Loan repayment via the Internet. Where can I repay my loan?

  • Through a united network of communication shops Svyaznoy and Euroset: no commission. Funds are credited instantly. The limit on a one-time transfer is 250,000 rubles.
  • To pay on your first visit, tell the salon employee your BystroBank card number; you must have your passport with you (it is important to clarify that you need to repay the loan using the card number). For subsequent payments, you can only provide the cashier with the card number; your passport must be presented only for payments over 15,000 rubles.
  • If you refuse to accept a payment or demand to pay a commission, call the BystroBank hotline 8-800-333-22-65.

  • In salons MTS, Beeline, Megaphone: commission 1%, but not less than 50 rubles.
  • At the box officebanks participating in the “Golden Crown - Loan Repayment” service: no commission.

Find out the address of the nearest point on the website or by calling 8-495-211-07-00 (24 hours a day).

  • To complete the transaction, you must present your passport, provide the number of the plastic card issued to repay the loan, the Borrower’s full name and the Payer’s mobile phone number. Enrollment period is instant.
  • Important! When making a payment, be sure to specify to the employee the point of payment acceptance: the name of the recipient's bank - PJSC "BystroBank", repayment of the loan through the RNKO "Payment Center" (money transfer system "Zolotaya Korona").
  • If you refuse to accept a payment or are required to pay a commission (if payment is made at a partner bank), call the Zolotaya Korona Information Center at 8-495-211-07-00. If you were charged a commission when making a payment at a partner bank, save the receipt (check) and call the BystroBank hotline 8-800-333-22-65, or send a scanned copy of the check to.
  • Payment of BystroBank loans through Izhkombank terminals is carried out no commission.
  • Enrollment period is instant.
  • A BystroBank card is required to complete the transaction.
  • Payment procedure: in the main menu of the terminal, select the “Operations with cards and accounts” section, then click the “Replenishment of cards of PJSC “BystroBank”” button and follow the instructions on the screen.

  • At payment acceptance points: cash desks of partner banks, Eldorado and M.Video retail chains, Rostelecom service centers, etc.
  • To complete the transaction, when making the first payment, you must provide: bank details, account number, full name, phone number. For subsequent payments, it is enough to provide your mobile phone number.
  • The cost of the service is 1% of the payment amount, but not less than 50 rubles.

    Top up your account by transferring from card to card using the number of the plastic card issued to pay the loan.

    Check the cost of the transfer at the ATM of the sending bank.

    Enrollment period is in real time.

    Enrollment period is from 1 to 3 working days.

    The transfer is carried out according to the account details specified in the loan agreement:

TIN 1831002591

Gearbox 183101001

BIC 049401814

Beneficiary account: Account number opened for loan repayment

Recipient's name: Borrower's full name

    Additional payment method - to the Bank account:

Recipient bank: PJSC "BystroBank" Izhevsk

TIN 1831002591

Gearbox 183101001

case number 30101810200000000814 in the Branch - National Library of the Udmurt Republic

BIC 049401814

Recipient's account: 47422810500000000138

Recipient's name: PJSC "BystroBank"

Purpose of payment: Number and date of the loan agreement

  • Please check with your chosen organization for possible commission fees.
  • Make payments in advance; when repaying a loan through third-party organizations, take into account the duration of the transfer and crediting of funds, and possible technical problems. The payment must be credited to the Bank no later than 23:00 Moscow time on the date specified in the payment schedule or the terms of your loan agreement.
  • Before the payment date, make sure that the funds have arrived in your account.
  • Before replenishing your account using a plastic card number, make sure that the card is not blocked and its validity period has not expired.
  • You can get information about existing loans and upcoming payments at any time via Viber or.

How to pay off loans faster? Good afternoon, reader! Last week my uncle celebrated his anniversary.

I invited all my relatives to the restaurant. Even such distant relatives came that I had only heard about, but did not know personally.

We started talking with one of them while the toastmaster was entertaining the older generation. The guy decided to move to Australia for permanent residence, but his loan is holding him back.

He wants to first pay off all his debts, and then build a new life. I recommended to him how to pay off the loans faster.

How to quickly repay a loan?

