Credit whim Maxima Blazhko. Stop, don't stop

A wide range of people became aware of the domestic construction and development company Don-Stroy due to its bankruptcy, as well as the situation around the House on Mosfilmovskaya in Moscow. At the same time, the public drew attention to one of its leaders, Maxim Blazhko. In this article we will take a closer look at both the developer himself and his company.


The media present Maxim Blazhko as a successful developer with twenty years of experience. He was born in the capital on September 2, 1969. Received higher education at the Moscow Geological Prospecting Institute. I chose training in the specialty “Search and exploration of radioactive rare elements.”

In the nineties, he worked in Kazakhstan directly in his specialty. Further, the career and professional activities of Maxim Blazhko developed as follows:

  • In 1994 he created the famous company "Don-Stroy".
  • Since 2006, he has been the chairman of the board of a management company called DS-Holding.
  • General Director of Northstar Development Corporation.
  • Since autumn 2016 - General Director of GORN Development.

Professional success

Since the early 2000s, more than 20 residential high-rise complexes have been built under the leadership of the developer. Their total living area exceeds 3 million m2. These business-class and premium-class projects have set a fairly high bar for all Russian development.

Among the projects of Maxim Evgenievich Blazhko, one can highlight the first residential skyscrapers in Moscow. These are the following buildings:

  • Housing complex on Aviatsionnaya Street, 77-79.
  • Residential complex in Chapaevsky Lane, 3.
  • House on Mosfilmovskaya street, 8.
  • Housing complex on Rusakovskaya street, 31.

Since the fall of 2016, Maxim Evgenievich Blazhko has been the CEO of GORN Development. It is considered a full-cycle private development company. Her specialization is the construction of premium residential real estate in the capital. Already in 2016, this company began the implementation and management of a large residential complex "NESKUCHNY HOME & SPA", which is a premium class building.


When telling the biography of Maxim Blazhko, it is also necessary to list the main awards of the developer:

  • State award, medal "In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow" (awarded in 1997).
  • Order of Merit for the Church (awarded in 2001).
  • Title "Honorary Builder of the Russian Federation" (received in 2005).
  • Order of St. A. Nevsky "For Labor and the Fatherland" (awarded in 2007).
  • Inclusion of Maxim Blazhko (photos of the hero of our story are also posted in the article) in the rating of the Kommersant information agency. This is the TOP 1000 of the most successful professional managers in the Russian construction industry. I must say that Maxim Blazhko entered the TOP 10.

Personal condition

Many have read the news about how the founder of Donstroy, Maxim Blazhko, is losing his largest project. But is it all that bad? At the beginning of 2007, the Russian developer’s personal fortune was estimated at $550 million. In addition, Maxim Blazhko took 94th place in the ranking of the 500 richest Russian millionaires compiled by the Finance information resource.

Personal life, hobbies

Maxim Evgenievich is married. His family is considered to be large - the developer has four children. The businessman has two main hobbies. This includes diving and alpine skiing.


“The founder of Donstroy, Maxim Blazhko, is losing his largest project... So what happened? Let’s tell you about everything in order.

"Don-Stroy" is a domestic development and construction company. A few facts about her:

  • Founded: 1994.
  • General Director (currently): Alena Deryabina.
  • The headquarters is located in Moscow.
  • Turnover: $578 million (as of March 2006).
  • Operating profit of the company: 7.6 billion rubles (based on 2016 data).
  • Company net profit: $102.8 million (as of March 2006).

History of the company's development

The biography of Maxim Blazhko is directly related to the Don System. Initially, this corporation, founded in 1994, belonged to two business partners - Maxim Evgenievich and Dmitry Zelenov.

Until 2009, it included many different structures that could implement not only residential, but also commercial projects - retail, office. In 2009, in connection with the restructuring of loans (they were previously provided to the company by the well-known Russian bank VEB - today VTB), residential projects were moved into a separate block. It became CJSC Don-Stroy-Invest.

Further, housing projects began to be implemented under the Don-Stroy brand. The shareholders of Don-Stroy-Invest are five legal entities. Any of their personal information is not disclosed. As for commercial real estate projects, they were left to Dmitry Zelenov and Maxim Blazhko. These are structures called “DS Holding” and “DS Development”.

Activity of the company

"Don-Stroy" by Maxim Blazhko is a well-known organization. It is one of the ten largest developers in the capital. Its main specialization is the construction of business class housing complexes. During the activity of Don-Stroy, Maxim Evgenievich Blazhko built more than 30 such residential complexes. Their total area was 2.5 million m2. Among the most significant buildings are the following:

  • "Triumph Palace" is a residential skyscraper located in the Khoroshevsky district of the capital. Until 2007, it was considered the tallest residential building in all of Europe.
  • "Scarlet Sails" is a high-rise residential complex in Moscow, consisting of 5 buildings. The first building was erected in 2001. Construction was completely completed in 2017. The residential complex is located on the picturesque bank of the Moscow River.

