What to do if the KBM is not true. Restore KBM - main provisions of the service

Errors in insurers' databases can increase the cost of a compulsory motor liability insurance policy by five times. Instead of 3.7 thousand rubles. someone will have to pay 18.5 thousand rubles. To prevent this from happening, check your KBM. Sravni.ru will tell you how to do this and get back the overpaid money.

This is the bonus-malus ratio. Translated as “good-bad”. It is used when calculating the cost of an MTPL policy. It is based on driver accident data. Each year of break-even driving reduces the BMR by 5%. The more years a car owner drives without an accident for which insurance is paid, the lower the coefficient. Its maximum value can be 2.45 - then the driver will be sold the policy at the highest price. If you drive without accidents for 10 years, then the BMR will drop to 0.5, and the policy will cost less than others, all other things being equal.

Cost of OSAGO policy

How to check your KBM?

To do this, just provide the data in our form. If the calculated KBM differs less from what is stated in your MTPL policy, then you can change the KBM to the correct one and return the overpayment for insurance.

How to change KBM

To correct the CBM, you need to contact the insurance company from which you purchased the MTPL policy. This can be done by phone, email or in the office. The insurer will provide an application form in which you must indicate the numbers of previous policies.

An application for revision of the KBM can be considered within 30 days, the RSA support service said. However, in practice, companies resolve this issue faster – in 3-5 days.

If the CBM decreases, the insurer must recalculate the cost of the MTPL policy downward and return the difference to you. If the insurance company has closed and the policy is still valid, then you can change the BMR by contacting the RSA. To do this, you need to fill out and send it to: [email protected]. The difference in overpayment will not be returned to you, but the KBM will be changed and the next policy, in the absence of accidents, will cost less.

How much can you get back?

Depending on the value of your policy. We asked car owner Sergei to test this option. When purchasing an MTPL policy, the insurer did not take into account Sergei’s break-even driving over the last two years and applied a KBM of 2.45. Sergei’s policy cost 20,180 rubles. After Sergey wrote a statement indicating the data from previous policies, the KBM was corrected to 1. The driver was returned 11,917 rubles. overpayments

Advice from Sravni.ru:

“Don’t throw away your old MTPL policies. They will be useful for getting a discount when purchasing future car insurance. »

In most cases, car enthusiasts wonder how to restore the KBM in the RSA database when drawing up an MTPL agreement. KMB (bonus-malus coefficient) is a discount for accident-free driving, which reduces the cost of the MTPL contract. The more years a car owner drives without an accident, the greater the discount. For a number of reasons, the discount in the unified RCA database may disappear. It seems difficult to restore. In fact, this is a myth; everything is very simple if you follow simple tips.

Reasons why the discount disappears

The first thing you need to do is to identify the reason for the disappearance of the discount in the unified RCA database and. If the reason is known, restoring the KBM under compulsory motor liability insurance will not be difficult.

The discount may disappear as a result of:

  • Change of driver's license (the most common reason);
  • Change of personal data (change of surname);
  • At the end of the year, the insurance company did not provide information to the RSA;
  • The insurance manager made a mistake during registration and sent incorrect data to the database (typo in personal data);
  • When added to another insurance policy, agents equate discounts to the initial class and upload this information into a single database;
  • The insurance company closed.

Check KBM

How to return a bonus when changing your driver's license

There are two options for restoring the bonus for accident-free driving: via the Internet, or in person at the insurance company’s office. Since the leader of the insurance market is PJSC SK Rosgosstrakh, many car owners, when losing a bonus, turn to this company.

Restoration at the office of the insurance company

If you decide to restore KBM in Rosgosstrakh, then you need to contact the central office, which is represented in the region. You will need to have the originals of the following documents with you: passport, driver's license, insurance policy (which contains the old driver's license) and write a free-form application addressed to the director.

After the application is completed, contact the secretary, provide all documents and ask to register it. Based on the results of the application, you should have an application for restoration of the KBM in the RSA (copy), with a mark of acceptance.

After accepting the application, the representative of the insurance company is obliged to change the information and notify the policyholder of changes in information in the unified RSA database.

