How is the federal budget spent? What does the Russian budget consist of?

It is necessary to distinguish the economic understanding of the budget from the legal understanding. We are primarily interested in the first of them.

From the point of view of economic practice federal budget- the most important element. It ensures the accumulation of financial resources and their redistribution.

Most of the effective demand is generated from budget funds. This is achieved by the fact that significant amounts of wages are paid from the budget, goods and services are purchased, and capital investments are made.

Budget parameters directly affect the most important macroeconomic indicators - investment and production volumes, employment levels, etc.

Thus, in its content, the federal budget is both an economic category and a political instrument.

In its form, the federal budget is the financial plan of the state, that is, a plan for the collection and use of financial resources in order to ensure state functions.

From a legal point of view, the federal budget is a normative act - a law. It is developed by executive authorities and adopted by legislative (or representative) authorities.

See also:

Federal budget revenues and expenses

Income The federal budget is divided into tax And non-tax. The balance of funds at the end of the previous year is credited to federal budget revenues.

Tax revenues of the federal budget are:
  • established by tax legislation;
  • customs duties, customs fees and other customs payments;
Non-tax revenues of the federal budget are generated through:
  • income from the use of property;
  • income from the sale of property;
  • part of the profit.
Federal budget revenues also take into account:
  • profit of the Bank of Russia;
  • income from foreign economic activity;
  • income from the sale of state stocks and reserves.

Federal budget revenues can be transferred to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Federation and local budgets according to the standards established by the law on the federal budget for the next year.

The following expenses are financed from the federal budget:
  • ensuring the activities of the President of the Russian Federation, the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, federal executive bodies and their territorial bodies;
  • functioning of the federal judicial system;
  • carrying out international activities;
  • national defense and ensuring state security, implementing the conversion of defense industries;
  • fundamental research and promotion of scientific and technological progress;
  • state support for railway, air and sea transport;
  • state support for nuclear energy;
  • liquidation of consequences of emergencies and natural disasters on a federal scale;
  • exploration and use of outer space;
  • formation of federal property;
  • servicing and repaying the government debt of the Russian Federation;
  • compensation to state extra-budgetary funds for the costs of paying state pensions and benefits, other social benefits subject to financing in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation from the federal budget;
  • federal investment program;
  • official statistical records.

When forming budgets at all levels, the creation of reserve funds is provided. The reserve fund in the federal budget cannot exceed 3% of approved federal budget expenditures.

The size of reserve funds in the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is established by the legislative authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation when they are approved for the next financial year.

Reserve funds are used to finance unforeseen expenses, including emergency restoration work to eliminate the consequences of natural disasters and other emergencies.

The manner in which these funds are spent is determined by the government. In addition, the federal budget for the next financial year provides for the creation of a reserve fund for the President of the Russian Federation in the amount of no more than 1% of approved federal budget expenditures. The Budget Code of the Russian Federation establishes that funds from the reserve fund of the President of the Russian Federation are spent on financing unforeseen expenses, as well as additional expenses provided for by decrees of the President of the Russian Federation.

It is not allowed to spend funds from the reserve fund of the President of the Russian Federation on holding elections, referendums, or covering the activities of the President of the Russian Federation.

Data on federal budget revenues and expenditures for 1997-2003. are presented in table. 1. The federal budget had a significant deficit in 1997-2000. In 2001, an attempt was made to ensure a balanced budget. For 2003, a federal budget surplus of 72.2 billion rubles is planned.

The main expenditure items of the federal budget are:
  • servicing public debt (20% of all expenses),
  • national defense (19.0%),
  • financial assistance to budgets of other levels (15.6%).

Drafting the federal budget

Drawing up a draft federal budget is the exclusive prerogative of the Russian government. It begins no later than 10 months before the start of the next financial year.

The draft federal budget is based on the following documents:
  • budget message of the President of the Russian Federation;
  • forecast of socio-economic development for the next year;
  • the main directions of budget and tax policy for the next year;
  • forecast of the consolidated financial balance for the next year throughout the Russian Federation;
  • plan for the development of the public sector of the economy.

1. The budget message of the President of the Russian Federation is sent to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation no later than March of the year preceding the next financial year. The budget message of the President of the Russian Federation formulates the budget policy for the next year. It is determined on the basis of priority tasks for the development of the economy and social sphere.

2. The forecast of socio-economic development is developed on the basis of statistical data for the last reporting period and trends in the development of the economy and social sphere for the planned year.

The initial macroeconomic indicators for drawing up the draft budget are: the volume of gross domestic product for the next financial year and its growth rate; inflation rate.

Thus, the parameters of the federal budget for 2003 are based on forecast indicators: GDP - 13050.0 billion rubles, inflation rate - 10-12% per year.

When developing a forecast of socio-economic development, the following methods are used:

  • a method of economic analysis, which is based on the study of deviations of actual budget indicators from previously planned ones;
  • extrapolation method, which consists in determining the existing trends in budget revenues and expenses over a number of years and proposals for the constancy of these trends for the future period.

3. The main directions of budget and tax policy for the next financial year are a document containing a plan of changes in budget and tax policy and, accordingly, in budget and tax legislation. In particular, this document may provide for changes in the rates of some taxes and the distribution of taxes between budgets.

