Euro to ruble exchange rate forecast for the week. Dollar exchange rate online, stock quotes

The euro exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation by day is displayed on this website with the ability to track adjustments for the month. The information is of interest to both entrepreneurs, representatives of large businesses, and ordinary people who prefer to keep their savings in one of the most reliable currencies in the world. Information is updated immediately after the release of official data.

How is the euro exchange rate set by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for today and tomorrow?

Changes in the euro exchange rate of the Central Bank for today and tomorrow occur under the close supervision of the state. Official data is used for calculations. The unofficial rate often differs from the one set by the Central Bank and is used for payments between individuals and ordinary citizens.

The formation rules are prescribed in the order of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 286-P of 2006. According to them, official data is indicated every working day, but you can use them on the next calendar day. The Euro exchange rate of the Central Bank is also valid on weekends, but the one that was set on Friday. The next changes occur on Monday.

To determine the main provisions, the values ​​of the value of the Moscow Exchange for trading in the pair the US dollar exchange rate - the Russian national currency are used. To do this, the average value of the US currency during the index session is taken. The latter begins immediately after the opening of trading and continues until 11.30. The order to assign new quotes is often issued by three o'clock in the afternoon.

Dynamics of the euro exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

On our website, the dynamics of the euro exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is presented in a chart for the month. You can see it:

  • for three days;
  • week;
  • quarter;
  • all the time.

Just below the graph is another one - by month. By comparing indicators, you can make a forecast, determine the best time to make a transaction, or assess the situation on the foreign exchange market. Indicators serve as the basis for calculations:

  • within the framework of accounting;
  • settlements of customs and tax services;
  • financial operations of the Ministry of Finance.

How to convert euros to rubles?

Use the euro to ruble converter to find out more accurate values ​​for today: the transfer is carried out instantly. Using a special program, you can find out how many rubles are in euros and evaluate the benefits of the available amount of foreign money.

The Central Bank data that was established yesterday is presented. To obtain information about commercial rates, go to the appropriate “Currency Rates” tab. Purchase and sale data are provided at the most favorable commercial rates. By clicking on the name of the specified bank, you can get more detailed information, including the location of branches in your city.

Keep in mind that exchange rates set by the central bank do not change on weekends! In the table below you can see the dollar and euro exchange rates for today, tomorrow and the week ahead. If you are interested in the future fate of currencies, follow the news and monitor quotes updates.

Dollar exchange rateEuro exchange rateRuble's exchange rate
There will be an official course for
06/04/2019 (we will find out through 1 day 18 hours)
? ? ?
Current official rate as of 06/01/2019
the best rates in banks
+33 kopecks
+42 kopecks
fell in price
- 0.54%
Register and trade on Forex without investment - you will receive starting capital as a gift!
If you trade successfully, you can withdraw your money!
Since the last official exchange rate was determined as of 06/01/2019 grew up a little
+12 kopecks
+32 kopecks
fell in price

(oil during this time: -2.89%)

In the last hour without changes did not change did not change

Current exchange rates on the InstaForex exchange

Monthly dollar and euro exchange rate forecast

Exchange rate forecast for May
dateDay of the weekWellMax.Min.WellMax.Min.
22.05.2019 Wednesday 64.19 65.15 63.23 71.77 72.85 70.69
23.05.2019 Thursday 64.31 65.27 63.35 71.80 72.88 70.72
24.05.2019 Friday 64.30 65.26 63.34 71.58 72.65 70.51
27.05.2019 Monday 64.07 65.03 63.11 71.32 72.39 70.25
28.05.2019 Tuesday 63.56 64.51 62.61 70.63 71.69 69.57
29.05.2019 Wednesday 63.79 64.75 62.83 70.85 71.91 69.79
30.05.2019 Thursday 63.73 64.69 62.77 70.86 71.92 69.80
31.05.2019 Friday 63.92 64.88 62.96 71.23 72.30 70.16
Exchange rate forecast for JuneDollar exchange rate forecast for the week and monthEuro exchange rate forecast for the week and month
dateDay of the weekWellMax.Min.WellMax.Min.
03.06.2019 Monday 63.58 64.53 62.63 70.86 71.92 69.80
04.06.2019 Tuesday 63.68 64.64 62.72 70.94 72.00 69.88
05.06.2019 Wednesday 63.83 64.79 62.87 71.11 72.18 70.04
06.06.2019 Thursday 63.57 64.52 62.62 70.97 72.03 69.91
07.06.2019 Friday 64.25 65.21 63.29 71.56 72.63 70.49
10.06.2019 Monday 64.36 65.33 63.39 71.58 72.65 70.51
11.06.2019 Tuesday 64.48 65.45 63.51 71.93 73.01 70.85
13.06.2019 Thursday 64.16 65.12 63.20 71.77 72.85 70.69
14.06.2019 Friday 64.36 65.33 63.39 72.10 73.18 71.02
17.06.2019 Monday 64.56 65.53 63.59 72.19 73.27 71.11
18.06.2019 Tuesday 65.31 66.29 64.33 72.58 73.67 71.49
19.06.2019 Wednesday 65.16 66.14 64.18 72.18 73.26 71.10
20.06.2019 Thursday 64.94 65.91 63.97 72.03 73.11 70.95
21.06.2019 Friday 65.13 66.11 64.15 72.30 73.38 71.22
24.06.2019 Monday 65.20 66.18 64.22 71.97 73.05 70.89
25.06.2019 Tuesday 64.92 65.89 63.95 71.73 72.81 70.65

