Internship program for a SPE teacher in production. Regulations on internships for teaching staff

GBPOU RD "College of Mechanical Engineering and Service named after S. Ordzhonikidze"

I approve

Deputy Director of PR

A.A. Khasarov

"____" _______201__


professional cycle teachers

specialty 09.02.03 Programming in computer systems

Kaspiysk, 2018

Considered at a meeting of the Central Committee


Protocol No. _____

from "____" _________ 2018

Chairman of the Central Committee

Gasanova M.M.

Developer: Gasanova M.M.


    Internship Program Passport 4

    Structure and content of the internship 5

    Schedule according to PM.01 6

    Schedule according to PM.02 8

    Schedule according to PM.03 10

    Conditions for the implementation of the internship program 12

    Result of completing the internship program 13

Applications 14

1. Internship program passport

1.1 Scope of the program

The internship program is mandatory for teachers of the professional cycle of the specialty 02/09/03 “Programming in Computer Systems”.

1.2 Goals and objectives of the internship

The purpose of the internship isformation and consolidation in practice of professional knowledge and skills, independent acquisition of skills to perform professional dutiesand professional competencies of college teachers.

Internship for teachers of the professional cycle at specialized enterprises is a productive form of professional development and allows you to solve the following tasks:

    carry out joint activities with the employer to develop educational and methodological support for the educational process;

    significantly increase the educational and methodological potential of the college as a whole;

    improve the professional level of teachers;

    carry out the selection of heads of practice and diploma design.

The internship is practice-oriented.

Upon arrival for the internship you must have:

    a copy of the order of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of RD "KMiS" on the placement for an internship;

    internship schedule, signed by the internship supervisor from the enterprise and certified by a seal.

2. Structure and content of the internship

study of industry affiliation and organizational structure of an enterprise (organization)

Practical part: acquisition of additional professional competencies:


familiarization with the enterprise(organization), features and specifics of work


familiarization with modern technologies, equipment and enterprise organization(organizations), labor protection (directly at the workplace)


performing the functional duties of officials or specialists (as an interim or backup). Individual consultations by the internship supervisor/company specialists(organizations).

Completing and submitting test work to the internship supervisor.

I approve





according to PM.01 “Development of software program modules for computer systems”

Internship location: __________________________

Internship supervisor: ________________________________________________

programmer technician)

Development of external specifications. Drawing up a mathematical model. Determining the program structure.

Correct application of the basic principles of structured and object-oriented programming technology.

Development of internal specifications. Selecting names of variables, procedures and functions. Compiling program code.

Accuracy of creating a program using the developed algorithm as a separate module in modern programming languages.

Debugging and testing the program.

Accuracy of using tools at the stage of debugging a software product.

Program code optimization

Accuracy of optimization of the module program code according to a specific scenario.

Studying the order and process of developing technical documentation for a software product.

Preparation of design and technical documentation in accordance with standards. Correct documentation of software products.


I approve





teacher of GBPOU RD "KMiS" ____________________________

according to PM.02 “Development and administration of databases”

Internship location:

Duration of internship: from _________________ 20__ to _________________ 20__ (40 hours).

Internship supervisor: ________________________________________________

Performing the functional duties of a specialist ( database administrator )

    Performing the functional duties of a specialist ( web -programmer )


I approve





teacher of GBPOU RD "KMiS" ____________________________

according to PM.03 “I integration of software modules »

Internship location: ______

Duration of internship: from _________________ 20__ to _________________ 20__ (40 hours).

Internship supervisor: ________________________________________________

Performing the functional duties of a specialist ( programmer technician )


3. Conditions for the implementation of the internship program

The head of the enterprise implementing teacher internships determines the workplace/places for the teacher/trainee.

The intern is assigned an internship supervisor from among the most experienced and highly qualified employees.

The responsibilities of the internship supervisor include regular consultations with the intern and monitoring the results of his practical activities during the internship.

