What to do if you lose your insurance policy. Reinstatement of the MTPL policy

A health insurance policy is an important document, without which a citizen of the Russian Federation will not be able to receive qualified medical care. If lost, it is replaced with a new medical policy. How to restore a document? This issue is being resolved by the insurance company.

Is a lost medical policy subject to restoration?

A person can change insurance company at his own request once a year. Also, if lost, the medical policy is subject to free restoration. A certain sequence of actions is provided for this. Reinstatement of the policy is free of charge.

To obtain a new compulsory medical insurance, a small list of documents is provided. The maximum period for reinstatement of the insurance policy is 30 calendar days from the date of writing the application. In rare cases, the period may be extended.

Documents for reinstating an insurance policy

If a medical policy is lost, how to restore the document? To restore the policy you will need:

  • application for loss of compulsory medical insurance;
  • passport with registration mark;
  • SNILS.

If you have a temporary residence permit, you will need a registration certificate or residence permit. To restore compulsory medical insurance for a child, the following must be submitted to the insurance company:

  • loss statement;
  • parents' passports;
  • birth certificate;
  • an extract from the house management about the baby’s registration;
  • SNILS.

To restore a lost insurance policy for a child, the parents' passports are required. If they are not there, then you need documents from the guardian or the person who represents the baby at the insurance company. If the child is already 14 years old, then his passport is presented to the company; until this point, a birth certificate is sufficient.

Procedure for reinstating the policy

If a medical policy is lost or burned, how to restore it? If a person does not plan to change his insurer, then to do this they contact the company where the initial document was prepared. An application is written addressed to the manager of the company involved in replacing lost medical policies.

If compulsory medical insurance is restored in another insurance company, then the petition should begin simply with a request for the issuance of a new certificate. In any case, all certificates, passport, etc. according to the list are attached to the application. After receiving the full package of documents, the insurance company will immediately cancel the lost policy.

All the person’s data is re-entered into the file cabinet based on the submitted documents. A temporary certificate is issued during the production of a new policy. The compulsory medical insurance is notified by SMS when it is ready. The number on the new document remains the same as it was on the old one.

How to restore your medical insurance policy online? To do this, you need to go to the official website of the insurance company. The portal always contains information about the nearest branch. There is an application form on the website that needs to be filled out, but in any case you will have to take it to the insurance company and put a “live” signature.

Temporary certificate

When a medical insurance policy is lost, how to restore the certificate? This is done at the company that issued the initial document. While the new one is being manufactured, a temporary certificate is issued to the person. It guarantees the same rights as the original document. A temporary certificate has a certain validity period, most often no more than a month.

Then, in order to receive free medical care, you need to go to the clinic at your place of residence (or another one where the person plans to be assigned). Employees of the institution will re-register. In order not to contact the registry each time later, a barcode is additionally placed on the temporary certificate.

Where is the insurance policy reinstated?

Where can I renew my medical insurance? This is done at the office of the insurance company that issued the original document. In some regions there are special policy issuance points. They are mainly located in small settlements (urban settlements, villages), where there is no branch of the insurance company.

Reinstatement of children's insurance policy

My child’s medical insurance policy has been lost, how can I restore the document? The initial compulsory medical insurance is issued no later than three months after the birth of the baby. Restoring a lost document begins with a statement from the child’s parents about the loss of compulsory medical insurance. The child must have a registration at the place of stay or residence. Further restoration is carried out according to the standard scheme.

Terms for issuing the policy

While a new compulsory health insurance is being prepared, a person is issued a temporary certificate based on the fact of the loss of the previous document. Receiving a restored medical policy is carried out using a passport. The production time for a new compulsory medical insurance may vary, depending on various factors. The minimum period for producing a document is two weeks. The maximum period is two months.

Reinstatement of an insurance policy through the MFC

How to restore a medical policy if lost through the MFC? An application form is filled out at the multifunctional center. Additionally, copies of the necessary documents are provided. At the multifunctional center, only a policy printed on paper is issued. Compulsory medical insurance is received after an SMS notification using your passport.

Restoring an insurance policy electronically

Starting from August 2015, you can now renew your health insurance policy electronically. Insurance companies have already begun issuing new compulsory medical insurance in the form of plastic cards. If desired, instead of a lost policy, you can request it again in electronic form.

It is endowed with the same functions as compulsory medical insurance on paper. The electronic version of the policy is valid throughout the Russian Federation. The document is made in the form of a plastic card, on the front side of which there is a photograph of the owner. Only persons over 14 years of age can receive such compulsory medical insurance.

New type insurance policies, produced electronically, have a small built-in chip. It contains all the necessary information about the person, including a photograph and signature. The chip is considered more reliable than the barcodes of the past. The electronic insurance policy is used only by the owner.

Plastic samples of compulsory medical insurance are much more comfortable to wear. They don't tear or wrinkle. Electronic policies do not need to be laminated, and the document takes up little space and fits into a passport or business card holder. You can replace an old or lost paper compulsory health insurance card with a universal electronic card for free. UEC replaces an insurance policy.

Previously, they had a certain period of validity. Now medical insurance policies have become unlimited. If you still have an old version of the compulsory health insurance on hand, it must in any case be replaced with a new model.

