Why is there a pyramid on the dollar? Hidden symbols and prophecies on dollar bills

Many conspiracy theorists believe that the United States is not just associated with the Freemasons, but is also controlled by them. Other versions say that America’s supposed dominance is due to the action of secret organizations that rule the world, including the Freemasons.

All these things do not have a direct evidence base, but it is impossible to deny the fact of the existence of Freemasons and their certain influence on world culture and politics. Today we will talk about some features of the design of the dollar bill, which may be associated with Freemasonry.

Who are the Masons

Masons- not a public organization with a religious bias. Some believe that Freemasons secretly rule the planet, or have a certain influence on the activities of political and economic elites. It is believed that Freemasons are secretly present in the highest circles of power, coordinating seemingly unrelated decisions and events. Freemasons are often associated with the global financial elite, especially in the investment banking industry.

Masons have their own hierarchy. The organization is governed by relatively autonomous grand lodges, each of which has subordinate lodges at a lower level. Subordinate lodges are most often divided along geographic lines.

Perhaps the role of Freemasons in history and their influence on global processes is greatly exaggerated. Many allegations about this organization are unfounded.

The first masons

The roots of Freemasonry go back to the Middle Ages, presumably the basis of Freemasonry were European corporations of architects who formed groups to keep their secrets and protect professional interests. These people were among the most educated at that time, and their craft gave them the opportunity to communicate with the highest strata of society. The masons traveled a lot, developed contacts and connections, and deepened their knowledge.

Masonic signs on the dollar

If you examine the back of the one dollar bill, you will see a number of symbols and features that may be related to Freemasonry.

  • "All-seeing eye". On the one hand, this symbol is clearly related to Freemasonry. But at the same time, a similar sign was used not only by Masons, but also by Christians, as well as Hindus and Buddhists.
  • Pyramid. This symbol is used by Freemasons, but not only by them, so it cannot be said unequivocally that there is a connection here.
  • If you draw a Star of David around the pyramid, you get the word “Mason.” This coincidence is difficult to explain.
  • At the foot of the pyramid there is an inscription “MDCCLXXVI”, which encrypts the number 1776, and this is the year the secret order of the Illuminati was founded. But this is also the date of the signing of the US Declaration of Independence.
  • The constant presence of the number 13, which is Masonic. This figure corresponds to the number of steps of the pyramid depicted on the banknote, the number of arrows that the eagle holds, the number of leaves, olives, stripes on the shield, stars above the eagle. Additionally, the phrases "E pluribus Unum" and "Annuit coeptis" each contain 13 letters. But at the beginning of its existence, America consisted of exactly 13 states, so perhaps this is just a coincidence.
  • Numerical patterns. The number of degrees among Masons is the same as the number of feathers on the eagle on the right (32), while the number of feathers on the left (33) corresponds to the possible secret 33rd degree.
  • The words “Novus Ordo Seclorum”, the translation of which is “new world order”. But the translation is not accurate, because “new world order” is spelled “Novus ordo mundi”.

Also noteworthy is the image of a small owl on the back of the banknote. It is difficult to explain this drawing, some associate it with the Freemasons, combining it with other strange symbols, while others give a reference to another closed structure, the “Bohemian Grove,” which included a number of influential people, including Reagan, Nixon, Eisenhower, and Clinton.

In general, doubts about Masonic origin concern not the entire one dollar bill, but only the image of the Great Seal of the United States, present on the back of the banknote. To prove these patterns requires serious scientific work involving archives and other historical sources; simple visual analysis is not enough.

President Kennedy's last speech

Freemasons in Russian government

It is impossible to say for sure whether Freemasons are present in the Russian government, and what influence they have had on the history of our country. Speaking about historical figures, the following should be noted.