The internship program involves working directly on the job to master innovative technologies and work techniques related to the profile and specialization of the enterprise; familiarization with modern equipment and organization of the enterprise, labor protection.

The internship program provides preliminary independent work on the analysis of current regulations, technological documents of enterprises in the food and service industry.

The duration of internships is determined individually.

The teacher internship program can be implemented concentrated (possibly an internship at one or more enterprises) or modularly (at one or more enterprises) using a cumulative system over a period of 3 years. The duration of the internship at one enterprise is at least 8 hours.

The duration of the internship is established by agreement with a specific enterprise.

Teachers undergoing off-the-job internships at enterprises retain their position and average salary at the place of work for the period of the internship.

If necessary, the educational organization pays for a medical examination to obtain a medical record.

In the case of an internship at enterprises located in other regions, the interns are paid travel expenses according to the standards established by current legislation.

4. Result of completing the internship program

The teacher is personally responsible for completing the internship program within the established time frame.

The teacher/trainee presents the result of the internship to the internship supervisor and members of the cycle committee of the educational organization at a meeting of the cycle committee.

The teacher internship ends with the defense of a portfolio.

Portfolio contains:

    certificate of completion of the internship,

    internship report,

    conclusion of the internship supervisor.

The report briefly notes the result of the program, the type of professional activity, and the list of competencies that the teacher/trainee mastered during the internship.

Educational and methodological developments and manuals, certificates, letters of gratitude and other material can be attached to the portfolio.

A possible result of the internship (in agreement with the internship supervisor) is the development of specific software products for the enterprise.

Documents confirming the completion of an internship as a teacher are necessary to pass the certification procedure for the qualification category. A copy of the internship certificate is kept in the teacher’s personal file.

In the future, the result of the internship should serve as the basis for updating the work program of the academic discipline/professional module or practice, methodological support for them, developing methods for conducting classes, etc.

Annex 1


Teacher of State Budgetary Educational Institution RD "College of Mechanical Engineering and Service"

named after S. Ordzhonikidze" _________________________________________________,

completed an internship at _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

in the period from "____" ____________ to "____" ____________ 201__

During the internship, _____________________________________________ mastered the internship program in the amount of _____ hours in compliance with the schedule. Demonstrated independence in performing job duties, organizational skills and diligence in work.

A high degree of mastery of practical and methodological skills manifested itself in the ability to apply them in practice.

The result of the internship was: independent work, completion of credit work on the development of a software product.

The internship _________________________________ was counted with its grade of “_______________”.

"___" ______________ 201__


Appendix 2


Issued by ______________________________________________________________

(Full Name)


(job title)


(name of educational institution)

completed an internship during the period from _____________________________________________

(period of study)


(name of company)

according to the program in the amount of work performed by the intern_____________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

(number of hours)

By the decision of the commission, protocol No. _______ dated “___” ___________ 20___,

qualifying work in the profession _________________________________ completed with a grade of ________________________________________________

(in words)


(Full Name)

Qualification assigned (category confirmed) ___________________________

Date of issue “___” ___________ 20__

_______________________ ____________ ________________

Head of the organization (signature) Full name of the head

Internship of a secondary vocational education teacher in production as an important factor in his professional development

Internship is one of the main organizational forms of advanced training for teachers and industrial training specialists and is carried out for the purpose of continuous improvement of their professional skills.

During the internship, practical mastery of work skills acquired during professional training occurs: training for a new position or profession with on-the-job training. Internship as a type of additional professional education provides an opportunity to master modern technologies, methods, and ways of working directly in production.

Internships are an integral part of the recruitment strategy of many organizations and companies. During training, the trainee has the opportunity to study the features of professional activity in real conditions, work out specific issues, develop or restore the necessary skills.

Industrial internship is carried out in organizations of the economic sector, the profile of which corresponds to the specialties implemented at the college, where the intern acquires or improves his qualifications, gets acquainted with new technology, equipment, production technology of the relevant industry, business processes, organization, and economics of production.

An internship for a specialist teacher is a means of increasing the level of professional competence in modern conditions of a rapidly changing educational and technological environment.

