Project of a fence made of corrugated sheets. Books about fences and railings

Construction of a private house implies, sooner or later, the installation of a permanent fence to replace the temporary one. Choosing the type of fence is often quite difficult, and implementing your plans is sometimes even more difficult. Ready-made fence designs made from various materials come to the aid of private owners and beginners in construction matters.

Ready-made decorative brick fence project

Types of fencing

  • Fences made of corrugated sheets with a metal frame;
  • Fences made of corrugated sheets with brick pillars;
  • Various types of wooden fence;
  • Capital fencing made of concrete;
  • Metal fences.

Of course, there are many more fencing options possible. You can freely download a standard design for almost any type of fence on the Internet. This can be done either free of charge or for a fee. If you want an individual approach to solving the issue of decorating the exterior of a private house, it is better to contact a specialized organization and order a fence design.

This service costs a lot, since the company’s employees will have to go to the site, take measurements, make material calculations and draw up an estimate. To save money, many people prefer to simply download a project from the Internet and adapt it to the realities of their home.

Detailed drawing of the fence with dimensions

If you don’t want or have the opportunity to download a finished project, start designing it yourself.

Material selection

Before you settle on any particular type of material, you should consider several nuances:

Of course, the issue of taste preferences or current fashion for one or another type of fencing is also important. So, one year it becomes fashionable, the next - a fence with brick pillars and forged metal sections. Fashion changes, so it is much more important that the owner likes the appearance of the fence.

It is also important to match the style of construction and design of the house.

An example of a brick fence decorated to match the exterior of a cottage

A red brick building will match perfectly with any filling between the supports. The exterior of the sophisticated chalet-style home is matched by picket fencing.

For a grand castle, the best choice would be a monumental fence made of brick or concrete or a beautiful wrought iron fence.

A log cabin is best hidden behind. If the building does not have a special design, a simple wooden fence is suitable for it.

When you want to stand out from others, pay attention to fences made of unusual materials or with non-standard finishes.

- this is not just a presentable element of a private home, it is, so to speak, the dictates of our time. But here the question arises of how to choose the right structure so that it not only protects your home, but also fits harmoniously into the landscape design of the area. There is only one answer - you will need fence designs, not just one, but several at once, so that you can choose what you like best.

Where to begin

First of all, you need to set priorities. To do this, you should answer a few simple questions:

  • What functions do you assign to the fencing structure being constructed?
  • The time frame you plan for the construction of this structure.
  • How much time are you willing to devote in the future to maintaining your new fence?
  • And, of course, the price of the entire structure. This indicator often becomes fundamental in terms of choice. By the way, you can add soda depending on how you will build it, that is, with your own hands or invite craftsmen.

Attention! An important point is the fact that any enclosing structures must be in harmony with the main building on the site. If the design of fences and fences is done correctly, then the total cost of the house increases several times. This is confirmed by both statistics and life.

Choosing a style

Let's start with this criterion, because a lot will depend on it. Judge for yourself - if your house is built in the Baroque or Empire style, then the likelihood of a fence made of forged elements appearing on the site will be very high. It is the forged lattices of an ornate shape that will give such a house full compliance with the style design, and not only of the building, but also of the site as a whole (we are talking about landscape design).

But the classic architecture of the house will be emphasized by the severity of concrete support pillars and wooden spans of various shapes and configurations. For a modern techno style, you can use 3D designs made of metal elements. By the way, the latter look very presentable even in other style directions.

Choosing material

We can talk for a long time about the material from which a fence can be built around a house. Here it is important to correlate your capabilities with your desires. And if the possibilities are not large enough, then you can always find the best option that will satisfy both you and your pocket.

Attention! I would like to draw your attention to a modern approach to solving this issue - these are plastic fencing structures (they look good, are inexpensive, are built quickly, and practically do not require maintenance).

A little history

People began to pay attention to the beauty of fences in the Middle Ages; openwork fences appeared, which mainly served purely decorative functions. In those days, for some reason, they stopped focusing on defense. A modern standard fence design is a combination of two functions at the same time. One without the other is not used today, such is a vital necessity.

And those who utter the phrase “beautiful fence” should know that this design will meet all the requirements and standards of our time.