    • Peter I. He may have accepted Freemasonry during his visit to England. In the first third of the 18th century, Masonic lodges in Russia consisted largely of foreigners, although Russian nobility began to join them, incl. Trubetskoy, Golitsyns, Chernyshevs and others.
    • Masons under Catherine II. At this time, the influence of the Freemasons was growing, which Berdyaev noted in his works. There were two influential Masonic systems, Elagin and Zinnendorf. The ideology of Freemasonry influenced the worldview of the intelligentsia of that time.

3. In the 19th century, the most influential was apparently the Astraeus lodge. Among the Masons of that time, it should be noted Griboedov, Chaadaev, Benkendorf and others.

  • USSR and perestroika. Here the views of researchers differ greatly. Some believe that the actions of the Freemasons led to the collapse of the Union, others say that the Freemasons did not have a significant influence during this period of time, and others consider the Freemasons to be the builders of communism. With a small degree of probability we can talk about the attitude of Lenin, Beria, and Khrushchev towards the Freemasons.
  • Present time. There are also a number of points of view here. Supporters of the "Masonic conspiracy" believe that today's supreme power, including the president and government, is controlled by the Freemasons. Others believe that the Freemasons coordinate the activities of a “fifth column” that is interfering with the current government. Still others agree that the Freemasons do not greatly influence the current political situation. Among the potential Masons are Medvedev, Primakov, Zubkov and others.

People love everything mysterious, and they also love to explain what they do not understand as the action of some higher powers or secret orders, including the Freemasons. Therefore, the topic of Freemasonry and the influence of this organization on the world will always be relevant. At the same time, a number of things indicate that these people may indeed be somehow connected with significant world processes.
Who are they? And does the dollar really have anything to do with them? Perhaps science will someday answer these questions.

For me, a very informative article in every sense. I didn't even know before...
Everyone has probably seen or even held a one dollar bill in their hands. But has anyone ever wondered what the signs and inscriptions depicted on it mean? So let's first just look at the one dollar bill, here it is:

It was designed by Russian emigrant Sergei Makronovsky at the request of the future US Vice President Wallace. It is believed that the famous artist, mystic, and theosophist Nicholas Roerich was hiding under this pseudonym. There is a lot that speaks in favor of this version. In 1920, Roerich moved with his wife to the USA, founded the Agni Yoga Society, and created the Institute of United Arts in New York. He was friends with the same mystic Henry Wallace, who later became Roosevelt's closest assistant. Apparently at the instigation of Henry, in 1935 in the White House, representatives of 21 countries of the world signed the Roerich Pact for the Protection of Art Monuments. The president himself was at the ceremony.

Nicholas Roerich in his office. 1910

It is clear that even Roerich would not have been allowed to draw whatever he wanted on the national currency. So it was someone's order. Clearly not Henry's friend. He did not yet have much political power. Roosevelt also did not yet think about the presidency; he was the governor of New York. This means that behind Henry there was a very influential person or group of people who could easily change the design of the national currency. The banknote, please note, was issued in 1928. Literally the next year, the US economy collapsed in a matter of days. The Great Depression arrived. It would be nice if it was only rampant in the USA. The epidemic spread to Europe. Germany had the hardest time of all. Against the background of the crisis, Hitler came to power. Roosevelt had to treat America for depression. Five years after the release of the strange banknote. There is a lot of talk now about Roosevelt's New Deal, which healed the country from the Depression. In fact, that legendary New Deal is translated differently - a new deal. It was concluded between the state and large businesses, which were obliged to share part of the income so as not to lose everything. But the real new rate, encrypted on the new dollar bill, was not advertised. This was a course to displace the pound sterling as the only world currency since 1840 and establish a new world order where the Dollar would rule. Anyone who has savings in dollars should know the following.

Why did the people behind Roerich choose a simple one-dollar bill? Wouldn't it be better to capture the target on 100-buck pieces of paper? Or on 10- and 100-thousandths (they also produced these!).

