Pros and cons of wages. Color matters

Often in everyday life you can hear the following phrases: white salary, black salary. For most, the difference between these concepts is obvious. And everyone chooses for themselves how they will be rewarded for the work done. Let’s try to figure out what is attractive about both payment options.

Salary is

There are many definitions of wages, but the essence is the same. This is the remuneration of an employee, depending on his qualifications and his contribution to the common cause. The Government of the Russian Federation has established a minimum below which the employer does not have the right to pay an employee. In 2017, this amount was 7,800 rubles per month. Additionally, in each region there are regional salary increases, which slightly increase the cost of living.

Types of wages

Salaries can be divided into types:

  • Nominal salary is the amount of money that is paid to an employee for his activities in the organization.
  • The real wage is the amount of goods and services that can be purchased for a nominal wage.

The real salary directly depends on the nominal one, that is, the higher the remuneration a person receives at work, the higher his purchasing power, and accordingly, the higher the real salary. This indicator also depends on the tax contributions that citizens transfer to the state from their income. Accordingly, the higher they are, the lower the real salary. Prices for goods and services are also important for calculating this indicator. The higher they are, the lower the real wage.

There is another popular division of salaries into types:

  • white;
  • black;
  • gray

This division is of an everyday nature. It is unlikely that you will come across paragraphs in economics textbooks with the title “White salary”. Therefore, let's understand the terms in more detail.

What is white salary

There are several signs of a white or official salary:

A little about taxes and contributions

It’s no secret that 13% of the total amount of payments to the employee is deducted from the employee’s official salary to the state fund. This is the so-called income tax. By law, these are all tax contributions that an employee must pay to the country's budget. Additionally, the employer transfers about 30% of the total amount of payments to the employee to extra-budgetary funds:

  • Contributions to the pension fund - 22%.
  • Contributions to the Social Insurance Fund - 2.9%.
  • Contributions to the Compulsory Health Insurance Fund - 5.1%.

All deductions listed above are made every month and are reflected in all financial documents of the employer.

What is black wages

Black wages or wages in an envelope are usually paid in organizations that want to avoid unnecessary costs for their employees and reduce the cost of taxes and contributions. As a rule, in such companies no contracts are concluded between the employee and the employer. All agreements are only in words. Therefore, people who use such a remuneration scheme are not always trustworthy.

What is a gray salary

Many companies, even those that have been on the market for decades, use this scheme to minimize the amount of contributions to the state budget and extra-budgetary funds. The essence of the gray salary is that the employee’s minimum salary is specified in the contract. It is from him that all deductions to the tax office and contributions to the Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund, and Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund will go. Considering the meager salaries, payments will also be minimal. This is the so-called official part of the salary. Additionally, the employee will receive the rest of the salary in the envelope, which will not be reflected in the accounting document.

Pros and cons of white salary

From the point of view of the law and common sense, the only option for an employee may be to receive an official salary. After all, the poles of a white salary are obvious:

  • Security. This is one of the main factors. After all, all relations between an employee and an organization are enshrined in an employment contract, in which, according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, wages are included as a separate clause. Therefore, unauthorized decisions by the employer regarding the employee’s position at the enterprise or changes in wages will be impossible. Also, having a contract in hand, the employee will protect himself from situations where unofficial wages are not paid.
  • Future development. As a rule, white wage schemes are used by companies that look confidently into the future and that care about attracting high-quality employees, providing them with comfortable working conditions. A company that rewards its employees with money in an envelope may in fact turn out to be a fly-by-night company.
  • Lending. People who receive a white salary can borrow money at interest from the bank on more favorable terms than people whose income is unofficial. At the same time, they will not need to collect a pile of documents that would confirm their income. It is enough to bring only 2 certificates from work.
  • Pension. Few people care about the payments that a person will receive after crossing the age of sixty. For many, retirement is a distant prospect. But it is from our income that the basic part of it is formed. Therefore, salary and pension are inextricably linked.
  • Payment of sick leave, vacation pay, and maternity pay is also based on the employee’s official earnings.
  • If an employment contract is terminated at the initiative of the employee or as a result of the liquidation of the enterprise, the employee must receive all payments due to him.

Every medal has two sides. Therefore, the white scheme also has a number of negative points:

Why do employers use color-coded pay schemes?

Many companies operating in Russia use a gray remuneration scheme in practice. The main reasons are as follows:

How can employees with gray and black salaries prove the receipt of funds?

