Who receives maternity capital per year?

Vladimir Putin, speaking on December 3, 2015 in the Kremlin with his annual message to the Federal Assembly, instructed the Government and the State Duma to work on the issue of:

Let us recall how the long-term demographic program “On additional measures of state support for families with children” mat. capital was initially planned for 10 years - from 01/01/2007 to 12/31/2016. Now, in accordance with the instructions of the President, the expiration date will be postponed by at least another 2 years - until December 31, 2018

Already on December 5, the Minister of Labor and Social Protection Maxim Topilin reported that a bill on extending the program for 2 years, agreed with other relevant ministries, had been prepared and submitted to the Government.

At the same time, in accordance with the text of the draft law, already approved at the Government meeting on December 10, 2015, the implementation of the program for 2017 and 2018. will be characterized the following features:

  • a state certificate confirming the right of families with children to maternity capital will be issued by branches of the Pension Fund (PFR) upon the birth or adoption of a second or subsequent child on time until December 31, 2018 inclusive;
  • extension of the maternity capital program for 2 years will entail additional expenses from the federal budget in the amount of 807.4 billion rubles;
  • in two additional years they will be able to obtain a state certificate more than 1.5 million families at the birth or adoption of a second or subsequent child: 829.86 thousand new certificates are planned to be issued in 2017 and another 810.14 thousand in 2018;
  • The government plans to return the mechanism for indexing the amount of payments starting in 2017, but now it will carried out according to actual inflation(based on the results of the year), in connection with which the amount of the certificate may be:
    • in 2017 - 480 thousand rubles.(increase by 6%);
    • in 2018 - 505 thousand rubles.(another 5.2%).

    However, these plans to index maternal capital based on actual inflation may be hindered by the difficult situation in the economy.

    For example, according to estimates of the Ministry of Economic Development, announced on December 7 by the head of the department Alexey Ulyukaev According to the results of 2015, inflation in Russia may reach 12.5%. If we index maternity capital by this amount, then only in 2016 the amount of payments under the certificate would exceed 500 thousand rubles, amounting to 509 thousand 654 rub. 25 kopecks- in current situations this amounts to an unaffordable amount for the budget.

    Earlier, Vladimir Putin noted that there were reasonable doubts about the spending of such "large, serious funds". However, after the necessary calculations, it became obvious that the state would be able to “reliably guarantee and pay for these payments, despite any problems” - only the appropriate political will.

    Maternity capital - changes in 2016

    However, the possibility of implementing the program on the same terms as early as 2016 may be hampered by a number of unfavorable internal and external economic factors.

    Speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko that the decision was finally made not to index, leaving it at the current level - 453 thousand 026 rubles. This was done with the aim of reducing the budget deficit by reducing social spending (the state's priority is war, internal security, bureaucracy and social protection of the least protected categories of the population - pensioners, low-income families, etc.).

    Now this norm will be fixed at the legislative level - on December 4, the law was adopted in the third final reading “On the federal budget for 2016”, which does not provide for a clause on the next indexation of the amount of funds under the maternal certificate:

    It should be noted that in the future, due to the difficult economic situation and the decision made to extend the program, this practice may become permanent, and therefore families with children have an economic advantage in earlier: without waiting 3 years from the date of birth or adoption of the child;

  • provide from 2016 a fundamentally new direction of spending funds -

Until what year has the maternity capital program been extended? Is mat capital expected to be extended after 2019? What changes await holders of a family capital certificate?

Hello, dear readers of the HeatherBeaver business magazine! Welcome to expert, economist Eduard Stembolsky.

We continue to consider the topic of maternity capital. In this publication we will talk about the prospects of this program and the timing of its implementation.

The article will be of interest to those who already have a certificate or are planning to receive it in the coming years, as well as to anyone who wants to improve their level of financial literacy.

Friends, I wish you productive studying!