Discount restoration via RSA

You can send an application to the insurance company for the restoration of the KBM via the Internet. To do this, you need to go to the official website of the RSA, in the “Contact the RSA” section. In this section, anyone can download the application form, fill it out and send it to the email address [email protected] for consideration. It is important to fill out all fields of the application in detail and correctly. You will need to attach a copy of your driver's license on both sides to your application.

If you need qualified assistance to restore your bonus malus in MTPL through the RSA website, you can call the free support service at 8-800-200-22-75. Competent specialists will answer all your questions and help you solve the problem with bonus restoration as soon as possible.

Restoring discounts through the website of the insurance company Rosgosstrakh

Drivers who were insured with the Rosgosstrakh insurance company can restore the KBM coefficient through the official website http://www.rgs.ru. Thanks to the site, you can not only restore your discount quickly, but also simply. All you need to do is go to the “Feedback” section and write a request. The type of appeal must be selected – “complaint against KBM under compulsory motor liability insurance”.

After this, all that remains is to correctly fill in the required fields, without which the complaint will not be sent to Rosgosstrakh. The complaint indicates the series and number of the MTPL policy. It is also important to indicate the branch in which the contract was drawn up (the name of the branch is indicated on the round seal in the lower right corner). If possible, this agreement and the driver’s license should be photographed and uploaded to a special section. After filling out all the fields, all that remains is to send the request and wait for the results of the review.

Refund of bonus when changing personal data

In practice, when a girl gets married, she takes her husband’s last name and changes all her documents: passport, car documents and driver’s license. It is not enough to change documents; you need to change the KBM coefficient in the unified RSA database and transfer the discount to new personal data.

To save the discount, you will also need to fill out an application, attach a complete package of documents and send it via the Internet, or take it in person to the representative office of the insurance company. According to the current law, the policyholder must make changes and notify the insurance company of any changes immediately. If everything is done on time, there will be no problems with discounts.

Costly mistakes

The human factor has not yet been canceled. Everyone makes mistakes, and insurance company representatives are no exception. There are a lot of clients who want to get the coveted policy. A company specialist, when filling out an application and drawing up a form, may make a mistake and incorrectly send information to the RSA database.

The best way to avoid this is to carefully check all fields on the insurance form before signing it. But if an error is discovered later, you should immediately contact the manager of the insurance company and ask to make changes. You only need to have your passport and insurance policy with you. It is important that only the policyholder can make changes under the current contract.

The insurer must provide a sample application for entering information and issue a new form with correct data. It is not allowed to make changes in your own hand on the back of the policy and certify with a seal.

No insurance company or discounts

Insurance companies are literally disappearing from the market like mushrooms. What to do if a company that has not provided information to the unified RSA database has closed down? Is it possible to restore the KBM yourself in RSA? These questions plague many motorists who find themselves in an unpleasant situation.

The main thing is not to despair and give up. Even in such a situation, it is possible to restore the KBM after replacing rights or losing a discount. The main thing is not to wait until the contract ends. To restore an earned bonus, you will need to download an application form from the RSA for the restoration of the KBM and send it through the website.

Don't expect it to be reviewed in the shortest possible time. As a rule, the RSA employee will request additional information and check the driver's statistics for the last year.

Registration without discounts

What if you received a new driver’s license, but did not have time to edit the discount in a single database? When drawing up a new contract, managers cannot independently change the information in the PCA database and are accepted for class 3 insurance (without discounts).

If a car owner changed his license, didn’t know how to restore the car insurance policy, and signed up for compulsory motor insurance without discounts, he can count on a refund of the overpaid insurance premium. After completing the contract, you need to write a request on the RSA website, wait until the information is changed, and contact the insurance company with a request to make a recalculation.

The manager of the insurance company is obliged to accept the application, check the KBM data in the database, reissue the insurance policy and prepare an order for the return of the erroneously paid amount.

To quickly solve the problem with discounts, you should keep all OSAGO forms. If you have documents for all years, you can quickly restore the discount.

You can control the discount yourself. To check, you should go to the official website of RSA, visit the “MTPL” section, which provides information for the policyholder. To check the bonus, you will need to enter personal data: full name, date of birth and driver's license number. The KBM check is carried out within a minute. It turns out that in real time you can find out the current class using a unified system.