In 2013, the company began a large-scale project to develop the capital’s Shelepikhinskaya embankment. In the same year, an equally ambitious project was launched to update and reconstruct one of the oldest Moscow factories, Serp and Molot.

For the same 2013, the total volume of investments in the company’s projects amounted to 14.9 billion rubles. With these amounts, 4.2 million square meters were built. meters of housing.

Among the latest remarkable projects of the Don-Stroy company are the following:

  • The last hulls of "Scarlet Sails".
  • "The heart of the capital."
  • "Falcon Fort".
  • "Valley of Setun".
  • "Maple HOUSE".
  • "Grand De Luxe on Plyushchikha".
  • "Smolensky De Luxe".
  • Barrin House.

Today, organizationally, the company is a large holding company, which includes 30 companies. The company also owns a diversification project (expanding the capabilities, scope, and range of the holding) “Scarlet Sails”. This is a retail chain that was founded in 1999. It belongs to Maxim Evgenievich’s mother, Olga Blazhko.


The Don-Stroy company has changed several logos.

  • Three transparent buildings, which were bordered by a red border. Below was the word "Don". Even lower is a red detail with the inscription “Build”. Logo 1994-2010
  • Laconic logo: the word “Don-Stroy”, white letters on a red background. The font has changed compared to the previous one. The logo did not last long - from 2010 to 2011.
  • The next logo is a schematic image of a gray city. At the bottom of the picture was written “Don-Stroy”. The letters are also gray. The font has been changed again. The logo was also chosen for a short period of time - from 2011 to 2012.
  • The last logo is a sketch of buildings formed from three white stripes. At the bottom (in some cases to the right) is the word “Don-Stroy”. The letters are white and the font has been changed again. This logo has been in effect from 2012 to the present.

Problems with law enforcement

In August 2008, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs opened a criminal case against the leaders of a company associated with the brainchild of Maxim Blazhko. This is the Don-Stroy Construction Trust LLC. The company was one of the company’s structures and acted as a contractor for the construction of elite housing complexes.

The essence of the complaint was that the management of the Don-Stroy Construction Trust was suspected of illegally refunding VAT (value added tax), which was transferred to companies that, according to investigators, had signs of fictitiousness.

However, in September 2009 the case was suspiciously suspended. According to the press, this was due to a strange deal. The media wrote that in the fall of the same year, Andrei Khorev, 1st Deputy Head of Economic Security under the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, received through intermediaries an elite apartment (room area - 100 sq. m.) in the capital residential complex "House on Smolenskaya Embankment" for almost nothing. By coincidence, the building was erected by Don-Stroy. What is the outcome of this matter? In September 2012 it was finally closed.

"Don-Stroy" and the public

The relationship between Maxim Blazhko’s construction company and the public is quite contradictory. Residents of Moscow accused Don-Stroy of illegally seizing territory for construction. Rallies were held more than once to stop the holding’s actions. There was also a report in the media that during one of these public demonstrations, protesters were beaten by armed citizens. One of the high-profile rallies took place in 2012 in Khamovniki. People protested against the illegal construction of the Komsomolsky de Luxe apartment-hotel by Don-Stroy. They wanted to erect the building on the site of the Travnikov garden. The latter is one of the unique places in the capital - 13 species of plants listed in the Red Book are planted there. There are many other amazing, rare plantings in the garden.

Crisis and bankruptcy

In 2008-2010 It has been said more than once about the debts and bankruptcy of Maxim Blazhko. This is due to the fact that in 2009, Don-Stroy faced difficulties in repaying its previously taken loans. It all ended with the announcement in August 2009 that the difficult financial condition of the company led to the restructuring of the debt to VTB Bank, where Don-Stroy took out a loan for its development. The amount was 500 million dollars. Due to the fact that the company could not repay the loan, it had to transfer to the bank a controlling stake in CJSC Don-Stroy-Invest (as you remember, this is a subsidiary of Don-Stroy, which owned the developer’s housing projects) for only symbolic 500 rubles. Thus, Maxim Evgenievich Blazhko handed it over to VEB (Vnesheconombank).

In September 2009, another piece of news became known. A controlling stake in Don-Stroy's subsidiary, DS Development LLC (engaged in both construction and management of commercial real estate), together with the Nordstar Tower business complex built by Don-Stroy (a high-rise office center on the border of the Northern and Central districts of the capital , second in height only to Moscow City) were transferred to Sberbank. The reason is still the same - repayment of debt to a banking organization. The controlling stake was also transferred for a symbolic sum - “several hundred rubles.”

In January 2010, news was announced about the restructuring of the debt of the construction company Maxim Blazhko to Sberbank. Its size was 20 billion rubles. Eleven of them were repaid by transferring the Nordstar Tower business complex to the bank. The payment of the remaining 9 billion rubles was postponed as agreed. Thus, Maxim Blazhko’s debts were repaid.