The loan allowed you to purchase the necessary thing and pay for urgent personal needs, but now it hangs like a heavy burden? It is especially psychologically difficult for those whose debt to the bank prevents them from feeling free.

A loan can negatively affect your emotional state and lead to prolonged stress or even depression.


If you want to get out of the debt hole as soon as possible and repay your loans, plan your budget carefully, learn to save and use all available funds only to repay the loan.

It’s quite easy to give up unnecessary everyday expenses if you imagine how much more profitable it is to use money to pay off current debt obligations, and buy trinkets with your own funds, which will be available after the loan is repaid.

To learn how to give up unnecessary expenses, imagine that you borrowed these 100-200 rubles or several thousand from the bank, for example, to buy a sofa, and must pay the same interest for their use as on the existing loan.

Such a calculation will wean you from buying unnecessary little things that cost you such a high (often 2-3 times the price) overpayment.

How to speed up loan repayment?

To repay the loan before the deadline specified in the agreement, listen to the following tips:

  1. Making payments before the date specified in the repayment schedule - the less borrowed funds are used, the less interest accrues. As a result, the total overpayment will be less, which will allow you to get rid of the last payment and pay off the loan earlier;
  2. Making payments of a larger size than provided for in the schedule - the larger amounts you pay, the larger part of the principal debt is repaid, which will eliminate the need to pay extra interest accrued on the principal debt. Even an extra 10 thousand rubles paid in excess of the mandatory payment will help you save about 1-2 thousand rubles in a year, and in 5-10 years an amount similar to the additional payment. This way you can get enough for the kitchen.
  3. Making a payment just 1 day earlier will bring savings of 0.05-0.1% of the loan amount.

How to quickly pay off several loans?

In a situation where you have several loans on hand and you need to quickly pay off the debt, you can use one of the following methods:

  • Repay the smallest loan first - this option is suitable for those who want to speed up the result of their actions, for example, instead of three loans, after repaying the smallest loan balance, only two will remain, then one;
  • Repay the loan with the largest monthly payments - this approach will relieve a significant burden from the budget, but you will not notice the result immediately, since there are usually large monthly payments on a loan that is issued for a long term;
  • Pay off the most expensive loan with the highest interest rate. The optimal solution is to repay first the loan that is more expensive than the others, and using it for a long time is less profitable.
  • You can resort to another method of speeding up settlements with several creditors - debt refinancing or consolidation. Instead of 2-3 loans from different banks, get one from the bank that offers the most favorable conditions and low interest rate. This will reduce your monthly payment. You can even apply for such a loan on the bank’s website without leaving your home.

How can a bank prevent you from quickly repaying a loan?

It is not profitable for the creditor bank for borrowers to repay debts ahead of schedule and pay less interest for their use. In order to prevent early repayment of a loan, banks can take the following measures:

  1. The use of a moratorium on early repayment is to prohibit the loan from being fully repaid in the first few months of its use or to prohibit early repayment altogether, but this is prohibited by current Russian legislation.
  2. Penalties in the form of commissions and fees for early partial or full repayment of obligations are also a prohibited technique that can be easily challenged in court.
  3. Limit the amount of the minimum payment made to repay the debt, setting it at a level, for example, several tens of thousands of rubles, which will complicate the actions of the borrower who wants to slightly increase the monthly payment in order to save on interest.
  4. Money to repay the loan should be written off from the loan account only in the amount and only on the date specified in the repayment schedule. No matter how hard the client tries to make the payment early, the bank will not accept it before a certain date.

source: http://site/

How to repay loans profitably and correctly

Since on average there are 3 loans per Russian citizen, we decided that IT specialists would also be interested in learning how to repay their loans and debts correctly and profitably.

How to pay off credit card debt

1. Conversation with creditors

Under no circumstances should you disappear, drop calls or ignore email notifications. As soon as you feel that the situation is critical and you will not be able to repay the loan on time, inform the lender about this.

Please clarify that you are not going to deceive the bank, that you have been regularly paying the loan until specific circumstances arose, and that you are going to regularly pay the feasible amount.

No one is interested in long legal proceedings; on the contrary, they will probably accommodate you halfway. You may be offered a reduction in interest rates for a while, or even a waiver of some late fees or a change in payment schedule.

