Documents for changing a medical policy. New standard compulsory medical insurance policy: where to get it, replacement and other questions

A new type of compulsory health insurance (CHI) policy, in the form of a card with an electronic storage medium, is available for receipt throughout Moscow in 2019.

Why do you need a compulsory medical insurance policy?

To present to medical workers when receiving free medical care.

The policy is valid throughout the Russian Federation. Therefore, if you go traveling around the country, it is better to take it with you.

If you do not have a policy, you will only be able to receive emergency care.

Who can use compulsory health insurance services

All citizens of the Russian Federation, as well as foreign citizens and stateless persons living in the Russian Federation.

The “residing” status for foreigners is confirmed:

  • residence permit
  • temporary residence permit - compulsory medical insurance is issued for the period of the permit

What services can be obtained under compulsory medical insurance?

There is no single list of services that can be provided under the compulsory health insurance program. There are only classes of diseases for which assistance is provided through compulsory medical insurance funds.

The range of services will be determined in accordance with the diagnosis, according to the standards approved by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation.

What services are provided free of charge?

Any treatment or diagnostic procedures prescribed by a doctor must be performed free of charge.

In addition to what the doctor prescribed, he can also “advise”, so whether to follow the advice and pay extra money is up to you.

In any case, no one forbids calling the insurance company and asking whether such treatment will be covered.

Is it necessary to replace the old one with a new one?

Paper forms of a uniform type, issued earlier, are valid on a par with new electronic cards, as well as old plastic cards without a chip, model 1998. There is no need to replace the old one with a new one.

What are the benefits of the new 2015 compulsory medical insurance policy?

  • Compact size - easy to carry
  • Availability of a photograph and sample signature - no need to present your passport at the hospital or clinic
  • Support for all functions of infomats - electronic terminals installed at the entrance to medical institutions

Where to get a medical policy

In Moscow, there are about a dozen insurance companies:

  • JSC MSK UralSib
  • JSC SG Spasskie Vorota-M
  • JSC Insurance Company SOGAZ-Med
  • VTB Medical Insurance LLC
  • JSC "MAKS-M"
  • LLC "Rosgosstrakh-Medicine"
  • LLC "SMK RESO-MED" (Moscow branch)
  • LLC SK "Ingosstrakh-M"

The choice will depend rather on the location of the offices and the availability of a telephone number where you can get advice around the clock. Having a competent support service will help you sort out a controversial situation with a medical institution.

How to get a compulsory medical insurance policy in Moscow

You need to submit an application to the selected insurance company, most likely you won’t have to fill it out, the operator will do it for you. You need to have a passport and an insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance (SNILS) with you, if available. For children under 14 years old - birth certificate.

The policy will be issued to you in 30 days, but in the meantime you will have a temporary certificate that can be used during this period of time. The insurance company will notify you when it is ready.

To exercise the right to free medical services, citizens of the Russian Federation are required to have a compulsory medical insurance policy, previously issued by one of the insurance companies. The policyholder has the right to change the compulsory medical insurance policy to a new policy if the previous version is damaged or other circumstances arise to invalidate it. Information about the procedure for changing compulsory medical insurance to a new model is especially important for Russians who have changed their region of residence or personal data in their passport.

In October 2018, a message from the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund with a proposal to rush with a replacement made Russians worry, but later representatives of the fund clarified that the right to medical care under health insurance of previous generations is retained for an unlimited period of time. Medical care is guaranteed to every citizen of the Russian Federation and can only be lost if citizenship is terminated. They offered to update their health insurance for those who had lost confidence in the insurer or were dissatisfied with the service provided. Since changing insurers is possible once a year, the issue of switching to a new insurance company should be taken responsibly, choosing organizations that have successful experience in interacting with the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.

In 2020, no changes are envisaged regarding whether it is necessary to change the old insurance to a new form, which means that the rules of service in clinics under the compulsory medical insurance remain the same.

If the policy contains up-to-date information about the person, there is no need to change old forms issued before 2011.