Developer's debts

After the transfer of Don-Stroy-Invest to the new owner, M.E. Blazhko’s affairs were never fully settled. In 2017, the entrepreneur tried to challenge the recovery of 1.7 billion rubles from him in favor of this structure. At the same time, he demands 500 million rubles from Maxim Blazhko himself.

The entrepreneur filed three appeals with the Khoroshevsky Court of Moscow against the recovery of 1.74 billion rubles from him. The plaintiffs here were the controlled groups of Don-Stroy-Invest - SK Don-Stroy and Beleran. The documents say that Blazhko received these funds (1.7 billion rubles) from these companies under loan agreements. However, the date of their conclusion, as well as the intended use of the loan, are not specified. The developer's lawyers are confused in their explanations: some say that the entrepreneur did not receive the loan amount at all, and others say that he negotiated with the plaintiffs to resolve the problem.

In addition, in April 2017, another group controlled by Don-Stroy-Invest, Asol LLC, appealed to the Khoroshevsky Court of Moscow to recover 17.7 million rubles from the businessman. However, the court rejected the claim due to the expiration of the statute of limitations. In response to the refusal, the same groups belonging to Don-Stroy-Invest (Asol, Beleran, SK Don-Stroy, Euroinvest Settlement Council) filed seven more claims.

According to representatives of the groups, Blazhko’s financial obligations to them began during the period when they were under his control (before the transfer to VEB). But this is not the only duty of a businessman. In 2014, the Russian Capital Bank issued 1.7 billion rubles to River Tower LLC (one of the developer’s structures). The debt was not repaid on time. In 2017, the bank estimated Maxim Evgenievich’s debt to it at 2.3 billion rubles.

"House on Mosfilmovskaya"

The high-rise building on Mosfilmovskaya Street is one of the most famous metropolitan projects of this development company. After reports of the bankruptcy of Maxim Blazhko, the situation around this building was the most discussed.

The general public learned about the multi-storey housing complex in the summer of 2010. Then the Moscow government, as part of its work on a project to combat unauthorized construction under the mayor of the city, decided to demolish the upper part of the building. Of course, it was not taken from heaven. It turned out that the builders ignored the permit issued to them, illegally adding 8-9 floors to the height of the building (about 40 meters)!

At the end of July of the same year, dismantling of both the roof of the building and its upper illegal floors began. The Vedomosti newspaper then reported an interesting fact: the leaders of Don-Stroy M. Blazhko and D. Zelenov wanted to settle on these unauthorized levels. But the timely intervention of the capital's authorities was intended to deprive the developers of two-level penthouses, the area of ​​each of which was at least 1000 m2.

However, in the spring of 2011, the Moscow government suddenly changed its decision. The upper floors of the House on Mosfilmovskaya were nevertheless preserved. At the end of the same year, the high-rise building was put into operation.

There was another unpleasant news associated with “House on Mosfilmovskaya”. The Don-Stroy company lost the lawsuit against him. The essence of the proceedings was that the co-investor of this project (a structure associated with the Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant) demanded that the penalty be returned to him due to the delay in the construction of the facility. Don-Stroy returned $103 million (penalty + the amount invested by that company).

At the same time, the project “Houses on Mosfilmovskaya” was highly appreciated:

  • The building project was among the thirty best Russian architectural projects in recent times (according to a rating compiled by Afisha magazine).
  • The project "Houses on Mosfilmovskaya" took fifth place in the prestigious Emporis Skyscraper Award 2012 competition.

Maxim Blazhko is a rather controversial figure in Russian business. On the one hand, the entrepreneur has honorary personal awards, his company implements large-scale projects that are highly appreciated by specialists. But on the other hand, the public accuses the businessman of illegal construction; he himself is involved in many court cases related to the failure to repay large loans.

The DON-Stroy company was founded in 1994 and belongs to Maxim Blazhko and Dmitry Zelenov. Unites about 30 companies in the construction and sale of residential and commercial real estate.

The owner of the company was born and raised in the wonderful Shchukino district, not far from the Oktyabrskoye Pole metro station. His parents still live here - father Evgeniy Dmitrievich, mother Olga Lvovna. Here Maxim Evgenievich Blazhko graduated from school No. 1212 (a German school with a mathematical focus).

Maybe that’s why Shchukino became Don-Stroy’s favorite area? Here's what they write about themselves:

The history of DON-Stroy begins in 1994, when, as part of a comprehensive reconstruction program for the Shchukino district, the company began construction of commercial and municipal housing and social infrastructure facilities. Over the course of several years, a number of business-class residential complexes (Novaya Zvezda, Severnaya Zvezda, Elsinore, Sokolovskogo-10) were built in the area, forming the Constellation quarter. The first commercial building at st. Marshala Vasilevsky, 13, bldg. 3, was commissioned in 1997.

