Rules for insurance of movable and immovable property. Car insurance in alpha insurance Rules for alpha property insurance for a year

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    AlfaStrakhovanie offers you an individual approach and exclusive real estate and property insurance programs that provide the highest level of protection of your property interests.

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    OSAGO insurance for legal entities

    The acquisition of such an important document to protect the automobile liability of its working drivers for a legal organization will differ significantly from the issuance of compulsory motor liability insurance policies by individuals. This type of insurance is mandatory. Therefore, everyone is required to formalize it - both legal entities and individuals.

    Everyone falls under sanctions if they do not have insurance policies. Only for legal entities, as a rule, fines are always an order of magnitude higher than for Russian citizens driving a car.

    In addition, without such insurance today it will be impossible to undergo a technical inspection, as well as register the car with the traffic police.

    Rules and features

    In order to formalize everything according to the law, the insurance procedure for legal entities has its own procedure, which must be taken into account not only by the employees of the insurance companies themselves, but also by the enterprises themselves - future insured legal entities.

    The key features of such procedures include the following important details of the contract:

  • Insurer - a company providing compulsory motor insurance services, Insured - a legal entity - an enterprise or some other organization on whose balance sheet there is a vehicle that is subject to compulsory motor insurance.
  • When submitting documentation regarding a car, you need to take into account that one contract will be issued for each unit of vehicle. It does not happen that one contract is created for several cars.
  • But such an agreement can work for many drivers. The document is drawn up with an unlimited list of drivers who are allowed to drive the insured car.
  • For some vehicles, the base rates for legal entities are higher than for individuals, and for some vehicles they are lower. Here, a lot depends on the purpose and category of transport, as well as its type.
  • In the process of finding the territorial (regional) coefficient, the criterion of importance of the place of registration of the car, and not the place of registration of the legal entity, is applied.
  • While it is not necessary for private car owners to insure a trailer, for corporate clients this is a mandatory procedure.
  • The minimum use of an MTPL policy by an enterprise differs from the terms of use of such insurance by an ordinary citizen who owns a car.
  • Legal entities are not allowed to limit the number of drivers who will drive an insured vehicle.
  • The MTPL insurance limit for legal entities under the contract will always be determined and established for each accident case separately, and not stretched over the entire year.
  • Limitation for each insured event is very convenient because the organization will not need to buy a new policy after each accident. The insurance will pay out in full every time an accident occurs throughout the year.

    Moreover, it does not matter which driver drove the car, the main thing is that it was officially registered at the enterprise in accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

    We should not forget that, after all, it is not the car that is insured (no matter how the wording may sound for ease of reading), but the responsibility of drivers, which they bear when driving vehicles that are classified as high-risk vehicles.

    Property insurance is not related to compulsory motor liability insurance, despite the fact that such insurance provides compensation not only for damage caused to health, but also to the car - property.

    Property auto insurance for legal entities, as well as for individuals, includes insurance company products called CASCO. But this is already a voluntary type of insurance and road patrols do not fine you for the absence of such a policy.

    Base rate and odds

    The Central Bank of the Russian Federation, despite the planned innovations, still independently determines the tariff corridor within which insurance companies operate when they sell compulsory motor insurance policies.

    Planned changes The Government of the Russian Federation intends to introduce in the future so that insurers, through the RSA (Russian Union of Auto Insurers), can themselves determine the base rate for sales of MTPL policies.

    Send, so to speak, such companies to “free float” in the insurance market, and free them from being tied to the state.

    But for now, this program is still in development, and therefore the Russian Central Bank still continues to set tariff rates annually. Tariffs apply exclusively to all clients and are the same; companies have no right to change them.

    More precisely, they can only use those values ​​that are within the range established by the Bank of Russia.

    For example, for passenger cars owned by an organization or corporation, the corridor will be within from 2573 to 3087 rubles.

    It is in this range that insurance companies must determine the base rate when they sell compulsory auto insurance policies to legal entities.

    Today, the latest Directive of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 3604-U dated March 20, 2015 defines the following base rates for legal entities, which will be valid until April 12, 2016, and then they will be changed again.

    Tariff limits of base rates for determining the cost of an MTPL policy for legal entities in Russia, valid from 04/12/15 to 04/12/16:

    The difference in tariffs depends on the type or category of the vehicle, which are determined according to the document - technical passport or registration certificate, which the policyholder presents upon registration.

    Enterprises can have on their balance sheet not only cars, but also trucks, trailers, and passenger transport - it all depends on what kind of activity the legal entity conducts.

    In addition, the base rate is also set depending on the design of the vehicle for its purpose, which can, one way or another, determine the degree of risk of using transport.

    For example, cars used by an enterprise as a taxi are considered the most dangerous on roads due to their high frequency of driving.

    In general, when selling compulsory motor liability insurance for legal entities, Law No. 40-FZ dated April 25, 2002, as amended on November 28, 2015, in Article 9 reveals its rules and regulations for the legal provision of insurance.

    The legislative act contains useful information not only about base rates, but also the coefficients used when insuring a particular vehicle.

    Insurers can also be guided by these standards when renewing policies, and not just during the initial sale.

    Among the most basic coefficients that are applicable when calculating the cost of an MTPL policy for legal organizations, we can highlight the most important ones, which are often paid attention to.

    This is primarily a regional coefficient, which significantly affects the price of the product depending on where exactly the car belonging to the enterprise, institution or organization is registered and located, and where exactly it will be used most often.

    The place of registration of a corporate client in this regard is not significant.

    For example, for Moscow this coefficient is measured in a numerical value - 2, and for St. Petersburg - 1.8. For comparison, in Novy Urengoy - 1, in Yekaterinburg - 1.8, Chelyabinsk - 2.1, Sevastopol and Simferopol - 0.6, and in Magadan - 0.7.

    As you can see, the range of coefficients is different, some of them will increase the cost of the policy, and some will significantly reduce it.

    The operating principle here is as follows: the larger the coefficient, the more expensive the compulsory car insurance product is.

    The formula for calculating the penalty for compulsory motor liability insurance is given here.

    Calculation of compulsory motor liability insurance for legal entities

    All calculations for the cost of policies for corporate clients are made by specialists from insurance companies, or by agents who provide free online calculator services on their website.

    But, one way or another, they will all act strictly within the framework of the special formulas by which the calculation is carried out. The policy is calculated separately for each category.

    If this is a passenger car, then one version of the formula will be used to determine the price of its insurance. If it is a truck or passenger vehicle, then a completely different formula will be applied.

    Likewise for motorcycles and trailers - the formulas will be different. The table below shows this clearly.

    Formulas for determining the price of an MTPL policy for legal entities in Russia:

    The most significant discount applied when purchasing a motor vehicle policy is the same KBM as the one that appears when calculating the cost of the product for individuals.

    KBM is the “Bonus-Malus” coefficient, which shows how much insured events were recorded for the insured car during the year, or whether there were none at all.

    In a word, this is a discount for accident-free driving during the entire insurance period - 1 year.

    There is only one significant difference here - for legal entities, this coefficient will be determined not by drivers, but by the number of years in which there were no accidents.

    Moreover, this value will also be found for each car that is insured in the name of a corporate client.

    It turns out that KBM for legal entities is not the accident-free experience of each driver, but directly the accident-free years of the vehicle itself.

    What documents are needed

    The documentary base for the procedure for obtaining compulsory car insurance must fully comply with special Regulation No. 431-P, which was approved by the Russian Central Bank of the Russian Federation on September 19, 2014 and edited on May 24, 2015, and was also registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia under No. 34204 dated October 1, 2014 of the year.

    The procedure for issuing insurance policies for legal entities requires the provision of the following package of papers by the potential policyholder:

  • a certificate confirming the registration of a legal entity in the Unified State Register;
  • TIN of the enterprise;
  • technical passport for the car;
  • vehicle passport;
  • registration certificate for the car indicating the registration plates;
  • the diagnostic card, if any, is presented at the request of the insurer;
  • a power of attorney from a representative of the enterprise, certified by a notary, for the right to enter into contracts and sign on behalf of the legal entity.
  • If the car is new, then it is not subject to technical inspection for 3 years from the date of release from the factory on the basis of clause 1, part 2, art. 15 of legal act No. 170-FZ dated 07/01/11, as amended on 06/04/14.

    After three years, the car will have to undergo technical inspection in accordance with the periods regulated in the legislation on technical inspections.

    Therefore, it is not always necessary to present a diagnostic card to the insurer to purchase a compulsory car insurance policy.

    In addition, even if the technical inspection is passed, the existence of the Unified Automated Maintenance Information System (UAISTO) significantly simplifies the inspection tasks for insurance companies.

    Therefore, not all of them require showing a diagnostic card, being content with checking against a single database.

    Registration online

    To apply for an MTPL policy by a legal entity through a website on the Internet, you need to know the simplest algorithm of actions. Knowing the step-by-step instructions, you can process the document very easily and quickly without wasting your time in queues.

    In addition to insurers' websites, you can also act through the portals of trusted insurance agents, brokers with a high reliability rating and positive reviews.

    Also, the best option may be to visit the website and sign up for a policy there, where all insurers with high reliability indicators are collected. Such places on the Internet are, as a rule, United Auto Safety or Auto Insurance Centers.

    In a word, the instructions are as follows:

  1. Find the right auto insurer for your corporation or business.
  2. Visit his website.
  3. If this is your first time on the resource, then you may be asked to register there in order to have access to your personal account and manage your insurance from there. Typically, such requirements are put forward by insurers' websites.
  4. On the united intermediary sites, it is not necessary to have your own personal account - the service for filling out an application will be provided immediately. The questionnaire already includes: the opportunity to choose an insurance company, make a preliminary insurance calculation and other privileges.
  5. So, go to the portal, for example, the broker “Osago Market” and find a page that talks about registration of compulsory motor liability insurance for legal entities.

The procedure for obtaining an E-OSAGO - an online electronic policy - occurs either by self-pickup, when a representative of a legal entity independently picks up the document by proxy, or by delivery to the address.

When delivering the policy to the address, a representative of the corporation must present a power of attorney that he has the right to draw up and accept such documents, and he must also personally check that all data in the policy is filled out correctly.

Minimum term

It should also be noted that the Motorists Liability Insurance Rules dictate one very important condition regarding the terms of insurance.

The longest period for legal entities to obtain MTPL policies is 1 calendar year. This period of validity of the insurance agreement cannot be exceeded.

At the end of this period, the policy is simply renewed along with the recalculations made in cost, taking into account discounts or markups, any changed coefficients, etc.

The minimum is determined for corporate clients in a time interval calculated in a semi-annual format. It turns out that individuals can enter into an agreement with the insurer for at least 3 months, but legal entities can only enter into an agreement for 6 months.

Penalty for lack of insurance

The Administrative Code of the Russian Federation defines fines for those who drive a car without a compulsory motor liability insurance policy.

Moreover, there is a difference in fines in cases where there is a policy, but it was forgotten at the enterprise’s office, or it was not issued at all. For legal entities, as a rule, penalties are an order of magnitude higher than for citizens of the country.

Here is a table of the fines that threaten those enterprises that use vehicles without compulsory insurance.

Fines for legal entities for using vehicles in Russia without compulsory car insurance:

MTPL insurance rules for legal entities

OSAGO for companies is cheaper than for ordinary citizens and is issued for each car separately, and not for the entire fleet, which is listed on the balance sheet.

Accordingly, insurance is always purchased for an unlimited number of drivers. The only requirement: all of them must be on the staff of the insurance company.

In this article we will talk about compulsory motor liability insurance for legal entities, how insurance and calculations are done, and whether it is possible to issue an electronic policy.

Rules and features of insurance

Main features of insurance for legal entities:

  • the policyholder is the company management, not the driver;
  • the basic tariff is lower than that of individuals;
  • unlimited number of persons admitted to management;
  • the territorial coefficient is calculated at the location of the company;
  • the company may also be recognized as a victim in an accident;
  • the opportunity to insure not only passenger vehicles, but also trucks, special equipment, and buses.
  • The legislation regulates the procedure for concluding and terminating a compulsory motor liability insurance contract, calculating the insurance premium, the amount of payment, rules of conduct immediately after an accident and a set of documents for filing an application for compensation.

    Owners of corporate compulsory motor liability insurance also have the right to claim direct settlement of losses according to Art. 14.1 of the Law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance”, if there were no injuries in the accident, all drivers are insured and there are at least two of them.

    They also have access to a scheme for registering road accidents according to Europrotocol standards, i.e. without involving the traffic police, but with filling out an accident report. In this case, you can also qualify for payment of up to 100 thousand rubles (with exceptions for the capital, St. Petersburg, Moscow and Leningrad regions, where, if there is recording from cameras, higher payments are possible to cover damage).

    The amount of payments for compulsory motor liability insurance for legal entities is the same as for citizens: up to 400 thousand rubles in case of damage to property, and up to 500 thousand rubles - for the health and life of other people (drivers, passengers, pedestrians) according to Art. 7 Federal Law No. 40. The payment limit under such agreements is determined individually. This allows you not to reissue the policy after each accident involving fleet vehicles, due to the fact that the insured amount has been exhausted.

    Base rate

    To calculate the MTPL insurance premium in 2017, the base rate is from 2.5 thousand to 3 thousand rubles for passenger cars. If the car is used as a taxi, then the rate will be from 5.1 to 6.1 thousand rubles. For truck owners, the tariff is set at 3.5-6.3 thousand rubles, and for buses – 5.1-6.1 thousand rubles. All these indicators are approved by the state and periodically reviewed.

    The base tariff is multiplied by a number of adjustment factors, without which it is impossible to obtain the final amount of the insurance premium for compulsory motor liability insurance. These include regional, seasonal, power factor, KBM or bonus-malus, etc. For different categories of machines, the tariff may differ significantly. Therefore, all calculations are made for each object individually.

    The calculation of compulsory motor liability insurance for legal entities is carried out according to the formula:

  • TB – base rate;
  • CT – region of use of the machine;
  • KBM – bonus-malus;
  • KO – coefficient of the number of drivers (1.8);
  • KM – power indicator;
  • KS – period of use of the car (season);
  • KN – coefficient of violations.

    You can also use online calculators on insurers’ websites, to simplify tariff calculation. In this case, the calculation algorithm will initially include all the necessary odds rates.

    The insurance region is determined for each car depending on its place of registration. Its size can be minimal (for example, in Mordovia it is at the level of 0.8-1.5 and maximum - in Moscow up to 2).

    There is also some peculiarity regarding the definition of bonus-malus - its indicator is determined based on information about the policyholder. The more accidents there were during the year, the higher this figure will be. If you are insuring for the first time, the coefficient will be 2.45.

    The more powerful the car engine, the higher the power factor will be, which also affects the price. For example, for driving a car with a power of more than 150 horsepower, the highest coefficient will be set at 1.6. Since MTPL insurance for legal entities always provides for an unlimited number of drivers, an increased coefficient of 1.8 is set accordingly.

    The violation coefficient is used quite rarely and only if insurance fraud has been noticed in the past, for example, an intentional accident to obtain payment.

    Since each car is insured separately under compulsory motor liability insurance, discounts are possible only for break-even driving. The average cost of one policy for legal entities is 8-15 thousand rubles per year.

    Necessary documents to formalize the contract

    Legal entities have their own procedure for drawing up an MTPL agreement.

  • Only the management of the company or its legal representative has the right to issue a policy.
  • You will need not only a vehicle registration certificate or PTS, but also registration documents of the legal entity itself, as well as its TIN and bank details.
  • The following documents must be presented:

    • certificate of registration of a legal entity;
    • power of attorney from the manager for the purchase of compulsory motor insurance and a copy of the passport;
    • a diagnostic card for each car if it is older than three years;
    • documents for all cars (PTS, etc.);
    • title documents for the car (purchase agreement, leasing agreement, etc.);
    • old MTPL policies (if issued).
    • The insurer will examine all the documents and invite the company representative to fill out an insurance application. This document describes in detail all the technical parameters of the car, the age, length of service of the driver, and also indicates how many people will be allowed to drive.

      Mandatory requirement when filling out the application: indicating the number of the inspection coupon (if the car is not new) and the date of the inspection. In the third paragraph of the application, you must indicate a complete list of drivers, the series and number of their driver’s licenses, length of service, number of insurance events in the past, and bonus-malus class.

      It may take the insurer quite a lot of time to study all the documents. especially if the vehicle fleet is large. When concluding a contract, the insurer has the right to inspect the cars at the location of the legal entity.