  1. Tell them you can't pay anymore.
  2. Record the debt.
  3. Try to soften the conditions.

The bank is no less interested in repaying the loan than you are. There are cases when banks can close a loan even at a loss.

At the same time, this will not affect the client’s credit history in any way - it is a normal business process of cost management.

2. More than the minimum payment

Credit companies and banks love it when you pay exactly what you need. It seems to you that you are paying off the loan, albeit little by little, but in reality your debt is only increasing due to interest.


If you pay at least a little more, it will be more profitable, as it will reduce payment terms. As a rule of thumb, approximately 10% of your income is spent on random things, so try to immediately deposit it into your credit account.

In fact, the minimum payment is designed in such a way as to make your loan as long-term and profitable as possible for the bank.

If the minimum payment is made even slightly late, all of it can be spent on paying off fines, interest on overpayments, penalties, and current interest. You will pay, but the debt will not decrease at all.

To close the card in less than a year, make x1.5-2 minimum payments

3. Plan a budget

Surely there are things on which you spend more than necessary, believing that this minimum amount will not yield anything. What difference can a cup of coffee make when you need to pay off a car loan?

It sounds naive, but write down all your expenses and you will see where you can save. It's not fancy, but even a small amount will be enough to cover the interest payments and also pay a little more than the minimum payment. This is exactly the money you spend on nonsense.

Optimize your costs

4. Try to increase your income and prioritize

Take any temporary job, look for part-time work, you need to improve your financial situation. If you have a car, get a job as a taxi driver. You can try selling unnecessary things.

They can buy anything from you, from an old washing machine to a broken children's bicycle. Something that has been collecting dust on your balcony for years can bring you $20-$50. Already enough for the minimum payment.

If you are saving money for education, it may be worth spending it now by pushing your plans back for a year. If there are two cars in the family, you can sell one of them, so you will not only receive a large sum, but also will not spend money on gasoline and maintenance, or renting a garage.

Traveling by public transport is more inconvenient, but cheaper. Try to give up hobbies and hobbies, this will free up a certain amount every month and allocate time for part-time work.

Increase your cash: new income = new credit opportunities.

American methods of debt repayment

1. First of all - with the highest quoted rate

It would seem obvious, but many try to first pay off small loans in order to pay off at least part of it. In this case, you pay more interest for the service, so the total amount is higher.


If you have one loan, for example, at 13% per annum, the second – at 10%. If the loan amounts are the same, focus on paying off the 13 percent loan while paying the minimum payments on the other.

You will have to pay interest anyway, but this way you will make it less. If the amounts are different, then it is necessary to bring interest rates into line with these amounts.

Let's assume that we have two credit cards: Alfa Bank, with a debt of 100,000 at 25.9%, and Sberbank with a debt of 80 thousand at 19%.

We bring the Sberbank rate to the Alfa Bank rate:
19*(100/80)=23.75%. That is, the main efforts must be made to repay the loan from Alfa Bank.

If we assume that the amount of debt in Alfa Bank is 50 thousand, then the given Sberbank rate will be 19 * (80/50) = 30.4%, which makes repayment of this debt paramount.

Count your loans: pay off those that are profitable, not those that you want.

2. If the accruals on several loans are approximately equal

Reverse method: if you have several loans with equal charges, pay off the smallest one. This is the so-called “snowball method”: paying off one loan motivates you to pay off the next one, while you reduce their number.

Most people find it easier this way, and they subconsciously lean toward this method. Please note that if you are facing confiscation or there is clearly more accrual on one of the loans, this method is excluded, pay off the larger loan as described above!


If you have equal debts, try to close a specific loan

3. Restructuring and refinancing

If you took a large amount to develop a business or buy an apartment and paid off at least a third, you can ask for restructuring. It is beneficial if the bank now provides loans for the same purposes at lower interest rates.

They may meet your needs, and you will receive not only a reduction in your total debt, but also an extension of the term on the new loan. That is, you can use restructuring to reduce your monthly payment by increasing the overall loan term.

