Salary indexation in 1s 8.3 accounting.

The requirement for wage indexation, as a rule, is not considered by employers as a mandatory element of labor relations. However, its necessity is established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with Art. 134 of the Labor Code, ensuring an increase in the level of real wages includes indexation of wages in connection with rising consumer prices for goods and services. Institutions financed from the relevant budgets carry out wage indexation in the manner established by labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms. Other employers carry out indexation in the manner established by the collective agreement, agreements, and local regulations.

To implement in the configuration “1C: Salaries and personnel of a budgetary institution” an increase in the salaries of the organization’s employees, taking into account all legal norms, a comprehensive set of actions is provided:

Registration of changes in tariff rates in staffing table(subject to maintaining the staffing table in the program);

Increasing tariff rates (daily and hourly tariff rates, official salaries and salaries for class rank (for civil servants), salaries for military rank and salaries for military positions (for military personnel)) for employees;

Entering the earnings indexation coefficient for employees (so that indexation is taken into account when calculating average earnings);

If the institution uses wages according to tariff categories (tariff schedule), then it will also be necessary to register changes in the size of tariff rates for tariff categories.

By using " Salary increase assistant» (menu “Payroll calculation” / “Earnings indexation”) you can register an increase in tariff rates (official salaries) of employees, staffing salaries, tariff categories, as well as earnings indexation coefficients.

"Salary Increase Assistant" has three operating modes:

· Increase in salaries (official salaries, salaries for class rank)- to register an increase in tariff rates (official salaries) of employees of the institution, as well as salary amounts in the staffing table;

· Increasing tariff categories (salaries according to tariff schedules)- to register an increase in tariff rates in the Tariff Levels directory;

· - to carry out a comprehensive cancellation of earnings indexation.

Work in the mode of increasing salaries.

At the first stage of working with an assistant, we select the “increase in official salaries” item.

In the second step, you should indicate the date of increase and the coefficient of increase in earnings (Fig. 2). The earnings increase factor is the number by which the current rates should be multiplied.

Use the checkboxes to indicate whether indexing should be carried out Employee salaries and/or indexing Staffing salaries.

Using the switches, set up rounding rules when calculating new tariff rates (salaries).

At the third stage of working with the assistant, on the “Employee salaries” and “Staffing table” tabs, if necessary, we make changes manually.

After entering all the information and checking the entered data, click the “Finish” button.

Information about the results of automatic indexing will be displayed as a message in the Assistant form (Fig. 4). After this, you can close the Assistant form.

When making changes to salary indexation through "Salary Increase Assistant" The following records will be generated in the program:

Document “Personnel Transfer” of organizations with the “Earnings Indexation” checkbox selected and the indexation coefficient (Fig. 5).

Changing information in the “staffing list” register of organizations (Fig. 6).


Work in history view mode, cancel the last increase.

When selecting mode View history, undo last promotion The assistant allows you to view information about earnings indexations registered in the information base and perform a complete cancellation of the last indexation, including deleting entries from the staffing table, canceling the “Personnel Transfer” documents, information about registered indexation coefficients, deleting information about rates for tariff categories.

The menu displays a list of salary increase dates. When you select a date, a list of changes registered on that date related to the indexation of earnings is displayed. By clicking the “Next” button, you can cancel the chronologically last increase. The operation of canceling a salary increase is irreversible, therefore, before performing it, the user is asked for additional confirmation. If the answer is affirmative, the last indexation of earnings is completely cancelled.

Please note the following features:

1) For those employees who are on parental leave, the assignment of a salary here means that the employee will receive both a salary and benefits. Therefore, an employee should be excluded if he does not work a reduced work schedule.

2) If departments have different indexation coefficients, then it is more convenient to change the staffing table manually. And the indexation of salaries (rates) is carried out by the document “Personnel Transfer”.

The program provides an option when the changed amount of payment is entered manually using the document “Input of information on planned accruals of employees of the organization” (menu “Payroll” / “Constant accruals”), and the indexation coefficient for further increasing average earnings using the document “Input earnings indexation coefficients” (menu “Salary calculation” / “Entering earnings indexation coefficients”).

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In this article we will look at how to index salaries in 1C ZUP for employees of an organization. Guided by Article 134 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which states that the employer must provide an increase in salaries for employees, since the cost of goods and services periodically increases. If the organization is financed from the budget, then indexation is also carried out in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, various acts or a collective agreement.

