Interest tax on deposits of legal entities. Deposits for legal entities Procedure for registering deposits of legal entities

Deposit name Currency Possibility of replenishment Possibility of withdrawal Interest payment
Without the right of replenishment and early withdrawal RUR/USD/EUR No No monthly / quarterly /
at the end of the term
With the right to early claim of part of the amount RUR/USD/EUR No Yes monthly / quarterly /
at the end of the term
With the right to early claim of the entire amount RUR/USD/EUR No Yes monthly / quarterly /
at the end of the term
With the right to replenish RUR/USD/EUR Yes No monthly / quarterly /
at the end of the term
With the right of replenishment and early withdrawal RUR/USD/EUR Yes Yes monthly / quarterly /
at the end of the term
Multicurrency deposit Option 1: RUR/USD/EUR
Option 2: RUR/EUR
Option 3: RUR/USD
No No at the end of the term
Multicurrency deposit with the right to replenish Option 1: RUR/USD/EUR
Option 2: RUR/EUR
Option 3: RUR/USD
Yes No at the end of the term
Multicurrency deposit with withdrawal rights Option 1: RUR/USD/EUR
Option 2: RUR/EUR
Option 3: RUR/USD
No Yes at the end of the term

Deposits for legal entities offered by PSB in Moscow and the regions allow organizations to extract additional profit from the funds at their disposal. We offer placement of money in Russian rubles and foreign currencies on favorable terms - at maximum interest rates, with a guarantee of the safety of invested funds.

Deposits for legal entities persons in Moscow from Promsvyazbank are:

  • a wide range of products according to terms of attraction;
  • flexible terms;
  • competitive interest rate policy;
  • Individual approach to each client.

Our offers

Promsvyazbank offers its clients a range of deposits on various conditions:

  • Without the right of early demand and replenishment - for placing free money in rubles/euro/US dollars for a specific period (7 - 1095 days) with a fixed profit.
  • With the right of partial early withdrawal - the product provides the opportunity to use the money in the account without losing profit on the deposit.
  • Deposit for a legal entity with the right to replenish - allows you to record current profits and replenish your account without losing benefits in rubles/euro/US dollars. The deposit is opened for a period from 7 to 1095 days.
  • With the right to early claim the entire deposit amount - if necessary, you can use the funds in the deposit account at any time.
  • With the right of early withdrawal and replenishment - effective management of the organization’s capital by replenishing and withdrawing money.
  • Multicurrency deposit - operational management of funds, thanks to the ability to convert currencies in accordance with one agreement and maintaining accrued interest. The proposed combinations of currency accounts are RUR/EUR, RUR/USD, RUR/USD/EUR.
  • Interest accruals on the minimum balance under the offer - receiving additional profit in the form of interest on the remaining funds on the current account (without the need to draw up separate agreements, with the possibility of concluding several VAT on one account with different conditions for placing money).
  • A bi-currency deposit has a higher rate compared to standard deposit products for a similar account. The bank can convert the original deposit currency into another after prior agreement on the exchange rate.
  • Interest accruals on the minimum account balance (without opening separate deposit accounts).

We have been successfully operating in the market for more than 20 years and offer our clients from Moscow and other cities effective products for developing their business and increasing their savings. Our goal is to become a reliable partner for the client. The main principles of work are honesty, responsibility and attractiveness. For more detailed advice on the investment products offered, contact the bank’s specialists at the telephone numbers listed on the website or visit any branch.

Any legal entity in the process of carrying out economic activities generates free finances. This is due to the gradual growth of profits and the limited amount of working capital.

Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


It's fast and FOR FREE!

The surplus of funds, resulting from the difference between profit and working capital, “lies idle” and does not bring results. In order to use all the company’s assets, it is necessary for free money to start “working”.


Deposits for enterprises and institutions, as well as for citizens, are divided into two main types:

  • urgent;
  • poste restante.

The first category usually includes deposits with a limited period of placement of funds. That is, the conditions stipulate that, for example, the deposit is opened for 1 year, or for 3 years.

