Inventory of fixed assets at a leased enterprise. Accounting for depreciation of fixed assets




Under a lease agreement, the lessee receives use of a fixed asset from the lessor for a period of one year. The initial cost of the property received for rent is 248,000 rubles; monthly rental amount - 4,720 rubles, including VAT - 720 rubles. A leased fixed asset is intended for production. According to the terms of the agreement, rent is paid monthly.

No. Account correspondence Amount, rub.
Debit Credit
- 248 000
76, subaccount “Settlements with the lessor”
76, subaccount “Settlements with the lessor”
The amount of VAT paid to the lessor is presented for deduction 68-1

If leased fixed assets are used by the tenant for purposes not related to the production and sale of products (works, services), then the rent is included in the tenant’s other expenses by recording:

Debit account 91 “Other income and expenses”, subaccount 91-2 “Other expenses”

Credit account 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors”, subaccount “Settlements with the lessor”.

The transfer of rent to the lessor is reflected in the tenant's accounting by debiting account 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors” in correspondence with the cash account account.

Documents confirming rental payments are rental agreements, acceptance certificates for rental services provided, invoices and invoices issued by the lessor, bank statements on the current account and payment orders.

Under a lease agreement, the lessee receives use of a fixed asset from the lessor for a period of one year. The initial cost of the property received for rent is 132,000 rubles; monthly rental amount - 2950 rubles, including VAT - 450 rubles. A leased fixed asset is intended for non-production purposes. According to the terms of the agreement, rent is paid monthly.

Let's make accounting entries:

No. Contents of business transactions Account correspondence Amount, rub.
Debit Credit
The leased OS object for production purposes has been registered - 132 000
The rent provided for in the lease agreement was accrued for the reporting period, excluding VAT. 91-2
VAT claimed by the lessor is reflected 76 subaccount “Settlements with the lessor”
The rent for the leased asset was transferred to the lessor (including VAT) 76 subaccount “Settlements with the lessor”
The amount of VAT paid to the lessor is written off 91-2

If the lease agreement provides for advance rental payments (for 3, 6, etc. months in advance), then such payments are accounted for as advances issued to the lessor in account 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors”, subaccount “Advances issued”. The amount of monthly rent accrued is included in the tenant's expenses and then applied to reduce the landlord's debt for the advance rental payments previously transferred to him.

Under a lease agreement, the lessee receives use of a fixed asset from the lessor for a period of one year. The initial cost of the property received for rent is 248,000 rubles; monthly rental amount - 4,720 rubles, including VAT - 720 rubles. A leased fixed asset is intended for production. According to the terms of the agreement, rent is paid in advance for 6 months.

Let's make accounting entries:

No. Contents of business transactions Account correspondence Amount, rub.
Debit Credit
The leased OS object for production purposes has been registered - 248 000
6 months rent paid in advance to the landlord 76, subaccount “Advances issued” 28 320
Rent accrued for the reporting month excluding VAT 76, subaccount “Settlements with the lessor”
The amount of VAT on rent for the reporting month is reflected 76, subaccount “Settlements with the lessor”
Rent for the reporting month has been credited 76, subaccount “Settlements with the lessor” 76, subaccount" Advances issued
The amount of VAT paid to the lessor for the reporting month is presented for deduction

As noted above, the lessee is obliged to carry out routine repairs of leased fixed assets and bear the costs of their maintenance. The tenant includes the costs of current repairs as part of production costs. Carrying out major repairs of leased fixed assets is the responsibility of the lessor. If, in accordance with the lease agreement, major repairs are carried out by the tenant, then the expenses incurred by the tenant must be reimbursed by the landlord or the rent must be reduced by the cost of the repairs made.

If the lease agreement does not provide for reimbursement of these expenses by the lessor, then the costs of repairing leased fixed assets, made in accordance with the terms of the agreement at the expense of the lessee, are attributed by the lessee to production costs.

With long-term leases, situations are possible when capital investments are made in leased fixed assets.

For accounting purposes, if, in accordance with the concluded lease agreement, capital investments in leased fixed assets are the property of the tenant, the costs of completed capital works are written off from the credit of the account for investments in non-current assets in correspondence with the debit of the fixed assets account. For the amount of expenses incurred, the tenant opens a separate inventory card for a separate inventory item. If, in accordance with the concluded lease agreement, the tenant transfers the capital investments made to the lessor, the costs of completed capital work, subject to compensation by the lessor, are written off from the credit account for investments in non-current assets in correspondence with the debit of the settlement account.

