Postings for the sale of goods and services. Shipment of goods or finished products in accounting entries An invoice for materials was presented to the buyer entry

In this article we will look at how relationships with customers are taken into account in accounting. Which account is used to record customers, what postings are made. Transactions during a regular sale, upon receipt of an advance from a buyer or a bill of exchange are considered.

To account for settlements with buyers, account 62 “Settlements with buyers” is used, the debit of which reflects the buyer’s debt to the seller, and the credit reflects payment for goods, work, and services.

Buyers can pay the seller either after receiving the goods, or by making an advance payment, that is, by transferring the advance to the seller’s bank account. Payment by the buyer for the goods is made on the basis of an issued invoice, a sample of which can be viewed.

Accounting for settlements with customers during sales

Revenue from the sale of goods (work, services) is recognized as income from an ordinary type of activity and is reflected in the credit of account 90 “Sales”.

If the sale is one-time and is not a regular activity of the enterprise (for example, the sale of a fixed asset), then the proceeds are reflected as part of other income under the credit of account 91 “Other income and expenses”.

These two accounts 90 and 91 will be discussed in detail a little later; they are interesting and unlike other accounts, they have their own characteristics. It is necessary to calculate VAT on the sale price of goods (works, services) and send it for payment.

Postings to account 62 during regular sales: (click to expand)



Operation name

Revenue from the sale of goods (works, services) is reflected

VAT accrued on goods sold (work, services)

Revenue from the sale of fixed assets, intangible assets, materials is reflected

VAT accrued on sold assets

Payment received from buyer

Accounting for advances received in settlements with customers

If the buyer pays for the goods in advance and makes an advance payment, then to account for settlements with buyers, in this case, subaccount 2 “advance received” is opened on account 62, while subaccount 1 will reflect settlements with buyers in the general case.

Postings for accounting for advances received (account 62)



Operation name

62. Advance received

An advance was received from the buyer to the bank account

76.VAT on advances received

VAT is charged on the advance received

Revenue from sales of goods is reflected

VAT accrued on goods sold

62. Advance received

Offset of advance against debt repayment

76.VAT on advances received

Accepted for deduction of VAT in connection with the sale of goods paid in advance

Accounting for bills received from the buyer:

If the buyer issued a promissory note to the seller, it must be accounted for in subaccount 3 “Bill of note received” of account 62. After the sale of the product, posting D51 K62. Bill of exchange received - this bill is repaid.

If the nominal value of a bill of exchange received exceeds the sale price, then the excess amount is reflected in entry D62. Bill of exchange received K 90/1.

Postings to account 62 when paying by bill of exchange:

Count 62 in infographic. Typical wiring

The figure below shows the main transactions of account 62 “Settlements with buyers and customers”.

Typical transactions for account 62

An example of accounting for settlements with buyers and customers. Postings

The organization Alpha LLC received an advance payment from the Beta LLC company for the shipment of finished products in the amount of 236,000 rubles. A week later, the company Alpha LLC shipped part of the finished products in the amount of 47,200 rubles. (including VAT RUB 7,200)

How to account for these transactions?

  • subaccount 3 – for accounting for bills received.
  • In the next article we will look at how to carry out accounting of accounts payable: ““.

    Video lesson “Settlements with buyers and customers. Count 62"

    In this video lesson, accounting account 62 “Settlements with buyers and customers” is discussed, standard transactions and examples are discussed. The lesson is taught by chief accountant N.V. Gandeva. (teacher, expert of the site “Accounting for Dummies”). Click to watch video ⇓

    How the release of finished products is reflected in accounting, we described in ours. We will talk about accounting for shipment and sale of finished products in this material.

    Postings for shipment of finished products

    In fact, the shipment of finished products is its physical transfer, for example, from the seller to the buyer. As a rule, the shipment of products is accompanied by its sale, i.e., the transfer of ownership of the product from the seller to the buyer. Therefore, if finished products are shipped to customers, postings are not limited to entries only for writing off products from accounting. After all, both the expense in the form of the written-off cost of finished products and the income from the sale, as well as accrued VAT at the time of shipment, if the operation is subject to this tax, are reflected simultaneously.