If lost. This topic is not that difficult. It is enough to know just a few nuances of the process. Basically, citizens do not have problems replacing policies. Some waiting time after contacting the relevant authorities - and the document is ready. What do you need to know about the paper you are studying? What should the population pay attention to first? Are there really any serious problems with changing policies that some people talk about?

Description of the document

Before indulging in thoughts about how to restore if lost, you need to pay attention to the definition of this document. Only after this will it be possible to understand how necessary paper is for citizens.

A policy is a document that allows the population to receive medical care. Both paid and free. There is a system in Russia and the corresponding policy serves as a kind of confirmation of participation.

Not a single person can do without it now. Even a newborn must have a compulsory medical insurance policy. Otherwise, parents may be denied admission to the clinic. Therefore, the question of how to restore the compulsory medical insurance policy is relevant.

Insurance Company

There is really nothing difficult about this. Every citizen who has ordered the document being studied can guess that the procedure for exchanging and restoring a policy is not much different.

The first problem that faces the population is the question of where to go to receive the appropriate service. And the most common answer is: “insurance company.” We need to remember who served the citizen under the compulsory medical insurance system. Then collect a certain list of documents and submit them along with an application for reinstatement of the policy to the appropriate organization. Nothing difficult. But that is not all!


Where can I renew my medical insurance? Now we can implement this idea in the MFC. Any organization that operates in the person’s city of residence will do.

The procedure is extremely simple. It is no different from a visit to an insurance company. It is required to collect a certain package of documents, then submit them with an application in the established form to the multifunctional center.

What's next? Once the document is ready, you will need to pick it up. Where? Either at the MFC where the application was submitted, or at the insurance company that serves the citizen. Nothing difficult. But how to restore a medical policy if lost? What should people know about this process?

Documents for an adult

For example, the fact that the list of documents requested in one case or another will be different. For adults, children, and foreign citizens, there are different lists of required papers. And this shouldn’t be surprising.

When thinking about how to restore a compulsory medical insurance policy, you need to take into account that recently you need to indicate the type of document being restored. There is an old sample and a new one. More on the differences a little later. You will need to specify in your application exactly what type of document is required.

How to restore a medical insurance policy if an adult loses it? He must bring with him to one or another body the following list of papers:

  • identification document (usually a civil passport);
  • documents indicating registration (if a passport is provided, then they are not necessary);
  • SNILS.

There is no need to complete or submit a separate application. It is already filled out at the insurance company or at the MFC. Next, the citizen will be issued with it. It is valid for about a month. During this time, a new permanent policy will be issued. As soon as it is possible to pick it up, insurance company employees will contact the applicant and inform them that the paper is ready.

For children

What should you do if your child needs to reinstate the policy? What will it take? The list of documents will expand somewhat. In addition, it is worth immediately noting that restoration issues should be dealt with by one of the legal representatives of the minor. The application will be drawn up on behalf of the parents.

How to restore a medical insurance policy if a child loses it? You will need to bring to one of the previously mentioned bodies:

  • birth certificate;
  • passport of the applicant parent;
  • SNILS (parent - optional, child - mandatory);
  • minor's identification card (for children over 14 years old).

Accordingly, this is the entire list of required papers. The parent will have to receive the policy. But if we are talking about a 14-year-old citizen, then he himself has the right to submit an application in the established form, without the participation of legal representatives. You are also allowed to pick up your document yourself.


What's next? How to restore a medical insurance policy if lost to a foreign citizen? They will have to worry about providing an extended list of papers to one or another service organization. In general, the process is no different from the previously proposed layouts.

Foreign citizens who lose their medical insurance must provide:

  • application (filled out on site);
  • passport of a foreign citizen;
  • evidence indicating the legality of stay in the country (for example, a residence permit);
  • registration documents;
  • SNILS (if available).

If you tackle the issue being studied in advance, there will be no problems. Within a month, the compulsory medical insurance policy (new or old, it doesn’t matter) will be ready. You can get it if you have an ID card. Until that time, just like citizens of the Russian Federation, foreigners are issued temporary policies.


Now you need to pay attention to the fact that in Russia there are two types of documents being studied. They have already been mentioned. This is a compulsory medical insurance policy of a new sample and an old one. The second option is probably known to everyone - a small piece of paper (usually blue) on which is written the name of the servicing insurance company, the initials of the owner and his insurance number. Assigned once and for life.

But the new type of policy is a plastic card. It contains similar information and was created for the convenience of the public. Unlike the old policy, the new one is durable. It is recommended to have both document types. After all, new ones can’t be used everywhere yet.

One of the mandatory documents that every citizen must keep is a compulsory medical insurance policy. You cannot apply for free medical care without such a document, and then you can only receive this help on a paid basis. A medical policy is issued at birth and has a certain validity period. You can recognize it by looking at the document itself. Also, the compulsory medical insurance policy can be lost or rendered unusable.

Don't despair if one of these situations occurs. The compulsory medical insurance policy can be restored.

In this article we will learn the procedure for restoring compulsory medical insurance policies and the necessary documents for this.

How to get a?

