Accounting info. Accounting info Calculate compensation for dismissal 1s 8.3

How to post a document on compensation for unused vacation in the 1C 8.3 Accounting program?

There is no special document for processing compensation for unused vacation upon dismissal in 1C 8.3 Accounting. There is also no automation for calculating the amount; you will have to count it manually. But there is a way out, you will have to do a little work with your hands.

Creating a new accrual type

First, in the “Accruals” directory, you need to add an accrual with the name, for example, “Vacation Compensation”. In part of the window we indicate that income is subject to personal income tax. In the “Code” field you need to specify the accrual code.

There is a lot of debate about which code to indicate here, but there is an explanation of this issue from the director of the Glavbukh magazine. It turns out that the list of codes that are acceptable for indicating compensation for unused vacation is not included.

In the section “Insurance premiums”, indicate the type of income “Fully subject to insurance premiums”.

In the next part, indicate that accounting is kept according to the article, and select paragraph 1, article 255 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

  • Method: the one that suits you to attribute costs
  • If you are a UTII payer, also select the option you need

Click the “record” button. This is what you should get:

Accrual and calculation of vacation in 1C 8.3 upon dismissal

Now let’s move on to the document for calculating vacation pay in 1C Accounting. As previously written, the amount of compensation must be calculated manually.

Let's create a new document. Since the employee is resigning, the final payment can also be made in this document. We advise you to make separate documents, there will be less confusion.

Fill out the header of the document:

  • accrual date (meaning month)
  • the entire date of the document
  • organization
  • if the document contains one employee, or several, but belonging to the same division, you can fill in the “Division” detail, in other cases it does not make sense, the division should be indicated in each line of the tabular section
  • Using the “Selection” or “Add” button, select an employee or several employees
  • Select the type of accrual “Vacation compensation” (we created it earlier)
  • indicate the amount to be charged

Personal income tax will be calculated automatically:

Let's check what transactions the document generated:

Since when entering the accrual type “Vacation Compensation” in the reflection method we indicated account 26, it corresponds by debit with all accounts except personal income tax.

Based on materials from:

An employee who has worked for the company for more than six months can go on vacation, which will be paid for by the employer. Some employees leave the organization without using their “earned” vacation days. In such a situation, the law provides for monetary compensation. According to Art. 127 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, compensation for unused vacation is paid to the resigning employee upon settlement. According to Art. 126 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, certain categories of working citizens are also entitled to this compensation, who are compensated for a part that is additional leave or part of an extended main leave. Let's look at how compensation for unused vacation is displayed in 1C: ZUP.

Setting up vacation compensation accrual

To see the formula used to calculate vacation compensation, you must select the “Accruals” item in the “Settings” menu.

In the drop-down list, you need to find the line “Vacation compensation (Primary vacation)” and open this form.

This document is generated during the first installation, and it is impossible to make any changes to the calculation formula here.

1C: ZUP independently determines the number of days for which leave must be compensated, that is, it subtracts the number of “time off” days from the number of “allowed” days and multiplies the result by the average earnings.

In order for the program to calculate compensation using a different formula, you need to create a new type of leave and specify the necessary calculation conditions in it. You can create a new type of leave as follows:

  • Settings;
  • Types of vacations;
  • Create;
  • Fill in the full name of the vacation;
  • Fill in a short name for printing;
  • Fill out the provision form (In calendar days/In working days);
  • Fill out the subsection “Number of days per year”;
  • Record and close.

After creating leave, you can see that the “Vacation Compensation” accrual for this type has already been created in the corresponding section of the program. The “Formula” window in the accrual form that opens is active and available for adjusting and entering the necessary calculation data.

Creating a dismissal order document in 1C

When an employee is dismissed, the personnel officer must issue an order, and the accountant must fully pay the departing employee. In 1C: ZUP, one document “Dismissal” is intended for both operations.

First, the personnel officer creates a document reflecting the dismissal order using one of the following algorithms:

  • In the “Personnel” tab, select the “Dismissals” item from the “Create” subsection;

  • In the Personnel tab, opens the document journal “Receptions, transfers, dismissals” and creates a new document;

  • In the “Salary” tab, goes to “All accruals”;

  • From the main tab of the program, goes to the “Working with Personnel” section. On the right side of the form that opens, select the required employee and use the function key to create a new document (Complete document/HR/Dismissal);

  • In the “Personnel” section, goes to the employee’s card, finding it in the “Employees” document log. Uses the same “Draw up document” button and performs the same actions as in the previous case.

As a result of each of the actions described above, the necessary form will open - a new document “Dismissal”.