What determines the dollar exchange rate, factors influencing exchange rates

If you are interested in buying or selling euros or dollars, the exchange rate is an important indicator for you every day. Today, both currencies are showing significant volatility. This is primarily due to political factors.

What affects the exchange rate between the US dollar and the euro:

  • decisions made by diplomats within the framework of international cooperation. Yesterday Angela Merkel announced her readiness to reach an agreement with Russia - the euro fell slightly against the ruble. Tomorrow Donald Trump will release a new package of sanctions - the dollar exchange rate will skyrocket. Therefore, if you want to play on the currency exchange or make money by buying/selling currencies, you need to follow political news;
  • economic situation in the country and in the world. Yes, even economic changes within Russia affect the position of the ruble, and, accordingly, the exchange rate of foreign currencies to it;
  • decisions of the Central Bank. It is known that at the beginning of the aggravation of relations with Europe and the United States, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation tried to balance the jumps in exchange rates against the ruble using its own resources. Today, the volatility of the dollar and euro has decreased slightly, and the system of containment of the Russian banking network played a significant role in this.

Previous rate forecasts

We all remember the times when the dollar exchange rate did not exceed 35 rubles, and the euro remained at the level of 39-45 rubles. Unfortunately or fortunately, these rates have not appeared on display boards in banks and exchange offices for several years. Below is our forecast of exchange rates a few days before the rapid fall of the ruble. This information is presented just like that, as a keepsake...

Dear visitors to the site “Currency Rate Forecast for Tomorrow”, please note that the forecast for the dollar and euro exchange rates is given for informational purposes only and cannot be regarded as a guide to action! We are not responsible for the accuracy of these forecasts, because... exchange rates depend on a huge number of factors and even the most experienced trader, broker, financier (yes, in general, anyone) will not be able to predict the exchange rate for tomorrow, for a week or for a month with 100% accuracy!

Forecasting the euro exchange rate is mostly guesswork that is based on generally known facts. In fact, anyone can make their own forecast and, frankly, it will differ little in accuracy from the same data voiced by venerable specialists/experts/financiers. The information provided below is for informational purposes only. We cannot be held responsible for what is said, because we do not know how to look into the future. It's a pity.

Forecast for the euro/dollar pair for today

The only thing we can say for sure is the forecast for the euro exchange rate for today. As of 13:00 on 09/06/2018, the euro was worth 79.36, which is slightly less than, for example, yesterday. It is noteworthy that the direction of movement is different from that shown by the dollar. As a consequence, these are not features of the domestic ruble, but features of foreign currency itself.

In this case there can be two options:

  • The US dollar is strengthening against the euro.
  • The euro falls against the US dollar.

In fact, the result is the same, but the cause-and-effect relationships are different. Nevertheless, in general, judging by the existing forecasts for the euro-dollar exchange rate, their general movement is still the same. As evidence, we offer two charts for forecasting the euro-dollar exchange rate:

Euro forecast for tomorrow

According to preliminary data, which can be checked tomorrow, the euro exchange rate will fall even more and drop to the level it showed on September 3, 2018. Presumably this is due to an increase in oil production. On the one hand, this makes oil become cheaper, on the other hand, cheapness is, firstly, a relative concept, and secondly, temporary. Prices will still skyrocket, since raw materials are finite in our world and therefore their cost cannot be low in principle. How long the temporary price reduction will last is another matter.

Euro forecast for the week

Over the coming week, the euro exchange rate will be significantly influenced by the same increase in oil production. In addition, in the near future, the dollar will strengthen for some time due to the ruble, which will automatically hit the euro and cause it to lose some ground. Presumably, in a week the euro exchange rate will fall even more. Unfortunately, at this stage it is not possible to forecast the euro exchange rate by day with more or less high accuracy.