The inventory of fixed assets is carried out in accordance with the Methodological Guidelines for the Inventory of Property and Financial Liabilities, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated June 13, 1995 No. 49, which must be applied taking into account the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated August 18, 1998 No. 88.

The inventory of fixed assets is carried out by a commission with the obligatory participation of financially responsible persons. The inventory commission includes representatives of the organization’s administration, accounting employees, and other specialists (engineers, technicians, economists, etc.). Before the inventory begins, a receipt must be received from each financially responsible person stating that all valuables have been recorded and the documents have been handed over to accounting. Inventory of fixed assets consists of checking their actual availability in kind at their location or operation. An inventory of fixed assets can be carried out once every 3 years, and of the library collection - once every 5 years.

  • the presence and condition of inventory cards, inventory books, inventories and other analytical accounting registers;
  • availability and condition of technical passports or other technical documentation;
  • availability of documents for fixed assets leased or accepted by the organization for storage.

If the commission documents are missing, it is necessary to ensure their receipt or execution. If discrepancies and inaccuracies are detected in the accounting registers or technical documentation, appropriate corrections and clarifications must be made.

When making an inventory of fixed assets, the commission inspects the objects and records their full name, purpose, inventory numbers and main technical or operational indicators in the inventory.

When making an inventory of buildings, structures and other real estate, the commission checks the availability of documents confirming the location of these objects in the ownership of the organization. The availability of documents for land plots, reservoirs and other environmental management facilities owned by the organization is also checked.

When identifying objects that have not been registered, as well as objects for which the accounting registers do not contain or contain incorrect data characterizing them, the commission must include correct information on these objects in the inventory.

Fixed assets are included in the inventory by name in accordance with the direct purpose of the object. If an object has undergone restoration, reconstruction or re-equipment and, as a result, its direct purpose has changed, then it is entered into the inventory under the name corresponding to the new purpose.

If the commission establishes that work of a capital nature (adding floors, adding new premises, etc.) or partial liquidation of buildings and structures (demolition of individual structural elements) is not reflected in the accounting records, it is necessary to determine the amount of increase or decrease in the book value of the object using the relevant documents and provide information about the changes made in the inventory.

Machinery, equipment and vehicles are entered into the inventory individually, indicating the factory inventory number according to the technical passport of the manufacturing organization, year of manufacture, purpose, capacity, etc. Same type items of household equipment and tools of the same value, received simultaneously in one of the structural divisions of the organization and taken into account in the standard group accounting inventory card, are listed in the inventories by name, indicating the quantity of these items.

Fixed assets that, at the time of inventory, are located outside the location of the organization (vehicles on long-distance voyages, sea and river vessels, railway rolling stock; machinery and equipment sent for major repairs, etc.) are inventoried until their temporary disposal.

For fixed assets that are not suitable for use and cannot be restored, the inventory commission draws up a separate inventory indicating the time of commissioning and the reasons that led these objects to be unusable (damage, complete wear and tear, etc.).

To reflect the actual availability of fixed assets at their locations and at all stages of their movement in the organization, the “Inventory List of Fixed Assets” is used in form No. INV-1.

The inventory list is compiled in two copies separately for each location of fixed assets and the financially responsible person. The inventory list is signed by members of the commission and the person responsible for the safety of fixed assets. One copy is transferred to the accounting department, and the second remains with the financially responsible person.

For fixed assets accepted for lease, an inventory is drawn up in triplicate separately for each lessor, indicating the lease term. One copy of the inventory list is sent to the lessor.

In accounting, the data from inventory sheets is compared with the data from the analytical accounting of fixed assets and, based on the results of the comparison, if discrepancies are identified, a matching statement is drawn up in form No. INV-18.

The matching statement is drawn up in two copies by the accountant, one of which is kept in the accounting department, the second is transferred to the financially responsible person. When identifying surpluses or shortages of fixed assets, financially responsible persons must give appropriate explanations.

The results of the inventory are subject to reflection in the accounting accounts in the month in which the inventory was completed, in accordance with the rules established by the Federal Law “On Accounting”. Previously unaccounted for fixed assets identified during the inventory must be taken into account at market value on the date of the inventory and treated as an increase in financial results as other income of the organization. In this case, the following entry is made in the accounting accounts:

Debit account 01 "Fixed assets"

Credit account 91-1 “Other income”.