What are these requirements? They have always been the same.

  • Safety.
  • Aesthetic appearance.

That is, what is constantly discussed in this article. Therefore, designers today focus on these two criteria. Everything else is secondary (shape, color, number of elements and materials). Therefore, nowadays, durable and beautiful fences may look different in different variations.

Modern requirements and your wishes

Let's start with the fact that beauty is beauty, strength is strength, but your desires should not fade into the background. After all, the same fence is primarily for you and your loved ones, so you will have to make a choice.

  • If your house is located near the road, then it is best to install solid solid fences, which will provide excellent protection against noise from the outside. You can even add dust protection here.
  • Openwork forged or welded structures will not be an obstacle to sunlight, which is important for your green spaces. In addition, this design will allow passers-by to view your beautiful home, which is your pride.
  • - this is the optimal approach to solving the issue of fencing, both in urban and suburban conditions. By the way, such fences are considered universal.

And there are many such proposals. That is why architects and designers are now ready to offer a large number of projects, based on which you can make the right choice (check out all the photos above).

Conclusion on the topic

So, choosing a design for a fence turns out to be a serious matter. As you can see, here it is necessary to take into account a fairly wide list of criteria, but in any case, your wishes will form the basis for drawings and calculations. Many people undertake to build fences on their own without design. If the design is simple, then, in principle, there are no objections.

But if this is a fairly serious structure, then there is nothing to do here without a project. By the way, the video in this article will help you understand all the intricacies of design. This is a small instruction to help you.

A fence made of corrugated sheets is the optimal solution for protecting the territory of a country house or cottage from prying eyes and unauthorized visits. Fences made of this material last at least 30 years. The metal profile is extremely easy to process, and the simple installation method allows you to install a fence around a house or summer cottage quickly and with your own hands, without involving additional labor. Possessing high performance characteristics and durability measured over decades, the metal profile also performs a decorative function, with the help of which you can ennoble a private area, making it not only inaccessible to prying eyes, but also homely.

Construction of a metal profile fence: pros and cons

A distinctive feature of metal profiles (profiled sheets, corrugated sheets) is versatility. In addition to the arrangement of roofing slabs and the construction of temporary utility structures (hangars, sheds, garages, etc.), this material is widely used in the construction of fences and enclosures for various purposes.

The metal profile is made from cold-rolled sheet steel, which, using a special technology, is coated with a layer of zinc and a protective polymer film of various colors. The thickness of the profiled sheet is 0.4–1.2 cm. At the final stage of production, the sheet, laid in rolls, receives a certain profile (trapezoid or wave) using roll forming equipment (manual or automatic).

Good to know: The steel base and stiffening ribs provide increased resistance of the material to deformation and force, and galvanization and polymer coating reliably protect the corrugated sheet from rust and mechanical wear.

For the construction of fences, profiled wall sheets with a profile height of 8 to 44 mm are used. The final cost of the material is influenced by such parameters as:

  • thickness of the steel base;
  • availability and quality of galvanization;
  • quality of polymer coating;
  • profile shape and height.

Advantages of metal profiles

The main advantages of using corrugated sheets in the construction of fences and fences include:

  1. High performance characteristics.
  2. Low specific gravity.
  3. Ease of processing and installation.
  4. Durability and resistance to aggressive operating factors.
  5. Relatively low cost of material.

The corrugated sheet is well protected from rust, deformation, damage and climatic factors. The material is produced in a wide range of sizes, which allows it to be used for the construction of fences of any height and length.

Good to know: The lightness of the profiled sheet, as well as its mechanical rigidity, greatly simplifies the installation process. In addition, when building a fence from this material, the requirements for the strength of the supporting frame are reduced.

Disadvantages of wall corrugated sheets

The disadvantages of metal profiles used in the construction of fences and enclosures include:

  1. Low level of sound insulation (a fence made of corrugated sheets will not be able to protect the internal area from noise coming from the street).
  2. Low resistance to destructive influences (a fence made of such material can easily be broken through, say, by a heavy car, or a hole can be cut in it using a special tool for subsequent penetration into the fenced area).
  3. Low presentability (corrugated sheeting is significantly inferior in visual appeal to traditional materials used in the construction of fences: wooden and plastic picket fences, metal, brick or stone).

