Living wage from January 1 of the year.

The subsistence minimum is the minimum amount necessary to live. This amount includes food, essential non-food products, services, mandatory payments and fees.

Why do we need a living wage?

Nobody suggests living on a subsistence level, and it’s impossible. The cost of living does not include many important things. The cost of living is used by the government to evaluate and compare economic and social phenomena. In particular it is used for:

Formation of federal and regional budgets; establishing minimum wages; assessments of living standards throughout the country and in the regions; determining the amount of social payments, scholarships, benefits, etc. When determining the living wage, the entire population is divided into three categories: able-bodied people; pensioners; children.

For these groups of people, the cost of living varies. The highest minimum is for the working population, the lowest is for pensioners. The average is also calculated...

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The cost of living is a very important indicator taken into account when calculating all social payments, pensions and benefits. Since its value depends on the level of consumer prices, it is revised quarterly for each of 3 separate categories of the population: able-bodied citizens, pensioners and children. In addition, each subject of the Russian Federation sets its own subsistence level, depending on the level of consumer prices in a particular region.

In the 2nd quarter of 2013, the cost of living in Russia as a whole amounted to 7,372 rubles, including for able-bodied citizens - 7,941 rubles, pensioners - 6,043 rubles, children - 7,104 rubles.

How much will the cost of living increase in Russia in 2014?

According to the Ministry of Economic Development, the cost of living in 2014 will increase by approximately 6% and will amount to 8,200 rubles for the country as a whole. However, this figure may be revised if the inflation rate is more than the expected 5%.

For the first...

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Such a concept as a living wage includes a consumer basket, which includes that minimum package of food and essential goods that provides the normal needs of human life. The subsistence minimum must ensure normal living conditions, including human physiology and health. True, in a modern rule-of-law state, when taking into account such an indicator as the cost of living, one has to take into account mandatory government fees and taxes.

The size of the subsistence minimum in Russia is regulated by the relevant Federal Law, which also regulates the criteria according to which it is determined what the subsistence minimum should be for a certain period of time, and determines the methodology for calculating what the subsistence minimum per person should be.

How is the minimum size determined?

According to clear regulations that leave no room for...

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The cost of living in Russia (LM) is a value that is used to assess the standard of living in the country. The quality of life of people also depends on the indicator, because the PM determines the minimum wage and the amount of social payments, subsidies, pensions, and scholarships. The statistical indicator is calculated based on the price of products that make up the consumer basket (CB), food and non-food products, and payment for services. Every year the cost of living in Russia is increased at least to the inflation rate in order to maintain the standard of living of the population.

Determination of the cost of living

There are several methods for determining the minimum standard of living in a country:

Statistical method. The living wage is set at the income level of about 10-20% of the least wealthy people. In this way, the coefficient can be determined in countries with high income levels. Sociological method. The indicator is determined in the process of...

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The average cost of living in Russia for the second quarter of 2014 was set at 8,192 rubles. For children, this figure was 7,920 rubles, for pensioners - 6,717 rubles, and for the working population - 8,834 rubles.

An increase in the average cost of living by 6.6%, compared to this figure in the first quarter of 2014, is due to an increase in the cost of the food basket per capita by 6.2% in the second quarter of 2014. According to Rosstat, the general consumer price index also increased - in Russia as a whole it amounted to 102.7% by the first quarter of 2014.

The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the cost of living for the second quarter of 2014” dated September 6, 2014 was published on the official government website. The subsistence minimum is calculated quarterly in accordance with the Federal Law “On the subsistence minimum in the Russian Federation”. This indicator is necessary for an objective assessment of the standard of living of Russians. It is used in the development and implementation of programs for...

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Document overview

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 26, 2014 No. 586 “On establishing the cost of living per capita and for the main socio-demographic groups of the population in the Russian Federation as a whole for the first quarter of 2014.”