      Electronic policy

      Companies also have the option to issue a policy online. To do this, it is necessary for the policyholder's representative to register on the website of the selected insurance company. Having gained access to your personal account, you will see the option to choose: buy a policy as a legal entity or as an individual. You need to check the box next to the correct answer.

      Instructions for purchasing a policy online:

    • Authorization on the site.
    • Selecting status (legal entity).
    • Filling out an online application and calculating the MTPL tariff (in your personal account).
    • Receive an electronic signature code by phone or email.
    • Enter the code into the form provided in your account.
    • Verification of documents by the insurer and data in RSA (uploading scans in your personal account).
    • Publication of inspection results in your account.
    • Payment for e-MTPL policy on the website.
    • Receive an insurance form by mail and in your personal account.
    • Printing out the policy.
    • In the online calculator you will need to enter data about the region of registration of the owner, make, model of vehicle, engine power, and the start date of the insurance policy. The number of drivers, as well as the owner’s details, must be indicated.

      DPS check authenticity on the RSA website and in other databases. You can take out insurance for a period of at least six months. You can pay for the entire MTPL agreement with one payment using a bank card, and on many sites also with electronic currency.

      Which companies can I do this with?

      You can buy a policy on the website from many companies. Since 2017, all participants in the MTPL market have been required to provide car owners with the opportunity to issue a policy online.

      A list of RSA member companies that trade e-MTPL is on the RSA website. Leaders include:

    • "Ingosstrakh"
    • "Rosgosstrakh".
    • "Renaissance Insurance".
    • "VSK".
    • "AlfaStrakhovanie"
    • Zetta Insurance.
    • And many others.
    • Responsibility for absence

      If the company’s car is stopped by the traffic police, then By law, the driver must have MTPL insurance in electronic or paper form. A fine is imposed if the company did not issue compulsory motor liability insurance or the car was driven by a person who was not included in the insurance.

      A report is issued against the driver and he will need to pay a fine of 500 rubles if the insurance is forgotten or 800 rubles if it is not issued. However, he can always recover the amount of penalties from his employer through the court if he refuses to compensate it voluntarily.

      Insurance payments

      If a company driver gets into an accident, he must behave in the same way as an ordinary car owner. His responsibilities include notifying the insurer about the accident, filling out the Notice or calling the traffic police to the scene of the accident. You cannot change the location of the car until a certificate has been drawn up or road accident diagram.

      When the damage is small, there are no casualties and there is no conflict with another participant, you can file an accident notification and not call the traffic police. In this case, victims of an accident can compensate for damages in the amount of up to 100 thousand rubles.

      In case of serious damage, the road service is always called, which draw up a certificate of an accident, a protocol on an administrative offense. The victim submits an application for payment within 5 days along with documents confirming the fact of the accident.

      Exceptions are only in the event of a complete loss of the car, when it can no longer be restored after repair, or if the accident occurred far outside the city, and there is no service station nearby.

      Payments occur after studying all the documents of the victim, preparing an inspection report and a technical expert’s conclusion on the amount of damage. The period for making a decision by the insurer is established by law no more than 20 days.

      The costs of restoration repairs are determined using the Unified Methodology, which was developed by the Bank of Russia and is used by all experts and insurers. Restoration repairs cannot last more than a month. If deadlines are delayed, clients can prepare a claim to the insurer and then go to court.


      Legal entities often own a large fleet of vehicles. In addition to ordinary passenger cars, the fleet may also include special equipment, as well as freight transport. If a company has representative offices in different regions, then these are also cars with different registrations. A compulsory motor liability insurance policy must be purchased for drivers of each corporate car, because these are the legal requirements.

      To conclude a contract, you need to collect an impressive package of documents and contact the insurance company. You can also purchase a policy on the website of many insurers - this significantly saves time and in the future, you can easily renew it or make changes to the number of drivers, but it is better to buy a policy without restrictions.

      Insurance rules Alfastrakhovanie

      When insuring a CASCO car, there are many subtleties and nuances that you need to understand.

      The CASCO insurance rules are an integral part of the CASCO agreement, which specifies additional terms and conditions that are not reflected in the CASCO insurance policy itself.

      Read the insurance rules CAREFULLY!

      You can always seek advice from our specialists and they will be happy to help you understand all the intricacies of the Casco agreement.

      _______________ /V.Yu. Skvortsov/


      1. Insurance subjects and general conditions.

      2. Objects of insurance.

      3. Insured events and insurance risks.

      4. Exclusions from insurance coverage.

      5. Sum insured and insured value.

      6. Insurance premium, form and procedure for its payment.

      7. Validity period of the insurance contract.

      8. Insurance contract.

      9. Consequences of changes in the degree of risk.

      10. Rights and obligations of the parties.

      11. Procedure and conditions for payment of insurance compensation (security). Relationships between the parties upon the occurrence of an insured event.

      12. Refusal to pay insurance compensation (security).

      13. Transfer to the Insurer of the rights of the policyholder (Beneficiary) to compensate for damages in relation to third parties (subrogation).

      14. Double insurance.

      15. The procedure for making changes and additions to the insurance contract.

      16. Dispute resolution procedure and responsibilities of the parties.


      1.1. These Rules were adopted in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation on insurance, contain the conditions under which AlfaStrakhovanie OJSC, hereinafter referred to as the “Insurer,” enters into contracts for insurance of vehicles, civil liability of vehicle owners and seats in the vehicle (hereinafter referred to as the “Vehicle”) ) with legal entities and capable individuals, hereinafter referred to as “Policies”.

      1.2. Insurance carried out on the basis of these Rules is a relationship to protect the property interests of legal entities and individuals in the event of insured events.

      1.3. This insurance includes:

      • insurance of the vehicle and additional equipment installed on it;
      • insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners;
      • insurance of the life and health of persons from an accident who are in the insured vehicle at the time of the occurrence of the insured event.
      • 1.4. Insurance is carried out on the basis of an insurance agreement (insurance policy), hereinafter referred to as the “insurance agreement”, concluded between the Insurer and the Insured in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and these Rules.

        1.5. When concluding an insurance contract on the terms contained in these Rules, these terms become binding on the Policyholder, the Insurer, the Insured and the Beneficiary.

        1.6. An insurance contract on the basis of these Rules is considered concluded if the insurance contract (insurance policy) directly states their application, the Rules themselves are set out in the same document with the contract (insurance policy) or on its reverse side or attached to it. The delivery of these Rules to the Policyholder upon concluding an insurance contract is certified by an entry in the insurance contract (insurance policy).

        1.7. Definitions contained in these Rules:

        a) “Insured” - a legal entity of any form of ownership, an entrepreneur without forming a legal entity, a capable individual who has entered into an insurance agreement with the Insurer;

        b) “Full CASCO” - a combination of the risks “Damage” and “Theft”.

        c) “Partial CASCO” – insurance only for the risk “Damage”

        d) “Vehicles” – vehicles of domestic and foreign production (cars and trucks, wheeled tractors, trailers and semi-trailers, buses, trolleybuses, motorcycles), registered or subject to registration by the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate (or other competent authorities that register vehicles).

        e) “Additional equipment” - mechanisms, installations, fixtures, devices, other equipment, gear and accessories permanently installed on a vehicle that are not included in the delivery package of the vehicle in accordance with the manufacturer’s documentation or are recognized as additional equipment by agreement of the parties based on inspection Vehicles including:

        • special painting (painting using materials and color schemes not provided for in the manufacturer’s documentation);
        • automotive television, video, radio and audio equipment;
        • interior and body equipment;
        • devices;
        • lighting, signaling and other equipment installed on the vehicle;
        • tire and/or wheel rim not included in the manufacturer's kit;
        • f) “Driver” - an individual who legally drives a vehicle and has a standard driver’s license for the right to drive an insured vehicle;

          g) “Passenger” - an individual other than the driver who is in the insured vehicle during its operation;

          h) “Insured person” - driver, passengers;

          i) “Injured person” - a person whose life, health or property was harmed when using the insured vehicle by the Policyholder (Beneficiary, Insured Person).

          j) “Beneficiary” - a person in whose favor an insurance contract is concluded: in terms of property insurance - a person who has a property interest in preserving the insured property based on law, another legal act or contract; in case of harm to life and health as a result of an accident - the insured person; when insuring the civil liability of vehicle owners - the injured person.

          k) “Accident” is a sudden short-term event that occurred against the will of the Insured Person and led to bodily injury, impairment of the body functions of the Insured Person or his death.

          l) “Demands of Victims for compensation for damage/harm caused to them” - written demands of Victims (including in the form of claims) for compensation for damage/harm caused to them when using an insured vehicle, addressed directly to the Policyholder (Insured Person), as well as statements of claim of the Victims for the satisfaction of these requirements, filed in court.

          m) “Road traffic accident” (hereinafter referred to as RTA) is an event that occurred during the movement of an insured vehicle on the road and with its participation, in which people were killed or injured, vehicles, structures, cargo were damaged, or other material damage was caused.

          1.8. The insurance conditions contained in these rules may be changed (excluded, supplemented) by written agreement of the parties.

          1.9. The insurer has the right, on the basis of these Insurance Rules, to create separate insurance programs using separate insurance conditions set forth in these Insurance Rules and (or) combining them, with the assignment of marketing names to such insurance programs.


          2.1. The object of insurance is the property interests of the Insured (the Beneficiary, in terms of personal insurance - the Insured persons) that do not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation, related to:

          a) with the possession, use, disposal of an insured vehicle and/or additional equipment installed on it due to:

          • death;
          • loss (theft);
          • damage
          • b) with a decrease, temporary or permanent, in income and/or additional expenses due to loss of ability to work, death of the driver, passengers of the insured vehicle as a result of the events listed in clause 3.2.5. these Rules;

            c) with the obligation of the owner of the vehicle, in the manner established by the civil legislation of the Russian Federation, to compensate for damage caused to the life, health or property of the Injured Persons when using the insured vehicle, excluding:

            • liability to the driver, passengers of the insured vehicle,
            • liability of the driver for causing damage to the vehicle he/she is driving and/or its trailer, the cargo transported in them, the equipment installed on it/them, and other property,
            • damage caused to property belonging to the person responsible for the damage caused,
            • with compensation to the Insured for legal and out-of-court expenses associated with the onset of his liability for causing harm to the Injured Persons (Beneficiaries) in full, or, if limits on reimbursement of expenses are established in the insurance contract, in the amount of the established limits.

              2.2. Vehicles accepted for insurance are those that have undergone customs clearance and were purchased in accordance with the procedure established by the law of the Russian Federation, including those imported into the territory of the Russian Federation from abroad, which are not registered in the information databases of the authorized state bodies of the Russian Federation and/or Interpol as previously stolen , which is in technically sound condition, without significant mechanical and corrosion damage, registered or subject to registration with the traffic police or other competent authorities that register vehicles, including those temporarily imported.

              The Policyholder is responsible for reporting and the obligation to provide such data.


              3.1. Insured events are events that occurred during the validity period of the insurance contract (insurance policy), provided for by the insurance contract (insurance policy), upon the occurrence of which the Insurer’s obligation arises to make an insurance payment to the Insured (Insured Person, Beneficiary, Injured Persons).

              3.2. The risks covered by insurance are:

              3.2.1. “Damage” - damage or destruction of the vehicle, its individual parts, parts, assemblies, assemblies as a result of an accident, fire, explosion, natural emergency situations (phenomena), falling foreign objects, damage by animals, damage as a result of illegal actions of third parties, as well as theft of individual parts, parts, assemblies, and assemblies of a vehicle as a result of illegal actions of third parties.

              3.2.2. “Theft” is the loss of a vehicle when the Insurer is provided with original registration documents (vehicle registration certificate and vehicle passport), ignition keys, and other devices used to start the engine, except for the cases provided for in subclause. d) part 2 art. 161 and art. 162 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, as a result of theft, robbery, robbery, theft (as these concepts are interpreted by the criminal legislation of the Russian Federation).

              The vehicle is considered insured for the risk of “Theft” from 00 o’clock on the day following the day of registration with the traffic police or other competent authorities that register vehicles of the insured vehicle, unless otherwise provided by the insurance contract;

              If there is a requirement from the Insurer to install an anti-theft system on a vehicle subject to insurance, the insurance period for the risk of “Theft” in relation to such a vehicle begins, unless otherwise provided by the Insurance Agreement: from 00 o’clock on the day following the day of actual installation of the anti-theft system on the vehicle and connection to subscription service (if the anti-theft system involves subscription service), valid in the insurance territory.

              The fact of installation of the anti-theft system and connection to subscriber services must be documented by the Insured.

              3.2.3. “Damage for additional equipment” – damage or destruction of additional equipment installed on the insured vehicle as a result of an accident, fire, explosion, natural emergency situations (phenomena), falling foreign objects, damage by animals, illegal actions of third parties, as well as its theft in as a result of illegal actions of third parties.

              3.2.4. “Civil liability of vehicle owners” is the liability of the Insured or persons authorized by the Insured to drive the vehicle and specified in the insurance contract (insurance policy) to the Injured persons for property or physical damage caused as a result of accidental events (accidents) when using the insured vehicle by the Insured or his authorized person/persons.

              Under an insurance contract concluded with an individual, the insured is considered to be the risk of civil liability of the Insured himself and persons using the vehicle by proxy (on another legal basis) and directly indicated in the insurance contract (insurance policy) as persons allowed to drive the vehicle, unless otherwise not provided for in the insurance contract.

              Under an insurance contract concluded with a legal entity, the insured is considered to be the risk of civil liability of the Insured himself when using the insured vehicle by drivers specified in the insurance contract (insurance policy) as persons authorized to drive the vehicle, as well as drivers who are employees of the Insured and authorized to drive insured vehicle. Under an insurance contract for a vehicle transferred for temporary possession and/or use to third parties, the insured is considered to be the risk of civil liability of the vehicle owners specified in the insurance contract when using insured vehicles by drivers specified in the insurance contract (insurance policy) as persons authorized to drive the vehicle, as well as drivers who are employees of these third parties and are allowed to drive the insured vehicle.

              3.2.5. “Accident” is a sudden physical impact on the body of the Insured person of various external factors (mechanical, thermal, chemical, etc.) that occurred during the validity of the insurance contract against the will of the Insured and led to bodily injury, disturbances in the physiological functions of the body, permanent or temporary loss of ability to work of the Insured person or his death, provided that the Insured person was in the insured vehicle at the time of the occurrence of such a sudden physical impact and resulting from an accident;

              By additional agreement between the Policyholder and the Insurer, the risk of bodily injury, permanent or temporary disability, or death of the Insured person in the insured vehicle as a result of unlawful actions of third parties may be insured.

              3.3. According to these Rules, the following are recognized as insured events:

              3.3.1. Death and/or damage to the vehicle, its individual parts, components, assemblies, assemblies, as well as additional equipment installed on it (in accordance with paragraphs 3.2.1. and 3.2.3. of these Rules) as a result of:

     RTA (Road Accident) - an event that occurred during the movement of a vehicle on the road and with its participation, in which people were killed or injured, vehicles, structures, cargo were damaged, or other material damage was caused;

     natural emergency situations (phenomena).

              Natural emergencies according to these Rules mean:

              Hazardous geological phenomena, namely:

              • earthquake (underground tremors and vibrations of the earth's surface resulting from sudden displacements and ruptures in the earth's crust or upper part of the earth's mantle and transmitted over long distances in the form of elastic vibrations);
              • collapse (separation and fall of large masses of rocks on steep and steep slopes of mountains, river valleys and sea coasts, occurring due to the weakening of the connectivity of rocks under the influence of weathering processes, the activity of surface and groundwater);
              • landslide (displacement of rock masses along a slope under the influence of its own weight and additional load due to erosion of the slope, waterlogging, seismic tremors);

              Dangerous hydrological phenomena, namely: flooding (flooding of an area with water, which is a natural disaster);

              Dangerous meteorological phenomena, namely: whirlwind, hurricane, tornado, lightning strike, hail;

              The occurrence of one or more of the above events that led to damage as a result of natural emergency situations (phenomena), the occurrence of which is confirmed by the relevant meteorological services and other authorized competent bodies, can be recognized as an insured event under the “Damage” risk only if it is a direct consequence of damage to the insured vehicle.

     fire or explosion, with the exception of an event that occurred as a result of any malfunction of the vehicle (except for those that occurred as a result of an accident), unless otherwise provided by the insurance contract;

     illegal actions of Third Parties. Third parties within the framework of these Rules are all persons, with the exception of the owner (co-owners) of the insured vehicle;

     falling foreign objects, including snow and ice;

     damage to the external (external) parts of the vehicle by animals.