At the same time, the presence of a prolongation is not a basis for transferring a deposit from the category of urgent deposits to demand deposits.

Time deposits provide:

  • high profitability;
  • restrictions on some financial transactions (deposits, withdrawals);
  • regular or preferential conditions for early termination.

Demand deposits are deposits with low returns (on average from 0.01% to 0.1% per year), but with truly limitless possibilities. The agreement is valid until the legal entity decides to close the account.

Deposit and withdrawal operations - without restrictions, up to the minimum balance amount (as a rule, the minimum balance is 1 ruble, or the equivalent in another currency).

Deposits for legal entities are also divided according to the possibility of early withdrawal:

  • revocable;
  • irrevocable.

The first group includes deposits with the ability to partially withdraw funds, the second - without such an opportunity.

Many credit institutions offering deposit products to legal entities establish individual placement conditions.

In this aspect, deposits for enterprises and deposits for citizens are fundamentally different - for the latter, pre-established conditions always apply.

A separate bank account must be opened for any deposit. Moreover, it is not necessary that the account be opened in the same bank as the deposit.

And yet, it is more convenient when both the deposit and the accompanying bank account are in the same organization - this way the settlement and cash services will be of the highest quality.

Where can I apply?

Almost all Russian banks provide deposits for organizations and enterprises of any form of ownership.

As a rule, the minimum amount for placement is 1 million rubles, but there may be products with a reduced down payment.

Thus, Plus Bank has developed several products at once with a minimum amount of only 100 thousand rubles and flexible terms - from 3 months to 1 year.

Among such deposits we can highlight Business Reliable Plus. The interest rate is 13.8% per annum.

Some banks offering deposits with the possibility of replenishment:

Bank's name

Product name Sum


Plus Bank Business Reliable Plus 100 thousand 6 months
Rosenergobank Deposit for self-regulatory organizations From 5 to 100 million From 2 months up to 1 year
Trust Business Maximum 100 thousand From six months to 1 year
Bank Sovetsky Classic for legal entities 10 million From six months to 1 year
Investsotsbank Classic in rubles 30 million 1 year

But expense transactions are available for the following products:

Of course, in addition to little-known credit structures, such financial market giants as VTB 24, Sberbank, Rosselkhozbank and Unicredit have not forgotten about legal entities.

For example, Sberbank has 6 products with predetermined conditions, and 1 offer that allows a legal entity to optimally select only the necessary options and conditions.

The names of Sberbank deposits speak for themselves:

  • Classical;
  • Classic online;
  • Refillable;
  • Refillable online;
  • Recallable;
  • Reviewable online;
  • On different terms.

Bank rates

Rates vary greatly depending on the bank, the available deposit options, the amount of funds deposited, the term and the currency.

Traditionally, the highest profitability awaits an organization that has available funds in rubles.

Plus Bank offers the highest profit of all banks existing in Russia. The product is called Term Account Plus and is opened for any period ranging from 1 to 365 days.

This deposit does not provide for outgoing and incoming transactions. Income is paid at the end of the term in amounts depending on the term of the deposit:

So, you can get a colossal yield of 14.3% per annum if you deposit just 100 thousand rubles for a period of six months to a year. This product is unique - it’s unlikely that such conditions are offered anywhere else.

Rosenergobank is slightly behind Plus Bank in terms of profitable deposits. It offers the following offers that allow businesses to make good money:

When investing for 1 year in an amount of 20 million rubles, the return will be 11.75%. By the way, almost the same profit can be obtained by investing much less, but for a longer period.

The rate of 11.5% will apply in the case of:

  • registration of a deposit for a period of 1.5 years;
  • investment of at least 1 million rubles.

As for deposits in foreign currency, the interest on them is higher than on similar offers for individuals.

The leader in terms of profitability is NovakhovKapitalBank with its Term deposit in dollars - the rate is as much as 6.5% per year.

In 2nd place is Plus Bank, a deposit called Term Account Plus (3.5%), in 3rd place is Rosenergobank (Universal deposit, interest rate 3.25% per year).