Since ancient times, many secret societies have attached sacred meaning to the unit, elevating it above all other numbers. First of all, the legendary Templars, the founders of modern Freemasonry. Dan Brown wrote about them in the bestseller The Da Vinci Code. For the Templars, the unit meant “unity in diversity.” In public, you can take on any image, speak on behalf of any, even hostile, parties. But inside, among “his own people,” he must maintain unity. According to the teachings of the Templars, one also means that there is no difference between good and evil. This was recorded on the flag of the secret knights: four alternating white and black squares. White is a symbol of good, black is evil. In Latin: "E PLURIBUS UNUM".

Let's take a closer look at the bald eagle, the symbol of the United States. In its beak is the inscription “E PLURIBUS UNUM”, consisting of 13 letters. The chest is covered by a shield with 13 stripes. There are 13 arrows clutched in one paw, and an olive branch with 13 leaves and 13 fruits in the other. 32 feathers on one wing of an eagle - the number of degrees of initiation in ordinary Masonic lodges. 33 feathers on the other are a symbol of the 33rd, highest and especially secret degree. And above the eagle itself, that is, above the United States, soars the six-pointed Star of David (symbol of the “chosen people”), composed of 13 white five-pointed stars.

On the left side of the one-dollar bill, Roerich placed a large US seal. On it is a pyramid, one of the main symbols of the free masons. This is the name of the Freemason brothers, who allegedly trace their ancestry back to the priests and secret societies of Ancient Egypt. But this pyramid is somehow strange. Truncated. Made up of 13 steps. Researchers call it the “pyramid of the Illuminati (Enlightened).” This is a whole group of ancient Masonic lodges. The structure of the Illuminati consists of 13 degrees of initiation, which is clearly reflected in the 13 steps of the pyramid on the dollar, on which the number “MDCCLXXVI” or the year 1776 is encrypted, which, by happy coincidence, is the year the secret order of the Illuminati was founded.

The top of the headless pyramid seems to float in the rays above the base. An eye is visible in the triangle (another Masonic symbol!). Experts call it differently: “The All-Seeing Eye”, the eye of the “Great Architect of the Universe” - the chief of all Masons, “the eye of Lucifer”. The same one, Satan!
Above the eye there is an inscription in Latin, again of 13 (!) letters: “Annuit Coeptis”. “It supports (blesses) us!” This refers to the mysterious eye in the triangle. The bottom of the pyramid is bordered by a ribbon with the motto in Latin “Novus ordo seclorum” (“New World Order”).

In this regard, more interesting is the fact that if you draw a Star of David, you get the word M-A-S-O-N.

What do we get as a result? "Blessed be the New World Order!" The one based on the principles of Freemasonry. The All-Seeing Eye, Lucifer reigns over the pyramid - all the peoples of the world. For those who have accepted the new conditions, it is an olive branch in the paw of an eagle. For the disobedient - arrows!

What God do they believe in?

Roerich encrypted the most important secret in the center of the bill. On top there is a catchy inscription: “United States of America.” Just below is a seemingly pious phrase: “In God We Trust” (“We believe in God”). Which one? America is officially a Christian country. However, you will not find a single familiar Christian symbol on a dollar bill. The same cross, for example, is missing. But the “devil’s dozen” reigns everywhere, the unlucky number 13 for ordinary people. It is repeated at least nine times on a small piece of paper. Isn't it strange? So what kind of “God” are Americans and the whole world being asked to believe in? The answer is given in the very center. In large letters. Open your eyes.

