Cash settlement services in rubles. Opening and servicing a bank account

Cash settlement services for legal entities is one of the most important areas of the bank’s activities. In importance, it is not inferior to lending and transactions on household deposits. Funds of clients - legal entities, attracted by the bank in the process of their settlement and cash services, reach 30% of all liabilities generated by the bank. And the database of clients - legal entities created during cash settlement can be used for the subsequent provision of loans to them, the conclusion of salary projects, the provision of money collection services, etc. This chapter describes in detail the entire range of services provided by banks to clients - legal entities as part of their cash settlement services.

6.1. Types of legal entity accounts and transactions on them

The main regulatory documents regulating banking operations for servicing clients – legal entities are:

Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Part II;

Tax and Budget Codes of the Russian Federation;

Federal Law No. 395-1 “On banks and banking activities”;

Instruction No. 26-I of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;

Federal Law No. 115-FZ “On combating the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism.”

The provision of cash settlement services, as a rule, begins with the opening of an account by a client - a legal entity. An account opening agreement is concluded between the client and the bank. If a current account is opened, the parties are guided by the following definition of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation:

“under a bank account agreement, the bank undertakes to accept and credit funds received to the account opened for the client (account owner), carry out the client’s orders to transfer and withdraw the corresponding amounts from the account and carry out other operations on the account.”

Let us highlight a number of principles on which cash settlement services for clients - legal entities are built:

All enterprises, regardless of their legal form, are required to keep funds in a bank;

Cash payments between enterprises are carried out mainly by non-cash means;

Payments are made by the bank in accordance with received payment documents;

Clients have the right to independently choose a bank for settlement and cash services, as well as use the services of several banks.

Thus, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation spells out the main responsibilities of the bank and clients - legal entities. At the same time, banks are ready to offer their clients a wide choice of types of accounts and banking operations on them. The main types of accounts offered by banks are presented in table. 6.1.

Table 6.1.

Types of accounts opened by banks for legal entities in the Russian Federation

Account type

Description of account and transactions

Checking account

Opens on the basis of a cash and cash register agreement. Used to service the current activities of the enterprise. Revenue and cash are credited to it. It pays for supplier services, taxes, payroll and other expense transactions.

Deposit account

Opened on the basis of a deposit agreement. Used to place available funds for a certain period at interest. Debit transactions on the account are generally not allowed. Interest is credited for the settlement period. Unless otherwise specified in the deposit agreement, the bank has the right not to return the money to the client until the deposit expires.

Business account

Opens for payments using corporate plastic cards (business expenses, business trips). The funds in the account belong to the company.

Current accounts

They are opened to budgetary institutions and perform the functions of a current account for them.

Letter of credit account

Opened to reserve client funds for settlements under a letter of credit. Only operations on reserving funds and writing off funds upon execution of a letter of credit are allowed on the account. No other operations are carried out. The account cannot be seized by the tax authorities, operations suspended by the court, etc.

Loan account

Used for crediting and repaying the loan by the client.

Currency accounts

Open to clients for transactions in foreign currency. They are described in detail in the chapter devoted to the bank’s foreign exchange operations.

Opening any of these accounts requires the preparation of a large list of documents established by federal legislation and the requirements of the servicing bank. Thus, to open a client current account, the following documents are required:

1. Application for opening an account according to the bank form.

2. Document on state registration of a legal entity (and a copy certified by a notary or by the body carrying out state registration or by a bank).

3. Constituent documents confirming the status of a legal entity - charter and (or) constituent agreement (and their copy, certified by a notary or by the body carrying out state registration or by a bank).

4. Certificate of registration with the tax authority (and a copy for certification by the bank)

5. Card with samples of signatures and seal impressions of form No. 0401026 (2 copies). Cards must be certified by a bank employee or notary.

6. A document confirming the authority of officials to manage the account. For the head of an organization, such a document is the minutes of the meeting of founders or the decision of the founder, if the enterprise has one founder. For other persons – chief accountant, deputy. manager, etc. – orders for their appointment to a position, signed by the head of the enterprise.

7. Other documents provided in accordance with Federal Law No. 115-FZ and the internal requirements of the bank (certificate from statistical authorities with enterprise codes, documents confirming the location of the enterprise at the stated address, copies of passports of the founders of the enterprise and management of the enterprise, etc.).

From this list of documents, the following will be of great importance during subsequent transactions on the account: card with sample signatures and an imprint of the company's seal. This card is kept by the bank's cashiers to identify the authenticity of the client's payment and cash documents. The sample signature card contains the first and second signatures. Moreover, the number of first and second signatures on the card is not limited. In table 6.2. options for card design with sample signatures and seal imprint are presented.

Table 6.2.

Card design options and emerging problems

Design option

Emerging problems

Card 1 has the first signature (manager only)

In the temporary absence of the manager, it is impossible to carry out transactions on the account

The card contains the first few signatures (the head and his deputies)

In the temporary absence of a manager, abuses may occur on the part of his deputies.

The card contains several first signatures and one second signature

The likelihood of abuse is reduced, but the problem is the temporary absence of the chief accountant

The card has several first signatures and several second signatures

This option is usually used by large enterprises

Cash settlement relationships between the bank and the client are usually long-term. Legal entities are not inclined to frequently change servicing banks for the following reasons:

Opening a current account is a labor-intensive and expensive (especially for small businesses) operation;

All agreements of a legal entity are associated with a current account opened at a bank, so changing a bank requires a long time and leads to interruptions in settlements with buyers and customers.

