How to find a company by okpo code. Decoding the okpo code

OKPO is a digital code used to record and identify business entities (Legal entities and Individual entrepreneurs) of the Russian Federation in Rosstat. The code refers to the details of a company or individual entrepreneur. OKPO consists of a combination of 8 to 10 digits. The OKPO number consists of the serial number of the organization, and the last digit of the code is a control number. OKPO codes are assigned and regulated by the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat, formerly Goskomstat). Branches and Representative Offices (Separate Divisions) of Legal Entities have their own OKPO code, different from the parent organization. As part of interdepartmental interaction in state registers, a search can be carried out by OKPO code, INN, OGRN.

On the CHESTNYBUSINESS portal, you can check a company or individual entrepreneur according to OKPO for free, and obtain complete data from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities / Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs according to OKPO.

The data on the portal is updated daily and synchronized with the service of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation*.

You can also find out the OKPO code for free using the TIN of a Legal Entity or Individual Entrepreneur.

The company card obtained by searching by TIN contains all open official information about companies and entrepreneurs in the Russian Federation, including the OKPO code.

Enter OKPO in the search bar if you want to receive an Organization or Individual Entrepreneur Card, to find out OKPO, enter the INN or OGRN

What is it needed for All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO):

  1. Processing information to build forecasts for the economic and social development of the state;
  2. Ensures compatibility and identification of data and subjects of the Russian Federation;
  3. Exchange of information between government agencies, automation of information processing;
  4. Maintaining statistics and reporting.

The OKPO code is assigned to a business entity by the Federal State Statistics Service and is maintained until it is excluded from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities/Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (termination of activities). It is impossible to issue identical OKPO codes for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. Changing the OKPO code is possible if a legal entity or individual entrepreneur changes its line of business. Important: the OKPO code can be re-assigned to a new organization after the liquidation of the organization to which this code was previously assigned. There cannot be two operating organizations with the same OKPO code at the same time.

We wish you fruitful, comfortable work on the portal, using the search for OKPO Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs and the definition of OKPO by TIN!

* Data from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities/Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs are open and are provided on the basis of clause 1 of Article 6 of the Federal Law of 08.08.2001 No. 129-FZ “On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs”: Information and documents contained in state registers are open and publicly available, with the exception of information to which access is limited, namely information about identification documents of an individual.

Rosstat maintains the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (the so-called OKPO) for unambiguous identification of business entities located on the territory of the Russian Federation (Section II of the Regulations on OKPO, approved by Rosstat Order No. 211 of March 29, 2017). And the question is often asked whether an individual entrepreneur has OKPO or not (does the individual entrepreneur have OKPO). And if so, how can I find out OKPO IP?

OKPO: what is it and where to get it

The All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO) contains two sections:

  • the first section includes legal entities, their branches, representative offices;
  • the second section contains individual entrepreneurs.

That is, the question of whether an individual entrepreneur has an OKPO code can be answered in the affirmative.

The OKPO code of an individual entrepreneur consists of 10 digital characters. Nine of them are the serial number of the entrepreneur, and the tenth digit is a control number calculated according to a certain method.

Where to find OKPO for individual entrepreneurs

The OKPO code is assigned to individual entrepreneurs by Rosstat based on information about their state registration. Rosstat receives this information from unified registers, that is, in the case of individual entrepreneurs, from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs. The OKPO code is assigned automatically and is retained by the entrepreneur for the entire period of his activity (Section III of the Regulations on OKPO, approved by Order of Rosstat dated March 29, 2017 N 211).

Rosstat: how to find out OKPO IP by TIN online

Information about the OKPO code of an individual entrepreneur is contained in the special information retrieval system of Rosstat on the Internet (section III of the Regulations on OKPO, approved by Rosstat Order No. 211 dated March 29, 2017). You can find out OKPO IP by TIN online and for free as follows:

  • go to the Rosstat website;
  • indicate the entrepreneur’s TIN or his OGRNIP;
  • click the “Get” button.

As a result, you will see the codes assigned to the individual entrepreneur.

Note that in the same way, an entrepreneur receives free and online information about the following codes:

  • OKATO;
  • OKTMO;
  • OKOGU;
  • OKFS;
  • OKOPF.

The Rosstat service allows you to print information about individual entrepreneur codes in the form of a notification.

Please note that at present Rosstat does not send newly registered entrepreneurs a notification about the statistics codes that have been assigned to them. That is, an individual entrepreneur can find out the codes independently through the service we specified for free online.