              Theft of individual parts, parts, components, units of a vehicle and/or additional equipment installed on it as a result of illegal actions of third parties.

              3.3.2. Theft or theft of a vehicle (in accordance with paragraph 3.2.2. of these Rules).

              3.3.3. Civil liability of vehicle owners (in accordance with paragraph 3.2.4. of these Rules).

              3.3.4. Accidents with the driver and passengers, including loss of ability to work by the driver and/or passengers in the vehicle specified in the insurance contract (insurance policy), including assignment of disability or their death (death) as a result of an accident (in accordance with paragraph 3.2.5. of these Rules).


              4.1. According to these Rules, the following are not insured events:

              4.1.1. Moral damage, lost profits, downtime, loss of income and other, indirect and commercial losses, losses and expenses of the Insured, Beneficiary, Victims, such as: fines, hotel accommodation during the repair of the insured vehicle, travel expenses, losses associated with deadlines supply of goods and production of services;

              4.1.2. Losses caused by damage to property that was in the insured vehicle at the time of the insured event;

              4.1.3. Damage caused by loss of the marketable value of the vehicle, corrosion, natural wear and tear of the vehicle and additional equipment due to their operation;

              4.1.4. Damage caused by theft, damage, destruction of a set of tools, a first aid kit, a fire extinguisher, a warning triangle, stationary anti-theft devices, car awnings (trailers and semi-trailers), decorative trim and interior equipment, instruments, lighting and signaling and other equipment, if the latter were not installed by the manufacturer or were not insured as optional equipment;

              4.1.5. Damage caused by theft, damage, destruction of an insured car radio with a removable front panel (including the front panel), if the front panel was left in the insured vehicle while the driver was away from it;

              4.1.6. Damage caused by theft of registration plates;

              4.1.7. Damage caused by breakdown, failure, failure of parts, components and assemblies of the vehicle as a result of its operation, including due to the entry of foreign objects, animals, birds, substances, rain into the internal cavities of components and assemblies, as well as electronic components and electronic devices and melt water and other liquids, as well as due to the ingress of liquid or other substances into the intake manifold of the air intake, leading to the occurrence of hydraulic shock(s) in the engine cylinder(s);

              4.1.8. Damage caused by damage to tires, rims and/or decorative caps, if this does not result in damage to other components or assemblies of the vehicle;

              4.1.9. Damage caused by spot damage to the paintwork without damaging the part (chips).

              4.1.10. Damage caused by pinpoint damage (chips) to body glass (windshield, rear, side, glass roof panel or sunroof glass panel), exterior lighting devices (headlight, flashlight, turn signal/repeater, brake light repeater), as well as damage caused by thermal destruction (cracks) of body glass or external lighting devices in the absence of traces of external mechanical impact, unless otherwise provided by the contract;

              4.1.11. Damage caused by the loss (including theft) of keys, key fobs, chips, electronic activation cards.

              4.1.12. Damage caused by damage to the insured vehicle under unknown circumstances.

              4.1.13. Losses arising as a result of non-return of the insured vehicle to the Policyholder when insuring a vehicle transferred for rental, leasing, rental, etc.;

              4.1.14. Theft of an insured vehicle along with registration documents left in it (vehicle registration certificate and/or vehicle passport), and/or ignition keys, and/or other devices used to start the engine, except for the cases provided for in subsection. d) part 2 art. 161 and art. 162 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation;

              4.1.15. Theft of additional equipment or vehicle parts, if they were located separately from the insured vehicle at the time of the insured event;

              4.1.16. Theft of a vehicle's spare wheels and/or spare wheel housing, if their theft occurred without causing damage to the insured vehicle itself;

              4.1.17. Damage resulting from an accident that occurred as a result of the Insured using a technically faulty vehicle. A technically faulty vehicle is considered to be a vehicle that has faults specified in the “List of faults and conditions under which the operation of vehicles is prohibited” - “Appendix to the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the responsibilities of officials to ensure road safety.”

              4.1.18. Any damage or theft of an insured vehicle imported into the territory of the Russian Federation in violation of current customs norms and rules, and/or listed in the information databases of government authorities of the Russian Federation and/or Interpol authorities as previously stolen.

              4.1.19. Theft of an insured vehicle during the period of disconnection, interruption or removal from service of the anti-theft system, if insurance was carried out in the presence of a requirement to install an anti-theft system specified in the Insurance Agreement.

              4.1.20. Damage caused as a result of repeated damage to elements (components, assemblies, etc.) of the insured vehicle that had significant damage at the time of concluding the insurance contract, and recorded by the Insurer (its authorized person) when concluding the contract in writing. Significant damage is any damage to the vehicle, with the exception of pinpoint damage to the paintwork without damage to parts (chips), pinpoint damage (chips) to body glass (windshield, rear, side, glass roof panel or sunroof glass panel) and/or external lighting devices (headlight, flashlight, turn signal/repeater, brake light repeater), damage caused by thermal destruction (cracks) of body glass or external lighting devices in the absence of traces of external mechanical impact, damage related to declared and unresolved insured events, if the insurance contract nothing else is provided in addition.

              4.1.21. Theft of an insured vehicle using stolen factory ignition keys and other devices used to start the engine and/or theft of an insured vehicle with previously lost or stolen vehicle registration documents, except for the cases provided for in subclause. d) part 2 art. 161 and art. 162 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, if the vehicle theft occurred before the vehicle owner reported, in the manner prescribed by these Rules, the theft of factory ignition keys and other devices used to start the engine and/or the theft or loss of vehicle registration documents to the Insurer.

              4.1.22. Repeated damage to elements (components, assemblies, etc.) of a vehicle for which the Insurer previously made an insurance payment or fully or partially refused to pay insurance compensation, excluding cases of refusal to pay insurance compensation on the basis of clause 4.1.9. and/or 4.1.10. of these Rules, if the Insured fails to fulfill the obligations specified in clause 10.2.7. of these Rules.

              4.1.23. Any damage (harm) caused to the Injured Persons as a result of the unlawful use (taking) of the insured Vehicle by other (third) persons.

              4.1.24. Theft of individual parts, components, units, units of a vehicle and/or additional equipment installed on it as a result of illegal actions of third parties if the insured vehicle is not insured under the risk of “Theft”.

              4.2. Events that led to damage, death, loss (theft) of the insured vehicle, harm to the life and health of the Insured Persons, as well as harm to the Injured Persons, if they occurred as a result of:

              4.2.1. intentional actions of the Insured, the Beneficiary, a person allowed to drive an insured vehicle under an insurance contract (policy), passengers of an insured vehicle, aimed at the occurrence of an insured event, or when the above persons commit or attempt to commit a crime.

              4.2.2. while driving an insured vehicle:

              • not allowed to manage under an insurance contract (insurance policy);
              • not having the right to drive a vehicle;
              • does not have a power of attorney for the right to drive an insured vehicle or is not listed on the waybill;
              • were in a state of any form of alcohol, drug or toxic intoxication or under the influence of medications, the use of which is contraindicated when driving a vehicle, as well as if the driver of the insured vehicle left the scene of the accident or refused to undergo a medical examination (examination).
              • 4.2.3. loading and unloading of the insured vehicle, as well as transportation of the vehicle as cargo, unless otherwise provided by the insurance contract;

                4.2.4. use of the insured vehicle in competitions, tests or for driving lessons without written consent from the Insurer;

                4.2.5. transfer of the insured vehicle for leasing, rental, rental or collateral without written approval from the Insurer, unless otherwise provided by the insurance contract;

                4.2.6. violation by the Insured or a person allowed to drive an insured vehicle under an insurance agreement (policy), vehicle operating rules, fire safety, transportation and storage of flammable and explosive substances and objects, safety requirements for the transportation of goods (in accordance with the Road Traffic Regulations);

                4.2.7. exposure to a nuclear explosion, radiation or radioactive contamination;

                4.2.8. military actions, maneuvers or other military events, civil war, civil unrest of any kind or strikes, confiscation, seizure, requisition, arrest or destruction of the insured vehicle by order of government authorities.

                4.2.9. spontaneous movement of a parked vehicle (this restriction does not apply to the risks “Civil liability of vehicle owners” and “Accident”).


                5.1. Sum insured is the amount of money that is determined by the insurance contract and on the basis of which the amount of the insurance premium (insurance premiums) and the amount of insurance payment upon the occurrence of an insured event are established.

                5.2. The insured amount for insurance of a vehicle and additional equipment installed on it should not exceed their actual value.

                5.3. The actual (insurable) value is the cost of the vehicle and additional equipment at its location on the day the insurance contract is concluded.

                5.4. Unless otherwise stipulated by the insurance contract, for the period of validity of the insurance contract the Insurer sets the rate of wear and tear of the vehicle and additional equipment installed on it in the amount of 15 (fifteen) percent of the insured amount per year.

                Depreciation is accrued from the date of commencement of the insurance contract to the date of occurrence of the insured event (proportionally, for each day of validity of the contract).

                5.5. The insured amount for civil liability insurance of vehicle owners is established by agreement reached between the Insured and the Insurer. The insurance contract, within the limits of the insured amount, may establish a limit on the Insurer's compensation for each insured event, as well as for the number of injured persons.

                5.6. When insuring against an accident, the insured amount is established by agreement of the parties:

                5.6.1. Under the terms of insurance under the “lump-sum system”, the total insured amount is established for all seats in the vehicle, with the establishment of limits on the Insurer’s compensation for each victim;

                5.6.2. Under the terms of insurance according to the “seat system”, the insured amount for each seat in the vehicle is separately negotiated.

                When insuring the driver and passengers against accidents, the number of insured seats cannot exceed the number of seats in the vehicle provided by the manufacturer.

                5.7. An insurance contract may establish an insured amount for a vehicle that is lower than the insured value (incomplete property insurance). Upon the occurrence of an insured event, the Insurer will compensate the Policyholder or the Beneficiary for part of the losses incurred by the latter, in proportion to the ratio of the insured amount to the insured value. The insurance contract may provide for a higher amount of insurance compensation, but in any case it cannot exceed the insured value of the vehicle and/or additional equipment.

                5.8. In the insurance contract (insurance policy), the parties can indicate the amount of loss not compensated by the Insurer - the deductible. The deductible can be conditional or unconditional and set as a certain percentage of the value of the insured property or in a certain amount:

                • when establishing a conditional (non-deductible) deductible, the Insurer is not liable for a loss that does not exceed the deductible amount, but compensates for damage in full if it exceeds the deductible amount;
                • when establishing an unconditional (deductible) deductible, in all cases the loss is reimbursed minus the deductible amount.
                • 5.9. After payment of the insurance compensation, the insured amount under the insurance contract for the corresponding risk is reduced by the amount of the insurance payment made for this risk, unless otherwise provided by the insurance contract. The policyholder has the right to restore the insurance amount by concluding an additional agreement under the terms of these Rules for the remaining insurance period with an additional payment of the corresponding part of the insurance premium.


                  6.1. The insurance premium is a payment for insurance that the Policyholder is obliged to pay to the Insurer in accordance with the insurance contract (policy).

                  6.2. The amount of the insurance premium is calculated based on the sums insured, tariff rates and the insurance period.

                  6.3. Tariff rates are set on the basis of basic tariff rates, taking into account specific insurance conditions, taking into account the characteristics of the vehicle, the conditions and features of its operation, the insurance period, insured risks, as well as other factors affecting the likelihood of an insured event and the amount of possible damage. The use of a franchise may serve as a basis for reducing the insurance rate, except for cases and (or) insurance programs when and (or) in which the use of a franchise serves as an indispensable basis for accepting the risk of insurance.

                  6.4. Payment of the insurance premium is made in cash or by bank transfer, in a lump sum or in installments (two or more insurance premiums) in the amount and terms established by the insurance contract (insurance policy).

                  Unless otherwise established by the insurance contract, the date of payment of the insurance premium (contribution) is recognized as:

                  • the date of payment of funds to the Insurer's cash desk or receipt of funds by an authorized representative of the Insurer - in case of cash payment;
                  • the date of receipt of funds to the settlement account of the Insurer or to the settlement account of the authorized representative of the Insurer - in case of non-cash payment.
                  • 6.5. If the insurance contract provides for payment by the Policyholder of the insurance premium in installments, then if an insured event occurs before the deadline for payment of the next insurance premium, the Policyholder is obliged to pay the Insurer the amount of the insurance premium for the remaining term of the insurance contract (the insurance period in which the insured event occurred for contracts concluded in accordance with clause 7.3 of these rules).

                    6.6. If, in accordance with the insurance contract, the insurance premium is paid in installments and by the time circumstances are established that the insured amount exceeds the insured value, it has not been paid in full, the remaining insurance premiums must be paid in an amount reduced in proportion to the reduction in the amount of the insured amount.


                    7.1. The insurance contract is concluded for a period of one year, unless otherwise provided in it.

                    7.2. An insurance contract, in accordance with these Rules, is considered short-term if it is concluded for a period of less than a year.

                    7.3. When concluding an insurance contract for a period of more than one year, it may indicate periods of insurance, indicating for each period the insured amount and the insurance premium.

                    7.4. If, before the expiration of the previous insurance contract, an insurance contract is concluded for a new (regular) term, then the concluded insurance contract for a new (regular) term comes into force in the following order.

                    7.4.1. from 00 hours 00 minutes of the day following the day of expiration of the previous insurance contract, subject to payment of the insurance premium (first insurance premium) until the start date of the new Insurance Contract. In case of non-payment/incomplete payment of the insurance premium (first insurance premium), the new Insurance Agreement is considered not to have entered into force.

                    7.4.2. from 00:00 on the day following the day of expiration of the previous Insurance Agreement. If the terms of the new Insurance Contract provide for the payment of an insurance premium (first insurance premium) during the validity period of the new Insurance Contract, then in case of non-payment/incomplete payment of the insurance premium (first insurance premium), the new Insurance Contract will automatically terminate its validity early from 00 o'clock on the day following on the day defined as the last day of payment of the insurance premium (first insurance premium). In this case, a written notification from the Insurer is not sent to the Policyholder, nor is an agreement on automatic early termination of the insurance contract drawn up. In this case, the Policyholder is obliged, within the period established by the Insurer, to pay the due part of the insurance premium for the period during which the insurance contract was valid.

                    7.5. The insurance contract, unless otherwise provided in it, comes into force:

                    7.5.1. If the insurance premium (first insurance premium) is payable:

           before the start of the Contract validity period, the Contract comes into force from the start date of the “Contract Validity Period”, subject to payment of the insurance premium (first insurance premium) in the amount and period stipulated by the Contract.

           during the period of validity of the Agreement, the Agreement comes into force on the date of commencement of the “Term of Agreement”.

                    7.6. Unless otherwise established by the Insurance Agreement, the following consequences of non-payment of the insurance premium (first insurance premium) or the next insurance premium are established:

                    7.6.1. In case of non-payment/incomplete payment of the insurance premium (first insurance premium) if the insurance premium (first insurance premium) is due before the start of the insurance contract, the Insurance Contract is considered not to have entered into force.

                    7.6.2. In case of non-payment/incomplete payment of the insurance premium (first insurance premium), during the validity period of the Insurance Agreement, as well as the next insurance premium in the manner and within the period provided for in the Insurance Agreement, the Insurance Agreement automatically terminates its validity early from the date following the date specified in the Agreement as the last day for payment of the insurance premium (first insurance premium), the next insurance premium. In this case, a written notification from the Insurer is not sent to the Policyholder, nor is an agreement on automatic early termination of the insurance contract drawn up. In this case, the Policyholder is obliged, within the period established by the Insurer, to pay the due part of the insurance premium for the period during which the insurance contract was valid.

                    8. INSURANCE AGREEMENT

                    8.1. The insurance contract is concluded in writing.

                    8.1.1. An insurance contract can be concluded by drawing up one document - an insurance contract signed by the Insurer and the Insured;

                    8.1.2. An insurance contract may be concluded by delivery by the Insurer to the Insured on the basis of his written or oral application of the insurance policy (certificate, certificate, receipt), signed by the Insurer and the Insured.

                    8.2. The insurance contract is an agreement between the Policyholder and the Insurer, by virtue of which the Insurer undertakes, upon the occurrence of an insured event, to make an insurance payment to the person in whose favor the insurance contract was concluded, and the Policyholder undertakes to pay the insurance premium in the amount and terms established by the insurance contract.