In 1999, with the start of large-scale construction of the Scarlet Sails residential complex on the banks of the Moscow River, the company created a new type of luxury housing - a unique facility with powerful infrastructure and a large landscaped area. This concept was reflected and developed in subsequent projects, forming a new class of capital real estate - Premium. This category includes the residential quarter “Vorobyovy Gory” on Mosfilmovskaya Street and the “Triumph Palace” complex on Sokol, built in 2000-2005, as well as “House in Sokolniki” and “Seventh Heaven”, which are being implemented today.

What a “large landscaped area” with powerful infrastructure is, you can see by walking through these new developments in the Shchukino district. All these architecturally amazing houses were built on the site of demolished Khrushchev buildings, or simply on the site of public gardens, sports grounds, taking over the surrounding front gardens, and their height simply overwhelms everything around them. The house on Biryuzova, 41 is being built on land seized by force. Here it is, it turns out, what a developed infrastructure it is. It is impossible to live in these houses, because there is simply nowhere to walk. Previously, you could sit outside the houses. The houses were surrounded by two rows of trees, protecting them from noise and gas pollution, and flowers were planted in the front gardens. The area was green, cozy, lived-in. And now the facades directly face busy highways. When you leave the entrance, you immediately find yourself on the roadway! I can’t imagine how it’s possible to give birth and raise children in such houses, because there’s nowhere to go with a stroller! And if you roll it out, then from the first step you can end up under a car.

Municipal assemblies have repeatedly made unanimous decisions about the inadmissibility of such construction. But it's all in vain.

Construction at each address caused scandals and protests among local residents. Roads were blocked, rallies of thousands were convened. Nobody wanted to be in the shadow of the new nouveau riche. Thousands of signatures were collected for the letters. Letters went to the mayor. Residents fought as best they could. One example, at Sokolovsky 1. During construction, 600 trees were cut down. And now there is nowhere to plant even one tree - everything is occupied by the house itself and the parking lot. The five-story building demolished on this site (it was called experimental) was surrounded by a real garden. On the courtyard side there was an extensive recreational area, which once accommodated a sports ground. But most importantly, there were groves of lilacs and bird cherry trees. The bird cherry grove had grown so large that it was impossible to climb through the palisade of thin trunks. In spring, the aroma of blooming bird cherry trees covered the entire yard. More than one couple in love has found solitude here. The bird cherry orchard was cut down, not even used for firewood, like Chekhov’s “cherry orchard” once was. Now there is no trace of any of this, and a 21-story giant has perched on a completely bare place, crushing everything around it. Almost 70 meters in height. But the distance to the nearest houses remained the same, 15 meters. And the house broke its row, crawling onto the roadway.

The company was accused of construction with violations, land grabs, and emergency situations at construction sites during which people died. During the fire in the Scarlet Sails complex, 10 people died (according to unofficial data - 64)

The activities of this company are distinguished by one common property - criminality! Don Stroy leads endless trials... But the company gets away with everything. Maybe because Evgeny Dmitrievich Blazhko is the son-in-law of Vladimir Iosifovich Resin, the main person in the City Hall for Moscow construction.

Our new President has begun an irreconcilable fight against corruption. But Resin is beyond suspicion, because he, being Medvedev’s confidant in Moscow, provided him with very good numbers during the elections! He was responsible for the work of the election headquarters.

There is a literary example of how a non-commissioned officer's widow flogged herself. In this case, I think this will not happen again. Therefore, Don-Stroy is now freely building a new house at Biryuzova, 41.

To clear the construction site, garages (private property) were demolished. It seemed to me. That in the society that is now being built, private property is sacred and inviolable. Not really. Corruption and lawlessness are untouchable. Moreover, some garages were demolished with the cars standing in them. The police watched this action indifferently. Construction is taking place on the site of a karst fault that could engulf the entire area. During excavations of the pit, radioactive burial grounds of the Institute of Atomic Energy named after. Kurchatova. Nothing stopped the company. Now the unfinished house is noticeably lopsided, work has been suspended... Workers are busy patching up the cracks that are spreading from the construction site to nearby houses. The court, which considered the illegal demolition of private property, decided to compensate the citizens for losses. And that's all. Moreover, the garages, of course, are not valued at market value, but like some kind of dilapidated barns. He considered the demolition of an illegally built house “inappropriate.”

You won't envy the residents of the surrounding houses. Construction is taking place dangerously close to their homes. And the pit was dug to such a depth that the entire surrounding earth began to creep. The funny thing is that the construction site appropriated someone else's address. After all, there are 41 houses on Marshal Biryuzov Street since 1955. And it's full of residents. And now his double is selling apartments. On beautifully drawn architectural plans, the new house is surrounded by a pine forest, and there are no houses nearby! A promising hint!