Note that organizations can also find out OKPO by TIN through the same service.

OKPO is a special code that is listed in the Rosstat archives as the main code for individual entrepreneurs and organizations. This code is individual and consists exclusively of numeric characters. What they mean and how to find out your OKPO code - we will consider further.

Decoding OKPO and code tasks

The abbreviation OKPO is deciphered as follows - All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations. It is this numerical combination that the state requires in order to correctly register an organization. In addition, with the help of OKPO, a number of problems are solved:
  • Interdepartmental exchange of information, which involves individual data of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.
  • Accounting of statistics among legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.
  • Maintaining lists of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in all existing databases or state classifiers of Russia
  • Convenience in organizing data communication for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.
OKPO has various legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, and also companies operating without forming a legal entity.

The OKPO code system was introduced in Russia in the 90s of the last century and has changed significantly since then. However, it can be noted that since then its relevance has increased significantly within the framework of simplified conditions for starting a business today.

OKPO banks, organizations and individual entrepreneurs: general and various

Any organization, including those providing economic services, for example banks, has its own personal code in its details. OKPO of banks and organizations is similar in that in both cases the code includes only 8 digits. However, in the first case, the direction of activity will be exclusively economic, and in the second it will be determined depending on the activities of the company. Unlike legal entities, an individual entrepreneur has OKPO, consisting of 10 digits.

Let's consider the various nuances of OKPO organizations, banks, individual entrepreneurs:

  • The code must be indicated along with other details for legal entities; for individual entrepreneurs this procedure is not mandatory.
  • The OKPO code is retained by the company or entrepreneur throughout the entire period of its activity. However, if you change the direction of your work activity, the OKPO code will also have to be changed.
  • In accounting documentation, the code is written as OK 007-93.
  • All digits in the code, with the exception of the last one (7 or 9, respectively), are a serial number. The last value of the code is a check number.
  • For legal entities and companies, obtaining OKPO is a mandatory procedure, since it is often necessary to include it in the details. But for individual entrepreneurs, the code is not considered so mandatory: the law allows entrepreneurs to put a dash in the column with OKPO.
  • OKPO assigned to an organization or person is not confidential information - this means that it is available in open archives, including the Internet.

All changes being made in relation to OKPO, as well as currently valid information about these codes, are contained on the main website of Rosstat in the public domain.

Where can legal entities and individuals get OKPO?

Despite the fact that this code, important for the company’s activities, is not confidential, it is not so easy to obtain - it is not publicly available. Therefore, to obtain OKPO you will need certain details, and sometimes the personal presence of the owner of the organization or company.

There are two ways to obtain OKPO: one of them is designed for individual entrepreneurs, the other for private enterprises and legal entities. Let's look at them in more detail.

For private company and legal entity

OKPO of these organizations is contained in the data of Rosstat, where it goes after registration. To obtain the code through Rosstat archives, you can use balance sheets. You will need to make a direct request through them: in most cases, a response takes no more than 15-20 minutes.

In addition, employees of enterprises are required to indicate OKPO in all documents and licenses where details are required. By referring to any such document or a copy thereof, you can find the code.

Finally, some companies include OKPO in the subscription details, in other words, in the seal. Thus, any document certified by the company’s seal will contain information about OKPO.

For individual entrepreneurs

The process of obtaining OKPO will look somewhat more complicated. This is due to the fact that the entrepreneur does not need to indicate this code anywhere, so it will be almost impossible to find it in documents or seals, except in special circumstances.

The first way to obtain OKPO that an entrepreneur can use is to personally visit the local Rosstat office. You will need to have a passport, documents confirming the registration of an individual entrepreneur or an entrepreneur’s TIN. A Rosstat employee will offer an application form for OKPO, which you will need to fill out, indicating all the necessary information. The code will be provided within 5 business days from the date of writing the application.

An entrepreneur can also contact the central branch of the Federal Tax Service. You must take with you the same documents that were described in the previous case. An employee of the Federal Tax Service will offer to fill out an application of the established form. The required code can be picked up in person or received by mail.

As can be seen from the examples, these methods usually require a long time and often require special information or personal presence.

How to get OKPO online?

Many details today are available online, and OKPO is no exception. In order to find out your OKPO code, you only need to have access to the Internet.