Good to know: Despite the obvious disadvantages, corrugated sheets have no equal in terms of efficiency and are absolutely fire resistant. The material is available in a wide range of colors and a wide range of profile shapes and sizes, which allows you to satisfy almost any aesthetic needs of the buyer.

Photo: types of fences, ideas for implementation on the site

Profiled sheets as decorative cladding on entrance gates
Fence made of metal profiles on metal supports: view from the inside
Decorative design of corrugated sheets as part of a country fence
Fence made of metal profiles with decorative design: view from the inside
Fence made of corrugated sheets with decorative design
A fence made of corrugated sheets on a site with a slope
Corrugated fence with brick pillars
Metal profile fence on a concrete foundation

Fence design and preparation for construction

It is necessary to carefully prepare for the construction of a metal profile fence. Errors during the design and installation process are unacceptable, since they entail unplanned costs of time, nerves and money.

In order for the construction of the fence to be carried out quickly and not take an unreasonably large amount of effort and resources, at the preparatory stage of construction it is necessary:

  1. Decide on the type and required characteristics of the metal profile.
  2. Develop a construction project.
  3. Calculate the required amount of materials.
  4. Prepare a set of tools and auxiliary materials necessary for construction.
  5. Carry out precise marking of the fenced area for construction, taking into account the location of gates, entrance gates, terrain slope, etc.

It is important to remember: After purchasing and delivering the main material to the construction site, it must be carefully stacked and covered to protect it from premature wear and climatic factors before installation work. The location of the stacks should not interfere with the passage, passage or placement of other building materials, elements of building structures, transport, etc.

Which corrugated sheet should I choose?

If the decision to build a fence from a metal profile has been made, all that remains is to choose a material that is suitable in terms of cost and quality. To do this, it is necessary to determine the requirements regarding its protective characteristics, as well as the reliability, durability and resistance of the future fence to wear and damage.

But first it won’t hurt to pre-install:

  • conditional life of the fence;
  • priority on aesthetics of appearance or operational reliability;
  • design features of the fence and the possibility of replacing its individual elements during operation.

The list of key factors determining the choice of profiled sheet for fence construction includes:

  1. Brand of material.
  2. Steel thickness.
  3. The quality of galvanization of the steel base of the corrugated sheet.
  4. Type of polymer coating.
  5. Sheet sizes and profile parameters
  6. Price-quality ratio.
  7. Durability and wear resistance.
  8. Aesthetic preferences of the owner of the fenced area.

Profiled sheet marking

The metal profile has a special marking, which determines its main characteristics and purpose. So, for the construction of a fence, grade C (wall) or NS (universal) material is suitable. The numbers in the marking of the profiled sheet mean:

  • profile height in mm;
  • usable sheet width;
  • thickness of the steel base.

It is important to remember: The thicker the steel base and the higher the zinc content in the protective layer, the more resistant to corrosion and deformation the corrugated sheet is. However, nowadays galvanizing technology is used less and less in the production of materials. A much more reliable protection against corrosion, damage and wear is a special polymer coating, which, moreover, can be given a color and even texture that matches the purpose of the metal profile.

Polymer coating and price/quality ratio

The polymer can be applied on one or both sides of the sheet, which significantly affects the overall cost of the material. In addition, the price of the metal profile is determined by the type of this polymer coating:

  1. Polyester (PE) - film thickness is about 25 microns. The coating is used to protect the inner surface of the material. The film has low resistance to mechanical damage and ultraviolet radiation, which is compensated by the low cost of the profiled sheet.
  2. Matte polyester (PEM) is a 35 micron thick coating characterized by its lack of shine and resistance to direct sunlight.
  3. Pural is a protective film about 50 microns thick. It is characterized by elasticity, a high degree of anti-corrosion protection and excellent color quality.
  4. Polyvinyl fluoride (PVF, PVDF, PVF2) is a coating with high strength and elasticity. Meets increased operational requirements, having excellent resistance to ultraviolet radiation, as well as rust and mechanical damage.
  5. Plastisol (PVC200) is a universal film with a thickness of 200 microns, designed to protect surfaces of any type. It has high decorative qualities and elasticity, providing reliable protection of steel from corrosion.