1. Until what year was maternity capital extended - the duration of the program

The appearance of a second (third or subsequent) child in a family is a great joy, but also great worries. The natural desire of all parents is to provide their child with the best: food, clothing, care, living conditions. This is not always easy to do.

The maternal (family) capital program (MSC) is a good help for families with two or more children. State assistance has been issued since 2007: over 12 years, the amount of maternity capital has increased by 80%. For 2019, its size is 453,026 rubles.

You can spend the funds secured by the certificate only for certain needs:

  • to buy an apartment;
  • for the child’s education;
  • to pay for a mortgage or housing loan;
  • for the construction or reconstruction of a house;
  • for the formation of a parental pension;
  • for the purchase of goods and services intended for social adaptation and integration into society of disabled children;
  • for monthly payments in connection with the birth of a second child after 01/01/2018.

The federal program for assistance to families with children is constantly evolving: almost every year new opportunities for using public money arise.

According to official information, the validity period of the MSK project is limited: certificates will be issued until 2021 (inclusive). The future prospects of the program are still vague, but it is expected that they will depend on the economic situation in the country.

It is necessary to understand an important thing: maternity capital payments for certificate holders will not stop after the specified date. It is only expected that the issuance of new documents will cease for families who will have a second or subsequent child.

Those parents who already have a state certificate can use it when they deem it necessary - before the age of 18 or after it.

But remember that according to the law, you can spend money only after the child’s third birthday, unless we are talking about paying off mortgages or housing loans. If the funds are spent on housing, the Pension Fund usually accommodates the family and allows them to be used for up to 3 years.

Initially, the duration of the program was limited to 2016, but on instructions personally from V.V. Putin, the project was extended. This is partly due to the annexation of Crimea to Russia: the government is giving the families of this peninsula the opportunity to improve their well-being, since previously (before 2014) they did not have such an opportunity.

By the way, you can exercise the right to receive a certificate at any time after the birth of a child - the preparation of this document does not require haste and is not limited by certain deadlines.

Another thing is that most mothers and fathers spend government subsidies on housing needs, and the issue of housing after adding to the family is best resolved as early as possible.

Other reasons why it was decided to extend the validity of the MSC is the insufficient improvement in the demographic situation in the country. This is precisely the goal that was set for the program during its launch. Since the birth rate in the country is still low, the government believes that it is too early to cancel benefits for families with two or more children.

Latest news on the topic:

President Putin proposed spending maternity capital funds not only on education or improving living conditions, but also on paying for care for preschool children, starting from 2 months.

More details in this video:

2. When will maternity capital be cancelled, and is it worth rushing to spend it?

According to official data, the validity of maternity capital is limited to 2021. There is no reason to consider this information as an immutable fact, since, for example, a year ago it was assumed that the end of the program would be the end of 2018.

In one of his interviews, D. Medvedev said that the state will support families with children as long as there are enough budget funds for this. The head of government also added that the Russian fertility promotion program is unique of its kind.

In no other country in the world, Medvedev emphasized, are demographic problems solved with the help of government subsidies. Our program in this regard has no analogues in world practice.

This is one of the most effective and successful social programs in the modern history of Russia, but it is quite possible that the time of its end is approaching.

Families interested in receiving financial assistance from the federal budget and planning to have a second child should hurry to put their plans into practice before the beginning of 2022.

When asked whether those who already have a certificate should rush to spend maternity capital before this deadline, I answer: no, if there is no need for it. That is, if everything is in order with your living space and there are no financial problems, you can wait until the moment when you really need the funds.

For example, a child will need to pay for art or music school. Or the money will be needed to finance university education and pay for the student’s dormitory.

Remember that you can use maternity capital for educational needs until your son or daughter turns 23 years old.

In addition, new opportunities for using federal funds have emerged in recent years. More details about this in the next section.

3. Latest news about family capital - new areas of use

In addition to the traditional areas of application of maternal capital, new opportunities periodically arise that certificate holders can take advantage of. At first, state budget funds could only be spent on purchasing housing and education.