4. The forecast of the consolidated financial balance is a forecast of income and expenses of all budgets across the territory of the Russian Federation. It is compiled on the basis of the balance sheet for the previous year and the forecast of socio-economic development for the future period. This balance reflects the total amount of financial resources available in the country and their distribution between the federal budget, the budgets of the constituent entities of the Federation and the budgets of local self-government. The consolidated financial balance allows decisions to be made about changes in the allocation of resources between budgets.

The state economic development plan includes:

  • consolidated plan for the financial and economic activities of federal state enterprises;
  • state property privatization program;
  • data on the number of civil servants by main managers of budget funds.
Simultaneously with the draft budget for the next financial year, the following are drawn up:
  • forecast of the consolidated budget for the next financial year;
  • long-term financial plan;
  • targeted investment program for the next financial year;
  • internal and external borrowing program;
  • program for providing state guarantees for the next financial year.

Of the listed documents, the long-term financial plan should be noted. It is compiled on the basis of a medium-term forecast of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation and contains data on the forecast capabilities of the budget for mobilizing revenues and financing basic expenses.

The long-term financial plan is not approved by law. It is being developed to inform legislative bodies about the expected medium-term trends in economic and social development. This plan is developed for three years, of which: the first year is the year for which the budget is drawn up; the next two years are the planning period.

The long-term financial plan is adjusted annually taking into account the indicators of the updated medium-term forecast of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation. It is compiled according to aggregated indicators of the budget classification.

Let us now turn directly to the budgeting process. The Budget Code of the Russian Federation distinguishes two stages of this process. For educational purposes, we will break them down into sub-steps.

The first stage is the development, based on the economic forecast plan, of the main characteristics of the federal budget project. This stage has the following substages:
  • The Ministry of Economy is developing a forecast plan for the country's development, containing the main macroeconomic indicators;
  • the government of the Russian Federation reviews and approves the forecast plan;
  • The Ministry of Finance develops, on the basis of a forecast plan, the main characteristics of the draft federal budget. Moreover, already at this substage, budget expenses are distributed in accordance with the sections of the functional classification;
  • The government of the Russian Federation approves the main characteristics of the federal budget, and the Ministry of Finance sends budget plans to federal ministries and departments. The latter draw up, on their basis, a preliminary distribution of funds to specific recipients. In addition, the Ministry of Finance notifies the constituent entities of the Federation about the methodology for forming interbudgetary relations for the next financial year.
The second stage of federal budget formation is the distribution of funding volumes in accordance with a detailed functional classification, as well as in accordance with economic and departmental classifications. It has the following sub-steps:
  • The Ministry of Finance forms budget expenditures in accordance with three classifications;
  • The Ministry of Finance coordinates planned expenses with ministries and departments. Uncoordinated issues on budget projections are subject to consideration by an interdepartmental government commission headed by the Minister of Finance. The development and approval of the draft budget for the next financial year is completed no later than July 15.

At the same time, the development of bills is being completed, the adoption of which must be taken into account in the draft budget. These include bills on the minimum wage and minimum pension;

  • from July 15 to August 15 of each year, the government of the Russian Federation considers the forecast of socio-economic development for the next year, the updated parameters of the forecast of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the medium term and the draft federal budget. The government approves the draft law on the federal budget and submits it to the State Duma.

Review and approval of the federal budget

The draft federal budget drawn up by the Government of the Russian Federation is reviewed and approved by the State Duma.

The draft federal budget must be received by the State Duma no later than 24 hours on August 15 of the current year. At the same time, the draft budget is presented to the President of the Russian Federation for review.

The draft budget is submitted to the State Duma along with the following documents and materials:

  • preliminary results of the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation this year;
  • forecast of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the next year;
  • the main directions of budget and tax policy for the next year;
  • development plan for the public sector of the economy;
  • forecast of the Consolidated financial balance for the territory of the country for the next year;
  • forecast of the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation for the next year;
  • a draft federal targeted investment program for the next financial year;
  • a draft program for the privatization of state-owned enterprises for the next financial year;
  • the draft structure of the state external debt;
  • draft structure of state internal debt.

The State Duma considers the draft law on the federal budget for the next financial year in the first reading within 30 days from the date of its submission.

First reading of the budget

When the State Duma considers the draft law on the federal budget in the first reading, its concept, the forecast for the socio-economic development of the country, the main directions of budget and tax policy for the next financial year, and the draft program of government external borrowings are discussed. At the first reading, the main characteristics of the federal budget are approved:

  • federal budget revenues by groups, subgroups and articles of classification of budget revenues of the Russian Federation;
  • distribution of revenues from federal taxes and fees between the federal budget and the budgets of the constituent entities of the Federation;
  • the federal budget deficit in absolute numbers and as a percentage of federal budget expenditures for the next year and sources of covering this deficit;
  • the total volume of federal budget expenditures for the next year (Fig. 5).

When approving in the first reading the main characteristics of the draft federal budget received from the government of the Russian Federation, the State Duma does not have the right to increase its revenues and deficit without the consent of the government of the Russian Federation.

If the draft law on the federal budget for the next year is rejected in the first reading, the State Duma has the powers to:

  • transfer the said bill to a conciliation commission consisting of representatives of the State Duma, the Federation Council and the Government of the Russian Federation to develop an agreed version of the main characteristics of the federal budget;
  • return the said bill to the Government of the Russian Federation for revision;
  • raise the question of trust in the government of the Russian Federation.

