Grace period on a Sberbank credit card: an example of calculation. Sberbank credit card conditions "50 days without interest"

Most banks set the same conditions for obtaining a credit card. Among them are the following:

  • Citizenship of the Russian Federation.
  • The presence of a labor herd for at least three months or six months at the last place of work.
  • Reaching the age of twenty-one years.
  • Positive credit history.
  • Absence of loans and delinquencies.

To apply for a credit card with a grace period of 50 days or more, you need a passport with permanent registration, an additional identity document (SNILS, TIN, driver's license, etc.). Also, upon receipt of a large limit, a certificate of basic income will be required.

Conditions for using the grace period

As already mentioned, the grace period is the period during which no interest is charged on the use of the loan. Its countdown takes place during the month (30 days) for which you make purchases and an additional twenty days.

Let's give an example: if you made a purchase on the day of the beginning of the reporting period, i.e. August 8, then you will have 50 days to repay the loan without interest, i.e. September 25th. But if the grace period starts on August 26, you have only 25 days left until the interest-free loan is repaid, since 5 reporting days and 20 general days.

Advantages of credit cards with a grace period of 50 days

Using credit cards with a grace period has many positive reviews. You can study them on the service, which also provides assistance in obtaining credit loans in various banks of the Russian Federation.

The positives include:

  1. Possibility of using bank funds without paying for their services.
  2. No interest on loans.
  3. Registration can be both directly at the bank branch itself, and using the Internet. To do this, just leave a request.

Credit cards with a grace period can be not only for 50 days, but also more. For example, Tinkoff Bank offers a credit card for twelve months without interest. Wherein
the annual rate is from 15%, and the credit limit is possible up to three hundred thousand rubles. The cost of maintenance per year is 590 rubles, a cashback is also charged here in the amount of one to thirty percent of the cost of purchases, and the decision is made within two minutes.

Sovcombank also offers favorable terms: the interest-free period is also 12 months, while the limit is 350 thousand rubles, and the interest rate varies from 0 to 10%. Moreover, the service is free, and the cashback accrues 1.5% of the purchase price.

A Sberbank credit card for 50 days allows you to use borrowed funds during the specified period without commission. This is a kind of "magic wand" for those who are able to return the amount spent on time without interest. The card is issued for a period of 3 years. According to the terms of the loan, the maximum approved limit is 600,000 rubles. The first year of service for Sberbank Visa Classic, MasterCard Standard and MasterCard Gold credit card holders will be free. The interest rate is within 23.9% - 25.9% per annum, the grace period on the card is 50 days. The daily limit for cash withdrawal is up to 300 thousand, replenishment of a credit card at Sberbank ATMs - no commission.

Requirements for the borrower

All categories of borrowers can receive a Sberbank credit card for 50 days without restrictions. Important conditions for signing the contract are:

  • registration on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • age of an individual from 21 to 65 years;
  • official confirmation of income in the form of 2-NDFL or a certificate from the Pension Fund on the amount of the pension;
  • work experience in the last place - at least 6 months, total experience - more than 1 year.

With a loan amount of up to 100 thousand rubles, only a civil passport of the Russian Federation is needed for registration.

How does the grace period work in Sberbank

The key point when applying for a Sberbank credit card is the use of a grace period of 50 days, during which there is no interest accrual. It is important to know here that grace in Sberbank is divided into 30 days of the reporting period and 20 days of the payment period. The first segment is used to pay for purchases, the second - for a refund.

Let's take a closer look at how to use the credit limit correctly without charging commissions. Let's say you received a card on April 1, on this day the reporting period starts, which will last until the 30th of the same month, and from May 1 to May 20 you will have time to pay off debt at a zero interest rate. Imagine that you were approved for 250 thousand rubles, in April you spent 50 of them. On May 1, a bank report will be generated, where there will be a fixed amount of expenses on a credit card (the statement comes by mail or is displayed in your personal account). Within the next 20 days (from May 1 to May 20), you must return the entire spent amount to the penny. This is the only way Sberbank will not charge you commissions for using borrowed funds.