Over the 12 years of the program’s existence, the opportunities for families with 2 or more children have expanded significantly. In some regions, you can already use maternity capital to purchase a car or take out a loan to purchase goods useful for the whole family.

Direction 1. Buying a car

The idea of ​​allowing parents to purchase an inexpensive (relatively) domestic car for the whole family using maternity capital money has been voiced more than once.

There are many arguments for adopting a new direction in the use of MSCs:

  • the cost of a Russian car is approximately comparable to the size of maternal capital - in contrast to the costs of buying an apartment or building a house;
  • many parents who do not have difficulties with housing consider other options for using maternal capital to be unattractive, having the nature of “deferred needs”;
  • a car really makes life easier for parents, helping them quickly deliver their children to kindergartens, schools, educational institutions, travel on family errands, and on vacation;
  • In remote settlements, a car is often the only available means of transportation.

The opinion of some officials that parents owning a car does not in any way affect the well-being of children is clearly untrue. There is a misunderstanding of “the hungry are fed” and, in particular, a biased assessment of the situation with public transport in the regions or remote areas of megacities.

However, it is also true that when deciding whether to purchase a car, the interests of all family members should be considered and the current financial situation of the parents should be taken into account.

Despite numerous requests from deputies, ordinary citizens and direct certificate holders, the law on purchasing cars with state family subsidies has not yet been adopted.

But do not despair - there is hope that this will happen in the near future. Moreover, according to the Ministry of Industry, the domestic automobile market during the crisis promises to fall (and is already doing so) by more than 50-70%.

The adoption of the law will help parents and their children increase mobility and acquire valuable property, and at the same time allow the Russian automobile industry to emerge from the protracted crisis.

More details about this can be found in a separate article in our magazine.

Direction 2. Rehabilitation and social adaptation of disabled children

This direction, unlike the previous one, is approved by law and is the official way to spend government subsidies. Moreover, this can be done without waiting for the child’s 3rd birthday, immediately after receiving the certificate in hand.

The payment can be used not only for the purchase of special technical equipment that is vital for disabled people, but also for the integration into society of any child in the family, regardless of the order of his birth.

It is expected that this innovation will reduce the number of abandoned children with disabilities and congenital defects in maternity hospitals, since from birth such babies will be provided with qualified and comprehensive assistance.

Several options for using budget assets for the rehabilitation of children are allowed:

  • inpatient rehabilitation procedures;
  • therapy in special institutions;
  • purchase of technical devices for movement and treatment.

The use of modern rehabilitation methods will speed up children’s adaptation to the world around them and make the lives of their parents more comfortable.

Maternity capital funds can also be used to pay for the services of private organizations providing child care and supervision. Now young mothers who do not have enough places in public nurseries and kindergartens can turn to private companies or hire a nanny with public money.

Direction 3. Paying off the down payment on a mortgage

In 2015, a law came into force allowing the use of MK public funds, secured by a certificate, to pay the down payment on a mortgage, without waiting 3 years.

Let me remind you that it was possible to use funds to pay off a mortgage loan before, but now this can be done regardless of the age of the child for whom the document is issued.

This right also applies to any other loans received from banking organizations. The only condition is that these loans must be taken and spent on housing needs.

It doesn’t matter whether you buy an apartment in a new building or build housing on your own: if you attract bank finance, it is possible to compensate for them at public expense. The main thing is to complete all transactions strictly according to the rules.

Even the reconstruction of a house can be done with money that is kept in a “family” account. It is only important to obtain permission to use them from Pension Fund employees.

It is this institution that makes all decisions regarding financial transactions with maternal money. Theoretically (and practically), the Pension Fund has the right to prohibit or permit any transactions involving federal funds.

In the table below I compared the main advantages and disadvantages of new directions in the use of MSCs:

4. What will happen after the end of the program in 2022 – prospects and rumors

12 years have passed since the launch of the program. About 8 million families have already taken advantage of government assistance to improve their well-being and living conditions.