Based on the results of consideration of the draft law on the federal budget, a resolution of the State Duma is adopted to approve the draft federal law on the federal budget for the next financial year in the first reading.

Second reading

When the State Duma considers a draft law on the federal budget in the second reading, federal budget expenditures are approved by sections of the functional classification of budget expenditures of the Russian Federation within the total volume of federal budget expenditures approved in the first reading, as well as the total volume of the Federal Fund for Financial Support of the Subjects of the Russian Federation.

The Budget Committee develops and submits for consideration by the State Duma a draft resolution on the adoption of the draft law on the federal budget in the second reading

The State Duma considers the said bill in the second reading within 15 days from the date of its adoption in the first reading.

If the State Duma rejects the draft law on the federal budget for the next year in the second reading, it transfers the said bill to the conciliation commission.

Third reading

When the State Duma considers the draft law on the federal budget in the third reading, expenses are approved for subsections of the functional classification and the main managers of funds for all four levels of functional classification, and funds from the Federal Fund for Financial Support of the Subjects of the Russian Federation are distributed among the constituent entities of the Federation, the Federal Targeted Investment Program for the next year and the Program of government external borrowings of the Russian Federation for the next year.

The State Duma considers in the third reading the draft law on the budget for the next year within 25 days from the date of adoption of this bill in the second reading.

The total amount of allocations for each section of the functional classification, taking into account the adopted amendments, should not exceed the amount of expenses for the corresponding section, approved in the second reading of the draft law on the federal budget for the next year.

Fourth reading

The State Duma considers the draft law on the federal budget in the fourth reading within 15 days from the date of adoption of the said bill in the third reading.

When considered in the fourth reading, the federal budget bill is voted on as a whole. Amendments to it are not permitted.

The law on the federal budget for the next financial year adopted by the State Duma is submitted to the Federation Council for consideration within five days from the date of adoption. The Federation Council considers the law on the federal budget for the next year within 14 days from the date of submission by the State Duma. The Federation Council has the right to either adopt or reject the law on the federal budget. But he cannot make changes or additions to it.

If the law on the federal budget for the next financial year is rejected by the Federation Council, the specified federal law is transferred to the conciliation commission.

If the State Duma disagrees with the decision of the Federation Council, the law on the federal budget for the next year is considered adopted if at least two-thirds of the total number of deputies of the State Duma voted for it during the second vote.

If the President of the Russian Federation rejects the federal law on the budget for the next year, this law is transferred to the conciliation commission. This commission includes a representative of the President of the Russian Federation.

If the law on the federal budget is not adopted within the prescribed period, then the government of the Russian Federation has the right to carry out expenses next year, guided by the budget for the previous year, but in an amount not exceeding 1/12 of the previous allocations per month.

If the law on the federal budget is not adopted within 3 months of the new financial year, then the government of the Russian Federation continues to carry out current expenditures, but loses the right to:
  • provide budget funds for investment purposes;
  • provide budget funds on a repayable basis;
  • provide subventions to non-state legal entities;
  • borrow in an amount of more than 1/8 of the volume of borrowings of the previous financial year per quarter;
  • form reserve funds and make expenses from these funds.

Rice. 5. Goals of readings of the draft law on the federal budget in the State Duma

Introduction of amendments and additions to the federal budget

In economic life, circumstances may arise that lead to violations of previously made forecasts of socio-economic development and, accordingly, the parameters of the adopted budget. Such circumstances can include both negative events within the country and sharp fluctuations in world market conditions. But other situations are possible when actual budget revenues significantly exceed planned ones.

In the event of a decrease in expected revenue receipts to the federal budget by more than 10% of annual assignments, the government of the Russian Federation is obliged to submit to the State Duma a draft law on amendments and additions to the law on the federal budget. At the same time, the following documents are submitted to the State Duma:

  • report on the execution of the federal budget for the period of the current financial year;
  • report of federal executive authorities collecting federal budget revenues;
  • report on the use of funds from the reserve fund of the Government of the Russian Federation and the reserve fund of the President of the Russian Federation;
  • analysis of the reasons that determined the need to make changes and additions to the law on the federal budget.

The State Duma must consider this bill extraordinary within 15 days in three readings.

If the draft federal law on amendments and additions to the law on the federal budget is not adopted within the prescribed period, the government of the Russian Federation has the right to a proportional reduction in federal budget expenditures until a legislative decision is made on this issue.

The reduction in budget expenditures was called sequestration. This is a fairly rare procedure and is used in exceptional cases.

In previous years, the concept of “protected budget items” was used. Expenditures on such items had to be financed as a matter of priority. They were not subject to sequestration.

Federal budget of Russia

Federal budget of the Russian Federation- this is the leading link in the budget system of the Russian Federation, which combines the main financial categories (taxes, government credit, government spending). The federal budget is the main financial plan of the state for the financial year, which has the force of law after its approval by the Federal Assembly in the form of a federal law. In terms of economic content, the federal budget is a form of formation and use of a centralized fund of funds of the Russian Federation. It is the federal budget that is the main means of redistributing national income and gross domestic product; through it, the financial resources necessary to regulate the economic development of the country, implement social policy throughout Russia, and strengthen the defense capability of the state are mobilized. The federal budget accounts for a significant part of the distribution process, which consists in the distribution of funds between sectors of the national economy, production and non-production areas, and regions of the country. The right of the Russian Federation to an independent federal budget is enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 71), and the Budget Code of the Russian Federation regulates in detail the procedure for its formation and execution.