You need to know that the Central Bank controls the activities of insurance companies, but does not contribute to making changes to data in the unified RSA database. There is no need to write a complaint to the Central Bank if the discount has disappeared.

Even if you lost your discount several years ago, you can restore it using any convenient method listed above. At the same time, after the bonus is restored, you can send an application to the insurance company for the return of the overpaid insurance premium.

KBM directly affects the cost of the MTPL policy, however, very often, due to errors by RSA or the agents who issue the policy, the KBM is “lost” and because of this the discount disappears. Also, the discount disappears at those moments when drivers receive a new license; in this case, you need to transfer the old license to the new one. You can restore your discount or improve your rights and get your well-deserved KBM using the OSAGO-TO platform. Next, I will give step-by-step instructions on how to lower the BMR, but first let’s clarify In what situations does KBM restoration help:

  • I was insured every year, and the discount does not correspond to the insurance period
  • Got a new license, the discount is gone
  • I changed my name and the discount disappeared

Lowering the CBM will not help in the following situations:

  • There were more than 2 accidents a year and the KBM took off
  • Haven't had insurance for more than 2 years
  • Short experience (up to 2 years)

Step 1

The first thing you need to do is go to the platform’s start page and log in or register if you don’t already have an account (by clicking the register button). I will provide instructions for a new user. So, go to the registration tab, as in the screenshot below. We fill in the required information and confirm that we are not a robot.


Step 2

After confirmation, we go through authorization. In the left menu, click KBM, and then application to reduce the KBM. Here we get a message about insufficient funds in the account. Follow the link and top up your balance. Let me note that if the BMR does not decrease, the funds will be returned to your account, then you will be able to withdraw funds from the account, you don’t have to worry about this.

Step 3

After the account has been replenished, go to the left menu at KBM-> Application for reduction of KBM. Fill in your full name and driver's license information as in the screenshots below and click submit application.

We also enter additional data on the ID, as well as the full name, if you have changed it.

After this, the application will appear in my applications. The decrease in BMR will occur within 1-3 days. You can click update application status. My cost of reduction was 300 rubles, while the cost of insurance decreased by 2500 rubles.

Restoring the KBM takes from 1 to 3 days, after creating the application we wait.

1. Reasons for high BMR

Any novice driver, after receiving a driver's license, is considered a potentially dangerous driver, since he has no driving experience, and if his age is under 23 years old, then doubly so. Therefore, when calculating the cost of an MTPL policy with such a driver, it will be approximately 2 times more expensive than with a driver whose experience is more than 3 years and age is more than 23 years. Let's figure out what KBM is after all? KBM - bonus-malus coefficient - a coefficient that increases or decreases the cost of a compulsory motor insurance policy, that is, it determines a discount. Many drivers do not even know that they are entitled to a discount for accident-free driving and driving experience. Standard KBM 1 - many agents and insurance companies calculate based on this coefficient. According to the law, if a driver has driven for a year without an accident, then the insurance company where this person was insured must submit data about him to the Russian Union of Auto Insurers (RUA), and when concluding the next OSAGO policy, his BMI should be lower by 5% of the cost. And so every year. The maximum discount is 50%. That is, you need to drive for 10 years without an accident. And most importantly, make sure that the insurance company submits data to the RSA about your accident-free record. The main reasons why KBM is not accrued:

The first reason is changing your driver's license. It should be understood that the insurance company transmits data on all drivers and insurers to the Russian Union of Auto Insurers (RUA). And if, for example, there was a replacement of the license due to a change of surname for girls, loss, expiration, then the data from the RSA for one reason or another may not be loaded, so you can honestly drive for 10 years without an accident and then change the license, and discover that after replacing your rights you lost a 50% discount and your BMR became equal to 1.

The second reason may be errors that insurance companies can make when applying for a policy, then it turns out that you lose the insurance year, so all your discounts are destroyed, since one of the conditions for providing a discount is continuous insurance, and now you have lost the discount again.

The third reason, and this is the main reason for high BMI, is accidents. If you get into an accident, the MMR increases; these are like sanctions that insurance companies apply for accidents that occurred through your fault. It is worth noting here that accidents in which you are not the culprit do not affect your KBM in any way, and at the end of the insurance period you will receive a discount as if the accident had not happened.