There are 2 ways to clarify OKPO via the Internet:

  • Most Internet resources offer an OKPO search service. To receive OKPO, you will need to fill out the proposed form on the website, which includes the type of notification and any of the proposed details (as a rule, you can enter the TIN or OGRN). Data protection is ensured by entering characters from the image. The site searches for code in existing databases, according to the specified data, and the user almost instantly receives the information he needs. Some resources also require you to indicate the region of registration of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur.
  • This information is also provided through the official resource of the Federal State Statistics Service. It presents a similar form in which you will need to enter a minimum of data in order to receive an OKPO code.

Obtaining OKPO online is a free procedure. However, some resources offer paid services with which you can find out more information about an enterprise or individual entrepreneur.

In the next article we will tell you .

Are OKPO and OGRN the same thing?

Due to the significant number of abbreviations and details, OKPO and OGRN may seem the same, moreover, the decoding of their abbreviations is similar. Both codes are numerical indicators and are included in the national database.

OGRN is called the main state registration number. Just like OKPO, it is assigned after registration of an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. You can officially obtain this code by contacting the Federal Tax Service. One of the main differences between OGRN and OKPO is that OGRN consists of 13 digits, each of which has its own meaning:

  • The first sign demonstrates the attribution of state. registration number (USRIP, etc.).
  • The second and third digits are the last digits of the year the legal entity or individual entrepreneur was included in the state. registry.
  • The fourth and fifth represent the number of the subject of the Russian Federation where the registration took place.
  • The sixth and seventh digits are the code of the tax office where the registration was made.
  • From eighth to twelfth - the number of the entry under which the organization will be listed in the state register.
  • The thirteenth character is the control number.
In addition, there is a special OGRN for individual entrepreneurs, which has the abbreviation OGRNIP. It consists of 15 characters, of which 7 (instead of 5) are the entry number.

Video: What do you need to know about OKPO?

What is the OKPO code, why is it needed and what does it mean in the company details? Everything a businessman needs to know about OKPO is in the following video:

OKPO code is an individual identifier that is important for every businessman. You may need it at any time, so it is recommended to obtain it in advance and keep it along with the rest of the details.

Each individual enterprise has several codes, one of the main ones is OKPO. This is the main code that serves to classify companies and individual enterprises.

Why do you need the OKPO code?

This code is used to ensure that statistics and economic indicators are comparable to each other. This code is included in the register of legal entities at the national level. The OKPO code allows you to determine which area the company belongs to, and with its help you can obtain information about the activities of legal entities. The OKPO code conveys more general information than the OKVED code. This is a generalized industry indicator that is often similar for organizations with different areas of activity.

Today this is one of the main identification codes of the organization, since on its basis other codes will be assigned to the state of emergency. All legal entities have this code, regardless of their size.

Decoding the code

OKPO is an all-Russian classifier of enterprises and organizations. It is under this number that the company is contained in the general database, which has been operating since 1994.

The OKPO code is constant for the entire duration of the company or enterprise. It is assigned once, and if additional enterprises, subsidiaries or branches are subsequently opened, a code change is not required; it is the same for all parts of the individual entrepreneur.

Purpose of the OKPO code

The purpose of this cipher is to identify the area in which the company operates. It also unites legal entities into groups, depending on the field of activity. We can say that this code is necessary for the comparability of statistics and economic data, for automating information processing and creating a common register, for classifying data, in addition, the code significantly simplifies the exchange of data between government agencies.

This is a statistical code that is issued when completing documentation for a company . It does not carry tax information. An enterprise can act officially only after receiving such a code. If it is untrue and does not reflect the real industry, the company faces a fine.

The OKPO code is a statistical indicator necessary to organize the database; it does not contain tax information.

This code must be issued to any company, regardless of scale - individual entrepreneurs, organizations, branches and subsidiaries. The code changes only if the company has changed the direction and specifics of its activities, otherwise it remains constant for the entire life of the company.

OKPO structure

This classification code consists of two main parts:

  • for legal entities;
  • for individual entrepreneurs.

Each part also consists of additional subsections. There are three of them, they include information about the name of the object, classification and identification.

The first section is the full name of the company. This is the full name of the object; the abbreviation in Russian is also indicated in the section. The English name, if available, is entered as an additional item.

Many people are interested in the question of whether the OKPO code is issued to individual entrepreneurs, or only to large organizations. It is assigned to everyone, regardless of the “dimensions” of the company and enterprise. For private entrepreneurs, you must also indicate the full name of the owner of the company and the name of the company.

For individual entrepreneurs and larger organizations, the codes are somewhat different; they differ in the number of characters, as well as the procedure for obtaining and determining them in government agencies. This will be discussed below. The usual OKPO code consists of 8-10 characters. For individual entrepreneurs, 8 characters are issued, and for larger organizations - 10.