However, the agreement on cash settlement services can be terminated either at the initiative of the client (termination of business or transfer to a competitor bank) or at the initiative of the bank (lack of transactions on the client’s account). Account closure is carried out:

At the client’s request – at any time upon receipt of the client’s application to close the account;

At the initiative of the bank - on the basis of a court decision to terminate the Bank Account Agreement.

To close an account, the client submits an application to the bank, which must contain confirmation of the balance of funds in the account on the day of closure and an instruction to transfer the balance of funds. The balance of funds from the account is transferred by the bank to another account no later than seven days after receiving the corresponding written application from the client.

Welcome readers of the “site”! Today we will talk about cash settlement services (CSS), since non-cash payments are an integral part of modern market relations.

After reading the article, you will learn:

  1. What is cash management services?
  2. How does cash settlement services work for individuals and legal entities (individual entrepreneurs, LLCs, etc.);
  3. How to open a cash settlement in a bank and what documents will be needed.

We will try to fully describe the functionality and features of this service, and also consider the tariffs for cash settlement services and what to look for when choosing a bank.

Read further in our article about what is cash settlement services (CSR) for legal entities, what are the current tariffs for cash settlement services for clients and what to look for when choosing a bank for CSR.

RKO(Settlement and cash services) - this is a range of banking services for servicing accounts of individuals and legal entities, including transactions in foreign currency.

To be able to use this service, an individual or legal entity must submit a certain package of documents to the bank, as well as draw up an agreement with it, and at the same time meet all banking and legislative requirements.

The regulatory framework of RKO includes the Federal Law “On Banks and Banking Activities”, the Civil Code and the provisions of the Central Bank of Russia.

Based on the fact that currently almost all participants in market relations use non-cash payments, the conclusion follows, that RKO for an entrepreneur is the primary necessity, because without it there is no opportunity carry out non-cash transactions .

2. Settlement and cash services for legal entities: features and forms of documents

Serving legal entities, the bank conducts all their transactions on current accounts, including payments of pensions, wages and others. These operations are performed not only in rubles, but also in foreign currency. Read more in the article - "What is it for, as well as the pros and cons of the r/s"

The main services provided by RKO can be divided into the following groups:

  • non-cash transactions;
  • cash payments;
  • provision of account statements.

Please note that banks use special forms of documents when working with client accounts in cash settlement services, including:

  • form 0401060, which is a payment order;
  • form for replenishing a bank account with cash;
  • checks confirming withdrawal of funds from the account.

After signing an agreement for settlement and cash services for legal entities, the organization is provided checkbook , which serves to cash out funds for the needs of the company.

In addition, with cash settlement services, in addition to the basic set of services, the bank can offer a number of additional services, such as remote access to current account or collection .

However, it is worth remembering that additional services are provided to the client for an additional fee, in contrast to the basic package.

3. Cash settlement services (cash settlement services) for individuals

An individual also signs a settlement agreement with the bank, and an account is opened for him in this bank. This account can be used for both crediting funds And non-cash payments, and for transactions in Internet banking.

Typically, this service is provided free of charge . However, for carrying out a number of transactions, For example , cash withdrawals or wire transfers, the bank may charge a commission for cash settlement services to individuals.

4. How to choose a bank for cash settlement services - 3 selection criteria

First of all, in order to choose a bank for settlement and cash services, you need to carefully study all the offers from different banks and choose the most suitable one for a particular company or individual.

4.1 Degree of reliability

The reliability of a bank involves identifying its strengths and weaknesses and identifying opportunities. It is also advisable to compare all the risks and benefits of cooperation with this particular bank.

There are several ways to study the work of a credit institution and determine the degree of its reliability:

  • Open access to the media and the Internet. In addition to general information, you can find reviews from real people about the bank's work. Pay attention not only to the websites of the banks themselves, but also to specialized information portals (Expert RA, RBC, etc.).
  • It is important that withdrawals and transfers of funds can be made on the day of application;
  • Monitor the stability of the credit institution so that there are no delays in the transaction of funds;
  • A wide network of bank branches, both in your region and in others, will be a big plus. This allows you to reduce possible costs of time and finances.
  • The range of services provided must meet the requirements of your organization;
  • Study the duration of issuing a transaction passport, the conditions for conducting currency transactions, etc.;
  • Study the tariffs for settlement and cash services - the size of the commission for various operations, the possibility of remote work with the account, transactions for transferring funds, as well as depositing and withdrawing cash are assessed;
  • The quality and speed of the cash settlement services in this bank and the mechanism for resolving disputes;
  • Possibility of providing an additional package of services;
  • Conditions and possibility of conducting “salary projects” in this bank.

4.2 Operating mode

This criterion can be assessed if several banks meet your requirements. In addition, this point is especially important if the organization works with counterparties with time differences.

4.3 Payment days

These are certain days (1-3 times a week) when the company will pay all accumulated bills for this period , respecting their priority.

5. The best banks and tariffs for cash settlement services

Choosing a bank to provide settlement and cash services to individual entrepreneurs and legal entities is a very important stage, influenced by various factors. This section lists the best banks providing cash settlement services to customers.