In fact, the “Program for the Comprehensive Reconstruction of the Shchukino District” simply does not exist. Residents know nothing about it. There is only a construction company, which is a program in itself. A program dangerous for Shchukino and its inhabitants. So Don-Stroy, as well as his owner, an excellent mathematics student, cannot expect any reciprocal love.

If there is still some kind of public garden near your house. Keep in mind, the park is in danger. At any time it can be seized by business class housing builders and a new class of capital real estate has been formed - Premium.



Graduated from the Faculty of Search and Exploration of Rare Radioactive Elements of the Moscow Geological Prospecting Institute



The court began bankruptcy proceedings for the former owner of Don-Stroy

The Moscow Arbitration Court recognized as justified the statement of the Deposit Insurance Agency about the bankruptcy of one of the founders of Don-Stroy, developer Maxim Blazhko. RIA Novosti reports this. In relation to Blazhko, an initial bankruptcy procedure was introduced - debt restructuring. The court included a debt to the DIA in the amount of more than 499 million rubles. to the register of creditors' claims.

The founder of Don-Stroy, Maxim Blazhko, was released from his home

The Moscow City Court on Wednesday released from house arrest the founder of the Don-Stroy company, Maxim Blazhko, accused of failing to repay a loan of $275 million to Sberbank, and then purchasing the right to claim the debt to the Cyprus offshore Riverstretch Trading & Investments Ltd. The basis for overturning the decision of the Basmanny Court, apparently, was the fact that the parties had already resolved the controversial issue: the creditor received one of the assets of the suspect - the Shchuka shopping and entertainment complex (TRK) in the north-west of Moscow. It is possible that now the criminal case itself may be terminated.

The former owner of Don-Stroy was released

One of the founders of Don-Stroy and owner of the Gorn Development company, Maxim Blazhko, has been released from house arrest. The businessman was released early after settling a dispute with a creditor

"Pike" sailed away for debts

The Investigative Committee and the FSB literally in a couple of days sorted out a loan in the amount of $275 million, which the founder of Don-Stroy, Maxim Blazhko, who owns a number of large real estate properties, did not return for several years to Sberbank, and then to the Cypriot offshore Riverstretch Trading, which bought the right to claim it. & Investments Ltd. Immediately after Mr. Blazhko found himself under house arrest, his representatives entered into a settlement agreement with the creditor, who, in payment of the debt, received one of the suspect’s assets - the Shchuka shopping and entertainment complex (TRK) in the north-west of Moscow.

From “Scarlet Sails” to “Armory”: what Maxim Blazhko built

Co-founder and former co-owner of the Donstroy holding Maxim Blazhko found himself under house arrest - the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case against him for abuse of power, writes RBC. Shchuka CJSC, owned by Blazhko, took out a loan from Sberbank for $275 million and was supposed to transfer quarterly financial statements to the lender, as well as 80% of payments under lease agreements in the Shchuka shopping center, the investigation believes.

After Blazhko’s arrest, Gorn Development operates as normal

The Main Investigation Department (GSU) of the Investigative Committee of Russia charged him with abuse of power.

It is known that the founder of the Donstroy company, Maxim Blazhko, is under house arrest. Naturally, questions arise about how the developer Gorn Development, which belongs to him, functions. As a representative of this company told RIA Novosti, operations are carried out as usual.

That is, Maxim Blazhko’s house arrest did not in any way affect the work of Gorn Development. Moreover, financing of the company's main project - the Neskuchny Home&SPA high-rise residential complex in Moscow - continues, and construction is proceeding as originally planned.

After the closure of the criminal case against Don-Stroy, the former first deputy head of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs through the wife of Maxim Kagansky was given 106 square meters. m in a prestigious house

As Kommersant learned, the former first deputy head of the Department of Economic Security (DES) of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Andrei Khorev, became involved in a major corruption scandal. Conducting searches in the case of former police captain Maxim Kagansky, ICR and FSB officers discovered an apartment that General Khorev received in the elite complex “House on Smolenskaya Embankment” after the Ministry of Internal Affairs closed the criminal case against the Don-Stroy company for evasion of payment taxes. Soon after the search and other investigative actions, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Rashid Nurgaliev, issued an order to dismiss Andrei Khorev from the internal affairs bodies.
link: 31423.htm

VTB buys Don-Stroy for 500 rubles

VTB will receive a controlling stake in one of the largest developers in Moscow for a symbolic 500 rubles. The bank takes a share as part of the restructuring of the company’s debts worth more than $500 million, receiving 50% + 1 share of Don-Stroy Invest CJSC, a subsidiary of the Don-Stroy holding, which consolidates all the developer’s residential projects, Vedomosti writes. with reference to sources in the bank and the company.

