What documents are needed to file an insurance claim? Contacting the insurance company after an accident

Now everyone knows that it is necessary to insure their liability in order to legally drive a car and, in the event of an accident on the road, receive compensation for damage to health or the vehicle, or both at the same time, from the insurer. Only the injured party should file a claim with the insurance company, because payments are not provided to the party that violated the Traffic Rules and caused a collision with another vehicle.

When to contact your insurance company after an accident?

After a transport accident has occurred, the insurance company must be notified immediately about the incident, that is, as soon as such an opportunity arises. The form of notification is usually a telephone call, but you need to clarify this and look at the terms of the Insurance Contract. Some companies' websites provide online notification of accidents via the Internet.

The victim's further application to the insurance company with the required package of documents must be made within 5 working days.

Important! Under direct compensation, the victim must submit a claim to his insurer.

In the event that in an accident:

  • two vehicles are involved, including trailers;
  • damage was caused only to cars;
  • both participants have valid MTPL policies;

The victim should present documents to his insurance company. Such a case of compensation for damage in the MTPL Law is called direct.

Deadlines for contacting insurance after an accident

In the Rules of Compulsory Civil Liability Insurance, the period during which an application is submitted to the insurance company is not separately indicated. But there is a link between submitting the application and the deadline for filing the Notification of the Road Accident. Therefore, this must be done as soon as possible, but no later than 5 working days from the moment of the accident.

Important! The application must be sent to the insurance company within 5 days!

You should always carefully read all documents you sign to be prepared for the future. Because if the five-day deadline is violated, the insurer may subsequently refuse on this basis. And then you may have to resolve the issue with the deadline only in court.

Documents for contacting the insurance company after an accident

To smoothly receive money for damages from an insurance organization, you will need to prepare and send the following documents:

  1. application for payment (download sample 2017, usually filled out at the insurer’s office);
  2. a copy of the citizen’s passport (or other document);
  3. a copy of the car registration certificate;
  4. a copy of the vehicle's passport;
  5. banking organization details for transferring payments;
  6. certificate of accident;
  7. notification of an accident;
  8. copies of the protocol and resolution on the administrative offense;
  9. power of attorney for a representative, if it is not the beneficiary himself who is declaring (download sample).

The list of documents can be supplemented by the victim himself if there are documents confirming any other circumstances of the case, for example, if the damage was caused not to vehicles, but to other property.

Contacting the insurance company after 5 days

If the victim applied to the insurance company with an application for insurance payment after the expiration of the five-day period established by law, then according to clause 4.22 of the “Regulations on the rules of compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners” (approved by the Bank of Russia on September 19, 2014 No. 431-P), the period may be extended, but only in the case when this payment depends on the results of proceedings in a criminal or civil case, or a resolution on an administrative offense has not been issued identifying the culprit of the accident. The period may be extended until the end of the specified proceedings in the case.

If you miss the deadline to contact your insurance company in case of an accident

If the deadline for filing a notification about an accident is missed, the statute of limitations for claims for damages is 3 years according to current legislation. Thus, the victim will need to file a claim in court for compensation for damage caused as a result of the accident.

What happens if you don’t take the documents after an accident to the insurance company?

If the victim has submitted an application for insurance payment, but has not provided documents, the insurer is obliged to notify within three days of the insufficiency of the documents provided that confirm the occurrence of the insured event, and indicate a complete list of the required package of documents that should be provided.

If the documents were not provided to the insurance company, recovery for the damage caused, both property damage and damage to the life and health of the victim, can be made in court in the framework of civil proceedings from the culprit of the accident. To do this, it is necessary to collect the required documents, including a court ruling that has entered into force, and conduct an independent examination of the vehicle and its estimated value. The statement of claim is submitted according to the jurisdiction of the cases and the amount recovered: up to 50 thousand rubles - to the magistrate; more than 50 thousand rubles - to the district court. The claim is filed for compensation of property damage at the place of residence of the defendant, but if harm is caused to the life and health of the victim, the plaintiff has the right to go to court at his place of residence.