5.1 Sberbank

Sberbank is in a leading position in the market today, because... provides a wide range of services for both individuals and legal entities. Sberbank offers favorable rates for cash settlement services. In addition, an undoubted advantage is the ability to create a current account remotely.

Within 30 calendar days after this procedure, you must provide the bank with a package of relevant documents. In the future, accounts can be opened using the Sberbank Business Online system, which has its own application for mobile devices. There are also special service packages for business accounts.

This bank has deployed the largest network of branches, terminals and ATMs, has a 24-hour support line, works with currency, carries out salary projects, allows companies to purchase equipment on lease, and offers preferential terms in a number of services.

5.2 Tinkoff

This is a relatively new but rapidly growing bank. It offers its clients (legal entities) two tariffs - “Simple” and “Advanced”, which are serviced at a relatively low cost. In addition, the bank carries out a number of promotions to attract customers, making the terms of service very favorable.

Like Sberbank, Tinkoff Bank has Internet banking, SMS alerts, acquiring (), lending and other services. This bank also has the opportunity to open an account remotely through the website. And at the end of the year, clients are accrued a certain percentage on the account balance.

5.3 Opening

This bank provides a wide range of services to its cash settlement clients. It includes online account reservation for opening, remote account management, support hotline, control in the field of foreign exchange transactions, acquiring and other additional services.

The bank also helps improve employee productivity through HR consulting training programs.

5.4 Alfabank

Alfa Bank provides services for maintaining cash settlements in Russian and foreign currencies, without limiting the number of possible accounts. It has a convenient and accessible online client with which you can perform all account transactions. There is a fairly extensive network of additional offices and ATMs throughout the country.

The bank provides various additional services, and also, through an additional agreement, charges interest on the account balance.

5.5 SKB-Bank

The main advantage of SKB-Bank is its extended operating day (21 hours). The bank provides the ability to reserve a current account online and conduct all operations remotely, and has a developed network of ATMs and branches.

Organizations and individual entrepreneurs can count on a wide range of additional services and favorable rates, such as providing company employees with loans on preferential terms, etc.

Comparative table (tariffs for legal entities for cash settlement services)

This table contains data from Moscow departments, so there may be different indicators in the regions.

Name of the bank Tariff for opening an account, rub. Maintenance cost External bank transfer Refill Cashing out funds Providing the “Bank-client” service
Sberbank Not less than 3000 Not less than 1,600 online from 32-52 rubles/payment, through the cash register from 300-350 rubles/payment from 0.3-0.36% of the total amount from 0.6% (not less than 150 rubles) per salary; from 1.4% (not less than 150 rubles) for others. for free*; from 960 rub.
Bank opening Minimum 1300 750-1700 rub. from 0.5-1% (min. 27-30 rub.) from 0.16% (min. 50 rub.) from 0.4% for salary, 1-10% for other Minimum 1250 rub.
Tinkoff Bank There is no charge First quarter (for individual entrepreneurs - six months from the date of registration) - no fee is charged, then from 490 rubles. first 3-10 months no fee, then 29-49 rubles/payment no fee or min. 1% of the amount No fee is charged up to 100,000 rubles, more - from 1.5-10% (from 99 rubles) There is no charge
SKB-Bank 0-1000 from 990-1490 from 29 rub. from 0-0.7% from 1.3% on salary; from 1.6-11% on others. There is no charge
Alfa Bank minimum 3300 from 220 - 6900 online from 30 rubles/payment or from 0.1% through the cash register from 0.28-0.35% (min. 300 rub.) from 0.5% (min. 300 rub.) for salary from 2.5-11% (min. 400 rub.) for others. from 990-2200 rub.

*For persons with an open current account with this Bank.

** Check the latest information on the official websites of banks.

Thus, we can conclude that currently the most favorable terms of cash settlement services are provided by Tinkoff Bank, which provides most standard services free of charge.

However, this is a superficial analysis that needs to be supplemented with other indicators to get a complete picture of the bank.

6. Package of documents for organizing cash management services

In order to open a bank account, individual entrepreneur (IP) must provide the following documents:

  • Passport.

Legal entities are required to provide a slightly different package of documents:

  • Articles of association;
  • OGRN;
  • and other constituent documents of the legal entity.

7. Review of services included in RKO

With regular use of cash settlement services, significant costs for the company are inevitable, so most banks offer their clients packages of services to reduce these costs.

  1. free performance of the most popular operations by paying for the entire package;
  2. preferential terms for the tariffs of the main set of services for cash and settlement services.

However, it is worth considering the full cost of the package and analyzing the real benefits of connecting it.

7.1 Bank cards for legal entities

Such cards are issued to simplify doing business and conducting financial transactions. These cards are linked to the company's main current account and are designed to be used according to its needs. This is necessary, for example with a traveling nature of work.

In addition, it is possible to issue additional cards to the same account, which allows the use accounts by several employees . What’s important is that card service rates are often lower.

But do not forget about the tariffs for issuing and servicing the card itself, which can vary dramatically depending on the bank. And be sure to calculate the possible benefits.

7.2 Self-collection

A service such as self-collection, which allows you to deposit funds into an account, can significantly reduce an entrepreneur’s expenses. via ATM or terminal .