Last November, Don-Stroy and VTB entered into a series of long-term loan agreements worth $500 million. Don-Stroy was going to use all the funds received for housing construction in Moscow, primarily for the completion of high-quality houses. The collateral for the VTB loan was property rights, as well as firm collateral in the form of already constructed and commissioned residential and non-residential real estate. At the same time, a source close to VTB said that the bank wanted to receive as collateral not only projects, but also a share in the capital of Don-Stroy, but for this it first required a transparent ownership structure. Its owners Maxim Blazhko and Dmitry Zelenov began restructuring Don-Stroy into a vertically integrated holding back in 2006.

The founders of Don-Stroy face the fate of deceived investors

The height of the building was agreed with the chief architect of Moscow, Alexander Kuzmin, which should not be exceeded, Luzhkov noted, but Don-Stroy still exceeded the maximum height. “According to what is agreed upon, cut it off, everything else, how many floors there will be - 10-20 - cut it off. You won’t get any other options for what you ultimately build and what will require appropriate city decisions,” the capital’s mayor emphasized. […]
The high-rise itself is still under construction. According to the documentation, it should be completed in 2010. All residential projects of the Don-Stroy company are carried out by Don-Stroy Invest CJSC. In July, 50% plus one share should be transferred to VTB Bank. President and Chairman of the Board of VTB Andrey Kostin recently reported in an interview with Business FM that the bank intends to supervise the completion of all residential buildings.
The residential complex consists of two towers of different shapes, connected by a low-rise section (47, 32 and 7 residential floors). The height of the building exceeds 213 meters. - Insert]
link: 29462.htm

Criminal cases of "DON-Stroy"

The Khoroshevsk interdistrict prosecutor's office opened a criminal case against officials of the Mekhanizatsiya Service company, which is a contractor of the DON-Stroy construction company. The basis was a statement by drivers and construction workers who had not received wages for six months and eventually went on strike. In total, employers owe guest workers from the CIS countries and nonresident Russians 36 million rubles. “Who exactly will be responsible for this—the general director, an accountant, or someone else—will become clear during the investigation, which has just begun,” the Moscow City Prosecutor’s Office told Gazeta.
link: 16345.htm

Kommersant: Sberbank agreed to restructure the debt of DS Development in the amount of $700 million

Sberbank and DS Development agreed to restructure debt in the amount of 20 billion rubles ($705 million), the Kommersant newspaper wrote on Wednesday, citing market sources, including those close to the company’s top management.

“It was during the crisis that I appreciated the fact that DON-Stroy never became a public company.”

The DON-Stroy group, one of the largest housing builders in Moscow, announced in November pre-New Year discounts on apartments of 25%. And although she has been practicing similar sales for several years, and the discount does not apply to all properties, but only to “remaining inventory,” the PR campaign caused a storm of indignation among developers who fear a market collapse. The co-owner of DON-Stroy, MAXIM BLAZHKO, spoke in an interview with Kommersant about why DON-Stroy was forced to agree to the expectations of buyers and how the group was among the first developers to receive help from state banks.

Sberbank came up with a lending scheme for Don-Stroy

The fragments of the Don-Stroy group of companies are gradually finding funds to implement development projects. In the fall, VTB Bank opened financing for the completion of residential complexes, which it inherited from the Don-Stroy Invest company for its debts. As RBC daily learned, the company DS Development, controlled by Maxim Blazhko and Dmitry Zelenov, agreed with Sberbank to allocate 5 billion rubles. To complete construction on Oruzheyny Lane, another 11 billion for the developer were borrowed from the bank by the buyer of Nordstar Tower.
Read in full: 12/22/market/562949979449716

Scheme of acquisition and schemes of Judge Maykova’s apartments

Intrajudicial law - the chairman is above the law
Do you believe that in our life, in our country, something will change for the better? That the truth will prevail, that the courts will become honest, that people who do everything according to a call, according to a decision, will disappear from them? That the judge will make a decision based on the law, and not on what the chairman of the court orders him to do, or someone else orders the chairman of the court? Do you believe this?

RUB 55 billion Svyaz-Bank loans were stolen under Reiman’s roof

The state spent 142 billion rubles to save Svyaz-Bank. - this is an absolute crisis record. As Vedomosti's investigation showed, the hole in the bank's balance sheet was formed not only due to a risky game on the stock exchange, but also due to the generous distribution of unsecured loans

Sberbank did not touch DS Development

The founders of Don-Stroy, Maxim Blazhko and Dmitry Zelenov, managed to maintain control over the commercial real estate developer - the DS Development company (portfolio - more than 800 thousand sq. m). As Kommersant learned, the main creditor, Sberbank, agreed to restructure the debt in the amount of $700 million for five years and is ready to issue another $100 million for the completion of the Oruzheiny shopping center (152 thousand sq. m.). DS Development plans to use Sberbank loans to complete the construction of three more facilities with an area of ​​405 thousand square meters. m and cost about $1 billion.
link: 1606112

Sberbank did not touch DS Development. Maxim Blazhko and Dmitry Zelenov retained the business