How to apply

The procedure for registering a deposit for a company, organization or institution:

  • searching for a bank with the most favorable and suitable conditions;
  • visiting the office of a credit structure to calculate profitability;
  • preparation of the documentation package required to open a deposit and bank account;
  • depositing funds by bank transfer (as a rule, there is a limit on cash deposits due to large amounts).

What documents are needed

Unlike individuals who only need a passport to open a deposit, for legal entities the list of documentation is much more extensive:

  • certificate of state registration of a legal entity;
  • certificate of registration with the tax office;

  • application for opening a deposit account;
  • articles of association;

  • a card with sample signatures of the organization’s executives and samples of seals;
  • order on the appointment of managers to the relevant position;
  • passports of the persons indicated on the card;
  • information letter from Goskomstat.

Additional documents (provided if necessary):

  • power of attorney;
  • migration card and a document indicating the right to stay on the territory of the Russian Federation (if the applicant is a citizen of a foreign state).

What is the tax on a legal entity's deposit?

Deposits for legal entities

Deposits for legal entities– special accounts opened by the bank for companies, for which the credit institution pays a certain percentage.

Deposits can be used by legal entities to place temporarily available funds.

As a rule, banks offer time deposits to legal entities, that is, placing money for a certain period pre-agreed in the contract. Moreover, this may be revocable or irrevocable - depending on whether the enterprise has the opportunity to claim the amount of money ahead of schedule or not. Most often, upon early termination of a deposit agreement, a reduced interest rate is paid - for example, equal to a demand deposit.

From an accounting perspective, placing a deposit represents opening a separate bank account. Moreover, placing a deposit of a legal entity is possible in any bank, not necessarily in the one where the main current account is located, through which cash settlement services (CSR) are provided. Thus, to open a bank deposit, as a rule, it is necessary to prepare the following package of documents:

  • certificate of state registration of a legal entity (copy certified by the legal entity);
  • certificate of registration with the tax authority (copy certified by the legal entity);
  • deposit agreement ();
  • client's application to open a deposit account;
  • a copy of the card with sample signatures and seal imprint, certified by employees of the bank in which the organization has opened a current account;
  • charter of the organization (copy certified by a legal entity);
  • passports of the persons indicated in the card with sample signatures (copies certified by a bank employee);
  • order on the appointment of persons signing documents to the corresponding position (copy certified by the legal entity);
  • power of attorney (if necessary), copies of documents necessary to identify the authorized person (copy of passport; migration card; document confirming the right of a foreign citizen or stateless person to stay (reside) in the Russian Federation; TIN (if any); application form of the authorized person ).
  • information letter from Goskomstat (copy certified by a legal entity).
  • certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur.

This list can be shortened if an organization or individual entrepreneur already has an account with this bank.

The opening of a deposit account in a bank, as well as the opening of a current account, must be notified to the tax authorities, the Pension Fund, etc.

As of autumn 2011, deposit rates for legal entities range from 2.5% to 7% depending on the term. Unlike private deposits, in many cases it is possible to negotiate a percentage for the use of money individually. It should be borne in mind that deposits of legal entities are not subject to deposit insurance programs.

See what “Deposits for legal entities” are in other dictionaries:

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Russian commercial banks offer deposit services not only to private clients, but also to legal entities. This service is necessary for enterprises that have free funds that are not in circulation, because if free capital is not invested, it loses its value over time due to rising inflation. Therefore, it is also beneficial for legal entities to invest money in a bank at interest if it is not currently in circulation. For this category of clients, Russian commercial banks also have several advantageous offers. In addition, deposits for legal entities have a number of features, which we will discuss below.

General conditions for placing deposits for legal entities

Bank deposits for legal entities are somewhat different from those offers that are aimed at private clients. First of all, all deposits provided to entrepreneurs can be divided into two categories: fixed-term and “on demand”. That is, time deposits are deposits that have a certain period, for example, from 1 day to several years. Demand deposits are characterized by low interest rates and complete freedom of action for their owner; in a word, he can withdraw cash and replenish the account an unlimited number of times.