Situations often occur when an employer, who pays salaries in envelopes, does not pay the employee for a long time or, upon dismissal, refuses to pay the money earned by the employee. This issue can be resolved, but the process will not be easy. There are three ways of development of events:

  1. Write an application to the Rostrud inspectorate. In writing, it is necessary to indicate the amount that the employee received monthly, the time for which mandatory payments were delayed, and what rights were violated. After accepting the application, Rostrud initiates an inspection of the organization where the applicant worked. The procedure takes place without the participation of an employee, and its results will be reported after completion.
  2. Contact the prosecutor's office. Since failure to pay wages or other income to an employee is a criminal offense. The statement also describes the situation between the employee and the employer. After this, an inspection of the enterprise is also organized.
  3. Going to court. One of the effective ways to hold the employer accountable. But to confirm the illegal behavior of the company owner, a lot of evidence will be required. These include: voice recordings, witness statements, information about posted vacancies of the enterprise, where the employee’s income will be recorded. A good proof of receipt of salary is a certificate of income of the employee for obtaining a loan, filled out by the employer in free form.

In order not to prove that you are right, and not to waste time and nerves, choose organizations that formalize relations in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The salary here is official.

Unfortunately, it is no secret that domestic entrepreneurs strive to keep a significant part of their income “in the shadows.” To save on payroll and taxes, many employers “hide” part of their employees’ salaries from official registration. Naturally, this is illegal, but the current trend towards the spread of this phenomenon requires its analysis.

Find out why some employers prefer this form of payment of labor remuneration and what it can entail. What are the advantages of a clear conscience for an employer and a white salary for an employee, read in this article.

What determines the “color” of wages?

The phrases “white”, “black” and “gray” salaries are not official; these are established designations for the form of payment to hired personnel of the money they earn.

  • White salary- an amount corresponding to the salary or tariff rate, paid according to the official payroll and fully subject to income tax and contributions to social funds.
  • Black salary– money paid without a concluded employment contract (synonymous with “amount in an envelope”).
  • Gray salary- remuneration officially paid to an employed employee in a minimum or reduced amount, and most of the funds fall into the hands of outside cash accounting.

Reasons for the “change in color” of wages

It is logical that employers decide to pay money to employees “besides the cash register” not because of a good life. There may be many reasons that may prompt them to pay gray salaries:

  • quite a large percentage for payments to social funds;
  • stagnation in the modern domestic economy;
  • high level of inflation;
  • dependence of production on rising prices for raw materials, materials, services, etc.;
  • additional government fees for small and medium-sized businesses.

For an employee, the reason to agree to a gray salary may be the opportunity to pay 13% on a smaller amount, receiving significantly more in hand than with white salaries.

REFERENCE! Today in Russia, gray salaries have become very common and tend to increase. According to research results, some white earnings have decreased by almost one and a half times, while about 30% of employers use various variations of “gray” schemes.

When does the tax office become interested?

State supervisory authorities have launched a broad campaign to combat wage shadowing. The company will attract their interest if:

  • the declared salary of employees of a particular qualification is stated to be significantly lower than the average level for a given region or for a similar industry;
  • According to documents, employees in management positions receive less money than ordinary employees;
  • according to data from certificates for 2-NDFL, an employee who changed his place of work began to receive a salary lower than the old one (logic dictates that a person will not change his place to a less profitable one);
  • an employee of an organization, in order to obtain a loan, indicated in bank documents a different salary level than what is listed in the tax reports for his organization;
  • a signal was received about the payment of a gray or black salary (an employee’s complaint, appeal, or even an anonymous call or letter).

What threatens an exposed company?

An organization that practices “gray” schemes for “optimizing” wages must be prepared for the fact that this fact will be revealed as a result of an audit by the tax authorities. If an employer does not pay personal income tax on funds issued to employees and does not deduct contributions to social funds on their basis, he is subject to administrative and criminal liability:

