Obtaining a unified compulsory medical insurance policy. How and where to change a medical insurance policy? For what period is the compulsory medical insurance policy issued?

The Law “On Compulsory Medical Insurance in the Russian Federation” (2010) and the Compulsory Medical Insurance Rules (2011) establish the right of every citizen of the country and certain certain categories of persons to independently choose an insurance company and obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy.
The forms previously received by citizens do not lose legal force and are valid until they are replaced with a document of a single standard; medical care on them is provided in the full scope of the program. Compulsory medical insurance policies of a single type are personalized and are characterized by high levels of protection against counterfeiting or changes in posted data. The forms are produced centrally by the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.

Organizations where you can change your health insurance policy or obtain a document, taking into account the requirements of the law, include licensed medical insurance companies listed in the register of health insurance companies.

How is the replacement made?

To obtain or replace an updated uniform form, the client must contact (personally or through an authorized representative) one of the policy issuing points and fill out an application indicating the insurance organization he has chosen independently. For minor children, the choice of company is made by the child's parents or legal representatives (guardians). The registration procedure is free of charge.

Along with the application, you must provide an identity card or passport and an individual pension insurance number (SNILS). The data reflected in the application must be indicated correctly, legibly and without corrections.

The insured person has the opportunity to change the previously selected insurance company once per calendar year, except for exceptions related to a change of place of residence or termination of the functioning of the insurance organization.

Replacement of a compulsory medical insurance policy is made upon submission of an application accompanied by the following documents or notarized copies:

Applicant category Documents requested for presentation Note
1 Citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached 14 years of age or older
  • ID card (passport),
The issued policy does not contain restrictions on the validity period.
2 Minor citizen of the Russian Federation (under 14 years old)
  • birth certificate,
  • confirmation of pension insurance (OPS or DPO, if available),
  • ID card of the parent (anyone).
The issued sample has no restrictions on the period of validity.
Citizen of another state
3 Permanently residing in the Russian Federation
  • passport of a foreign citizen,
  • resident card,
  • Confirmation of compulsory public health certificate or additional training certificate.
The issued form has no restrictions on its validity period.
4 Temporarily residing in the Russian Federation
  • passport of a foreign citizen with a temporary residence permit stamp,
  • certificate of pension insurance (if available).
The sample issued has a limited validity period.
Stateless person
5 Permanently residing in the Russian Federation
  • document certifying a stateless person,
  • right of residence,
The issued sample has no restrictions on its validity period.
6 Temporarily residing in the Russian Federation
  • a document certifying a stateless person with a note indicating temporary residence permit,
  • certificate of pension insurance (if any).
The issued sample has a limited validity period.
7 Person with refugee status
  • document certifying the applicant's refugee status.
The option issued has a limited validity period.

On the day the application is submitted, the client is given a temporary certificate valid for 30 working days from the date of registration. The specified time is necessary to verify the fact of possible issuance of the policy by another company and the subsequent production of the form.

The applicant is entitled to receive only one policy form. If the issuer discovers during the verification of an issue previously made by another organization, a secondary provision of an analogue is not made.

According to the temporary certificate, the client is provided with the entire volume of medical services provided for by the compulsory medical insurance package at the place of residence (registration) or in any medical organization on the territory of the Russian Federation.

After producing the personal form, the organization will notify the client about the readiness and need for receipt.

When is a policy change necessary?

The forms in the hands of citizens are valid without any restrictions until they receive a new document. But in some circumstances it is necessary to make a replacement as quickly as possible in order to avoid possible refusal when applying for free services included in the compulsory health insurance package. This applies to:

  • loss or damage to an existing sample;
  • change of passport or other identity document;
  • changes in first name, patronymic, last name, date of birth;
  • change of permanent place of residence (applies to moving to a permanent or temporary place of residence (if temporary registration is available) to another region, republic or region of the Russian Federation;
  • detecting errors or inaccuracies in the information provided.

If these circumstances exist, the insured citizen must submit a notice of change to the insurance company within 30 days.

Replacing a compulsory medical insurance policy when changing your last name and other circumstances is free of charge and must be completed within 10 days (working days).

