BTI floor plan. Floor plan and explication for the apartment

In order to register the property right to an object and register it with the state, it is necessary to accurately determine the real estate itself. For this purpose, you will need the information described in the technical passport of the apartment. The data contained in this document is the most important for describing the characteristics of the room. Next, we will look at what this document is and where to get a floor plan and explication.

Floor plan

To carry out some actions with residential premises, not only a technical passport is required, but also documents such as a floor plan and explication, without which, for example, a purchase and sale transaction is impossible. So what is a floor plan and explication of an apartment?

This document is drawn up in the form of a drawing of the entire floor on which the apartment is located. The plan shows all the door and window openings, partitions, walls and lintels in the room. The floor plan is part of the technical passport of the apartment and is a continuation of the cadastral document.

A floor plan will be required for transactions involving the purchase and sale of premises, donation, exchange, rental or inheritance. In addition, this document is often necessary in the process of privatization and registration of ownership in former hostels. In the second case, the blocks were divided into apartments in fact; therefore, a plan is required to allocate a share in kind. In addition, in these dormitories, some rooms were connected into one even before the privatization process began, and even the owners themselves cannot remember how the living quarters were originally located on the floor.

The next process for which a “floor plan” is needed is the purchase of apartments for conversion into non-residential premises. The plan reflects all load-bearing walls, window openings and The presence of a floor drawing makes it possible to make a new diagram of a non-residential premises, outline a place for arranging an entrance and a showcase, and also establish the best placement of new rooms if necessary.

Don't know where to get a floor plan and explication? To draw up a floor plan, you will need to contact the BTI service with an application and a package of documents confirming ownership of one or more premises in the building.


Explication of an apartment is an integral part of the floor plan, which is a separate sheet explaining the purpose of the premises indicated on the drawing. This document contains information about how much area is allocated for a particular room, and it also indicates the total area of ​​the apartment.

Explication table

Are you wondering where you can get an explication and floor plan? We'll talk about this below, now it's time to find out what the table is. The table itself is very simple. It contains information about the building where the apartment is located and registration data about the processes carried out in it. Thus, the following information is indicated in the general statements:

  • The exact address.
  • Room category.
  • Date of the last inventory.
  • Reasons for conducting the survey.

In addition, some qualitative and quantitative indicators are indicated on the explication sheet of a building or a separate room. This information is the main part of the document. So, the essential parameters:

  • Room number value.
  • Name.
  • Footage
  • Category.

This last point may seem unclear to some. A category is the purpose of a specific room, that is, it can be a living space, a technical room, a bathroom, a loggia, a kitchen, etc.

In what cases is explication required?

A floor plan will be required to carry out the redevelopment of existing buildings. You will find out below where to obtain a floor plan and an explanation. In addition, it is needed if the apartment owner is planning a large-scale renovation with the construction of additional rooms, as well as to calculate the exact footage of free space in each room.

You cannot do without an explanation when making transactions for the purchase and sale of premises and transferring an apartment to a non-residential property. In the latter case, the following information contained in the document will be required:

  • Placement of load-bearing structures.
  • Location of utilities.
  • Designation of inputs and outputs.
  • Window openings.

Based on this data, the new owner will be able to make all the necessary changes to the plan, turning the residential space into a store or office.

What to do if you receive a floor plan for an apartment with red lines?

In some cases, when ordering a floor plan with an explanation, you may receive a document on which some parts of the room will be highlighted in red.

These designations are made when discrepancies are found between the original layout of the room and its current condition. How can this be?

A discrepancy can occur in two cases:

  • Was completed by the previous owner
  • After the redevelopment, certain amendments were made to the legislation, after which some of the changed elements became a violation.

In both cases, there is only one way out - it is necessary to bring the premises into compliance with all established standards.

In the first case, you should try to coordinate the changes made with the authorized bodies, unless, of course, they violate the norms. The second option is to eliminate all inconsistencies and bring the room to the state depicted on the original plan.

It is very important, after carrying out the adjustment work, to undergo an inspection by a commission from the housing inspection, after which they must issue the new owner an act of completion of the reconstruction or redevelopment process.