By indexation of wages, first of all, one should understand an increase in tariff rates - salaries, both for the entire enterprise and for its individual divisions or branches. The value of the coefficient will be used in the future when calculating vacation, business trips, average earnings and other cases.

To carry out salary indexation in 1C ZUP, you need to complete a number of steps in the program. The first thing you need to do is check that the required settings are set. In the “Settings” section, select the “Payroll calculation” item. A checkbox is required indicating that earnings are indexed in the database.

You should also ensure that staffing records are maintained and history maintained. To check the availability of these options, you need to select the “HR” item and follow the “Set up staffing table” link.

In order to index in the program, starting with release 3.1.3, there is a special document “Changing the staffing table”, which is located in the “Personnel” section. We create a new document and fill in the date from which the changes and organization will be effective. To fill out the table. parts, click on the “Change” button and add the required schedule units.

By clicking the “More” button on the right, selecting “Displayed indicators”, you can use checkboxes to control the visibility of indicators and display only those that are required in the document. Next, click on the “Fill in indicators” button, and in the window that opens, set the coefficient for the “Salary” indicator to 1.1.

After confirmation, the values ​​in the document for all lines will be recalculated taking into account this coefficient. By clicking on the “Signatures” link at the bottom of the document, you can indicate the head of the organization and the head of the personnel department. In the future, they will be displayed in the printed form of an order to change the schedule, which can be printed using the “Order to make changes” button. Then we carry out the document.

If you have questions on the topic of Salary Indexation in 1C ZUP, ask them in the comments under the article, our specialists will try to answer them.

To reflect the fact of an increase in wages, you need to create a document “Change in planned accruals”, which is located in the “Salary” section, item “Change in employee pay”. Since in our example the history of changes in the staffing table is kept, the above-mentioned document can be entered from the created document “Change in the staffing table” using the corresponding button.

After which a completed document will be created. Please note that the “Consider as indexation of earnings” checkbox must be checked.

Then we carry out the document. When paying salaries for the next month, the salary will be calculated taking into account indexation.

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According to the provisions of Article 134 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, employers must provide employees with an increase in wages in connection with rising consumer prices for goods and services. The indexation procedure (taking into account the opinion of the trade union) is prescribed in the collective agreement or in the local regulatory act of the organization. In the article, 1C experts tell you how to index the staffing table and current employee tariff rates in “1C: Salaries and Personnel Management 8” edition 3 (with further recalculation of average earnings).

Indexing in “1C: Salaries and Personnel Management 8” (ed. 3) usually means two tasks:

  • indexation of the staffing table - a piecemeal change in tariff rates in the staffing table (if it is used in the program);
  • indexation of current tariffs of employee tariff rates - an increase in tariff rates with further recalculation of average earnings.

Indexation of the staffing table is possible if the program “1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8” edition 3 maintains a staffing table with history saved (the flags Maintain staffing table and Maintain a history of changes to the staffing table in the menu Settings - Personnel records - Setting up staffing table are selected).

Indexation is carried out in the document Change of staffing. The selection of indexed positions is carried out using the Change position button. Click the Fill in indicators button to indicate the indicators that are marked in the salary calculation settings as determining the composition of the total tariff rate. The values ​​of these indicators can be indexed by multiplying them by the indexation coefficient (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Indexation of the staffing table for which tariff groups and grades (categories) are indicated, you must first carry out Approval of the tariff group (menu Salary - Approval of tariff group).

To reflect changes in tariff rates for tariff categories in the staffing table in the Tariff Group Approval document, click on the Change staffing table button. In this case, the document Change of staffing table is created automatically. Indexation of the staffing table in the program does not automatically lead to indexation of employee earnings and does not affect the calculation of average earnings.

Indexation of current tariffs of employee tariff rates

Starting from version 3.1.3 in the 1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8 program, edition 3, the indexation of the current tariffs of employee tariff rates is not simply expressed in an increase in the tariff rate, but can be combined with changes in other charges that determine the composition of the total tariff rate. In this case, the indexation coefficient is not specified, but is calculated as the ratio of the new aggregate tariff rate to the previous one. Indexation of current tariffs of employee tariff rates is carried out using the document Change of planned accruals (menu Salary - Change of employee pay - Create button).