Compulsory medical insurance policy is available in three forms:

  • paper version;
  • electronic copy (all data is in electronic form). Such a policy is not available in all regions of the country;
  • plastic card (only basic information about the insured person is on it, and everything else is duplicated in electronic form).

If you follow a certain sequence, you can restore your medical insurance policy. You should also not postpone this procedure. A medical insurance may be urgently needed at work or when providing medical care.

Compulsory medical insurance policies are restored free of charge and do not take much time and effort. There is no penalty for its loss.

You should contact the insurance company where you have already received compulsory medical insurance or the policy issuing point.

Since 2011, you can choose your own insurance company there, but it is recommended to do this only once a year.

Having arrived at the point of replacement of the compulsory health insurance policy, you need to fill out and give an application to the person who is responsible for replacing or restoring compulsory medical insurance. This is the case if you contact the same insurance company. When applying to another, you must write an application containing a request for the issuance of a new insurance certificate.

The application must indicate:

  • Full name of the applicant;
  • Information about the current place of residence and registration according to the passport;
  • Valid contact information by which they can contact and inform about the readiness of the compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • Information about the company that is the insurer.

After writing the application, they check it and if everything is in order, they accept and cancel the old or lost policy, but the number remains the same. A package of documents must be attached along with the application.

After entering all the data into the card index, a temporary policy will be issued.

List of documents for recovery

The package of documents includes the following:

  • Passport or other document that can confirm the identity of a citizen;
  • Application for compulsory medical insurance for its restoration;
  • Insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance or otherwise SNILS.

These documents are quite easy to collect, because they are basic and should always be with the citizen.

Lost child insurance

If it is a child, then one of the representatives can restore it.

The documents that a parent or guardian must provide are as follows:

  • Passport of the representative who applies on behalf of the child to the medical insurance company;
  • The child’s document - this can be a passport if he has already reached 14 years of age or a birth certificate;
  • SNILS.

A representative can also issue a duplicate compulsory medical insurance regardless of the age of the person who needs a medical policy. To do this, you need to have a power of attorney that will allow you to represent the interests of the insured person.

Temporary insurance

While a new policy is being made, a temporary document will be issued to replace it, with which you can also contact a medical institution. It guarantees the same rights, but the validity period is limited (you can use such a document for no more than 30 days).

To obtain a temporary policy, you only need to have your passport with you.

To obtain the right to use a temporary document, you must re-register at the registration department of the local clinic. The most convenient way is to find out the unique bar code and in the future you will not need to contact the registry every time in a similar situation.

You can only count on free medical care and necessary medications, including expensive ones, if you have a compulsory health insurance policy. It is worth carrying it with you, especially when traveling outside your permanent place of residence.

Recently, this document has become unlimited. But what if it is lost?

Is it possible to restore the compulsory medical insurance policy?

It’s possible, and without any complications or penalties.

How long will it take

A temporary policy is issued immediately on the day of application, the previous data is retained in it, only at the top it is noted that this is a duplicate. It is valid for thirty days - the time required to issue a permanent insurance policy. Usually the company notifies the applicant about the readiness date by SMS message. All you have to do is come and get it.

The time it takes to obtain new health insurance is reduced if you apply for it through the all-Russian government services portal and have an account there. The procedure is as follows:

  • identify yourself as a user via SNILS number or telephone;
  • follow the chain: compulsory medical insurance policy → document restoration → filing an application;
  • fill out the application fields according to the existing form;
  • select a suitable unit insurance company;
  • decide on the date of registration.

When visiting the selected company in person, you must also have the documents listed above with you.

Where can you restore a lost compulsory medical insurance policy?

In addition to directly contacting the insurance company, it makes sense to write a statement at your place of work asking for assistance in obtaining a new insurance policy (this is usually done by accounting departments or human resources departments).

Those who are not working should go to the clinic at their place of residence and find out which company they are insured with, because it is the company that guarantees payment for treatment in the event of an insured event.

At the same time, it is important to know that no one, including clinics, can force citizens to receive services from any particular insurance company. The choice of insurers is the exclusive right of citizens themselves. Full information about insurers is posted in each territorial compulsory health insurance fund.

The issue of obtaining a duplicate of health insurance, however, only in paper form, can be resolved by contacting a multifunctional center - they operate everywhere.

It is possible to become the owner of a new insurance policy without visiting the relevant organization in person. Entrust this to a legal representative, providing him with a power of attorney to perform the necessary actions, a passport and the insurance number of an individual personal account.

Electronic version of the compulsory medical insurance policy

It is not forbidden to replace a lost health insurance policy with an electronic one, which, just like a paper one, is valid throughout Russia. To do this, write an application to the insurance company, they provide a sample. An electronic policy is a plastic card with a photograph of the owner, made at the company’s office upon application.

If you have the necessary documents (primarily a passport and SNILS), replacing a compulsory health insurance policy lost for any reason will not be a problem:

  • it can be restored:
    • at any insurance company;
    • at the place of work;
    • in the clinic at your place of residence;
    • through the portal “State Services”;
    • through the MFC;
    • through your authorized representative;
  • the process will take no more than a month;
  • At this time, temporary insurance, issued to the citizen on the day of application, is in full effect.