                    8.3. A vehicle insurance contract can only be concluded in favor of a person who has an interest in preserving this vehicle based on law, another legal act or contract. An insurance contract concluded when the Policyholder or Beneficiary has no interest in preserving the insured vehicle is invalid.

                    8.4. To conclude an insurance contract, the Policyholder, orally or in writing, provides the Insurer or its authorized representative with an application for insurance. In the application, he reports/indicates accurate and complete information about the object of insurance and other necessary information that is essential for concluding an insurance contract, determining the likelihood of the occurrence of insured events and the amount of possible losses from their occurrence.

                    If, after concluding the insurance contract, it is established that the Policyholder provided the Insurer with knowingly false information about the circumstances specified in clause 8.4 and 8.5 of these Rules, the Insurer has the right to demand that the insurance contract be invalidated.

                    8.5. When concluding an insurance contract, the Policyholder (Beneficiary) must document his rights to the insured property and property interest in preserving the said property, as well as provide copies of registration documents for the vehicle - vehicle registration certificate, vehicle passport and other documents at the request of the Insurer.

                    8.6. When concluding an insurance contract or changing its terms, the Policyholder (Beneficiary) is obliged to present the vehicle for inspection to the Insurer or its authorized representative. The results of the inspection are recorded by the Insurer or its authorized representative in writing and signed by the Insured. Vehicle elements (components, assemblies, parts) damaged or missing for any reason, the absence or damage of which was recorded during the inspection of the vehicle at the time of concluding the insurance contract, are not insured, unless otherwise provided in the insurance contract in accordance with additional conditions to these Rules.

                    8.7. In case of loss of the insurance contract during its validity period, the Insurer issues a duplicate of the insurance contract to the Policyholder, based on his written application.

                    8.8. The territory of insurance coverage is the territory of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise provided by the insurance contract.

                    8.9. The insurance contract is terminated in the following cases:

                    a) expiration of its validity period;

                    b) fulfillment by the Insurer of its obligations under the contract in full;

                    c) death of the Policyholder - an individual (from the moment of death of the Policyholder);

                    d) liquidation of the Insured - a legal entity (from the date of liquidation in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation), except for cases of change of the name of the Insured in the insurance contract (policy) during its reorganization (merger, accession, division, spin-off, transformation);

                    e) liquidation of the Insurer in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

                    f) a court decision invalidates the insurance contract;

                    g) non-payment/incomplete payment of the insurance premium (insurance premium) in accordance with paragraphs. 7.4, 7.6 of these Rules;

                    h) from the moment of expiration of the temporary registration of the vehicle with the traffic police or other competent authorities carrying out registration of vehicles;

                    i) from the moment of refusal to register a vehicle with the traffic police or other competent authorities that carry out registration of vehicles;

                    j) in other cases provided for by the insurance contract, these rules and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

                    In case of early termination of the insurance contract under the circumstances specified in clause 8.9 of these Rules, on the basis of subparagraphs “a”, “b”, “c”, “d”, “e”, “g”, part of the insurance premium for the unexpired period of insurance under the contract insurance is not returned to the policyholder.

                    8.10. The insurance contract is terminated before the expiration of the period for which it was concluded, if after its entry into force the possibility of the occurrence of an insured event has ceased, and the existence of the insured risk has ceased due to circumstances other than the insured event, the Insured is obliged to notify the Insurer in writing about this.

                    8.11. The policyholder has the right to cancel the insurance contract at any time, if at the time of refusal the possibility of the occurrence of an insured event has not disappeared due to circumstances other than the insured event.

                    8.12. In case of early refusal of the Policyholder (Beneficiary) from the insurance contract, the insurance premium paid to the Insurer is not refundable, unless otherwise provided by the insurance contract.

                    8.13. If the insurance contract or an agreement to it provides for the possibility of returning part of the insurance premium upon termination of the insurance contract at the initiative of the Insured, then the Insurer has the right to a part of the insurance premium in proportion to the duration of the insurance contract and taking into account the Insurer's expenses, in accordance with the current tariff rate structure. The balance of the insurance premium is not refundable after 10 months from the beginning of the insurance contract, and/or in the event that insurance compensation has been paid under the terminated contract or the Insured (Beneficiary, Insured Persons) has declared an insured event, unless otherwise provided by the insurance contract

                    8.14. In cases provided for by the Insurance Rules, the Insurance Contract, and the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the Insurer has the right to demand early termination of the insurance contract or its invalidation with compensation for losses caused by the termination of the contract or its invalidation, in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

                    8.15. The policyholder, concluding an insurance contract on the basis of these Rules, in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Personal Data”, expresses consent to the Insurer to process his personal data contained in documents transferred to the Insurer for the purpose of promoting goods, works, services on the market through direct contacts by the Insurer with the Insured using means of communication in order to ensure the execution of the concluded insurance contract, and also expresses consent to the Insurer to provide, incl. The beneficiary(s) of information on the fulfillment by the Insurer and/or the Policyholder of obligations under the insurance contract, including information on payment and the amount of the insurance premium (insurance premiums), the amount of the insured amount, the occurrence and settlement of claims, the occurrence/probability of the occurrence of insured events, payment insurance compensation and other information related to the concluded insurance contract.

                    Processing of personal data is carried out through collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), use, distribution (including transfer), depersonalization, blocking, destruction of personal data, both on paper and electronic media. The specified consent of the Policyholder is valid during the validity period of the insurance contract and for 5 years after the expiration of the insurance contract. This consent may be revoked by the Policyholder by sending a corresponding written statement to the Insurer.


                    9.1. During the period of validity of the insurance contract, the Policyholder (the Beneficiary) is obliged to notify the Insurer in writing of all significant changes in the circumstances communicated to the Insurer when concluding the insurance contract, if these changes may significantly affect the increase in the insurance risk. The Policyholder (Beneficiary) is obliged to immediately, but in any case no later than 24 hours from the moment they become aware of this, notify the Insurer by any available means (including by telephone or fax), and no later than 3 days to inform the Insurer in writing, attaching documents confirming these changes.

                    Changes stipulated in the insurance contract, application for insurance and in the Insurance Rules are considered significant, which, in particular, are:

                    9.1.1. Transfer of an insured vehicle and/or its additional equipment under a lease (rental) agreement, pledge or other civil law agreements;

                    9.1.2. Transfer of ownership of a vehicle to another person;

                    9.1.3. Significant damage or destruction of the insured object caused by a non-insured event;

                    9.1.4. Changing the purposes of using the insured vehicle specified in the application or insurance contract;

                    9.1.5. Deregistration of a vehicle with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate (or other competent authorities carrying out vehicle registration), re-registration of a vehicle with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate (or other competent authorities carrying out re-registration of a vehicle);

                    9.1.6. Loss, theft or replacement of vehicle registration documents;

                    9.1.7. Replacement of the vehicle body or engine;

                    9.1.8. Loss (including theft) of keys, key fobs, chips, electronic activation cards from the insured vehicle;

                    9.1.9. Changing the list of persons allowed to drive a vehicle, directly specified in the insurance contract;

                    9.1.10. Changing vehicle storage conditions.

                    9.2. In the cases provided for in clauses 9.1.6, 9.1.8 of these Rules, the Policyholder or Beneficiary is obliged to immediately, but in any case no later than 24 hours from the moment they became aware of this, notify in writing the competent authorities and the Insurer .

                    9.3. The insurer, notified of circumstances leading to an increase in insurance risk, has the right to demand changes in the terms of the insurance contract or payment of an additional insurance premium in proportion to the increase in risk.

                    If the Policyholder objects to changes in the terms of the insurance contract or additional payment of the insurance premium, the Insurer has the right to demand termination of the contract.

                    9.4. In the absence of notification or untimely notification of the Insurer about the circumstances set out in paragraph 9.1 of these Rules, the Insurer has the right to demand termination of the insurance contract and compensation for losses caused by termination of the contract.

                    9.5. Regardless of whether the degree of risk has increased or not, the Insurer has the right, during the term of the insurance contract, to check the condition of the insured vehicle and the additional equipment installed on it, as well as the accuracy of the information provided by the Insured.


                    10.1. The insurer is obliged:

                    10.1.1. Familiarize the Policyholder with the Insurance Rules and hand over a copy of the Rules to the Policyholder upon concluding an insurance contract;

                    10.1.2. After receiving from the Insured (Beneficiary) an application for payment of insurance compensation, his fulfillment of the duties specified in clause 10.2 of these Rules and when the Insured (Beneficiary) fulfills the duties provided for in paragraphs. 11.6 - 11.9 (including subparagraphs), respectively, depending on the occurrence of the insured event, within the time limits provided for by these Rules and the insurance contract, conduct an investigation into the causes and circumstances of the insured event, determine the amount of damage, and if the event is recognized as insured, pay the insurance compensation.

                    10.1.3. Notify the Insured of the refusal to pay insurance compensation, if there are grounds for refusal, within the period specified in clause 12.3 of these Rules.

                    10.1.4. Do not disclose information about the Insured and his property status, except for cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

                    10.1.5. Perform other actions provided for in the insurance contract.

                    10.2. The policyholder is obliged:

                    10.2.1. Pay the insurance premium (insurance premiums) in the manner and within the terms established by the insurance contract;

                    10.2.2. When concluding an insurance contract, inform the Insurer about all circumstances known to him that are important for assessing the insurance risk, as well as about all existing or concluded insurance contracts in relation to this vehicle, present the vehicle for inspection to the Insurer;

                    10.2.3. When an insured event occurs, take the necessary measures to save the insured vehicle, prevent its further damage and reduce the damage;

                    10.2.4. After the occurrence of an event that has signs of an insured event, immediately, but in any case no later than 24 hours from the moment of its discovery, report it to the competent government authorities and the Insurer.

                    10.2.5. Within 5 calendar days from the moment of detection of signs of an insured event, submit to the Insurer a written application in the established form about the occurrence of an insured event and payment of insurance compensation. Indicate in the application for the occurrence of an insured event all the circumstances of the occurrence of the insured event known to the Policyholder at the time of filing the application.

                    The requirements of clauses 10.2.4 and 10.2.5 do not apply to events that occurred under the risk of “accident”. For the “ACIDENT” risk, the following deadline is established for submitting to the Insurer a written application in the established form about the occurrence of an insured event: 30 calendar days.

                    10.2.6. Agree in writing with the Insurer on the procedure for repairing the damaged vehicle;

                    10.2.7. After restoration (repair) of the vehicle, present it to the Insurer for inspection. The fact that damage has been eliminated is confirmed by signing an additional agreement to the insurance contract with a Vehicle Inspection Certificate attached. This obligation does not apply to cases where the vehicle was repaired at a service station (Car Service Station) at the direction of the Insurer.

                    10.2.8. Return to the Insurer the received insurance compensation in full or part of the insurance compensation if a circumstance is discovered that, by law or these Rules, fully or partially deprives the Policyholder or the Beneficiary of the right to insurance compensation;

                    10.2.9. Notify the Insurer of the receipt by the Policyholder (Beneficiary) of compensation from third parties responsible for causing damage to him within 24 hours from the date of receipt of such compensation;

                    10.2.10. Return to the Insurer the amount of the received insurance compensation for the stolen vehicle and/or additional equipment, if the vehicle and/or additional equipment is found, or transfer to the Insurer the found vehicle and/or additional equipment, which is formalized by an appropriate written agreement of the parties.

                    10.2.11. Bring to the attention of persons authorized to drive the insured vehicle the requirements of these Rules and the insurance contract.

                    10.2.12. Perform other actions provided for by the insurance contract and these Rules;

                    Responsibilities specified in clause 10.2 and clauses. 11.6 – 11.9 (including subparagraphs, respectively, depending on the insured event that occurred) of these Rules are also assigned to the Beneficiary and the Insured Persons.

                    10.3. The insurer has the right:

                    10.3.1. Check the information provided by the Policyholder, the Beneficiary, the Insured and other persons, as well as the compliance by the Policyholder with these Insurance Rules and the terms of the insurance contract;

                    10.3.2. If necessary, send requests to the competent authorities to provide relevant documents and information confirming the fact and reason for the occurrence of the insured event, as well as the list and nature of the damage received;

                    10.3.3. Independently find out the causes and circumstances of the insured event;

                    10.3.4. The Insurer has the right to ensure the conduct of the case in judicial and arbitration bodies on behalf of and on behalf of the Insured, as well as on his behalf to make statements regarding claims made by Injured Persons in connection with insured events. In this case, the Policyholder is obliged to issue a duly executed power of attorney to the Insurer's representative to represent his interests.

                    10.4. The policyholder has the right:

                    10.4.1. Cancel the insurance contract at any time in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation

                    10.4.2. Receive a duplicate of the insurance contract (insurance policy) in case of its loss;

                    10.4.3. When concluding an insurance contract (insurance policy), appoint legal entities and individuals (Beneficiaries) who have an interest in preserving the insured vehicle to receive insurance compensation under the insurance contract, and also replace them at their own discretion before the occurrence of an insured event.


                    11.1. The Insurer compensates the Policyholder (Beneficiary, Insured Persons, Injured Persons) for damage resulting from the occurrence of an insured event. Compensation for damage is made by paying insurance compensation in the manner and amount determined in accordance with the contents of this section.

                    11.2. Insurance compensation is paid after the causes, participants, consequences of the event and the amount of damage have been fully determined, provided that the Insurer recognizes the event as an insured event. In this case, the obligation to provide documents justifying the reasons for the occurrence of the insured event and the amount of damage rests with the Insured, the Beneficiary and the Insured Persons.

                    11.3. Payment of insurance compensation by payment of funds or issuance of a referral for repairs is made after receipt from the Policyholder (Beneficiary, Insured Persons) of all documents requested by the Insurer within:

                    • 30 calendar days for the risk of THEFT;
                    • 11.4. Unless otherwise provided by the Insurance Agreement, the date of payment of insurance compensation is the date of debiting funds from the Insurer's account, the date of payment of funds from the Insurer's cash desk, the date of issuing a referral for repairs, or the date of signing by the Policyholder (the Beneficiary) and the Insurer of an agreement on the offset of mutual monetary claims.

                      11.5. The amount of insurance compensation is determined by the Insurer on the basis of documents confirming the amount of damage within the insured amount and taking into account the amount of the Insured's own participation in compensation for damage (deductible).

                      The amount of insurance compensation includes the costs of the Policyholder (Beneficiary) or the Insured person for conducting cases in the courts regarding insured events, if these costs were incurred in pursuance of the written instructions of the Insurer or with his written consent.

                      The amount of insurance compensation may exceed the insured amount by the amount of the Insured's expenses for evacuation of the vehicle if the Insured incurred the specified expenses under the conditions provided for in clause 11.6.4 of these rules.

                      Every car owner, when purchasing a car, is required to insure his property against accidents. IC AlfaStrakhovanie provides clients with a wide range of services, including issuing compulsory motor liability insurance and CASCO policies. How a contract is concluded with AlfaStrakhovanie and what are the advantages of such car insurance will be discussed in the article.

                      Rules of OSAGO insurance at AlfaStrakhovanie

                      According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, in particular Federal Law No. 40 “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance”, every vehicle owner is required to insure his property under the Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance system. Such a document covers the costs of citizens in the event of accidents on the road:

                      • road traffic accident;
                      • car breakdowns;
                      • damage to vehicles due to natural disasters;
                      • unauthorized street vandalism.

                      According to the latest data from RSA, IC AlfaStrakhovanie is one of the leading companies providing motor third party liability insurance services. According to the terms of the contract, the company, in the event of a traffic accident, compensates for:

                      • up to 400 thousand rubles - for damage to the property of a motorist and participants in an accident;
                      • up to 500 thousand rubles - in case of damage to the health of third parties.

                      Rules for property insurance under the MTPL system in AlfaStrakhovanie Insurance Company:

                      1. The insurance amount paid in case of an accident is reduced by the price that was compensated to the insurer. This rule is valid for 12 months;
                      2. Compensation for damage to third parties is paid taking into account the degree of wear and tear of the car or without it, depending on the chosen insurance;
                      3. AlfaInsurance clients are paid the full cost of the car in the event of a “total loss” of the car (if, according to experts, repair work is impossible);
                      4. The cost of insurance is reduced annually by 15% taking into account the degree of wear and tear of the car;
                      5. The period for payment of compensation is 5 days from the date of the traffic accident;
                      6. If a car is stolen, the client is obliged to inform the company manager about it within 5 days;
                      7. In the event of an insured event, compensation to the victim is paid within 15 working days;
                      8. If a car is stolen, the owner is reimbursed by insurance for 30 days;
                      9. In addition to the main risks, AlfaStrakhovanie Insurance Company pays car owners the cost of vehicle evacuation. Exceptions include damage to tires, paintwork and external defects that do not affect the performance of the vehicle.