Explication of the apartment

Don’t know where to get a floor plan and BTI explication? You will learn about this below. Apartment premises are an integral part of the housing stock, starting from a certain area, which is under the care of authorized bodies, and ending with the general state fund. Naturally, any changes do not go unnoticed by the authorities.

Apartment explication is a document on the basis of which calculations of the amount of payment for utilities are made. The fact is that not the entire area of ​​​​the room is residential and it is the explication table that will help the owner accurately calculate the amount of payment.

For example, loggias and balconies, in accordance with the legislative framework, do not belong to residential space, but some unscrupulous services include their area in the total area and demand payment.

Site explication

What is this, a floor plan and an explication of an apartment, you already know, but what is an explication of a land plot? This document is not much different from a leaflet for an apartment or building. The differences are that encumbrance and registration are carried out only on the land use site. Explication of the site is an integral part of the master land use plan. The document includes all premises and buildings that have already been erected or are just being planned, and their direct purpose is also indicated.

How to get a floor plan for an apartment?

Don't know where to get a floor plan and explication? This issue is dealt with by the bodies of the Bureau of Technical History (BTI), the “single window” service. To complete the documentation, you must contact the above-mentioned institution at the location of the building. So, how to get an explication and floor plan? To do this you need:

You already know where to get an explication and floor plan of the apartment; it’s time to find out what documents are needed for this. You will need the following:

  • Identity card of the owner of the premises (passport).
  • Certificate of ownership or purchase and sale agreement, as appropriate.
  • Order of the city housing inspection authorities.
  • Certificate of completed planning (if any).
  • Receipt for payment of state duty.

Photocopies of all documents must be made.

The cost of documents depends solely on the area of ​​the premises. The final amount will be reported to the BTI when issuing a receipt. The period for production of documents is from 10 to 14 days after the inspection is completed by a technician in accordance with the established date. But be prepared for possible delays; in practice, the process of preparing documentation is completed within a month.

The validity period of the explication is unlimited, but according to the norms of the current legislation, the BTI is obliged to conduct a survey of the housing stock on the territory related to it once every five years.

After receiving the documentation, you should check the accuracy of all data - address, floor, room number, date. In addition to this, the owner should be interested in the following values:

  • Living space size.
  • Auxiliary area.
  • Other (balcony, loggia, etc.).

Remember that these are very important numbers because they are the basis for utility bills.

Now you know how to get an explication of the BTI for an apartment, but remember: everything described above applies only to those houses that were built before 2013. Owners of premises in new buildings erected after this period should contact the supplier directly. If for some reason this cannot be done, then you can use the services of organizations specializing in this issue.

Which BTI certificates are needed to sell an apartment, and what are these documents?

BTI (Bureau of Technical Inventory) or as they are called in St. Petersburg - PIB (design and inventory bureau)- these are specialized government agencies that conduct technical accounting and inventory all real estate located in your area.

For each region there is a separate Territorial BTI (TBTI).

BTI contains and issues, at the request of citizens, various accounting and technical data on all real estate objects in its area. But for apartment purchase and sale transactions it is enough for us to know about the following BTI documents (certificates):

  • Apartment floor plan
  • Explication
  • Technical passport of the apartment
  • BTI certificate form 1-a
  • Cadastral passport of the apartment
  • Certificate of inventory value of the apartment
  • Certificate of address compliance

Exactly these BTI certificates may be needed for sale apartment . What they are is discussed below.

Apartment floor plan

Floor plan of the apartment (“floor plan”)- This is a drawing that represents the floor plan on which the apartment is located, including the plan of the apartment itself. The “floor” displays all load-bearing and non-load-bearing walls, partitions, window and door openings, balconies and loggias. From the “floor plan” you can clearly see the number and location of rooms in the apartment, the location of the kitchen, bathroom, etc.

The “floor plan” is ordered, in particular, for decoration. Red lines on the floor plan indicate unregistered changes to the apartment plan.

Apartment floor plan is a graphical application like Cadastral passport of the apartment, so Technical passport of the apartment. But if necessary, the BTI can also be issued in the form of a separate certificate. What does it look like apartment floor plan can be seen as part of the cadastral and technical passports of the apartment - in the section.

