General plan for the development of a land plot. Registration of the general plan

Before purchasing land for the construction of a future home, you should draw up a master plan for the site in advance. The presence of this document is a mandatory point in the process of building a house and, in addition, a general plan is required to connect various communications to the house.

Any project must include a master plan - a document that determines the location of all buildings, zones and utility networks. Ideally, the master plan should be developed in parallel with the house design, so that the residential building can be planned with maximum convenience. When choosing a standard project, it is necessary to take into account certain features of the land plot.

Example of a master plan for a land plot

It must be coordinated with local architectural authorities, who in the process of their work are always guided by the master plan of the entire settlement. Any deviations must be agreed with the local administration.

How to draw up a master plan for a land plot

  1. First you need to decide what exactly will be built on your land plot. To do this, you need to make a thorough list of objects indicating their approximate parameters, as well as indicate the exact distance from neighboring buildings or to the fence. After this list has been compiled, it is necessary to indicate in accordance with what sanitary standards the construction of each facility should be carried out.
  2. Then it is necessary to form buildings on a scale of 1:500 or 1:20000. This size depends on which plan will serve as the basis. Considering that the site can be displayed using several types of plans (general, reference or situational), you should think in advance about combining the relief features and the communications being carried out.
  3. After this, you need to decide how the buildings will be located on your site. To do this, you should pay attention to the features of the relief, communications, as well as the possibility of locating objects at a certain distance from each other. First of all, the largest objects in terms of occupied area should be located, taking into account the various slopes and dips on the site.
    Simultaneously with the location of the plan, you can draw up

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, before carrying out capital construction, as well as laying engineering and utility systems on a land plot owned, the owner is obliged to provide the necessary documents to a special government body. The main document of this kind is the general plan of the site.

What it is

The master plan of a land plot is a project document, which displays the layout of the corresponding territory. All uneven terrain and the placement of objects in accordance with fire safety requirements are taken into account here.

The key part of the house master plan is an image to a certain scale, which is obtained by superimposing the site plan onto the general plan of the territory. It is customary to consider as an object both owned land with all the structures on it, and entire regions and settlements.

The site master plan serves several purposes. The main one is the owner obtaining permission to carry out various types of work in the form of capital construction or installation of utility and engineering systems.

Some citizens mistakenly believe that if the site belongs to them, then they are free in their actions on it. This is not entirely true: there are special government bodies that monitor compliance with all necessary standards. Thus, the risk of any accidents occurring at the site is reduced.

The second task that the master plan performs is the ability to own a finished project with a layout of all objects on the plan. With its help, you can make accurate calculations and plan the construction of future structures.

Documents for registration

To draw up almost any document, you need to collect a whole list of documents. The master plan was no exception. The following papers will be needed:

  • cadastral plan of the site, which indicates the exact boundaries;
  • a diagram showing connections to utility systems;
  • a diagram reproducing the location of buildings and roadways near the site;
  • a list of all buildings that are planned to be located.

At first glance, the list looks quite simple. However, you will have to put some effort into collecting these documents. When this is completed, you can begin the process of drawing up a plan.

Nuances during development

It is necessary to take into account each control zone, which includes engineering structures. In these places it is strictly forbidden to erect any structures, as well as plant tall plants.

If the ground is uneven, then it is necessary to build a residential building on the highest platform. This will prevent problems with flooding. However, construction in a low-lying area is also allowed, in which case certain actions are taken to reduce the risk of flooding of the building.

In cases where the structure is erected on a slope whose steepness is more than ½, it is necessary to ensure the stability of the subgrade. For this, various retaining walls and other similar devices are used.

According to legal regulations, it is required to build structures at least 5 meters from the border and at least 3 meters from the neighboring site.

Plan structure

The master plan of the land plot is a 1:500 scale image that contains a whole list of documents to display the necessary information. These include:

To make the development of a plan as easy as possible, you can resort to the services of special bodies and organizations.

Where to apply, terms and costs

When the entire package of documents has been collected, you need to contact the Committee on Architecture and Urban Planning. There you fill out an application according to the sample, and also submit all documents.

In each case, the period for drawing up a plan takes a different amount of time. When contacting a private organization, the work will be completed much faster.

If the application was submitted to a government agency, then the entire process will be free for the owner. A private organization will require payment for this, however, as mentioned earlier, they will do the general plan much faster and, possibly, of better quality.

Why can they refuse?

Unfortunately, there are a large number of reasons why they may not only refuse to draw up a master plan for a land plot, but also not accept documents at all. The list of these reasons includes:

There are quite a few reasons why you might get rejected. However, if you take into account all the requirements and recommendations and responsibly address the issue of obtaining a master plan, then no problems should arise, and after some time the owner can receive the desired document.

Documents are a very important thing in our life. Just as a passport is necessary for every person, so different types of plans are prepared for all plots of land. It is this documentation that contains all the data on the area, shape and features of the territory.