  1. Art. 122 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation provides for a fine in the amount of a fifth of the unpaid amount for underestimating the tax base or incorrectly calculating the amount of tax payable. The fine will be assessed even if the situation of arrears or non-payment of tax was caused by the employer’s inaction.
  2. The same act, committed intentionally, if it can be proven, entails a double fine.
  3. In addition to fines and penalties, you will have to pay all unaccrued amounts in full.
  4. The heads of organizations may be summoned to a special commission on wages, where they will have to answer to representatives of the tax service and municipal officials and, as a result, increase the official salary, or they may face an on-site audit, where additional violations may be revealed, in addition to wage fraud.
  5. According to Art. 199 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, if an organization does not provide or does not provide tax returns or other required documents related to wages on time, or if these documents contain deliberately false information, it may be assessed a fine of 100 thousand to 300 thousand rubles. And the person guilty of such a violation may be fined the amount of annual income (from 1 to 3 years), deprived of the right to certain activities or positions, or sentenced to forced labor for up to 2 years, and a six-month arrest or imprisonment (up to 2 years) is also possible.
  6. If problems with tax returns arose due to the preliminary conspiracy of a group of persons or the size of the violation is particularly large, the amount of fines will increase (maximum up to 500 thousand rubles), and the terms of punishment will be lengthened (forced labor for up to 5 years, restrictions on activities for up to 3 years, imprisonment for up to 6 years).

Possible consequences for personnel

It may seem that the blame for gray wages lies entirely with the employer and only one party is responsible before the law. However, it is not. An employee who has received income on which taxes required by law have not been paid must declare it independently and pay the required amounts to the budget. The deadline for this is until April 30 of the following year, and for payment - until July 15.

If a person did not do this and was caught, he will be held accountable under Art. 228 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, according to which individuals themselves are responsible for paying personal income tax if the duty of a tax agent has not been fulfilled. He faces a fine of 5% of the amount of unpaid tax for each overdue month (up to 30% of the full amount, not less than 1000 rubles). And if the violation was repeated or particularly large in size, liability may be criminal:

  • fine from 100 to 500 thousand rubles;
  • a fine in the amount of salary or other income for a period of 1 to 3 years;
  • arrest for 4-6 months;
  • imprisonment for up to 3 years.

Why is white salary still preferable?

For employers, the main incentive to pay white wages is still the fear of possible liability before the law. But if workers do not agree to these schemes, the employer will have to withdraw their earnings from the shadows. What is the benefit of an official white salary for employees?

  1. Motivation. Work paid for in cash will be more productive, since the employee will feel care and official security, which a payment in an envelope cannot promise.
  2. Guarantees. Payment of wages on time and in the prescribed amount is the legal obligation of the employer. For a late or incomplete “envelope”, the employee cannot demand compensation from the employer or legally influence him to restore the violated rights.
  3. Social sphere. Many social payments, for example, maternity benefits, child care benefits, disability benefits, vacation pay, etc., are calculated based on the amount of wages officially indicated in the documents.
  4. Lending. When receiving a loan, a person receiving a white salary will not have any problems, because his income is recorded in all funds, and with a gray salary, discrepancies are possible.
  5. Future pension. This argument is decisive in many cases. The size of a working citizen’s future pension directly depends on contributions to the Pension Fund. If they are not made or are paid in reduced amounts, this will inevitably affect the amount of future pension provision. The person receiving a gray salary makes a choice in favor of an immediate increase in the amount received in hand, thereby depriving himself of a significant part of his future pension savings.

NOTE! If the employer refuses to pay the salary or part of it officially, despite the employee’s request, the employee has the right to contact the labor or tax inspectorate or the prosecutor’s office.

Every year the number of Russians willing to work for a “gray” salary is decreasing. However, the number of compatriots who agree to be paid in envelopes remains high - 47% of respondents on the recruiting portal admitted that they were ready to work unofficially.


Russians cite a number of reasons why they have to agree to offers with salaries in envelopes - difficulties with official employment, profitable but “gray” offers, the presence of a disability pension, and this is just the beginning. A number of respondents admitted that in their regions almost all companies pay unofficial salaries. Others do not intend to pay taxes to the government institution, claiming that it constantly robs them.

According to HeadHunter Research Director Gleb Lebedev, the consent of applicants to salaries in envelopes is determined primarily by mentality - a person is ready to work for money, but does not think that money can be different. “This is a pursuit of short-term profit without regard to what will happen next,” the expert explained his point of view to an correspondent. In addition, according to Lebedev, we should not forget that finding a job is a long-term task, and many people often discard criteria such as a “white” salary, agreeing to offers just to go to work and start earning money.

“In everything that concerns personal funds, the best human qualities give way to pragmatism, and the choice is always in favor of money,” argues Head of the research center Natalya Golovanova.