However, some transactions may have restrictions related to the capabilities of the terminal or ATM. Tariffs for depositing funds yourself are usually lower than through a cash desk, but do not forget about the minimum commission amounts set by the bank and calculate the benefits.

7.3 Internet banking

One of the most important elements of RKO is this is the presence of a bank client . This implies the ability to remotely carry out most banking transactions, receiving all the necessary documents and monitoring the status of the account.

Basically, this service is already part of the basic RKO package, but the client can refuse it and reconnect if necessary. Depending on the bank, this service is provided paid or for free .

A positive feature of Internet banking is making payments from a current account and all kinds of transfers. In addition, it is possible to work with documents and receive up-to-date information on the account.

As for the security and bank guarantees of online transactions, here banks guarantee complete security of all cash transactions . In addition, the client can use additional protection services for a separate fee.

8. Advantages of RKO

It must be remembered that RKO is a system of services necessary for carrying out business activities.

Advantages of cash settlement services for entrepreneurs:

  • personalized and specially selected tariffs on good terms;
  • service is provided by a personal manager;
  • all calculations occur in real time.
  • All this has a positive impact on the operation of the enterprise as a whole, and the speed of execution of monetary transactions is reflected in the amount of profit.

The greater the range of services offered by a bank, the more popular it is among clients.

Today RKO includes the following services:

  • opening and maintaining a current account;
  • various transfers and payments;
  • depositing cash into the account;
  • Internet banking, alert system, mobile applications;
  • currency operations;
  • making payments using a copy of the invoice;
  • 24/7 access to remote transactions within the bank;
  • personal approach to each client.

9. Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Question 1. What is the difference between cash register service and cash register maintenance?

Cash services are the implementation of settlements and other financial transactions on the accounts of individuals and legal entities.

RKO is a complex of banking services servicing accounts of individuals and legal entities, including transactions in Russian and foreign currencies.

In order to have the right to use such services, you must provide the bank with the relevant documents and draw up an agreement, meeting all the requirements of the bank and the law.

Cash service is the service of customer accounts and has nothing to do with the service of technical equipment such as cash registers or machines.

Question 2. What are the criteria for choosing the best bank to implement cash settlement services for small businesses?

The number of Russian banks that offer their services to small businesses is more than 600. They all offer different tariffs, services and conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to first determine the most important operations that are being performed or will be performed by the enterprise in the near future.

Here are the main criteria for choosing a credit institution:

  1. Currency in which the company conducts its operations. Does this particular bank conduct transactions with this currency, under what conditions, does it provide exchange control (for the export and import of goods and services), and the remote possibility of exchanging currency at any time.
  2. Commission for account servicing, for Internet banking, cost of transfers. For small businesses, it is more profitable that for the first time after opening an account, if there are no transactions on it, no commission is charged.
  3. Cash transactions. It is worth noting that a fee may be charged for withdrawing and depositing cash into your account, which must be taken into account when choosing a bank and tariff.

After you have identified all the operations you need and studied the products of credit institutions, you need to preliminarily calculate the monthly costs of cash settlement services. Here you need to remember both the main fees and one-time, one-time commissions.

In addition, when choosing a bank, it is important to consider the following factors:

  1. Quick account opening and the ability to make reservations through the client bank.
  2. Bank credit rating. Recently, there have been many cases of revocation of licenses from banks, so carefully study this issue, because even a temporary shutdown can significantly reduce profits.
  3. Availability of bank branches in the city where the company operates. Their absence can negatively affect the work of the organization as a whole.

10. Conclusion + video material on the topic

Without RKO it is impossible to conduct business in full. This type of service requires certain costs, but at the same time, time is saved by carrying out transactions through Internet banking.

In order to attract more clients, banks hold additional promotions and offer their services on preferential terms.

In conclusion, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the video material - “How to choose a bank for cash settlement services for legal entities”:

We wish the readers of the site "" to find their bank with the most favorable tariffs for settlement and cash services, which will bring satisfaction from cooperation and help in achieving their goals.

Share your experience, wishes and feedback on the topic of the article in the comments!

Author of the financial magazine “”, former head of a well-known SMM agency. Currently a coach, internet entrepreneur and marketer, investor. I’ll tell you how to effectively manage your personal finances, increase them profitably and earn more.

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Greetings, friends! Remember the last time you paid in cash at a store? I am sure that most of you use cash for small purchases, paying for most of your purchases through non-cash payments. And if ordinary individuals actively use the capabilities of current accounts, what can we say about enterprises. Today, settlement and cash services for legal entities have literally become an integral part of business, both small and large. It is unlikely that anyone will argue that entrusting a bank with a current account is an extremely responsible and demanding decision maximum seriousness. In fact, all the company’s costs, the security of cash flows and, as a consequence, its profitability are in the hands of the bank. In this article I would like to cover the topic of cash settlement services in more detail, tell you what such a service is, and which bank to look for the best rates.

What is RKO and how does it work?

So, I suggest that you first find out what a current account is, and then move on to the main topic of the review. A current account is a legal account. persons with an independent balance in a banking institution, which is intended for saving money, carrying out non-cash transactions with other legal entities or individuals.