If almost anyone can draw a landscape plan, using their own system of signs to indicate the desired buildings and plantings, then more formal types of diagrams should be carried out by knowledgeable people from the relevant authorities.

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Let's take a closer look at the types of plans that each site should have:

  1. Cadastral site plan

A cadastral plot plan is an official collection of documents that confirm a person’s ownership of a certain plot of land. It contains general data on the plot, to which a registration number is assigned, indicating the location, area, neighboring plots and the purpose of the cadastre. Also, the cadastral plan of the territory must include a diagram of the land plot, a description of its boundaries and the boundaries of its parts, the contours of the entire plot and its components are described. An example of this plan is shown in the photo.

  1. Urban planning plan of the land plot

The urban planning plan of the territory is the most important document without which it is impossible to obtain permission to construct and put the site into operation. The urban planning plan of the land plot itself contains a drawing of the territory, all urban planning data and permission to use the territory. In addition, the urban planning plan of a land plot necessarily contains data on the presence of permanent buildings and all kinds of communications. Considers the urban planning plan of the land plot and various options for dividing the plot. Most often, an urban development plan for a land plot is used to create further projects and documents, to implement a design diagram of development boundaries and to ensure that the authorities give the go-ahead to start construction. An example of this plan can be seen in the photo.

  1. Site plan

A boundary plan of a land plot is created using the cadastral plan as a basis, and is used to clarify the boundaries of the plot itself relative to neighboring ones. An example of this plan is shown in the photo.

  1. Situational site plan

The situational plan of the land plot reflects the specific location of the plot with reference to the road junction, communications and nearby structures. It is used to coordinate the boundaries of a site with local governments, as well as to connect to existing power lines, gas pipelines, water, and for the purchase and sale of land. Below is an example of such a plan.

  1. General plan of the territory

The general plan of the territory is a project document that is used for the development, planning and subsequent development of the territory.

It should contain:

  • layout of the land plot according to the territory of the city or village;
  • layout of utility lines;
  • diagram of the boundaries of the site itself and the neighboring territory;
  • analytical report indicating the technical and economic features of the site.

Drawing up a master plan

Each plot of land must have a master site plan. Without this document, no one will give permission for construction; in addition, these papers are necessary to supply gas, electricity and water to the site and buildings on its territory. The master plan allows you to think in advance about the placement of all buildings, areas of different functional purposes and communications. It is best if this document is developed in parallel with the house in order to plan the building with the maximum level of comfort. The main purpose of this document is to bring the site layout into compliance with land, architectural, environmental, fire, sanitary and legal standards.

When creating a master plan, you can use standard options; an example of them is presented below, but it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of the territory. Before construction, it is necessary to coordinate the document with local authorities, who are guided by the general plan of the entire settlement.

It is recommended to draw up a master plan for a summer cottage or a plot with a house on the following points:

  1. Initially, it is necessary to think about which buildings and with what parameters are desirable on the site; it is also important to think about the correctness of their desired location in accordance with current sanitary requirements.
  2. Draw up an approximate plan of a summer cottage on a scale of 1:20,000 or 1:500, depending on the base plan.
  3. Next, you need to think about how best to place the desired buildings on the site. At this stage, it is important to take into account the features of the terrain, the ease of connecting communications and the possibility of locating individual buildings and objects at the required distance from each other. The easiest way is to first decide on the placement of the most important and largest buildings, taking into account the slope of the terrain, and then decide on smaller objects. At the same time, it is recommended to start creating a dendrological plan.
  4. By rearranging objects and changing their shapes, boundaries and sizes, you need to achieve the most ideal state that meets all the wishes of the owner of the site. After agreeing on the location of all buildings and objects, the resulting diagram can be transferred to a drawing, which will become the basis of the master plan.

A sample master plan can be seen in the photo.

The distance between your own capital buildings and neighboring ones is clearly regulated by fire and sanitary standards, and not by personal wishes. Therefore, the owner who first approves the master plan in the architecture department of the local government will be right. If one owner, having agreed on the plan, decided to build a building, then the very next day his neighbor will not be able to count on the possibility of erecting a building adjacent to it. After all, this is a direct violation of fire regulations and is really dangerous in the event of a fire.

In the process of creating a master plan, you need to consider the possibility of creating a drainage system, if the site requires it. Such structures will ensure the dryness of the area, as well as prevent humidity in the premises and flooding of basements during melting snow and prolonged rains. It’s also good to think about viewpoints; if there are places on the site that offer a good view of the surrounding nature, then these advantages should be used to the fullest by placing a house with large windows or a recreation area there.

It is important to consider the features of the site's topography; for example, it is better to place the house at the highest point of the territory, choosing places with a small angle of inclination. If the slope is more than 12 degrees, then during construction it will be necessary to think about the equipment of retaining walls that will prevent the soil from crumbling and sliding. If it is impossible to build a house on a hill, it is necessary to carefully consider protecting the building from flooding using a set of drainage systems.