If after May 1 you also made purchases, then this amount will not fall into the reporting period, which means it will be subject to an interest rate in accordance with the terms of the loan agreement. Information about this will be recorded in the next report, which will be drawn up on June 1.

The grace period for 50 days will turn out to be full-fledged if you start spending money from the bank immediately after activating the card. The later you decide to make purchases, the shorter the reporting period will be, which means less time to pay off the debt. In addition, in order to reuse the grace period of 50 days from Sberbank, it is necessary to close the previous debt on time.

How to get a credit card without interest

There are 2 options to get a credit card from Sberbank with a grace period of 50 days. The first is to contact one of the bank branches in person and write an application. The second is to apply remotely through the official website of the credit institution. To do this, on the start page of the banking product, you need to fill out a questionnaire, indicating personal data and wait for a decision.

Questions and answers

Which transactions are not covered by the grace period?

Grace does not apply to cash withdrawals, payments for online games, the purchase of foreign currency and traveler's checks, wire transfers and replenishment of electronic wallets.

Sberbank, like other banks, seeks to issue as many loans as possible with the least risk of default, since this is their main source of income. Credit are no exception. Sberbank credit cards differ from debit cards in that a debit card allows you to pay exclusively with your own funds. And a credit card makes it possible to pay for purchases on credit, i.e. use borrowed funds with or without interest.

There are many types of Sberbank credit cards. They can be divided by types of payment systems ( Visa or master card), it is also customary to divide cards into beginner, intermediate and premium levels. There are also credit cards with connected partner systems (, give life, etc.)

Sberbank credit cards with a grace period of up to 50 days.

To attract new borrowers, Sberbank offers to get a credit card with a grace period.

The grace period for lending on a card is a rather interesting product of Sberbank, but not everyone understands that a loan cannot be free.

This method of buying a product or service on credit without interest implies that the borrower is obliged to return the spent money to the card account in a short time. Usually the term is limited to 50 days.

For most ordinary people, such a period seems like “eternity”, the borrower has the idea to use borrowed funds without interest indefinitely. But there are nuances here.

Benefits of owning such a credit card with a grace period

  • with proper use of a preferential credit card of the Savings Bank, there really will be no interest.
  • Owning a Sberbank of Russia credit card, you can withdraw funds in cash, as well as replenish your card account in any city, since Sberbank has the most, as well as many ATMs
  • Carrying out various operations on the card, you will be informed by SMS about all operations. (the service is free unlike other banks)
  • If the grace period is violated, the interest for using the loan will be much less than that of other commercial banks.
  • Holders of these cards can participate in bonus programs of Sberbank partners.
  • Non-working pensioners can receive such a card, but not older than 65 years.
  • It is also a plus that the credit limit on a card with a grace period reaches up to 600,000 rubles (with the exception of Momentum cards)

There are times when a loan is really necessary, then you can use such a card.

Cons of Sberbank credit cards with a grace period

  • The disadvantages of using the card include the fact that cash withdrawals from ATMs or branches of other banks are not provided. That is, it is possible, but you will have to pay a large percentage (4%). Also, the grace period is not taken into account for cash withdrawals. You have to pay from the first day.
  • The interest for using credit funds is lower than in other banks, but still quite high compared to a consumer loan in Sberbank.
  • Cardholders have great difficulty in calculating the grace period on a Sberbank credit card.
  • The transfer of funds from a card to a Sberbank card that is registered in different regions of Russia is carried out with a commission.
  • Since the card is a credit card, it is not profitable to store your savings on it. It happens that a person deposits his funds on a card in excess of the credit limit, and for the withdrawal of his own money you have to pay interest.

Types of credit cards with a grace period of 50 days from Sberbank

Almost all Sberbank credit cards have a grace period. Youth credit cards are provided for young people. They are issued to persons under the age of 30 who have official earnings. Also, such cards can be issued to students who receive a monthly scholarship.