                      Conditions for obtaining an insurance policy from AlfaStrakhovanie

                      According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, motorists who have not insured their vehicles on time under the MTPL system cannot:

                      • register the car and register it with the traffic police;
                      • drive a vehicle within the Russian Federation;
                      • receive compensation if you are involved in an accident.

                      In addition, citizens will constantly be sent fines by mail, the amount of which ranges from 1 thousand rubles.

                      With an issued MTPL policy, the car owner will not only save on payments, but can also be sure of compensation for damage in the event of an accident or street vandalism. According to the terms of the contract, insurance is reimbursed in full. Its cost is formed based on the following indicators:

                      1. The driver's age and driving experience;
                      2. Conscientious execution of traffic rules;
                      3. Car engine power;
                      4. Degree of vehicle wear;
                      5. Region of residence;
                      6. Number of drivers allowed to drive vehicles.

                      Also, the cost of an MTPL policy is affected by the Bonus-Malus coefficient, thanks to which you can save up to 50% on the price of the insurance premium.

                      How to get insurance?

                      Car insurance at AlfaStrakhovanie is issued remotely, on the company’s official website or at the company’s office upon personal contact from the car enthusiast.

                      Registration procedure:

                      1. Collection of necessary documents;
                      2. Filling out a form to receive an MTPL or CASCO policy;
                      3. Conclusion of an insurance contract;
                      4. Cost calculation (preliminary calculation is made using an online calculator);
                      5. Checking the entered information against the RSA database;
                      6. Printout of the OSAGO policy form;
                      7. Payment of the cost of insurance.

                      You can pay for the policy immediately or in installments, with monthly annuity payments.

                      List of required documents

                      To obtain insurance from IC AlfaStrakhovanie you will need the following documents:

                      • driver's identification card;
                      • driver license;
                      • PTS for the car;
                      • certificate of ownership;
                      • diagnostic card (if the car is older than 3 years).

                      Using these documents, the insured person will need to fill out a form for the owner of the MTPL policy, the form of which is provided at the company’s office.

                      The procedure for receiving insurance payments at AlfaStrakhovanie

                      Compulsory motor liability insurance from IC AlfaStrakhovanie allows you to compensate for damage caused to participants in a traffic accident in full or partial amount. The insurer will fulfill its obligations to each victim without restrictions on the number of insured events.

                      OJSC AlfaStrakhovanie is one of the largest insurance companies in Russia, which has been carrying out insurance activities for about 25 years. Property insurance programs offered by the company allow you to reliably protect movable and immovable property from theft, fire, flooding and other unpleasant incidents.

                      Advantages of property insurance at AlfaStrakhovanie

                      At the end of 2015, IC AlfaStrakhovanie became the absolute leader on the Russian market in the property insurance segment, collecting RUB 5,139,482 thousand. insurance premiums and paying 618,135 thousand rubles. compensation.

                      The company's authorized capital is 5 billion rubles, and the company's reliability rating is assessed by the Expert RA agency as exceptionally high with a stable forecast. The company's insurance obligations are guaranteed by international reinsurance organizations, including: Partner Re, Hannover Re, Swiss Re, Munich Re, SCOR.

                      Types of property insurance programs

                      AlfaStrakhovanie IC offers various programs for insurance of movable and immovable property, brief descriptions of which are presented below.


                      The program provides insurance for the interior and exterior decoration of the apartment and household property against the following insurance risks:

                      • fire, gas explosion;
                      • flooding;
                      • burglary, theft.

                      "Good neighbors!"

                      This program is designed to insure civil liability to neighbors and guarantees compensation for losses in the event of damage to the property of third parties. Insurance under the program is available for both owned and rented housing. Insurance risks covered by this program include:

                      • fire;
                      • short circuit;
                      • water supply accidents.

                      "ALL INCLUSIVE!"

                      A unique, unparalleled program that allows you to simultaneously insure property, life and health against unforeseen situations. The following can be selected as insurance objects:

                      • real estate;
                      • personal belongings;
                      • bank cards;
                      • civil responsibility to neighbors;
                      • accident insurance;
                      • insurance against unexpected medical expenses.

                      "Insurance of cultural property"

                      The program was created to avoid financial losses associated with the loss or damage of cultural property, art and collectibles. The following objects are subject to insurance under this program:

                      • unique historical items of cultural value (paintings, graphics, icons, lithographs, original photographs, works of fine and decorative art);
                      • items used for display, storage, restoration.

                      The program guarantees compensation for losses caused by such insured events as:

                      • fire, gas explosion;
                      • exposure to water;
                      • natural disasters;
                      • theft, embezzlement, robbery, intentional causing of harm by third parties;
                      • vandalism, terrorism;
                      • loss of one of the paired items.

                      "Purchase protection!"

                      The program allows you to insure household appliances and electronics at the time of purchase against the following risks:

                      • fire, gas explosion, lightning strike;
                      • exposure to water;
                      • natural disasters;
                      • mechanical impact of foreign objects;
                      • illegal actions of third parties;
                      • damage not covered by the manufacturer's warranty.

                      "Insurance of yachts and boats"

                      This program provides insurance for small vessels, namely:

                      • sailing, motor and sail-motor boats;
                      • small yachts;
                      • additional equipment installed on the vessel;
                      • trailer for transporting the vessel.

                      Insurance under this program guarantees compensation for losses associated with the occurrence of such insurance risks as:

                      • fire, explosion, lightning strike;
                      • natural disasters;
                      • grounding;
                      • collision of the vessel with other objects;
                      • foreign objects falling onto the vessel;
                      • damage caused by illegal actions of third parties;
                      • damage that occurred during the launching or recovery of the vessel.

                      Cost of property insurance programs

                      The cost of property insurance at AlfaStrakhovanie depends on the chosen program, the list of insurance risks and the amount of insurance coverage. The table presents data on the cost of real estate insurance for the most popular programs offered by IC Alfastrakhovanie in 2017.

                      auto insurance SK Alfastrakhovanie

                      1. Insurance subjects and general conditions.
                      2. Objects of insurance.
                      3. Insured events and insurance risks.
                      4. Exclusions from insurance coverage.
                      5. Sum insured and insured value.
                      6. Insurance premium, form and procedure for its payment.
                      7. Validity period of the insurance contract.
                      8. Insurance contract.
                      9. Consequences of changes in the degree of risk.
                      10. Rights and obligations of the parties.
                      11. Procedure and conditions for payment of insurance compensation (security). Relationships between the parties upon the occurrence of an insured event.
                      12. Refusal to pay insurance compensation (security).
                      13. Transfer to the insurer of the rights of the insured (the Beneficiary) to compensate for damages in relation to third parties (subrogation).
                      14. Double insurance.
                      15. The procedure for making changes and additions to the insurance contract.
                      16. Dispute resolution procedure and responsibilities of the parties.

                      1. Insurance subjects and general conditions

                      1.1. These Rules were adopted in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation on insurance, contain the conditions under which AlfaStrakhovanie OJSC, hereinafter referred to as the "Insurer", enters into contracts for insurance of vehicles, civil liability of vehicle owners and seats in the vehicle (hereinafter referred to as the Vehicle ) with legal entities and capable individuals, hereinafter referred to as “Policies”.
                      1.2. Insurance carried out on the basis of these Rules is a relationship to protect the property interests of legal entities and individuals that are violated due to random adverse circumstances during the operation of the vehicle upon the occurrence of certain events.
                      1.3. This insurance includes:
                      - insurance of the vehicle and additional equipment installed on it;
                      - insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners;
                      - insurance of life and health of persons from accidents who are in the insured vehicle at the time of the occurrence of the insured event.
                      1.4. Insurance is carried out on the basis of an insurance agreement (insurance policy) concluded between the Insurer and the Insured in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and these Rules.
                      1.5. When concluding an insurance contract on the terms contained in these Rules, these terms become binding on the Policyholder, the Insurer, the Insured and the Beneficiary.
                      1.6. An insurance contract on the basis of these Rules is considered concluded if the insurance contract (insurance policy) directly states their application, the Rules themselves are set out in the same document with the contract (insurance policy) or on its reverse side, or are attached to it. The delivery of these Rules to the Policyholder upon concluding an insurance contract is certified by an entry in the insurance contract (insurance policy).
                      1.7. Definitions contained in these Rules:
                      a) “Insured” - a legal entity of any form of ownership, an entrepreneur without forming a legal entity, a capable individual who owns a vehicle by right of ownership, right of economic management or operational management, or on another legal basis (by lease, by power of attorney for the right to drive a vehicle, by virtue of an order from the relevant authority, etc.), who has entered into an insurance agreement with the Insurer;
                      b) “Full CASCO” - a combination of the risks “Damage” and “Theft”.
                      c) "Partial CASCO" - insurance only for the risk "Damage"
                      d) “Vehicles” - vehicles of domestic and foreign production (cars and trucks, wheeled tractors, trailers and semi-trailers, buses, motorcycles), registered or subject to registration by the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate.
                      e) “Additional equipment” - mechanisms, installations, fixtures, devices, other equipment, gear and accessories permanently installed on the vehicle that are not included in the vehicle delivery package in accordance with the manufacturer’s documentation, including:
                      - special painting;
                      - car television, radio and audio equipment;
                      - interior and body equipment;
                      - devices;
                      - lighting, signaling and other equipment installed on the vehicle;
                      - wheels assembled, not included in the manufacturer's package;
                      f) “Driver” - an individual who legally drives a vehicle and has a standard driver’s license for the right to drive a vehicle.;
                      g) “Passenger” - another individual other than the driver who is in the insured vehicle during its operation;
                      h) “Insured persons” - driver and passengers;
                      i) “Injured persons” - legal entities and individuals who were harmed by the Insured (Beneficiary, Insured Persons).
                      j) “Beneficiary” - the person in whose favor the insurance contract is concluded.
                      k) “Accident” - a sudden short-term event that occurred against the will of the Insured Person and led to bodily injury, impairment of the body functions of the Insured Person or his death.
                      l) “Demands of Injured Persons for compensation for harm caused to them” - written demands (including in the form of claims) addressed directly to the Insured (Insured Person, Beneficiary), as well as statements of claim to the court.

                      2. Insurance objects

                      2.1. The object of insurance is the property interests of the Insured (in terms of personal insurance - the Insured persons) that do not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation, related to:
                      a) with the possession, use, disposal of a vehicle, insured additional equipment, due to loss, damage or destruction (theft, theft) of the vehicle and/or additional equipment installed on it;
                      b) with a decrease, temporary or permanent, in income and/or additional expenses due to loss of ability to work, death of the driver or passengers of the insured vehicle as a result of the events listed in clause 3.2.1. These Rules;
                      c) with the obligation of the Insured, in the manner established by the civil legislation of Russia, to compensate for damage caused to the life, health or property of the Injured Persons in connection with the use of the insured vehicle, excluding liability to passengers of the insured vehicle, as well as with compensation to the Insured for legal and extrajudicial expenses associated with the onset of his liability for causing harm to the Injured Persons (Beneficiaries).
                      2.2. Vehicles that are technically sound, do not have significant mechanical or corrosion damage, are approved for use on public roads, and are registered (or subject to registration) with the competent state bodies authorized to register vehicles are accepted for insurance.

                      3. Insured events and insurance risks

                      3.1. Insured events are events that occurred during the validity period of the insurance contract (insurance policy), provided for by the insurance contract, upon the occurrence of which the Insurer's obligation arises to make an insurance payment to the Policyholder (Insured Person, Beneficiary, Injured Persons).
                      3.2. The risks covered by insurance are:
                      3.2.1. “Damage” - damage or destruction of the Vehicle (its parts) as a result of a traffic accident (hereinafter referred to as an accident), fire, explosion, natural disasters, falling foreign objects, damage to the Vehicle by animals, as well as damage to the Vehicle as a result of unlawful actions of Third Parties;
                      3.2.2. “Theft” is the loss of a vehicle and/or additional equipment installed on it, individual components, assemblies and parts of a vehicle as a result of theft, robbery, robbery, theft (as these concepts are interpreted by the criminal legislation of the Russian Federation);
                      3.2.3. “Damage to additional equipment” - damage or destruction of additional equipment as a result of an accident, fire, explosion, natural disasters, falling foreign objects, illegal actions of Third Parties;
                      3.2.4. “Civil liability during the operation of vehicles” is the liability of the Insured or persons authorized by the Insured to drive the vehicle and specified in the insurance contract (insurance policy) to the Injured persons for property or physical damage caused as a result of accidental events (accidents) when using the insured vehicle The policyholder or his/her authorized person/persons.
                      Under an insurance contract concluded with an individual, the insured is considered to be the risk of civil liability of the Insured himself and the persons operating the vehicle by proxy (on another legal basis) and directly indicated in the insurance contract (insurance policy) as persons authorized to drive the vehicle.
                      Under an insurance agreement concluded with a legal entity, the insured is considered to be the risk of civil liability of the Insured himself when operating the insured vehicle by drivers specified in the insurance agreement (insurance policy) as persons authorized to drive the vehicle.
                      3.2.5. “Accident” - occurred as a result of accidents that occurred as a result of an accident, fire, explosion, natural disasters, falling foreign objects, damage to a vehicle by animals: temporary loss of ability to work, permanent loss of ability to work (disability) of the Insured Persons.
                      By additional agreement between the Policyholder and the Insurer, the risk of bodily injury, death of passengers and the driver of the insured vehicle as a result of unlawful actions of Third Parties can be insured.
                      3.3. According to these Rules, the following are recognized as insured events:
                      3.3.1. Death and/or damage to the vehicle, its individual parts, assemblies and assemblies, as well as additional equipment installed on it as a result of:
                      - road accident;
                      - natural Disasters;
                      - fire or explosion, excluding events resulting from a short circuit;
                      - illegal actions of Third parties;
                      - falling foreign objects, including snow and ice.
                      3.3.2. Theft or theft of a vehicle and/or additional equipment installed on it.
                      3.3.3. Civil responsibility.
                      3.3.4. Accidents with the driver and passengers, including loss of ability to work by the driver and/or passengers in the vehicle specified in the insurance contract (insurance policy), including assignment of disability or their death (death) as a result of an accident.