Based on this definition, we can reveal the essence of cash settlement services. RKO is banking services system, with the help of which accounts of individuals and legal entities are serviced, all monetary transactions are carried out in any currencies.

To take advantage of this kind of opportunity, potential clients need to send a certain package of documents to the bank and conclude an appropriate agreement with it. agreement. The legal aspects of RKO are enshrined in the Law “ About banks and banking activities", and are also determined by the regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Checking account- this is the account legal persons with independent balance in a banking institution, which is intended for saving money, carrying out non-cash transactions with other legal entities or individuals

Today, almost no organization can do without RKO. In addition, the need for non-cash money circulation also arises among individuals. It is for this reason that without settlement and cash services, not a single non-cash transaction is carried out, cash is not withdrawn or credited to the account, accounts in foreign currency are not maintained and statements of transactions on current accounts are not issued.

Cash settlement services for legal entities in credit institutions involve maintaining everyone transactions on current accounts. This includes the calculation of salaries, the payment of pensions, scholarships, and other similar payments. It is worth noting that transactions can be carried out both in rubles and in foreign currency.

Composition of services

If we talk about the fundamental services in this area, they can be combined into a single classification:

  • non-cash payments;
  • cash payments;
  • preparation of bank statements for accounts.

When working with accounts and cash transactions, banking organizations use special forms:

  • money orders(if we are talking about current accounts for payment) or, as they are also called, “ forms 0401060»;
  • cash deposit forms to bank accounts;
  • checks, which are issued at the moment withdrawals funds in the form of cash from the account.

Signing an agreement on the provision of settlement and cash services means that the company has the right to receive checkbook. It is one of the main tools for cashing out funds that are necessary to pay the company’s personnel and its other needs.

In order to improve settlement and cash services, many banks offer their clients to use the “ Bank-Client" Its specificity lies in the fact that in addition to the basic package of services, clients also receive additional options such as collection or remote access to current accounts.

However, here you need to be prepared for the fact that if the bank provides the main block of services free of charge or for a minimal fee, then you will have to pay for the related options. In general, there is nothing surprising in this, because, whatever one may say, a bank is a commercial organization.

sign up for cash register service and use it for 2 months for free

What does RKO consist of?

In accordance with the agreement on settlement and cash services, the bank provides clients with the following list of services:

  • prompt and uninterrupted flow of funds;
  • carrying out foreign exchange transactions;
  • reception and delivery cash funds.

To successfully accomplish the above tasks, banks use special financial instruments. Of course, the main one is the current account, after opening which you will be able to gain access to other bank products related to the circulation of finances. These include the following:

Non-cash transactions

This includes prompt execution of client orders, regular notification of incoming and outgoing transactions, and issuance of bank statements. To manage a client’s finances, banks can choose a specific package of services, which will include basic and additional operations.

Companies can interact with credit institutions in two ways:

  • Classic, transmitting orders in paper form from hand to hand or through proxies. However, in this case you will have to waste time traveling to the bank office;
  • Online. Using Internet banking to manage finances, all payment requests and orders can be completed remotely. This type of interaction is preferred by the vast majority of companies.

RKO tariffs may vary significantly depending on what services are ordered.

Currency operations

If an organization needs to carry out its activities not only in national currency, it also needs to open a foreign currency account, or rather three accounts at once:

  • current(to manage the currency already owned by a legal entity);
  • transit(to keep track of incoming revenue);
  • an account in which records of all foreign currency purchased within the domestic market will be kept.

The package of services for settlement and cash services of foreign currency accounts includes:

  • purchase/sale of currency based on company instructions;
  • sale of foreign currency earnings in the amount established by law;
  • conversion operations;
  • accepting payments or sending them for export-import client transactions.

Acquiring and Internet acquiring

To begin with, I propose to find out what acquiring is for an entrepreneur in principle. Imagine a situation where your company is in the process of cash settlement in some credit institution. This means that you can use the service of accepting bank cards to collect payment for goods at your point of sale - acquiring. Financial organizations that carry out this type of activity are called acquiring banks. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that they not only install the appropriate equipment in stores, but also organize events for the use of cards.

An analogue of this service is accepting payments via cards on the Internet. In this case, the terminal for reading information is a special form filled out by the buyer. This type of activity is referred to as Internet acquiring.

Cash transactions

Immediately after concluding an agreement for cash settlement services, an enterprise can issue a checkbook at the bank that will provide the service. An alternative, more modern version of this payment instrument can be considered a corporate bank card. The issuance of such plastic is accompanied by linking the card to your account, on which the credit institution will register all payment transactions, issue statements of turnover and balance, and keep records of funds in the current account.


A service that is recommended for all businesses that regularly deposit or receive large amounts of funds. The bank will ensure the collection and transportation of cash or any other valuables between organizations, thereby ensuring their safety and security.

Internet banking or mobile banking for legal entities

I’ll say right away that only the most advanced banks provide such services, so don’t be surprised if your credit institution cannot provide you with remote access to your current account.

What should you pay attention to first?

Choosing a bank for cash settlement services is not an easy task. To make it a little easier, I suggest you focus your choice on the following points:

Bank reliability

I’m telling you right away that it’s not worth considering the TOP 30 best state-owned banks. Yes, they are really reliable due to the large number of assets and cash flows within these banks. However, they are clumsy and not flexible enough in terms of document flow and solving non-standard problems. In addition, as a bonus from interacting with these banks, we also receive an extremely picky financial monitoring and currency control department. Considering that freezing our payments out of the blue and demanding a huge list of documents to confirm this or that transfer is a common thing for them, we simply cannot avoid problems at times when payments need to be made quickly.