Time deposits are more appropriate for legal entities, because they are characterized by high profitability, and can also have various parameters, including partial replenishment and withdrawal of cash; as for interest rates on demand deposits, they range from 0.1% to 0.01% per annum. The conditions for placing funds in a deposit account can also be different, including with or without the possibility of extension, for example, after the expiration of the agreement, the bank deposit is transferred to a demand account.

For legal entities, deposits can be divided into two groups: revocable and irrevocable. Revocable deposits offer partial withdrawal of funds from the account during the term of the agreement without loss of profitability; irrevocable accounts do not provide this opportunity.

Please note that it is more advisable to open a separate account along with a deposit in a commercial bank in order to be able to transfer income from the deposit to it; if the accounts are in different banks, then profitability will decrease by the amount of the commission for interbank transfer.

What are the differences between deposits for legal entities?

In fact, deposits for corporate clients have several significant differences. Let's list them:

  • increased interest rate;
  • complex registration procedure;
  • high down payment amount, usually from 1 million rubles;

In addition, as already mentioned, banks offer various deposit options, including the possibility of interest capitalization, partial withdrawal of cash and account replenishment; in fact, all essential terms of cooperation are enshrined in the service agreement.

Where to open a deposit

Currently, there are about 500 commercial banks operating in Russia, and almost all of them are engaged in servicing corporate clients; their product line probably includes an offer for legal entities on deposits. Let's consider several large popular commercial banks that provide this service, as well as all its conditions.

Sberbank of Russia

Sberbank of Russia is a leader among commercial banks in Russia; it is here that many entrepreneurs have current accounts, including representatives of small, medium and large businesses, so the bank has prepared several deposit offers with different parameters for them. The classic deposit does not provide for partial replenishment and withdrawal of cash, general conditions of the deposit: the minimum amount is not limited, the maximum is up to 100 million rubles, the terms of placing funds on the account range from 7 days to 3 years.

Interest rates on a classic deposit depend on several circumstances, primarily on the amount of the deposit, the period of placement of funds, as well as on the category of depositors. The minimum interest rate for legal entities is 5.24% per year and increases depending on the deposit amount and the term of the agreement. Individual entrepreneurs receive less favorable deposit conditions; for them, the minimum interest rate is 4.7% per annum.

If you are interested in a replenished deposit, then there is such an opportunity. According to its terms, the terms of placement of funds range from 1 month to 1 year. The initial contribution must be no more than 100 million rubles; replenishment of the account is allowed in an amount from 10 to 200% of the deposit amount.

Interest rates for legal entities and private entrepreneurs also differ. So, for legal entities the interest rate is from 4.7% per year, for individual entrepreneurs from 3 to 89% per annum.

A revocable deposit allows partial withdrawal of cash, but there is no possibility of replenishment; according to its terms, the deposit amount should not exceed 100 million rubles, the period is from one month to 1 year, the rate is set individually for each client, depending on its status. For example, for legal entities the minimum rate is approximately 4.2%, for individual entrepreneurs 3.62%. As for withdrawing cash, you can receive funds only after the seventh day of the start of the deposit period upon written notification to the bank at least 3 business days in advance.

Sberbank business online for entrepreneurs

This is not all deposits for legal entities. Sberbank rates are flexible and depend on many circumstances, primarily on the duration of the agreement and the amount of investment. If you want to calculate the profitability of your deposit account, you can go to the bank’s official website for corporate clients and calculate your profit yourself.

Please note that when placing deposits online, a higher interest rate applies.

Alfa Bank

This is also one of the largest banks in our country, which is among the ten most reliable and trusted. There are also deposit offers for legal entities here. There are two offers for legal entities: dual-currency and indexed deposits. A dual-currency account involves conversion into foreign currency upon expiration of the contract. The essence of the proposal is that the profitability of the account can be increased by converting the deposit into another currency. Structured deposits do not provide this opportunity.