In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 4 of the Federal Law “On the Living Wage in the Russian Federation”, the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Establish the cost of living for the Russian Federation as a whole for the first quarter of 2014 per capita at 7,688 rubles, for the working population - 8,283 rubles, pensioners - 6,308 rubles, children - 7,452 rubles.

2. The Federal State Statistics Service shall ensure the official publication of information on the cost of living established by this resolution.

Document overview

The cost of living in Russia as a whole for the first quarter of 2014 per capita is 7,688 rubles, for the working population - 8,283...

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Living standards of the Moscow population in 2014

The cost of living is calculated once a quarter, taking into account the dynamics of changes in prices for products and services. Today in Russia the cost of living is calculated for the whole country and at the regional level.

The cost of living in Moscow is determined on the basis of the current regional laws “On the cost of living in the city of Moscow” and “On the consumer basket in the city of Moscow”.

2014 by quarter

The Law “On the consumer basket for the Russian Federation as a whole” was adopted by the State Duma at the end of November 2013. It came into force in January 2013 and is valid for five years. According to the new law, the consumer basket will include “the minimum necessary to preserve human health and ensure his life...

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The cost of living in Russia per capita in the first quarter of 2014 increased compared to the fourth quarter of 2013 by 5.1%, to 7,688 rubles. This is stated in the decree of the Russian government, which was published on Monday on the official website of the Cabinet of Ministers.

According to the document, the cost of living for the working population increased by 4.9%, to 8,283 rubles, for pensioners - by 4.7%, to 6,308 rubles, for children - by 6.1%, to 7,452 rubles.

The increase in the cost of living in the first quarter of 2014 compared to the previous three-month period is associated with an increase in the cost of food as part of the cost of living per capita by 5.4%, as noted in the reference to the resolution. According to Rosstat, the average consumer price index for the first quarter of 2014 compared to the previous quarter was 101.9%.

The cost of living is established on the basis of the consumer basket and Rosstat data on the level...

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Article 8. Features of establishing individual expenditure obligations of the Russian Federation and the use of budgetary allocations in the field of social security of the population

1. Establish that in 2016, the amount of maternity (family) capital provided for by Federal Law of December 29, 2006 N 256-FZ “On additional measures of state support for families with children” is 453,026.0 rubles.

2. To establish in 2016 the amount of the savings contribution per participant in the savings-mortgage housing system for military personnel included in the register of participants in the amount of 245.88 thousand rubles.

3. Establish, from January 1, 2016, the amount of annual cash payments to citizens awarded the “Honorary Donor of Russia” badge in the amount of 12,373.0 rubles.

4. Establish, from January 1, 2016, the amount of indexation of amounts paid under a monetary obligation...

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The size of the living wage of the Russian Federation for the second quarter of 2017 was established by Resolution No. 1119 of September 19, 2017 and is:

Per capita – 10,329 rubles per month; for the working population – 11,163 rubles per month; for pensioners – 8,506 rubles per month; for children – 10,160 rubles per month.

According to Art. 1 of Federal Law No. 134-FZ of October 24, 1997, the subsistence minimum (LM) is a valuation of the consumer basket (the minimum set of goods and services necessary to ensure human life and health), as well as mandatory payments and fees (taxes) , utilities, etc.).

Its value is calculated both for the Russian Federation as a whole (federal PM) and for each subject of the country (regional PM). The size of this indicator in general for Russia is established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation quarterly (on average for the month of each quarter of the year) for the main socio-demographic groups: for the working population,...

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The living wage in Ukraine in 2017 is determined by Law No. 5000 “On the State Budget for 2017”.

Types and levels of living wages

The cost of living in Ukraine is not the same for all segments of the population, since its calculation is based on the needs of different categories of citizens. When calculating this economic indicator, the population is classified into the following categories:

Children under 6 years old; children from 6 to 18 years old; able-bodied persons; citizens who have lost their ability to work.

The overall indicator is also determined separately. The highest indicator today is for children from 6 to 18 years old, the next highest is the minimum for able-bodied persons.