    This means that a set of accounting entries when selling products usually consists of the following entries ():

    But it also happens that when finished products are shipped, income and expense recognition entries are not generated. This applies to the case when the shipment of products is carried out with a special procedure for the transfer of ownership. For example, this right passes to the buyer at the time of payment. Accordingly, when shipping finished products that have not yet been paid for, the posting for writing them off from accounting is generated as follows (clause 12 PBU 9/99, clause 16 PBU 10/99, Order of the Ministry of Finance dated October 31, 2000 No. 94n):

    Debit account 45 “Goods shipped” - Credit account 43

    And VAT is charged upon shipment:

    Debit of account 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors” - Credit of account 68, sub-account “VAT”

    Read more about the main transactions that are made when selling goods and services, incl. for free sales, we described in a separate article.

    Accounting account 62 is a special analytical account that is used to reflect the supplier’s transactions with the buyer and customer. This article will give you an idea of ​​the main transactions on account 62, which is reflected in the debit and credit of account 62, as well as the documents that are the basis for their implementation.

    Account 62 - can reflect both our debt to the buyer (credit) and the buyer's debt (debit). Therefore, this account is considered active-passive - it can be included in the balance sheet as a Liability or an Asset.

    Under loan 62, the account receives funds from, as well as prepayment amounts for goods and services. In this case, payments for services rendered and advances are taken into account in different subaccounts:

    • Invoice – payment received in accordance with the general procedure;
    • Check - .

    In addition, there is a sub-account for separate accounting of bills received (). If the supplier receives a bill of exchange from the buyer providing for the payment of interest, the amount of interest is reflected at. Repayment of the principal amount of the debt is reflected by posting Dt (for foreign currency accounts Dt) and Kt 62.

    For the convenience of the accountant, analytics for account 62 are carried out in the context of each invoice sent to the buyer, as well as separately for each counterparty and agreement with him. In addition, operations can be classified according to the following criteria:

    • payment method (availability of advance payment or payment upon shipment, provision of services);
    • payment deadline (payment is overdue or not due);
    • availability (the bill has been accounted for in the bank, its maturity has not come or payment on the bill is overdue).

    The accountant has the right to independently choose the criteria on which the analytical accounting of account 62 at the enterprise will be based.

    Turnover balance sheet for account 62 using an example

    Let's consider an example of generating a balance sheet for account 62 from the 1C program:

    What do we see from this SALT?

    For example, the counterparty LLC Horns and Hooves made a payment in our favor in the amount of 61,114.56 rubles in 2016, and we shipped goods to him or provided services in the amount of 27,110.68 rubles. The final payment to the buyer is 34,004.88 rubles.

    Main entries for account 62

    The main operations on account 62 are the reflection of settlements with customers in the general manner, based on the prepayment received, as well as in the presence of a bill of exchange. Let's look at each of these cases with an example.

    Reflection of settlements with customers in the general manner

    Let’s say that an agreement was concluded between Faktotum LLC and Vestra LLC for the supply of goods and materials in the amount of 34,000 rubles, VAT 5186 rubles. Product cost 000 rub. The contract stipulates that the buyer, Vestra LLC, pays for goods and materials after shipment.

    This operation in the accounting of Faktotum LLC will look like this:

    Using account 62 to account for advances received

    Let's look at an example:

    Hyper LLC is a supplier of office supplies. The organization entered into an agreement with Gamma LLC for the amount of 36,000 rubles, VAT 5,492 rubles. The contract provides for prepayment.