The organization and implementation of an internship program can be carried out both in the form of a targeted short-term internship, and according to an individual modular program, including one built on a cumulative system. The internship must take place at least once every 3 years. If it is necessary to study new production technologies being introduced at enterprises, internships for teachers and industrial training masters can be carried out more often.

The internship is carried out in organizations and enterprises that have the material, organizational and human resources for the effective organization of internships for teachers and masters of industrial training of the secondary vocational education system.

The internship is carried out under the guidance of a responsible qualified person, whose responsibilities include regular consultation of the intern, monitoring the results of his practical activities during the internship. The internship is carried out according to a program developed for a range of issues relevant in this field.

The basis for the internship is an administrative document - an order from the director of the college. The order indicates the calendar dates of the internship and the names of the persons interning at the given enterprise, and the managers responsible for its implementation. For interns, an Internship Referral is issued as an accompanying document.

The main regulatory document for an intern is an individual internship program approved by the director of the college, agreed upon with the head of the intern organization. After the trainee has completed the program, the supervisor writes a review reflecting the results obtained and the achievement of the goals.

The internship of teachers and industrial training masters can be completed:

a) a confirmatory exam; the results of the internship are documented in accordance with the procedure in force in the organization;

b) protection of a portfolio, which may contain: evidence confirming the effectiveness of the internship or a certificate of completion of the internship; internship diary; a certificate of developed professional competencies, certified by a seal; scientific articles, educational and methodological developments and manuals;

c) drawing up a report on the work done, which must be presented with a package of documentation: a referral for an internship; internship program and schedule; methodological recommendations; review (production characteristics) of the internship supervisor, certified by the head of the enterprise; trainee's report with attached technological documentation.

Documents on the internship of a teacher or industrial training master are presented to the methodological department of the college; a copy of the certificate of completion of the internship is kept in the personal file of the teacher or industrial training master.

The purpose of the internship is to form and develop the professional competencies of teachers and industrial training masters. The internship is practice-oriented.

The objectives of the internship are: improving competencies in the psychological, pedagogical, scientific, professional and general cultural spheres based on modern scientific achievements, advanced techniques and technologies; familiarization with the latest technologies and prospects for their development in the field of specialty or profession corresponding to the profile; mastering innovative technologies, forms, methods and means of teaching; studying domestic and foreign experience in assessing the level of qualifications of workers and employees; development of proposals for improving the educational process, introducing advanced achievements of science, technology and production into teaching practice.

Internship plans and programs are developed by the college independently and coordinated with enterprises and organizations.

The duration of internships is set individually depending on the level of professional education, goals and range of issues being studied, work experience, and the profession (position) of the intern. The internship period for teachers and industrial training masters is usually set at least 36 hours.

The objectives of the internship are: improvement of professional and pedagogical competencies; mastering innovative technologies, forms, methods and means of teaching; development of specific proposals for improving the educational process in the field of training specialists for the enterprise; practical study of modern enterprise equipment and production technology; work with technical and regulatory documentation, taking into account the specifics of the product range.

Council of the technical school

Protocol No. 1 from “28”August 2015



named after A.K. Lysenko"

ON THE. Brovchenko


1 area of ​​use

1.1. This regulation on internships for teaching staff(hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) regulates the procedure for the formation and implementation of an internship system inGBPOU VO "LPTT named after A.K. Lysenko".

2. Legal side

2.1. This Regulation has been developed in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, Federal State Educational Standards of Secondary Professional Education, the CharterGBPOU VO "LPTT named after A.K. Lysenko".

3. General provisions

3.1. The implementation of basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational education should be ensured by teaching staff with higher education corresponding to the profile of the taught academic disciplines, interdisciplinary courses and professional modules. Experience in enterprises and organizations corresponding to their professional orientation is mandatory for teaching staff responsible for students’ mastery of the professional cycle. Advanced training in the form of internship is a necessary condition for the effective activities of teaching staff in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

3.2. Internship is one of the main organizational forms of advanced training for teaching staff.

3.3. The internship of teaching staff is understood as the purposeful continuous improvement of their professional competencies and pedagogical skills. The internship is practice-oriented. At the same time, the concept of “internship” is considered both as a process and as a result of education.