Euro forecast for September 2018

Despite the relatively positive short-term forecast for the euro exchange rate, in general, in August and further in September 2018, the exchange rate will only increase. At this stage, given the complete unpredictability of the ruble, it is too early to say anything concrete, but all the prerequisites, as well as the history of the “relationship” between the euro and the ruble literally scream about this.

The first thing that deserves attention is the US government's release from vacation. As has long been noted, the higher the dollar exchange rate, the lower the euro exchange rate and vice versa. As a result, its movement will be affected by the decisions made. Presumably, the next sanctions will be adopted, which will further collapse the ruble, which, without any action on the part of the European currency, will lead to an increase in the exchange rate.

Euro forecast for October 2018

The euro exchange rate largely depends on political decisions. Moreover, issued not only by the government of the European Union, but also accepted by the United States. Thus, it is almost impossible to say anything unambiguously. Nevertheless, according to most analysts, despite the active growth of the dollar and euro against the ruble in September, starting from October and continuing until the end of the year, there will be a slow but steady decline.

But there is another point of view. Some experts believe that the exchange rate, on the contrary, will only increase and will not stop until the summer of 2019. Statistics show the same thing. For example, it has long been known that in most cases the currency almost literally repeats the fluctuations of the previous year. And in 2017, it was during this period that significant growth occurred:

Euro forecast for November 2018

Presumably, since this cannot be said for sure, the euro exchange rate may rise in November 2018, but it is unlikely to be serious. According to other sources, it will even fall, but there are no prerequisites for this yet. Short-term stagnation can be taken as a basis.

From this point of view, this currency will not be the most successful option for trading. The absence of more or less accurate forecasts for the long term will not allow working according to the trend. As a result, it will be possible to make money on the stock exchange only by working on its reversal or only when the main direction of movement is determined.

Euro forecast for December 2018

December, if we consider the situation in the context of previous years, will begin with the fall of the euro. Presumably, the currency could fall by 10 points or even more. However, closer to the middle of the month there will be a sharp upward surge due to traditional pre-New Year purchases and active consumer growth. And by the end of the month there will be a decline again, against the backdrop of the subsidence of any activity at the end of the year.

As mentioned above, this currency is not the best option for trading in this period. If you want to make money, then you should contact the innovative IT company using the form on the right and trade the asset extremely carefully, with special emphasis on news. Here is an example of how the currency behaved in the same period last year:

Euro forecast for 2018

In general, based on what we see now, the euro exchange rate, after the short-term fall observed now, will most likely increase significantly in the near future, after which it will begin a slow, gradual decline, which, towards the end of 2018, will lead to its return to current values. moment of positions.

Euro forecast for 2019

It is still impossible to make any clear forecasts for next year due to the fact that it is not known how relations between the EU countries and its relations with the United States and Russia will develop. For example, if the problem of migrants in the EU goes to the next stage, we can expect a fall in the exchange rate, since the economies of the countries may simply not be able to withstand it.

In addition, over the past few months the European Union has been striving to pursue its own policy, independent of the United States. It turns out very badly so far, but there is such a trend and it is likely that it will only develop in the future. Therefore, according to preliminary forecasts, in the first months of 2019, the Euro exchange rate will show fairly strong growth, which will reach its maximum in April-May 2019.

After this, the US dollar will take first place, which will automatically have a negative impact on the euro exchange rate and, starting in the spring of 2019, we will be able to observe a gradual, slow, but very confident decline. Here is an example of a table with preliminary calculations of the euro exchange rate for 2019:


It is very difficult to make a reliable forecast of the euro, since it is a very specific currency, which is influenced not only by the foreign policy situation, but also by the relationships between the participating countries. In addition, the dollar also has a significant impact. Therefore, it is recommended to first focus on the dollar and only then look at how its rise or fall affects the euro.

Are you going to have a cash exchange of euros or a non-cash transaction of this currency? This page will help you save time and get acquainted with the offers of all banks, where the euro exchange rate in Moscow banks, as well as in large exchange offices, is indicated. Thanks to the information presented on the site, you will always know where the sale or purchase of euros can be carried out in Moscow, and when exactly it is worth carrying out such a transaction.

What information can you find on our website?

On this resource you will find all the necessary information for making a profitable exchange in euros. Among them:

  • Euro exchange rate in Moscow exchange offices today;
  • forecast for this indicator for tomorrow;
  • exchange rate dynamics.

The resource also indicates which exchanger currently has the most installed. The data on the resource is constantly updated, so you can always find the best option for exchanging euros here.

How can I use data on the euro exchange rate?

Please note that the presented euro exchange rate for today is for informational purposes only. It can be used for preliminary economic calculations, as well as for choosing a bank where it will be possible to sell or buy currency in the near future. Immediately before purchasing it, you should contact the credit institution itself and clarify their current exchange rate.