Restructuring makes sense when interest rates differ significantly, since you will have to pay commissions and some other fees when you apply, so carefully calculate the benefits.

By the way, not all banks agree to refinance their own loans, so you can try to sell the loan to another bank.

For example, VTB24 and Sberbank are engaged in refinancing mortgage loans. Raiffeisenbank can refinance both its own and others' car loans.

If you can’t pay, restructure: restructuring will collect everything into one payment and reduce the monthly amount.

4. Repayment from another credit account


If you want to pay off a loan from another bank credit card on which you have no debt and have a certain amount that you can use, make sure that it is profitable.

Even if you can use the amount at 0%, there are always fees associated with transfers, so you will lose some money, but at the same time increase the number of loans that you will have to pay off at the same time.

If you choose this method, to calculate the amount, divide the debt by the number of months during which the interest-free loan is valid, and make sure that you have enough funds to repay.

Avoid penalties: use other loans if the situation requires.

These simple techniques will help you avoid various unpleasant situations with loans. Loans are a very useful and correct tool that expands our capabilities; the right attitude towards loans is the key to success.


Strategy for repaying loan debts

Many families found themselves in an unenviable situation: an unstable economic situation, political crises “gobbled up” the already low income of citizens. The more pressing the question became: how to pay off loan debts in this difficult situation.

How to pay off loan debts

Paying off credit debts is a feasible task! The way of living “on credit” borrowed from the West is often too burdensome for our people: our salaries are much lower, interest rates are disproportionately higher than in civilized countries.

The people living there have everything: cars, houses, education, paid for with credit. Is this way of life suitable for our people?

Ways to repay loan debts

Typically, debt obligations are accompanied by loss of funds and delay the moment of financial independence. Accordingly, you simply need to pay off your debts as quickly as possible!

Let's look at the possibilities of repaying credit debt. Can:

  1. Borrow again (relatives, friends). Pros: savings on interest are possible. Cons: the problem remains, one debt begets another. Relationships often deteriorate (a possible exception is relatives who give freely, want to help unselfishly, or an interest-free loan that allows you to save money);
  2. Another loan (from a third party bank with lower interest rates). Pros: the same. Cons: delays solving the problem indefinitely;
  3. Ask the lender to defer (reduce) the monthly payment, credit holidays. Pros: a positive response is possible even from a banking structure (a convincing argument from the person asking is required), time is gained (taking into account further competent budget planning).
  4. Find a part-time job. Pros: a real opportunity to pay off your debt faster. Cons: lack of free time, difficulty finding such a job;
  5. Selling unnecessary things. Pros: Almost everyone has extra unused things (do an audit). Cons: lack of time, inability to complete the deal, additional costs (for example, a paid ad)

Conclusion: the task of paying off loan debts is not easy; it requires targeted actions and accurate calculations if the family is very limited in funds.


It is important to focus your energy on paying off your debt and avoiding further borrowing.

My views were influenced by the lectures of the experienced economist Larisa Petrova, well-known in her circles. Having worked in her profession all her adult life, Larisa came to the conclusion that despite her knowledge and experience, by the age of 45 her personal financial situation still leaves much to be desired.

Trying to build my own business plunged me into great debt. Therefore, I had to rise not from scratch, but with a big financial disadvantage.

Its result: over 5 years, complete stabilization, growth of wealth, stable financial position. It is she who claims that you need to pay yourself first under any circumstances.

How to repay a loan

Strategy on how to pay off debts on loans that you already have:

  • We pay ourselves 10% (you need to save a tenth of all your income, this way an amount will begin to accumulate that guarantees a calm and secure future). The 10% to yourself tactic has a strong psychological side: a person gains confidence in the future, knowing that he has a certain amount of money. Worries less about the future;
  • We allocate the monthly loan repayment amount by reviewing the expense items. It is necessary to reduce expenses that are not urgently necessary;
  • We plan to spend the rest according to our personal plan.
  • The question may arise: why pay yourself when repaying the loan is paramount? Paying it off as quickly as possible will save you on interest. In this case, after paying off the debt, you will go to zero. Again, a complete lack of available funds. When you need money urgently, you will be forced to take out a new loan!

Is any loan bad?