Application of the cost of living in economic calculations

Not only the size of the minimum acceptable salary, but also many other indicators depends on what the current living wage is in Ukraine. This value is used in accounting and economic...

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The subsistence minimum is the minimum level of total income that is necessary to ensure a socially acceptable standard of living for a citizen in his or her state. The highest cost of living in the world community is demonstrated by developed urban countries with a stable economy, good GDP and a developed structure of world trade.

Living wage in Russia: current status

In Russia, this indicator is the initial unit of account for assessing the general standard of living of people in the Russian Federation. Based on the official minimum income, the federal government develops and implements social programs designed to increase the average standard of living in the country.

The formation of the very value (monetary value) of the subsistence minimum occurs on the basis of the cost of the consumer basket, which in turn consists of current prices for essential products (food and non-food products, payments for services, mandatory fees and payments of the population). The PM value is set once per quarterly period. The amount is proposed by Rosstat and approved by the current government of the country.

The level of living wage in the regions is regulated by the constituent entities and legislation of the Russian Federation and may vary. PM differences are also classified according to population categories:

  • for able-bodied citizens;
  • pensioners;
  • persons under 18 years of age (children).

The cost of living (average per capita; rubles per month)

If we carefully consider the financial structure of the living wage, which is relevant today for Russia, then again Rosstat cites the following indicators:

Slightly less than half of the total PM amount, according to the current calculation method, falls on the food group of goods (46.6%), almost a quarter (23.1%) - on non-food products (clothing, household chemicals, household products, etc.) and a little more than 30% - for services and mandatory payments (utilities, taxes, etc.). It is difficult to say whether the average Russian citizen will agree with this calculation. Rather, the decision will be influenced by regions and cities, which, of course, leave their mark on the standard of living and comparing Moscow, Yekaterinburg, St. Petersburg and Izhevsk, Syzran, Kemerovo will be completely wrong. Interesting statistics by city are offered by the resource http://pensions-rossii.rf, which presents the cost of living in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for 2013 by district and city.

As for the minimum wage, from January 1 in the Russian Federation a new minimum wage threshold is determined by the law, declaring 5,205 rubles (which is approximately 130 euros) as the minimum official wage. This step allowed the government to clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of social policy in action: the increase in the minimum wage is almost 13% compared to the previous indicator, which is higher than the official inflation rate, which at the end of last year 2012 was 6.58%.

What living wage awaits us in 2014?

The average increase in consumer prices (inflation rate), which analysts predict in 2014, is generally agreed upon at 6%, although the Russian government has repeatedly announced a course taken to maintain a low inflation threshold at 4.5-5%.

Let us recall that the Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation, A. Siluanov, says that in 2014 the inflation rate in the state can be reduced to 4.5-5% if the cost of services of natural monopolies next year is not subject to indexation and remains at the level 2013.

However, for 2014, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation plans to increase the minimum income threshold for citizens and, based on published information, we can safely predict an increase in the monthly wage in Russia to 8,200 rubles per capita of the working population. It is difficult to say how many funds will be indexed to other categories of citizens.

Such a significant increase has a number of justifications, one of which is the new system for recalculating the consumer basket, where the food group of goods will be determined by physical indicators, and other goods and group of services - as a percentage of the cost of the food set.

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As for the consequences of increasing the cost of living, they are obvious: new difficulties with the state budget and the implementation of all mandatory payments. In addition, an increase in the minimum income level automatically raises the poverty line in the country, which in turn increases the amount of national social subsidies. Therefore, there are opponents to the new recalculation system and, accordingly, to the increase in the financial indicator next year. But there is not long to wait; soon it will be possible to judge to what extent the government’s plans are destined to come true.

The living wage is not just a conditional amount that is necessary for normal life. Based on this amount, the minimum wage, minimum pension and social benefits are determined. It is calculated for three categories of citizens separately - the working population, children and pensioners.