Often, as part of special offers, Sberbank customers are invited to issue a Momentum card. You can get it right away at the Sberbank branch, since it is not registered and not so protected in terms of security. The credit limit for it cannot be higher than 120 thousand rubles.

Sberbank credit card interest

Loan interest rates vary depending on the terms of service. You can divide cards into standard and with individual conditions. Individual conditions are offered only to Sberbank customers, while standard conditions apply to everyone and the interest for using a loan is 33.9%.

If you issue a card for a special offer, the interest rate may be 25.9% or may be completely absent.

What is the grace period of a Sberbank credit card

So, the grace period means the period when interest for using the loan is not charged. This period is called a grace period. That is, when the borrower who paid for the goods deposits the funds spent on the card within the stipulated period, he gets rid of the obligation to pay interest.

Preferential conditions for a Sberbank credit card are quite democratic. With proper use of a credit card, the borrower can use the loan for free. The principles for calculating the grace period of a loan practically do not differ from the conditions in other banks. The countdown is not from the moment the payment is made, but at the time when the bank statement is generated. Hence there is confusion among borrowers in calculating the term. That is, in fact, a grace period of 50 days can be much less. Again, card-to-card transfers, cash withdrawals, and some types of purchases ( quasi-cash transactions, i.e. when money is converted into other money, Internet wallets, traveler's checks, etc.) do not include a grace period. Interest payments are calculated from the first day. Also, you should be aware that the possibility of repaying other loans with such a card in Sberbank or other banks will most likely not be available.

How to calculate the grace period on a credit card

One can consider the case when grace period starts March 1st. At the same time, having made a payment, for example, on March 25, the reporting period will be calculated as follows: an extract for this payment will be generated at the beginning of the next month - April 1. And the grace period began on March 1. Those. grace period decreased from 50 to 25 days. In this case, the funds will have to be returned no later than April 20. And if the payment is delayed even by one day, interest will accrue from the date of the purchase until the full repayment of the debt, including interest. That is, for all 26 days of using the loan, you will have to pay a commission.

How to find out the grace period of a Sberbank credit card

Sberbank card owners often ask: how to find out what grace period is on a Sberbank credit card. There are several ways:

  • Call the Bank's Customer Support Service at 8-800-555-55-50.
  • You can also find out on the Sberbank website in your personal account online.
  • With the receipt of the card at the bank, the envelope sometimes indicates the reporting date of the bank statement. It will be considered the starting date of the grace period.
  • Also, the bank periodically sends SMS confirmation of all transactions performed by the borrower. Do not delete bank SMS messages in order to correctly calculate this period later, and not to fly outside the grace period.

In case of violation of the conditions for using the loan, the grace period can be restored by repaying all debts, including interest and penalties.

How to replenish a Sberbank credit card account

There are many ways to replenish a credit card, like all other debit cards:

  • At the nearest ATM by depositing cash on a credit card;
  • In a Sberbank branch, an employee will perform an enrollment operation.
  • Other banks and ATMs. (You just need to remember that the time for receipt of funds on the card can reach several days, and the commission for the operation is calculated according to the tariffs of these banks.)
  • Through Sberbank Online personal account (), if you have other open deposits and if this card is visible in the SBOL system.
  • Transfer from debit card to credit card.
  • By transfer to the card account through the company in which you work (by decision of the manager).

Fee for cash withdrawal from a preferential credit card of Sberbank

Many owners, either unknowingly or out of necessity, want to withdraw cash from a credit card. How much will you have to pay? The commission for cash withdrawals at Sberbank with a credit card reaches 3% but not less than 390 rubles, even though the withdrawal takes place at a Sberbank ATM. Sometimes customers complain why, when withdrawing 300 rubles from a credit card, Sberbank charges a commission more than the amount taken.