The third section, the classification section, includes all additional ciphers. Among them, the OKATO code is an object code that is determined by administrative division; using this code you can determine the location of the company.

The second OKFS code is a code that indicates the type of property.

OKTMO - you can use it to find out the exact location and territory of municipal significance.

OKVED is a code that defines the type of production and economic activity. Read more.

OKPO codes cannot be the same. But, if the enterprise was officially closed, then after 5 years its OKPO may be assigned to another organization.

The OKPO code itself is located in the second identification section. The first 2 digits of any code determine the type of activity of the company. All types of activities can be divided into 4 categories:

  1. Labor and production processes.
  2. Resources – natural and labor.
  3. National economy.
  4. Records management.

The remaining digits represent the serial number assigned during registration, the last value is the control one. The certification rules provide for the procedure for calculating the last value.

How to find out the OKPO of an organization?

By contacting the national body Rosstat, you can obtain the necessary information about the enterprise, including the OKPO code. The Rosstat database contains all OKPO codes of all existing organizations, since it serves as an indicator when combining information bases.

You can get an extract using your balance sheet, and it won’t take more than 15 minutes. In addition, such a code can be found in the organization’s documents received during registration; it is always placed on licenses, certificates and permits, and may also be on the organization’s seal.

How to find out the OKPO of an individual enterprise

You can always find out this code from the government agency Rosstat by submitting an official request there.

The maximum time for processing a request and providing data is 5 days. The period depends on the place of action or registration of the individual entrepreneur. Applications are accepted only from citizens who have a passport, identification code and certificate of opening an individual enterprise.

The central branch of the Federal Tax Service will also provide the necessary data. There you also need to fill out an application and then collect the required data.

This statistical code can also be determined by the TIN number. That is, you will need an individual tax payer number assigned to any owner of the company. To determine the cipher for free, you can use specialized Internet portals.

How to find out OKPO by tax number

There are several ways to determine OKPO, knowing the TIN. Among them:

  1. As in any other case, an official request is sent to the relevant authorities. You must attach it to your request; you can obtain it from your tax office for an additional fee.
  2. You can also get information on the official Rosstat portal. To search for this code, you need to select the region and city from the list in which the company is located, then indicate its TIN in a special field. The information base is updated 2 times a month, so the information is always up to date. This is a free, convenient and fastest way to determine OKPO.
  3. You can also obtain the necessary information on special portals such as, Unified State Register of Legal To obtain information on these sites, you will need the TIN of the company and its name. But here a fee is charged for the services.
  4. You can analyze all licenses and contracts and find the code there.
  5. You can find the OKPO code on the Internet, but only for a large company that has its own website.

Where can I get OKPO

The OKPO code is assigned to any organization immediately after registration. It is assigned by Rosstat, the code does not change and you cannot start working without it, since the law requires that a functioning enterprise be kept in the register, and without such a code this is impossible.

You can obtain information about an enterprise, knowing its OKPO, only from the state service Rosstat. All data is official, so you will need a questionnaire and a statement explaining the need for the code or information.

Available information about the features of OKPO - video

This video contains all the brief but succinct information about OKPO, its decoding and purpose. We recommend that all beginners and experienced entrepreneurs, as well as those who are just striving for this, familiarize themselves with it.

To summarize, we can say that the OKPO code is the main code that is assigned to any enterprise, firm, organization and individual entrepreneur, regardless of the type of activity. It shows general information about the organization, but it is by the OKPO code that the enterprise is entered into the register and based on this code the organization is assigned other necessary codes. It is not difficult to find out OKPO; just contact Rosstat for official information.

The all-Russian register of business entities - large, medium and small - has been operating in the country since 1994 through Resolution No. 297 of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated May 30, 1993.

The most important code of this system is OKPO - all-Russian classifier of enterprises and organizations, which is currently used as the main requisite when filling out reports, concluding contracts and other identification and positioning of business entities.

Actually, without this code, no legal entity can carry out activities in Russia, and on the basis of it all other identifiers and statuses are assigned.

OKPO is not related to taxation and tax accounting and is solely a statistical number that facilitates the generation of information about each business unit in unified registers.

ID for 2020

The code is row of 8 or 10 digits, which is assigned to each new subject by statistical authorities.

Using OKPO you can find out the industry affiliation of a particular organization. Sometimes enterprises operating in the same field of business have partially identical codes, since each type of economic activity has its own strict digital designation.