The first thing that any patient will be asked when visiting any medical institution is the presence of an insurance certificate. This is not a simple whim of a particular health worker. Registrars are required to enter data from this document into the database each time the patient contacts.

Why is this being done? For subsequent payment for medical services provided to the client.

The Insurance Law, in particular Article 16, gives insured citizens certain rights:

  • The ability to choose (change) a doctor by writing a corresponding application addressed to the head of the medical organization.
  • Obtaining information about the types and quality of medical services.
  • Compensation for damage in case of failure to fulfill obligations to provide medical care.
  • Compulsory medical insurance is valid throughout Russia; the place of issue does not affect the ability to access medical services in any region.

Previously (before the introduction of a uniform policy), many patients faced serious problems while being outside their region of residence. Many were denied free medical care; they had to look for the head physician and achieve results through endless disputes.

If your compulsory medical insurance policy is lost, it’s better to find out as soon as possible how to restore this document. After all, without presenting it, they can refuse to provide free medical services on absolutely legitimate grounds.

Those wishing to receive medical services must present this document upon request at the registry office, promptly report its loss, and ask for a replacement in the event of a change of surname, move, change of registration, etc. situations.

As Article 43 of the Federal Law on Insurance states, a personalized register is maintained for any person who has undergone the insurance procedure. The specified information contains the most important data about the person: full name, gender, place of residence, SNILS number and others.

They help ensure interaction between the Pension Fund and the insurer. Not everyone knows this (as well as a number of their own rights), because a large amount of legal documentation is not popularized and often passes by the attention of the average person.

There is no need to worry about losing your health insurance, despite its high importance. It is possible to restore a document; you just need to put in some effort, and the procedure itself will not cost anything.

First of all, you should contact the insurance company; the compulsory medical insurance dispensing point at the clinic will do. You will need to bring your passport and SNILS. You can find out more by calling the hotline of the company serving you.

Now there is an alternative option - entering data and writing an application in a special form online on the website of the territorial fund. After you have submitted your online application, check your email for an email with information about the status of your application. When compulsory medical insurance is restored, you will receive a message where you can pick it up.

How to restore compulsory medical insurance if lost? You just need to write an application, after which the insurers will cancel the lost document and provide you with a certificate with a limited validity period. Further restoration of the compulsory medical insurance policy in case of loss proceeds in the same way as purchasing a new one.

You will again need an application, copies and originals of the documentation required by the rules. Preparation of a new compulsory medical insurance can last up to 30 days. During this month, the temporarily issued certificate will be valid.

This list of actions is suitable if you are not going to change insurance organization. If this is included in the plans, the application contains a request for the issuance of a new compulsory medical insurance and the relevant documents are attached (read about them below).

Medical insurance is issued in the first days after the birth of the child. What is it for? So that there are no unnecessary delays when receiving the entire list of medical services that are so necessary for a small creature (especially in the first year of life).

In the latter case, a temporary document is issued that works until the child is registered at the place of residence.

What to do if a person has lost his compulsory medical insurance policy, how to restore the document? First of all, as with adult insurance, submit a claim to the insurance company. When registering, you will need documentation confirming the child’s registration.

Documentation may vary slightly depending on the category of citizens. An identification document is required in any case. Adults who obtain insurance on their own will only need SNILS in addition to their passport.

  • Representatives of the insured will need to take their passport and power of attorney.
  • If a refugee receives compulsory medical insurance, a document is required that confirms refugee status or a certificate stating that the application for recognition as a refugee is under consideration.
  • To apply for compulsory medical insurance for children, you will need a birth certificate, SNILS, and parent’s passport.

A smooth transition to updated policies is now underway. This process has no time limit. But if the compulsory medical insurance is lost, they will certainly issue a new document, even if you previously used an outdated one.

All described documentation of the new sample contains an identification number (16 digits). It helps to correctly register those seeking medical care. Until relatively recently, numerous problems arose due to the fact that insurance companies from different regions had policies of different colors, sizes or shapes. A single insurance document removes barriers to receiving medical services in a region other than one’s own.

It's time to take stock.

Having figured out what to do if your compulsory medical insurance policy is lost, you will understand that the list of necessary measures is quite simple. It is not at all difficult to restore compulsory medical insurance if desired. It is enough to appear at the selected insurance company with the appropriate set of documents.

It is better not to delay with this simple operation. If you need medical help and don’t have insurance, much more problems may arise.

A person can change insurance company at his own request once a year. Also, if lost, the medical policy is subject to free restoration. A certain sequence of actions is provided for this. Reinstatement of the policy is free of charge.

To obtain a new compulsory medical insurance, a small list of documents is provided. The maximum period for reinstatement of the insurance policy is 30 calendar days from the date of writing the application. In rare cases, the period may be extended.

If a medical policy is lost, how to restore the document? To restore the policy you will need:

  • application for loss of compulsory medical insurance;
  • passport with registration mark;
  • SNILS.

If you have a temporary residence permit, you will need a registration certificate or residence permit. To restore compulsory medical insurance for a child, the following must be submitted to the insurance company:

  • loss statement;
  • parents' passports;
  • birth certificate;
  • an extract from the house management about the baby’s registration;
  • SNILS.