It’s another matter if the policyholder has changed his last name and, when contacting a medical institution, presents a new passport and old policy. In such a situation, a citizen with a new surname is obliged to change his passport within 30 days and then all personal papers that are used constantly (licence, SNILS, medical insurance). According to current regulations, replacement is required in the following circumstances:

    Change of permanent residence address. Changes to personal data that led to the need to replace a passport. Damage or loss of a document.

Even if the form turns out to be invalid, this fact will not become a reason for refusing emergency assistance to the patient.

What is needed for this

The process of obtaining a new insurance document requires the presentation of a minimum package of papers:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • personal statement with a request for a replacement (you must indicate the reason for the request); information about the SNILS number; the previous form, if it is preserved.

The list is supplemented by a birth certificate if insurance services are required by the child. When applying for a replacement for another person who is not the legal representative of a minor, according to the Compulsory Medical Insurance Rules, you will need to additionally issue a power of attorney. To re-issue the form, it is not necessary to waste time on a visit to a department or branch of the insurer. Many organizations operate through electronic services and accept applications online.

Where to change

There are several ways to submit applications and receive an updated form:

    Insurance company office. On the organization’s website, you can find points that work with compulsory medical insurance in the region of residence. Contact the territorial office of the MFC with a package of personal documents. Through the personal account of the insurer’s client. On the website, the insurance replacement service has been operating since 2018.

Large Russian insurers offer a convenient format for interaction. In Rosgosstrakh or Alfastrakhovaniye, to obtain a new document, a single visit will be required - for issuance. The application is submitted online, from the personal account of the registered user. Offices where the policyholder can exchange the old compulsory medical insurance policy for a new one can be found on the official websites of insurers and you can coordinate receipt at the branch closest to your home.

It is necessary to take into account the production time when planning to contact a medical institution for free help through the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.

Production time

Most policyholders wait 10-15 days from the date of application. However, the issuance may be delayed due to the overload of insurers or the lack of forms. According to the Compulsory Medical Insurance Rules (clause 50), no more than 30 days pass from the date of submission of the application to the date of issue. If the deadlines are missed, you should contact the territorial division of the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund and report delays in receipt to the insurer's hotline.

If you change your previous compulsory medical insurance policy at the MFC, 2 days are added to the waiting period required to transfer the application and forward the finished insurance.

Validity period of the new policy

The right to free medical services presupposes the perpetuity of the supporting document, even if 10-20 years have passed since the date of registration. When faced with the refusal of doctors to accept medical insurance under the old compulsory medical insurance policy, we should recall the current provisions of the Compulsory Medical Insurance Rules, approved by Order of the Ministry of Social Health Development No. 158. They speak of the indefinite validity of the document.

Conditions for mandatory replacement

Paragraph 55 of the Rules of Compulsory Medical Insurance talks about the need to replace insurance if the previous form is damaged. The following are the circumstances when it is necessary to replace the document:

    Loss or damage to a document. Change of surname or other personal data of the policyholder. Change of region of registration. Exchange of the main document proving the identity of the policyholder. Transfer to service to another company. Identification of errors and inaccuracies in the data of the current form.

A 30-day period is allotted for updating the insurance form, during which the citizen must notify the company of the need for replacement. New health insurance is issued free of charge.

It is important to know

Children, teenagers (under 14 years old), refugees, and foreigners who arrived in the Russian Federation for permanent residence are in the first line of receiving a new type of policy. For children and adolescents, UEC is issued by parents or legal representatives. The insurer must provide the following documents:

  • child's birth certificate;
  • your passport (or other identity document);
  • SNILS.

Foreigners who arrived in the Russian Federation for permanent residence must present an identity card or a refugee document. Also, the citizen must present SNILS or an equivalent of this document if the state from which he came supports pension reform.


If you have an old insurance option on hand and there is no reason to change the insurer, there is no need to rush to update a perpetual policy, since the right to free healthcare does not depend on the date of issue.