To change an existing sample in these cases, you must present the following:

Possible situation Documents required to be presented Features of the procedure
1 Change of information (first name, patronymic, last name, date of birth, etc.)
  • pension insurance certificate (previous confirmation is allowed, since the SNILS number does not change),
  • marriage or divorce certificate or other document on the basis of which changes were made.
The client must submit a certain list to the policy issuing point of the selected insurance company within a month. The applicant is issued a temporary certificate, which after 30 days is replaced with an updated version of the policy, which will have a new number.
2 Changing of the living place
  • passport,
  • SNILS number (if available),
  • compulsory medical insurance certificate.
You should contact the representative office of the insurance company at your new place of residence, and in the absence of one, there is no option left except to change the compulsory medical insurance company. If you use the old sample, you will need to change it, and a mark is placed on the document of a single sample (on the back) with information entered into a single electronic register.
3 Unusable or lost document
  • passport,
  • SNILS (if available).
The registration procedure is the same as for initial receipt. The new form is marked “duplicate”.
4 Loss of temporary certificate
  • passport,
  • SNILS.
If there is no time to wait for the completed policy to arrive, then at the registration point they can provide a certificate confirming the acceptance of the application from the client and the sending of the application for the production of the policy.
5 Passport replacement
  • a copy of the replaced document, a passport with new data,
  • confirmation of pension insurance,
  • the document on the basis of which the replacement was made.
Previously, when changing a passport based on age, it was only necessary to notify the insurance company about this in order to make adjustments to the unified register for insured citizens. Since 2013, in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (No. 396n), any changes in identity cards (passports) require re-issuance of the policy.


There are no legal grounds for refusing to provide medical care to clients who present an old-type compulsory medical insurance certificate. But persons who find themselves in the above situations requiring mandatory and urgent replacement of a document should hurry up with the exchange. After all, changing your compulsory medical insurance policy is quite simple - you only need an application and a couple of documents available to each citizen.

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You will need

  • - passport;
  • - document confirming registration at the place of residence or stay in Moscow (if available);
  • - fountain pen.


If you have a place of residence (in the old way - registration) or place of stay (in everyday life - temporary registration) in Moscow, you need to go from the district clinic to which the house where you are registered is assigned. Most likely, the necessary information (which insurance company and at what address) will be posted in a prominent place in the lobby or reception window.

Otherwise, contact the registry office or the informant.

In Moscow, compulsory medical insurance policies are issued by such insurance companies as ROSNO, MAX, etc.

The address and opening hours of the division of the insurance company that issues compulsory medical insurance policies are usually indicated on its official website. You are required to come there during working hours with a passport, a certificate of registration at the place of residence (if there is no stamp about it in the passport) or stay and a fountain pen. Just in case, make photocopies of the first two pages of your passport (personal and passport data and registration) and other necessary documents, if available. Most often in such units there is a queue, but it moves relatively quickly.

Insurance company employees will look at your documents, give you the necessary papers, which you fill out immediately, and tell you when to come for your completed policy.

If you are taking out a policy for a newborn, when submitting documents, a birth certificate and a passport of one of the parents who is registered in Moscow at the place of residence or stay will be sufficient (in this case, you will also need a certificate of registration at the place of stay). But upon receipt, confirmation will be required that the baby is registered at the same address: a note on the birth certificate about registration at the place of residence or about registration at the place of stay in the certificate of such registration of one of the parents.

For adults and children who are registered at their place of stay, policies are issued for the period of this registration. After this period, you can first renew the registration, then the policy.

If you work under an employment contract in a company with a legal address in Moscow and you do not have a Moscow compulsory medical insurance policy, the employer is obliged to issue one. In this case, no special effort is required from you. The employer himself will provide the necessary documents to fill out, take the policy where it should be, and issue it ready. Most often, these formalities are handled by the HR department or equivalent structure. Sometimes (if there is no HR department) - accounting.

The policy issued through the employer must be handed over to him upon dismissal. And at another place of work you are required to issue a new one.

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1. Foreign citizens can apply for a Moscow compulsory medical insurance policy only at their place of work, even if they have a temporary residence permit or residence permit in the Russian Federation at a Moscow address.
2. Register at your place of stay only at branches of the Federal Migration Service (FMS). Various companies offering temporary registration services may issue it to you at an address that does not exist. In this case, you risk not only being refused to issue a policy, but also running into accusations of using false documents, or even falsifying them.

Helpful advice

A compulsory health insurance policy issued anywhere in the Russian Federation is valid throughout the country. If you are denied service anywhere, including Moscow, under the pretext that the policy is “foreign,” it makes sense to file a complaint about the unlawful actions of doctors.
You can complain to Roszdravnadzor, the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, the prosecutor's office, the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation or the city of Moscow, the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, including through their official websites. Better for everyone at once. They must take action and respond to you within a month.


  • where to get a health insurance policy

Every resident of the capital should know where to get a compulsory medical insurance policy in Moscow.