To restore a lost insurance policy for a child, the parents' passports are required. If they are not there, then you need documents from the guardian or the person who represents the baby at the insurance company. If the child is already 14 years old, then his passport is presented to the company; until this point, a birth certificate is sufficient.

If a medical policy is lost or burned, how to restore it? If a person does not plan to change his insurer, then to do this they contact the company where the initial document was prepared. An application is written addressed to the manager of the company involved in replacing lost medical policies.

If compulsory medical insurance is restored in another insurance company, then the petition should begin simply with a request for the issuance of a new certificate. In any case, all certificates, passport, etc. according to the list are attached to the application.

All the person’s data is re-entered into the file cabinet based on the submitted documents. A temporary certificate is issued during the production of a new policy. The compulsory medical insurance is notified by SMS when it is ready. The number on the new document remains the same as it was on the old one.

How to restore your medical insurance policy online? To do this, you need to go to the official website of the insurance company. The portal always contains information about the nearest branch. There is an application form on the website that needs to be filled out, but in any case you will have to take it to the insurance company and put a “live” signature.

Where can I renew my medical insurance? This is done at the office of the insurance company that issued the original document. In some regions there are special policy issuance points. They are mainly located in small settlements (urban settlements, villages), where there is no branch of the insurance company.

MORE: Ways to find out what taxes a citizen must pay

A policy is a document that allows the population to receive medical care. Both on a paid and free basis. The duration of the temporary document usually does not exceed a month (30 calendar days) - this period is allocated for the production of a permanent compulsory medical insurance policy.

  • Passport of the representative who applies on behalf of the child to the medical insurance company;
  • The child’s document - this can be a passport if he has already reached 14 years of age or a birth certificate;
  • SNILS.

What should be done:

  • Visit the office of the insurance company;
  • Notify the representative of the loss;
  • Receipt of documents.
  • insured citizens have the right to choose a doctor by submitting an application addressed to the head of the medical organization;
  • the opportunity to obtain information about the quality and types of medical services provided from the insurance organization;
  • compensation for damage associated with failure to fulfill obligations in the provision of medical care;
  • protection of legal rights and citizens.
  • birth certificate;
  • document confirming the identity of the child’s representative;
  • SNILS.

When is it issued?

Compulsory state compulsory medical insurance is a centralized system of federal protection of citizens in the field of health care. Compulsory medical insurance guarantees to every person, regardless of social indicators (age, gender, etc.)

An insured citizen can have one policy.

Compulsory medical insurance is issued to Russian citizens free of charge; its registration is carried out in person or through a representative. It is drawn up according to a single template and is issued to citizens of the Russian Federation, stateless persons and foreigners who plan to use medical services in Russia in the future.

The rules for the provision of medical care within the compulsory state insurance system are the same for all regions.

Electronic version of the compulsory medical insurance policy

While a new compulsory health insurance is being prepared, a person is issued a temporary certificate based on the fact of the loss of the previous document. Receiving a restored medical policy is carried out using a passport. The production time for a new compulsory medical insurance may vary, depending on various factors. The minimum period for preparing a document is two weeks. The maximum period is two months.

It is endowed with the same functions as compulsory medical insurance on paper. The electronic version of the policy is valid throughout the Russian Federation. The document is made in the form of a plastic card, on the front side of which there is a photograph of the owner. Only persons over 14 years of age can receive such compulsory medical insurance.

New type insurance policies, produced electronically, have a small built-in chip. It contains all the necessary information about the person, including a photograph and signature. The chip is considered more reliable than the barcodes of the past. The electronic insurance policy is used only by the owner.

Plastic samples of compulsory medical insurance are much more comfortable to wear. They don't tear or wrinkle. Electronic policies do not need to be laminated, and the document takes up little space and fits into a passport or business card holder. You can replace an old or lost paper compulsory health insurance card with a universal electronic card for free. UEC replaces an insurance policy.

Previously, they had a certain period of validity. Now medical insurance policies have become unlimited. If you still have an old version of the compulsory health insurance on hand, it must in any case be replaced with a new model.

Initially, each region of the Russian Federation issued its own policies, which differed in the form of registration and validity period. In 2011, a program for transition to a unified system was launched, resulting in a new document.

This policy has no restrictions on the validity period. Old compulsory medical insurance insurance is replaced as planned along with the production of a new passport, as a result of loss, damage to the main identification document (i.e. passport), or change of surname.

Theoretically, an expired compulsory medical insurance policy is not a reason to refuse medical care. But in practice, different situations happen, so it would be better to replace documents issued before 2007 with new ones.

The policy needs to be changed if certain parts of it have become unreadable (this usually happens to those people who fold the document 4 times and carry it in their passport). A document issued under an old surname (for example, before marriage) is considered invalid - a medical institution employee has every right to refuse service to you.

An exception to the rule about the indefinite validity of the document are persons who have the right to free medical services, but reside in the country on a temporary basis. In this case, the policy will expire at the same time as the permit for legal stay in the country expires.