Important to know: The dependence of price on the type of polymer coating, which largely determines the durability and wear resistance of the material, is obvious. The greatest demand in the construction of fences and barriers is metal profiles coated with matte polyester, which has an optimal price/quality ratio. Material coated with pural is also popular, since the latter provides not only high aesthetic performance of the corrugated sheet, but also increases the service life of the fence.

Profiled sheet parameters

The strength of wall corrugated sheeting depends not so much on the thickness of the steel base (0.1 cm is enough for building a fence), but on the size, shape and thickness of the ribs (waves) of the profile. Therefore, when purchasing, the main attention should be paid to the height of the latter. For the construction of a fence in an area with normal wind loads, a material with an edge whose height does not exceed 21 mm is suitable. As for the required sheet sizes and amount of material, they are determined based on the required height of the fence, as well as its perimeter. It should be taken into account that the corrugated sheet will be mounted with an overlap.

For the construction of fences and enclosures, four grades of wall corrugated sheeting are used. Their design parameters are given in the table:

Good to know: Wall corrugated sheets are produced in sheets 12 m long, but before sale they are cut into pieces 2–3 m long that are more convenient for transportation and installation.

Correct fence design and calculation of materials, diagram

Before you go to a hardware store to buy materials, you should correctly calculate their quantity, as well as determine the amount of work to manufacture the main elements of the fence structure. This can only be done if there is a detailed project. The latter is easy to develop independently, without involving expensive specialists.

The first and main thing that is necessary for design is the value of the perimeter of the fenced area. If it is not indicated in the cadastral plan, you will have to measure it yourself. For this you will need:

  • hammer marks (metal or wooden pegs) into the ground at the corners of the site, as well as at points where the fence changes direction;
  • tie the tags with nylon or linen cord;
  • calculate the length of the cord between the marks, which will correspond to the perimeter of the area.

The next step is to determine the location and required dimensions of the entrance gates and wickets. It is necessary to place marks on the sides of the latter, measure the distance between them and subtract the resulting value from the total perimeter.

Calculation of the number and sizes of sections

  1. For example, let’s assume that the plot has a rectangular shape with sides of 20 and 15 m. Let’s take the width of the gate equal to 2.5 m, and set the value for the gate to 1.5 m. In this case, the length of the fence will be equal to: L=(20+15) *2 - (2.5+1.5)=66 m.
  2. The standard length of the profiled sheet is 12 m, so for ease of transportation and installation it will have to be divided into segments. Therefore, at this stage it is necessary to calculate how many segments will fit in one section along the length.
  3. We will establish that the gate will be located next to the gate on the 20-meter side of the perimeter. In this case, the length of the fence in this area will be equal to: l=20–4=16 m. Thus, we take the number of sections equal to 3 meters: 2 sections will have a 5-meter length, and the size of the remaining one will be 6 m.
  4. If we take the length of the sections on the opposite side of the perimeter to be 5 m, their number here will be 4.
  5. It remains to calculate the number of sections on 15-meter segments of the perimeter. The calculation is carried out in a similar way: we take the length of the section to be 5 m. This means that the width of the rectangle will result in only 6 sections - 3 on each side.
  6. Let's calculate the total number of sections: n=2+4+6+1=12+1. Thus, the fence will have 12 sections 5 m long and one 6 meter section adjacent to the gate.

Calculation of supports

Having the number of sections, we calculate the required number of supports using the formula:

It follows from this that to install the fence you will need: K=13+1=14 supports.

Important to know: It is convenient to use a profile pipe of square (50*50 mm) or round (d=50 mm) cross-section as support posts for a fence made of corrugated sheets. It should be noted that the length of the supports is a composite value. The outer part should be at least 10–15 cm longer than the corrugated sheet. This is necessary to leave a gap of 5–10 cm high at the bottom and a headroom of about 5 cm in the upper part. So, for a fence 2 m high, the height of the supports will be 210–215 cm. For installation in the ground, another 80–120 cm will be required (depending on the type of soil, freezing depth and groundwater level), and if the fence is installed on a strip foundation - 40–50 cm.