                      4. Exclusions from insurance coverage

                      4.1. According to these Rules, the following are not insured events:
                      4.1.1. Moral damage, lost profits, downtime, loss of income and other, indirect and commercial losses, losses and expenses of the Insured, Beneficiary, Victims, such as: fines, hotel accommodation during the repair of the insured vehicle, travel expenses, losses associated with deadlines supply of goods and production of services;
                      4.1.2. Losses caused by damage to property that was in the insured vehicle at the time of the insured event;
                      4.1.3. Damage caused by loss of the marketable value of the vehicle, natural wear and tear of the vehicle and additional equipment due to their operation;
                      4.1.4. Damage caused by theft, damage, destruction of a set of tools, first aid kit, fire extinguisher, warning triangle, stationary anti-theft devices, if the latter were not installed by the manufacturer or were not insured as additional equipment;
                      4.1.5. Damage caused by theft, damage, destruction of an insured car radio with a removable front panel (including the front panel), if the front panel was left in the insured vehicle while the driver was away from it;
                      4.1.6. Damage caused by theft of registration plates;
                      4.1.7. Damage caused by the breakdown, failure, failure of parts, components and assemblies of the vehicle as a result of its operation, including due to the ingress of foreign objects, animals, birds, substances, rain and melt water into the internal cavities of components and assemblies;
                      4.1.8. Damage caused by damage to tires and rims, unless this entails damage to other components or assemblies of the vehicle;
                      4.1.9. Damage caused by spot damage to the paintwork without damaging the part (chips).
                      4.1.10. Damage caused by the loss (including theft) of keys, key fobs, chips, electronic activation cards.
                      4.1.11. Losses arising as a result of non-return of the insured vehicle to the Policyholder when insuring a vehicle transferred for rental, leasing, rental, etc.;
                      4.1.12. Theft of an insured vehicle along with registration documents left in it (vehicle registration certificate and/or vehicle passport, etc.), except in cases of open theft of a vehicle;
                      4.1.13. Theft of additional equipment or vehicle parts, if they were located separately from the insured vehicle at the time of the insured event;
                      4.1.14. Theft of spare tires of a vehicle, if their theft occurred without causing damage to the insured vehicle itself.
                      4.1.15. A traffic accident that occurred as a result of the Insured operating a technically faulty vehicle. A technically faulty vehicle is considered to be a vehicle that has faults specified in the “List of faults and conditions under which the operation of vehicles is prohibited” - “Appendix to the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the responsibilities of officials to ensure road safety.”
                      4.2. Events that led to damage, death of the insured vehicle, harm to the life and health of the Insured Persons, as well as harm to the Injured Persons, if they occurred as a result of:
                      4.2.1. intentional actions of the Insured, the Beneficiary, a person allowed to drive an insured vehicle under an insurance contract (policy), passengers of an insured vehicle, aimed at the occurrence of an insured event, or when the above persons commit or attempt to commit a crime.
                      The insurer is not exempt from paying insurance compensation under a civil liability insurance contract for causing harm to the life or health of the Injured Persons if the harm was caused through the fault of the person responsible for it;
                      4.2.2. while driving an insured vehicle:
                      - not allowed to manage under an insurance contract (insurance policy);
                      - do not have a driver’s license to drive a vehicle or have a driver’s license of the wrong category;
                      - does not have a power of attorney for the right to drive an insured vehicle or is not listed on the waybill;
                      - who were in a state of any form of alcohol, drug or toxic intoxication or under the influence of medications, the use of which is contraindicated when driving a vehicle, as well as if the driver of the insured vehicle fled the scene of an accident or refused to undergo a medical examination (examination).
                      4.2.3. transportation of vehicles as cargo;
                      4.2.4. use of the insured vehicle in competitions, tests or for driving lessons without written consent from the Insurer;
                      4.2.5. transfer of the insured vehicle for leasing, rental, rental or collateral without written approval from the Insurer;
                      4.2.6. violation by the Insured or a person allowed to drive an insured vehicle under an insurance agreement (policy), vehicle operating rules, fire safety, transportation and storage of flammable and explosive substances and objects, safety requirements for the transportation of goods (in accordance with the Road Traffic Regulations);
                      4.2.7. exposure to a nuclear explosion, radiation or radioactive contamination;
                      4.2.8. military actions, maneuvers or other military events, civil war, civil unrest of any kind or strikes, confiscation, seizure, requisition, arrest or destruction of the insured vehicle by order of government authorities.

                      5. Sum insured and insured value

                      5.1. The insurance amount is the amount of money determined by agreement between the Policyholder and the Insurer (insurance contract), within the limits of which the Insurer undertakes to pay insurance compensation (security) upon the occurrence of an insured event.
                      The insured amount can be set in Russian rubles or in foreign currency equivalent.
                      5.2. The insured amount for insurance of a vehicle and additional equipment installed on it should not exceed their actual value.
                      5.3. The actual (insurable) value is the cost of the vehicle and additional equipment at its location on the day the insurance contract is concluded. The insured value is indicated in the insurance contract or insurance policy. If the insured value is not indicated separately, it is considered to coincide with the insured amount.
                      5.4. The insured amount for the vehicle and additional equipment installed on it is determined by agreement between the Insured and the Insurer in an amount not exceeding their actual value, which is determined based on the cost of the new vehicle and additional equipment, taking into account their wear and tear.
                      The actual cost of additional equipment does not include installation costs.
                      Unless otherwise specified in the insurance contract, during the validity period of the insurance contract the Insurer establishes the following wear and tear standards for the vehicle and additional equipment installed on it:
                      - 18 (eighteen) percent of the insured amount in the first year of operation of the vehicle and additional equipment installed on it;
                      - 15 (fifteen) percent of the insured amount in the second year of operation;
                      - 10 (ten) percent in subsequent years of operation,
                      The year of commencement of operation is the year of manufacture of the vehicle and the year of manufacture of additional equipment.
                      5.5. The insured amount for civil liability insurance is established by agreement reached between the Insured and the Insurer. The insurance contract (policy), within the limits of the insured amount, may establish a limit on the Insurer's compensation for each insured event.
                      5.6. When insuring against an accident, the insured amount is established by agreement of the parties:
                      5.6.1. Under the terms of insurance under the “lump-sum system”, the total insured amount is established for all seats in the vehicle, with the establishment of limits on the Insurer’s compensation for each victim;
                      5.6.2. Under the terms of insurance according to the “seat system”, the insured amount for each seat in the vehicle is separately negotiated.
                      When insuring the driver and passengers against accidents, the number of insured seats cannot exceed the number of seats in the vehicle provided by the manufacturer.
                      5.7. The insurance amounts for the insured vehicle, additional equipment installed on it, for civil liability and accident insurance, agreed upon between the Policyholder and the Insurer when concluding the insurance contract, may subsequently be increased for an additional premium. An increase in the sum insured is formalized by an additional agreement of the parties.
                      5.8. An insurance contract may establish an insured amount for a vehicle that is lower than the insured value (incomplete property insurance). Upon the occurrence of an insured event, the Insurer will compensate the Policyholder or the Beneficiary for part of the losses incurred by the latter, in proportion to the ratio of the insured amount to the insured value. The insurance contract may provide for a higher amount of insurance compensation, but in any case it cannot exceed the insured value of the vehicle and/or additional equipment.
                      5.9. In the insurance contract (insurance policy), the parties may indicate the amount of loss not compensated by the Insurer - the deductible. The deductible can be conditional or unconditional and set as a certain percentage of the value of the insured property or in a certain amount:
                      - when establishing a conditional (non-deductible) deductible, the Insurer is not liable for a loss that does not exceed the deductible amount, but compensates for damage in full if it exceeds the deductible amount;
                      - when establishing an unconditional (deductible) deductible, in all cases the loss is reimbursed minus the deductible amount.
                      5.10. After payment of the insurance compensation, the insurance amount under the insurance contract for the corresponding risk is reduced by the amount of the insurance payment made for this risk, unless otherwise provided by the insurance contract. The policyholder has the right to restore the insurance amount by concluding an additional agreement under the terms of these Rules for the remaining insurance period with payment of the corresponding part of the insurance premium.

                      6. Insurance premium, form and procedure for its payment

                      6.1. The insurance premium is a payment for insurance that the Policyholder is obliged to pay to the Insurer in accordance with the insurance contract (policy).
                      6.2. The amount of the insurance premium is calculated based on the sums insured, tariff rates and the insurance period.
                      6.3. Tariff rates are set on the basis of basic tariff rates, taking into account specific insurance conditions, taking into account the characteristics of the vehicle, the conditions and features of its operation, the insurance period, insured risks, as well as other factors affecting the likelihood of an insured event and the amount of possible damage.
                      6.4. Payment of the insurance premium is made in cash or by bank transfer, in a lump sum or in installments (two or more insurance premiums) within the time limits established by the insurance contract (insurance policy).
                      6.5. If the insurance contract provides for payment of the insurance premium in installments (two or more insurance premiums) and by the time the insured event occurs the insurance premium has not been paid in full, then the Insurer has the right, when determining the amount of insurance compensation to be paid, to deduct the amount of unpaid insurance premiums from the amount of insurance compensation .
                      6.6. If, in accordance with the insurance contract, the insurance premium is paid in installments and by the time circumstances are established that the insured amount exceeds the insured value, it has not been paid in full, the remaining insurance premiums must be paid in an amount reduced in proportion to the reduction in the amount of the insured amount.

                      7. Duration of the insurance contract

                      7.1. The insurance contract is concluded for a period of one year, unless otherwise provided in it.
                      7.2. An insurance contract, in accordance with these Rules, is considered short-term if it is concluded for a period of less than a year.
                      7.3. If, before the expiration of the previous insurance contract, an insurance contract is concluded for a new (next) term, then the Insurer’s liability under the new insurance contract begins from the moment the previous insurance contract expires, subject to timely payment of the insurance premium under the new contract.
                      7.4. The insurance contract comes into force at 00 o'clock on the day following the day of payment of the insurance premium or its first installment, and terminates at 24 o'clock on the day specified in the contract (insurance policy) as its end date. The insurance contract may provide for a different period for its entry into force.

                      8. Insurance contract

                      8.1. The insurance contract is concluded in writing.
                      8.1.1. An insurance contract can be concluded by drawing up one document - an insurance contract;
                      8.1.2. An insurance contract may be concluded by delivery by the Insurer to the Insured on the basis of his written or oral application of the insurance policy (certificate, certificate, receipt), signed by the Insurer and the Insured.
                      8.2. The insurance contract is an agreement between the Policyholder and the Insurer, by virtue of which the Insurer undertakes, upon the occurrence of an insured event, to make an insurance payment to the Policyholder (Insured Person, Beneficiary), in whose favor the insurance contract was concluded, and the Policyholder undertakes to pay the insurance premium as established by the insurance contract (insurance policy) deadlines.
                      8.3. A vehicle insurance contract can only be concluded in favor of a person who has an interest in preserving this vehicle based on law, another legal act or contract (for example, in favor of the owner, lessee, lessee, mortgagee, commission agent to whom the property has been transferred). An insurance contract concluded when the Policyholder or Beneficiary has no interest in preserving the insured vehicle is invalid.
                      8.4. To conclude an insurance contract, the Policyholder submits the signed insurance application to the Insurer's representative, unless otherwise provided by the insurance contract. In the application, he indicates accurate and complete information about the object of insurance and other necessary information that is essential for concluding an insurance contract, determining the likelihood of the occurrence of insured events and the amount of possible losses from their occurrence.
                      If, after concluding the insurance contract, it is established that the Policyholder provided the Insurer with knowingly false information about the circumstances specified in clause 8.4 and 8.5. of these Rules, the Insurer has the right to demand that the insurance contract be invalidated.
                      8.5. When concluding an insurance contract, the Policyholder (Beneficiary) must document his rights to the insured property and property interest in preserving the said property, as well as provide copies of registration documents for the vehicle - vehicle registration certificate, vehicle passport.
                      8.6. When concluding an insurance contract or changing its terms, the Policyholder (Beneficiary) is obliged to present the vehicle for inspection to the Insurer's representative. The results of the inspection are recorded by the Insurer in writing and signed by the Insured. The Insurer is not responsible for damaged or missing vehicle elements (units, assemblies, parts) for any reason, recorded during the inspection of the vehicle at the time of concluding the insurance contract.
                      8.7. In case of loss of the insurance contract (insurance policy) during its validity period, the Insurer issues to the Policyholder a duplicate of the insurance contract (policy), based on his written application.
                      8.8. The territory of insurance coverage is the territory of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise provided by the insurance contract.
                      8.9. The insurance contract is terminated in the following cases:
                      - expiration of its validity period;
                      - fulfillment by the Insurer of obligations under the contract in full;
                      - death of the Insured - an individual or liquidation of the Insured - a legal entity, except for cases of change of the name of the Insured in the insurance contract (policy) during its reorganization (merger, accession, division, separation, transformation);
                      - liquidation of the Insurer in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
                      - invalidation of the insurance contract by a court decision;
                      - in other cases provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
                      8.10. The insurance contract is terminated before the expiration of the period for which it was concluded, if after its entry into force the possibility of the occurrence of an insured event has ceased, and the existence of the insured risk has ceased due to circumstances other than the insured event, the Insured is obliged to notify the Insurer in writing about this.
                      In case of early termination of the insurance contract due to circumstances other than an insured event, the Insurer has the right to a portion of the insurance premium in proportion to the time during which the insurance was in force.
                      8.11. The policyholder has the right to cancel the insurance contract at any time, if at the time of refusal the possibility of the occurrence of an insured event has not disappeared due to circumstances other than the insured event.
                      8.12. In case of early refusal of the Policyholder (Beneficiary) from the insurance contract, the insurance premium paid to the Insurer is not refundable, unless otherwise provided by the insurance contract.
                      8.13. If the insurance contract or an agreement to it provides for the possibility of returning part of the insurance premium upon termination of the insurance contract at the initiative of the Insured, then its return is made in proportion to the validity period of the insurance contract and taking into account the Insurer's expenses. The balance of the insurance premium is not refundable after 10 months from the start of the insurance contract.

                      9. Consequences of changes in risk level

                      9.1. During the period of validity of the insurance contract, the Policyholder (the Beneficiary) is obliged to notify the Insurer in writing of all significant changes in the circumstances communicated to the Insurer when concluding the insurance contract, if these changes may significantly affect the increase in insurance risk. The Policyholder or Beneficiary must immediately, but in any case no later than 24 hours from the moment they become aware of this, notify the Insurer by any available means (including by telephone or fax), and no later than 3 days inform the Insurer in writing, attaching documents confirming these changes.
                      Changes specified in the insurance contract (insurance policy), application for insurance and in the Insurance Rules are considered significant, which, in particular, are:
                      9.1.1. Transfer of an insured vehicle and/or its additional equipment under a lease (rental) agreement, pledge or other civil law agreements;
                      9.1.2. Transfer of ownership of a vehicle to another person;
                      9.1.3. Significant damage or destruction of the insured object caused by a non-insured event;
                      9.1.4. Changing the purposes of its use specified in the application;
                      9.1.5. Removal of a vehicle from registration with the traffic police, re-registration of a vehicle with the traffic police;
                      9.1.6. Loss, theft or replacement of vehicle registration documents;
                      9.1.7. Replacement of the vehicle body or engine;
                      9.1.8. Loss (including theft) of keys, key fobs, chips, electronic activation cards from the insured vehicle;
                      9.1.9. Changing the list of persons allowed to drive a vehicle, directly specified in the insurance contract (insurance policy);
                      9.1.10. Changing vehicle storage conditions.
                      9.2. In the cases provided for in clauses 9.1.6, 9.1.8, the Policyholder or Beneficiary is obliged to immediately, but in any case no later than 24 hours from the moment they became aware of this, notify the competent authorities and the Insurer in writing. If these deadlines are not met, the Insurer has the right to fully or partially refuse to pay the insurance compensation.
                      9.3. The insurer, notified of circumstances entailing an increase in insurance risk, has the right to demand changes in the terms of the insurance contract or payment of an additional insurance premium in proportion to the increase in insurance risk.
                      If the Policyholder objects to changes in the terms of the insurance contract or additional payment of the insurance premium, the Insurer has the right to demand termination of the contract.
                      9.4. In the absence of notification or untimely notification of the Insurer about the circumstances set out in paragraph 9.1 of these Rules, the Insurer has the right to refuse to pay insurance compensation upon the occurrence of an insured event.
                      9.5. Regardless of whether the degree of risk has increased or not, the Insurer has the right, during the term of the insurance contract, to check the condition of the insured vehicle and the additional equipment installed on it, as well as the accuracy of the information provided by the Insured.

