of payment for a fine KBC for penalties are established for each type of tax and contribution. When making a payment for a fine, it is important to take into account that in the KBK for fines the 14th and 15th digits will always be 30.

You can find out how to correctly fill out a payment form to pay a fine from our video instructions:

Rules for issuing a payment order to pay a fine

The main regulatory document defining the procedure for filling out payment slips is Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated November 12, 2013 No. 107n (Appendix 2). Let's look at the main points.

  1. Detail 104 indicates the KBK (20-digit budget classification code), which can be found in Appendix 6 to Order No. 65n of the Ministry of Finance dated July 1, 2013 (you need to select codes that begin with 182). It should be noted that, according to paragraph. 7 p. 4 sec. II of the same order, for fines the income subtype code 3000 is used (14-17 digits of the code).

For example, KBK:

  • for a fine related to income tax credited to the federal budget:
    182 1 01 01011 01 3000 110;
  • fine related to income tax credited to the regional budget:
    182 1 01 01012 02 3000 110;
  • fine related to personal income tax: 182 1 01 02010 01 3000 110.

For the KBK for paying fines for all types of taxes, see the Ready-made solution from ConsultantPlus.

Remember that the BCC for arrears, penalties and fines for the same tax are different, which means you need to issue separate payments to pay them.

The amount of fines can be found in the article “Responsibility for tax violations: grounds and amount of sanctions” .

  1. OKTMO is filled in at detail 105 code of the territory of the municipality where funds from fines are collected.
  2. Props 106 payment basis value 2 letters. In case of payment of a fine, the letters TR are used (which means a requirement when the tax office issued this document under Article 69, 101.3 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).
  3. Props 107 (tax period) has a value of 0.
  4. Detail 108 indicates the requirement number; the symbol No. does not need to be inserted.
  5. Indicator 109 contains the date of the document, the number of which is reflected in detail 108, in the format “DD.MM.YYYY”.
  6. Detail 110 has not been filled in since January 1, 2015 (this is due to the fact that clause 11 of Order No. 107n was canceled by Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 126n dated October 30, 2014).
  7. The “Code” detail indicates a unique accrual identifier (UIN); it must be contained in the tax demand that it made for payment of fines. If this code is not present, then 0 is entered.

IMPORTANT! When composing or reproducing a payment order on paper, you can fill out the code on 2 or more lines.

  1. The “Purpose of payment” detail must contain the following information: type of payment and its basis.
  2. Details “Payment order” 5.
  3. Props 101:
  • when paying fines for yourself: 01 for legal entities, 09 for individual entrepreneurs;
  • for payments made as a tax agent: 02.

For information about filling out a payment form online, read the article “Where you can fill out a payment order online” .

You can download the payment order form on our website.

Sample of filling out a payment order to the tax office in 2019-2020


An on-site inspection was carried out at Zvezda LLC. Based on the audit report, a decision was made that the organization underpaid income tax. Based on the decision that has entered into force, the organization sent demand No. 18-52/45678 dated 02/07/2020 for payment of arrears, penalties and fines. UIN specified in the request: 12345678912345678912.

Let's look at how the payment order will be filled out in this case (if necessary, you can download a sample payment order to pay a fine in 2019-2020).

For details of filling out payment orders to pay a fine at the request of the tax inspectorate or according to a tax audit report, see the Ready-made solution from ConsultantPlus.

How to issue a payment order to pay a fine on contributions

The option for filling out a payment form to pay a fine on contributions depends on who issued the sanctions:

  1. Federal Tax Service, due to late submission of reports;
  2. FSS for late payment of accident contributions.

Let's take a closer look.

If a taxpayer fails to submit reporting on contributions on time, he or she will be subject to sanctions in the amount of 5% of the amount of contributions for each month of delay, but not more than 30% of this amount and not less than 1 thousand rubles.

The algorithm for filling out a payment form for a fine is similar to the procedure established for tax fines, with the exception of the KBK. In 2019-2020, the following codes should be indicated:

At the same time, the fine amounted to 1 thousand rubles. should be distributed among the KBK in proportion to the tariffs (letter of the Federal Tax Service dated 05.05.2017 No. PA-4-11/8641):

  1. to the Pension Fund of Russia 733.33 rubles. (22 / 30 * 1000);
  2. in FFOMS 170 rub. (5.1 / 30 * 1000);
  3. in the Social Insurance Fund 96.67 rubles. (2.9 / 30 * 1000).

The FSS also has the right to impose penalties for late submission of Form 4-FSS (5% of the amount of contributions, but not less than 1 thousand rubles and no more than 30%) or for violating the procedure for submitting the form (200 rubles).