Initially, you should distinguish between loans:

  1. consumer;
  2. creating assets.

Momentary desires enslave us. Banks are vying with each other to offer the opportunity to get what they want immediately.

It should be remembered: the bank was created to make a profit. Interest-free loan, installment plan? There is already a profit built into it, contained in the cost of the product.

Don't become a slave to your own desires

There is an alternative - plan a purchase, determine the time to get what you want, and start saving purposefully.

Do you want to open your own business using credit money and create an income-generating asset? Well, provided that the interest rates are reasonable, and there is a clear plan that realistically assesses the degree of risk (it is better to calculate several options, even undesirable ones).


The hope of getting rich by investing absolutely all available funds is akin to playing roulette. After all, it is impossible to beat the casino. This situation may contribute to unplanned losses. Having money set aside, you can help yourself in an emergency by playing the role of a personal banker.

The intended purpose of the above-mentioned money is to create a “safety cushion” (funds that allow you to live for three to six months without working). In parallel, a lifesaver (required condition: return it back). Such a loan will be interest-free.

How to pay off credit debts

However, there is a flip side to this coin: unstable operation of banks, economic and political dependence.


How can you pay off a loan in a year?

Today, credit obligations have become quite burdensome for many Russian citizens. However, at the same time, you have to take out loans to make the necessary purchase.

How to deal with such a practically dead-end situation and is it possible to repay the loan faster than the bank calculated for us? How to pay off a loan in a year?

It is not difficult to repay a loan in such a short period, but you need to approach this issue extremely seriously. First, compare your income with your monthly payment amount.


You shouldn’t starve yourself and deny yourself basic necessities in order to reach the amount you calculated by a certain date of the month. The main thing is that the payment is no less than the one indicated to you by the bank.

The rest of the numbers are up to you. If this time you weren’t able to give away the money you need to pay for the year, don’t worry. It is quite possible that next month you will pay off the shortfall.

It is very important to stay on schedule. If the shortfall in the payment amount calculated by you has already entered the system, then it is unlikely that you will be able to completely repay the debt in the few remaining months.

Again, stick to the plan and try to deviate from it as little as possible. It’s better to keep a tight rein on yourself for a year than to give away twice as much money in a few years.

There is another option to repay the loan in a year. In this case, you need to borrow the money again, but without interest. You don't have to take the entire amount you owe the bank. It is enough to take only that part of the money that you cannot find on your own.

This greatly simplifies the process of additional payments. After repaying the debt to the bank, proceed to repaying the debt to the creditor.

Now let’s talk about how to find a lender who will lend you an amount without interest or at a minimum rate. This could be either a wealthy relative or just a person who is ready to help you.

To avoid various conflict situations, sign the receipt and have it certified by a notary. The receipt must indicate how much money the lender will give you, under what conditions and when you will have to pay him.


When paying off your debt to the bank, you must remember that under no circumstances should you deviate from the plan you calculated. Otherwise, you will not be able to meet the 12 months, and all the savings will be useless.

Before you begin to implement the plan to pay off the loan for the year, carefully read the agreement you signed again. Make sure that the bank does not impose penalties in case of early repayment of the loan.

Also find out what nuances exist in the case of paying off all debts in a year. This will save you from possible pitfalls and hidden fines.

The best option for repaying a loan without problems is, of course, an initially thoughtful and meaningful approach to borrowing money.

source: http://site/

How to quickly repay a loan

Banks lure people to take out loans in a variety of ways: low interest rates, long repayment terms, small monthly payments (and sometimes it happens like this: a car dealer advertises a new brand of car and the magic words in the ad tell us: “only 333 rubles a day “or something like that, haven’t you seen it?) and so on.

However, having received the treasured item on credit, a person does not rejoice for long: now he must repay the loan to the bank for a number of years.


The peculiarity of the first payments, if you repay the loan in equal payments, is the fact that the lion's share of the payment initially consists of interest, and only the remaining small part goes to pay off the loan body.

This seems unfair. Believe me, this is how it is.

The average person has several different loans and credits. Loan payments eat up a significant portion of income, which, theoretically, could be used for savings and investments.

How to quickly pay off loans? I offer a simple but effective way to get rid of loans in a short time.