It is best to give preference to commercial banks with a flexible system and customer focus. Of course, you shouldn’t take your money to some sharashka office, the bank must have a license from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, but at the same time not strain clients with inappropriately intrusive control, help solve complex and non-standard problems, assigning you a real competent manager It is ideal if the bank also organizes the acceptance of most documents online via the Internet or a mobile bank linked to your cash register.

There is no point in considering the TOP 30 best state-owned banks; it is better to give preference to commercial ones

Subscription fee

The amount of payment for account servicing on the Russian market varies within 500-3000 rubles. It all depends on what package of services is included in this tariff. For example, the availability of 100 free payments per month, reduced commissions or a certain limit without commissions on transfers of funds to the accounts of individuals (simple debit cards), preparation of tax reporting and similar activities. It will be more profitable to cooperate with the bank that, for less money, will offer you the largest number of similar goodies that can save your time, money and nerves.

Cost of payment order

It varies between 15-40 rubles per payment order. The average market value is 23 rubles. In addition, many banks offer their clients a payment transfer service out of turn. Imagine that the banking day at your bank ends at 8 pm local time. This means that all payments on bills will be made strictly before the specified time, and the closer the clock hand gets to the “8” mark, the less chance we have that the payment will be processed before the end of the day. However, for 300 rubles (tariff may vary) we can move ahead in the queue and ensure the transfer of payment within today, discarding other clients for tomorrow. This function works in banks that conduct most transactions manually.

Let's say that your director is leaving on an unscheduled business trip, and he desperately needs per diem or travel allowance right today. Obviously, the money is needed before 9 pm. In this situation, the option with increased priority will be very useful and will eliminate the need to transfer to the employee’s personal bank card.

Commission for withdrawal at the cash desk or by check

Pay attention to the size of the commission: what amount it depends on and at what volumes it decreases or increases. The percentage of commissions on the cash settlement market varies between 0.5-1.5%. There are options of 4-8% of the withdrawal amount, but these are already cash-out schemes. In this case, it all depends on the bank you want to work with and how much you need it.

Strictness of financial monitoring

A very important indicator. Every bank has financial monitoring. You and I should be interested in which of them can turn a blind eye to the partially gray schemes of a legal entity’s work. Even if you work extremely honestly and pay all taxes, I insist that you open accounts in top commercial banks. Be that as it may, giant banks never refuse to redraw documents out of the blue. Therefore it is necessary find the golden mean of bank reliability and its adequacy in relation to clients' financial transactions. I do not recommend opening accounts in little-known or financially unstable banks. Such organizations give the green light to almost all types of activities and cash out everything that moves. Such Robin Hoods live no more than 2-3 years until the Central Bank decides to close their “shop”. Unfortunately, no one guarantees that your working capital will ever return to the accounts of your company after the closure of such a bank.

Accrual on account balance

Many banks now offer a service similar to charging interest on debit card balances. For example, there is an amount of 2,000,000 rubles in your current account. This money is simply collecting dust on the balance sheet, since no movements are expected in the next 1-5 days. This money can be put into internal savings account, where they will be additionally charged 6-9% per annum. This will allow you to roll over the interest and give the money the opportunity to work a little for the benefit of the company, and not just lie on the account as a dead weight. There are often situations when you need to pay suppliers in a week, but the required amount is already in your account. Agree, it would be stupid not to use the money during this downtime.

Operating and payment processing timeframes

This is the time for which payments are made on current accounts in manual mode. In different banks, the terms may differ and vary between 9-20 hours a day. Modern banks offer to make payments for many items automatically. The cooler the bank, the more operations it automates, leaving only the verification of large amounts and foreign currency transactions for manual work.

Internet bank

As with any type of personal account, the main thing here is convenience and time saving for clients. Internet banking allows you to create payment templates, maintain document flow of transactions: sent/signed or awaiting dispatch, in processing, completed, and so on; maintain reports and statistics on completed transactions and amounts. By the way, the Tinkoff and Tochka banks I recommend also have in their arsenal mobile banks for legal entities, which allows you to carry out all transactions on your current account directly from your phone. The most important thing in this case is do not forget about information security. Convenience is convenience, but if you lose or forget your phone, just imagine how much trouble you could get into and how much money you could lose. To prevent scammers from getting to your RKO mobile application, use passwords and secure locking. Talk to your manager and find out what regulations are used in such situations.

Conditions for linking a card

Many banks offer to link a “business card” to cash settlement services. Here you should pay attention to the annual subscription fee, the availability of an ATM network (% for cash withdrawals and monthly withdrawal limits). If this will be more profitable than withdrawing funds by check at the cashier, then why not save your time and use the services of an ATM?

Technical support of the bank and assigning a manager to you

This point is not so important, but it still helps a lot when questions arise for which answers cannot be found in open sources. It’s great if you have a person assigned to you with an internal number or a working mobile phone, who will know who you are and what your work system is. This will solve the problem of endless repetition of the same things on the bank's hotline with constant expectations. Agree, you often have to feel like a parrot when, having explained a problem to an operator, it turns out that this problem is unknown to him, and he is forced to delegate its solution to another specialist. To avoid such unpleasant communication, when opening an account, ask if you can get your manager’s contact information, and then call him to get acquainted and check if you were given the correct number.