If the last two algorithms were used when creating it, then the program will fill in the “Employee” details and information about him independently. If other creation sequences were used, then this form must be filled out as follows:

  • “Month” attribute - the program has already indicated the current month. If the final settlement date falls in a different month, then the information in this field is manually changed;
  • The “Organization” detail is filled in automatically if the program records one organization at a time. If not, then the organization or separate division in which the resigning employee is registered is selected from the list;
  • “Date” attribute - the current one is set by default, but it can be adjusted. There should be a date for registering the dismissal order in 1C;
  • “Number” attribute - the user does not have the rights to change this item. Assigned by the program when recording a document;
  • “Employee” attribute—select an employee from the drop-down list.

The data established in the program for the details “Date” and “Number” of the document will subsequently be indicated in the dismissal order printed, and will also identify this order in the employee’s personal card.

Filling out the conditions for dismissal on main leave

To fill out compensation data, use the “Dismissal Conditions” tab.

Here the specific date of dismissal of the employee is entered and the column “Grounds for dismissal” is filled in. The corresponding article of the Labor Code is selected from the list. The most commonly used are the following two options:

  • Art. 77 part 1 clause 1 (Agreement of the parties);
  • Art. 77 part 1 clause 3 (Dismissal of an employee at his own request).

Fill out the left part of the form, reserved for information about compensation for basic leave. The program automatically selects the type of compensation, sets the employee’s work period for which the calculation is made, and displays the number of unused vacation days.

The configuration analyzes and produces appropriate results based on documents on the employee’s length of service, actual vacations and vacation balances. 1C: ZUP, when calculating, excludes from the length of service periods of absence from the workplace associated with maternity leave or leave at one’s own expense, exceeding a two-week period within one working year.

The use of compensation in calculations is marked as follows:

  • If the entire allotted vacation period has been used by the employee, or for some reason not contrary to Labor Law, compensation will not be paid to the employee, then select “Do not use” from the drop-down list;

  • If an employee took a vacation in advance that he has not yet “earned” for, then select the option “Withhold for the vacation used in advance.” According to Labor Law, the decision on retention is made by the employer independently. It is also worth noting that having returned a certain amount of money through withholding, the employee still receives certain benefits in the form of days taken into account in the length of service and transferred in the report to the Pension Fund.

To find out detailed information about the use of vacation by an employee, you need to click on the question mark located on the same line with the data on the period worked. The program will provide the requested information in the form of a help document.

If you need to pay severance pay to a dismissed employee, then in the appropriate column of the form you must manually enter the number of days for which the payment should be calculated. The amount is calculated by the program based on the employee’s average earnings.

In 1C: ZUP it is possible to create several types of accruals to pay severance pay. They may differ, for example, in the formulas for calculating personal income tax. If the program has several types of accruals, they will be reflected in the dismissal document and are available for selection by the user.

Filling out the conditions for dismissal for compensation for additional leave

  • Disabled people (Law “On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation” No. 181-FZ of November 24, 1995)
  • Employees who have not reached the age of majority;
  • Employees working in conditions recognized as dangerous and harmful;
  • Veterans of Labor;
  • Employees with irregular working hours, employed under a contract;
  • Employees of enterprises of the Far North;
  • Employees of pedagogical institutions, including sports;
  • Employees of medical institutions;
  • Police officers;
  • And other categories of citizens.

According to Art. 126 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee can receive monetary compensation, instead of additional or part of an extended vacation, by submitting a written application.

The employer has the right to establish additional leaves for its employees, within the framework that does not contradict current legislation.

Compensation for unused additional leave is reflected in 1C: ZUP on the right side of the “Dismissal Conditions” tab, the “Dismissal” document.

If an employee is entitled to additional leave, in the appropriate section, the program will automatically display the following data:

  • Type of leave selected from the list in the corresponding journal (Settings/Enterprise/Types);

  • The condition of compensation is similar to the conditions of the main leave (Compensation / Retention / Do not use);
  • The number of days of unused additional leave for which compensation will be paid. Or the number of days taken off excessively, according to which the amount to be withheld will be calculated;
  • The period of work of the employee from which the data for calculation is taken.

At the bottom of the form, the program provides calculations for all types of compensation.

You can view them in more detail in the “Accruals and Deductions” tab. Accruals in the “Accruals” subsection, deductions in the “Deductions” subsection.

You can also view the calculation of personal income tax and contributions to other funds.

According to Art. 137 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, such a form of financial transactions as deduction cannot be regarded as income, and therefore no insurance deductions or personal income tax are made for this type.

Payment of compensation and printed forms in 1C

The accountant checks all the calculated data in the dismissal document created by the personnel officer and puts a tick at the bottom of the form, approving the document, and submits it.