Updated 06/01/2019 17:40

What is the Euro exchange rate forecast for tomorrow?

The Euro exchange rate forecast for tomorrow is 74.04 rub., the minimum rate is 73.00, and the maximum is 75.08 rubles. The current exchange rate is Euro 73.26. Today the rate is down by 0.1% compared to yesterday’s close of the day at 73.33.

Will the Euro rise or fall in a week?

Euro exchange rate forecast in a week 74.46 rub., minimum 73.42, maximum 75.50 rub. Thus, for a week the Euro exchange rate will increase on 1.2 rub. relative to the exchange rate now at 73.26 rubles. For more detailed forecast by day for the week, see the table below.

What is the Euro exchange rate forecast for June?

Euro exchange rate forecast for June 72.18-76.02, at the end of June 73.70 rub. At the beginning of June, the Euro exchange rate was 73.33, i.e. the change over the month will be +0.5%.

What Euro rate is forecast for July?

Euro exchange rate forecast for July - 74.07 R. at the end of July, the minimum rate during the month is 72.53, the maximum is 75.59. Monthly change +0.5%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for each day in the table

date Day Min Well Max
03.06 Monday 73.00 74.04 75.08
04.06 Tuesday 73.36 74.40 75.44
05.06 Wednesday 73.45 74.49 75.53
06.06 Thursday 73.57 74.61 75.65
07.06 Friday 73.42 74.46 75.50
10.06 Monday 73.13 74.17 75.21
11.06 Tuesday 73.92 74.97 76.02
12.06 Wednesday 73.81 74.86 75.91
13.06 Thursday 73.61 74.66 75.71
14.06 Friday 73.34 74.38 75.42
17.06 Monday 73.37 74.41 75.45
18.06 Tuesday 73.14 74.18 75.22
19.06 Wednesday 72.88 73.91 74.94
20.06 Thursday 72.18 73.20 74.22
21.06 Friday 72.40 73.43 74.46
24.06 Monday 72.41 73.44 74.47
25.06 Tuesday 72.79 73.82 74.85
26.06 Wednesday 72.41 73.44 74.47
27.06 Thursday 72.49 73.52 74.55
28.06 Friday 72.67 73.70 74.73
01.07 Monday 72.53 73.56 74.59
02.07 Tuesday 73.13 74.17 75.21
03.07 Wednesday 73.15 74.19 75.23
04.07 Thursday 73.51 74.55 75.59

What is the Euro forecast for August?

Euro exchange rate forecast for August is in the range of 73.89-75.99, at the end of August 74.94 rub. Monthly change +1.2%.

What Euro exchange rate is forecast for the rest of 2019?

Euro exchange rate forecast for 2019 year: the rate will trade in the range of 70.53-75.99. Exchange rate forecast for the end of December 2019 71.53 rub.

What will the Euro exchange rate be in 2020?

Euro exchange rate forecast for 2020 year: rate at the end of December 2020 - 72.85 rub. And throughout the year the rate will fluctuate in the range of 68.24-74.79.

Euro exchange rate forecast for 2019, 2020 and 2021

Month Start Min-Max End Total,%
Jun 73.33 72.18-76.02 73.70 +0.5%
Jul 73.70 72.53-75.59 74.07 +1.0%
Aug 74.07 73.89-75.99 74.94 +2.2%
Sep 74.94 72.68-74.94 73.71 +0.5%
Oct 73.71 71.46-73.71 72.47 -1.2%
But I 72.47 71.47-73.49 72.48 -1.2%
Dec 72.48 70.53-72.53 71.53 -2.5%
Jan 71.53 71.53-74.01 72.99 -0.5%
Feb 72.99 70.33-72.99 71.33 -2.7%
Mar 71.33 68.31-71.33 69.28 -5.5%
Apr 69.28 69.28-73.06 72.05 -1.7%
May 72.05 70.61-72.61 71.61 -2.3%
Jun 71.61 71.08-73.10 72.09 -1.7%
Jul 72.09 68.24-72.09 69.21 -5.6%
Aug 69.21 69.21-72.99 71.98 -1.8%
Sep 71.98 71.98-74.79 73.76 +0.6%
Oct 73.76 71.60-73.76 72.62 -1.0%
But I 72.62 72.23-74.29 73.26 -0.1%
Dec 73.26 71.83-73.87 72.85 -0.7%
Jan 72.85 72.85-75.68 74.64 +1.8%
Feb 74.64 73.58-75.66 74.62 +1.8%
Mar 74.62 72.32-74.62 73.35 0.0%
Apr 73.35 70.58-73.35 71.58 -2.4%
May 71.58 71.58-75.48 74.44 +1.5%
Jun 74.44 74.44-78.50 77.42 +5.6%

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