The procedure for filling out a payment form is slightly different from that established for tax fines:

  1. Fields 106 - 109 are not filled in;
  2. KBK - 393 1 02 02050 07 3000 160

For information on how to fill out a payment order to pay a fine to the Pension Fund, see the Ready-made solution from ConsultantPlus.


The rules for filling out payment order details for paying fines are listed in Appendix 2 to Order No. 107n of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. The payment for the fine must be filled out correctly, otherwise the bank may not accept it. And in case of errors in the details that are significant for crediting the payment, the Federal Tax Service may classify it as unclear.

If you doubt the correctness of filling out the details of the payment order, then remember that the Tax Code of the Russian Federation in paragraph 6 of Art. 32 obligated the tax authorities to provide all the necessary information to fill out orders for the purpose of paying taxes, fees, penalties and fines. Therefore, you can request all the necessary information from your tax office.

In this article we will look at how to fill out a payment order for fines. Let's look at common mistakes.

If an LLC or individual entrepreneur made mistakes as a result of which a tax, fee or contribution was not paid, or the accountant missed the deadline for sending funds to pay taxes, the company will soon receive a request from the Federal Tax Service to transfer the underpaid amounts. In addition, a fine and penalties will be assessed.

And here you will need the ability to competently fill out payment orders for the payment of fines, otherwise the tax inspectorate will be forced to take more stringent measures against the willful defaulter.

Fines and penalties for taxes, fees and contributions

To transfer the amounts of a fine or penalty, the same details of the Federal Tax Service are entered in the payment order as when paying taxes and fees. The recipient of the payments will be the department of the tax service to which your company is assigned, and where you regularly send reports on payments transferred to the budget.

Line<Очередность платежа>must contain the same value as when sending funds for taxes:<5>.

If the company has already received a notification from the Federal Tax Service that it was fined or that a penalty was assessed, the document may indicate a unique accrual identifier (hereinafter referred to as UIN), this value will be useful for filling out the field<Код>. If the document from the Federal Tax Service does not contain a UIN, the value of this field remains zero.

OKTMO depends solely on the place of registration of the LLC or the registration of the individual entrepreneur, so its value coincides with that usually indicated when transferring tax amounts.

Line <Основание платежа> will contain one of two values:

  • <ТР> if the company has already received an official request from the tax authorities to pay a fine;
  • <ЗД> , if the accountant independently transfers funds to pay the fine, without waiting for notification from the Federal Tax Service, because knows that the deadlines for paying a tax or fee have been violated and a fine will be imposed.

Fields 108/109 will contain the value<0>in case the company, on its own initiative, decides to pay the fine. And if it is paid at the insistence of the Federal Tax Service, the No and date from the request received from the Federal Tax Service are entered in these columns, respectively.

On line 107<Показатель налогового периода>it will also be zero if there is no official notification. If it was received, the payment deadline specified in the document will be recorded here.

The most important thing is to correctly indicate the budget classification code (BCC). The main thing to remember here is that the code used is not the one that relates to the period in which there were violations that resulted in a fine. The BCC is the one that relates to the year during which the payment actually occurs.

The Federal Tax Service has the right to impose a fine based on the laws of not only the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, but also the Code of Administrative Offenses.

Current BCCs for fines and penalties under the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and the Code of Administrative Offenses (table)

In this table we will look at budget classification codes for the Tax and Criminal Code, as well as for articles of the Code of Administrative Offences.

Grounds for imposing a fine Fed. state authorities, Bank of Russia, government authorities. off-budget funds Fed. government institutions KBK
According to the articles of the Tax Code
Violations under Articles 116, 118, 119.1, 125, 126, 128, 129, 129.1, 132, 133, 134, 135, 135.1 and paragraphs. 1, 2 tbsp. 120 18211603010016000140
Violations described in Article 129.2+ 18211603020026000140
+ 18211603020027000140
Violations in the payment of taxes and fees specified in Art. 129.6+ 18211603050016000140
Violations in the use of cash registers (cash, cards)+ 18211606000016000140
Fictitious or deliberate declaration of bankruptcy+ 18211670010016000140
According to articles of the Criminal Code
Non-payment of tax, concealment of income and property from taxation, neglect of the duties of a tax agent+ 18211603040016000140
Under articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses and others
Violations specified in Art. 20.25+ 18211643000016000140
+ 18211603030016000140
Violations in the state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs under Art. 14.25+ 18211636000016000140
+ 18211636000017000140
Violations in the contract system in the field of procurement for the state. and municipal needs+ 18211633010016000140
+ 18211633010016000140
Violation of the rules for handling cash, conducting cash transactions, requirements for the use of special bank accounts+ 18211631000016000140
+ 18211631000017000140
Other amounts collected from persons who committed crimes (to the federal budget)+ 18211621010016000140
+ 18211621010017000140

Amounts of fines

This table outlines the amount of fines for enterprises, individuals and individuals. persons (click to expand)