The shortage of fixed assets identified during inventory is considered as their disposal and is reflected in accounting with the following entries:

Debit account 01 “Fixed Assets”, subaccount “Disposal of Fixed Assets”

Credit account 01 "Fixed assets"

– the initial cost of the missing fixed asset is written off;

Debit account 02 “Depreciation of fixed assets”

Credit account 01 “Fixed Assets”, subaccount “Disposal of Fixed Assets”

– the amount of depreciation accrued on this object at the time of inventory is written off;

Debit account 94 “Shortages and losses from damage to valuables”

Credit 01 “Fixed assets”, subaccount “Retirement of fixed assets”

– the residual value of the missing fixed asset is written off.

If it is established that the culprit of the shortage is the financially responsible person, then the shortage is attributed to the culprit. The shortage is compensated by the culprit in the amount of the market value of the fixed asset and is reflected in the accounting records with the following entries:

Credit account 94 “Shortages and losses from damage to valuables”

– to the residual value of the missing fixed asset;

Debit account 73 “Settlements with personnel for other operations”, subaccount 73-2 “Settlements for compensation of material damage”

Credit account 98 “Deferred income”

– the difference between the market value and the residual value of the missing fixed asset;

Debit account 50 "Cashier"

Credit account 73 “Settlements with personnel for other operations”, subaccount 73-2 “Settlements for compensation of material damage”

– for the amount paid by the culprit to the cash desk to compensate for the shortage;

Debit account 98 “Deferred income”

Credit account 91-1 “Other income”

– the difference between the market value and the residual value of the missing fixed asset.

If the culprit for the shortage of fixed assets is not identified or the court refuses to collect the shortage from the culprit, then losses from the shortage are written off as a decrease in financial results as part of the organization’s other expenses by recording:

Debit account 91-2 “Other expenses”

Credit account 94 “Shortages and losses from damage to valuables.”

Accounting for lease of fixed assets, regulatory documents, accounting entries - our article discusses all the features of accounting for lease agreements.

Basic concepts of a lease agreement

The fundamental document regulating rental relations is Chapter. 34 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

The object of lease can be various property that has the property of not losing its natural properties during operation, united in the legal field under the term “non-consumable things”. This feature allows you to return the original object to the copyright holder without changing its functional and quality characteristics. These are land plots, buildings, equipment, transport and other similar objects, usually fixed assets of organizations.

An object recognized as part of fixed assets meets the criteria established in clause 4 of PBU 6/01 (approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated March 30, 2001 No. 26n). There are only 4 criteria:

  • the object is intended for use in the organization’s activities, including in lease transactions for transfer to the tenant;
  • the facility is used for an extended period of time exceeding 12 months, or for a period exceeding the normal operating cycle of more than 12 months;
  • the object must generate income in the future;
  • its resale is not intended.

There is an additional condition: the criteria must be met all at the same time.

Find out what PBUs legislators plan to develop in 2018-2021 from this.

The lessor (owner of the property) rents it out, and the tenant accepts it. As a general rule, during an operating lease, the owner of the subject of the transaction remains the lessor; there is no change of ownership. The tenant temporarily, during the validity of the lease agreement, uses and owns the property without being its owner.

Ownership rights can be transferred only if the contract provides for the purchase of the property at the end of the lease. For example, if a separate type of lease agreement, a leasing agreement, contains such a condition, the repurchase is formalized within the framework of another contractual relationship - purchase and sale, since leasing is essentially a lease, and the conditions for the transfer of ownership are regulated by the purchase and sale agreement.

For judicial practice on lease agreements, see.

Accounting for fixed assets with the lessor

Who should keep records of fixed assets - rental objects on their balance sheet?

Landlord. Like any owner, he is obliged to keep records of his property.

What balance sheet accounts are used to account for fixed assets in lease?

Accounts 01 “Fixed Assets” and 03 “Income Investments” at original cost.

In the chart of accounts (approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated October 31, 2000 No. 94n), account 01 is allocated for all fixed assets, including those leased. Along with this, PBU 6/01 states that fixed assets, the purpose of which is to be leased, should be considered profitable investments. To account for them there is account 03.

How to correctly differentiate between accounting for objects on accounts 01 and 03?

The choice is simple. Based on the wording on profitable investments contained in PBU 6/01 (clause 5).