Pointed question

As a rule, the issue of “white” wages worries least of all young people under 24 years of age. 52% of young professionals strive for financial independence and gaining experience. In addition, 54% of men agree to an offer with a salary in an envelope, explaining their decision by the desire to provide for their family in any way. In turn, 39% of women are ready to work under the employer’s “gray” conditions.

At the same time, 31% of Russians surveyed by the portal do not intend to work for an unofficial salary, motivating their refusal by concern for pensions and family. For a third of respondents, “the time for “gray” salaries is over,” and some believe that “taxes and contributions, whatever they may be, should be paid to the state.” It is worth noting that in recent years the number of Russians who do not want to work for money in an envelope has been growing - two years ago their number was 27%, four years ago - only 21%.

Natalya Golovanova told about significant progress in the payment of wages “We are gradually forgetting that until recently in Russia there was an even more terrible version of wages - “black” ones, from which no tax deductions were made.” Now, as the expert notes, “gray” schemes are “not fashionable and profitable.”

The situation with salaries in envelopes is quite unpredictable, because it strongly depends on state taxation policy, says Gleb Lebedev. In particular, changes are planned in the system of contributions to the pension fund. “If contribution rates increase, it will be beneficial for employers to pay lower wages.” However, the expert recognizes the improvements taking place in this direction and states that more and more companies are being “whitewashed.”

All capable citizens of the country, when looking for a job, are primarily interested in the part in offers from employers that concerns the amount of wages, and the mention in the vacancy that it is paid officially is today a strong argument in favor of choosing a specific organization.

Black, white and gray salaries

The situation is such that there are not only white salaries, the amount of which the employee receives completely officially, by transfer to a card or in cash directly into his hands, but also black and gray salaries.

A black salary means that the employee is not officially registered at all - for the state, as well as for the organization itself and the employee, there are no documented facts of his presence at the enterprise and the performance of any work. In this case, all the employee’s work is paid monthly in envelopes, exclusively in cash, and all labor relations between him and the organization are kept on word of honor, as a rule, until the first serious conflict.

In the event of any dispute, the employer often treats the conflicting employee even more dishonestly - after all, during the entire time this employee was working, the company significantly saved on payments to state funds, for example, he simply informs him orally about his dismissal, while it is extremely rare that at least the due amount is paid amounts of wages and unused vacations. The Internet is replete with messages on forums in which citizens ask for help, trying to subsequently prove that they worked in such organizations. Many people don’t even know where to report illegal wages, and are wondering whether it is possible to prove the facts of receiving illegal wages, and also, often, belatedly remember about lost experience.

As for the gray salary, which means that the employee receives some (often large) part of the salary officially, and some (usually less) in an envelope, we can say that this is a slightly different conversation, in which the employee still has some guarantees, but also loses a lot.

Pros and cons of gray salary

It is sometimes simply impossible to prove the existence of an employment relationship between an employer and an employee receiving a black salary, and in legal disputes in similar situations any documents, copies, or witness statements are used. But the fact of the existence of an employment relationship in a situation with an employee who receives a gray salary does not need to be proven. However, there is a problem of proving the fact of receiving the unofficial part of the salary, the one in the envelope, as well as its size. Both situations have the same resolution algorithm.

First of all, you should still talk to the employer and state your position, arguing it in cultural and, if possible, legally literate language. Perhaps it is worth explaining the situation in which the employee found himself, who agreed to a gray salary for the benefit of the employer. In addition, you can also make it clear to the employer that you are ready to reduce your salary if it becomes completely white and, accordingly, all prescribed taxes and fees will be collected from it. If the employer does not meet the employee halfway, the only thing left is the court, for which you need to prepare, and it makes sense to do this preparation in advance, just in case, before the conversation with the employer. This may include:

  1. Taking or photographing copies of any documents that contain the employee’s name and his actual salary amount. In this case, these may be, depending on the type of work, pay slips, time sheets, waybills, internal letters and other documents.
  2. Negotiating with other employees who are ready to support you or who also want to completely recoup their income, including former employees, especially those dismissed at the initiative of the organization.
  3. Conducting negotiations with suppliers you know, who directly or indirectly have an idea of ​​the amount of your salary and will be able to attest to it.
  4. Obtaining a certificate of the average salary for this category of workers in your region from the employment agency (center).