Paper question: what documents are needed for RKO?

To open a bank account for individual entrepreneurs, you will need to provide the credit institution with the following package of documents:

  • passport;
  • an identification number;
  • registration number of an individual entrepreneur.

But for legal entities having the status LLC, JSC, PJSC and the like, you will need a thicker package. The credit institution requires from them:

  • registration number;
  • an identification number;
  • Company Charter;
  • Order on the appointment of the Director of the enterprise;
  • other constituent documents of a legal entity.

You will find more detailed step-by-step instructions on how to open a bank account in my separate article.

Which banks provide the most favorable conditions for cash settlement services?

Remember how we chose a bank where we could apply for profitable deals? Then we went through quite a few credit institutions and reviewed several dozen plastic cards before we were able to find the most suitable option for ourselves. In the case of RKO, the situation is even more complicated. It is not so easy to find a bank that you can completely entrust your money to and allow you to manage the company’s current account. The choice should be based on many factors. I suggest you consider the offers of the two largest banks in the country and decide which one is closest to you.


Tinkoff, in addition to the SMS alert system, business lending, Internet acquiring and other things, offers a whole two months of free account maintenance and payments. It will be possible to collaborate with the bank remotely through your personal account in the application. The program can be downloaded to a mobile phone or tablet, and you can work with the bank through a browser. In addition, the bank allows you to save time on submitting tax reports, since it independently deals with taxes, fixed contributions and automatically calculates all payments, generates payment orders and reminds you of the need to transfer them. All you have to do is sign the declaration and send it from your personal account.

You can choose one of three tariffs for cash settlement services for your business:

  • « Simple 490 rubles per month. The first three payments can be made completely free, and each subsequent payment will cost 49 rubles. To top up your account you will need to pay 299 rubles;
  • « Advanced", the cost of which is 990 rubles per month. Within this tariff, you can make 10 payments for free, and all subsequent ones will cost 29 rubles. Unlimited payments will cost customers 990 rubles per month. But for replenishing your account you will have to pay a commission of 99 rubles if the account is topped up at a time with an amount of up to 100 thousand rubles, or 749 rubles if we are talking about an amount in the range of 100-300 thousand;
  • « Professional", cost 4990 rubles. Each payment here costs 19 rubles, and purchasing a package of unlimited payments will cost 1990 rubles monthly. Topping up your account costs exactly the same as in the case of “ Advanced» tariff.

Entrust RKO to TKS Bank


Bank " Dot", which is a branch of the systemically important bank " Opening”, proposes to move the entire account opening process online. Immediately after submitting an application, the entrepreneur is assigned an account number, which can be safely indicated in contracts and transferred to his counterparties. The bank independently notifies the tax office about the opening of an account and informs the client’s partners about the change in details. You can connect to your current account overdraft to insure yourself in the event of a cash gap, accumulated receivables or an increase in turnover. In addition, you can use the services of currency control, acquiring, collection and other lending and insurance services.

Bank offers tariffs for cash settlement services in three categories:

  • « Lowcost» with a monthly payment of 7 50 rubles. This tariff plan allows you to make 5 free payments per month and withdraw up to 100 thousand rubles without commission at any ATM. By the way, the ability to withdraw funds automatically solves the problem of how to withdraw money from a current account;
  • « Economy» cost 1900 rubles per month– this is an accrual of 7% on the balance in the current account (for those who do not know how to calculate interest, I advise you to read my article “”), 100 free payments per month, the ability to withdraw 200 thousand rubles from the account;
  • « Business" behind 7500 rubles per month– 7% per annum on the balance, 500 free payments and as much as 300 thousand rubles, which can be cashed out at any ATM with 0% commission.

Start cooperation with Tochka


Well, let's summarize? I am sure that after reading this article, you all came to one, common conclusion - today no entrepreneur can exist without cash management services. The advantages of this service are obvious, because the possibility of making non-cash payments helps us make our lives easier, more convenient and more mobile. Even though RKO implies additional costs, such service saves time, since all transactions on the current account can be carried out via a smartphone with Internet access.

I sincerely hope that after reading this review you will cast aside all doubts regarding whether or not to pay for cash settlement services, and begin to save your energy and time by delegating some of the work to the bank. That's all for me. As always, I ask you to share your impressions of cash settlement services in the comments, tell us which banks you order services from and why. In the meantime, I say goodbye, see you soon!

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What features accompany settlement and cash services for individuals? What is this anyway? What benefits do we get? What should you pay attention to when registering? These and many other questions will be answered in the article.

general information

Cash settlement services for individuals is the name of the operation of opening and subsequent maintenance of bank accounts that belong to specific people. This is a very profitable and important activity for financial institutions. First of all, because in such cases, people and companies transfer significant amounts of money to banks. And this is an important aspect according to which the latter differ from other financial institutions. In addition, attracting individuals allows you to establish business connections with them, which subsequently develop into other, closer forms of cooperation. These include: provision of bank guarantees, factoring, leasing, lending, trust and similar operations. Thanks to this, the relationship is strong, because when the financial institution and the client trust each other, they become mutually beneficial and mutually interested partners.