It is also recommended to place the house according to the horizontal lines, which can be found on topographic maps. It is believed that buildings with basements can be erected on sites with a slope of up to 7 degrees, and without basements - no more than 12. According to current standards, buildings are prohibited from being erected at a distance of at least 3 meters from the boundaries of the site. It is forbidden to build any buildings or even plant tall trees near communication lines.

A dacha plot plan is an important document, without which the owner cannot prove his ownership or begin construction. There are a number of different types of plans (situational, urban planning, cadastral), among which the most important is the master plan. It is this document that gives a complete picture of the features of the land plot, the surrounding area and nearby utilities. You can complete the master plan yourself, having the skills to work with drawings, diagrams and building fire and sanitary standards, or you can entrust this important mission to professionals. Only after the master plan has been approved by the architectural department of the local government can construction and improvement of the site begin.

Of course, each owner can dispose of his personal land plot at his own discretion, but in order to avoid various unpleasant mistakes and consequences, it is better to carefully think through all wishes and norms in advance and formalize them in the form of an approved master plan.

Based on the priorities of summer residents of a country house, the layout of the site consists of the following zones:

  1. Residential area. In this area there is a house to which a terrace can be built. Also in this area there may be a garage attached to the house. If the family living in the house has a couple of cars, it is better to choose a house design with a built-in garage and a carport.
  2. Relaxation area. The usual location of this zone is behind the house, away from prying eyes. There is an area for a gazebo, barbecue, children's and sports ground. If possible, a small artificial pond is installed. Basically, this zone is arranged between the bathhouse and the house.

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General plan of the site. Master plan design from Art-Green Design.

The master plan of the site is the next stage of work after the preliminary design has been developed and approved. Without a doubt, the draft Master Plan can be called the foundation of the entire landscape project. This is a kind of technical passport, which collects all the information about the site and records all the details of its future improvement and landscaping.

The master plan of a land plot, park or any area where landscape work is planned to be carried out contains information on the location of existing and planned buildings and structures, water bodies, MAF (small architectural forms), locations and configurations of paths and paths, existing and planned flower beds , lawns, lamps - all objects that will appear on the site upon completion of work. In this case, the size of trees is indicated already in their adult state.

The process of creating a Master Plan consists of two stages. The first is situational, that is, the document displays all the details of the original site. At the second stage, the actual design of the landscape transformation takes place. The designer creates the image of the future garden or park, its style, and prepares an estimate for the work.

Master plan of the landscape project

Based on the General Plan, all working design documentation is carried out. It consists of several sections, each of which is represented by diagrams and drawings. The sections are prepared in such a way as to provide comprehensive information to the customer about what work needs to be done, and to the performer (contractor of the work) how this work should be performed.

So, for example, the alignment drawing provides maximum information about the locations and geometry of all elements of the General Plan: buildings, reservoirs, parking and road and path network, retaining walls, various MAFs, flower beds, mixborders, etc.

The planting drawing shows the types of plants that are supposed to be used for landscaping a given area, their location and “linkage” to existing buildings or decorative elements. A mandatory addition to the planting drawing is an Assortment List of Planting Materials, containing photographs of a particular plant and its characteristics. An accurate list of plants allows you to determine the cost of planting material and, if necessary, edit the Planting Drawing.

Serious attention is paid to irrigation systems. It is no secret that creating a beautiful garden necessarily involves its further maintenance, regular care and watering. The latter is ideally handled by an automatic watering system. Completely autonomous, it will maintain the necessary soil moisture so that your plants feel their best. Based on engineering and technical calculations, specialists will draw up a pipeline diagram of the automatic irrigation system, a list of necessary equipment, and determine the location of all its elements.

Increased demands are placed on drainage systems. The predominance of loamy and clayey soils in the Moscow region interferes with the normal removal of moisture from the soil surface. As a result, excess water negatively affects the plants, the foundation, and other elements of your garden. The drainage system allows you to drain the area and remove excess moisture from the soil.

A separate section is devoted to the lighting system. There is no landscape without additional, soft and comfortable lighting. Carefully thought out decorative lighting of landscape elements; street lamps that illuminate the contours of paths and paths on the site, underwater lighting and switch locations - all this is necessary in order to emphasize the beauty of your landscape. Layout diagrams for cables and lighting elements, list of materials and technical parameters, selection of equipment and analogues - all this data is included in the design of the lighting system.

Information about all sections is summarized in an explanatory note, which clarifies the sequence of work, notes on the technology for their implementation, and features of caring for planted plants and lawns. The explanatory note to the General Plan also outlines the basic concept of landscape design and the most significant points.

As a result of the design, we receive a summary table of all landscape elements, a list of materials, their volumes and characteristics. Based on these data, an estimate of the cost of work and materials is calculated.

Master plan of the land plot from Art-Green Design

The Art-Green Design company offers services for the development of a Master Plan. Depending on the size of the site and the volume of future improvement work, work on drawing up a General Plan requires a certain amount of time, which should be taken into account when calculating the start date of work.