So, OKPO is assigned:

  • legal entities;
  • organizations operating without forming a legal entity;
  • individual entrepreneurs.

It is the latter that have 10 characters in their code. The identifier is given upon registration of the subject and is indicated in the extract of the registers of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs - Unified State Register of Legal Entities and.


As for the structure, OKPO has two sections. The first is intended for organizations both with and without the formation of a legal entity, the second is necessary for individual entrepreneurs.

Each section is divided into blocks:

  • Name;
  • identification;
  • classification.

IN first block the abbreviated and full name of the enterprise is indicated in accordance with civil law. For example, the abbreviated name is LLC KMK, and the full name is Limited Liability Company Kuban Dairy Plant. Individual entrepreneurs indicate their last name, first name and patronymic in the nominative case.

Perhaps the name of the subject in Latin will be added to the “Additional information” column, if necessary.

Second block is a direct digital code. For individual entrepreneurs - 10 characters, for organizations - 8.

The first two characters indicate one of the main accepted industries:

  • resources;
  • products of labor activity;
  • National economy;
  • documentation and management.

Further figures- this is a serial number in the general registration of all entities.

The last sign is calculated in a special way specified in the Methods for calculating the control number from the Standardization Rules 50.1.024-2005.

Third block includes additional assigned classifiers that clarify information and features of the person. These include:

An individual entrepreneur or a representative of an organization with the naked eye will be able to learn a lot about an economic entity only by seeing the codes assigned to it.

The OKPO number remains unchanged throughout the entire period of operation of the organization or entrepreneur, regardless of changes in reorganization, opening of divisions in other regions, etc. Only a change in industry requires entering new data.

Receiving and assigning a code

OKPO is assigned directly to moment of registration of a business entity and is indicated in the very first extract from the Unified Register of Legal Entities or Individual Entrepreneurs, which is issued along with other registration documents.

This whole process takes place in the Federal State Statistics Service, i.e. in the Rosstat Directorate, which is responsible for maintaining, codifying, and accumulating information about business entities.

If you lose your number, you can get it again from the same registration authority, but for a fee.

You can learn more about OKPO from this video.

How to find out the number

There are several ways to find out the OKPO of an organization or individual entrepreneur.


One of the easiest ways to find out OKPO is to use the identification number assigned by the tax service when registering - TIN.

In our time of free access to the network, this method is the most optimal and convenient for users. Ergonomic portal navigation will help you quickly find the required region and go to the territorial resource, which provides information about OKPO, OKATO, OKTMO and OKOGU. Access to them is provided by entering the number or TIN in the appropriate field.

Information for the organization

As already mentioned, this code is the main identifier of a business entity and often indicated on the documentation. So, looking at registration papers, licenses, permits, certificates, you can see this number. It can also often be found on subscription details, seals - at the end of contracts and statements.

For individual entrepreneurs

Individual entrepreneurs, like organizations, receive an OKPO classifier upon registration along with an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs. The difference between their code is the presence of 10 digits instead of 8.

The most common ways to find out OKPO for individual entrepreneurs are contacting the regional office of Rosstat with a written application, passport, USRIP and TIN certificates. During 5 working days Based on this application, the requested information is provided.

This procedure applies to the Federal Tax Service inspectorates. It is possible to receive an urgent extract - the next day after the application, you only need to pay the state fee.

To obtain information about your own OKPO, no payments are required, while for requests about other persons, fixed fees are established.

It is also possible for individual entrepreneurs to use network services, which were discussed above.

What reports to submit to statistics?

The legislator obligated all business entities to periodically send reports to statistical authorities. This area of ​​document flow is regulated by Law No. 282-FZ of November 29, 2007 and Government Decree No. 620 of August 18, 2008.

Change of legal address

When forming OKPO, the first two characters indicate the type of industry to which the legal entity or individual carrying out entrepreneurial activities belongs.

Therefore, only changes in this section - choosing a different industry, expansion, narrowing - require re-registration of the number. As for changing the address, OKPO remains the same.

Who appropriates

The classifier is first assigned during the process of registering a business entity with the Federal Statistics Service. By collecting the completed documents confirming successful registration, the person receives the first extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, which contains a column about OKPO.

The assigned code is linked to the entire period of existence of a person as an entrepreneur. In case of liquidation, the personal OKPO is confiscated. from the register and after 5 years it is again attached to another individual entrepreneur or enterprise.

How to find out OKPO by TIN - in this video instruction.