    In this case, the accountant of OO "Hyper" will make the following entries in accounting:

    Dt CT Description Sum Document
    62/2 An advance payment was received from Gamma LLC under the supply agreement 36,000 rub. Bank statement
    76 Advances received 68 VAT VAT charged on advance payment 18% 5492 rub. Bank statement
    68 VAT 76 Advances received VAT 18% accrued on advance payment has been restored 5492 rub.
    62/1 90/1 Reflected revenue from the supply of stationery 36,000 rub. Packing list
    62/2 62/1 The advance received from Gamma LLC is credited 36,000 rub. Bank statement, delivery note
    90/3 68 VAT VAT charged at 18% for transfer to the budget 5492 rub. Bank statement, delivery note

    Postings to account 62 “Bills received”

    If the buyer does not agree to make an advance payment, and also does not have the opportunity to pay for the goods upon shipment, then in this case the supplier receives a bill of exchange from the customer, which acts as security for the receivables.

    Let’s imagine that Nova LLC is the supplier, and Antika LLC is the buyer under a furniture supply agreement. Contract amount 114,000 rubles, VAT 17,390 rubles. As security for the debt, Antika LLC issues a promissory note to Nova LLC.

    Nova LLC will record the following transactions:

    Analytical accounting of account 62, organized taking into account all the necessary criteria, will ensure accurate and transparent maintenance of account 62.

    Designed to reflect settlements with customers. The buyer's sales debt is reflected in the debit of this account. She is still part of the .

    Both individuals and legal entities can act as buyers. For each of them it is necessary to maintain analytical records.

    The buyer's debt arises after the posting is made Debit 62 Credit 90.1 (91.1, ).

    Recognition of debt depends on the recognition of the moment of sale established in the accounting policies of the company, as well as in the terms of the supply agreement. In accounting, the buyer's obligations are always reflected at the time they arise. There are two possible options for debt to arise:

    • At the moment of transfer of ownership at . The organization reflects sales (Debit 62 Credit 90.1 (91.1))
    • Ownership of goods passes only after payment. In this case, the organization does not reflect the fact of debt in any way

    Repayment of debt is reflected by posting Debit (50) Credit 62

    The company sold goods in the amount of 124,500 rubles. (VAT RUB 18,992). Their cost amounted to 75,250 rubles. Under the terms of the contract, the buyer became the owner of the goods at the time of shipment.

    Account Dt Kt account Wiring Description Transaction amount A document base
    62 90.1 Sales of goods 124 500 Packing list
    90.3 68 VAT on sales reflected 18 992 Invoice ref.
    90.2 41 Products written off 75 250 Packing list
    62 Money transferred for goods 124 500 Bank statement


    The contract with the buyer may provide for discounts if certain conditions are met. The discount can be expressed:

    • In price reduction
    • In kind (receiving free goods or additional goods)

    If a discount is provided at the time of shipment or before the transfer of goods, then the company must reflect the sale according to the documents, taking into account the price reduction.

    If the discount is provided after shipment, then it is necessary to prepare an adjustment invoice.

    Non-monetary payment of obligations

    The contract may stipulate that the buyer will repay his debt with non-monetary means.

    When repaying a debt with a bill of exchange, you need to open a separate sub-account for it in account 62. And when repaying the debt, the following entries are made:

    • Debit 62 Credit 62 – a bill of exchange was received to repay the debt

    The organization shipped goods worth RUB 223,742 to the buyer. (VAT 34130) their cost is 112,120 rubles. The buyer issued a promissory note to repay the debt. He paid it off after 2 months.

    Account Dt Kt account Wiring Description Transaction amount A document base
    62 90.1 223 742 Packing list
    90.3 68 VAT on sales reflected 34 130 Invoice ref.
    90.2 41 Products written off 112 120 Packing list
    62.3 62.1 223 742 Accounting information
    62.3 The bill has been repaid 223 742 Bank statement

    Penalties for late repayment of debt

    When the buyer does not fulfill his obligations on time, measures established by the terms of the contract may be applied to him. In other words, penalties and fines. Penalties can be calculated based on current legislation in relation to tax debts. Or the contract may reflect a different procedure.