If the necessary requirements for the design of the supports are met, their length will be:

L og =200+15+80=295 cm (when installing supports in the ground);

L op =200+15+40=255 cm (when installed on a foundation).

Calculation of corrugated sheets

Using the height of the fence, as well as the number and length of sections, the required dimensions and number of profiled sheets are determined.

The height of the fence is equal to the length of the section of corrugated sheet. If the fence being designed has a height of 2 m, a standard 12-meter sheet will need to be cut into 6 2-meter pieces. If a profiled sheet of grade C21 is chosen for construction, each 5-meter section will require 5 such sheets and the remaining 6-meter section will require another 6 sections 1 m wide.

As a result, the total number of sections of corrugated sheets 2 m long will be:

N=n 5 *5+n 6 *6=12*5+1*6=66 ​​segments

where n 5 and n 6 are the number of 5- and 6-meter fence sections.

It is important to remember: Installation of the corrugated sheet is carried out with an overlap. This means that each sheet will lose a little length during installation. Thus, when calculating the number and size of sheets relative to the length of the section, the value of the joint size multiplied by 2 should be subtracted from the total length of the sheathing.

Calculation of transverse joists

For fences made of corrugated sheets, a metal profile pipe with a cross-section of 40*20 mm and a length corresponding to the dimensions of each section is used as transverse logs. At the same time, to install a fence 2 m high, you will need no more than 2 tiers of crossbars.

This means that the number of logs for the calculated fence will be:

k=k s *2=13*2=26 lag

where k c is the number of fence sections.

Final result

As a result of the research, it was found that to build a fence around the area in question it is necessary:

  • 26 crossbars;
  • 14 support pillars;
  • 66 sheathing sheets, 2 m long.

Next, all that remains is to re-draw the diagram of the site and apply a projection of the fence on it indicating the number and size of sections, the location of gates and gates and other important data. The construction project can be considered ready.

Necessary tools and auxiliary materials

In order to independently make and install a fence from corrugated sheets, you need to prepare the tools in advance, which you cannot do without during the work process.

This list should include:

  • bayonet and shovel;
  • concrete mixer (if the fence is installed on a foundation or the supports will be installed on concrete);
  • earth drill (for installing support pillars in the ground);
  • electric scissors;
  • metal scissors;
  • electric drill with a set of metal drills;
  • screwdriver;
  • welding machine;
  • circular saw with metal discs;
  • construction tape;
  • measuring cord;
  • building level;
  • plumb line

In addition to the basic materials of corrugated sheets and profile pipes for the manufacture of supports and transverse joists for the construction of the fence, auxiliary tools will be needed.

The list of the latter contains:

  • sand;
  • crushed stone;
  • cement;
  • primer for metal posts and crossbars;
  • paint;
  • metal screws or other fasteners for mounting the casing.

It is important to remember: When cutting metal, during the construction of a foundation or installing supports in the ground, as well as when installing crossbars and fixing profiled sheets, it is very important to follow safety precautions. This will avoid injury, as well as material damage and tool breakage. When performing work operations, you should use safety glasses, gloves and protective clothing. And most importantly: you need to prepare a free area for work, where nothing will interfere with the manufacture of fence elements, and supply electricity to it to connect power tools.

How to build a fence from corrugated sheets with your own hands: step-by-step instructions

After marking the territory and preparing materials, it’s time to start construction. The general algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • pouring the foundation with installation of vertical supports on it;
  • installation of support pillars in the ground;
  • installation of transverse joists;
  • priming and painting of the metal frame;
  • installation of sheathing;
  • decorative design of the fence.

Good to know: If the installation of the supporting frame is carried out by welding, the welds must be cleaned. You should also weld appropriately shaped plugs onto the support posts, which will prevent moisture from getting inside the pipe. It is better to make holes in the metal before assembly, although, if you have a powerful drill and a high-quality drill bit, they can be made after. It is advisable to apply primer and paint to the metal frame before installing the sheathing so as not to stain the new profiled sheet.

Laying the foundation for a corrugated fence

If the conditional service life of the fence exceeds 20 years or the nature of the soil or the layout of the site do not allow installation in another way, the fence is installed on a strip reinforced concrete foundation.