Is it necessary to notify the insurance company of an accident (traffic accident)?

If a participant in an accident - a victim - plans to exercise the right to receive an insurance payment, then he is obliged to provide notice of the accident to the insurance company that has entered into a compulsory motor liability insurance agreement with him.

Do I need to fill it out?

The notification of an accident is mandatory and must also be signed by the other driver involved in the accident in accordance with clause 3.5 of the Regulations on the rules of OSAGO. The notice is filled out by each driver on one prescribed form provided along with the MTPL agreement, regardless of whether the relevant documents were filled out by the police officers who arrived at the scene of the accident. If there are disagreements between drivers, or more than two vehicles were involved in an accident, or if it is impossible for the participants in the accident to fill out one form, the law provides for each driver to fill out his own notification form (download the form).

If not provided (not submitted)

The law provides for a recourse claim against the culprit of the accident if he did not provide information about the road accident to his insurance company. The victim also has the right to submit claims for compensation for property damage or compensation for harm caused to life and health in civil proceedings, and to recover moral damages caused harm. Therefore, it is better for the person at fault in an accident to immediately notify the insurance company about the accident and provide the necessary notice in order to avoid a recourse claim.

Is a notification of an accident a claim to the insurance company?

A notification of an accident is not a statement of insurance payment, but is a notification to the insurer of the occurrence of an insured event. The completed accident notification form is submitted by the victim to the insurer that insured his civil liability. And only together with this notice can the victim submit an application for direct compensation for damage.

European Protocol Statement

A notification of a traffic accident or a “European report” in the case of direct compensation or without it, must be completed, handed over or sent to the insurance company as soon as possible after the traffic accident, but no later than 5 working days. Such an insurance notice can be sent to the place of residence or location of the victim, or even to the place of the accident.

MTPL insurance is mandatory for all car owners. This is primarily due to the need to ensure timely payments to victims of road accidents. What should you do in cases where the car owner has become a participant in the ATO and must be paid compensation? What documents are required for payment under compulsory motor liability insurance?

Of course, insurance companies do everything they can to avoid paying money as compensation to accident victims.

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The list of documents required to receive payment under compulsory motor liability insurance is largely related to the type of damage that was caused due to the accident. In particular, if the accident caused damage only to the vehicle, then in order to receive payment the driver will first need documents on the accident. These are documents that are drawn up by a traffic police officer called to the scene of the incident.

The traffic police officer will give the injured party the following documents:

  • a certificate of an accident is a document that indicates the place and time of the incident, the data of the parties to the accident, information about what liability the culprit of the accident was held liable for, as well as information about the damage caused by the accident;
  • copies of decisions and decisions that were made in relation to the culprit of the accident.

The next document required by the driver to receive compensation is a notice, the form of which is issued upon concluding an insurance contract. In this document, drivers themselves indicate all the necessary information: data on accidents, vehicles, information about drivers, etc. This document plays a special role in cases where drivers decide to resolve the issue on their own, without calling traffic police officers to the scene of the incident.

To receive insurance payment, you must also present:

  • passport;
  • bank details;
  • application for receipt of insurance payment.

It is important to remember that the list of necessary documents must be provided to the insurance company within 5 days from the moment of the accident. Of course, if the documents were presented later, this is not yet a reason to receive a refusal to pay.

Documents can be sent either by registered mail or delivered directly to the insurance company branch. But in the latter case, the relevant employee must put a stamp on the applicant's copy, which indicates that the insurance company has received the application and the necessary documents.

The activities of insurance companies are limited by current legislation, and insurers cannot require the presentation of additional documents that are not provided for in the MTPL Rules

Required list

To receive insurance payment under MTPL, you must have the following documents with you:

  • application for receipt of insurance payment, the form of which can be obtained from the insurance company;
  • copy of passport;
  • vehicle registration certificate;
  • driver license;
  • notification of an accident;
  • certificate of accident;
  • MTPL policy and receipt of payment (if it was saved);
  • a power of attorney certified by a notary, if his representative acts on behalf of the applicant;
  • bank account details if the applicant wants to receive funds by wire transfer;
  • consent of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities, if insurance compensation will be paid to the victim who has not reached the age of majority;
  • a copy of the protocol on an administrative offense or a ruling refusing to initiate a case on an administrative offense if traffic police officers were called to the scene of the accident.