Do you see? The eagle and the pyramid with an eye are united by the word “ONE”. "ONE", "ONE". What is this? The easiest answer is: the denomination of the bill. But such an inscription is already indicated below. And in each of the four corners there is a unit (number and word) drawn. And this largest three-letter word stands alone, without any additions. Not by chance. Masons love symbols. Take a look at their motto in the eagle's beak: "Unity in Diversity!" It also reads: “Out of Many One.” Experts in secret symbols advise taking a close look at the graphic design of the word O N E. Large letters are located at a sufficient distance from each other. There are three of them, which means there are many. But at the same time, each subsequent letter has an intersection point with the previous one. Hence the impression that the inscription is solid, monolithic - One. And we see on the bill a clear answer:

In god we trust
He is ONE
One dollar

Nine times thirteen. Nine is the sign of a “sinful, seduced person.” The result is the following expression: “God seduces a sinful man.” If you multiply 13 by 9 you get 117: 1+1+7=9. And this means that the more dollars a person has, the more sinful the person is, because he stopped believing in the power of God, and began to believe in the power of a banknote, for the sake of which he agrees to do any act.

When new banknotes began to be introduced in the United States, which did not have the above 13 signs and 52 asterisks appeared, and God’s plan was violated, ATMs refused to accept them in October 2003, and to this day no one knows this reason.

Many of us, without a doubt, have held the US dollar in our hands at least once in our lives; we often calculate our income, expenses and save savings in them. However, few people paid attention to what was depicted on the treasured banknotes and thought about the meaning of these images. Meanwhile, if you look at the back of a one-dollar bill, you can find a very curious thing: there is a pyramid drawn there with an eye in a triangle “hovering” above it. The pyramid is located on the left and is placed in a circle, and its top is truncated. At the base of the pyramid are written the symbols MDCCLXXVI. At the top of the composition is the inscription “Annuit Coeptis”, and at the bottom of the ribbon you will read “Novus Ordo Seclorum”.

Questions arise: what kind of pyramid is this, what does the eye on the dollar mean, what is the meaning of the words and symbols, and what does the image of the pyramid do on the national currency of the United States of America, which hardly has anything to do with Ancient Egypt? But there is no single interpretation of the drawings and inscriptions depicted on the reverse of the dollar, and two main versions can be distinguished: the official and the occult, which differ quite seriously from each other. In addition, the attention of researchers is attracted not only by the mysterious pyramid with an eye on the dollar, but also by a number of other images and inscriptions.

The official version of the transcript of the images on the dollar

The image of a pyramid with a “floating” eye, enclosed in a circle, is part of the Great Seal of the United States, as is clearly written on the banknote: “The Great Seal of The United States.” What does “Great Seal of the United States” mean in English? On the right side of the bill is a bald eagle with thirteen arrows and an olive branch in its paws. This bird represents the national symbol of the United States and is also part of the Great Seal.

The modern design of the $1 bill was adopted during the Great Depression in 1935 under President Roosevelt.

Franklin Roosevelt and Henry Wallace himself initiated changes to the design of the banknote. Some researchers attribute the design of this banknote to Sergei Makronovsky (Russian emigrant Nicholas Roerich, who, according to popular belief, was hiding under a pseudonym and was a famous mystic, artist and theosophist). Others believe that Roerich did not participate in the work on the bill, and the design was developed by Edward M. Weeks, an official from the Ministry of Finance. It is worth pointing out that the Great Seal of the United States itself appeared long before the existence of all these people, namely in 1782. That is, they only decided to put long-existing images of state symbols on the one-dollar bill, and did not invent them themselves.

The truncated pyramid on the dollar consists of thirteen levels, which represent the 13 states from which the United States was originally formed. The mysterious inscription MDCCLXXVI is in Roman numerals and spells out the year 1776. Many will immediately have a reasonable question about what this year means for the United States to be honored with placement on the banknote. The answer is quite trivial: this year the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America was adopted.

Occult interpretation of the symbolism of the dollar bill

The second version of decoding the images on the reverse of the one-dollar bill is much more interesting and mysterious for ordinary people. It is based on the assumption that Masonic symbolism and the “magic” of the number 13 are used here. So, the symbol of the priests of Ancient Egypt - a truncated pyramid, according to some supporters of the occult theory, reflects the so-called crowd-elite model of society, and the eye at the top personifies the deity Masons. His eye, which sees and knows everything, rises above the world, being the “invisible ruler.” Below the eye is society - a collection of bricks that together make up a stable pyramid.