It is officially known that children born before 12/31/21 inclusive and who are not the first in the family will give their parents the opportunity to use maternity capital for housing or other needs.

But what will happen to children born after this period?

Currently, there are several options for the development of events:

  1. The MSK program will be extended for another 5 or 10 years under existing conditions.
  2. In 2022 there will be a radical change in the project– subsidies will be issued exclusively targeted, taking into account the financial status of families.
  3. The program will be completely completed after 2022.

Which option is the most likely is still unclear, but we should not forget that the country’s economy is not yet improving, but rather the opposite. Apparently, everything will depend on the state of the federal budget and other objective factors.

For those parents who want to apply for or already spend maternity capital in 2016, it is important to know what changes have affected this state program. Today, this measure of state support for demographic policy is effective, proven and in demand, despite numerous restrictions on the possibilities of using the subsidy.

As before, maternity capital 2016 is allocated to families with two children, and the child receiving the certificate was born after 2007. The main idea of ​​the program is to improve the living conditions of those families with more than one child, and to persuade future parents to have a new baby. Often a family is afraid of not being able to expand or buy their own living space, or they are afraid of spending a lot of money on raising and providing the child with everything they need. In such situations, maternal capital is a lifesaver that helps Libra, when parents make a decision, to lean toward the addition of a new family member.

Since the 2016 maternal certificate represents an impressive amount, all Russians are following the changes and opportunities of this program, one way or another.

Will maternity capital be extended after 2016?

Due to the difficult economic situation in the country, there were persistent rumors that maternity capital would be abolished in 2016. Information was received through all available media that the Ministry of Finance considered expenses on maternity capital in 2016 excessive and unnecessary. And this despite the fact that at the beginning of this support measure back in 2007, the official end date for the maternity capital program was set - 2016 inclusive, until December 31 of this year. This was regulated by Federal Law No. 256 of December 29, 2006.

The basis for such a decision was the huge debt of the Russian Pension Fund. This organization had a significant debt of 200,000,000,000 rubles, most of the debt was the payment of maternity capital, in 2016 the situation became somewhat clearer.

However, the law on maternity capital 2016 was not only not abolished, but also extended for two calendar years - until December 31, 2018. The decree issued by our president on December 3, 2015 was submitted for discussion by the State Duma and the Government of the Russian Federation on the 5th of this month. As a result, at the very end of 2015 there was a new Federal Law No. 433 dated December 30, 2015 was adopted., which is called “On Amendments to Article 13 of the Federal Law “On Additional Measures of State Support for Families with Children.”

Has maternity capital undergone any changes in 2016?

Well, since we have sorted out the problem of whether there will be maternity capital in 2016 and whether its extension is documented, it is worth moving on to the changes in the law that occurred after the onset of the new year. Along with the extension of the program, some adjustments were made to it.

Mainly covering the changed maternity capital in 2016, the latest news concerns a new direction for spending funds from this benefit. If earlier certificate money could be directed to three main areas (housing, education, pension), then maternity capital in 2016 can help parents of children with disabilities. Starting this year, families with disabled children can spend a certificate on social integration and adaptation of children into society. At the same time, it is absolutely not necessary to wait until the child’s third birthday - you can begin the adaptation process right at birth after receiving the certificate itself.

The second change affected the amount of the benefit: maternity capital in 2016 was not indexed. The size of the certificate this year is the same as in 2015.

The remaining provisions of the law regarding the issuance and spending of certificate funds remained unchanged.

Accurate data regarding maternity capital in 2016

The conditions for submitting documents to participate in the program remain exactly the same as before. The following categories of families may be eligible to issue a certificate.

  • A woman if she is a citizen of the Russian Federation and she gave birth to or adopted a second child after 2007.
  • A man, if he is a citizen of the Russian Federation, becomes the sole adoptive parent of a second or more children, if the second or subsequent child was adopted into the family after the beginning of 2007. A man also has the right to receive a certificate when the mother (adoptive parent) can, for some reason, receive benefits.
  • The children themselves, if they have not reached the age of majority, or are full-time students under 23 years of age, and their parents or guardians for a number of reasons cannot receive state support (for example, they are deprived of parental rights, died or are being prosecuted) .