Important Disclaimers

What are the important points when presenting documents to receive payment under compulsory motor liability insurance?

Claims for insurance claims

The required documents for payment under compulsory motor liability insurance may vary, taking into account the requirements for insured events and their specifics. In particular, in some cases additional documents may be required.

Below is a table with a list of necessary additional documents for different insurance cases:

Type of insured event List of documents
Loss of ability to work and loss of earnings Certificate of monthly income and other supporting documents
Treatment An extract from the medical history, other documents indicating the purchase of medicines and the expenditure of money on treatment
Additional food A corresponding medical report on the need for additional nutrition with a list of products, as well as documents confirming payment for these products
Prosthetics Medical report on the need for prosthetics and relevant documents evidencing payment
Care Medical certificate confirming the need for outside care and documents confirming payment for this service
Treatment in a sanatorium Certificate of the need for such treatment and a document confirming payment for this treatment
Purchasing a special vehicle Conclusion on the need for such a vehicle, payment documents, as well as an agreement confirming the purchase of such a vehicle
Preparing for another job Conclusion on the need to change profession, documents confirming payment for training
Rehabilitation Documents confirming the need for medical rehabilitation


The basis for receiving insurance compensation is a corresponding application submitted to the insurance company. The legislation does not provide for a specific form for such an application. Of course, in general, most insurance companies have their own standard forms and forms, and the car owner can obtain an application form from the insurance department.

But if the insurance company does not have a uniform form, then the applicant can independently draw up the text of the application. The form can also be found on the Internet.

If the car has become unsuitable for further use and cannot be repaired, then this fact must be indicated in the application, and in this case the insurance company will not consider the option of repairing the vehicle and will immediately transfer the amount of compensation to the victim

In case of damage to health

If, due to an accident, damage to the health of third parties was caused, then in this case it is advisable to call a traffic police officer to issue a certificate of the accident. In this case, the victim will be able to receive compensation in a shorter time.

In accordance with current legislation, if, as a result of an accident, damage to the health of third parties was caused, then in this case the victim can count on receiving a sum in the amount of up to 500,000 rubles

To receive insurance compensation, you must present documents proving the existence of damage to health and the amount of money spent.

Such documents may include:

  • extract from the medical history;
  • receipt for payment for treatment in the hospital;
  • medical certificates, etc.

Additional list

In some cases, additional documents may be required. For example, if property was damaged, you may need to:

  • documents that confirm the applicant’s ownership of the damaged vehicle;
  • an independent expert’s opinion on the amount of damage caused;
  • a document indicating payment for the evacuation of the vehicle;
  • documents confirming the cost of vehicle repairs, etc.

If harm has been caused to health, you may need to:

  • conclusion of the relevant medical institution about harm caused to health;
  • opinion of an independent expert;
  • certificate of monthly income (if the ability to work was lost), etc.

In some cases, receiving insurance payment is possible only after presenting additional documents.

Where and how to submit documents for payment under compulsory motor liability insurance

To pay insurance compensation, you can contact:

  • directly to the insurance company of the person responsible for the accident;
  • to the victim's insurance company.

The victim can claim compensation from his insurance company if all of the following conditions are met:

  • Only 2 cars are involved in the accident;
  • Only the vehicle was damaged.

In other cases (for example, if more than 2 vehicles are involved in an accident or damage to the health or life of third parties is caused), then in this case it is necessary to contact the insurance company of the person responsible for the accident.

Insurance payment is made on the basis of a written application from the recipient of the payment and supporting documents.

The list of documents that must be provided is given in the Rules (Policy Conditions) of insurance on the basis of which your insurance contract was concluded or in the insurance contract (policy).

List of supporting documents (in accordance with the current Insurance Rules):

  • “Permanent total disability”, “Disability” as a result of illness:

§ A certified copy of a certificate from a branch of the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise on the assignment of a disability group.