The abbreviation compulsory medical insurance means comprehensive protection of the interests of the population in the field of medicine. It is a mandatory document for every citizen. If unforeseen situations arise, its owner has the right to use the services of a doctor.

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The compulsory medical insurance policy is widespread.

Currently, there are three types of such documents:

  • in A5 format;
  • in the form of a small plastic card indicating all information about its owner in electronic form;
  • in the form of an electronic card; it is best known as the abbreviated concept UEC; The document is distributed in several countries and contains all the information about its owner.

All of the above pole forms are valid today. Each region has its own rules and regulations regarding the type of this document. If we consider each type, we will notice that the plastic format of the policy is more convenient to carry with you than the paper version.

It is also more convenient to store it at home without worrying about its appearance. In some regions, a plastic card is issued along with a paper document, and they can replace each other if lost.

The policy in paper form is used mainly in those regions where there are no modern technologies. Institutional employees, as a rule, transcribe all data manually.

The document is also classified according to its validity period.

There are two options for insurance certificates:

  • temporary; is issued to a person for a certain period of time, after which it must be replaced;
  • unlimited; produced according to a specific model relative to the state standard; the document does not have a specific validity period and can be replaced only if such a decision has been made by its owner.


There is no specific validity period for the policy, as it was issued at different times in different regions. For example, electronic cards appeared in the country only in 2011. Paper documents are issued with a certain validity period, usually ranging from one to five years.

As for the new type of policy, as a rule, it is of an indefinite nature. Currently, it is issued to those who receive it for the first time. For example, this includes newborns and uninsured individuals.

Many people do not know how long their certificate is valid. In fact, it’s quite easy to find out the deadline - it is indicated on the front side of the document. It is worth noting that the unlimited option is the most profitable, as it greatly simplifies the life of its owner.

There are also several specific conditions under which you will need to replace the policy before its expiration date:

  • as a rule, girls change their surname after marriage; accordingly, it is necessary to change all documents, including medical ones;
  • in some cases, the policy changes when the passport is replaced, for example, upon reaching a certain age, its loss or damage.

Having an expired policy is not a reason for doctors to refuse medical care, however, it may complicate the preparation of certain documents.

Features of the new medical certificate

In 2014, a new type of policy appeared. It is an electronic card. Every citizen of the country must receive this document without fail.

This also applies to foreign citizens who plan to reside in the Russian Federation for a long time.

The policy has an unlimited validity period. It is worth noting that once a year, company representatives have the right to change the insurance organization or its name. Changes will be made to the electronic document.

There are several main advantages:

  • upon receipt of such a document, all rights of citizens of the Russian Federation in the medical field are expanded, for example, a resident of one region can use free doctor’s help anywhere in the country, regardless of where he is registered;
  • The owner of a new type of policy, in addition to government agencies, can use the help of specialists in private clinics;
  • the electronic system makes it possible to facilitate the work of reception staff in clinics, thereby reducing queues;
  • if a person has changed his place of work or registration, then the necessary data in the document is changed, but there is no need to obtain a new policy;
  • Absolutely any citizen of the Russian Federation can receive an electronic card, and it does not matter whether he has a permanent place of work or not.

How to replace a new certificate

The new policy, as mentioned earlier, has an indefinite validity. However, under certain conditions it must be replaced.

To replace it, you must perform several mandatory procedures:

  • The first thing you should do is contact your insurance company. Her choice depends on the wishes of the consumer. However, it is worth choosing an organization that has a good reputation, since the policy is an important document for every person.
  • It is necessary to fill out a document of a certain form, which will clearly describe why the person wants to replace the policy. It is necessary to carefully fill out each item, since if an error is made, the medical organization may refuse to provide assistance.
  • An employee of the organization must present an identity document, in most cases this is a passport.
  • You must also present an old document; if it is not there, then your personal account number with the insurance organization;
  • After a person has submitted all the necessary copies, he is issued a temporary policy. It has a validity period of several weeks. According to it, a person can also receive medical care in any region.
  • After a certain time has passed, a person needs to come to the same organization in order to receive a new type of policy. After issuing it, he must carefully check all the data. If all information is entered correctly, you must sign for receipt on the record sheet.