3.4. The organization and implementation of an internship program can be carried out both in the form of a targeted short-term internship, and in an individual modular program for advanced training, including one built on a cumulative system. An individual modular internship program can be built on a cumulative system and consist of a number of modules (submodules) that represent a complete course. Internship is possible at several internship sites of various enterprises and organizations, the profile of which corresponds to the vocational specialties being implemented. Teaching staff undergo internships at least once every three years. If it is necessary to study new production technologies being introduced at enterprises and organizations, internships for teaching staff can be carried out more often.

3.5. Internship plans and programs are developed by the technical school independently and coordinated with enterprises and organizations.

3.6. The duration of internships is set individually depending on the level of professional education, goals, work experience, and profession (position) of the intern. The internship period for teachers and industrial training masters is usually set at least 72 hours.

3.7. The internship can be carried out at the location of the technical school, as well as in organizations, enterprises, research centers located in other regions and having the material, organizational and human resources for the effective organization of internships for teachers and masters of industrial training of the secondary vocational education system.

3.8. The main types of internships are industrial and pedagogical. Industrial training is carried out in organizations of the real sector of the economy, the profile of which corresponds to the specialties implemented in technical schools, where the trainee acquires or improves his qualification category, gets acquainted with new technology, equipment, production technology of the relevant industry, management processes, organization, economics of production.

Pedagogical internships are carried out in educational organizations.

The trainee acquires experience in organizing educational and educational work, gets acquainted with modern forms and methods of educational work, and studies innovative pedagogical technologies.

4. Goals and objectives of the internship

4.1. The purpose of the internship is to form and develop the professional competencies of teaching staff.

4.2. The objectives of the internship are:

Improving knowledge and skills in psychological-pedagogical, scientific-professional and general cultural activities based on modern achievements of science, advanced techniques and technology;

Improving the qualifications of teachers in professional modules, familiarizing them with the latest technologies, prospects for the development and organization of the relevant branch of science;

Mastering innovative technologies, forms, methods and means of teaching;

Studying domestic and foreign experience in relation to the requirements of the qualification level of specialists and the need to master modern methods for solving professional problems;

Modeling of innovative educational processes;

Development of specific proposals for improving the scientific process, introducing advanced achievements of science, technology and production into teaching practice;

Familiarization with the latest technologies and prospects for their development in the area of ​​the specialty corresponding to the profile;

Studying domestic and foreign experience in assessing the level of qualifications of specialists;

Development of proposals for improving the educational process, introducing advanced achievements of science, technology and production into teaching practice.

5. Organization of internship

5.1. The internship is organized taking into account the needs of the educational process by the decision of the directorGBPOU VO "LPTT named after A.K. Lysenko".

5.2. Organization of internships for teaching staff includes:

Long-term and annual planning of internships, which is an integral part of the development program of an educational organization;

Concluding cooperation agreements with organizations and enterprises corresponding to the profiles of the implemented specialties and/or professions that provide internships;

Development, coordination and approval of the internship program;

Conducting an internship.

5.3. The sending of teaching staff for internships can be carried out on the basis of:

The expiration of a three-year period from the date of the last professional development or internship of a teaching worker;

Initiatives of the teaching staff or the technical school administration, subject to the consent of the organization or enterprise hosting the internship and the financial capacity of the educational organization (early).

5.4. The direction of a teaching worker for an internship is formalized by order of the director, admission to an internship - by order on pre-

acceptance or organization (according to the cooperation agreement).

5.5. Heads of enterprises or organizations implementing internships for teaching staff determine jobs for interns, internship supervisors from among the most experienced employees or highly qualified workers, whose responsibilities include regular consultations with interns and monitoring the results of their practical activities during the internship.