The pyramid in question consists of a magical number of tiers - thirteen, and each of the bricks represents a separate state or people with their currency. The geometric figure symbolizes a kind of incompleteness of humanity without an imperious “top”. "Annuit Coeptis", as translated by occult scholars, means "blessed by the Almighty", and its meaning is interpreted as the right of the "chosen" class to rule the world in accordance with the will of the Almighty. Who exactly is the Almighty is not specified. Some even believe that Lucifer is implied. Three properties are often attributed to the “Eye” symbol: miracle, power and mystery.

  1. The secret is that we see the eye, but we do not see the personality.
  2. Power is the all-seeing and all-knowing eye.
  3. The miracle is due to the fact that the eye is not part of the pyramid and hangs in the air above it.

It is believed that Freemasons profess a scheme for governing the world, which is a specific pyramid of knowledge. Its different levels receive a different system of knowledge and different degrees of truth revelation. Supporters of the occult theory interpret the arrows in the left paw of the eagle in the image on the right side of the bill as a symbol of knowledge and strength. They are called upon to pacify or even kill enemies in case of disobedience. Moreover, each of the arrows is presented to researchers as a threat to each of the thirteen levels of “enslaved humanity.”

Researchers also found an interesting composition in the inscriptions crowning the upper and lower parts of the pyramid. So, if we take the word Ordo located below (contains 4 letters) as a starting point and move further in a clockwise direction, we can find that each subsequent word is exactly one letter longer than the previous one: Novus - 5, Annuit - 6, Coeptis - 7 and Seclorum - 8, forming a kind of circle. Moreover, if you combine the letters M, A, S, O and N (you need to take one from each word), you will get a six-pointed Star of David, but, according to supporters of the occult theory, “it’s easy to figure out a pentagram from the text” on your own. since the dollar represents a classic example of an encrypted occult symbol. Namely, the number of words forms a pentagram, the number of letters creates a circle in which the pentacle is inscribed, and the output is an image of a hidden magical symbol.

However, to complete the picture, the pentagram lacks the well-known “number of the beast”. But researchers also find it on the dollar. Thus, the top of an imaginary pentagon is a kind of pointer to the middle row, the number of stones in which is six, and the same number of stones in the adjacent rows. So, in three consecutive tiers of the pyramid (from the sixth to the eighth) the same number of stones is placed, equal to six, from which it is concluded that the creators of the image encrypted the number 666 in the center of the pyramid. Researchers do not forget to mention the fact that the width of a 1 dollar bill is 66.6 mm.

Occult meaning: coincidence or fact

There is a peculiar confrontation between two powerful theories describing the meaning of the images on the reverse of the $1 bill. The most controversial question is what the eye in the triangle above the pyramid means. Interpretations are very diverse.

Some theorists of symbolism refer to Masonic designations as the “all-seeing eye” located in a triangle above the pyramid, but this eye appeared much earlier than the Masonic lodge was formed. Thus, scientists discovered different versions of the symbol in the heritage of the ancient Egyptians. It is possible that the Freemasons could have adopted ancient Egyptian symbolism.

The phrase Annuit Coeptis is also controversial and can be translated as "the time of the beginning" (in which case it should be attributed to the Roman numerals at the base of the pyramid, which indicate the year of the creation of the new independent state - USA, 1776), or "he promoted our beginnings" ( then it most likely refers to the floating eye). It should not be ruled out that the authors could have meant both meanings at once. In this case, doubts arise about the sacred meaning of this inscription. Novus Ordo Seclorum is translated in most sources as "new world order". This phrase can be interpreted both in an occult sense and in the context that with the formation of the United States, England’s world domination and its colonial system were significantly undermined.