The foundation is poured in several stages:

Using a concrete mixer, a concrete solution is made from sand, crushed stone, cement and water, with which the trench is filled to the required level. During the process, you should periodically check the verticality of the support posts or fix it to the formwork with a lock made from waste boards.

It is important to know: The soil will not take moisture away from the concrete if the bottom of the trench is moistened abundantly before pouring. The finished foundation should be allowed to dry for at least 3 days, after which you can begin installing the transverse joists.

Installation of support pillars in the ground

If the fence is planned to be used for no more than 15–20 years, the fence is temporary, or the soil or layout of the site allows installation without pouring the foundation, the support pillars are installed in the soil.

There are several ways to install supports, the choice of which depends on the nature of the soil, the depth of groundwater and the height of the fence:

  • driving;
  • partial concreting (combined installation);
  • butting (installation on a bed of sand and crushed stone);
  • full concreting (with reinforcement);

The algorithm for installing fence supports in the soil looks like this:

  1. Plugs are welded at the upper and lower ends of the supports, which will prevent moisture and soil from entering the pipe.
  2. The corner supports and pillars along the edges of the gates and gates are installed first. In this case, it is necessary to carefully monitor the vertical level of the supports.
  3. The installed corner posts are tied with twine or rope to mark the fence line.
  4. The remaining support posts of the fence are mounted along the perimeter in the same way, observing the vertical level and the line set from the corner supports.

Important to know: To enhance the load-bearing capacity of concrete or partially concreted supports, the hole can be reinforced using thin (d=10 mm) reinforcement.

Installing fence supports on a sloped area

If the land has a slope, a number of additional steps must be performed when pouring the foundation or installing support pillars. In particular, with a slight slope, the soil should be simply leveled.

When installing a fence on a foundation on an area with an average slope, the procedure will be as follows:

When installing supports in the ground on a site with a slope, the depth of the holes is adjusted in the same way: the bottom of the hole of the first support of the next level should be at the level of the middle of the hole of the last support of the previous one.

Important to know: The difference in height levels should be the same along the entire length of the fence.

Installation of supporting frame

After installing the support pillars in the ground or on the foundation, the transverse joists are installed. They can be installed by welding or using special “crab” fasteners.

When installing on "crabs" in the supports and transverse joists, it is necessary to make holes of the appropriate diameter for bolted connections.

Installation of crossbars for welding is carried out in one of three ways: the logs are butt welded, on the sides of the support column, or fixed using a holder pre-welded to the support (a piece of U-shaped profile of the required dimensions).

Good to know: The location of the logs and the distance between them depends on the height of the fence. If the latter is 2 m, you need to subtract 40–50 cm from the upper edge of the support - the upper line of the crossbars will be attached at this level. Further down we retreat 100–120 mm and mark the level of installation of the lower logs. Then the distance from the lower cross member to the ground will be: l=200–40–120=40 cm.

Sheathing with metal profiles and finishing, painting the fence

If the installation of the frame is completed, and plugs are welded on top of the supports, you can proceed to the final stage of construction - cladding the fence. To do this, holes for fastening elements are made in the transverse logs with a pitch equal to the pitch of the profiled sheet. Before starting work, it is important not to forget to calculate the location of the joints of the metal profile; its sheets are attached directly to each other, bypassing the crossbars.

After installing the sheathing, the fence can be decorated with decorative elements. For example, by forging or beading along the upper and/or lower edge of the profiled sheet. You can also additionally protect the screw heads and bolted connections with special plastic plugs.

It is important to remember: When joining sheets with an overlap, installation is carried out on the upper wave of the profile. The corrugated sheet is fixed to the crossbars in the center of the lower wave of the profile.

The construction of a fence from corrugated sheets requires thorough preparation and, most importantly, correctly performed calculations. Then, if you do not make gross mistakes during installation, the work will not take much time and effort. For example, to fence an area with a perimeter of 60–70 m, it will take only 3–4 days, of course, provided that you don’t have to dig a lot to level the soil. The result should be a reliable and durable fence that will serve as excellent protection for the site from prying attention and will greatly complicate unauthorized entry into the fenced area.