    Fines can be set at a fixed amount or as a percentage of the debt amount.

    The receipt of such amounts is recognized as unrealized income and is reflected in 91 accounts. Posting: Debit 91.1 Credit 76.2.

    There are two conditions under which fines and penalties can be collected. One of them must be fulfilled:

    • They must be recognized by the debtor himself
    • The court must make a decision on recovery

    This type of income is not subject to VAT.

    The company shipped goods worth RUB 175,500 to the buyer. (VAT 26771). Cost of goods 81,700 rubles. The buyer did not transfer payment for them on time. According to the terms of the agreement, the amount of sanctions is calculated based on 0.2% of the debt for each day of delay. The debt was repaid 22 days after the expected due date.

    Account Dt Kt account Wiring Description Transaction amount A document base
    62 90.1 Revenue from the sale of goods is reflected 175 000 Packing list
    90.3 68 VAT on sales reflected

    Sales of goods or services are the main sources of income for a company. The sale is reflected in accounting either at the time of shipment or at the time of payment. Each shipment involves its own postings.

    Sales of goods are reflected in the debit of the “Cost” subaccount () and Credit 41 of the account, the subaccounts for which are determined by the type of trade (wholesale/retail, etc.):

    • Revenue from the sale of goods is reflected in the Credit of account 90 subaccount “Revenue” in correspondence with the account.

    Sales of goods can be carried out through an intermediary. Then it is necessary to make entries Debit 45 Credit 41 “Goods in warehouses”. As inventory items are sold, business entries are made to debit account 90 “Cost” and credit. When exporting goods, the same transactions are made.

    In the main taxation system, it is necessary to pay VAT on sales. The tax is reflected by posting Debit VAT Credit.

    In retail trade, goods are sold at selling price. The markup is made according to . When selling at the end of the month, you need to make reversing entries:

    • Debit 90 “Cost” Credit 42.

    Postings for the sale of goods in wholesale trade

    Usually it can be made by prepayment or upon shipment of the goods.

    By prepayment

    The organization then shipped goods worth 99,500 rubles. (VAT RUB 15,178).


    Account Dt Kt account Wiring Description Transaction amount A document base
    99 500 Bank statement
    Issuing an invoice for advance payment 15 178 Ref. invoice
    Revenue from or goods is taken into account 99 500 Packing list
    VAT is charged on sales 15 178 Packing list
    Sold goods written off 64 000 Packing list
    Advance credited 99 500 Packing list
    99 500 Invoice
    Deduction of advance VAT 15178 Invoice

    By shipment

    The organization shipped goods worth RUB 32,000 to the buyer. (VAT 4881 rub.). Payment was received after delivery.


    Account Dt Kt account Wiring Description Transaction amount A document base
    Revenue from sales of goods is reflected 32 000 Packing list
    VAT is charged on sales 4881 Packing list
    Sold goods written off 385 Packing list
    An invoice for sales has been issued 32 000 Invoice
    Payment received from buyer 32 000 Bank statement

    Retail sales of goods

    For the day, trading revenue in the store amounted to 12,335 rubles. Accounting is kept at sales prices, the organization is on the UTII taxation system, and the outlet is automated. The money was deposited at the company's cash desk on the same day.


    Account Dt Kt account Wiring Description Transaction amount A document base
    Receipt of proceeds from the sale of goods 9000 Cashier's report
    Write-off of goods sold at sales price 9000 Cashier's report
    Proceeds deposited at the cash register 9000 Receipt cash order
    Calculation of markup on goods sold -3700 Help - calculation of markup write-off

    Postings for sales or provision of services

    When selling services, the same accounts are involved, only instead of 41 accounts there are 20 accounts, which collect all the costs that make up the cost.

    The organization performed services in the amount of 217,325 rubles. The cost of the service was 50,000 rubles.

    Postings for the provision of services.