IMPORTANT! PBU 6/01 includes income-generating investments as fixed assets whose purpose is exclusively for leasing. At the same time, the goal is clearly known - generating income from the rental of these objects.

What accounts are used to record rental income?

Accounts 90 “Sales” and 91 “Other income and expenses”.

If an organization receives its main income from property rental transactions, clause 5 of PBU 9/99 (approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated May 6, 1999 No. 32n) prescribes that rental payments should be considered revenue. Count 90 should be used.

At the same time, in clause 7 of PBU 9/99, rental payments are included in the list of others, but with the caveat: “Take into account the provisions of clause 5.” This means that if the organization has other main areas other than rental activities, then rental income, being other income, is accumulated in account 91.

The organization classifies its income as one type or another independently and enters information about this into its accounting policy.

What accounting for the lease of fixed assets looks like at the level of accounting entries is described in the tables. The following abbreviations are used throughout the text:

  • OS - fixed assets;
  • DV - profitable investments.

If OS rental is the main activity


Dt 03 / DV in the organization

The Far East facility has been put into operation. Posting in the amount of the original cost

Dt 03 / DV for rent

Kt 03 / DV in the organization

The property has been transferred to the tenant

Kt 90 / Revenue

Lease payments included in revenue

Dt 90 / VAT

VAT charged

Depreciation of the Far East facility

If OS rental is another type of activity


Dt 01 / OS in the organization

The OS object has been put into operation. Posting in the amount of the original cost

Dt 20-26 (cost accounts)

Depreciation when the item was used for production purposes

Dt 01 / OS for rent

Kt 01 / OS in the organization

The property has been transferred to the tenant

Kt 91 / Other income

Rent payments among other income

Dt 91 / VAT

VAT charged

Dt 91 / Other expenses

Depreciation of a rental property

Explanations for wiring:

1. Depreciation is charged to account 91.

The asset was originally used for production purposes and depreciation was charged to cost accounts. After rental, it is credited to account 91, like income, as part of other income. This corresponds to the norm of PBU 10/99 (approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated May 6, 1999 No. 33n), requiring the recognition of income and expenses in reporting, taking into account the relationship between them (the principle of matching income and expenses).

2. The object continues to be accounted for in account 01.

After being leased, the property is used only for rental purposes. Does this entail the transfer of its accounting to account 03? No, for the following reasons:

  • It cannot be considered that the property is intended exclusively for rental. It was originally purchased for production purposes and can be used again for production once the lease is completed.
  • There is no such regulatory requirement. Carrying forward for reporting and tax purposes does not make sense.

Examples: machine tool, car.

However, the organization is free to enter into contracts. An organization whose lease relates to other operations may enter into a lease agreement. In this case, the object is purchased exclusively for rental. Then it is reasonable to use account 03 to account for the object and account 91 to account for income and expenses.

Read about the initial cost and depreciation of objects in the article .

Accounting for leased fixed assets from a tenant

Leased property is not the tenant’s own property, therefore, off-balance sheet account 001 should be used to account for it. The valuation of objects at which they should be listed off-balance sheet is indicated in the lease agreement. The object is accounted for as debit 001 at the time of acceptance and transfer of property. At the end of the lease and the fact of return of the property, an entry is made under loan 001.

Rent payments are an expense for the tenant. They are reflected in the cost price or other expenses depending on the functions of the leased facility.

The following materials will introduce you to the nuances of rental relations:


The leased objects are accounted for by the lessor (property owner) on balance sheet accounts, and the lessee organizes off-balance sheet accounting of the objects.

The lessor makes a choice:

  • object accounting accounts 01 or 03 according to their initial purpose - for production use or exclusively for rent;
  • Income accounts 90 or 91 by type of activity - main or other operations.

Inventory is carried out no more than once a year. Its goal is “to identify the actual presence and qualitative condition of the enterprise’s fixed assets, check technical documentation, and clarify accounting data.” As a result, an inventory list is drawn up (form No. inv. 1) in one copy, it is signed by the commission that carried out the inventory and the financially responsible person. The inventory is transferred to the accountant, who compares them with accounting data and draws up a comparative inventory, which determines shortages or surpluses.

Identified surpluses are recorded at market value as previously unaccounted for fixed assets: Dt 01 “Fixed assets” Kt 91 subaccount “Other income”.