The founders of Don-Stroy, Maxim Blazhko and Dmitry Zelenov, managed to maintain control over the commercial real estate developer - the DS Development company (portfolio - more than 800 thousand sq. m). The main creditor, Sberbank, agreed to restructure the debt in the amount of $700 million for five years and is ready to issue another $100 million for the completion of the Oruzheyny shopping center (152 thousand sq. m.). DS Development plans to use Sberbank loans to complete the construction of three more facilities with an area of ​​405 thousand square meters. m and worth about $1 billion

How scammers build officials

While the Chairman of the Accounts Chamber, Sergei Stepashin, was trashing corrupt officials from the federal government, arguing with Mikhail Kasyanov, and checking the estate of Nikolai Aksenenko, the middle level of the chamber was also not wasting any time. The Accounts Chamber apparatus achieved the allocation of five plots of Moscow land for the construction of luxury residential buildings. For employees of the Accounts Chamber, of course. The plots are perhaps the best remaining in Moscow: they are located in the heart of historical buildings, on Ostozhenka, near the walls of the famous Conception Monastery. True, in five super houses only 30% of the living space and 15% of garages will go to auditors and chamber staff. 70% of the apartments and 85% of the parking spaces will become the property of the so-called investor - a commercial structure with a specific reputation - Don-Stroy CJSC.
link: 27200.htm

Maxim Blazhko: It was during the crisis that I appreciated the fact that DON-Stroy never became a public company

The DON-Stroy group, one of the largest housing builders in Moscow, announced in November pre-New Year discounts on apartments of 25%. And although she has been practicing similar sales for several years, and the discount does not apply to all properties, but only to inventory balances, the PR campaign caused a storm of indignation among developers who fear a market collapse. The co-owner of DON-Stroy, Maxim Blazhko, spoke in an interview with the Komersant newspaper about why DON-Stroy was forced to agree to the expectations of buyers and how the group was among the first developers to receive help from state banks.

Maxim Blazhko. Photo TASS

According to Vedomosti, the bankrupt River Tower company of Maxim Blazhko will be bought without a competition by a company associated with Riverstretch Trading & Investments, the Cyprus offshore of Rosneft head Igor Sechin, created to squeeze property from the developer. After the FSB placed Blazhko under house arrest, he agreed to give assets worth $275 million to RT&I nominees Sergei Sudarikov and Andrey Zhuikov, the agency noted "Ruspres". The Cypriot company also controls the development assets of O1 Group who left Russia bankrupt Boris Mints.

The auction for the sale of the property of River Tower LLC was declared invalid: only one application was submitted to participate in the auction, the company reported on the website of the Unified Federal Register of Bankruptcy Information. With a fair amount of confidence, we can say that the agreement will be concluded with a single participant; the law allows this, say two people close to the creditors of the River Tower and the organizers of the auction.

River Tower is 90% owned by Maxim Blazhko, the founder of the development companies Donstroy, Nordstar Development and Gorn Development. In February 2014, the Moscow City Planning and Land Commission allowed River Tower to build a 267,000 sq. m multifunctional complex near Zvenigorodskoye Highway. m, of which 172,000 sq. m is a shopping and entertainment center, and 95,000 sq. m – offices. The project was financed by the Russian Capital Bank (owns 10% of River Tower). The debt to him was 4 billion rubles, a person close to the bank said in 2016. Russian Capital filed a bankruptcy claim against River Tower, and later assigned the rights of claim against Blazhko's company to the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA). The claim materials indicate DIA claims for 2.3 billion rubles. The River Tower property is pledged to the DIA, as follows from the auction card.

It says that the lease rights to three plots of 6.5 hectares and 1300 sq. m were offered for sale. m of non-residential premises near Zvenigorodskoye Highway and an investment contract with the Moscow government. The bankruptcy trustee of the River Tower planned to gain 1.5 billion rubles for this. Skadi LLC submitted an application to participate in the auction. A person close to River Tower’s creditors and an acquaintance of Blazhko connect this company with the Cypriot Riverstretch Trading & Investments (RT&I).

She had already dealt with Blazhko. RT&I bought from Sberbank its debts for $600 million, the collateral for which was the Nordstar Tower business center on Begovaya and the shopping and entertainment center "Pike" at the station m. "Shchukinskaya" - both were transferred to the creditor for debts. Boris Mints, for debts to the Moscow Credit Bank (25 billion rubles), has already transferred control of O1 Group to RT&I, which owns O1 Properties, one of the largest owners of class A offices in Moscow.

Market participants said that RT&I is working in the interests of Rosneft and the Region group, the companies never confirmed this.

The Skadi office, according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, is located in the Legend of Tsvetnoy business center (owned by O1 Properties). Its main owner is Omirissa Holding, which until August 13, 2018 belonged to Russia Corporate Fund. The O1 Properties Eurobond prospectus stated that this company is controlled by the holders of its bonds traded on the Moscow Exchange. Among them are pension funds, their names are not indicated. Indirectly, 4.1% of it at the time of publication of the prospectus belonged to Mintz.