Based "floor buildings" is being compiled explication of the apartment.


Explication of the apartment- this is just a table with a list of all the rooms located in the apartment ( both residential and non-residential), indicating their areas. How this looks can be seen in the same documents in which there is also "floor" (see link to them above).

Usually, explication ordered together with floor plan of the apartment.

Technical certificate

Technical passport of the apartment is a document on several pages that contains technical and address accounting data. It includes apartment floor plan, uh exemplification and targeting plan.

BTI certificate form 1-a

BTI certificate in form 1-a- it's simple extract from Technical data sheet apartments, made on an approved form. It provides a brief technical description of the property, its functional purpose, address of the property, and information about the owner of the property.

The information is presented there in tabular form, based on explications.

Cadastral passport

Cadastral passport of the apartment- this is an extract from State Real Estate Cadastre (GKN) , containing information necessary for all types.

From 01/01/2013 Cadastral passports for registration purposes issues ONLY Cadastral Chamber of Rosreestr (FSBI "FKP ROSREESTRA in Moscow).

At the same time, local BTI may also issue Cadastral passports, but for other purposes, for example, to obtain various permits and approvals NOT related to registration actions.

For more information about it, and whether it is needed to sell an apartment, see the Glossary section.

Certificate of inventory value

Certificate of inventory value of the apartment- this is a certificate indicating the residual book value of the apartment, taking into account its current wear and tear. This conditional value has nothing to do with the market price of the apartment.

Such a certificate may be needed for annuity agreements, donations, inheritance, etc.

Certificate of address compliance

Certificate of address compliance- this is a certificate whose name speaks for itself. When renaming individual streets, numbers or building blocks, such a certificate may be required to match the actual postal address with the address registered in the database.

What documents and BTI certificates are needed to sell an apartment?

In an apartment purchase and sale transaction BTI certificates are not always needed. Most urban housing deals close without them.

Some of the above BTI documents and certificates may be needed to sell an apartment, but only if any credentials are missing to register the transaction. Or when a notary, guardianship and trusteeship authorities, a bank or some government agency are involved in the transaction - then they may request some documents from the BTI for their internal purposes. Or when the Buyer of an apartment wants to find out for himself certain technical issues about the apartment ( for example, has any redevelopment been done?).

In other cases, apartment purchase and sale transaction passes without the use of any documents from the BTI. Rosreestr also does not require them unless absolutely necessary - it takes all the data for internal departmental requests from Cadastral Chamber.

Inventory of real estate in BTI

Inventory of apartments happens primary And secondary.

Primary (produced for the first time) - involves taking measurements of premises and registering apartments in new, newly built houses for technical registration.

Secondary (change inventory) - implies taking into account changes made to the technical condition of the apartment ( during redevelopment, refurbishment).

In both cases, to carry out measurements of premises, they are called technical specialists from BTI who measure areas and record technical changes ( if any are present).

According to the results primary inventory , is compiled Technical passport of the apartment, and it is assigned inventory number.

In the case of redevelopment, for example, secondary inventory , and based on these measurements, adjustments are made to Floor plan And Explication , and from there this data is translated into Technical passport of the apartment .

Information BTI about accounting objects is, among other things, also a source of data for calculation STEP-BY-STEP INSTRUCTIONS »(will open in a pop-up window).

How to obtain a floor plan and explication of an apartment from the BTI depends on the year the house was built. For buildings built before 2000, documents are issued by the technical inventory bureau, and for buildings built after this date - by Rostekhinventarizatsiya institutions. When the apartment is in a new building, you should contact the developers.

In order to make a request for technical documentation, you will need three documents:

  • passport;
  • cadastral documents;
  • certificate of ownership of the apartment.

A more extensive package of documentation is required for legal entities:

  • power of attorney for a representative;
  • printed request;
  • payment receipts;
  • state certificate registration of rights, as well as a lease agreement.

A similar procedure for obtaining information applies to residential and non-residential buildings. Inconsistencies in the schemes are marked in red. If incorrect registration is detected, you should contact authorized employees to change the data. It takes ten days to receive a floor plan.