It is worth noting that depending on the value of the KBM, the driver is assigned a certain class. That is, if you are insured for the first year, then your class is 3, and then, depending on whether you have accidents or not, your class increases or decreases accordingly.

2. How to lower the BMR

Application for reduction of BMC

Before sending, please check that your contact information is filled out correctly.

Is it profitable to lower the BMR?

To evaluate how profitable it is to lower the BMR, let's look at an example. Let's say you have the 2nd class of KBM, that is, the coefficient itself is 1.4 (for example, you had an accident and your coefficient was increased) and your cost of compulsory motor liability insurance was 15,000 rubles. Next, you contacted our company, and our employees lowered your BMI by only 1 class and now the coefficient value is 1, then the new cost of insurance will be 10,715 rubles! That is, you saved 4285 rubles, you will agree that this is not small money. Moreover, this value of the BMI is retained by you, that is, next year the cost of insurance, subject to accident-free driving, will be the same or less!

I think you are convinced that lowering the BMR is beneficial.

Result guarantee

How can we check our work? – very simply, there are a lot of services for checking KBM in the RSA database. After completing the KBM downgrade procedure, which takes 1 to 3 business days, you will check your KBM in the database and see that it has indeed been lowered! We are always for the client and value our reputation!

3. What does a low BMR give?

Low KBM gives a discount on the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance in any region of Russia and any insurance company. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that insurers always take into account your BMR and your discount. You can view the values ​​of the KBM and the classes corresponding to them in the table below. You can also use the table to calculate the number of years you will need to receive this or that discount. But why wait? When can you lower your BMR in our company?

Class at the beginning of the annual insurance periodCoefficientClass at the end of the annual insurance period, taking into account the presence of insured events that occurred during the validity period of the previous MTPL contract.
Insurance payments
Insurance payment
Insurance payments
Insurance payments
4 or more
Insurance payments
M 2.45 0 M M M M
0 2.3 1 M M M M
1 1.55 2 M M M M
2 1.4 3 1 M M M
3 1 4 1 M M M
4 0.95 5 2 1 M M
5 0.9 6 3 1 M M
6 0.85 7 4 2 M M
7 0.8 8 4 2 M M
8 0.75 9 5 2 M M
9 0.7 10 5 2 1 M
10 0.65 11 6 3 1 M
11 0.6 12 6 3 1 M
12 0.55 13 6 3 1 M
13 0.5 13 7 3 1 M

4. Lowering the BMI after an accident

There is a high probability that while driving a car, you will sooner or later get into an accident in which you will be the culprit. This is quite normal, and I think many of us have gone through this. If you have already experienced this unpleasant moment, then you know that after an accident, insurance companies impose sanctions and the cost of insurance increases in the next insurance period. This occurs as a result of an increase in BMF. However, few people know that the cost of insurance can be reduced even in this case. We lower the BMR coefficient even after an accident. You can check this by filling out the application above.

5. Prices for reducing BMR

The cost of lowering the KBM in our company depends on how many classes you need to lower the KBM. Below is a table that will help you estimate the approximate cost of the service. In cases where it is necessary to reduce the vehicle's vehicle rating after an accident, the calculation is carried out individually.

Not all drivers who are faced with an incorrect calculation of the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance due to incorrect application of coefficients know how to make a refund of the CBM. There are now many offers on the Internet about fixing KBM for money, but this can be done for free in a short time and in an absolutely legal way. How to restore KBM under OSAGO for free? Why do insurers use incorrect BMR values? How to correct the class and BMR if the insurance company refuses to do so?

Reasons for errors

The price for civil liability insurance for a car owner is calculated using the KBM and other indicators. Depending on whether the driver had any accidents during the previous insurance period, KBM can either provide a discount on the policy or cause the need for additional payment for it. For a number of reasons, insurance companies may incorrectly calculate the CBM and require the incorrect amount of the insurance premium for compulsory motor liability insurance. All these situations can be resolved quite simply, since the insurance company itself, the RSA, and the Central Bank can return the KBM after writing a complaint or a corresponding statement. The most common mistakes include the following:

  • Error when entering information into the automated unified information system. According to the MTPL Rules, the insurance company must enter information about the policyholder and the new insurance contract into the AIS RSA within 5 days. Since this procedure is performed manually by the insurer’s employees, failures and inaccuracies are possible when entering information;
  • Failure by the policyholder to notify the insurer of changes in personal data, including a change of driver’s license. The RSA database will not find information corresponding to the new documents of the car owner, and the KBM will be assigned as a newbie. In order to avoid such a situation, it is necessary either during the validity of the policy or when applying for a new one to inform the insurance company about the changes;
  • Insurance company bankruptcy. In this case, the insurer will not be able or will not have time to enter new information about the contract and the old information will remain in the RCA database; no additional discount will be accrued.