In most cases, the targeted use of maternity capital funds is possible after the child who brought state support to the family reaches three years of age. But some possibilities for spending funds from the certificate involve the use of capital money immediately after the birth of the second baby - these are mortgages and loans taken and obligations in connection with the purchase of housing, as well as the use of funds for the socialization of a disabled child.

What is the amount of maternity capital in 2016?

There has been a lot of debate regarding what the amount of maternity capital will be in 2016, and the amounts given are completely different. However, if someone made a bet, everyone would bet.

It was this year that the provision on the annual indexation of this state benefit was ignored, and indexation of maternity capital was not carried out in 2016. And so it turned out that maternity capital in 2016 will be exactly the same as in the previous year - 453,000 rubles.

Despite the government’s decision that maternity capital will be extended for two years in 2016, the economic situation is such that, as part of budget planning for the period from 2016 to 2018, indexation of payments under this state program is not provided. That is, despite the fact that maternity capital 2016 continues to be issued to both newborns and children born during the entire period of the law, its purchasing power has decreased, and given the rapidity of inflation in the country, it will continue to decline.

So what to spend maternity capital on in 2016?

So, the amount of the benefit has become clear, the possibility of receiving it is transparent, all that remains is to think about how to manage this rather large sum for most Russians. If a family decides to use maternity capital in 2016, what can the amount indicated in the certificate be spent on this year?

  1. As stated above, spending this money on goods and services that contribute to the socialization of disabled children into society is approved. However, oddly enough, this money cannot be spent on treatment and medical services, but you can buy ramps, massage tables, exercise bikes for children with cerebral palsy, lifting devices, and special computer equipment for the apartment.
  2. Improving living conditions. This includes building a house, mortgage, buying an apartment, buying out the last share of an apartment.
  3. Formation of a parent’s pension, or rather, its funded part.
  4. Payment for education for both the youngest child and the eldest, payment for some specialized schools - for example, music or sports, kindergarten.

In general, the main intended use has not changed too much, so the answer to the question of what to spend maternity capital on in 2016 differs little from the information from the previous year.

An exciting question: is it possible to get 20 thousand in cash from MK?

The economic crisis, as always, hits the most vulnerable segments of the population. These include families with small or newborn children, where the mother is on maternity leave, and maintaining two or more children always costs a substantial amount.

That is why the maternal benefit can be cashed out in the amount of 20,000 rubles in 2016, so that families can receive the much-needed anti-crisis support. However, you must apply for this payment before the end of March 2016 at the local branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, and only for those families where the second (subsequent) child was born or adopted before December 31, 2015, and the capital funds were not completely spent or were not used at all.

That is, if you have unused or partially but not fully spent maternity capital in 2016, you can transfer 20 thousand of it to a regular personal bank account and use it for absolutely any needs.

Moreover, if you already used this anti-crisis measure in 2015, this does not in the least prevent you from reusing the mother year 2016 for this.

The repeated withdrawal of 20,000 rubles from certificate funds is a logical continuation of a similar initiative last year in 2015, which was established by government decree No. 98 of January 27, 2015.

Maternity capital - it is still with us

The number of rumors and unverified information about what awaits maternity capital in 2016 has exceeded all conceivable and unimaginable limits. Starting with what amount will be allocated to maternity capital 2016 for the second child, ending with the question of whether maternity capital 2016 has been cancelled.

However, after the onset of the new year, the situation becomes much clearer, and the information becomes more reliable. We can already say for sure that yes, there is an extension of maternity capital after 2016, no, it was not indexed, and yes, the options for targeted spending of these funds have expanded somewhat for families with disabled children. This means that a number of families who have decided to have a second child will be able to change their lives for the better.