The recipe is simple, and has been repeatedly described in the literature: simply increase your payments by 10%. It's corny, but it works, you can do the math.

There's only one trick here. If a person uniformly increases the payment by 10% on all his loans, then there will be no effect.

Let's look at an example. A person has the following credits and loans: a mortgage, a car loan, a loan that he took out, for example, for apartment renovation, and a credit card loan.

Accordingly, the interest will be minimal and the amount will be maximum on the mortgage, and vice versa, the minimum amount and maximum interest for a person on a credit card.


If you simply increase all payments by 10%, then the effect is zero, as was written above.

Let's assume that 10% of all loan payments is 3,000 rubles. Now you just need to add them to your credit card fee. For other loans we pay minimum payments. In this simple way, we can close a credit card in a few months.

Our borrower now has three loans left. We do not reduce the amount of payments under any circumstances. Now we will begin to repay a longer-term loan - a loan.

The following amounts will now be used to pay off the loan: the minimum payment for the loan, 10% or 3,000 rubles in our case, and the amount that we previously paid for the credit card, and which we now have freed up. The loan can be paid off two to three times faster than expected.

After the loan, we move on to a car loan. We pay the following amount: the minimum amount for a car loan and add the amount that we paid for the loan. The payment period is significantly reduced.

After we have paid off three loans, all we have left is the mortgage. All the money that we paid on all loans will now be used to pay off the mortgage.

This is already a significant increase in payment, so the result will not be long in coming: our debtor will literally jump out of the debt hole several years earlier, for which we congratulate him.

OTP Bank is one of the ten most active issuers of credit cards and ranks third in the number of loans issued in stores selling expensive goods. Naturally, bank clients often have a question: how to pay for an OTP bank loan without commission or with a minimum? We'll talk about this later.

Payment methods for OTP Bank loan

Taking care of the convenience of customers, the lender has provided many channels for making payments. You can repay the loan at bank branches, through a huge partner network, and also make payments remotely.

The most common ways to repay an OTP Bank loan:

  • Through online channels. You can use the following services:
    • OTPdirect;
    • online banking of any other financial institution by completing a transfer to the lender’s details (read about how to pay for a loan from another bank through Sberbank Online);
    • transfer from a debit card by filling out the payment form directly on the OTP website;
    • websites of payment operators Unistream and Zolotaya Korona;
    • electronic wallets: Yandex, Elexnet.
  • You can deposit cash to repay the loan:
    • To the cash desk of any banking institution, including OTP.
    • Through ATMs with a cash-in function and self-service terminals in branches of OTP and Sberbank of Russia.
    • Through the Rapida payment system: in the Svyaznoy network stores, M-video, Eldorado, Domo stores.
    • Through members of the Golden Crown network.
    • To the cash desk of partner organizations: Megafon stores, Russian Post branches, Rostelecom branches.
    • Through payment acceptance terminals: “Qiwi” and “Eleksnet”.

You can also agree with the accounting department of the enterprise where the borrower works, so that the accountant, on the appointed day, makes a deduction from the employee’s salary in favor of the bank, and makes a non-cash payment to the specified details.

Via the Internet, personal account

For holders of OTP Bank payment cards, the easiest and cheapest way to make a monthly payment is via the Internet. You need to log in to OTPdirect online banking and make a payment through your personal account.

For transfers between cards and client accounts opened at OTP Bank, including from a current account to a loan account, there is no commission. Connecting and using Internet banking is also free.

If the client does not have access to his personal account, he must visit the OTP branch and activate this service. If the service has already been activated, you can call the multi-channel phone of the call center and the operator will provide the login, and a one-time login password will be sent to the client’s mobile phone.

To simplify subsequent loan payments, you can create a template in your personal account or enable a scheduled payment. In the future, it will be possible to make a payment using the template via SMS, but this service is paid and its cost is equivalent to the cost of an outgoing message.

For a mobile phone, you can use the Mobile Bank application from OTP, which also includes the ability to make monthly loan payments.

From an OTP card

There is another way to pay for an OTP loan - via the Internet with an OTP bank card, but without authorization in Internet banking.