In case of shortage or damage, fixed assets are written off from the balance sheet using the following transactions:

  • 1. at the original cost: Dt 01/5 Kt 01;
  • 2. for the amount of accrued depreciation: Dt 02 Kt 01/5;
  • 3. for residual value: Dt 94 Kt 01/5.
  • 4. The shortage is written off to the guilty person at market value:

a. Dt 73/2 “Settlements with personnel for other operations”, Kt 94 “Shortages and losses or damage to valuables” - for the residual value;

b. Dt 73/2, Kt “Deferred income” - for the amount of the difference between the market and residual value.

5. As the guilty party compensates for the shortfall Dt 50, Kt 73/2, at the same time the share of deferred income is written off from account 98/4 to account 91 “Other income and expenses” in correspondence Dt 98/4 Kt 91.

If the culprit of the shortage is not identified, the residual value is written off as other expenses.

Example 7, the inventory revealed a shortage of a printer worth 20,000 rubles, accrued depreciation amounted to 3,000 rubles, the market value at the time of inventory was 15,000 rubles. Let's reflect the shortage in accounting:

1) Write-off of initial cost:

Dt 01/5 Kt 01 20000rub.

2) Write-off of accrued depreciation:

Dt 02 Kt 01/5 3000 rub.

3) We will reflect the shortage in the amount of the residual value:

Dt 94 Kt 01/5 17,000 rub.

4) We attribute the shortage to the guilty person:

Dt 73/2 Kt 94 17,000 rub. - to the residual value,

Dt 73/2 Kt 98/4 2000 rub. - the difference between market and residual value.

5) The person responsible for repaying the shortfall deposited the amount of 3,000 rubles into the cash register:

Dt 50 Kt 73/5 3000 rub.

The share of future income is written off to other income:

2000/15000*3000=400 rub.

Dt 98/4 Kt 91,400 rub.

Revaluation of fixed assets is carried out in order to bring their book value into line with current prices. This becomes especially true during inflation. This is often repeated several times, and the frequency of revaluation is reflected in the order on the organization’s accounting policies. Only commercial organizations, according to PBU 6/01, have the right to revalue their fixed assets at replacement (current cost) no more than once a year. Sometimes, they resort to the services of a specialist appraiser. In accounting, the cost of the appraiser refers to expenses for ordinary activities (account 26). It should be noted that revaluation does not always mean a decrease in the value of a fixed asset, i.e. its markdown, and perhaps an increase in the value of the object - revaluation.

In accounting, the revaluation of fixed assets is reflected in the accounts in the following order:

  • 1) for the amount of increase in the initial cost: Dt 01 Kt 83 “Additional capital”, subaccount 1;
  • 2) at the same time for the amount of excess of accrued depreciation: Dt 83/1 Kt 02

When marking down:

  • 1) by the amount of reduction in book value: Dt 84 “Retained earnings (uncovered loss)” Kt 01;
  • 2) at the same time by the amount of excess of accrued depreciation: Dt 02 Kt 84.

Revaluation can be carried out by direct recalculation, using documents confirming market prices, in this case the recalculation coefficient is determined using the formula:

The resulting coefficient is multiplied by the amount of depreciation that was accrued before the revaluation.

If the fixed asset was previously revalued, then the amount of the depreciation within the amount of the previous revaluation is written off as a decrease in additional capital: Dt 83/1 Kt 01. In excess of the amount of the previous revaluation: Dt 84 Kt 01. At the same time, entries are made to the amount of accrued depreciation: Dt 02 Kt 83/ 1 (within the previous increase); Dt 02 Kt 83/1 (in excess of the previous revaluation amounts).

The results of revaluation in accounting are reflected only at the end of the year in which it was carried out. They are taken into account in the opening balance at the beginning of the next year in the balance sheet for the 1st quarter.

Example 8 . As a result of the revaluation, a computer with an original cost of 32,000 rubles was valued at 28,000 rubles. At the time of revaluation, accrued depreciation was: 6,400 rubles. Let us reflect the results of the revaluation:

  • 1) Determine the depreciation recalculation coefficient:
  • 28000/ 32000=0,875
  • 2) We adjust the amount of depreciation:
  • 6400*0.875=5600 rub.
  • 3) We will write off the amount of markdown for the uncovered loss: 4000 rubles. (32000-2800=4000 rub.)

Dt 84 Kt 01 4000 rub.

4) Write-off of retained earnings: (6400-5600=800 rub.)

Dt 02 Kt 84,800 rub.