§ Inspection report (ITU Bureau Branch). A document on 4 sheets, certified by this medical institution.

§ A copy of the Referral to MTU (form 088/u-06) (a document issued by a hospital, clinic, oncology clinic or other medical institution certified by this medical institution) and a return coupon for it.

§ A copy of an outpatient card or an extract from an outpatient card at the place of residence (certified by the given medical institution).

§ A copy of the return coupon from the ITU Bureau, which is sent to the medical institution that sent the insured for examination and assignment of a disability group.

§ A copy of the hospital card or Extract from the hospital card (medical history) (certified by the given medical institution).


§ A certificate from a medical institution or a copy certified by this medical institution, indicating the diagnosis for which the disability was established.

§ A copy of the rehabilitation program for a disabled person (which indicates which institution sent the insured person for examination to assign a disability group).

§ A copy of the outpatient card or extract from the outpatient card (certified by the given medical institution).

  • When the risk “Permanent total loss of ability to work”, “Disability” as a result of an accident is realized.


  • "Death" due to illness

§ A copy of the post-mortem epicrisis from the hospital (certified by the given medical institution).

§ A copy of an outpatient card or an extract from an outpatient card at the place of residence (certified by this educational institution).

§ A copy of the hospital card or Extract from the hospital card (medical history).


§ If the death of the insured occurred at home, on the street, in a country house, metro and other public places (NOT in a hospital), the following is required:

2. Act of forensic chemical research (internal description of the corpse with examination of blood, organ fragments for the content of alcohol, narcotic and toxic substances).

§ A copy of the resolution to initiate/refuse to initiate a criminal case from the investigative authorities (OVD, Prosecutor's Office, Investigation Department and other law enforcement agencies) certified by this institution.

§ A copy of an outpatient card or an extract from an outpatient card (certified by the given medical institution) from the place of work (VHI insurance).

§ Certificate of right to inheritance by law (if the Beneficiary is not appointed)

  • "Death" due to an accident

§ A copy of the death certificate, notarized or the original from which a copy is taken by an employee of the claims department and certified by an employee of the claims department.

§ A copy of the Death Certificate and/or a copy of the medical death certificate indicating the cause of death.

§ A copy of the resolution to initiate/refuse to initiate a criminal case from the investigative authorities (OVD, Prosecutor's Office, Investigation Department and other law enforcement agencies) certified by this institution.

§ Copy of the Autopsy Report (certified by this medical institution):

Forensic medical examination report (external description of the body, injuries).

Act of forensic chemical research (internal description of the corpse with examination of organ fragments for the content of alcohol, narcotic and toxic substances).


§ A copy of the driver's license in the event of an accident, if the insured was driving the vehicle.

§ A copy of the court decision, certified by this institution.

§ Certificate of right to inheritance by law (if the Beneficiary is not appointed).

  • “Permanent total disability”, “Disability” as a result of an accident:

§ A copy of the Certificate from the branch of the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise (assignment of a disability group).

§ Extract from the Inspection Report (ITU Bureau Branch). A document on 4 sheets, certified by this medical institution.

§ A copy of the Referral to MTU (a document issued by a hospital or clinic, certified by this medical institution).

§ A copy of the outpatient card or extract from the outpatient card (certified by this educational institution).

§ A copy of the hospital card or Extract from the hospital card (medical history) (certified by the given medical institution).


§ A copy of the Industrial Accident Report (Form-N1), certified by the institution or enterprise where the accident occurred.

§ Original or copy of a certificate (certified by the insurance company) about the content of alcohol, narcotic, or toxic substances at the time of the insured event.

§ A copy of the accompanying sheet/coupon of the emergency medical service, which indicates what condition (alcohol, narcotic or toxic substances) the insured was in at the time of the insured event.

§ A copy of the resolution to initiate/refuse to initiate a criminal case from the investigative authorities (OVD, Prosecutor's Office, Investigation Department and other law enforcement agencies) certified by this institution.

§ A copy of the court decision, certified by this institution.