As for the deposit parameters, they do not allow partial deposits or withdrawals. The minimum period for placing funds is from 1 week to 3 years, the minimum amount is from 1 million rubles, in foreign currency equivalent to one 1,000,000 rubles. As for interest rates, the bank selects individual terms of cooperation for each individual client.

VTB 24

VTB 24 Bank offers its clients a business deposit “Term”; according to the terms of this deposit, you can receive profit from the deposit monthly or at the end of the contract. The agreement can be concluded for a period from 1 day to 3 years; an account can be opened in different currencies: rubles, dollars or euros. Partial deposits and withdrawals of cash are not provided. As for interest rates, they are strictly individual, the minimum value for ruble accounts is 7.1% per annum.

The “Replenishable” deposit implies the possibility of replenishing your account with a minimum amount of 100,000 rubles. Period from two months to 2 years, currency: rubles, dollars or euros. You can receive profit monthly or at the end of the contract, interest rate from 6.12% per year for a ruble account.

The “Comfortable” deposit allows you to make a profit only after the expiration of the contract; the terms range from 1 day to 3 years. According to the terms of this offer, the investor has the opportunity to withdraw funds early and receive a profit at the “on demand” rate The minimum interest rate for this offer is 7.01%.

Bets in VTB 24

Please note that the profitability of the account for each client is determined individually, depending on the parameter of the deposit account.


Here, representatives of small, medium and large businesses can open a deposit account on individual terms. As for deposit programs, the bank offers the following programs for placing available funds for microbusinesses and small businesses:

  1. “Stable” with the possibility of making a profit monthly for a period of 1 day to 3 years.
  2. “Dynamic” with the possibility of replenishment, the term is agreed upon separately between the bank and the depositor.
  3. “Convenient” with the possibility of partial cash withdrawal, period from six months to 2 years.
  4. “Operational” with the possibility of receiving cash and partial withdrawal.
  5. “Structural” is a bi-currency deposit for a period of up to 1 year.

For medium and large businesses, the bank offers the same deposits. As for interest rates, they are determined individually for each client, that is, there is no specific table of values ​​​​for deposits; you can find out the essential terms of the agreement directly at the bank.

Plus Bank

This is not the largest bank in our country, but, nevertheless, it is the one that offers high rates on deposits in rubles. There are several deposit offers for legal entities; let’s look at the interest rates on them:

  1. “Urgent account plus” – interest rate from 11.7% per annum.
  2. “Business convenient plus” with replenishment - interest rate from 9.4% per year.
  3. “Business reliable plus” with the possibility of replenishment - rate from 10.9% per year.

Please note that the minimum amount to deposit funds into the account is 100,000 rubles.

Method of registering a deposit for legal entities

The main feature of deposits for legal entities is that it is much more difficult to arrange because to open an account you will need a voluminous list of documents. The package of documents includes:

  1. Certificate of state registration of a legal entity.
  2. Certificate of registration with the Tax Inspectorate.
  3. Articles of association.
  4. A card with sample signatures of officials and seals of the organization.
  5. Statement.
  6. Orders on the appointment of managers to relevant positions.
  7. Passports of officials.
  8. Information letter from Goskomstat.

Important! Goskomstat is the Federal State Statistics Service. You can order an information letter online on the official website of a government organization; the procedure for completing it will only take a few minutes.

Offer from Binbank

Taxes for legal entities

For legal entities and individuals, the same tax rates on deposits apply; it is calculated depending on the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of Russia. That is, you need to pay tax only on the amount that exceeds the refinancing rate + 5% on the deposit.

Taxation of interest on deposits of legal entities is carried out as follows: the refinancing rate is subtracted from the interest rate and again another 5%, the remaining amount is subject to taxation. For example, if the refinancing rate is 8% and the deposit rate is 15%, the amount from which tax will be withheld is calculated as follows: 15-8-5=2%. Tax will be paid on 2% of the profit from the deposit.

Please note that taxes on deposits are paid by the bank.

To summarize, placing deposits of legal entities is an acceptable way of investing. Of course, you can invest your money not only in a bank, but also in other projects, however, bank deposits are the most reliable way, although not the most profitable.