You can choose any division of the technical inventory bureau where you can obtain certificates. The application will be accepted by any unit in the locality where the facility is located. But the request will be fulfilled faster if you apply at the location of the property.

It’s convenient that you can make an appointment for free on the website of the technical inventory bureau. In addition, you can independently check the status of the application’s readiness.

There is another option for obtaining a floor plan and explications - contact the My Documents public service center (MFC). These organizations are intermediaries and transmit the request for execution to the authorized body.

Obtaining a floor plan and BTI explication through the public services portal

The question of how the owner can obtain a floor plan and an explication of an apartment from the BTI can be solved without leaving the house. To do this, you need to register on the portal. The service was created to simplify the lives of citizens and improve the quality of public services.

6 steps to obtain information:

  1. Prepare a passport, SNILS, certificates of rights to living space.
  2. Go to the portal and register.
  3. Get password.
  4. Log in to the site using the password you received.
  5. Fill out the form where you indicate the necessary information about the apartment.
  6. Wait for a call from an authorized specialist. The date of the visit to the organization will be announced by phone.

In the section of the Rosreestr website where the technical documentation is located, you should enter data about the object. Then you need to send an application, indicate your contact number and e-mail. Rosreestr employees will contact the applicant and inform them of the date when the explanation and plan will be ready. The service is provided after the original documents are presented.

The owner can receive the documents

Other interested parties cannot order a floor plan. The exception is when the application is submitted by a proxy. Authority is confirmed by a notarized power of attorney. The developer does not provide a technical certificate for the apartment after putting the house into operation. A general technical document is issued for the entire house at once. Owners will have to obtain documents for their apartments on their own.
Service price
The price for obtaining technical information in Moscow and other Russian cities is:

  1. A copy of the plan. RUB 1,008 costs one sheet of A4, 1,153 rubles. It costs a sheet larger than A4.
  2. A copy of the explication. 956 rub. – price for one sheet of A4 format.
  3. Making a new floor plan. 5.71 rub. – without calling an authorized employee.
  4. 20.3 rubles - provided that the area of ​​the apartment is less than 1,000 sq.m., 10.3 rubles. – when the area is more than 1,000 sq.m.
  5. 234 rub. – price for each page of the explication.

Important! The cost of the explication and plan depends on three factors: the footage of the object, the need to call a measurer and the organization that provides the services. When you order documents for an apartment through Rostekhinventarizatsiya, the price of services will be higher. The approximate cost of documentation for an apartment ranges from 3 to 10 thousand rubles.

The footage of the loggia and balconies may differ from the actual area, since it is multiplied by a factor of 0.3 and 0.5.

It is more convenient to order documents from BTI than from Rostekhinventarizatsiya

It is more convenient to take the documentation to the technical inventory office. There it is easier to reconcile existing errors, and the service fee will be lower. In appearance, the documents are not much different; the date of issue is also indicated. If there are illegal alterations, a note must be made about this.

To save money, it is better to entrust the work to the same company that originally did the measurements. If you order certificates from another company, you will additionally have to pay for calling a specialist. When the company has already taken measurements, you can simply request documents from the archive.

If the measurements were made by Rostec, then you cannot order documents through the MFC

When Rostec made the measurements, the documents could not be obtained through the public services center. The applicant will simply be wasting his time. The question of how to obtain a BTI plan is being resolved in Rostec. The application should indicate that you need to issue a copy of existing data or make new measurements.

Initially, it makes sense to order existing data. Compare the information received with the existing layout. It is possible that the renovation was done by the previous owner, but the new owner does not know about it. It makes sense to take measurements when the reconstruction has been agreed upon and the order to carry it out has already been received.

How to order documents for an apartment

After the applicant’s documentation is accepted, he is given a receipt. A list of accepted documents is indicated there, as well as the date when you need to appear to receive the result. It is imperative to check the list of accepted documentation, as well as the correctness of the stamp indicating acceptance of the application for information about the apartment. The invoice for work performed can be paid directly at the government agency through the terminal. The next day after the date specified in the receipt, you can already pick up the completed documents.

The validity period for apartment documents in the BTI has not been established. The organization to which the certificates are submitted determines this time independently. As a rule, the maximum validity period of a document is one year from the date of its provision.