All that remains is to make the payment. To do this, you need to press the “Pay” function key and based on where the employee’s salary is paid, a payment document will be created.

  • Order of dismissal in form T-8;
  • Note - calculation of form T-61;
  • Help 2-NDFL.

To receive the required document on paper, you need to press the “Print” button on the top “Dismissals” panel and select the one you need from the list.

If in the “Additional” tab you manually enter the name of the document on the basis of which the dismissal order was created (employee statement, memo, medical indications), as well as its number and date, then this data will be printed in the form of an order T-8 .

The manager must remember that, according to Article 5.27 of the Labor Code, it is prohibited to refuse leave to an employee who has worked for more than a year. Otherwise, the labor inspectorate may fine the employer.

In this article we will look at how to pay compensation for unused vacation upon dismissal of an employee in 1C Accounting 8.3.

Preliminary preparation

To calculate and accrue compensation for unused vacation upon dismissal of an employee in the 1C: Accounting program, you need to make a small preparatory setup. All actions consist of creating a new type of accrual. You need to create it once and can be used when dismissing other employees.

In the "Administration" section, follow the "Accounting Settings" link.

In the window that appears, select “Salary Settings”.

The setup form shown in the image below allows us not only to specify additional types of charges, but also to configure the available functionality. First, you need to check that in the general settings the item is selected that payroll calculations together with personnel records were kept in this program.

Next, we indicate that we will keep records of sick leave, vacations and executive documents. Please note that this add-on is only available to small firms with fewer than sixty employees.

In addition, we need to indicate that personnel records will be complete. Otherwise, you will not be able to enter documents on the admission, transfer and dismissal of employees. We need this, since in this article we calculate and accrue compensation for unused vacation precisely upon the dismissal of an employee.

Now we can begin to create a special type of accrual, which we will use in the future to compensate for unused vacation upon dismissal and for other employees. Open the “Payroll” section and follow the “Accruals” link, as shown in the image below.

In the list of charges that appears, create a new one. You can specify an arbitrary value as the name. In our case, we will call it “Compensation for unused vacation”. This type of accrual will be subject to personal income tax in the same way as the main vacation. In this case, it is most correct to indicate the income code exactly 4800.

Leave compensation upon dismissal is income entirely subject to insurance contributions. It must be taken into account in labor costs according to paragraph 1, article 255 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. We will reflect this type of accrual in accounting by default. Movements will be carried out according to the 26th count.

This data is enough to create our type of accruals. Click on the “Save and Close” button. Now you can proceed directly to the calculation and calculation of compensation.

Accrual of vacation compensation

Unfortunately, the 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0 program does not provide a special document for calculating compensation for unused vacation upon dismissal of an employee. In this regard, you will need to independently create and calculate the amount of vacation payments using the appropriate document.

Compensation is calculated using the document "". For our example, we will create this document indicating only vacation compensation. In practice, it is often found that these payments are calculated in separate documents for greater convenience.

The first thing you need to do is specify the month. In our case, this is September 2017. If necessary, you can also specify a department. To simplify the example, let’s assume that for the dismissed employee Lifanova S.G. We have already made a full payment of wages, and all that remains is to pay compensation.

Let’s manually add our dismissed employee to the “Accruals” tab. In the column of the same name, select the type “Compensation for unused vacation.” This is what we created earlier and will use in the future in similar situations. The amount of compensation is reflected in the “Result” column and amounts to 22,000 rubles.

As a result, all taxes and contributions paid by both our organization and S.G. Lifanova are calculated automatically by the program. After posting the accrual document, the corresponding movements were formed based on these data. All of them are assigned to account 26, as indicated in the type of accrual we created. Personal income tax, which is withheld from the employee, is assigned to account 70.

1. Legislation.

Monetary compensation for unused vacation paid in the event of dismissal of an employee who has not used his right to annual paid leave in full (according to Article 127 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). I have already written about how compensation is calculated.

However, in a number of cases, the law provides for the payment of compensation to working employees.

It is possible to replace with monetary compensation the part that exceeds 28 calendar days - this is provided to certain categories of workers (Article 126 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

However, for pregnant women, workers under 18 years of age, as well as those employed in jobs with harmful (dangerous) working conditions, the replacement of annual basic and additional leaves with monetary compensation is not allowed (Article 126 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). This does not apply to vacation compensation upon dismissal.

The employer should remember that a situation where an employee has not rested for more than a year is a violation of labor legislation, and if checked by the labor inspectorate, a fine may be imposed for this in accordance with Article 5.27 of the Labor Code.

2. Reflection in 1C Salary and Personnel Management.

Let's consider the procedure for calculating compensation for unused vacation not related to dismissal in the program 1C Salary and Personnel Management 8.2.