                      10. Rights and obligations of the parties

                      10.1. The insurer is obliged:
                      10.1.1. Familiarize the Policyholder with the Insurance Rules and hand over a copy of the Rules to the Policyholder upon concluding an insurance contract (insurance policy);
                      10.1.2. After receiving from the Policyholder (Beneficiary) an application for payment of insurance compensation, he fulfills the obligations specified in clause 10.2. of these Rules, within the time limits provided for by these Rules and the insurance contract (insurance policy), conduct an investigation into the causes and circumstances of the insured event, determine the amount of damage, and if the event occurs, the insurer will pay the insurance compensation.
                      10.1.3. Notify the Insured of the refusal to pay insurance compensation (security), if there are grounds for refusal, within the period specified in clause 12.3. of these Rules.
                      10.1.4. Do not disclose information about the Insured and his property status, except for cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
                      10.1.5. Perform other actions provided for in the insurance contract.
                      10.2. The policyholder is obliged:
                      10.2.1. Pay the insurance premium (insurance premiums) in the manner and within the time limits established by the insurance contract (insurance policy);
                      10.2.2. When concluding an insurance contract (insurance policy), inform the Insurer about all circumstances known to him that are important for assessing the insurance risk, as well as about all existing or concluded insurance contracts in relation to this vehicle, present the vehicle for inspection to the Insurer;
                      10.2.3. When an insured event occurs, take the necessary measures to save the insured vehicle, prevent its further damage and reduce the damage;
                      10.2.4. After the occurrence of an event that has signs of an insured event, immediately, but in any case no later than 24 hours from the moment of its occurrence, report it to the competent government authorities and the Insurer.
                      10.2.5. Within 5 calendar days from the occurrence of the insured event, submit to the Insurer a written application in the established form about the occurrence of the insured event and payment of insurance compensation. Indicate in the application all the circumstances of the occurrence of the insured event known to the Policyholder at the time of filing the application.
                      If an insured event occurs abroad the Russian Federation, the obligation specified in clause 10.2.5. The policyholder must comply no later than 3 days after his return from abroad. Requirements of paragraphs 10.2.4. and 10.2.5 do not apply to events that occurred under the risk of "accident".
                      10.2.6. Agree with the Insurer on the procedure for repairing the damaged vehicle;
                      10.2.7. After eliminating the damage caused by the insured event and restoring (repairing) the vehicle, present it to the Insurer. If this obligation is not fulfilled or the Insured refuses to fulfill this obligation, the Insurer shall not be liable for similar repeated damage to the vehicle.
                      10.2.8. Return to the Insurer the received insurance indemnity in full or part of the insurance indemnity if, during the limitation periods provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, a circumstance is discovered that, by law or these Rules, fully or partially deprives the Insured or Beneficiary of the right to insurance indemnity;
                      10.2.9. Notify the Insurer of the receipt by the Policyholder (Beneficiary) of compensation from other persons responsible for causing damage to him within 24 hours from the date of receipt of such compensation;
                      10.2.10. Return to the Insurer the amount of the received insurance compensation for the stolen vehicle and/or additional equipment, if the vehicle and/or additional equipment is found, or transfer to the Insurer the found vehicle and/or additional equipment, which is formalized by an appropriate written agreement of the parties.
                      10.2.11. Bring to the attention of persons authorized to drive the insured vehicle the requirements of these Rules and the insurance contract (insurance policy).
                      10.2.12. Perform other actions provided for by the insurance contract (insurance policy) and these Rules;
                      Responsibilities specified in clause 10.2. of these Rules are also assigned to the Beneficiary and the Insured Persons.
                      10.3. The insurer has the right:
                      10.3.1. Check the information provided by the Policyholder, the Beneficiary, the Insured and other persons, as well as the compliance by the Policyholder with these Insurance Rules and the terms of the insurance contract (insurance policy);
                      10.3.2. If necessary, send requests to the competent authorities to provide relevant documents and information confirming the fact and reason for the occurrence of the insured event;
                      10.3.3. Independently find out the causes and circumstances of the insured event;
                      10.3.4. The Insurer has the right to conduct business in judicial and arbitration bodies on behalf of and on behalf of the Insured, as well as on his behalf to make statements regarding claims made by Injured Persons in connection with insured events. In this case, the Policyholder is obliged to issue a duly executed power of attorney to the Insurer's representative to represent his interests.
                      10.4. The policyholder has the right:
                      10.4.1. Terminate the insurance contract early in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
                      10.4.2. Receive a duplicate of the insurance contract (insurance policy) in case of its loss;
                      10.4.3. The insured has the right, when concluding an insurance contract (insurance policy), to appoint legal entities and individuals (Beneficiaries) who have an interest in preserving the insured vehicle to receive insurance payments under the insurance contract (insurance policy), as well as replace them at his own discretion before the occurrence of an insured event .

                      11. Procedure and conditions for payment of insurance compensation (security). Relationships between the parties upon the occurrence of an insured event.

                      11.1. The insurer compensates the Policyholder (Beneficiary, Injured Persons) for losses resulting from the occurrence of an insured event. Compensation for damage is made by paying insurance compensation in the amount determined in accordance with the contents of this section.
                      11.2. Insurance compensation is paid after the causes, participants, consequences of the event and the amount of damage have been fully determined, provided that the Insurer recognizes the event as an insured event. In this case, the obligation to provide documents justifying the reasons for the occurrence of the insured event and the amount of damage rests with the Insured or the Beneficiary.
                      11.3. Payment of insurance compensation is made after the Insurer recognizes the event as an insured event and receives from the Policyholder (Beneficiary) all documents requested by the Insurer within:
                      - 30 days for theft risk;
                      11.4. The date of payment of insurance compensation is the date of debiting funds from the Insurer's account, the date of payment of funds from the Insurer's cash desk, or the date of signing by the Policyholder and the Insurer of an agreement on the offset of mutual monetary claims.
                      11.5. The amount of insurance compensation (security) is determined by the Insurer on the basis of documents confirming the amount of losses within the insured amount and taking into account the amount of the Insured's own participation in compensation for losses (deductible). 11.6. Upon the occurrence of an insured event under the risks "DAMAGE", "DAMAGE TO ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT":
                      11.6.1. In the event of damage to a vehicle and additional equipment installed on it, insured under the DAMAGE risk, the amount of losses is recognized equal to the cost of repair and restoration work carried out in relation to the damaged vehicle and additional equipment installed on it, ensuring the elimination of damage resulting from the occurrence of an insured event.
                      The cost of repair and restoration work includes:
                      - cost of purchasing spare parts;
                      - cost of consumables;
                      - cost of repair work.
                      11.6.2. The amount of losses and the reasons for their occurrence are established by the Insurer's experts by inspecting the damaged vehicle and the additional equipment installed on it, based on documents received from the competent government agencies, commercial and other organizations.
                      11.6.3. The insurer compensates for losses associated with the elimination of hidden damage and defects caused by an insured event, identified during the repair process and documented.
                      If hidden damages and defects are detected, the Policyholder is obliged to notify the Insurer about this before eliminating them so that he can draw up an additional inspection report.
                      The insurance contract may provide for reimbursement of expenses agreed upon by the parties related to the rental of a vehicle for the period of repair of the insured vehicle, but not more than for 30 days.
                      11.6.4. If, as a result of an insured event, the vehicle is unable to move independently, then the Insurer will reimburse the Insured for the costs of delivering the vehicle from the scene of the accident to the nearest repair or parking areas, subject to documentary evidence of these costs.
                      11.6.5. If the Policyholder does not agree with the amount of losses and/or the reasons for their occurrence, which were established by the Insurer's experts, then the Policyholder has the right to demand an independent examination. An independent examination is carried out by an expert organization proposed by the Insured and approved by the Insurer.
                      11.6.6. In case of complete constructive or actual loss of the vehicle and/or additional equipment installed on it, as well as in cases where their restoration exceeds 75% of the insured value, the Insurer pays insurance compensation on the terms of “Total loss” according to one of the following options:
                      a) pays insurance compensation in the amount of the insured amount minus the amount of depreciation wear and tear of the vehicle and/or additional equipment installed on it for the period of validity of the insurance contract, the amount of previously made insurance compensation payments for the corresponding risk and the value of the remainder of the vehicle and additional equipment suitable for further sale equipment, provided that suitable remains remain at the disposal of the Insured;
                      b) pays insurance compensation in the amount of the insured amount minus the amount of depreciation wear and tear of the vehicle and/or additional equipment installed on it for the period of validity of the insurance contract, the amount of previously made insurance compensation payments for the corresponding risk, subject to the transfer of the remainder of the vehicle and additional equipment by the Insured ( Beneficiary) To the Insurer.
                      Payment of insurance compensation under the conditions of "COMPLETE LOSS" is made minus the cost of missing (replaced) or damaged parts and assemblies, the absence and/or damage of which is not related to the insured event in question.
                      After payment of insurance compensation under the terms of “COMPLETE DESTRUCTION” of the vehicle and/or additional equipment installed on it, the insurance contract is terminated and no refund of the insurance premium is made.
                      11.6.7. In order for the Insurer to make a decision to recognize the case as insured and pay insurance compensation for the risk “DAMAGE” and “DAMAGE TO ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT”, the Insured (Beneficiary) is obliged:
             Fulfill the relevant duties provided for in clause 10.2. These Rules.
             Present to the authorized representative of the Insurer for inspection and drawing up an inspection report the damaged vehicle, additional equipment or parts thereof in the form in which they were found as a result of the insured event.
             Agree with the Insurer on the procedure for paying insurance compensation and carrying out restoration repairs of the vehicle and additional equipment installed on it;
             Submit the following documents to the insurer:
                      a) the original certificate from the competent state authorities confirming the occurrence of the insured event and its consequences, namely:
                      - for an accident - documents containing the necessary information to recognize the event as insured, including indicating other participants in the accident) and a resolution certified by the preliminary investigation authorities to initiate or refuse to initiate a criminal case, if any.
                      - for illegal actions of third parties - documents confirming this fact with a list of damages received by the vehicle, containing other necessary information, as well as certified copies of the decision to initiate or refuse to initiate a criminal case on this fact;
                      - on fire - conclusion of the State Fire Supervision Authority (OGFS);
                      - for a natural disaster - a certificate from the state body that supervises and controls the state of the environment (hydrometeorological service), confirming the qualification of the event as a natural disaster and confirmation of contacting the internal affairs authorities at the scene of the incident;
                      b) copies of documents confirming the property interest of the Insured or Beneficiary (Vehicle registration certificate, vehicle passport, lease agreement or other agreement), as well as documents confirming the driver’s right to drive the insured vehicle (driver’s license, power of attorney, waybill);
                      c) originals or duly certified copies of payment documents confirming the costs of the Insured or the Beneficiary for the restoration of the damaged vehicle and/or additional equipment (cost estimates, invoices, invoices, invoices, work orders, etc.)
                      d) a copy of the license (with attachments) of the car service center that carried out the repair and/or independent examination, duly certified;
                      e) a genuine contract for the provision of services (contract, etc.) or a duly certified copy thereof, concluded between the Insured and the car service center and/or an independent examination to draw up an expert opinion on the amount of losses and/or restoration repairs of the damaged vehicle and/ or additional equipment;
                      f) a document confirming the delivery and acceptance of the work (services) performed;
                      g) originals or duly certified copies of payment documents confirming the costs of the Insured (Beneficiary) for the preparation of calculations and for the restoration of the vehicle and/or additional equipment.
                      11.6.8 The insurer has the right to pay insurance compensation without the Insured (Beneficiary, Insured Persons) providing a certificate from the state competent authorities in the event of damage to one body element (including the bumper cover) - no more than two times during the validity period of the insurance contract, one glass element - without limiting the number of requests, unless otherwise provided by the insurance contract. In this case, the Insurer does not compensate for damage to eliminate detected hidden damage.
                      11.7. When an insured event occurs under the risk "THEFT":
                      11.7.1. In the event of theft of a vehicle and/or additional equipment installed on it, insured under the risk "THEFT", the Insurer pays insurance compensation in the amount of the insured amount established for the vehicle, minus the amount of wear and tear of the vehicle at the time of the insured event and the amount of previously paid insurance compensations for the corresponding risk, unless the insurance contract provides for a different amount of insurance compensation for the THEFT risk.
                      11.7.2. In order for the Insurer to make a decision to recognize the case as insured and to pay the Policyholder insurance compensation for the risk "THEFT", the Policyholder (Beneficiary) is obliged to:
             Fulfill the relevant duties provided for in clause 10.2. of these Rules.
             Submit the following documents to the Insurer:
                      - the original certificate from the competent authorities on the initiation of a criminal case regarding the theft of a vehicle and/or additional equipment installed on it;
                      - copies of decisions (certified by state competent authorities) on the initiation or refusal to initiate a criminal case and the suspension of a criminal case based on the theft of a vehicle and/or additional equipment installed on it;
                      - original registration documents for the vehicle (vehicle passport, vehicle registration certificate), except in cases where they are attached to the materials of the criminal case or stolen through open theft along with the vehicle;
                      - genuine powers of attorney issued for the right to own, use and dispose of the insured vehicle;
                      - other documents requested by the Insurer, necessary to make a decision on recognizing the case as insured and paying insurance compensation.
             The Policyholder is obliged to transfer to the Insurer all sets of vehicle keys, alarm key fobs, and keys for other anti-theft systems installed on the insured vehicle.
             Also, a necessary condition for the Insurer to make a decision on payment of insurance compensation for the THEFT risk is the conclusion between the Insurer and the Insured (Beneficiary) of an agreement on the procedure for paying insurance compensation and the procedure for the Insured (Beneficiary) in the event of detection of a stolen vehicle and/or additional equipment installed on it equipment.
                      11.7.3. After payment of the insurance compensation for the stolen additional equipment in full, the contract under it is terminated. When insuring newly installed additional equipment, an addendum to the insurance contract is drawn up, the validity period of which cannot exceed the validity period of the main insurance contract (policy) for the vehicle, and the Insured pays the Insurer an additional insurance premium.
                      11.7.4. After payment of insurance compensation in connection with the theft of a vehicle, the contract is terminated and no refund of the insurance premium is made.
                      11.7.5. By agreement with the Insured, the Insurer may pay insurance compensation for a stolen vehicle by providing the Insured with a vehicle with a value within the amount of the insurance compensation.
                      11.7.6. In case of theft of a vehicle not equipped with an anti-theft system, the Insurer pays the Policyholder an insurance indemnity in the amount of 80% of the amount of insurance compensation calculated in accordance with these Rules.
                      11.8. When an insured event occurs under the risk "CIVIL LIABILITY DURING OPERATION OF VEHICLES":
                      11.8.1. The amount of insurance compensation is determined by the Insurer on the basis of documents confirming the fact of causing and the amount of damage, in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and these Rules.
                      11.8.2. The amount of insurance compensation includes:
             Expenses for compensation for harm caused to injured persons entitled to compensation in accordance with the civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
                      In case of harm to the health of an individual or death, these expenses include:
                      - earnings that the victim lost as a result of loss of ability to work or its reduction as a result of injury or other damage to health;
                      - additional expenses necessary to restore health (for enhanced nutrition, sanatorium treatment, outside care, prosthetics, transportation costs, expenses for paid medical care, etc.);
                      - part of the earnings, which in the event of the death of the victim, disabled persons who were dependent or had the right to receive maintenance from him were deprived;
                      - funeral expenses.
                      In the event of property damage to an individual or legal entity, these expenses are determined by the actual damage caused by the destruction or damage to property:
                      - in case of complete loss of property, the real damage is equal to the actual value of the lost property minus depreciation and the value of the remains suitable for use;
                      - in case of partial damage to property, real damage is determined as the amount of expenses necessary to bring the damaged property to the condition in which it was before the insured event.
                      The amount of these costs when settling claims in a pre-trial manner is determined by agreement between the Insurer and the person making the claim, with the participation of the Policyholder or the Insured.
                      If the specified Parties do not reach a mutually acceptable agreement, the amount of costs for compensation for damage caused is determined by a decision of the judicial authorities.
             Expenses incurred by the Policyholder or the Insured Person in order to reduce losses subject to compensation by the Insurer, if such expenses were necessary or were incurred to carry out the instructions of the Insurer. These expenses are reimbursed in the manner established by Article 962 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
             Expenses of the Policyholder or the Insured for conducting cases in the courts regarding insured events, if these expenses were incurred in pursuance of the written instructions of the Insurer or with his written consent.
                      11.8.3. The amount of the Insured's expenses reimbursed by the Insurer related to satisfying the justified claims of the Injured Persons against the Insured, the Insured's expenses for conducting cases in court regarding alleged insured events, as well as other expenses provided for by these Rules, cannot generally exceed the amount of the insured amount for the risk " Civil liability during the operation of vehicles" established by the insurance contract. 11.8.4. In case of damage by the driver of the insured vehicle
                      for damage to life, health and (or) property of third parties due to the operation of the insured vehicle, the Policyholder is obliged to:
             Immediately, but in any case no later than 5 (five) calendar days from the date of the occurrence of the insured event, notify the Insurer in writing of all claims of a property nature presented to the Policyholder in connection with the insured event.
             During the Insurer's consideration of the claims of the Injured Persons, send, at the direction of the Insurer, written requests to the Injured Persons for the provision of documents necessary for the investigation of the insured event by the Insurer, and also take all measures to ensure the participation of the Insurer in the inspection of the damaged property and assessment of the damage caused;
             Fulfill the relevant duties provided for in clause 10.2. of these Rules.
             Submit the following documents to the insurer:
                      - documents containing the necessary information to recognize the event as an insured event;
                      - copies of the resolution to initiate or refuse to initiate a criminal case, certified by the preliminary investigation authorities, if any;
                      - a document confirming the Insured’s call to inspect the damaged vehicle for the purpose of drawing up an inspection report and an expert opinion on the cost of restorative repairs of the damaged property
                      - an inspection report of damaged property and a calculation (estimate, conclusion) of damage drawn up by a certified independent expert organization licensed to carry out appraisal activities;
                      - documents confirming the existence of ownership rights or other property interests in the lost (lost) or damaged property of the Injured Persons at the time of the insured event;
                      - documents confirming that the Injured Persons (victim and/or victim) have a right of claim against the Insured (Insured Persons);
                      - court decision, if any;
                      - other documents requested by the Insurer and necessary to make a decision on recognizing the case as insured and making payment of insurance compensation.
             The obligations of the Insured to provide the documents specified in the previous paragraph of these Rules can be fulfilled by the Injured Persons (victims and/or victims of an accident).
             Upon recognition of the validity of the claims of the Injured Persons submitted to the Policyholder (Insured) for compensation for the damage caused to them, the Insurer recognizes the case as insured and pays the Injured Persons insurance compensation within the time limits provided for by these Rules.
                      11.9. Upon the occurrence of an insured event under the "ACIDENT" risk:
                      11.9.1. Upon the occurrence of an insured event, the Policyholder, the Insured Persons or the Beneficiary are obliged to immediately, but in any case no later than 30 (thirty) days from the date of the occurrence of the insured event, notify the Insurer in writing about the event.
                      11.9.2. In order for the Insurer to make a decision to recognize the event as insured and to pay insurance coverage for the risk "ACIDENT", the Policyholder, the Insured Person or the heirs of the Insured Person have the right to contact the Insurer with an application for payment of insurance coverage no later than 3 years from the date of the occurrence of the insured event.
                      11.9.3. To receive insurance coverage in connection with loss of ability to work, the Policyholder or the Insured Person is required to provide the Insurer with the following documents:
                      - insurance policy;
                      - statement of an insured event indicating the affected Insured persons;
                      - original documents from a medical institution indicating the diagnosis made to the Insured Person, or duly certified copies of these documents.
             If the Insured Person is diagnosed with disability, the Policyholder or the Insured Person is obliged to provide the Insurer, in addition to those listed in clause 11.9.3. of these Rules for documents, the conclusion of a medical institution - the original or a duly certified copy.
                      11.9.4. To receive insurance coverage in connection with the death of the Insured person, his heirs provide the following documents:
                      - insurance policy,
                      - statement of an insured event indicating the affected Insured persons,
                      - the original certificate from the competent government authorities confirming the occurrence of an insured event indicating the victims;
                      - a notarized copy of the death certificate of the Insured person;
                      - a detailed medical report indicating the causes of death of the Insured person;
                      - a notarized copy of the certificate of inheritance;
                      11.9.5. Upon the occurrence of an insured event, the Insurer pays insurance coverage in the following amounts:
             In the event of the death of an Insured person who is insured under a lump-sum system - in the amount of the indemnity limit for each Insured person. In this case, the compensation limit is equal to:
                      - 40% of the insured amount, if one Insured person suffered as a result of an insured event;
                      - 35% of the insured amount for each victim, if two Insured persons were injured as a result of the insured event;
                      - 30% of the insured amount for each victim, if three Insured persons were injured as a result of the insured event;
                      - in equal shares for each victim, if four or more Insured persons were injured as a result of the insured event.
             In the event of the death of the Insured person who is insured according to the system of places - in the amount of the insured amount per place.
                      11.9.6. In the event of permanent loss of ability to work (disability) of the Insured Person, payments are made in the following amounts:
                      a) with a “lump sum” insurance system:
                      1st group - 100%,
                      2nd group - 75%,
                      3rd group - 50% of the indemnity limit for each Insured person specified in clause of these Rules;
                      b) with insurance according to the “seat system”
                      1st group -100%,
                      2nd group - 75%,
                      3rd group - 50% of the insurance
                      amounts per place.
                      11.9.7. In the event of temporary disability of the Insured person, the Insurer pays insurance coverage in the amount of 0.25% of the corresponding insured amount for each day of incapacity starting from the fifteenth day, but in total, no more than 10% of the insured amount. If, after a period of temporary disability, the Insured person is assigned a disability group by the appropriate commission, the total amount of insurance compensation paid to this person cannot exceed the amount specified in clause 11.9.6.
                      11.10. For each risk, the total amount of payments for all insured events cannot exceed the insurance amount established for the corresponding risk in the insurance contract (policy).