In some cases, restoring the KBM is impossible, since the change in the coefficient is carried out legally. The first case is a break in insurance. According to the law, the MTPL discount is maintained for continuous insurance, that is, when one MTPL agreement expires and the next one is immediately concluded. If the break is more than one year, then the KBM is reset to zero and the driver is assigned class 3 and a coefficient equal to 1. The same rules apply to unlimited insurance. The BMI is not applied to a specific driver, but to a vehicle that a driver with a good coefficient insures for the first time - a basic BMI of 1 will be applied.

How to restore KBM for free?

If a car owner, when applying for an auto insurance policy, discovers that his bonus malus is determined incorrectly, he can correct the BMR in several ways. The easiest way is to submit an application with the corresponding request and data of the car owner to the insurance company. If the insurer refuses to complete the procedure or for some other reason cannot restore the correct ratio, the policyholder can do this through the website of the RSA or the Central Bank, using the electronic reception.

Through an insurance company

Since only a specialist with access to the automated PCA database can restore the MTPL discount, the car owner needs to go to the insurance company. To clarify the KBM through the insurer, you need to fill out an application in a simple form. The websites of some insurers provide the opportunity to leave an online request. Here are links to the request forms:

The insurer's employee will check the valid KBM using the AIS RSA. If the coefficient from the base does not coincide with the one used by the insurance company to calculate the price of the MTPL policy, the insurer will use new data for recalculation. The policyholder's request will be processed as soon as possible - the procedure cannot take more than 30 days. This service will be provided free of charge.

Through an insurance broker

An insurance broker can also restore KBM using the RSA database. To do this, he uses a special service that gives access to the RSA database. The recovery period is several days, but there may be delays due to AIS unavailability. The cost of one restoration can be up to 500 rubles. Some brokers guarantee a refund if the procedure cannot be completed successfully. This situation may arise if the KBM recovery service fails.

Through the Central Bank

If the insurance company was unable to restore the KBM discount, but you don’t want to contact an insurance broker and spend money, you can file a complaint with the insurance market regulator - the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. To do this, you need to use the official website of the Central Bank and go to the “Internet reception” section and select the “Submit a complaint” option. A list of topics will appear on a new page of the site (see Figure 1), among which you need to select “Incorrect use of KBM.”

Figure 1 - Filing a complaint to the Central Bank through the Internet reception

Next, a form will open that the car owner must fill out. On the page describing the issue, you must indicate the insurance organization with which the appeal to the Central Bank is related, write the essence of the claims, select the region, indicate the day when the described circumstances occurred and attach documents that prove the legitimacy of the complaint. You will also need to provide your personal information, including full name, birthday, SNILS. Then the system will ask you to check all the information entered (see Figure 2). After verification, you can submit a complaint.

Figure 2 - Verification of information from a complaint to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

After sending, a copy of the applicant’s complaint will be sent to the email address specified in the appeal. Depending on which option the car owner chose to receive a response, the result of consideration of the appeal will arrive within 30 days either by mail in writing or by e-mail. You can send a complaint by registered mail with a list of all attachments - documents confirming that the restoration of the MTPL discount is a legitimate requirement.

Via the official RSA website

It will not be possible to restore the KBM for free online using RSA, since since 2015 the procedure has been carried out in a modified manner. First, the policyholder needs to contact the insurer, and if he cannot solve the problem, then he needs to contact the Union of Auto Insurers. To do this, you can send a written complaint to the postal address or use e-mail - [email protected].