Annual service on a Sberbank credit card

The annual maintenance of a credit card depends on the type and kind of cards. If this is a Sberbank Momentum card, then there is no annual service. If you have a Visa or Master Card gold card, you will be charged 3,000 rubles for service. For a youth Visa card of Sberbank, the cost is 750 rubles. will cost you 3500 rubles a year.

We will analyze the conditions for providing a bank card, advantages and disadvantages.

Sberbank issues credit cards with a grace period of 50 days. Within 50 days there is an interest-free period for using money.

The 50-day card differs from other similar banking products only in that it has a grace period. The essence of the benefit is that during the specified period you can repay the loan without paying interest.

The funds on the card can be used within 50 days absolutely free.

How does a credit card work

  • A Sberbank client issues a card with a grace period for 50 days.
  • Within 50 days, the client can repay the loan, and no interest will be charged on the card.
  • Money that has not been returned to the card within this period will be subject to an interest rate ( from 23.9% to 27.9% in year).

Using a credit card is very beneficial, but only if you manage to repay the loan within the specified period. Further interest will be charged in the amount of 21.9% and above.

The client of a financial company can use the card at his own discretion - for example, pay in Sberbank Online, make a cashless payment or even withdraw money from an ATM.

Card conditions

In fact, a credit card with a limit period is a regular credit card, but with improved conditions. The latter may differ depending on which type of product you choose:

  • The classic map has an optimal set of features. The bank usually transfers to her 600 thousand rubles which you can freely use.
  • Interest rate is charged from 23.9% to 27.9% per year- depending on how much you use.
  • ATM withdrawal fee is 3% . The card is completely free of charge. At an ATM, you can withdraw up to 50 thousand rubles, and through the cashier - to 150 .
  • By cards Gold additional options are provided. For example, at an ATM you can withdraw up to 100 thousand rubles, and through the cashier - to 300 .

The bank also offers to issue Momentum cards. The conditions for them are similar to the classic ones, but they are not nominal, and the loan limit is minimal.

About 50 days - conditions

The grace period of 50 days is conditionally divided into two parts:

  • The first period is the reporting period, which is 30 days.
  • The second period is the payment period, which is 20 days.

Reporting period starts from the period when the client receives the card and activates it. As for the payment, it follows immediately after the reporting.

  1. If you make a card payment on the first day of the reporting period, then you have another 50 days to use the funds without interest.
  2. If the last - then 20 days. Expenses that were made on the first day of the reporting period will be reflected in the next month's report.

How to get a card, requirements, documents

In order to get a card, you can contact any branch of Sberbank, or apply online directly on the website.

Client Requirements

  • The person must be a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  • Work experience must be at least 6 months.
  • Age must be from 21 to 65 years old.
  • The prospective client must have a positive credit history.
  • In one company, the client must work for at least six months.

If you meet all these requirements, then you can safely apply.

Required documents

  • Passport data.
  • If you want more credit limit 100 thousand rubles you will also need to provide proof of income.
  • If it is not possible to provide such a certificate, then you can issue a certificate in the form of a bank.

If Sberbank approves your application, you usually receive an SMS notification or a call. It remains only to pick up the card at the bank branch.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • A grace period of 50 days during which you can use the money and not pay interest.
  • You can always use the bonus program.
  • Funds can be used at any time - no need to wait for the approval of the credit company.
  • When withdrawing funds from the card and other transactions, an SMS alert is triggered.
  • You can connect auto payment for services such as the Internet, a mobile account, and so on.
  • The security of online purchases is ensured using 3-D Secure technology.


  • If you do not repay the debt within the deadline, then the interest on the loan will be quite high.
  • A fee is charged for cash withdrawals through ATMs and cash desks.

As you probably already understood, this is a rather convenient tool, but do not forget about its conditions and the documents that you need to provide for a loan.

If everything is done correctly, then you can easily use the borrowed money and return it within the specified period. If you have time before the end of the limit period, then interest will not be charged.

5 questions and answers

What happens if I don't pay within 50 days?