Thus, in accordance with paragraph 46 of the Methodological Instructions, given for the revaluation of fixed assets:

  • - initial cost or current value at which they are accounted for in accounting as of December 31 of the previous year;
  • - the amount of depreciation accrued for the entire period of use of the object as of the specified date;
  • -documented data on the current value of revaluation of objects as of 01.01 of the reporting year.

An enterprise (firm) can lease property. All obligations and rights of the parties are determined when concluding a lease agreement, in which the property is described so that it can be unambiguously determined, and the lease period is indicated. Based on the duration of the lease relationship, there are two types of lease:

  • · short-term (current) - for a period of up to 1 year;
  • · long-term (financial) - for a period of more than 1 year.

If the period exceeds 1 year, the agreement is subject to mandatory registration.

Rent payments are normal expenses of the organization. They are reflected in the contract, which stipulates the terms and amounts of this fee. To reflect lease payments in accounting, an acceptance and transfer certificate is drawn up in the OS-1 form. To reflect leased property, i.e. property that did not belong to the company, use off-balance sheet accounts: 001 “Leased fixed assets”. “Off-balance sheet accounts are three-digit and differ from regular balance sheet accounts in that they are not subject to the double entry requirement.” To accept the property on the balance sheet, an entry is made: Dt 001 and the amount indicated as the value of the property specified in the lease agreement is indicated.

The landlord issues an invoice to the tenant every month. The tenant makes a monthly entry: for the amount of the rent: Dt 20 Kt 60 and indicate the amount. After payment, an entry is made: Dt 60 Kt 51 (amount of rent paid). At the time of termination of the contract, the leased property is written off from the off-balance sheet account: K001 (amount).

Property leased is included in the lessor's accounting records. It continues to be listed on account 01. The lessor reflects current lease transactions with the following entries:

  • 1) for the amount of the invoice presented for payment for fixed assets leased to the tenant in the amount of the rent, including VAT: Dt 76, 62 Kt 91
  • 2) for the amount of accrued VAT to the budget: Dt 91 Kt 68
  • 3) receipt of rent: Dt 51 Kt 76, 62
  • 4) calculation of depreciation on leased fixed assets to reduce income: Dt 91 Kt 02.

If the landlord considers the transfer of premises for rent to be one of his usual activities, then the amount of rent is reflected in account 90 “Sales” in his own sub-accounts. The costs of repairing fixed assets leased out are written off by the lessor as a decrease in income from the credit of material, settlement, and cash accounts to the debit of account 91 “Other income and expenses”: Dt 91 Kt 10, 70, 69.

Based on the norms of the Instructions for Inventory of Assets and Liabilities, approved by Decree of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus dated November 30, 2007 No. 180 (hereinafter referred to as the Instructions), inventory is a certain sequence of practical actions to document the presence, condition and assessment of the organization’s property and liabilities in order to ensure reliability of accounting and reporting data. It also contributes to the implementation of the control function of accounting, making it possible to identify cases of unjustified decrease in the capital of a business entity invested in various types of property (assets).

The basis of any inventory is a complete or selective check of the actual availability of material assets, property rights and obligations by a commission specially created in the organization. Inventory cases are determined:

Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Accounting and Reporting” (Article 12);

Resolution of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus dated November 30, 2007 No. 180;

Resolution of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus dated March 15, 2004 No. 34;

other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Belarus in the case of conducting a selective inventory of property and liabilities.

Before drawing up the annual financial statements of an organization, a mandatory complete inventory is carried out. Regulatory acts provide for a special procedure for its implementation, and based on the results of the inventory, accounting data is clarified.

Therefore, the mandatory annual inventory cannot be replaced by any outwardly similar procedures - internal audit (audit) or external audit, audit of financial and economic activities (although if the organization has a small amount of property and liabilities, the responsibilities of the inventory commission may be assigned to the audit commission).

When conducting an inventory of fixed assets, a special procedure is established for checking fixed assets:

received by the organization in accordance with the lease agreement;

transferred to other organizations in accordance with the lease agreement.

In accordance with paragraph 36 of the Instructions, when taking inventory of fixed assets held in custody or leased, a separate inventory is drawn up in the form established by the Ministry of Finance.

One copy of the inventory list of fixed assets accepted (handed over) for safekeeping, leased, is sent to the owner (or his representative), the lessor.