Documents must be attached to the application - copies for the first method of application and scans for the second. RSA will not consider complaints without copies of documents. In the complaint for the restoration of the BMR, it is necessary to indicate the full name of the applicant and the driver of the car for which the BMR was incorrectly calculated, his birthday and driver’s license details (if the contract is issued for an unlimited number of drivers, then only the passport details of the owner of the vehicle). The result of consideration of the appeal will also be known within one month.

How to restore KBM when replacing rights?

The KBM discount is cumulative. That is, the discount increases by 5% for each year in which the car driver had no accidents and no insurance payments. The value of the KBM is recorded in the MTPL policy and in the RSA database on the basis of a number of documents, including a driver’s license confirming driving experience. It is from the database that new insurers, from whom the policyholder has not previously taken out a policy, take information.

Restoration of the CBM may be required if the car owner replaced his driver's license, but did not notify his insurer. When requested, the system will not find the driver’s KBM using the old driver’s license number, and therefore the coefficient will be reset to zero. To prevent this situation from happening, you must immediately report this to the insurance company after replacing your driver’s license. Then the insurer will make changes to the unified database within 5 days and the MTPL discount will not be lost.

If the replacement of the driver’s license was not reported and the cost of insurance was calculated using an incorrect coefficient, then the driver can write an application for changing the BMR directly at the office of the insurance company or use one of the methods listed above: through a broker, through the Central Bank or through Union of Auto Insurers.

Application for restoration of KBM

The application form is not established by law, so it can be written in a simple form (by hand or printed). There is a recommended form on the RSA website; if necessary, you can use it. Only indicate in the header of the application the organization to which the application is being sent. The header indicates the full name, postal address and telephone number of the applicant. The application itself must contain the following information:

  • Insurance case number;
  • OSAGO policy number;
  • The reason for the request is a change in the BSC;
  • Signature.

The RSA form does not require a list of attached documents, but it is better to include it. The application should be accompanied by copies of your passport, documents on ownership of the vehicle, insurance policy and contract, and driver’s license. If in previous periods the policyholder had accidents, then it is worth attaching copies of traffic police reports and copies of independent examination reports, if any. The result of the consideration of the request will be known within a month.


Before changing the KBM, you need to find out the reason for using the incorrect coefficient when calculating the price of insurance. The established recovery procedure assumes that the car owner must first submit a claim to the insurance company. If she cannot solve the problem, then you should write a complaint to other authorities. Every driver must understand that if the KBM was changed legally, then not a single complaint will allow the discount to be returned back.

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Over time, motorists have become accustomed to such a phenomenon in their lives as compulsory motor liability insurance. have firmly taken their place and annual visits to insurers have become commonplace. But the cost of the policy is floating.

Plays one of the main roles in pricing. Unfortunately, for various reasons, this coefficient can sometimes be calculated incorrectly. As a result, you may end up paying significant amounts of money for your insurance.

This interesting bonus-malus coefficient serves as a kind of measure of the driver’s discipline and decency. The coefficient directly reflects the number of years during which the driver avoided getting into various types of accidents.

For every year of accident-free driving and the absence of direct appeals to the insurer, the KBM decreases by as much as 5%. For the driver, this figure means a 5% discount on the cost of the next MTPL policy.

Every year without being involved in a traffic accident, a fixed discount of 5% is given, but it has a maximum value. Currently the maximum discount is 50%. Information about all drivers is stored centrally. For this purpose, the universal base of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers is used. However, each insurer enters information into the announced database independently.

To be aware of the level of your bonus-malus coefficient at the current moment, there are two ways. You can use these methods yourself. The first method is based on a standardized table from which the value of the coefficient can be determined. The table contains all existing classes, all possible values ​​of the BMI and transitions from one class to another depending on the number of insured events during the reporting period. The reporting period is usually equal to one calendar year. The second method involves sending a standard form request to the database of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers.

You can fill out the form on the website of this organization. The request itself is also sent there. After this, you will receive a response indicating the current value of the bonus-malus coefficient.

For what reasons may a return of KBM be possible?