Official interpretation of the image

It is worth noting that the official version of the interpretation of the images and inscriptions on the back of the one-dollar bill is based primarily on historical facts, and the occult theory, although presented quite harmoniously, even within itself does not have single absolutely identical interpretations; numerical matches with Masonic symbolism and numerology have been found in mostly in encrypted form (although this is logical if we assume that the occult theory is true).

Supporters of the occult meaning of the symbolism on the dollar proceed from the initial premise that the design of the one-dollar bill was supposedly developed by the freemason Nicholas Roerich, but his role in this process is not an indisputable fact. We also note that people often like to attribute sacred meaning to many phenomena and events in their lives.

Every version and every opinion has the right to exist (especially if they have a basis in the form of evidence), and a person decides for himself which one to accept. In this case, both the official version and the occult one may be true; their mutual interweaving and simultaneous truth are even possible.

Everyone has probably seen or even held a one dollar bill in their hands. But has anyone ever wondered what the signs and inscriptions depicted on it mean? So let's first just look at the one dollar bill, here it is:

It was designed by Russian emigrant Sergei Makronovsky at the request of the future US Vice President Wallace. It is believed that the famous artist, mystic, and theosophist Nicholas Roerich was hiding under this pseudonym. There is a lot that speaks in favor of this version. In 1920, Roerich moved with his wife to the USA, founded the Agni Yoga Society, and created the Institute of United Arts in New York. He was friends with the same mystic Henry Wallace, who later became Roosevelt's closest assistant. Apparently at the instigation of Henry, in 1935 in the White House, representatives of 21 countries of the world signed the Roerich Pact for the Protection of Art Monuments. The president himself was at the ceremony.

Nicholas Roerich in his office. 1910

It is clear that even Roerich would not have been allowed to draw whatever he wanted on the national currency. So it was someone's order. Clearly not Henry's friend. He did not yet have much political power. Roosevelt also did not yet think about the presidency; he was the governor of New York. This means that behind Henry there was a very influential person or group of people who could easily change the design of the national currency. The banknote, please note, was issued in 1928. Literally the next year, the US economy collapsed in a matter of days. The Great Depression arrived. It would be nice if it was only rampant in the USA. The epidemic spread to Europe. Germany had the hardest time of all. Against the background of the crisis, Hitler came to power. Roosevelt had to treat America for depression. Five years after the release of the strange banknote. There is a lot of talk now about Roosevelt's New Deal, which healed the country from the Depression. In fact, that legendary New Deal is translated differently - a new deal. It was concluded between the state and large businesses, which were obliged to share part of the income so as not to lose everything. But the real new rate, encrypted on the new dollar bill, was not advertised. This was a course to displace the pound sterling as the only world currency since 1840 and establish a new world order where the Dollar would rule. Anyone who has savings in dollars should know the following.

Why did the people behind Roerich choose a simple one-dollar bill? Wouldn't it be better to capture the target on 100-buck pieces of paper? Or on 10- and 100-thousandths (they also produced these!).

Since ancient times, many secret societies have attached sacred meaning to the unit, elevating it above all other numbers. First of all, the legendary Templars, the founders of modern Freemasonry. Dan Brown wrote about them in the bestseller The Da Vinci Code. For the Templars, the unit meant “unity in diversity.” In public, you can take on any image, speak on behalf of any, even hostile, parties. But inside, among “his own people,” he must maintain unity. According to the teachings of the Templars, one also means that there is no difference between good and evil. This was recorded on the flag of the secret knights: four alternating white and black squares. White is a symbol of good, black is evil. In Latin: "E PLURIBUS UNUM".

Let's take a closer look at the bald eagle, the symbol of the United States. In its beak is the inscription “E PLURIBUS UNUM”, consisting of 13 letters. The chest is covered by a shield with 13 stripes. There are 13 arrows clutched in one paw, and an olive branch with 13 leaves and 13 fruits in the other. 32 feathers on one wing of an eagle - the number of degrees of initiation in ordinary Masonic lodges. 33 feathers on the other are a symbol of the 33rd, highest and especially secret degree. And above the eagle itself, that is, above the United States, soars the six-pointed Star of David (symbol of the “chosen people”), composed of 13 white five-pointed stars.