Budget process

In accordance with the Budget Code, the Russian government submits to the State Duma a draft federal budget for the next financial year no later than October 1 of the current year. The federal budget is developed in accordance with the provisions of the annual Budget Address of the President of the Russian Federation.

The federal budget is considered by the State Duma in three readings (amendments have been made to the Code). In the first reading, the main parameters of the budget are adopted. According to the Budget Code, during the first reading the State Duma does not have the right to increase revenues and the federal budget deficit if these changes do not receive a positive conclusion from the government. The State Duma may reject the draft budget; in this case, a conciliation commission is formed together with the government. In the second reading, the State Duma approves the budget by sections, and in the third - by subsections. After the federal budget is adopted by the State Duma, it is approved by the Federation Council and signed by the President of the Russian Federation.

At the same time, at present, over 98% of all taxes for the use of natural resources and 100% of all income from foreign economic activity (including export duties on oil, petroleum products, etc.) go to the federal budget, and not to the regional ones. Therefore, the share of “raw materials” revenues in the federal budget is relatively high compared to the same share in the consolidated budget (in addition to the federal budget, it includes all regional budgets and the budgets of state extra-budgetary funds). Thus, if the 2008 federal budget consisted of 50% of oil and gas revenues, then the same figure for the consolidated budget of the same year was slightly more than 30%.

In recent years, budget revenues associated with the extraction and export of minerals (mineral extraction tax, oil export duties, etc.) have increased at the fastest rate. In particular, in 2008, 50% of the Russian federal budget was formed by oil and gas revenues (in 2006, the share of oil and gas revenues amounted to more than half, in 2003 - a quarter of total revenues). [ not in the source] . The Economist magazine expresses the opinion that the positive balance of the Russian federal budget will only be maintained if the oil price is around $110, citing “corruption and inefficiency” as the main reasons.

The 2011 budget was drawn up on the basis of a forecast oil price of $105 per barrel.

See Also


Links and sources

  • Federal Budget of Russia, on the website of the Ministry of Finance
  • Everything about the budget on the official website of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation
  • Federal and consolidated budgets 2011 in figures and graphics
  • Voronov V. Realities and myths of the Russian military budget // Moskovsky Komsomolets. 2007. February 1.
  • Zatsepin V.B., Lebedeva A.V. Military expenditures in the federal budget of 2006 // Economic and political situation in Russia. 2006. February pp.36-41. (The same for 2007 and , and the medium-term budget for 2008-2010).
  • Structure and dynamics of expenses in the draft budget of the Russian Federation until 2014

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what the “Federal Budget of Russia” is in other dictionaries:

    Federal Law (Russia) “On the Federal Budget for 2006” Number: 189 Federal Law Adoption: by the State Duma on December 7, 2005 Approval by: the Federation Council on December 14, 2005 Signing: Pre... Wikipedia

    Federal Law (Russia) “On the federal budget for 2010 and for the planning period of 2011 and 2012” Number: 308 Federal Law Adoption: by the State Duma on November 20, 2009 Approval by: the Federation Council on November 25, 2009 Signed ... Wikipedia

    The Federal Budget of the Russian Federation is the main financial plan of the Russian government for the current financial year, which has the force of law. Contents 1 Budget process 2 Parameters of the federal budget 3 Notes ... Wikipedia

Every year the government of the Russian Federation develops and adopts the federal budget. On November 24, 2017, the State Duma adopted Federal Law of December 5, 2017 N 362-FZ “On the federal budget for 2018 and for the planning period of 2019 and 2020”, the main document of the country regulating the principles of distribution of funds, describing the directions of economic development of the state.

The document records planned income and specifies mandatory expense items. The main characteristic of the new budget is an even greater reduction in government spending, which still remains higher than revenues.

General parameters of the Russian budget for 2018

Since 2006, the federal budget in Russia has been planned for a three-year period. This rule was violated when creating the document for 2008 and 2016, due to the peak of the crises. The current law again provides for a three-year state budget plan. The same goals and trends apply for 2017, 2018 and 2019: each year to reduce the share of the deficit and reduce the inflation rate by cutting spending.

In the current project, the federal budget deficit in 2018 has been reduced to 1.271 trillion rubles. (previously – 1.332 trillion rubles), in 2019 – up to 819.1 billion rubles. (from 867 billion rubles), in 2020 – up to 870 billion rubles. (from 960 billion rubles).

Budget revenues in 2018 will amount to 15.257 trillion rubles (previously - 15.182 trillion rubles), in 2019 - 15.554 trillion rubles. (RUB 15.548 trillion), in 2020 – RUB 16.285 trillion. (RUB 16.28 trillion).

Expenditures in 2018 are planned at 16.529 trillion rubles. (previously – 16.515 trillion rubles), in 2019 – 16.373 trillion rubles. (RUB 16.415 trillion), in 2020 – RUB 17.155 trillion. (RUB 17.24 trillion).