  • “Death” as a result of an accident or illness in the territory of another state

§ Death certificate translated into Russian, certified by a notary.

§ Death certificate translated into Russian, certified by a notary.

§ Medical documents and documents from police authorities translated into Russian, certified by a notary.

§ A copy of the document confirming repatriation (transportation of the body to the territory of registration and residence of the insured person, i.e. the Russian Federation).

§ If the autopsy was carried out on the territory of another state, then the autopsy data translated into Russian and certified by a notary are required.

§ If the autopsy was carried out on the territory of the Russian Federation, a copy of the autopsy from the forensic medical examination (certified by this institution) is required.

  • “Trauma (Temporary disability as a result of an accident)”

1. Bodily injuries of the insured, payment according to Table No. 1 (extended) or Table No. 5.

2. The amount of insurance payment for certificates of incapacity for work, which ranges from 0.2% of the insured amount (specified in the Agreement), for each day of temporary incapacity for work, starting from the day of incapacity specified in the agreement and no more than 90 days.

§ Information about the risk for which the insurance payment is made is indicated in the Policy (Agreement) of the Insured.

§ A copy of the certificate(s) of incapacity for work with all the seals of the LU, certified by the personnel department at the place of work. If the amount of insurance payment is calculated based on certificates of incapacity for work.

§ Conclusion of X-ray and/or ultrasound, computed tomography and/or magnetic resonance imaging, depending on the nature of the injury, confirming the diagnosis

§ A copy of the decision to initiate/refuse to initiate a criminal case from the investigative authorities (OVD, Prosecutor's Office, Investigation Department and other law enforcement agencies) certified by this institution, if the injury is of a criminal nature.

§ A copy of the court decision (certified by this institution) if law enforcement authorities opened a criminal case.

  • "Partial permanent disability" resulting from an accident

Insurance payment is carried out according to Table No. 3 (short).

§ Original or copy of a detailed extract from the outpatient card indicating the circumstances, date of injury, and diagnosis (certified by the institution).

§ Original or copy of a certificate from a trauma center (certified by this institution) indicating the date of injury and first aid provided.

§ Original or copy of a detailed extract from the hospital card (medical history), certified by this institution.

§ A copy of the accompanying sheet/couple of the emergency medical service, which indicates what condition (alcohol, narcotic or toxic substances) the insured was in at the time of the insured event, if the insured was delivered by an emergency medical service squad to a medical institution.

§ Radiographs with descriptions for fractures of any location.

§ The original report of a neurologist and an encephalogram with a conclusion (for concussion, contusion and crushing of the brain.

§ A copy of the Industrial Accident Report (Form-N1) certified by the institution or enterprise where the accident occurred.

  • "Temporary disability due to accident or illness"

§ Completed application for insurance payment indicating bank details for transfer of insurance payment.

§ Copies of all sick leave certificates certified by the HR department.

§ An extract from the medical history/certificate from the trauma center with the diagnosis.

§ Radiographs with a description, results of laboratory, biochemical studies confirming the occurrence of an accident or illness.

§ Medical report on the results of a blood test of the Insured on the presence/absence of alcohol, narcotic or toxic substances in the blood on the date of opening the certificate of incapacity for work.

§ Conclusion of a neurologist, encephalogram with a conclusion (required for closed craniocerebral trauma-concussion, contusion, crushing of the brain).

§ Report on an insured event at work (form N1), if the realization of the insurance risk is associated with an accident during the performance of official duties by the Insured.

§ A copy of the resolution to initiate/refuse a criminal case or other documents from the relevant internal affairs body, if the death of the Insured or its circumstances are recorded by the internal affairs body in accordance with current legislation.

§ If temporary disability occurs as a result of illness, then an official medical document about the health status of the Insured.

  • "Diagnosing BOS"

§ A copy of the hospital card or Extract from the hospital card (medical history) (certified by the given medical institution).

§ A copy of the outpatient card or extract from the outpatient card (certified by this educational institution).