After all, it is impossible to receive medical care without an insurance policy unless going to the hospital is an emergency. Therefore, in order to avoid refusal in medical institutions, you need to worry in advance about obtaining a new type of policy.

Health insurance allows you to receive qualified care for a number of diseases. The full list can be found in the official bill that describes this program.

Any citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of 14 can obtain a policy, and this can be done completely free of charge.

How to do

There are several ways to obtain, restore or replace a policy in Moscow.

Below are the most popular options:

  • contact the insurance company;
  • order a policy through State Services;
  • contact the clinic at your place of registration.

Thus, anyone can avoid the queues that exist at insurance companies or clinics. The portal is quite convenient and does not require any special skills. To use it, a passport and a pension insurance certificate are enough.

Note: Previously, obtaining a policy was mandatory if you were officially employed by an employer. This practice has now been abolished. The policy is obtained voluntarily, although it is mandatory.

If you do not seek medical attention, you can avoid the entire procedure.

But it is important to understand that not everyone can order a policy online. An elderly person who does not have access to the Internet will not be able to do this. In this case, you can contact the provider where you receive medical care.

In addition, this is very convenient if you apply without a policy, as you can immediately receive a temporary document that confirms your rights to free medical care. Unfortunately, if the hospital is not located at the place of registration, then obtaining the policy will be denied.

It is worth noting: children under 14 years of age can also receive a personal policy, but it is worth knowing that they can also receive assistance under the parent’s policy.

If getting to a medical facility is problematic, you should apply to the insurance company’s issuing points to obtain a compulsory health insurance policy. Specialists will help you fill out the application, take it from you, and then inform you about the production date.

The addresses of each company can be found on the Internet or by calling insurance companies.

What are the differences between the old and new policy models?

The format of the compulsory health insurance policy (CHI) is constantly changing. Previously, they were book-shaped and small in size. Then the policy began to have a fairly large sheet format. More recently, the policy became plastic.

This was caused by the fact that many people began to contact insurance companies to replace this document, as they were constantly wrinkled and unusable. This served as the basis for the new format.

Note: The new policy is similar to a bank card, it is very convenient to store, you can put it in your wallet, it does not wrinkle or spoil.

In addition, with the release of plastic cards, special terminals appeared with which you can make an appointment with a doctor without queuing at the reception desk. For those who are not used to using the terminal, it has become possible to go to medical institutions without a passport. Since such a policy contains a photograph of a person, which allows him to be identified using one document.

By the way, it is not necessary to take out a policy for a newborn. The baby will be able to receive medical help under your policy.

Which companies provide services for issuing compulsory medical insurance policies?

There are quite a few insurance companies in Russia that issue these documents. It cannot be said that a certain company has a number of advantages or disadvantages. They all have approximately the same conditions. Some people prefer a company that is closer to home, others get a policy where their car is insured.

The largest companies include:

  • "Max-M";
  • Alfa Insurance;
  • ROSNO.

Note: Getting a policy in Moscow these days is quite simple and easy. To do this, it is enough to have two documents: a passport and an insurance certificate.

Registration is very fast, a temporary policy is issued immediately, but a permanent policy is received in 2-4 weeks. You can get the policy for free.

Watch the video in which experts answer the questions: where can you get a new policy, how long will the old compulsory medical insurance policy be valid and what you should pay attention to when choosing an insurance company:

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The abbreviation compulsory medical insurance means comprehensive protection of the interests of the population in the field of medicine. It is a mandatory document for every citizen. If unforeseen situations arise, its owner has the right to use the services of a doctor.

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The compulsory medical insurance policy is widespread.

Currently, there are three types of such documents:

  • in A5 format;
  • in the form of a small plastic card indicating all information about its owner in electronic form;
  • in the form of an electronic card; it is best known as the abbreviated concept UEC; The document is distributed in several countries and contains all the information about its owner.

All of the above pole forms are valid today. Each region has its own rules and regulations regarding the type of this document. If we consider each type, we will notice that the plastic format of the policy is more convenient to carry with you than the paper version.

It is also more convenient to store it at home without worrying about its appearance. In some regions, a plastic card is issued along with a paper document, and they can replace each other if lost.

The policy in paper form is used mainly in those regions where there are no modern technologies. Institutional employees, as a rule, transcribe all data manually.

The document is also classified according to its validity period.

There are two options for insurance certificates:

  • temporary; is issued to a person for a certain period of time, after which it must be replaced;
  • unlimited; produced according to a specific model relative to the state standard; the document does not have a specific validity period and can be replaced only if such a decision has been made by its owner.