Required documents to receive

The new type of policy is issued to persons of various age categories. First of all, it is issued to those people who have not received it before. That is, for persons under 14 years of age.

To receive it, his relatives must present several documents to the insurance company:

  • birth certificate of the person for whom the new policy will be issued;
  • a document confirming the identity of the person who is responsible for the minor child; we are talking about the passport of the mother or father of the baby, it is worth considering that the person must be included in this document;
  • Before you issue a new type of policy for your baby, you must obtain a SNILS, which should also be included in the list of required documents to submit.

In the event that an electronic card needs to be obtained by a person who is over 14 years old, then he needs to present only two mandatory documents, namely:

  • passport;
  • SNILS.

A frequent case is when a person who, for some reason, was forced to leave the country needs to obtain a new policy.

To receive it you must present the following documents:

  • refugee certificate;
  • a document that confirms identity;
  • if the first point is missing, then you can file a complaint about termination of the petition.

They also need to present several documents:

  • a document proving his identity;
  • certificate of registration;
  • if there is such legislation in their country, then SNILS.

Conditions for mandatory replacement

There are some conditions on the basis of which it is required to replace the policy before its expiration:

  • changing the name, surname or patronymic of the person for whom the document was issued;
  • change of registration information;
  • change of information about date or place of birth;
  • when you provide incorrect information in a document;
  • in some cases, the policy can be replaced if you change your place of work.

A new document is a necessary condition for those citizens who wish to receive free medical care in the country.

1. For children under 14 years of age - citizens of the Russian Federation:

  • birth certificate;
  • identification document of the child’s legal representative;
  • SNILS number of the child (if available).
  • power of attorney

2. For children from 14 to 18 years of age or until the child acquires full legal capacity:

  • SNILS;
  • identification document of the child's legal representative.

If a compulsory medical insurance policy is issued by a grandmother, grandfather or other relatives (representative), the following must be additionally presented:

  • power of attorney for registration as an insured person;
  • identification document of the representative.

3. For citizens of the Russian Federation aged 18 years and older:

  • identification document (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, temporary identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation, issued for the period of registration of the passport);
  • SNILS.

4. One of the documents for persons entitled to medical care in accordance with the Federal Law “On Refugees”:

  • refugee certificate or certificate of consideration of an application for refugee recognition on the merits;
  • a copy of the complaint against the decision to deprive refugee status to the Federal Migration Service with a note indicating its acceptance for consideration;
  • certificate of temporary asylum on the territory of the Russian Federation.

5. For foreign citizens permanently residing in the Russian Federation:

  • passport of a foreign citizen or other document identifying the foreign citizen;
  • resident card;
  • SNILS (if available).

6. For stateless persons permanently residing in the Russian Federation:

  • identity document of a stateless person;
  • resident card;
  • SNILS (if available).

7. For foreign citizens temporarily residing in the Russian Federation:

  • a passport of a foreign citizen or another document certifying the identity of a foreign citizen with a note indicating permission for temporary residence in the Russian Federation;
  • SNILS (if available).

8. For stateless persons temporarily residing in the Russian Federation:

  • an identity document of a stateless person with a note indicating permission for temporary residence in the Russian Federation;
  • or a document of the established form issued in the Russian Federation to a stateless person who does not have a document proving his identity;
  • SNILS (if available).

9. For those temporarily staying on the territory of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union (Treaty on the EAEU)

    1) for workers of the EAEU member states temporarily staying in the Russian Federation:
  • SNILS;
  • an employment contract of a working state - a member of the EAEU;
  • a detachable part of the notification form about the arrival of a foreign citizen or stateless person at the place of stay or a copy thereof indicating the place and period of stay.
  • 2) for members of the Commission’s board, officials and employees of EAEU bodies located on the territory of the Russian Federation:
  • a passport of a foreign citizen or another document established by federal law or recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as an identification document of a foreign citizen;
  • SNILS;
  • a document confirming the person’s relationship to the category of officials, employees of EAEU bodies.