  • So, all the reasons why a change in the value of the BMR may occur and, accordingly, the occurrence of an overpayment, can be summarized in the following list:
  • intentional actions of unscrupulous insurers;
  • incorrect entry of information into the database, a banal human error;
  • the driver changes his insurer, while the previous insurer maliciously entered incorrect information in the automatic information system;
  • the insurer regularly issues new MTPL policies with a bonus-malus coefficient equal to one, although there is no reason for this;
  • loss of a license to operate as an insurer that occurred during the validity of your current MTPL policy;
  • replacement of a driver's license during the period of validity of the insurance policy;
  • changing the driver’s personal data;
  • technical failure in the operation of the unified RSA database;
  • using a fake MTPL policy, in which case no information is displayed in the database;

This is a list of the most relevant and common reasons for changes in the BMR. Other unforeseen situations may arise in life. But they are much less common than those mentioned above.

Where to go to return KBM

If you are sure that when you took out a new insurance, the incorrect bonus-malus coefficient was applied to the formation of its price, then you should take the appropriate steps. There are three organizations that you can contact on this issue with the appropriate package of documents. The first of these is the insurance company itself, which made a mistake when calculating the BMR. Or the data this company constantly entered into the database was incorrect.

The second organization is RSA. It is under the jurisdiction of this organization that there is a universal database of information on all insurance policies issued for all time. And the third organization is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. This is the supervisory and regulatory body of the insurance market. are also established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Moreover, the Central Bank issues and revokes licenses of insurers. For a higher probability of a positive resolution of the issue, it is recommended to send appeals to all three organizations at once.

Then your request will definitely be heard and considered.

  • You can send your request directly in 3 valid ways:
  • via the Internet by going to the appropriate section and filling out all the necessary data to formulate a request;
  • bring the request to the organization in person, and you must remember to mark the fact that the documents have been accepted for consideration;

Time frame for decision making by relevant organizations

In accordance with current legislation, any organization that receives a request from a citizen must respond to the request in writing within 30 days. The answer must be clear and detailed, without vague formulations, and contain information about the decision made. If a violation actually took place, then the insurer must return to the citizen the excess amount he paid for the MTPL insurance policy.

In the worst case scenario, when none of the organizations was able to restore the correct and current value of the bonus-malus coefficient, only the last option remains. But you should resort to it only if you are absolutely sure that you are right. Then you need to contact the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation or the court directly.

KBM return procedure

It is also worth briefly talking about the procedure for returning KBM to any insurance company in our country. The primary basis of all actions and processes is the car owner’s contact with his insurer. The purpose of such an appeal will be an attempt to find out the true reasons for the upward change in the BSC. After all, it is precisely this change that leads to the loss of a well-deserved discount for the driver. The application must initially include a package of all necessary documents.

If the request is made through the appropriate form on the company’s corporate website, then the following information must be provided:

  • all key information related to compulsory motor liability insurance for which the KBM was incorrectly calculated;
  • all personal data;
  • all technical information about the vehicle for which insurance was issued;

When contacting the insurer's office in person, all this information will also be useful. In addition, you will need to write a free-form application. The application will only need to reflect the essence of your request.. It will consist in the fact that the price of compulsory motor liability insurance was calculated incorrectly, which resulted in the application of the incorrect value of the KBM. All these words are supported by the presentation of the correct KBM in your opinion and the corresponding justification for the calculation.

Actions in case of termination of work of the insurance company

Unforeseen situations periodically occur in the insurance market, as a result of which some insurance companies may cease to operate or lose their license to carry out insurance activities. In connection with these unpleasant events, situations may arise when a company that has ceased operations did not have time, was unable or did not want to enter all the necessary information into the unified database of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers.

The situation is not standard, but not critical either. If such a case occurs, the car owner should contact RSA. The application is made using a completed application form of the established form. The form indicates: the reason for the application, the driver’s personal data, key information about the current MTPL insurance policy and the previous MTPL policy. RSA staff will need to take into account all your key information. When applying for a new MTPL policy, your new insurance company will need to take into account all new information from RSA.

All necessary documents for returning KBM

Any request for the return of KBM under MTPL policies must be supported by a package of relevant documents. Their list does not look super long and in most cases collecting the required documents will not take very much time. So, you will need to prepare the following documents in advance:

  • original passport and its copy of the owner of the insured vehicle;
  • original and copy of the applicant's driver's license;
  • a statement addressed to the organization, written in free form;
  • if possible, then all MTPL policies that were issued in previous years.