Compensation is calculated using the document “Accrual of vacation for employees of organizations.”

You can find this document in the program on the user’s desktop, “Payroll calculation” tab, “Vacation accrual” link.

The second way to enter the list of documents “Accrual of vacation for employees of organizations” is through the main menu -> item “Calculation of salaries by organization” -> “Absences” -> “Accrual of vacation for employees of organizations”.

A list of documents opens; using the “Add” button, enter a new document.

We select the month of accrual, the employee, enter the start date of the vacation (the date is needed to calculate the days of vacation balance), and fill out the details in the “Vacation Compensation” group:

We set the “Accrue for” flag, the number of days of vacation compensation, the procedure for calculating average earnings (by calendar days or by six days).

For personal income tax accounting purposes, we set the date of payment of income.

After this, if the system has data for calculating the employee’s average earnings for the previous 12 months, click on the “Calculate” button, and the system will calculate the employee’s average daily earnings and compensation for the specified number of vacation days. The billing period for average earnings will be automatically determined depending on the “Accrual month” detail.

If the system does not have data for calculating average earnings, you can enter the data manually on the “Calculation of average earnings” tab.

Earnings data is entered into the tabular section on the tab using the standard “Add” button, but it is easier to first fill the table with empty entries (filled in when you click the “Calculate” button on the conditions tab), and then enter the amounts and number of days of the billing period in the appropriate lines. After this, you can calculate the charges by clicking on the appropriate button.

You can view data on the calculation of compensation and personal income tax on the “Payment” tab. Here you can recalculate accruals if necessary, edit the amount manually, recalculate personal income tax from the compensation amount and edit the personal income tax amount, if necessary.

After this, the document is processed.

Thus in the program 1C Salary and Personnel Management 8.2 edition 2.5 produced calculating compensation for unused vacation to working employees.

Video tutorial:

Due to the fact that in the 1C configuration Accounting 3.0 there is no special document for calculating the amount of leave compensation upon dismissal, you need to create and configure a custom type of calculation yourself. Section Directories – Salaries and personnel – Accruals:

To document by button Add on the bookmark Accruals add a new line, indicate the required employee, select the type of calculation Vacation compensation upon dismissal.

Calculation of compensation for unused vacation upon dismissal in 1C 8.3

Since automatic calculation of the amount and days of compensation is not provided, this is done manually and then, based on this, the columns Amount and Number of days for information are filled in.

Based on Article 139 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation Average daily earnings = earnings for the billing period/12/29.3.

Let’s say employee Skvortsov quits on June 6, 2016. According to the 1C 8.3 database Average daily earnings = 216,000.00 / 12 / 29.3 = 614.33 rubles. At the time of dismissal, to calculate the days of compensation, the employee worked 3 months and 22 days.

By virtue of clause 35 of the Rules on regular and additional leaves, surpluses that are less than 1/2 month are excluded. And excesses of more than 1/2 month are rounded up to the whole month.

Therefore, we take 4 months into account. 28 / 12*4 =9.33 days of vacation compensation:

Where to get data to calculate average earnings in 1C 8.3

Data on amounts of time worked in 1C 8.3 can be viewed in report Summary of charges, deductions and payments from the section Salaries and Personnel – Salary Reports. In the report settings, you should add selection by employee. Let's open the report settings to change:

Let's add the Employee field for selection:

Right-click on the added line and select Properties of user settings elements:

In the window that appears, check the box Include in user settings:

Now in 1C 8.3, selection by employee will be available in the report header. Next, we display the number of days and hours worked in the summary table. To do this, place the cursor in the report structure table as shown in the figure below and add new columns on the Fields tab: Days worked And Hours worked:

The report will look like this:

Important: time worked is automatically entered only for the predefined accrual Payment by salary, which is initially present in the 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0 configuration. But even for a predefined type of calculation, it is necessary to adjust the time worked if the employee had periods of absence. This does not apply to the types of accruals that are entered in separate documents: vacation, b/l. Program 1C 8.3 will subtract this period from the working time period.

If custom calculation types have been added, then in order for the time worked to be collected in a report in 1C 8.3, you must fill it out each time in the Payroll document on the Accruals tab. In this case, the data will be collected into the report correctly and automatically.

Save the report option by clicking the Report options button:

In the window that opens, enter the name of the report option and click Save:

Now in 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0 there is easy access to the desired report version:

You can learn how to process transactions for payment of compensation for unused vacation, payment of sick leave benefits, calculation of average daily earnings during a business trip, deduction of alimony from salary, and payment of vacation pay in our module. For more information about the course, watch our video:

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