6. Internship program

6.1. The internship program for a teacher is developed by the intern, discussed at a meeting of the subject (cycle) commission, agreed upon with the head of the intern organization, and approved by the director of the technical school (Appendix 1).

6.2. The internship program should include work directly at the workplace to master innovative technologies and work methods related to the profile of the educational organization, familiarization with modern equipment, economics and organization of the enterprise, and labor protection.

6.3. The internship program may include:

Independent theoretical training;

Acquisition of additional professional competencies;

Study of organization and technology of professional activity;

Work with regulatory and other documentation;

Performing the functional duties of officials or specialists (as an interim or backup);

Receiving advice on the stated problem;

Participation in meetings, business meetings, etc.

6.4. The result of mastering an individual modular program is the type of professional activity, a list of general and professional

competencies that the trainee will master during the internship.

6.5. The structure and content of an individual modular internship program contains a thematic internship plan, which includes theoretical and practical training, mandatory classroom lessons, including laboratory and practical ones, independent work and the total number of internship hours.

6.6. Targeted short-term internship programs may include the study of any one topic of the main professional educational program; study of one technological operation; type of professional activity; equipment or technology.

7. Documentation of the internship and summing up the results

7.1. The main regulatory document for an intern is the duly approved internship program (Appendix 1).

7.2. The internship of a teaching worker ends with the issuance of a certificate confirming the completion of the intern’s individual program and certified by the head of the enterprise or organization (Appendix 2) and the delivery of a diary and report compiled by the teacher based on the results of the internship (Appendix 3, 4).

7.3. A document confirming the internship of a teaching worker is necessary to pass the certification procedure for the qualification category. A copy of the certificate of completion of the internship is kept in the personal file of the teacher or industrial training master.

8. Financing procedure

8.1. The costs of an internship for a teaching worker are financed from the funds of the educational organization in accordance with established standards.

8.2. Teaching staff undergoing off-the-job internships in organizations retain their position and average salary at the place of work for the period of the internship.

Annex 1

Department of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the Voronezh Region

State budgetary professional
educational institution of the Voronezh region
“Liskinsky Industrial and Transport College named after A.K. Lysenko"

(GBPOU HE "LPTT named after A.K. Lysenko")


Director of LPTT

____________/____________/ _________ / N. A. Brovchenko /

(signature, full name)(signature, full name)

“_____” ____________ 2015 “_____” __________ 20 15


Teachers (industrial training masters)GBPOU VO "LPTT named after A.K. Lysenko"


at the enterprise

company name

Liski 2015

Department of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the Voronezh Region

State budgetary professional
educational institution of the Voronezh region
“Liskinsky Industrial and Transport College named after A.K. Lysenko"

(GBPOU HE "LPTT named after A.K. Lysenko")



Topic name
(type of work)

Number of hours



Vice president
according to UPR _____________ E.N. Gerasimenko

Head scientific and methodological

department ____________ S.A. Irkhin

Appendix 2




Issued to a teacher (industrial training master)GBPOU VO "LPTT named after A.K. Lysenko"is that during the period from ________________ to _________________ he completed an internship of 108 hours. on the base _________


(Business name)

under the internship programprofessions/specialties of secondary vocational education__________________________________________________________________________________.

Head of the enterprise


Date of issue: "_____"________________20____

Appendix 3

Department of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the Voronezh Region

State budgetary professional
educational institution of the Voronezh region
“Liskinsky Industrial and Transport College named after A.K. Lysenko"

(GBPOU HE "LPTT named after A.K. Lysenko")


accounting for internship as a teacher (industrial training master)

(Full name of software master)

Business name ___________




Name and summary of the internship

Number of hours

Internship supervisor from the technical school

____________________/ Gerasimenko E.N./

Internship leader from the enterprise


Appendix 4


about completing an internship

Software Masters ______________________________________________


Duringwith “___” _____________ 20___ by "___" _____________ 20___ I completed an internship at the company _______________________


name of organization (enterprise)