Representatives of Blazhko and DIA declined to comment. A request to RT&I remained unanswered. Neither Skadi nor the Russia Corporate Fund have anything to do with the company, an O1 Properties representative said. Skadi was unable to get comments: the wrong phone number is listed in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

1.5 billion rubles for the River Tower property is an extremely attractive price, says Nikolai Kazansky, managing partner of Colliers International: in general, the company’s assets can be worth up to 3 billion rubles. However, given that the commercial real estate market today is less attractive than the residential one, it would be more expedient to use the site for the construction of a residential microdistrict, he notes. Blazhko unsuccessfully tried to negotiate with the city authorities to redevelop the property for housing, two consultants said. The new owner will be able to come to an agreement with the mayor’s office, a person close to River Tower’s creditors believes (the mayor’s office was unable to respond to the request).

As the agency reported "Ruspres", less than a year ago, another Blazhko “tower” went bankrupt - Nordstar Tower LLC - this is the company that owns the business center of the same name on Begovaya Street in Moscow.

The Moscow Arbitration Court foreclosed on 33% of Kompleks-Stroy LLC and 100% of Diorit Firm LLC, follows from the court decision. These companies, according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, own Stroy-kompleks LLC, the owner of the rights to the Neskuchny Home & Spa multifunctional complex under construction in 5th Donskoy Proezd. The project is being built by the development company Gorn Development, created by Donstroy co-founder Maxim Blazhko. The project is planned to cover 437,000 sq. m, of which 190,000 sq. m – housing. The first phase of a 69-story tower with 38,200 sq. m. is currently under construction. m.

The plaintiff is Vnesheconombank (VEB), to which, as stated in the case materials, Blazhko’s company owes more than 7.6 billion rubles. The bank's total claims against the businessman now exceed 12 billion rubles.

Blazhko’s structures raised funds for the construction of Neskuchny Home & Spa in 2007. Then they received 5.6 billion rubles from Svyaz-Bank (now part of the VEB group). In 2012, the parties entered into a settlement agreement, and VEB forgave Blazhko 2.7 billion rubles. debt. But in the summer of 2017, Gorn Development again defaulted on the loan, two sources close to the developer and VEB previously told Vedomosti. In January 2018, these same people said that Blazhko’s company was trying to negotiate a debt restructuring. According to them, the transfer of a stake in Neskuchny Home & Spa to the state bank was discussed.

Negotiations on the settlement of debt obligations are still ongoing, these interlocutors of Vedomosti now say. One of them reminds us: VEB recently changed its leadership; the bank was headed by the former First Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Igor Shuvalov. Now, according to Vedomosti’s interlocutor, the bank is aimed at selling non-core and distressed assets, so even if VEB enters into the capital of the company that owns Neskuchny Home & Spa, it will be temporary. Representatives of VEB and Gorn Development declined to comment.

From the decision of the Moscow Arbitration Court it follows that the property collected for VEB’s debt will be sold at public auction. The initial cost of 33% of “Complex-Stroy” is 767.2 million rubles, 100% of “Diorita” is 72.1 million rubles. Galina Hamburg, deputy head of the practice of property and liability relations of the Amulex legal service, explains the difference between the amount of debt and the sale price by the fact that this is the value of the shares that the parties agreed upon in the pledge agreements. The proceeds from the sale must be used to pay off the debt. If the shares are not sold at the first and repeated auctions, they may go to the bank, says Dmitry Kletochkin, partner at Rustam Kurmaev and Partners.

Neskuchny Home & Spa is Blazhko’s latest major active project. The businessman is known as the co-founder of the Donstroy holding, one of the largest developers of premium real estate in Moscow. In 2010, during the restructuring of Donstroy’s debts to VTB, the Don-Stroy Invest company, which was engaged in housing construction, was separated from the holding. It was eventually headed by VTB top managers. It is not known who its owner is now; market participants associate Don-Stroy Invest with VTB.

Blazhko's remaining commercial real estate projects were also gradually transferred to creditors. The project of a multifunctional complex (267,000 sq. m) at the intersection of Zvenigorodskoye Highway and 3rd Silikatny Proezd, as Kommersant reported a year ago, was supposed to be transferred to the creditor, Rossiysky Capital Bank. The Nordstar Tower business center on Begovaya and the Shchuka shopping and entertainment center on Shchukinskaya went to Riverstretch Trading & Investments (RT&I): Blazhko's structures owed it about 30 billion rubles, which RT&I bought from Sberbank. It is also not known who is behind this company; market participants said that it acts in the interests of Rosneft and the Region Group of Companies. Both companies have not confirmed this. Blazhko’s structure also intended to develop 4,700 hectares in the Ruza district of the Moscow region. There were plans to build an entire city of 8 million square meters. m worth 300 billion rubles. The fate of this project is unknown.