                      12. Refusal to pay insurance compensation (security)

                      12.1. The Insurer has the right to refuse to pay the Insurance Indemnity (security) to the Policyholder in the following cases:
                      12.1.1. Provision by the Policyholder to the Insurer of knowingly false information, information and documents for the insured vehicle;
                      12.1.2. Receipt by the Insured of appropriate compensation for damage from the person responsible for causing damage to the vehicle and/or additional equipment (denial of the risk "DAMAGE" and "THEFT");
                      12.1.3. Destruction or damage to the vehicle as a result of an event that is not recognized by the Insurer as an insured event;
                      12.1.4. The occurrence of an event before the entry into force of the insurance contract;
                      12.1.5 Deliberate failure by the Insured (Beneficiary) to take reasonable and available measures to reduce possible losses.
                      12.1.6 Failure by the Insured to fulfill the obligations provided for by these Rules and conditions of the insurance contract, which resulted in the Insurer’s impossibility of making a decision to recognize the case as insured and pay insurance compensation (security).
                      12.1.7. If the Policyholder (Beneficiary) or their authorized person does not present the vehicle for inspection by the Insurer's experts after the occurrence of the insured event.
                      12.2. If the Insured or the Beneficiary renounced their right to claim against the person responsible for the losses compensated by the Insurer, or the exercise of this right became impossible due to the fault of the Insured or the Beneficiary, then the Insurer is released from paying the insurance compensation in full or in the relevant part and has the right to demand the return of the overpaid amount compensation (not ensuring the right of claim against the guilty persons).
                      12.3. The decision to refuse to pay insurance compensation (security) is made by the Insurer and communicated to the Policyholder (Beneficiary, Injured Persons) in writing with a reasoned justification for the reasons for the refusal within 15 days from the date of receipt from the Policyholder of all documents on the event that occurred and the latter fulfilling all obligations provided for insurance contract and these Rules.
                      12.4. The terms of the insurance contract may provide for other grounds for refusal of insurance payment, if this does not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation.

                      13. Transfer to the insurer of the rights of the insured (beneficiary) to compensate for damages in relation to third parties (subrogation)

                      13.1. The Insurer who paid the insurance indemnity receives, within the limits of the amount paid, the right of claim that the Insured (the Beneficiary) has against the person responsible for the losses compensated as a result of the insurance.
                      13.2. The Policyholder (Beneficiary) is obliged to transfer to the Insurer all documents and evidence, as well as provide him with all the information necessary for the Insurer to exercise the right of claim transferred to him.
                      13.3. If the Insured (Beneficiary) received compensation from other persons for the damage caused, then the Insurer pays only the difference between the amount payable under the terms of the insurance contract (policy) and these Rules, as well as the amount received from other persons.

                      14. Double insurance

                      14.1. The Policyholder (Beneficiary) is obliged to inform the Insurer in writing about all insurance contracts concluded in relation to the insured object with other insurance companies. In this case, the Policyholder (Beneficiary) is obliged to indicate the name of other insurance companies, objects of insurance and the amount of insurance amounts.
                      14.2. If at the time of the occurrence of the insured event other insurance contracts for similar risks were also in force in relation to the insured object, then the Insurer pays compensation for damage in the amount proportional to the ratio of the insured amount under the contract concluded by the Insurer to the total amount for all insurance contracts concluded by the Insured for this object.
                      14.3. If the conclusion of several insurance contracts in relation to an object insured by the Insurer for similar risks in an amount exceeding its insured value (under an agreement with the Insurer) was the result of intent on the part of the Insured, the Insurer has the right to demand recognition of the contract as invalid and compensation for losses caused to it in accordance with current legislation of the Russian Federation.

                      15. The procedure for making changes and additions to the insurance contract

                      15.1. Changes to the contract are possible by agreement of the parties, unless otherwise provided by the insurance contract.
                      15.2. An agreement to amend or terminate a contract is made in the same form as an insurance contract, unless otherwise follows from the law, other legal acts, contract or business customs.
                      15.3. In case of amendments to the insurance contract, the obligations are considered changed and come into force from the date of conclusion of the agreement of the parties on the change or termination of the contract, unless otherwise follows from the agreement or the nature of the change in the contract.

                      16. Dispute resolution procedure and responsibilities of the parties

                      16.1. Disputes arising in the process of fulfilling obligations under the insurance contract are resolved through negotiations.
                      16.2. If no agreement is reached on controversial issues, their resolution is submitted to a court of general jurisdiction or an arbitration court in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
                      16.3. In case of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the obligations provided for by these Rules and the insurance contract (policy), the parties bear responsibility under the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

                      To calculate your CASCO or MTPL insurance premium, apply for a policy, get advice on car insurance or invite our specialist, you just need to contact us:

                      or send a request to calculate an insurance premium or issue a policy from the SMS page of our website.

                      8.3. A vehicle insurance contract can only be concluded in favor of a person who has an interest in preserving this vehicle based on law, another legal act or contract (for example, in favor of the owner, lessee, lessee, mortgagee, commission agent to whom the property has been transferred). An insurance contract concluded when the Policyholder or Beneficiary has no interest in preserving the insured vehicle is invalid.

                      b) copies of documents confirming the property interest of the Insured or Beneficiary (Vehicle registration certificate, vehicle passport, lease agreement or other agreement), as well as documents confirming the driver’s right to drive the insured vehicle (driver’s license, power of attorney, waybill);

                      Insurance of the outpost lane of legal entities

                      What can you insure yourself with?
                      Subject to the agreement, you may be insured against damage and/or loss of inheritance:
                      fire and burn, incl. smoke due to fire or decay, visible soot or corrosive gas, impact of the sparkler, vibration, incl. gas, which is used for everyday needs, the decline of lethal devices;
                      natural phenomena - storm, hurricane, gale, tornado, squall, earthquake, flood, flood, hail, storm, swell, pressure on a snowball, landslide, subsidence, sinkhole, snowfall;
                      accidents - damage caused by water, water vapor and liquids;
                      illegal actions of third parties - theft with infiltration, robbery, burglary, misappropriation/dispossession by third parties;
                      on/off from ground transportation;
                      road and transport benefits - collision with transport vehicles and attack of creatures;
                      battle glass (deterioration and/or deterioration of cursed surfaces, display windows, mirrors, stained glass);

                      Insurance is available on the stand:
                      Licenses of DerzhFinPoslug AB No. 500287 dated January 13, 2010.
                      Licenses DerzhFinPoslug AB No. 500288 dated 01/13/2010
                      Rules of Voluntary Insurance Mine No. 211.1 dated December 4, 2007.
                      Rules of Voluntary Insurance against Fire Risks and Natural Hazards Risks No. 210.1 dated 12/04/2007.

                      The list of property insurance leaders in 2009 underwent noticeable changes. The leaders of the real market in 2009 in this segment were: SOGAZ, Military Insurance Company, Ingosstrakh, Rosgosstrakh, RESO - Garantiya, ROSNO, Alfa - Insurance, Soglasie, Leader, "UralSib". Thus, these companies ensured ultra-high growth rates in premiums. In 2009, Ingosstrakh pushed SOGAZ to third place and took a leading position in the property insurance market for legal entities. In 2009, Ingosstrakh collected insurance premiums in the amount of 118,734 thousand rubles in insuring the property of legal entities, while SOGAZ collected only 64,084 thousand rubles in the same year.

                      However, the level of insurance coverage for numerous risks associated with production, operation of fixed assets, and fire protection remains extremely low at this point in time. In insurance, approximately 4.5% is covered by property insurance for legal entities. This is despite the fact that losses from fires, natural disasters, and accidents amount to huge sums.

                      Alpha insurance rules for property insurance of legal entities

                      7.1.1. In cases where the civil legislation of the Russian Federation allows for refusal of insurance payment: failure to fulfill the obligation to notify the Insurer about an insurance event in the manner and within the time limits provided for by these Rules (immediately from the moment of the occurrence of the insurance event in terms of insurance of medical expenses during the trip, contact the Insurer's customer service by telephone and provide a written statement within 31 days from the date of expiration of the insurance contract), gives the Insurer the right to refuse payment of insurance compensation unless it is proven that the Insurer learned in a timely manner about the occurrence of the insured event, or that the Insurer’s lack of information about this could not have occurred affect his obligation to pay insurance compensation.

                      2.9. If the Insurer makes a decision to conclude insurance contracts that are generally exceptions to insurance coverage (in accordance with clause 4.4.6 of Section 1 and clauses 4.9.23, 4.9.24 of Section 2 of the Rules), the insurance premium is paid by the Insured in in accordance with the increasing coefficients established by the Insurer.

                      Property insurance rules for legal entities

                      • short duration of the contract;
                      • the ability to pay the insurance premium in any form (cash or non-cash);
                      • making a one-time payment, including upon expiration of the term;
                      • insurance of real estate and movable objects;
                      • preferential offers for some categories.
                      • for premises and entire buildings - the cost of the structure itself, taking into account the technical condition and wear and tear;
                      • for goods and products - more than production costs, but less than the price set for sale;
                      • for equipment and inventory - real cost taking into account wear and tear;
                      • other types of property - at the purchase price of the object, which is valid at the time of concluding the insurance contract.

                      Prospects for the development of property insurance for legal entities in Russia

                      The property insurance market for legal entities has actively developed simultaneously with the process of growth in lending to legal entities. Today, medium and small enterprises and individual entrepreneurs are actively receiving loans. Thus, the development of the property insurance market for legal entities began to develop with the need for credit resources.

                      The development of the national insurance system over a five-year period is characterized by high dynamics. The total volume of insurance payments (contributions) for all types of insurance for 2009 amounted to 977.53 billion rubles; growth over five years - 1.5 times; including for voluntary types of insurance - 2.1 times. In 2009, insurers paid out 734.45 billion rubles to the population and organizations. In 2009, there were 49.5 million contracts in force, most of them contracts concluded by citizens, which indicates an increase in the attraction of funds from the population into the insurance system.

                      Property insurance for legal entities

                      In 2017, the reform of compulsory motor liability insurance began, and for the first time in history, life insurance collected more insurance premiums than motor insurance. How long will this new arrangement last? What to do with the “automobile citizen” that is slowing down the market? Will property insurance become a new market driver?

                      We help the client in developing an individual insurance product, maintain a dialogue with the insurance company and advise on all emerging issues, support in the event of an insured event, and also provide legal support and analytical services.

                      Insurance of property of legal entities (for example - D2 Insurance -)

                      Insurance ensures social and economic stability by guaranteeing compensation to owners in the event of loss or damage to their property and loss of income. Insurance allows legal entities to compensate for damage caused by random adverse events and provides the opportunity to obtain insurance coverage.

                      At this time, the Government is promoting the idea of ​​creating a private insurance company. And not without success. On October 14, 1827, the First Russian Fire Insurance Company began its work. The government provided the society with a number of serious benefits and privileges, in particular, the exclusive right to insure buildings in certain regions of the country for 20 years and exemption from paying all taxes for the same time. These factors determine the effective development of insurance.

                      Expert RA noted the leading position of AlfaStrakhovanie in the segment of property insurance for legal entities

                      AlfaStrakhovanie has traditionally become the owner of various professional awards and bonuses. In 2008-2009 AlfaStrakhovanie twice won the National Award in the field of finance “Financial Olympus” in the “Customer Service” category. In 2010, the company won the 5th Anniversary Award “Financial Elite of Russia 2005-2010” in the “Customer Recognition” category. In December 2010, AlfaStrakhovanie became the winner of the VI Annual Award “Car Dealer of the Year 2010” in the “Insurance Company” category. In May 2011, AlfaStrakhovanie won the “Social Project of the Year” nomination as part of the All-Russian Insurance Award “Golden Salamander”. In June 2011, AlfaStrakhovanie became the winner of the Golden Salamander award in the categories “Internet Project of the Year in Insurance” and “Innovation of the Year in Insurance”.

                      The “Future of the Insurance Market” forum, a traditional annual project of the Expert RA rating agency, is being held for the fifth time in 2011. The forum is an authoritative platform for discussing key problems and prospects for domestic insurance and determines the vector of development for the near future, as well as the main directions of the long-term strategy of the entire Russian insurance market. Every year, within the framework of the project, an analytical study “The Future of the Insurance Market in Russia” is prepared, compiled on the basis of a questionnaire and expert interviews of market participants, as well as a study “Expert RA” “Opinion of Market Leaders”.

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