During the internship, the following types of work were performed:



Characteristics of the internship supervisor from the enterprise:


Software Master ___________ ______________

signature full name

signature full name

Head of LPTT ___________E.N.Gerasimenko

Appendix 4


head of the enterprise


Name of the enterprise (organization)

about internship for industrial training master

FULL NAME. software wizard






Manager from the enterprise ___________ ______________

signature full name

Internship program

for professional retraining of teachers

GBOU SPO "Orekhovo-Zuevsky Industrial and Economic College

named after Savva Morozov SPECIALTIES 080110 “Banking”


“Organization of the activities of a commercial bank, accounting and operational work and document flow in it”

The internship is organized at a bank in the region, is individual in nature and involves independent work, monitoring its implementation, as well as individual consultations.

Goal: formation and consolidation in practice of professional knowledge and skills, independent acquisition of skills to perform professional duties.

Location: Operational office of the Orekhovo-Zuevo Open Joint Stock Company "Joint Stock Bank "Pushkino".

The trainee is assigned a supervisor from among the managers and (or) specialists of a department of a regional bank institution. The responsibilities of the internship supervisor include regular consultations with the intern, coordination of his activities, including writing certification work, and monitoring the results of his practical activities during the internship.

During the internship, written certification work and test testing are performed. The internship ends with a summing up and assessment of the level of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in a review-conclusion about the internship, signed by the internship supervisor.

The internship is carried out in accordance with the approved individual program, description of tasks, taking into account professional orientation on the results of the internship. An individual internship program must include an internship schedule, which is approved by the head of the regional bank institution.

The internship program includes: independent theoretical training; a list of questions for study and familiarization with the description of the skills being developed; acquisition of professional and organizational skills; studying the organization of work, technology for performing and accounting for banking operations; types of independent work; studying regulations and other documents necessary for further work; current control of development and internship periods.

The duration of the internship is set in agreement with the internship supervisor depending on its individual goals, but not less than 72 hours. The calendar period of time allotted for the internship depends on the schedule of the educational process and the internship mode (with full or partial separation from work) and ranges from 4 to 18 weeks.

When starting an internship, the student needs to study regulations and other documents regulating banking activities in the relevant area. During the internship in each department, you should familiarize yourself with the regulations of the department.

  • a copy of the order of the State Budgetary Educational Institution SPO OZPEC named after. S. Morozova about being sent for an internship;
  • internship schedule, signed by the head of the regional bank institution and certified by a seal.



  1. Internship program

for professional retraining teachers

GBOU SPO "Orekhovo-Zuevsky Industrial and Economic College

Named after Savva Morozov SPECIALTIES 080110 "Banking"


“Organization of the activities of a commercial bank, accounting and operational work and document flow in it”

The internship is organized at a bank in the region, is individual in nature and involves independent work, monitoring its implementation, as well as individual consultations.

Target : formation and consolidation in practice of professional knowledge and skills, independent acquisition of skills to perform professional duties.

Location:Operational office of the Orekhovo-Zuevo Open Joint Stock Company "Joint Stock Bank "Pushkino".

The trainee is assigned a supervisor from among the managers and (or) specialists of a department of a regional bank institution. The responsibilities of the internship supervisor include regular consultations with the intern, coordination of his activities, including writing certification work, and monitoring the results of his practical activities during the internship.

During the internship, written certification work and test testing are performed. The internship ends with a summing up and assessment of the level of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in a review-conclusion about the internship, signed by the internship supervisor.

The internship is carried out in accordance with the approved individual program, description of tasks, taking into account professional orientation on the results of the internship. An individual internship program must include an internship schedule, which is approved by the head of the regional bank institution.

The internship program includes: independent theoretical training; a list of questions for study and familiarization with the description of the skills being developed; acquisition of professional and organizational skills; studying the organization of work, technology for performing and accounting for banking operations; types of independent work; studying regulations and other documents necessary for further work;current control of development andduration of the internship.