The fence of a private house, in addition to the security function of the territory, also has an aesthetic side. The design of fences made of corrugated sheets for private houses is varied and unique. Each owner tries to decorate the facade of his property with a durable and at the same time unique fence that harmoniously combines with the architectural style of the house.

Fencing made of corrugated sheets using decorative lattice

Fence design in a private house

Beautiful fence made of corrugated board in combination with wood

The fence separating neighbors must meet the requirements of transparency, maximum height and other standards established by the local council. The fence of a private house facing the street protects against the entry of unauthorized persons and reflects the taste and material level of the owner. The elements of the fence allow you to create a unique, unified image of the fence and the house:

  • profile relief;
  • imitation of natural materials;
  • drawings and self-adhesive film;
  • columns;
  • curly cutouts;
  • forged elements;
  • foundation;
  • combining sheets;
  • decorative inserts;
  • base

All design options for fences made from corrugated sheets of private residential buildings are available for independent implementation, including the construction of a fence. It is necessary to proceed from the architectural style of the house, which will be visible against the background of the originally decorated corrugated board.

Forging makes the fence richer and more beautiful

Combination options with forging

You should contact designers to design a decorative fence or when you need to design the location of a fence in an area with difficult terrain.

SNiP only regulates the location of the fence exactly along the border, allowing for its displacement deeper into the site. The fence does not qualify as a permanent structure; a construction plan is not required for it.

Even close up it’s not immediately obvious that the base is made of metal.

Wood imitation

Sandstone, tuff and dolomite are often found in patterns on profiled sheets. A fence design with such an image looks good and expensive. When choosing a pattern, you should take into account the material of the walls and decorative decorations of the facade of the house. The combination of the same colors and materials will connect the house with its fence into a single architectural ensemble.

Stone imitation

If desired, you can order corrugated sheeting with a special pattern applied to it. The client just needs to give a sample of an image of nature, animals or an ornament, and they will be transferred to the sheet using the following method.

Example of photo printing

Those who like to decorate the fence of a private house with their own hands use self-adhesive film. It may contain images of flowering shrubs, landscapes, and ornaments. The film must be glued across the profile, gradually pressing it against the textured surface.

Landscape of mountains and lake

The film completely changes the look of a regular profiled sheet

For artists and just those who like to draw, creating paintings with oil paints is suitable. Specialists can create a natural landscape. For fans, cartoon characters and drawings similar to children’s will look original, as in the photo below.

Fairytale edge

Artist's drawing with oil paints

Brick columns

Flowers along the fence will decorate the appearance

Example of pillars and brick base on a reinforced concrete foundation

Looks aesthetically pleasing with stone pillars

Figured cut sheets

Fence with a figured top

Dog handlers advise that for purebred dogs living in the yard, leave a transparent section of the fence at the bottom, at least 200 mm wide.

It can be easily turned into a decorative element by placing shaped elements against its background. A simple, inconspicuous one will visually give the fence an airiness, raising the corrugated board above the ground.

Chain-link mesh at the bottom of the fence

Usually the sheet is cut straight. Modern equipment allows you to select and order a shaped edge. The step of the ornament coincides with the profile deflections. Plain brick-colored corrugated sheeting will turn into a castle wall with battlements as an original addition to stone columns.

Forging elements

Gates and wickets made according to a design project

A fence with a semicircular top looks complete if metal lace is placed above the leaf. Such elements of artistic forging will decorate all cutouts, including the gap between the base and.

Vertical inserts

Vertical cutouts with forged elements in the background look especially original. The transparent insert allows light to pass through, but distorts the image. A curious eye will not be able to make out what is happening in the yard. The dark silhouette of a forged flower or ornament will give the fence originality and uniqueness.

Vertical forged inserts in the form of sheets

Wide vertical inserts made of transparent material can be filled with beautiful ornamental shrubs. In winter, the plant will shed its leaves and stand out with a dark pattern against the background of snow. The fence fragment will remain original all year round.

Forging gives an undeniably rich look

Imitation of a base on a fence

A fence with a high base and a narrow sheet looks original. It is suitable for houses decorated in historical, antique styles. The base is made of stone, massive columns and a plain profile.