As for the testimony of witnesses who are worried in such cases and often refuse to speak in court for various reasons, you can try to take their testimony in writing, having it notarized. In such a document, you need to pay attention to the mandatory presence of a clause according to which the witness who gives this testimony is familiar with the consequences of giving false testimony, as well as the full passport details of the witness.

To be more confident in such evidence, you can purposefully add a phrase to the head of the written testimony about which court they are being prepared for. In this case, it is important that this be done before filing a lawsuit, and in court, the presentation of witness testimony without their presence has a reliable explanation - for example, the person lives in another city, or is on sick leave, away, as well as other valid reasons. In addition, if the court, for its own reasons, does not decide to take such written evidence into the evidence base, you will always have time to file a petition to summon the evidence, in which case the court itself will invite him to the hearing.

Of course, immediately before filing a claim, you need to find a good lawyer who has successful experience in winning such cases. In addition, already at the stage of preparation for a lawsuit, after the employer has refused to officially display your real salary, you need to request a 2-NDFL certificate from the organization in writing, and with the help of the court later, also request salary statements.

Remember, the collection of evidence in such a trial falls entirely on your shoulders; in order to restore your rights and hold the employer accountable for gray wages, you need to show maximum imagination and collect all possible photographs and copies. In this case, even an advertisement found from your employer in any print or online publication is suitable, where for a similar vacancy the salary is expected to be much higher than what the employer portrays. In addition, until a conversation with the employer has taken place, you can try to ask for a certificate indicating the amount of the actual salary, for example, required for a bank or other similar institution, which usually does not cause suspicion on the part of the organization and the document is successfully issued.

Any citizen who has worked at least once in his life or is just getting a job knows that wages can be of two types: white and black.

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If the first is official, then the second is illegal, and the employer who pays it is simply deceiving both the state and his employee. However, there is another type of salary - gray.

What it is?

Gray salary is payments that consist of two unequal parts:

  1. The smaller of them is usually paid in the form of a white salary. This means that all necessary accruals are debited from it.
  2. The majority is given to the employee in the form of cash, just like cash.

Basically, this way of earning money can be obtained by working for a representative of a medium or small business. This is a great way for them to evade paying part of their taxes.

Most often, you can get to such an employer when looking for work in such areas as:

  • construction;
  • various areas of trade;
  • manufacturing industries.


Taxes are withheld from wages in accordance with Article 226 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

In addition, there are several more articles that regulate the conditions for providing certain payments to an employee, which may be less when applying the gray scheme:

  • Art. 144 Labor Code of the Russian Federation - vacation pay;
  • Art. 183 Labor Code of the Russian Federation and Art. 14 of Federal Law No. 255 - sick leave payment;
  • Art. 178 and 181.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - severance pay;
  • Art. 10 of Federal Law No. 176 - pension accruals.

In case of tax evasion, the head of the organization may fall under tax liability, which is specified in Article 122 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, or criminal liability, in accordance with Article 198 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Gray salary

Gray wages are a great way for an employer to provide employees with more income by evading some tax payments.

At first glance, this scheme is very convenient and beneficial for both parties. However, if you look at it more carefully, things become not so tempting.

Conditionally legal forms

Employers have the opportunity to provide employees with a gray salary, and at the same time not hide its amount from the state.

There are several conditionally legal schemes for this. However, it is worth noting that their use often leads not only to lower deductions, but also to closer attention from the tax authorities.

The two most commonly used schemes are:

  1. Dividends. Large enterprises, whose net profit is significant, can pay their employees earnings in the form of dividends. In this case, it will be possible to get rid of some types of taxes. But we must immediately make a reservation that not all employees can be provided with this form of income.
  2. Compensation. Another popular method is to pay the bulk of your earnings in the form of compensation for withholding wages. But it is worth clarifying that, according to the law, the amount of such payments is not subject to taxes and is equal to 1/300 of the refinancing, or the employer can assign it independently. Unscrupulous managers take advantage of this by prescribing large amounts of compensation in local regulations and employment contracts.

But even when using such seemingly legal schemes, employees are still exposed to risks. To protect employees as much as possible, the employer can enter into a civil contract with them.

In this case, each employee is represented as an individual entrepreneur, as a result of which all his earnings are taxed according to a simplified scheme.

Advantages and disadvantages

As already mentioned, a gray salary has a number of disadvantages for the employee. And there are quite a few of them, and most are due to the fact that official or white earnings are minimal.