In other words, when conducting an inventory of leased fixed assets, the following should be taken into account:

firstly, the inventory is carried out by the tenant (usually within the time limits determined by the landlord);

secondly, not only the leased property is subject to verification, but also the availability of documents for the right to lease;

and, finally, thirdly, the completeness of the expenses taken into account by the parties is checked (from accrued depreciation to the amount of expenses for repairs or reconstruction, modernization of the leased facility) and the availability of supporting documents.

Now let’s look at the above-mentioned nuances of inventory of leased fixed assets in more detail.

Landlord's inventory

The inventory commission (in its entirety) begins work within the time period specified in the order to conduct the inventory.

Before checking the actual availability of property, the inventory commission receives from accounting employees inventory lists with a list of objects leased. In this case, the accounting department issues two copies of the inventory for each tenant (one copy for the financially responsible person and one for the accounting department). The leased objects are entered into the inventory for each tenant, regardless of the account used in accounting (balance sheet accounts 01 or 03).

The inventory commission checks the availability of documents transferred to the tenant confirming the fact of transfer of the fixed asset object for paid use:

Lease agreements;

Transfer and acceptance certificate;

Copies of inventory cards provided by the lessor.

After this, the inventory commission sends a letter to the tenant with a request to conduct an inventory of leased fixed assets and submit its results within the specified time frame (the period is determined taking into account the territorial remoteness of the tenant and the technical feasibility of conducting an inventory of the property, but no later than the deadline for the completion of the inventory carried out by the lessor himself).

After receiving the relevant information from the tenant (this may be an inventory list that the landlord previously sent to the tenant), the inventory commission draws up inventory lists in the prescribed manner, which, upon completion of the inventory, are signed by all members of the commission and the financially responsible person(s).

If there is a discrepancy between the accounting data provided by the landlord's accounting department and the information provided by the tenant, the inventory commission (before the end of the annual inventory), in agreement with the head of the organization (owner of the property), sends a specialist (employee) to the tenant to conduct a control check or repeat inventory.

Example. The inventory commission of PUE "Mix Plus" (Minsk) during the inventory of the industrial building leased to LLC "Mara" (Brest) in 2011, based on the inventory list submitted by the tenant on November 15, 2012, established:

2) in 2012, the tenant made capital investments in the amount of 150 million rubles, which is confirmed by a copy of the work completion certificate dated July 10, 2012;

3) however, according to the presented inventory list of Mara LLC, as of November 1, 2012, the tenant made further capital investments in the amount of 50 million rubles.

Considering that there are no supporting documents for such an amount of expenses at the time of inventory at the Mix Plus private unitary enterprise, the lessor’s employee was sent on a one-day business trip to conduct a control check and reconcile the amount of expenses.

Based on the report of the posted employee and the additional documents submitted, the following entries were made in the lessor’s accounting records:

D-t 009 “Guarantees issued” - 150 million rubles. – the obligation to purchase the inseparable improvements made by the tenant to the property at the residual value is reflected;

D-t 009 “Guarantees issued” - 50 million rubles. – the obligation for the amount of capital expenditures made by the tenant into the property has been increased.

Please note that in this case, the surplus is not capitalized, since the object itself is in the use of another organization. At the time of return, the lessor will make reversal entries on off-balance sheet account 009, and the redemption value of inseparable improvements will be capitalized along with the returned rental objects.

Tenant's inventory

According to the accounting rules (Standard Chart of Accounts, Instructions for Accounting for Fixed Assets), the lessee usually keeps records of leased property in off-balance sheet account 001 “Leased Fixed Assets”.

Therefore, when conducting its own annual mandatory inventory, the tenant’s inventory commission, independently or based on the lessor’s request, draws up separate inventories for fixed assets leased and accounted for in off-balance sheet account 001 “Leased fixed assets.” Inventories are compiled in three copies for property not owned by the organization (one copy for the financially responsible person, for the accounting department and for the owner of the property) for each lessor, indicating the lease period.

At the same time, the inventory commission for fixed assets accepted into the organization under a lease agreement checks:

existence of a lease agreement;

availability of a transfer and acceptance certificate;

availability of copies of inventory cards handed over by the lessor, or inventory cards opened by the tenant. The correctness of filling out the inventory cards (inventory book) is checked. Inventory cards (inventory book) must contain basic data on the fixed asset: date of commissioning, useful life; method of calculating depreciation; exemption from depreciation (if applicable); individual characteristics of the object, information about reconstruction, completion, additional equipment, modernization, revaluation, etc.;

permission of the property owner to sublease (if this took place);

use for the intended purpose specified in the lease (sublease) agreement;

compliance of capital investments made in leased fixed assets with the terms of the lease agreement (at the expense of the tenant or lessor).