If the debt is not paid within 50 days, then the bank will begin to charge interest, the amount of which is 21,9% and more.

Can I apply for a card through Sberbank Online?

Yes, you can. This is done through the section Cards».

If I apply for a Signature card, how much will my credit limit be?

For this type of card, the credit limit is set individually for each client of the bank.

I am not a citizen of the Russian Federation - can I get a card?

This is one of the conditions of the bank. The loan is provided only to those clients who are citizens of the Russian Federation.

I want to apply for a card with a credit limit of more than 100,000 rubles. How can I do this if a 2-NDFL certificate is not issued at work?

You can provide a bank statement.

Today you can borrow money from the bank within the established limit at 0 percent! All that is needed for this is the issuance of a special one with a grace period, such as a Sberbank credit card for 50 days, the conditions of which are quite competitive. Let's get acquainted with the features of this banking product in more detail.

Sberbank credit card terms for 50 days

A grace period of 50 days Sberbank offers for its credit cards:

  • Gold credit card;
  • Classic credit card.

Sberbank credit card for 50 days: how to use the grace period?

Let's start with the fact that 50 days is a grace period established by the bank, which is cyclical. It is divided into two stages: reporting and payment period.

Reporting period- 30 days during which you can spend the money provided by the bank. Moreover, it is better to find out the start date of the reporting period from the report on the card, since it is not tied to the first purchase, but is counted from the date of conclusion of the agreement with the bank. Consider this point if you plan to pay with a Sberbank credit card grace period of 50 days: if the purchase is made in the last days of the reporting period, then the benefit of the grace period is reduced.

Pay period- 20 days, during which you can not only continue to spend funds within the limit of the card, but also must fully pay off the bank, returning to the penny the amount of the principal debt indicated in the report. Otherwise, interest will be accrued on the entire loan amount for all 50 days (rate - from 25.9 to 33.9% per annum) and a commission will be written off, plus a penalty will be charged if the payment is completely missed. Even if the debt for the previous period was not fully repaid, the grace period resumes when a new reporting period begins.

Compliance with the conditions of the bank is a guarantee that you will be able to take advantage of the benefits offered.

It is important to know that at the end of the reporting period, the bank notifies via SMS that it is necessary to repay at least 5% of the principal debt accumulated over thirty days. The minimum amount of this monthly payment is 150 rubles.

Thus, credit 50 days without interest gives at least twenty days to pay off the debt

The scheme is quite understandable and convenient in the case when the necessary amount for the purchase of a particular product appears after a certain time.

How else to use a Sberbank credit card for 50 days?

Note that it is not profitable to withdraw cash from this card, since the grace period does not apply to this operation: interest will be charged immediately and in full. A commission will also be debited from the account (3 or 4%, depending on the ATM used, but not less than 390 rubles).

If you wish, you can put additional funds on the card in excess of the amount owed. In this case, when making purchases, your own money will be debited first, and then the loan provided by the bank will be spent.

In order to make it easier for the client to navigate the terms and amounts to be repaid, at the end of the reporting period, everyone automatically receives a document by e-mail, which indicates all the expenses on the card. You can track all the information on your credit card online using the Internet Bank.

Credit card procedure

If you decide to apply for a Sberbank credit card, then you should contact any branch of the bank, having the required set of documents with you (it includes a passport and confirmation of your solvency). The application is considered within a maximum of two business days.

To save your time, you can submit an application for a credit card online, then wait for the bank's decision and, with its favor, come to the branch directly for the card itself after receiving a confirmation SMS. If necessary, you can use the instant card issuance service: in this case, you will have to give only about fifteen minutes. Such a card is serviced free of charge throughout the year. However, her limit of available funds is significantly lower than what a classic or gold Sberbank credit card has for 50 days: 120 thousand versus 600 thousand rubles. The Bank also provides its customers with cards with special features (with the function of accumulating Aeroflot miles or providing participation in charitable events).