There are no fines for the loss of compulsory medical insurance policies; the new document will have the same number as the old one. While waiting, a person can request a certificate regarding the status of the created application. The maximum period for preparing a new policy is 30 days from the date of filing an application for its restoration.

Since the insurance company issues you a temporary document, you will be able to use free medical services without restrictions. After one calendar month or at the specified time, you can come and pick up the finished policy.

Officially working citizens of the Russian Federation usually take out a policy at work, and the rest apply to the insurance company on their own.

  • Passport or other document that can confirm the identity of a citizen;
  • Application for compulsory medical insurance for its restoration;
  • Insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance or otherwise SNILS.

These documents are quite easy to collect, because they are basic and should always be with the citizen.

A representative can also issue a duplicate compulsory medical insurance regardless of the age of the person who needs a medical policy. To do this, you need to have a power of attorney that will allow you to represent the interests of the insured person.

It will take some time to restore the policy. This can be from two weeks to a month. Moreover, you will have a temporary policy on hand. So you shouldn't worry about this.

The medical policy covers the entire territory of the Russian Federation. This is one of the main documents that a person should always have. You may need it at the most unexpected moment.

  1. Submit the prepared package of documents to the insurance company(either to the previous one, which issued the lost health insurance, or to another one, if there was a desire to change). But keep in mind - replacement of insurer limited to once per year only.
  2. Write an application requesting a duplicate instead of a lost insurance policy(if submitted to the previous insurer). If another company is chosen, then with a request to issue a new insurance policy. When such actions are performed before November 1 of this year, the change of insurance company occurs immediately; if later, then from January 1 of the next year.
  3. Get temporary health insurance, which is valid in full until it becomes permanent.

A sample application can be downloaded here.

It is not forbidden to replace a lost health insurance policy with an electronic one, which, just like a paper one, is valid throughout Russia. To do this, write an application to the insurance company, they provide a sample.

If you have the necessary documents (primarily a passport and SNILS), replacing a compulsory health insurance policy lost for any reason will not be a problem:

    • at any insurance company;
    • at the place of work;
    • in the clinic at your place of residence;
    • through the portal “State Services”;
    • through the MFC;
    • through your authorized representative;
  • the process will take no more than a month;
  • At this time, temporary insurance, issued to the citizen on the day of application, is in full effect.

The list of required papers itself is somewhat different from the set for a standard restoration by a citizen and includes:

  • Child's birth certificate;
  • Applicant's passport(parent or guardian);
  • SNILS of the child, and in some cases also of his representative (parent or guardian);
  • Child's passport if he has already received this document.

If you lose your policy, you can go to the nearest office. Insurance remains affordable, so there's no need to travel across town again. The main condition is the minimum deadline for sending papers.

Prepare the necessary package of documents This stage will not take much time, since the bare minimum of documents is required. A nuance - if registration is carried out through a representative, you will need to issue a written power of attorney
Visit the authorized body Documents with an attached application are submitted here. When receiving documentation, an employee of the institution will immediately check its composition. If everything is correct, the request is recorded and the document recovery process begins.
Get a temporary insurance certificate The document is issued so that the citizen can use medical care until a duplicate policy is issued
Get a ready-made policy You need to visit the authorized body again and get a new document

MORE: Change your medical policy

Important! If a citizen nevertheless contacts the police with a statement about the theft of the policy, then he can obtain a temporary certificate of insurance.

However, until the investigation is completed, a permanent policy will not be issued, and the “temporary” will have to be changed monthly.

There is no need to fear that criminals may take advantage of a stolen policy. If a new document is drawn up, the data on the old policy is deleted from the database and it becomes invalid.

Where to contact

Own insurance company If a citizen does not know who the insurer is, you can contact the clinic at your place of registration and get the necessary information there. For example, a citizen remembers that he is insured with ROSNO, which means that to obtain a duplicate he needs to contact this company
Any insurance company that issues compulsory medical insurance But you need to take into account that changing the insurance card is allowed once a year. Moreover, in this case we are not talking about issuing a duplicate, but about obtaining new insurance
Any branch of the MFC Of course, you need to know which insurance company the documents will be submitted to. MFC employees perform only the functions of an intermediary - they will accept documents and send them to the specified IC. The finished policy can be obtained from the MFC
Employer This method is suitable for those who took out a policy at their place of work as part of corporate health insurance. You will need to report the loss of the policy to the HR department and the responsible employees will independently send documents to issue a duplicate policy
State Services website The service for issuing a compulsory medical insurance policy on the State Services portal is not yet operational, and it will not be possible to restore a compulsory medical insurance policy online if it is lost.

However, some regional websites, for example, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, allow you to apply online for the restoration of your insurance policy.

In this case, you will only have to visit the authorized authority to receive the finished document. But even with a personal application, the time costs for reinstating the policy are not too great.

How long will it take

Obtaining a duplicate insurance policy takes the same amount of time as obtaining new insurance.

The applicant is immediately informed when to reappear for the policy. During the period of production of the permanent document, the citizen receives a temporary insurance certificate.