Earlier, the head of the Ministry of Finance Anton Siluanov said that the main areas of federal budget spending in 2018-2020 remain the social sphere (36.4%), defense (29%) and support of the national economy (14.7%).

The Ministry of Finance raised the forecast for the federal budget deficit for 2017 from 2.2% of GDP to 2.5% of GDP, according to the accompanying materials to the draft budget for 2018-2020. The budget law for 2017 and the planning period 2018-2019 provided for a budget deficit at the end of 2017 at the level of 2.1% of GDP.

Oil price and exchange rate in budget formation

Since Russia continues to be a raw materials country, that is, a significant share of income comes from the oil and gas production industries, one of the key calculation indicators is the cost of oil on the world market. The adopted budget uses a price of $40 per barrel as a basis.

At the same time, forecasts for the price of a barrel of oil by various experts are extremely varied. Another drop in prices to 40 dollars or below is the most pessimistic forecast. Since April 2016, the indicator has not fallen below this level, but only moved up. Today the numbers 50-55 are more popular, even allowing for an increase to $70 per barrel. Too many factors can affect the dynamics: will the OPEC countries agree to curb the volume of raw material supplies, will the United States resume shale oil production, will there be a recession in the Chinese economy, etc.

If in reality oil prices turn out to be higher than budgeted, as happened in 2016, the government will have the opportunity to partially compensate for the deficit. First of all, we are talking about replenishing reserve funds, and not about additional expenses.

An equally important indicator when drawing up the country’s main financial document is the exchange rate of the American dollar, the currency in which international transactions are settled, including the sale of raw materials. A further gradual and slight weakening of the ruble is predicted; the average exchange rate for 2017 is 67.5 rubles per dollar. On the one hand, a cheap ruble makes imports more expensive, which means that many consumer goods will increase in price. This leads to increased inflation. On the other hand, the federal budget is calculated in rubles, social payments, salaries for public sector employees, and payments for government orders are also made in rubles. Therefore, income from oil and gas supplies at the current exchange rate, converted into domestic currency, turns out to be at the required level.


In order to simultaneously reduce the level of inflation and reduce the budget deficit, when calculating the new document, the government of the Russian Federation took the reduction of budget expenditures as the leading principle: in 2017 by 6%, in the next 2 years by 9% and 11%. The President's message spoke about saving funds that were previously irrationally spent; in practice, there will be a reduction in funding in most areas and priority government programs.

As a result, the following expense items were recorded:

  • national expenditures – 1.135 trillion rubles;
  • national defense - 1.121 trillion;
  • security and law enforcement structures – 1.270 trillion;
  • maintaining the national economy - 2,292 trillion;
  • housing and communal services - 58.2 billion rubles;
  • environmental protection – 76.4 billion;
  • education – 568 billion rubles;
  • culture and cinematography – 94 billion;
  • healthcare – 377 billion;
  • social policy – ​​5.08 trillion rubles;
  • Media – 73.4 billion rubles;
  • physical education and sports – 89.7 billion;
  • servicing public debt - 729 billion rubles;
  • interbudgetary transfers – 783.5 billion rubles.

Financing of healthcare, education (except for higher educational institutions), housing and communal services will largely come from regional budgets.

About 17% of federal budget expenditures are classified, and only 6% of them are related to the costs of defense and security of the country.

What is included in national issues

The article on national issues includes expenses for ensuring the activities of government bodies: the President, the Government, governors, etc. This includes the salaries of officials, but it is important to note that the largest funds are intended for the Ministry of International Affairs and the President. The first point is explained by the presence of international conflicts and disagreements: the war in Syria, the Ukrainian conflict, relations with the West.

The 2018 federal budget does not provide for unscheduled reserve expenses. Possible expenses for liquidation of the consequences of emergency situations, including natural disasters, expenses for carrying out urgent orders of the Head of State are planned precisely from the funds allocated to ensure the work of the President.

Defense and security spending

The Ministry of Finance considered the easiest option to cut budget investments in those areas in which there has been a maximum increase in funding in recent years. In particular, defense spending was discussed as exaggerated and not having a positive impact on the state of the country's economy. However, the current costs are in many ways a systematic solution to the task of rearmament of Russian troops, set by the President several years earlier.

Many government orders were made before the crisis, and now it is more expedient to pay as quickly as possible, so as not to overpay interest and prevent unnecessary financial burden on the budget in subsequent years. And yet, compared to 2016, defense spending was reduced by more than 1 trillion rubles. At the same time, part of the costs related to the military is included in other budget items: support for military educational institutions - in education, arrangement of housing for military personnel - in housing and communal services, etc.

Regarding law enforcement agencies, another reduction in the number of police officers, mainly administrative personnel, is expected by 10%. But there are plans to increase wages by 5%.

Government investment in the economy

The volume of investments in the national economy was reduced by another 7.5% due to the termination or reduction of funding for some government economic programs. On the one hand, the suspension of federal subsidies for some corporations and regional projects closes the way for the originally planned development of certain industries or territories. On the other hand, public investments at the expense of the budget in these areas turn out to be ineffective; ideally, the attraction of business investors is required, and the trend towards reducing expenses in this area will continue.