So, if an employee is paid gray wages, then:

  • the amount of sick leave and dismissal payments is reduced, and vacation pay is also reduced;
  • in the event of a conflict with superiors, the employee can receive minimal compensation;
  • It may be difficult to obtain a loan or credit, since only the white part of earnings can be indicated in the data.

But the main disadvantage of such work will become noticeable with the arrival of retirement age. The fact is that there are practically no personal income tax deductions from the minimum wage.

As a result, the Pension Fund does not accumulate the amount necessary to provide a person with a pension.

Unlike employees, there is only one disadvantage for a manager, and that is the threat that his actions will be discovered and he will be punished.

But it’s still worth highlighting one plus for the employee. Due to the fact that practically no tax deductions are taken from the income, his final salary becomes slightly larger. But once again it is worth recalling that a small increase in earnings in the future will turn into deductions from your pension.


Almost all the consequences that await an employee who receives a gray salary are noted as disadvantages in the previous paragraph.

It is also worth noting that when receiving undocumented earnings, an employee is practically not protected in any way. And if the employer refuses, he simply will not be able to prove his right to the unpaid amounts.

The employer will also face certain consequences if it is discovered that he used a gray scheme.

The least punishment will be administrative liability. In the worst case, it may turn out to be criminal, followed by imprisonment.

Where to contact?

If an employee decides to defend his rights, he should contact three services:

  • labor inspection;
  • tax service;
  • prosecutor's office

However, it is necessary to provide your personal information, since anonymous messages rarely lead to the desired result and can lead to harmful consequences.

In addition, you need to prepare evidence in advance that will support the employee’s testimony.


When a gray scheme is revealed, all parties who took part in it in one way or another face a certain responsibility. At the same time, it will concern not only managers.

In many cases, employees who received gray wages also come under attack from the tax authorities.


According to the Tax Code, in 2020 the employer faces administrative liability in the form of a fine.

Its amount will be 20% of the total amount that the manager did not pay for taxes.

In addition, there are penalties for non-payment of insurance premiums, which can reach up to 10 thousand rubles.

But if it turns out that the total amount of unpaid taxes has grown to large amounts, then the company’s management, in accordance with Article 199 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, may be brought to criminal liability.

In this case, three scenarios are possible:

  1. Imposition of a fine of up to 300 thousand rubles.
  2. Appointment of arrest or forced labor.
  3. Deprivation of liberty.


As for the employee, many believe that if a gray scheme is identified, he can “get away with it.”

However, do not forget that a citizen who receives income from which personal income tax was not withheld must independently declare his income. At the same time, he is obliged to pay at least 13% of their amount.

If this was not done, then the violator is given a fine of 5% of the amount of all unpaid taxes.

If an employee knowingly covered up for the employer or received particularly large sums in a shady way, then he faces criminal liability under Article 198 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

It may take the form of a fine ranging from 300 thousand to a million rubles. In extreme cases, the employee faces a prison sentence of one to three years.

What to do in case of non-payment?

If, upon receiving a gray salary, an employee suddenly notices that the amount of payments provided to him has been reduced to the amount of official earnings, then he can do the following:

  1. Trying to wait until the salary increases, which is not the best idea.
  2. Talk to your employer and try to normalize your earnings. This can be done by those who are satisfied with a gray salary.
  3. File a complaint with the appropriate authorities.

The last option is the most correct, but at the same time the most difficult of those presented, due to the fact that it will be quite difficult for the employee to prove that he is right.

Where to complain?

Before applying anywhere, an employee must carefully study the Labor Code. From it you can deduct what payments are due in a particular case, and also indicate all possible types of white salaries.

After studying the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee can file a complaint with the commission, which deals with resolving controversial situations in the labor sphere.

In addition, you can submit an application to the prosecutor's office or the State Labor Inspectorate.

In addition, the employee has the opportunity to file a claim in court.

How to prove?

It is extremely difficult to prove that an employer is using a gray payment scheme.

But if the employee still did not receive his salary, or other controversial situations arose, to prove the employer’s guilt you need to:

  1. Determine whether there are witnesses.
  2. Provide any recording or photograph that would allow you to prove the existence of a violation.
  3. Provide financial statements of regularity of gray earnings.

The employee can also compare the level of his official earnings with those of other employers in the region. But it’s better to do this before employment. The employee also has the right to go to court.

Going to court

In order to go to court, an employee only needs to file a simple statement of claim. The document must indicate the claims, as well as the circumstances under which the employee was deceived.