On the left side of the one-dollar bill, Roerich placed a large US seal. On it is a pyramid, one of the main symbols of the free masons. This is the name of the Freemason brothers, who allegedly trace their ancestry back to the priests and secret societies of Ancient Egypt. But this pyramid is somehow strange. Truncated. Made up of 13 steps. Researchers call it the “pyramid of the Illuminati (Enlightened).” This is a whole group of ancient Masonic lodges. The structure of the Illuminati consists of 13 degrees of initiation, which is clearly reflected in the 13 steps of the pyramid on the dollar, on which the number “MDCCLXXVI” or the year 1776 is encrypted, which, by happy coincidence, is the year the secret order of the Illuminati was founded.

The top of the headless pyramid seems to float in the rays above the base. An eye is visible in the triangle (another Masonic symbol!). Experts call it differently: “The All-Seeing Eye”, the eye of the “Great Architect of the Universe” - the chief of all Masons, “the eye of Lucifer”. The same one, Satan!
Above the eye there is an inscription in Latin, again of 13 (!) letters: “Annuit Coeptis”. “It supports (blesses) us!” This refers to the mysterious eye in the triangle. The bottom of the pyramid is bordered by a ribbon with the motto in Latin “Novus ordo seclorum” (“New World Order”).

In this regard, more interesting is the fact that if you draw a Star of David, you get the word M-A-S-O-N.

What do we get as a result? "Blessed be the New World Order!" The one based on the principles of Freemasonry. The All-Seeing Eye, Lucifer reigns over the pyramid - all the peoples of the world. For those who have accepted the new conditions, it is an olive branch in the paw of an eagle. For the disobedient - arrows!

What God do they believe in?

Roerich encrypted the most important secret in the center of the bill. On top there is a catchy inscription: “United States of America.” Just below is a seemingly pious phrase: “In God We Trust” (“We believe in God”). Which one? America is officially a Christian country. However, you will not find a single familiar Christian symbol on a dollar bill. The same cross, for example, is missing. But the “devil’s dozen” reigns everywhere, the unlucky number 13 for ordinary people. It is repeated at least nine times on a small piece of paper. Isn't it strange? So what kind of “God” are Americans and the whole world being asked to believe in? The answer is given in the very center. In large letters. Open your eyes.

Do you see? The eagle and the pyramid with an eye are united by the word “ONE”. "ONE", "ONE". What is this? The easiest answer is: the denomination of the bill. But such an inscription is already indicated below. And in each of the four corners there is a unit (number and word) drawn. And this largest three-letter word stands alone, without any additions. Not by chance. Masons love symbols. Take a look at their motto in the eagle's beak: "Unity in Diversity!" It also reads: “Out of Many One.” Experts in secret symbols advise taking a close look at the graphic design of the word O N E. Large letters are located at a sufficient distance from each other. There are three of them, which means there are many. But at the same time, each subsequent letter has an intersection point with the previous one. Hence the impression that the inscription is solid, monolithic - One. And we see on the bill a clear answer:

In god we trust
He is ONE
One dollar

Nine times thirteen. Nine is the sign of a “sinful, seduced person.” The result is the following expression: “God seduces a sinful man.” If you multiply 13 by 9 you get 117: 1+1+7=9. And this means that the more dollars a person has, the more sinful the person is, because he stopped believing in the power of God, and began to believe in the power of a banknote, for the sake of which he agrees to do any act.

When new banknotes began to be introduced in the United States, which did not have the above 13 signs and 52 asterisks appeared, and God’s plan was violated, ATMs refused to accept them in October 2003, and to this day no one knows this reason.