Losing your medical insurance is not a problem

Without a compulsory medical insurance policy, you will not be provided with free services in Russian clinics. If you have lost a document:

  1. Contact your insurance company(either the one that issued the policy, or another at its discretion).
  2. Prepare an application requesting a duplicate or new insurance(if you are applying to an old or new company, respectively). Insurance can only be changed until November 1st.
  3. Provide a package of documents(more on him later).
  4. Get temporary insurance valid for 30 days.

That's all - all you have to do is pick up the finished document on the specified day. "Temporary" is issued completely free of charge.

When restoring a lost policy, you can change the insurer, but you cannot do this more than once a year.

But you can get emergency medical care during an exacerbation of the disease absolutely free of charge - this is what the Social Insurance Law and the ethics of a health worker say.

But what if the policy is lost and you need to see a doctor urgently? Let's talk about this in more detail.

There are several solutions:

  • Submit an application for a duplicate from your insurer.
  • Apply for re-issuance of a lost policy at any department of State Services at your place of residence.
  • Or contact the consultant of the clinic to which you are assigned and tell him about the loss of health insurance.

If you do not have contact information for your company, then you can find it freely available on the Internet; dial the customer service number and explain the current situation; you will receive a comprehensive answer with instructions for your actions. But you will have to issue the policy in person, at the company office of your choice.

The second option is also available to citizens; when visiting the “My Documents” department, they should sign up for an electronic queue with a specialist who deals with the restoration of policy duplicates.

The last method is the most obvious, but the process will be lengthy, since the consultant will need to send electronic requests and receive responses to them, and this takes some time.

If you have registered an account with the unified all-Russian portal of State Services, then through it you can directly submit an application for the restoration of a medical policy document to your insurer, you just have to go through the user identification procedure.

In the form you should enter the name of the company, your personal data, select a convenient division and set a date for registration. When visiting, you should take the necessary documents; information about them is located below the application form.

What documents to provide

For any of these options, you will need an application written to the head of your insurance company, in which you should indicate your personal data and the reason for replacing the document.

In addition to the application, you will be required to provide your pension insurance certificate number (SNILS), a photocopy of it, as well as your civil passport and a photocopy; it must contain a note about your permanent place of registration at your residence address.

That is, the procedure for obtaining a duplicate is practically no different from drawing up a new medical insurance contract, the same documents and the same application.

When will the new policy be ready?

At first, you will receive a paper temporary option, but it has the same functionality as real insurance, and after about 30 days you will be invited to receive a plastic policy. Moreover, all the data on it will remain the same, it will just be marked “Duplicate” at the top. But if you want to change your insurance company, the number will be changed.

Don't despair if one of these situations occurs. The compulsory medical insurance policy can be restored.

In this article we will learn the procedure for restoring compulsory medical insurance policies and the necessary documents for this.

You can restore a lost medical policy from the health insurance company that issued it to you. You will find its name on the back of the policy form - in the upper right corner, the CMO employee puts a stamp indicating the name, address and telephone number.

If you no longer have a policy and you don’t remember the name of your CMO, it doesn’t matter. You can contact any other organization and apply for a new insurance certificate. In this case, the lost policy will be canceled, and the new one will take effect immediately after issue.

Now let's talk about the recovery procedure in more detail.

But it’s better not to tempt fate and restore your lost medical policy. Medical workers are not always willing to meet you halfway. What if you need to make an appointment with a doctor or undergo a medical procedure, and they refuse to understand your situation?

They have enough other worries too. Take a couple of hours, go to the CMO and forget about problems with insurance. The policy is valid for an indefinite period, and if nothing happens to it, you will not need to contact the insurance company again.

The article used materials from the sites: http://hr-portal.ru/article/polis-oms-kak-vosstanovit, http://ostr.online/lichnoe/meditsinskoe/oms/kak-vosstanovit-polis-pri-utere .html, http://ostrahovke.online/lichnoe/meditsinskoe/obyazatelnoe/kak-vosstanovit-polis.

Information about the insurance company is also available from the Territorial Health Insurance Fund of your city (or area in which you live).

You can get a new policy from the insurance company in accordance with the data in their database. You will first have to fill out an application for a new policy due to loss. Please note that the lost policy will be canceled and deleted from the database - in return you will receive a new insurance policy with a new number.

For foreign citizens who have lost their medical insurance, the difference will be in the list of required documents. Otherwise, they can contact the insurance company or MFC in the same way.

MORE: Limits on insurance premiums in 2019: Limit value and limit of the contribution base ★ table

When applying, a foreign citizen will need to provide:

  • Passport of a foreign citizen;
  • A document that confirms the right to stay on the territory of Russia;
  • Papers confirming registration;
  • SNILS, if available.

If you lose your medical policy, you can quickly restore it without penalties. At first, the population was worried about possible troubles, but they quickly disappeared, so now people visit offices without hindrance. They manage to use the required services to prepare the papers.

It is not difficult to make a policy again, and when reporting a loss, you do not have to write a statement or indicate the reasons. This occurs solely to indicate re-receipt. This condition is dealt with by the manager, who, when sending papers to the central office, marks a certain point.

There will be no difficult moments in communication with the manager. A policy is a mandatory condition for receiving medical care, so the main condition is a complete package of documents. If you have it on hand, re-registration will take a minimum of time.