10. For the representative of the insured person:

  • identification document;
  • originals or certified copies of documents of the citizen for whom the compulsory medical insurance policy is issued;

Updated 06/04/2018

Central point for issuing compulsory medical insurance policies

The central point for issuing compulsory medical insurance policies, which previously operated at the address: Bolotnikovskaya, 53, bldg. 1 works at the address: Profsoyuznaya, 108.

Central Administrative District

Address Directions Operating mode
Mon. Tue Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Sun.

Lesnaya street, 43

(BUSINESS CENTER "Lesnaya, 43"),

4th floor, office 419.

entrance from the street Lesnaya, entrance 1, yellow door under the canopy

Art. m. "Belorusskaya" - ring. exit to the street Lesnaya, walk along Lesnaya Street along the tram tracks for 5-7 minutes (opposite - food mall "Depo. Moscow")

Art. m. "Mendeleevskaya", walk 9 minutes

Eastern administrative district

Address Directions Operating mode
Mon. Tue Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Sun.

st. Veshnyakovskaya, 17 "B", pavilion "ROS APTEKA"

issuance of electronic compulsory medical insurance policies

Art. m. "Novokosino", bus. 706

to the stop "Reutovskaya str. 22",
Art. m. "Vykhino", bus. 247, 232, 706, troll. 30, 64 to

ost. "Veshnyaki District Administration", Art. m. "Novogireevo", bus. 247, 615, troll. 64 to the stop. "Veshnyaki District Administration"

The point has been closed since June 18, 2019. You can receive previously ordered policies from June 19, 2019 at the address: st. Veshnyakovskaya, 22A, TD "Veshnyakovsky Passage", 2nd floor.
Address Directions Operating mode
Mon. Tue Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Sun.

st. Novokosinskaya, 17,

issuance of electronic compulsory medical insurance policies

Art. metro station "Novokosino", last car from the center, along the underground passage to the left, bus. 14, 21, 79, 502, 723, 1064 to the stop. "Novokosinskaya street, 17", further on foot

(above the entrance door to the room there is a sign "PHARMACY")

North-Eastern Administrative District

South-Eastern Administrative District

Southern Administrative District

Southwestern Administrative District

Address Directions Operating mode
Mon. Tue Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Sun.

st. Ostrovityanova, 9, bldg. 4

issuance of electronic compulsory medical insurance policies

Art. m. "Konkovo", bus. 145, 295, 712 to the stop. "VNIITs for maternal and child health"; 9th microdistrict of Teply Stan (1 km from Troparevo metro station), bus. S2, 295, 712, 718 to the stop. "Scientific Center for Obstetrics and Gynecology". Passage from Academician Oparin Street behind the barrier 11:00-20:00 9:00-18:00 11:00-20:00 9:00-18:00 9:00-13:00

Western administrative district



Operating mode

st. Bagritskogo, 3, bldg. 1

issuance of electronic compulsory medical insurance policies

m. Slavyansky Boulevard, bus. 190, 610, 103, 139, 157, 883, 205, 818, 840, 867 to the stop. "st. Bagritsky".

8:00-20:00 8:00-20:00 8:00-20:00


Novomoskovsk administrative district

Address Directions Operating mode
Mon. Tue Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Sun.

issuance of electronic compulsory medical insurance policies

metro station "Dmitry Donskoy Boulevard",

auto. 737, 753, 858, 108;

Art. m "Akademika Yangelya Street, bus. 906

to the stop "Turn to the police village"


Points for issuing compulsory medical insurance policies, equipped with intercoms or operator call buttons for issuing compulsory medical insurance policies to persons with disabilities.

Points for issuing compulsory medical insurance policies, adapted for issuing compulsory medical insurance policies to persons with disabilities, equipped with ramps, freight elevators and free passage for wheelchairs.

This section is found by queries:
Where to get a compulsory medical insurance policy in Moscow?
Where to apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy in Moscow?
Where can I get health insurance?