So far, the following programs have suffered the greatest losses:

  • Socio-economic development of the Far East -50.3%,
  • Development of shipbuilding and equipment for the development of offshore fields for 2013-2030 -30.3%,
  • Energy efficiency and energy development -27.2%,
  • Economic development and innovation economy -22.8%

At the same time, funding will continue for such companies as Rosatom (77 billion rubles), Russian Railways (68 billion rubles), and the Federal Corporation for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises (14 billion rubles). Banks will again receive subsidies: first of all, Vnesheconombank, which is on the verge of bankruptcy (150 billion rubles), Rosselkhozbank, which provides loans to agricultural enterprises, Sberbank and VTB as part of supporting mortgage lending. The regions that are provided with the largest subsidies in 2018, as before, include Crimea, Sevastopol, the North Caucasus and the Kaliningrad region.

The fate of priority national projects

Over the past few years, the government and the President of the Russian Federation have approved 45 priority state programs. The 2018 budget does not have the resources to fully implement each of them. If previously, in accordance with the Budget Code, it was allowed to leave about 2.5 percent of all expenses conditionally scheduled, they were intended for distribution among the most important projects and programs by decision of the government or the President, but in the current financial document this rule does not apply.

But expenses are provided for several priority projects:

  • Healthcare development – ​​3.84 billion rubles
  • Development of education for 2013-2020 – 42 billion rubles
  • Mortgages and rental housing – 20 billion rubles
  • Housing and communal services and urban environment – ​​10 billion rubles
  • International cooperation and export – 41 billion rubles
  • Small business and support for entrepreneurial initiative – 14.6 billion rubles
  • Safe and high-quality roads – 30 billion rubles
  • Integrated development of single-industry towns – 6.5 billion rubles
  • Ecology – 20.19 billion rubles

Social policy at the forefront of the budget

Even before the consideration of the federal budget for 2018, the state was promised to fulfill social obligations under any circumstances. Even with the reduction of all expenditures, 620 billion more were allocated for social payments than last year. This is explained, among other things, by the increase in the number of recipients of various benefits.

The main part will be used to pay pensions, taking into account two indexations corresponding to the actual level of inflation. At the same time, the law on rapid growth of pensions for rural residents has been postponed for 3 years, which makes it difficult to increase the level of well-being of the poorest pensioners.

The remaining 1.4 trillion rubles will be spent on all other benefits, the indexation of which will be 8%. The same article includes the costs of implementing the extended maternity capital program. The established amount of payment for the birth of a second child remained at 453 thousand rubles.

Despite the reduction in healthcare costs, it is planned to continue the construction of perinatal centers, equipping children's hospitals, and equipping social premises for comfortable use by people with disabilities. But many projects have been postponed indefinitely.

Sources of income

The revenue side of the budget traditionally consists of taxes and customs duties.

  • Mineral extraction tax
  • Import and export customs duties on oil and gas
  • Value added tax
  • Excise taxes on alcohol, tobacco, fuel
  • Corporate income tax

About 37% of projected budget revenues in 2018 will come from oil and gas corporations. Last year, grain sales and tourism showed a significant increase; in 2018, a corresponding level of income from these areas is expected.

They continue to operate, in general there is a decline in the turnover of most enterprises, so total tax collections will be lower than in the pre-crisis years. But starting from 2018, the principle of deductions from the regions for corporate income tax is changing; instead of 2%, the federal budget will now receive 3% of the fees.

In order to finance the covering of the state budget deficit, it is planned to use the entire reserve fund in the amount of 1.2 trillion rubles and the national security fund in the amount of 659.6 billion rubles. This will cover two-thirds of the total deficit. The remaining amount must be covered through domestic borrowing and privatization. It is planned to place bonds of state corporations and the Bank of Russia in the amount of 1.05 trillion rubles. According to forecasts by the Ministry of Finance, public debt will not exceed the safe level of 20% of GDP.

Opinions differ on whether the adopted federal budget will lead to a shift in the country's economic development in a positive direction. The country's main financial document was created taking into account current external political and economic circumstances. But there remains hope for the settlement of interstate disagreements, the lifting of sanctions, and the stabilization of oil prices at a level of at least $50 per barrel.

The new federal budget was adopted by 355 deputies, 99 representatives of the State Duma do not agree with it, blaming it for the irrational distribution of expenses: excessive spending on the state apparatus and the banking system, insufficient funding for the agricultural sector, weak support for the regions and ineffective investments in economic development. The government, in turn, insists on maximizing cost reductions. More than 60% of measures are aimed at these tasks. The current time is not considered suitable for searching for options for additional income. Objectively, today the Russian economy is in the process of stagnation, and without tough measures it is impossible to create a balanced budget.

Budget is a concept that exists in both economic and legal realities. This can make its meaning vary significantly. In this article we will take a closer look at the Russian federal budget. Let's see what it is, what its income and expenses are, how the draft budget is drawn up and much more.

Economic sense

If we consider the Russian budget as an economic category, then we will see a stable public connection. Let's draw an analogy with finance. Then the federal budget will be a social relationship established regarding the formation and further use by the state authorities of a fund with cash.

The structure of Russian budget revenues will be determined by several factors:

  • The Russian Federation's need for financial resources.
  • Possibilities of the Russian state for the subsequent mobilization of these resources.
  • Features of the government's economic policy.

The cost structure is somewhat simpler. It is determined by the functions of the state.