In order for the increase in tariff rates to be perceived by the system as indexation, i.e., to indicate an increasing coefficient for calculating average earnings, in the Change of planned accruals document, the flag Consider as indexation of earnings should be set (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Indexation of employee earnings

This flag is available in the document if the ability to use wage indexation mechanisms is enabled by the flag Employees' earnings are being indexed (menu Settings - Payroll). Using the Selection or Fill buttons, you need to create a list of employees whose earnings are subject to indexation. Next, clicking the Fill in indicators button in the document Change of employee pay opens a window where you can enter fixed values ​​(Fixed value - see Figure 2), or recalculate pre-filled ones using mathematical operations (Add, Multiply by), indicating, for example, coefficient by which Salary, Hourly rate or other indicator that determines the composition of the total tariff rate should be multiplied. Click the Order on indexation of earnings button to generate a printed form of the order on indexation of employees' earnings.

If the enterprise uses tariff groups, then the document Change of planned charges can be created by clicking the Change planned charges button in the document Approval of a tariff group (menu Salary - Approval of a tariff group).

Wage indexation is a legal obligation of any employer, but responsible employees often face questions and problems on how to correctly carry out this operation in the 1C program. This article will discuss the nuances of completing the above-described operation in detail.

From this article you will learn:

  • Is wage indexation formalized in 1C;
  • how to index wages in the 1C program;
  • what are the important features of wage indexation in the 1C program;
  • how to index earnings in the document “Personnel Transfer of Organizations”.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Article 134) regulates the procedure for increasing wages and any type of material remuneration in firms, private enterprises and various entrepreneurs carrying out labor activities with the involvement of hired employees. This article regulates, among other things, the indexation process that businessmen face when changing financial indicators related to the minimum subsistence level, fluctuations in regional prices in Russia and related to other elements of the economy.

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These changes should always be reflected not only in documentary form, but also have a visual display in a special program that regulates the labor activities of a particular institution. Such digital support includes a set of 1C programs, which should also include indexation of employee salaries, carried out according to one coefficient or according to different indicators and for different structural divisions of the organization.

How to index wages in the 1C program?

The process of increasing wages carried out in the 1C program is a slow action that must be performed consistently. Indexing, most often, is carried out on the computer of the responsible person, who is usually the chief accountant or his deputy.

The first step is to select a block of information responsible for the need to enter changes into employee salaries. There you need to fill in the appropriate fields:

  • organization (the name of the institution is usually entered automatically);
  • date of salary increase;
  • increase factor (depending on the percentage of increase).

Don’t forget to put the appropriate notes in the rounding fields for calculating the new salary and manually set salaries for each employee. It is important to be careful here, since new salary levels must correspond to the level of the previous tariff multiplied by the coefficient.

Important features of wage indexation in the 1C program

After completing the entire indexation registration procedure, the 1C program generates two important documents: “personnel transfer of organizations” and “staffing schedule of organizations,” which will be located in the appropriate section on the computer of the responsible person. In these documents, it is necessary to once again check the correctness of the information filled in, after which it can be stated that the indexation of wages of the company’s employees was successful.

It should be borne in mind that the indexation of any material remuneration for employees applies to absolutely all positions and vacancies, including those on unpaid or maternity leave. Accordingly, even if a person is currently absent from the workplace, in the 1C program it is also necessary to apply the wage indexation procedure to him.

After indexing in the 1C program and issuing the corresponding order, the responsible person or immediate superior must notify all of his employees about the fact of the salary increase, drawing up additional agreements with his subordinates, which will later be attached to the employment contract.

How to index earnings in the document “Personnel Transfer of Organizations”?

After the required documents have been created in the 1C program, it is necessary to index earnings in one of them. This procedure is simple - we just need to check the box in the right place (opposite the indexing item), and then the whole process will take place automatically. This technique is used if the enterprise carries out indexation according to various coefficients and for various structural divisions.

There are no changes in the document “Staffing list of organizations”, unless any reshuffles between departments and structural units are implied (elimination of vacancies, change of job title, and so on).

Attached files

  • Order on salary indexation.doc
  • Regulations on remuneration (fragment). Salary indexation.doc

Available to subscribers only

  • Order on salary indexation (sample).doc
  • Regulations on remuneration (sample). Salary indexation.doc