The duration of the internship is set in agreement with the internship supervisor depending on its individual goals, but not less than 72 hours. The calendar period of time allotted for the internship depends on the schedule of the educational process and the internship mode (with full or partial separation from work) and ranges from 4 to 18 weeks.

When starting an internship, the student needs to study regulations and other documents regulating banking activities in the relevant area. During the internship in each department, you should familiarize yourself with the regulations of the department.

Upon arrival for special training, the trainee must have:

  • a copy of the order of the State Budgetary Educational Institution SPO OZPEC named after. S. Morozova about being sent for an internship;
  • internship schedule, signed by the head of the regional bank institution and certified by a seal.


Koval M.A.


teacher GBOU SPO OZPEC im.S. Morozova Parkhomenko A.Yu.

Internship location: Operations office in Orekhovo-Zuevo

Duration of internship:January 14, 2013 to April 15, 2013

Internship supervisor: ____________________________________

Duration of internship

Questions for study and familiarization.

Developed skills

Types of independent work

Current control of development

1. Organization of the activities of a commercial bank.



1.1. Familiarization

With the organization of bank activities

Organization of work with clients. Ensuring the protection of the interests of the bank and clients. Determining the bank's policy goals.

Study: regulatory, constituent documents, organizational structure, functions of the internal control service. Organization of work with clients. Ensuring the protection of the interests of the bank and clients, maintaining banking secrecy.




1.2. Labor law

Financial responsibility, according to the job description.

Study: employment contract and work regulations. Compliance with labor discipline.




1.3. Business Ethics

Solve ethical problems that arise during the performance of official duties.

Mastering the rules of professional ethics and morality of a bank employee. Relationship: “Bank employee-client”.




1.4. Organization of work with documents

Processing of incoming and outgoing documentation. Maintaining register books and inventories. Working with equipment that receives and processes correspondence.

Fulfillment of requirements for systematization of documents and registration of cases, the procedure for primary processing and registration of documents. Control over the execution of documents. Preparing files for archival storage.


2. Organization of accounting and operational work and document flow in the bank.

2.1. Organization of accounting and operational work

Mastering the interface and workstations of workers when organizing operational work

Study: job responsibilities of an accounting and operational employee, organization of a customer service workplace. Familiarization with the accounting and operational department.




2.2. Analytical and synthetic accounting

Assigning numbers to personal accounts. Maintaining analytical and synthetic accounting for balance sheet and off-balance sheet accounts. Familiarization with the bank's working chart of accounts.

Mastering: organizing accounting and operational work, maintaining analytical and synthetic accounting, the order of numbering personal accounts. Checking analytical and synthetic accounting registers and the procedure for executing erroneous entries (postings).





2.3. Document flow and intrabank control.

Monitoring the correct execution of client and banking documentation and timely execution of transactions.

Implementation of: customer service regime, requirements for filling out, execution and verification of settlement documents, procedure for organizing internal bank control, rules for storing documents.




2.4. Accounting, statistical and financial reporting.

Drawing up an explanatory note, characterizing statistical reporting and its information base.

Familiarization with the types, principles, content and frequency of preparing bank reports.

Study: preparatory work for the preparation of the annual report. Composition and content of the bank's general financial statements.

Individual consultations

Independent work



Teacher of GBOU SPO OZPEC named after S. Morozova Parkhomenko A.Yu.,

completed an internship at the Operations Office in Orekhovo-Zuevo

Open Joint Stock Company "Joint Stock Bank "Pushkino"


During the internship, Alla Yurievna Parkhomenko mastered the internship program of 150 hours in compliance with the schedule. Demonstrated independence in performing job duties, organizational skills and diligence in work.

High degree of theory masteryorganization of the bank's activities, accounting and operational work and document flow in it, practical and methodological skills were manifested in the ability to apply them in practice.

The result of the internship was: independent work, test testing on the legal basis of the bank’s activities and the organization of its operations.

Alla Yuryevna Parkhomenko’s internship was considered “excellent”.

Bank Manager: M.A. Koval ________________