Economic practice represents the Russian budget as the most important component of macroeconomic policy. It is he who ensures both the accumulation of finances and their subsequent distribution.

The parameters of the state budget will directly affect a number of macroeconomic indicators - production and investment volumes, employment levels, incomes of the country's population, exchange rate, interest rate, etc.

Here it can be noted that the Russian state budget is not only an economic category, but also a fairly strong, effective political instrument.

The federal budget is actually the financial plan of the Russian Federation. Namely, a plan for the collection and further use of financial resources that can ensure the performance of government functions.

Legal meaning

If we turn to the legal meaning, the definition of the concept will no longer be so broad. Here the Russian budget is the law. A normative act that is developed by the executive branch in order to be subsequently adopted by the representative (legislative) authorities.

We must also remember that the budget of the Russian Federation is also the central component of the Russian budget system.


Russian budget revenues are divided into two large groups - non-tax and tax. The balance of unspent funds from the previous year is also included in income.

Let's look at the groups in detail. Tax revenues of the annual budget of Russia:

  • Federal fees and taxes that are established by the tax legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • Customs duties, duties and similar payments.
  • State duties.

Non-tax revenues of the annual budget of Russia:

  • Profit from the use of state property.
  • Income from the sale of state property.
  • Part of the income of unitary enterprises.

At the same time, the following also applies to federal budget revenues in our country:

  • Profit of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
  • Income from foreign economic activity (foreign economic activity).
  • Income from the sale of various government reserves and reserves.

It is worth noting that budget revenues of the Russian Federation can be transferred to the budgets of its constituent entities, as well as to municipal budgets. But only according to the standards approved by the law on the budget of the Russian Federation for the current year.


Now let’s look at Russian budget expenses:

  • Ensuring the work of the President, the activities of the Federal Assembly, the Central Election Commission, the Accounts Chamber, as well as a number of federal government bodies and their territorial divisions.
  • Functioning of the judicial federal structure.
  • Carrying out state international activities.
  • National defense, ensuring the country's security, carrying out the conversion of industries related to defense.
  • Promotion of fundamental research and scientific and technological progress in general.
  • State support for transport - rail, sea and air.
  • State support for nuclear energy.
  • Elimination of consequences of emergencies and natural disasters on a federal scale.
  • Exploration of outer space, its use.
  • Formation of state property.
  • Compensation to off-budget state funds for expenses spent on paying state pensions and benefits, other social payments that are subject to financing in accordance with Russian legislation.
  • Statistical official accounting.
  • Investment federal programs.

Today there are three main expenditure items of the Russian budget:

  • 20% - servicing the country's public debt.
  • 19% - spending on national defense.
  • 15.6% - financial assistance to state budgets at other levels.

Reserve funds

When talking about the formation of the Russian budget, it is worth mentioning the Reserve Funds. They are approved not only during federal planning, but also when creating budgets at all levels. There is an important rule. The volume of the Federal Budget Reserve Fund cannot be more than 3% of all its expenses for the current year.

Let's introduce other important statements:

  • The size of the Reserve Fund of the budgets of the country's subjects is determined by their legislative bodies when approving the budget project for the next financial year.
  • Reserve funds are used only to cover unexpected expenses. For example, they are spent on emergency and rescue work to eliminate the consequences of emergencies.
  • The procedure for spending funds from these funds is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.
  • Planning of the federal budget for the next financial year always includes the inclusion of the Reserve Fund of the President of the Russian Federation in its composition. Its size is no more than 1% of the country's total budget.
  • Monies from this reserve reserve fund are used to finance government unforeseen expenses, as well as expenses associated with the implementation of Presidential Decrees.
  • It is unacceptable to waste savings from the Presidential Reserve Fund on the following: referendums, elections, as well as coverage of the activities of the head of the Russian state.

Draft budget of the Russian Federation

The structure of the Russian budget is presented in its draft, which is compiled for each financial year. This is considered the exclusive prerogative of the Russian Government. Work begins 10 months before the start of the coming financial year.

The basis of the draft Russian budget is a set of documents:

  • Budget message on behalf of the President.
  • Forecast of the country's economic and social development for the coming year.
  • The main vectors of both tax and budget policies for the next year.
  • Forecast of the financial consolidated balance sheet for the entire territory of the Russian Federation, compiled for the next year.
  • Plans for the development of the public sector of the economy.

The next stage is the actual preparation of the draft budget. It happens in two stages.

First step of compilation

At the first stage, the execution of the Russian budget is already thoroughly thought out. Based on the forecast plan, its key characteristics are formed.

This stage can be divided into a number of substages:

  1. Development by the Ministry of Economy of a forecast plan for the development of the state, which includes the main macroeconomic indicators.
  2. Review and subsequent approval by the Russian government of this forecast plan.
  3. Development by the Ministry of Finance (based on the above-mentioned plan) of the main characteristics of the future project. At this substage, all expenditure items are already distributed into sections of the functional classification.
  4. The government of the country approves the developed budget characteristics. The Ministry of Finance, in turn, must send out designs to federal departments and ministries. The latter, based on the information provided, pre-distribute funds to certain recipients. The Ministry of Finance must also notify state entities about the methods for forming interbudgetary relations for the next financial year.