The cost of living is calculated based on the cost of the composition of the consumer basket. In each region, its amount may be changed, taking into account the economic situation and the specifics of the region.

Recently, the cost of living has been changing since the beginning of the year (although, by law, it must be recalculated quarterly) and this has been largely helped by a new approach to the composition of the consumer basket. Products become more expensive, the consumer basket becomes more expensive and, accordingly, the cost of living increases.

But as always, everything is somehow different with us compared to others. Food prices in Russia are raised throughout the year. At the end of the fourth quarter, the cost of the consumer basket is recalculated and a living wage is established. This amount will be valid for all 12 months, but products continue to rise in price.

Thus, not only does the consumer basket include only the extremely necessary composition, it goes ahead from the subsistence level. So, already in March-April, the increase in pensions, minimum wage and all social payments and subsidies becomes unnoticeable.

The cost of living in Russia in 2014

However, the next indexation took place, and in 2014 the minimum subsistence level is 8,200 rubles for the working population. For pensioners it is 6354, and for children – 6636 rubles.

Living wage- the minimum amount necessary for life. This amount includes food, essential non-food products, services, mandatory payments and fees.

Why do we need a living wage?

Nobody suggests living on a subsistence level, and it’s impossible. The cost of living does not include many important things. Living wage used by government to evaluate and compare economic and social phenomena. In particular it is used for:

  • formation of federal and regional budgets;
  • establishing minimum wages;
  • assessments of living standards throughout the country and in the regions;
  • determining the amount of social benefits, scholarships, benefits, etc.
  • When determining the living wage, the entire population is divided into three categories:
  • able-bodied people;
  • pensioners;
  • children.

For these groups of people, the cost of living varies. The highest minimum is for the working population, the lowest is for pensioners. The average indicator is also calculated - minimum per capita.

The minimum subsistence level is adopted by law for the country as a whole and for each region separately. The cost of living is revised quarterly, taking into account the increase in the cost of products, other goods and services. In recent years, the cost of living has increased by an average of 4-5% per quarter.

The cost of living is set every quarter centrally throughout the country and in each region independently. In the 1st quarter of 2014, the minimum required for life per capita was 7,688 rubles. For the main part of the population, this value is 8,283 rubles, for pensioners – 6,308 rubles, for children – 7,452 rubles.

Living wage 2014 in the regions

In each region of the country, the government calculates its own cost of living quarterly.

Traditionally, one of the highest levels of living wages in the capital. For the 2nd quarter of 2014, this value in Moscow was set at 11,861 rubles. In St. Petersburg the level is much lower - 7913 rubles.

The lowest level of living wage is in the Tambov region, where it is 6,123 rubles. The figures are also low in the Belgorod, Penza and Saratov regions.

The highest is in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, where the minimum is 16,250 rubles. Also, a high cost of living is established in the Kamchatka region, Yakutia, and Magadan region.

It is a very important indicator taken into account when calculating all social payments and benefits. Since its value depends on the level of consumer prices, it is revised quarterly for each of 3 separate categories of the population: able-bodied citizens, pensioners and children. In addition, each subject of the Russian Federation sets its own subsistence level, depending on the level of consumer prices in a particular region.

In the 2nd quarter of 2013, the cost of living in Russia as a whole amounted to 7,372 rubles, including for able-bodied citizens - 7,941 rubles, pensioners - 6,043 rubles, children - 7,104 rubles.

How much will the cost of living increase in Russia in 2014?

According to the Ministry of Economic Development, the cost of living in 2014 will increase by approximately 6% and will amount to 8,200 rubles for the country as a whole. However, this figure may be revised if the level is more than the expected 5%.

For the first quarter of 2014, the Russian Government increased the cost of living by 362 rubles and, compared to the fourth quarter of 2013, the cost of living increased by 5.1%. At the same time, the average cost of living for the working population in the future will be 8,283 rubles, for pensioners – 6,308 rubles, for children – 7,452 rubles.