In connection with the last point in the list of documents It is strongly recommended not to throw away MTPL policies that have already expired. In the event of a KBM return, they may be useful. If the originals have not been preserved, you can order copies of previously concluded insurance contracts from insurance companies. Such an order can be made through a special form, which is available on the websites of insurance organizations.

As practice shows, it takes approximately 5 days to create a copy of the contract. This service itself is free for the applying citizen. If you plan to contact several organizations, then you should worry about preparing a sufficient number of copies of the necessary documents in advance. All together, this will shorten the entire procedure for returning KBM under compulsory motor liability insurance.

What steps should I take to get my money back?

Nothing will happen by magic. To get a refund of overpaid money, you will have to make some efforts. One of the action points is to identify the potential culprit of the error that led to the incorrect calculation of the KBM. The basis of your claims will be a written statement. There are no specific requirements for its execution, so the request is formulated in more or less free form.

The main thing is to outline the essence of the claim, i.e. refund, and indicate the current details by which the transfer should be made. Everything should be provided with your own signature, indicate the current date, last name, first name, patronymic. It is enough to follow the standard points for the application; a sample can be easily found on the Internet.

Look at the video on how to return money for KBM under OSAGO

What other documents need to be prepared?

It is better to send the application itself in the form of a registered letter. In this case, you will be able to track the date of receipt of the letter by the addressee using the track code. In addition to the letter, you will first need to prepare a package of documents. These documents include your passport and driver's license. It is also necessary to have in hand insurance policies that have accumulated during your driving experience.

Important: Make copies of all the above documents in advance.

Alas, the practice of interaction with various authorities shows that the originals of the same insurance policy can “suddenly get lost” within the walls of insurance institutions. As a rule, these establishments are not very willing to take the client’s side, so it is better to play it safe. A reasonable question should arise here: where exactly should I apply for this application?

Where to contact for a refund

So, you have the necessary documents in your hands. What to do next? There are exactly three options for action in the initial situation. Firstly, you can contact a specific insurance company, due to which an error occurred in calculating the bonus-malus coefficient. Yes, they are reluctant to consider applications of this kind. After all, few people can, in all honesty, admit a mistake on their part.

Reference: you need to understand the motive of insurance companies: consciously or not, they all want to provide themselves with profit and their employees with decent wages.

However, this is not at all a reason for not complying with Russian legislation. They must accept the application for a refund for consideration and carry out the appropriate verification procedures. But not every company responds promptly to such requests. Then you need to take other actions.

Secondly, you can contact the Russian Union of Auto Insurers directly. They represent the interests of the entire insurance market and have significant influence in controversial situations. But do not forget one important thing: employees of the Russian Union cannot make changes to the single base on the basis of which the bonus-malus coefficient is calculated. This data is entered by employees of insurance companies, which, in part, is one of the main reasons for the incorrect calculation of amounts for compulsory motor liability insurance.

Who else can influence the insurance company

If appeals to the two above authorities do not give a positive result, then you need to contact the insurance market regulator. Currently it is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. It is he who can pay close attention to the activities of a particular insurance company. An audit may be ordered or a report on the company's activities may be requested. The regulator has enough pressure levers of its own.

Download an example application to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation:

A request for a refund can be sent in any of three ways:

  • through a special form on the Internet;
  • during a personal visit to the company with a mandatory note on acceptance of documents;
  • by registered letter.

Next, there will be a period of waiting for a response. By law, any organization has 30 calendar days to process an appeal. During this time, a detailed response must be provided to the applicant. In practice, there are cases when none of the organizations discussed was able to restore the current value of the bonus-malus coefficient. In this case, the only option left is to appeal to the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation and the court.

Brief summary

It is difficult to predict the development of events in our lives. If you are faced with an incorrect calculation of the KBM, then you should not turn a blind eye to it. After all, if you are a careful driver and avoid getting into an accident, you have a perfectly legal right to receive a well-deserved discount when taking out insurance.

If, nevertheless, the calculation of the KBM was made incorrectly and you paid an increased price, then you should immediately file a corresponding claim. It is better to immediately send the appeal to the insurance company, the Russian Union of Auto Insurers and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. If the fact of an erroneous calculation of the bonus-malus coefficient is confirmed, you will be entitled to a refund of the overpaid amounts. Always stand up for your rights.