Second step of compilation

Russia's budget in rubles should be determined at this stage of drafting. Here the volumes of financial resources are already distributed according to a functional detailed classification. The project must also comply with economic and departmental classifications. The sub-stages here are as follows:

  1. Formation by the Ministry of Finance of budget expenditures in accordance with the three classifications rearranged above (functional, departmental, economic).
  2. Coordination of planned budget expenditures with other ministries and government departments. If uncoordinated issues arise, they are resolved by a government interdepartmental commission.

Both the development and approval of the budget in the Russian Federation for the next year is completed no later than July 15 of this year. At the same time, the development of draft laws must be completed, the adoption of which is taken into account when planning the budget. This is the Federal Law on minimum pension payments and wages.

Review and approval

The draft budget of the Russian Federation, drawn up by the Government of the Russian Federation, is considered and subsequently approved by the State Duma. He must arrive at this structure no later than 23.59 on August 15 of this year. At the same time, it is provided to the Russian President for review.

Consideration of the draft budget in the Russian Federation takes place in four readings.

First reading

When reviewing, the following happens:

  • The concept of a budget is discussed.
  • The forecast of socio-economic development of Russia is considered.
  • The main directions of tax and budget policy are discussed.
  • Draft external borrowing programs are being considered.

Second reading

Expenditures of the country's federal budget are approved by sections of their functional classification. This occurs only within the limits of the total amount of expenditures, which is approved in the first reading.

Third reading

The volume of expenses is approved by subsections of the functional classification. Also, this happens only within the limits of the total amount of expenses that was accepted earlier.

Fourth reading

Then the project goes to the Federation Council for consideration. He can only accept or reject it. Amendments and changes are not permitted.

Adopting the budget of the Russian Federation is a multi-stage procedure. The budget itself is a rather complex structure, a combination of government revenues and expenses for the next financial year.

Russian Federation. It is developed by the government and approved by the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in the form of a federal law. Expresses economic relations that mediate the process of accumulation, distribution and use of Russia's monetary fund.

Review and approval

Drawing up and approval of the report

Based on the results of budget execution, a federal law is adopted, which contains actual indicators of income, expenses and sources of financing the deficit.

Federal budget structure

Actual federal budget revenues
year trillion rub.
2007 7,781
2008 9,276
2009 7,338
2010 8,305
2011 11,368
2012 12,856
2013 13,020
2014 14,497
2015 13,659
2016 13,460
2017 15,089
Actual federal budget expenditures
year trillion rub.
2007 5,987
2008 7,567
2009 9,637
2010 10,116
2011 10,926
2012 12,895
2013 13,343
2014 14,832
2015 15,620
2016 16,416
2017 16,420
Unified portal of the budget system of Russia

Change history

During 2000-2005, expenditures on interbudgetary transfers increased at the fastest pace (due to cuts in the regional and municipal budgets’ own revenues and the redistribution of these funds through the federal center and in connection with the transfer of funds to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation to cover its deficit), as well as expenditures on public administration and security. This is also explained by the increase in the state apparatus (in 2005, according to Rosstat, the number of civil servants increased by 11%, or 143 thousand people). Expenditures on road construction, economic development, as well as interest expenses (that is, servicing external debt) decreased relatively. .

Revenues from natural resources

As one of the world's largest oil and gas producing countries, Russia receives significant revenues from the use of its resources, part of these revenues are withdrawn into the country's budget system in the form of taxes and fees. However, the degree of seizure changed over time. Thus, during the large-scale tax reform carried out in Russia in the 2000s, the system of taxation of the raw materials sector was radically changed: the mechanism of export duties was reconfigured and a mineral extraction tax was introduced, which made it possible to increase the share of oil and gas rent captured by the state budget, with from less than 40% in 2000 to 84% in 2005.

At the same time, at present, over 98% of all taxes for the use of natural resources and 100% of all income from foreign economic activity (including export duties on oil, petroleum products, etc.) go to the federal budget, and not to the regional ones. Therefore, the share of “raw materials” revenues in the federal budget is relatively high compared to the same share in the consolidated budget (including, in addition to the federal budget, all regional budgets and the budgets of state extra-budgetary funds). Thus, if the 2008 federal budget consisted of 50% of oil and gas revenues, then the same figure for the consolidated budget of the same year was slightly more than 30%.

The 2011 budget was based on a forecast oil price of $105 per barrel.

Since 2013, the so-called budget rule, which determines the maximum level of spending, has officially come into force. budget based on oil prices.

According to some estimates, before the fall in oil prices in 2015, energy exports (oil, gas, etc.) accounted for about half of Russian budget revenues.

Costs associated with tobacco use

In total, the total indirect losses from smoking due to lower labor productivity (unconfirmed information) and additional losses from the disability of smokers correspond to 21.59% of the consolidated budget expenditures on health care.

Economic losses from smoking amount to about 3% of Russia's GDP.

Budget transparency

In the ranking of budget transparency (openness) compiled by the International Budget Partnership (IBP), Russia took 15th place in the world (out of 100 countries studied) at the end of 2017. IBP indicates that the Russian government provides the public with significant information about the budget, but at the same time there is little opportunity for the public to participate in the budget process.

In 2019, journalists noted an increase in the classified part of the state budget of the Russian Federation: for example, in the document for 2020, expenses of 17% of the total amount of expenses are hidden.