Capital investments in leased fixed assets are the property of the lessee, unless otherwise provided by the lease agreement. In this case, the tenant can transfer the capital investments made to the lessor (if he agrees to accept the investments on the balance sheet).

The amount and necessity of these costs must be agreed upon by the tenant and the landlord.

During the inventory, the commission checks the availability of documents necessary to confirm the costs incurred:

An act of acceptance and transfer of non-residential premises upon lease, determining their technical condition;

Estimate documentation, approved in the prescribed manner and agreed upon by the balance holder and the lessor, drawn up by an organization that has a state license to carry out design and estimate work;

Work agreement;

Acceptance certificate for completed work;

Payment documents.

If the amount of capital costs by the tenant is recognized as a separate item of fixed assets (inseparable improvements to the leased property), then the tenant opens an inventory card in the OS-6 form. In this regard, during the inventory, the tenant checks the correctness of depreciation calculations.

Capital costs for leased fixed assets, subject to transfer to the lessor after termination of the lease agreement, are depreciated monthly by the lessee during the lease term based on the method of calculating depreciation charges established by the lessor for the object on which these costs were incurred.

Thus, depreciation rates must be applied to the specified object, corresponding to the standards applied to the leased fixed asset.

Example. LLC "Mara" (Brest), during the annual inventory, compiled an inventory list as of November 1, 2012 for the leased industrial building, taking into account the capital investments made during 2012 to improve it. One copy of the inventory was sent to the lessor.

In connection with the identified discrepancies, on December 1, Mara LLC, in the presence of a representative (employee) of the Mix Plus private enterprise, carried out a control check on the leased building and a documentary check of the validity of the capital expenditures made.

The Inventory Commission established:

1) the residual value of the object was 60 million rubles. (data according to the acceptance certificate);

2) in 2012, the tenant twice made capital expenditures in the amount of 200 million rubles, which is confirmed by copies of certificates of completion of work.

At the end of the inspection, the commission drew up an ACT for the control check of the correctness of the inventory in three copies, according to the form established by the Instructions (one copy was handed over to the owner of the property).

Galina Starovoitova (Khimchenko)

consultant of the Belarusian Association of Accountants

Both owned by the enterprise, and presented for temporary storage or rented. It is filled out when there is a need to balance a planned (for example, annual) or unscheduled (before the sale of a representative office) balance.

FILES 2 files

Under the table of the form there must be signatures of members of the commission and those persons who bear financial responsibility in the enterprise. Without this, the commission is not authorized to verify and the form may be considered invalid.

Such an inventory list does not cover fixed assets that are in transit, as well as intangible fixed assets (passed according to the INV-1a form).

Filling out the fields of the INV-1 form

Since INV-1 is used both for enterprise property and for rented assets, we have separated these purposes, not wanting to lead to confusion.

When inspecting an enterprise that uses two types of fixed assets (fixed assets), two separate reports should be filled out.

Option A. OS owned by the company

When entering data into INV-1, you can focus on the inventory list of inventory items (form), from where most of the fields are transferred.

Like other inventory accounting documents, it is printed in 2 copies.

In this version, columns 3-5 are filled with dashes. Items that do not have a passport or serial number are also noted. Less often than not, the year of manufacture is not filled in, but this situation is also possible, especially for a working tool that was not previously registered. If the working equipment was completed (for example, an installation with a tower crane), a description of the equipment should be indicated in the second column.

— INV-1 for tools and equipment owned by the store.

Option B. OS leased from another company

Unlike other accounting documents, it is printed in 3 copies:

  • for the person in charge,
  • for accounting department preparing general reporting,
  • for the lessor who provided the fixed assets.

Data on the last legal entity must be entered into the form, in the line after the location of the OS.

As can be seen from the form, in columns 3-5 you can enter data on rental and leasing agreements.

— INV-1 for an enterprise with leased property.

General points

In all cases, the header of the document, where data on the inventory order is entered, is required to be filled out.

— but “type of operation” can be left empty.

INV-1 allows you to enter more than 22 positions. To do this, you just need to print the required number of copies of page No. 2. Please note that the total values ​​are calculated both for the current page and for the document as a whole.