There is no specific validity period for the policy, as it was issued at different times in different regions. For example, electronic cards appeared in the country only in 2011. Paper documents are issued with a certain validity period, usually ranging from one to five years.

As for the new type of policy, as a rule, it is of an indefinite nature. Currently, it is issued to those who receive it for the first time. For example, this includes newborns and uninsured individuals.

Many people do not know how long their certificate is valid. In fact, it is quite easy to find out the deadline - it is indicated on the front side of the document. It is worth noting that the unlimited option is the most profitable, as it greatly simplifies the life of its owner.

There are also several specific conditions under which you will need to replace the policy before its expiration date:

  • as a rule, girls change their surname after marriage; accordingly, it is necessary to change all documents, including medical ones;
  • in some cases, the policy changes when the passport is replaced, for example, upon reaching a certain age, its loss or damage.

Having an expired policy is not a reason for doctors to refuse medical care, however, it may complicate the preparation of certain documents.

Features of the new medical certificate

In 2014, a new type of policy appeared. It is an electronic card. Every citizen of the country must receive this document without fail.

This also applies to foreign citizens who plan to reside in the Russian Federation for a long time.

The policy has an unlimited validity period. It is worth noting that once a year, company representatives have the right to change the insurance organization or its name. Changes will be made to the electronic document.

There are several main advantages:

  • upon receipt of such a document, all rights of citizens of the Russian Federation in the medical field are expanded, for example, a resident of one region can benefit from free help from a doctor anywhere in the country, regardless of where he is registered;
  • The owner of a new type of policy, in addition to government agencies, can use the help of specialists in private clinics;
  • the electronic system makes it possible to facilitate the work of reception staff in clinics, thereby reducing queues;
  • if a person has changed his place of work or registration, then the necessary data in the document is changed, but there is no need to obtain a new policy;
  • Absolutely any citizen of the Russian Federation can receive an electronic card, and it does not matter whether he has a permanent place of work or not.

How to replace a new certificate

The new policy, as mentioned earlier, has an indefinite validity. However, under certain conditions it must be replaced.

To replace it, you must perform several mandatory procedures:

  • The first thing you should do is contact your insurance company. Her choice depends on the wishes of the consumer. However, it is worth choosing an organization that has a good reputation, since the policy is an important document for every person.
  • It is necessary to fill out a document of a certain form, which will clearly describe why the person wants to replace the policy. It is necessary to carefully fill out each item, since if an error is made, the medical organization may refuse to provide assistance.
  • An employee of the organization must present an identity document, in most cases this is a passport.
  • You must also present an old document; if it is not there, then your personal account number with the insurance organization;
  • After a person has submitted all the necessary copies, he is issued a temporary policy. It has a validity period of several weeks. According to it, a person can also receive medical care in any region.
  • After a certain time has passed, a person needs to come to the same organization in order to receive a new type of policy. After issuing it, he must carefully check all the data. If all the information is entered correctly, you must sign for receipt on the record sheet.

Required documents to receive

The new type of policy is issued to persons of various age categories. First of all, it is issued to those people who have not received it before. That is, for persons under 14 years of age.

To receive it, his relatives must present several documents to the insurance company:

  • birth certificate of the person for whom the new policy will be issued;
  • a document confirming the identity of the person who is responsible for the minor child; we are talking about the passport of the mother or father of the baby, it is worth considering that the person must be included in this document;
  • Before you issue a new type of policy for your baby, you must obtain a SNILS, which should also be included in the list of required documents to submit.

In the event that an electronic card needs to be obtained by a person who is over 14 years old, then he needs to present only two mandatory documents, namely:

  • passport;
  • SNILS.

A frequent case is when a person who, for some reason, was forced to leave the country needs to obtain a new policy.

To receive it you must present the following documents:

  • refugee certificate;
  • a document that confirms identity;
  • if the first point is missing, then you can file a complaint about termination of the petition.

They also need to present several documents:

  • a document proving his identity;
  • certificate of registration;
  • if there is such legislation in their country, then SNILS.

Conditions for mandatory replacement

There are some conditions on the basis of which it is required to replace the policy before its expiration:

  • changing the name, surname or patronymic of the person for whom the document was issued;
  • change of registration information;
  • change of information about date or place of birth;
  • when providing incorrect information in a document;
  • in some cases, the policy can be replaced if you change your place of work.

A new document is a necessary condition for those citizens who wish to receive free medical care in the country.