This feature is also implemented on the bank’s official website, but it is paid. Instructions:

  1. On the main page of the site, select the “Repayment” or “Repay Loan” section,
  2. Next, go to the “Pay online” subsection,
  3. In the list of methods that opens, give preference to the “Pay with card” operation,
  4. A payment form will open in which you must indicate the card number and full name of the holder.

The operator for making such payments is a third-party organization “Payment Center”; for transferring money the operator will take a commission of 2% of the amount.

From a Sberbank card

Clients of the country's largest bank can pay for a loan to OTP Bank via the Internet using a Sberbank bank card. To do this you need:

  1. Log in to the Sberbank Online system,
  2. Select the item “Repay a loan from another bank” in the “Payments and transfers” section,
  3. Enter OTP payment details and make payment.
  4. There you can activate the “Autopayment” service and money in favor of OTP will be debited automatically on the appointed date.

For loan payments in favor of another bank through Sberbank Online, the commission will be 1%.

By contract number

The client may need the agreement number both to make cash loan payments and to make online payments. In particular, it is necessary if the client plans to make a monthly payment through:

  • OTP bank self-service terminals,
  • ATM,
  • Interbank transfer. The contract number will need to be indicated in the purpose of payment column,
  • Postal transfer.

To make payments through the Golden Crown service, the Rapida system, and payment terminals, you need to know the credit account number. This number is indicated in the loan agreement and consists of 20 digits.

Where to pay for an OTP Bank loan without commission?

You can repay the loan for free. At no additional cost, you can make your current loan payment through:

  1. OTPdirect system;
  2. Bank cash desk, ATMs with cash in function and OTP self-service terminals;
  3. Translation service "Unistream";
  4. Divisions of Russian Post.

How does auto payment for a loan work?

Automatic payment for a loan works as follows:
1. You enable automatic payment for a loan for the required amount.
2. The bank automatically debits the amount from your card every month.
3. The invoice was paid on time.

How to activate automatic payment for a loan in Sberbank Online?

“Payments” tab → Auto payments → Connect auto payment → in the search, specify “Pay loan” → select the desired bank from the list. If the bank you need is not in the list, select “Loans / Transfers to another bank using BIC”.

Personal menu (right) → My auto payments → Connect auto payment → Select the section “Repaying a loan in another bank” → select the desired bank from the list. If the bank you need is not in the list, select “Loans / Transfers to another bank using BIC”.

How can I disable auto payment for a loan?

1. In the Sberbank Online mobile application
“Payments” tab → Automatic payments → find the required autopayment and click “Disable”.
2. In your personal account Sberbank Online
Personal menu (right) → My auto payments → find the desired auto payment and click “Delete”.

Where can I see if my auto payment went through?

All completed auto payments for a loan can be found:

1. In the mobile application
Payments → Auto payments → Auto payment for a loan

2. In your personal account Sberbank Online
Personal menu (right) → My auto payments → Auto payment for a loan

How to print an auto payment receipt for a loan?

In your Sberbank Online personal account:
Personal menu (right) → My Autopayments → Select the payment you are interested in and click “Print receipt”

Can I change the amount or date of auto payment for a loan?

Go to “Edit auto payment for a loan” and change the amount or date of payment. The next day you will receive an SMS message about the change in auto payment, to which you need to send a confirmation in response

Why was my monthly payment amount re-written off even though I had already closed the loan?

When paying the last payment on the loan, you need to close the auto payment for the loan yourself in the mobile application or personal account of Sberbank Online.

Why was the wrong amount written off when I repaid a loan from another bank?

When paying the last payment on a loan, you need to contact the bank where the loan was opened and clarify the amount of the last payment. After that, edit the auto payment for the loan in accordance with the amount, taking into account the kopecks.

The amount you specify when creating an autopayment for the loan is debited. If the monthly payment amount for a loan from another bank has changed, you need to manually edit the auto payment amount for the loan.

Which banks are money transferred to in minutes?

Cetelem, Alfa-Bank, Russian Standard, MTS-Bank, OTP Bank, Sovcombank and Renaissance Credit. It takes up to 3 business days for the money to arrive in your account at all other banks.