What benefits do individuals receive?

We can:

  1. Make any payments that are in no way related to business activities.
  2. Credit funds received in the name of the owner.
  3. Carry out conversion operations.
  4. Make regular fixed payments (but only if there is a special order from the client for this).

Although, of course, there are certain specific features. So, if the court decides that for a certain reason it is necessary to write off a specific amount, this will be done without problems. In this case, you just have to obey, which is what the bank does. Cash settlement services for individuals, despite such specifics, is a very useful tool that is necessary and widely used.

Various features

It is necessary to talk about such things as tariffs. Cash settlement services for individuals, as previously mentioned, are very beneficial to the bank. But not only because it provides capital for which you do not have to pay interest, but also due to the removal of commissions. To be fair, it should be noted that it is considered good practice not to charge any additional payments if they are made within the same financial institution. But if transactions are carried out between different banks, you have to pay a commission. Its size is relatively small, but still amounts to a few percent. Moreover, in such cases, certain specifics arise in terms of work. Do not forget that the usual term for bank payment is three days. Yes, now they go through almost instantly, but if an order for payment or settlement is sent after business hours, there may be a delay until the next morning. Therefore, when choosing who will service the transactions being carried out, you should ask in detail about what is organized and how.

Cash settlement services are a range of services that the bank provides to its clients. This range of services includes servicing the client’s current account (non-cash payments within the balance of funds on the client’s account), withdrawal of funds, Internet banking, purchase/sale of foreign currency, acceptance of payments from third parties for goods and services, acceptance of cash proceeds at the cash desk bank, collection of proceeds, bank guarantee and much more. A specific list of services within the framework of cash settlement services (CSS) is fixed in a bilateral agreement.
RKO is provided by banks to both legal entities and individuals.

The list of services for individuals is much smaller. Usually these are deposits/withdrawals of funds, non-cash payments, Internet banking. Most banks charge individuals for a specific service provided (either a percentage for withdrawing funds, or the cost of a payment order, or a commission for non-cash replenishment of a client’s account, etc.).

However, there are banks (PJSC "UkrSibbank" - package offer "All inclusive") that charge a monthly fee for the package of services provided (current account + plastic card + Internet banking), regardless of whether the client has performed any operations during the current month or not.

RKO for legal entities

The list of services for legal entities is much larger, because the lion's share of the bank's income from cash settlement services is formed precisely through servicing legal entities. Very strong competition in this segment forces banks, in order to attract new clients, to provide a preferential, so to speak, “trial” period of service for new clients. Typically this period is 3-6 months. During this period, the bank opens an account for a formal fee, connects Internet banking services, and sets a lower commission for the purchase/sale of foreign currency. All this is done with the goal of “tying” the client to the level of service, creating a loyal client who will then cooperate on standard terms.
Now many individual entrepreneurs and LLCs open current accounts with the Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development. There are the most optimal conditions for doing business.

Current account in Ural Bank

If you decide to take advantage of a similar offer from the bank, our advice to you is to fix for yourself the period from which your service begins under standard conditions and how many times its cost will increase compared to the grace period. In addition, in the cash settlement agreement, be sure to read the procedure for informing you, as a client, about changes in the conditions of settlement and cash services. Today, banks usually do not “strain themselves with an “individual approach to the client” - an announcement on the website or in a bank branch is considered sufficient to familiarize the client with the changes. So be careful in this matter so that the new cost of cash settlement services does not come as unexpected news to you.

The average cost of cash settlement services today, provided that you use a current account, Internet banking, withdrawing funds and making up to 50 non-cash payments, is 150-200 UAH. per month. Legal entities pay for cash settlement services for each month, subject to the operation. If the client has not carried out transactions on the current account, then the bank will not charge a monthly fee. But if the client performs at least one operation, he will be forced to pay a subscription fee for the whole month.
Read also:
Some banks (PUJSC FIDOBANK, PJSC FUIB) are ready to accommodate their clients and establish individual, more loyal, terms of service within the framework of cash settlement services. We advise you to find out about this possibility at your bank.

What is bank card file 1 and 2?

The concept of a bank card index is inextricably linked with the concept of cash register.
A bank card file is client payment documents that are characterized as not executed and are controlled by the bank in which the client has a current account.
There are several reasons why the payer’s payment documents end up in the bank’s files:

  • lack of own funds to execute payment orders;
  • waiting for the payer's acceptance for execution;
  • waiting for payment to be made without acceptance in accordance with the law.

The bank distinguishes between Card Index No. 1 and Card Index No. 2.
Card File No. 1 contains documents that require permission (for example, a decision of authorized bodies that a client account has been frozen in whole or in part, etc.).
Card file No. 2 is used when there are not enough funds in the client account for the payment document to be executed immediately. This is the first reason for getting into the card index according to the above list.

In the future, this document will be executed as funds are received into the client’s account. In addition, you should pay attention to the fact that new payment documents created by the client will not be executed by the bank until the card file is closed. However, payment orders in the card index can be partially paid, unlike ordinary ones.
If an enterprise has a card index, this characterizes its unstable financial position. Its absence may be one of the criteria for obtaining financing from a banking institution.