Attention! Due to recent changes in legislation, the legal information in this article may be out of date!

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When put into operation, any building or premises (residential, industrial) is subject to inventory - measuring the areas included in the structure and recording their quantity.

The data obtained during the inventory is presented in the form of a schematic image.

What is a BTI floor plan

The BTI floor plan is a single-level schematic representation of a building, apartment, house with all its partitions and load-bearing walls, and is part of the technical passport of the structure.
The following notes are included in the plan:

  • inventory number assigned to each premises as part of the inventory object;
  • windows, partitions (including built-in wardrobes, storage rooms), load-bearing walls. It is interesting that the red line will mark those that were built without the approval of the BTI. Sometimes such illegal manipulations are only marked on the plan sheet; red lines are not applied. For example, when applying for a mortgage, the presence of such marks and red lines may serve as a reason for the bank to refuse to issue a loan. Carrying out unapproved redevelopment of the premises entails<административные взыскания (штраф);
  • date of last measurement;
  • name of the organization that carried out the inventory.


An integral addition to the drawing is a list of premises indicating the areas and assigned inventory numbers - explication.
Additional information can be obtained from this document:

  • presence (absence) of encumbrance;
  • height and width of rooms and premises;
  • total area of ​​the object;
  • current and previous (if changed) addresses.

Documents required to obtain a plan

Floor plans for all types of buildings can be ordered as a copy from the archive or according to new measurements.
To receive a plan you must provide:

  • citizen's passport;
  • a notarized power of attorney, if the application is drawn up by an authorized person;
  • title documents;
  • a project for future alterations, if the application for the issuance of a plan is related to the upcoming redevelopment;
  • letter of guarantee if the order is placed for non-residential premises.

Where to order and receive an inventory plan

There are several authorities where you can contact to obtain an inventory plan.

1. BTI. If the construction of a house or building takes place before 2000, then the plan must be ordered from the Bureau of Technical Inventory in person at the location of the property. In this case, you will most likely have to wait in line to submit an application for the preparation of a plan. After paying the fee on the issued receipt, the day for issuing the document will be set.

Note: Reception of citizens at the Bureau of Technical Inventory is carried out on certain days and hours, so inquire in advance about the opening hours.

2. Rostekhinventarizatsiya. After 2000, measurements of premises transferred for operation, along with BTI, could be carried out by specialists from Rostekhinventarizatsiya. Then you need to look for the data there.

3. MFC. An order at the Multifunctional Center is only possible if the premises have been measured by BTI.

4. Developer. Contacting the developer is advisable if the apartment is located in a new building.

5. Intermediary organizations. If the BTI plan is not the only document in the package being prepared, then to save time it would be advisable to use the services of a third organization. For a certain monetary reward, specialists will collect all the necessary documentation in a short time. It is also possible to order a plan through intermediaries online. The disadvantage of this route is the significant waste of money for services.

6. Construction and architectural organizations. You can contact an organization that did not carry out the initial measurement of the premises.

The cost of third-party services is significantly higher than BTI.

Duration and cost of service

Almost all real estate transactions are impossible without a floor plan. These could be the following operations:

  • purchase and sale;
  • acceptance of inheritance;
  • donation;
  • mortgage registration;
  • demolition of existing or construction of new partitions in the room (redevelopment).

After submitting an application to the BTI or Rostekhinventarizatsiya, you will have to wait about two weeks for the finished document. This period will be shorter if a technician was not required to visit your home. When the request was submitted through the MFC, you have to wait additionally until the application is forwarded to the BTI at the address of the object.

The validity period of the document, which after measurement is transferred to the archive, is not limited.

Factors influencing the cost of producing a floor plan for an apartment:

  • room area. The fee is calculated at about 5 rubles per square meter;
  • exit of the measurer to the address. An additional charge for measuring a square meter is about 21 rubles, if the apartment is up to 100 sq.m. For exceeding the specified quadrature, 5.5 rubles are paid. per square meter.

Explication of the premises costs about 200 rubles. In total, the cost of the BTI plan with an explanation for the apartment will be up to 1000 rubles.