While the new one is being manufactured, a temporary certificate is issued to the person. It guarantees the same rights as the original document. A temporary certificate has a certain validity period, most often no more than a month.

Insurance company employees are required to provide consultations to citizens on health insurance issues. Another way to apply is to fill out the form online.

  • passport or temporary identity card, which is issued for the period of obtaining a passport;
  • SNILS.

Representatives of the insured person:

  • identification;
  • power of attorney.

For refugees:

  • a document confirming refugee status, or a certificate of consideration of an application for recognition as a refugee.

Lost child insurance

When a medical insurance policy is lost, how to restore the certificate? This is done at the company that issued the initial document. While the new one is being manufactured, a temporary certificate is issued to the person.

Then, in order to receive free medical care, you need to go to the clinic at your place of residence (or another one where the person plans to be assigned). Employees of the institution will re-register.

To obtain a temporary policy, you only need to have your passport with you.

To obtain the right to use a temporary document, you must re-register at the registration department of the local clinic. The most convenient way is to find out the unique bar code and in the future you will not need to contact the registry every time in a similar situation.

At the registry, a specialist will enter your policy data into the electronic database. This data will be needed in the future to pay for medical services.

Medical institutions bill the insurance company for services provided. Thus, the citizen receives free medical care.

You can find out a list of free medical services by using the directory. In addition, information on the list of services can be obtained by contacting the insurance company's help desk.

You can contact an insurance company specialist using the hotline number of the company serving you.

Based on the Federal Law on Insurance, employees of medical institutions and executive authorities have introduced a new procedure for registering patients.

In the absence of a compulsory medical insurance policy, free medical care is not provided legally (with the exception of emergency cases).

In addition to rights, the insurance law reveals the main responsibilities of citizens:

  • notify the medical insurance company about the change of place of permanent registration and change of full name;
  • if there is no insurance organization at the new address where you registered previously, you must select a new insurance company.

According to Article 43 of the Federal Law on Insurance, a personalized register is maintained for each insured person. This information includes such important data as gender, full name, place of residence, SNILS number, etc.

This information ensures interaction between the Pension Funds and the insurance company. Often citizens are unaware of their rights because they do not read legislative documents.

The compulsory medical insurance policy is valid throughout the Russian Federation, regardless of the place of issue. Employed citizens usually apply for compulsory medical insurance at work, while unemployed citizens sign up for compulsory medical insurance at an insurance company.

To obtain a policy, you must write the application by hand or print it. Insurance company employees are required to provide consultations to citizens on health insurance issues. Another way to apply is to fill out the form online.

Preparation of the policy takes from 1 to 3 days. When the insurance is ready, you will be informed where you can get it.


If you lose your old compulsory health insurance policy, you can issue a duplicate of it. To do this, submit an application, passport and SNILS to the insurance company, receive a temporary document and wait for the production of a new permanent compulsory medical insurance no more than 30 days.

Insurance for a child can be restored by his legal representative (guardian or parent) - in this case, a power of attorney from a notary, as when obtaining a policy through a third party for an adult, is not required.

Where can I get it again?

Compulsory medical insurance policy is available in three forms:

  • paper version;
  • electronic copy (all data is in electronic form). Such a policy is not available in all regions of the country;
  • plastic card (only basic information about the insured person is on it, and everything else is duplicated in electronic form).

If you follow a certain sequence, you can restore your medical insurance policy. You should also not postpone this procedure. A medical insurance may be urgently needed at work or when providing medical care.

Compulsory medical insurance policies are restored free of charge and do not take much time and effort. There is no penalty for its loss.

You should contact the insurance company where you have already received compulsory medical insurance or the policy issuing point.

Since 2011, you can choose your own insurance company and apply for compulsory medical insurance there, but it is recommended to do this only once a year.

Having arrived at the point of replacement of the compulsory health insurance policy, you need to fill out and give an application to the person who is responsible for replacing or restoring compulsory medical insurance. This is the case if you contact the same insurance company.

The application must indicate:

  • Full name of the applicant;
  • Information about the current place of residence and registration according to the passport;
  • Valid contact information by which they can contact and inform about the readiness of the compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • Information about the company that is the insurer.

After writing the application, they check it and if everything is in order, they accept and cancel the old or lost policy, but the number remains the same. A package of documents must be attached along with the application.

After entering all the data into the card index, a temporary policy will be issued.

You can contact both the MFC and the insurance company. To contact the insurance company, you will first need to find out which organization was indicated in the lost document. However, today the most convenient way is the Multifunctional Center.

It offers citizens an extremely wide range of services, flexible work hours and a good customer service system. You can apply either at your place of registration or at any other center that is more convenient for you in location.

After submitting all the required documents, you will be issued a temporary compulsory medical insurance policy. It will be valid for a relatively short time - only for the period of production of the main document. The maximum validity period of such a policy is on average thirty days.

List of required documents

In order to restore your compulsory medical insurance policy, you will need to have with you:

  • Russian passport or other identification document;
  • Documents confirming the place of permanent registration. If you provide a passport, this document is not required;
  • SNILS.

An application form for reinstatement of the compulsory medical insurance policy will be provided to you at the place of application.