Article (Tax Code of the Russian Federation) The essence of the violation Fine
OOO IP Individual
116 The deadlines for registration with the Federal Tax Service were not met10 thousand rubles
Carrying out activities before registration with the Federal Tax Service10% of the amount of all earnings during work without registration (not< 40 тыс. руб)
119 Declaration of an investment partnership not sent on time5% of the withheld tax amount for each non/full month from the date approved for filing the return (not< 1 тыс. руб и не >30% of the amount)
Evasion of the managing partner from obligations to timely submit calculations of the enterprise’s earnings1 thousand rubles
119.1 Violation of the rules for electronically sending a declaration to the Federal Tax Service200 rub
119.2 Sending reports on the earnings of an investment partnership with false data40 thousand rubles
80 thousand rubles
120 Gross non-compliance with accounting requirements for cash receipts, expenses (no primary documentation, invoices, accounting and tax journals; amounts of money, business transactions, deposits, etc. are not reflected on time or incorrectly) within the reporting period10 thousand rubles
The same violations, but committed over several periods30 thousand rubles
The same violations that resulted in a reduction in the tax base20% of the amount of tax arrears (not< 40 тыс. руб)
122 Withholding the amount of tax, paying the tax not in full due to an understatement of the taxable base (except for the violations specified in Article 129.3, and cases where the violation occurred through the fault of a CTG participant who was responsible for his actions under Article 122.1)20% withheld amounts
The same violations, but committed intentionally40% of these amounts
122.1 Provision of false information (or concealment of information) by a member of the CTG to the responsible member of the CTG, due to which the income tax was not paid or was not paid in full20% of the amount withheld
The same violation committed intentionally40% of this amount
123 Evasion of a tax agent from obligations to withhold from a taxpayer and pay tax payments20% of amounts that should have been withheld and then paid to the budget
125 Violation of the rules of ownership, operation, disposal of things seized or transferred as collateral by decision of the Federal Tax Service30 thousand rubles
126 Evasion of transfer of documentation or information approved by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation or other laws:

– tax agents,

– by the payers themselves.

(except for the violations described in Articles 119, 129.4)

200 rubles per document
Refusal to timely report, at the request of the Federal Tax Service, information about the taxpayer, to transfer papers with this information to the Federal Tax Service, or sending papers with false data10 thousand rubles1 thousand rubles
128 Refusal of a witness to attend a tax violation case1 thousand rubles
Refusal to testify or reporting false information3 thousand rubles
129 Refusal of a translator, specialist, or expert to take part in a tax audit500 rub
Drawing up a false conclusion and deliberate mistranslation5 thousand rubles
129.1 Refusal to transfer information to the Federal Tax Service or transfer it at the wrong time in cases where a person is obliged to provide data5 thousand rubles
The same violation committed again in the same year20 thousand rubles
129.2 Failure to comply with the requirements for casino registration rules with the Federal Tax Service or failure to notify about a change in their numberthree rates of tax approved for this object
Repeated violation6 bet sizes
129.3 Withholding (partially or completely) the amount of tax due to the use of conditions for taxation in controlled transactions that are not comparable to the conditions of transactions between unrelated persons

(it is not considered a violation if the taxpayer submitted to the Federal Tax Service documents justifying the market level of prices established by him under contracts according to the rules regulated by Article 105.15)

40% of taxes withheld (not< 30 тыс. руб)
129.4 Concealment from the Federal Tax Service of information about controlled transactions, untimely notification of the Federal Tax Service about them, deliberate transmission of incorrect data on transactions5 thousand rubles

Filling out a payment order to pay a fine

To correctly fill out a payment order, consider a sample payment order form:

The fields are not filled in; they are needed for bank employee records.

Document No. is entered in the field.

The field is intended to indicate the day the payment order was issued in the format DD.MM.YY.

The field must contain information about the type of payment. We write:

  • [By mail], if the document is sent through a post office;
  • [Urgent] if the contribution needs to be taken into account as soon as possible;
  • [Electronically], if the money will be transferred by electronic payment;
  • [___] if you pay in person.


  • <01>for LLC;
  • <09>for individual entrepreneurs;
  • <10>for a notary;
  • <11>for a lawyer;
  • <12>for the head of a peasant farm;
  • <13>for individuals.

The field must contain the amount paid in words and in numbers.

– TIN (consists of ten digits for an LLC and twelve digits for an individual entrepreneur), – KPP (entrepreneurs do not fill out), – name of the paying enterprise (or initials of the entrepreneur), – Account number from which the funds are debited; – name of the bank, – BIC, – correspondence. account) of the payer. – bank of your Federal Tax Service (recipient of the money), – BIC, – account. – name of the Federal Tax Service, – No. of its account, – INN, – KPP. . . remain blank.