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Fencing installation project

No. 3/2008 dated 01/01/2001


Chief Project Engineer

Saint Petersburg

Fencing installation project

State Healthcare Institution "City Clinic No. 000"

At the address: St. Petersburg, Vyborg district, Simonova street, building 5, building 1, letter A

No. 3/2008 dated 01/01/2001


Chief Project Engineer

Saint Petersburg


Section no.

Total information

Explanatory note

Fencing installation diagram based on topographic survey materials of the area M 1:500 with underground communications and structures with the application of GGP and “red lines” st. Simonova.

Constructive solutions for ordinary sections, gates, wickets, posts, support units. Fence installation plan based on the materials of the general plan of the site M1:500

Layout of land masses based on topographic survey materials of the site M 1:500

Electrical networks and connections plan.

Construction organization project

From 01/01/2001 issued


This project for installing a fence for the State Health Institution “City Clinic No. 000” at the address: St. Petersburg, Vyborgsky district, Simonova street, building 5, building 1, letter A has been developed, registration license dated January 1, 2001, issued by the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing municipal services for the design of buildings and structures of I and II levels of responsibility in accordance with the State Standard, on the basis of state contract No. 47/117 dated 01/01/01.

During the construction of the designed fence, the volumes of removed soil and construction waste will consist of waste from the following types of construction production:

1. Removal of plant soil, temporarily removed for storage in piles in a specially designated area.

2. Construction of trenches when laying and relaying underground utilities.

3. Construction waste generated during construction work.

Due to the fact that at the stage of pre-project proposals there was no comprehensive data to perform the necessary calculations, the figures given below will be indicative in nature.

Calculations of volumes of transported soil

According to paragraph 1. - vegetable soil - the volume of soil is determined by the volume of the foundations being laid. Monolithic concrete block 500Х500Х1000 - 52 pcs. volume is 12.4 m3, monolithic concrete block 300x300x1000 - 40 pcs. volume is 10 m3. The total volume of concrete foundations and excavation is 22.4 m3.

Volume of removed and retained soil layer for lawn installation =

16.6 m2 x 0.1 m = 1.66 m3

Soil weight = 1.66 m3 x 1.8 t/m3 = 2.99 t.

Upon completion of construction work, construction waste will be disposed of at a specialized licensed landfill.

Waste generated during the operation of the facility:

During the operation of the fence, no waste is generated.


Waste removal will be carried out under contracts with specialized enterprises for waste disposal and disposal. The frequency of waste removal is determined by the degree of its toxicity, maximum accumulation standards, sanitary and hygienic rules and safety regulations. The place where waste is accumulated must exclude the possibility of contact with the natural environment.

Disposal of consumer waste in a place protected from the influence of precipitation, eliminating the possibility of contamination of soil, ground and surface waters. There is no impact on the environment during the implementation of this project.


Technical task

for the development and approval of a fencing installation project

building of St. Petersburg State Healthcare Institution “City Clinic No. 000”

at the address: st. Simonova, 5, bldg. 1, letter A

Basis for design

Targeted program of St. Petersburg State Healthcare Institution "City Clinic"


St. Petersburg State Healthcare Institution "City Clinic No. 000"

Staged design

Design and survey work

Type of construction

New construction

General design organization

Composition of the work performed.

Development of a project for installing a fence around the area around the building of the State Healthcare Institution “City Clinic No. 000”, located at the address: st. Simonova, bldg. 1, lit. A

Requirements for design documentation

The project should be developed within the boundaries indicated on the attached diagram M 1:2000, issued on February 22, 2008, No. /5 by the Committee on Urban Planning and Architecture of St. Petersburg;

Develop the project in accordance with current norms and regulations;

Perform landscaping adjustments based on topographic materials M 1:500, with underground communications and structures with the application of GGP and “red lines” of the street. Simonov, indicating the installation line of the fence along the border of the site;

The project as a whole should be submitted for approval to the Interdepartmental Commission of the Vyborg District Administration;

Special conditions

The customer provides the source materials:

Technical passport of the building;

Notarized copies (three) of title documents for a building, land plot;

Available technical documentation for the proposed fencing.

Amount transmitted

to the customer of the design documentation.

The developed design documentation is provided to the Customer in 2 (two) copies in paper form + 1 copy in electronic form.