Online payment

From the account on your card.

Redemption without commission

At Post Bank ATMs

At ATMs of VTB Group banks
(with depositing money to the Pochta Bank card).

From cards of other banks to Post Bank Online (from 10,000 ₽).

Auto repayment

The ability to automatically repay the next loan payment
from your card, for example, a salary card.

On the payment date, the required amount will be automatically debited from your card and will pay off the next loan payment. From now on you will not miss a single payment. It's convenient and you don't have to waste your personal time visiting the bank.

To activate the service, contact the customer center (or send the corresponding application to the Bank electronically via Post Bank Online, signed with a Simple electronic signature). The commission for each loan repayment transaction from the card is 29 rubles.

  1. Show the Pochta Bank employee a card from another issuing bank
  2. Check the availability of this service for your card (the issuing bank may refuse to carry out a transaction within the service)
  3. Sign an application-order to activate the “Automatic Repayment” service (on the date of payment, if there are funds on the card, the funds will be debited from the card and credited to the client’s account at Pochta Bank)
Early repayment

Partial or full early repayment available
no commission or applications

Partial early repayment

To make a partial early repayment, contact the customer center, sales desk or customer service by phone at 8 800 550 0770 no later than 7 days before the current loan payment date. The entire amount in excess of the next payment on the payment date will be used to repay the principal debt on the loan, while the size of the next payments will be reduced, and the loan term will remain the same.

Full early repayment

For full early repayment, contact the customer center, sales desk or customer service by phone at 8 800 550 0770 no later than 7 days before the current loan payment date. You will be given a calculation of the early repayment amount. Please note that the amount required for full early repayment is calculated at the nearest payment date.

If the amount for full early repayment is not enough, partial early repayment will occur with a reduction in payment and maintaining the loan term.

Loan repayment procedure

Funds to repay the loan must be deposited no later than the due date of payment. If you have not activated the “Missing a payment” service, if you miss a payment, a penalty of 20% per annum will be charged daily on the amount of the late payment.

Please take into account the crediting time of funds for your chosen repayment method.

Other ways to repay the loan

Banks and payment terminal operators may, at their own discretion, set the amount of commission for the provision of services. The amount limit depends on the method of making the transfer.

Enrollment - up to 4 calendar days.

Your friend or relative can repay the loan. To repay, you only need to know the number of the Post Bank Visa bank card.

ATMs, terminals, remote banking systems of VISA Int. partner banks, networks of payment terminals through which you can use the “VISA Payments and Transfers” service are posted on the VISA website.

For more detailed information about the service, conditions and terms of its provision, please contact VISA Int partner banks. and to the operators of payment terminals providing this service.

To repay the loan, you only need to know the bank card number of PJSC "Post Bank" of the international payment system VISA and enter it when providing the service as the recipient's card number (when using ATMs, it is recommended to have a bank card with you for identification purposes, which will allow you to complete the transaction on amount more than 15,000 rubles).

The size of the commission is set by the sending bank.

Your friend or relative can repay the loan. To repay, you must have a passport and know the details for a cashless transfer to Pochta Bank, which are indicated in your payment schedule.

  • Recipient bank: PJSC "Post Bank"
  • INN: 3232005484
  • BIC: 044525214
  • K/s: 30101810245250000214 in the Main Directorate of the Bank of Russia for the Central Federal District
  • Recipient: Full name of the Client
  • Recipient's account number: Client's account number (20 characters);
  • Purpose of payment: account replenishment.

Your Pochta Bank account number and other details are indicated in your payment schedule.

Payment is made upon availability of a postal order form received from a Bank employee. To minimize the risks of late receipt of funds in payment of the loan, it is necessary to repay the loan in advance of the next repayment date - taking into account the period for crediting funds.

Typically, the transfer period is up to 5 business days; please contact the sending bank directly about the period for transferring funds.

Details for transferring funds through branches of another bank:
  • Receive a postal transfer form from a Bank employee (if the form that you received earlier from the Bank was issued before March 1, 2019, you need to receive a new form).
  • Contact an OPS employee and inform him that you want to repay the Pochta Bank loan; you must have a passport with you.
  • Receive and save your payment receipt.