  • In part<Вид операции>put<01>(i.e. we indicate that this is a payment document);
  • IN -<Очередность платежа>- we put<5>;
  • <Код>we have<0>, if we ourselves pay penalties. Or enter the UIN from the Federal Tax Service notification.
– KBK, – OKTMO, – Basis of payment:
  • ZD (independent payment of penalties),
  • TR (transfer of money at the request of the Federal Tax Service).
– Payment period. – Document No. -<0>. – Date the paper was issued, set<0>or the date of the document, if the company received a requirement from the Federal Tax Service.

Field -<Назначение платежа>. The line must contain information that a fine or penalty is being paid.

In addition, you will see at the bottom of the document “M.P.” (place of printing). It is needed if the payment order is submitted in paper form, but LLCs and individual entrepreneurs have the right to refuse to put it in then.

And finally, handwritten or electronic signatures of people authorized to sign such documents are affixed to the area.

if required and UIN

When you have a notification from the Federal Tax Service that you have been fined or have been charged penalties, data appears to be entered in some columns of the payment bill, which would remain zero in its absence:

Cell: instead of zero, write UIN.

Cell: indicate the tax period.

Cell: report document No. (Federal Tax Service requirements).

Cell: the document date will be the day the paper was received from the Federal Tax Service.

in the absence of a requirement and UIN

As we have already said, the difference between filling out a payment slip with a documented requirement from the Federal Tax Service and filling it out without notification from the Federal Tax Service is that cells 22, 107, 108 and 109 will contain the value “0”.

Fines and penalties for insurance premiums

Every month, before the 15th, payments for insurance premiums for the previous month must be transferred to the budget. If this date falls on a weekend or holiday, according to the law, the calculation is made on the next working day. If these requirements are ignored, fines and penalties cannot be avoided. They will be charged not only for late payment, but also for incorrect calculation of payment amounts and, as a result, transfer of funds in incomplete amounts.

The penalty is imposed from the very next day after the end of the period approved by law and will be accrued every day until the debt is repaid. Its size is directly dependent on the current refinancing rate and is equal to 1/300 of its part.

Formula for calculating the amount of penalties:

P = CH * SR * 1/300 * DP, Where

P – fines,

SN – amount of arrears on contributions,

SR – refinancing rate,

DP – number of days of delay.

Example of calculation of accrued penalties

LLC “Company” paid insurance payments for July 2016. in full only on August 31, and the money transfer had to be made before August 15. It turns out that the penalty will be assigned 15 calendar days (from August 16 to August 30 inclusive). Let the organization’s contribution debt amount to 30 thousand rubles, and the refinancing rate at that time was 10% per annum.

LLC “Company” will pay the penalties by listing:

30,000 (rub) * 10% * 1/300 * 15 (days) = 150 rubles.

As for the imposition of a fine, its amount will be 20% of the amount of insurance payments withheld by the company. If the intentional nature of non-payment of contributions is proven, the fine will be doubled.

On amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated November 12, 2013 No. 107n.” Read also the article ⇒ “Payment order for payment of state duty in 2018” Sample payment order indicating the status of the originator Sample payment order indicating the status of the originator Errors in determining the status of the originator in a payment order? Read also the article ⇒ “How to fill out a payment order for fines “Despite a fairly clear explanation for filling out section 101 of the payment order, mistakes are still made.

What to indicate the payer status in a payment order in 2018

The status in the payment order in 2018 is information about the payer to the budget of the Russian Federation.

The accountant must fill out field 101 without errors for the correct crediting of money.

From October 2, 2018, new requirements apply, which you can learn about from the article.
The status in the payment order in 2018 is information about the payer to the budget of the Russian Federation.
The specialist must indicate it accurately for the correct transfer of money.


If the details are incorrectly indicated, the payment will be classified as unclear by the treasury, and it will take time to clarify it.

Originator status in payment order 2018

Registration of a payment order at the traffic police "Payment for a fine to the tax office: sample 2018 One of the important indicators of a payment order for the payment of a fine is the budget classification code (BCC), reflected in field 104 of the payment order (clause

5 of the Rules, Appendix 2 to Order of the Ministry of Finance dated November 12, 2013 No. 107n).
These codes used in 2018 can be viewed on our website.


It must be taken into account that when paying fines, the 14th-17th categories of the KBK take on the value of 3000 (with the exception of certain types of insurance premiums).

Let us explain how to fill out other fields of a payment order for an organization or individual entrepreneur to pay its fine (Rules for specifying information, Appendix No. 2 to Order of the Ministry of Finance dated November 12, 2013 No. 107n): Online journal for an accountant Next, we will tell you in more detail about what exactly has changed and what was required adjust the rules for filling out payment slips.

Payer status in payment order in 2018

Letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 02/03/2017 No. ЗН-4-1/)