§ Documents resulting from machine processing:

electrocardiograms, radiographs, results of examination on a computed tomograph and other documents/images resulting from machine processing, the name and date of birth must be made in a manner that does not allow any changes, that is, they must form a single whole with the document/image without the possibility of changing them.

§ Any available medical documents confirming the established diagnosis.

  • "Death as a result of SOB"

§ A notarized copy of the death certificate or a copy of the original certified by a Claims Officer.

§ A copy of the Death Certificate and/or a copy of the medical death certificate indicating the cause of death.

§ A copy of the post-mortem epicrisis from the hospital (certified by the given medical institution).

If the death of the insured occurred at home, on the street, in a country house, metro and other public places (NOT in a hospital), the following is required:

I. Copy of the Autopsy Report (certified by this medical institution):

1. Forensic medical examination report (external description of the body, injuries).

2. Act of forensic chemical research (internal description of the corpse with examination of organ fragments for the content of alcohol, narcotic and toxic substances).

II. A copy of the resolution to initiate/refuse to initiate a criminal case from the investigative authorities (OVD, Prosecutor's Office, Investigation Department and other law enforcement agencies) certified by this institution.

A copy of the outpatient card or extract from the outpatient card for VHI insurance (if available).

  • "Hospitalization"

§ A copy of an outpatient card from a clinic or an extract from an outpatient card (certified by this educational institution).

  • "Surgery"

§ A copy of the hospital card or Extract from the hospital card (medical history), certified by the given medical institution.

§ A copy of an outpatient card from a clinic or an extract from an outpatient card (certified by this educational institution).

Reading time: 5 minutes

By purchasing an insurance policy, we hope that all costs in the event of an accident will be covered. This is how it should be, but in reality, not everything is solved simply. Even if the case is recognized as insured, payment may be refused. Therefore, it is important to know what documents are required for compulsory motor liability insurance after an accident in 2020.

OSAGO in case of an accident: payment procedure

To understand the issue, you need to study the updated version of the law on compulsory insurance. In Art. 7 Federal Law No. 40-FZ (as amended on January 1, 2020) specifies two amounts of insurance payments depending on the type of harm caused to the victim:

  • life or health – 2 million rubles;
  • property – 400 thousand rubles.

An injured third party can receive the maximum amount of compensation from each insurer if the damage was caused as a result of an accident involving two insured vehicles. Even when the owner of one of them is found innocent.

In general, the insurer is notified of the accident, then you need to submit a corresponding application and a package of documents to the insurance company. The main condition is recognition of the incident.

To properly build a relationship with the insurer, it is important to understand how to file an accident so that no questions arise. If the accident does not lead to serious consequences and there are no casualties, the inspector draws up a report on the administrative violation. A diagram of the accident and a description of the damage to the vehicle, as well as explanations of the participants and witnesses are also attached.

If there are several violators, a separate protocol is drawn up for each. When the culprit has disappeared, it is necessary to demand a copy of the decision to initiate the case.

According to the new regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (introduced by Order No. 664 of August 23, 2017), traffic police officers are exempt from issuing an extended certificate of an accident. Instead, a notification about the accident completed by the participants in the accident is submitted to the insurance company.

Documents for independent examination

In the normal course of events after an accident, you should not order an examination yourself. This is done in the direction of the IC in a specialized organization.

If you conduct an examination on your own initiative, the insurance company may ignore the conclusion issued without prior approval.

However, a voluntary assessment of the cost of upcoming treatment or repairs is often required in disputes under compulsory motor liability insurance. And this option also requires proper design. You must notify the insurance company of your decision within 3 days, and the experts will need to provide:

  • civil passport;
  • DCP or certificate-invoice confirming the cost of the vehicle;
  • SOP (CTS);
  • notification of an accident;
  • a copy of the service book, if available.

The procedure includes a preliminary consultation, inspection of the vehicle and drawing up a conclusion, which includes an inspection report of the scene of the accident (with photographic materials), an assessment of damage and the costs of purchasing components and repairs (taking into account the residual value). As a rule, with such documents it is almost impossible to underestimate the cost of restoring a vehicle.

More detailed information about what it is.

Complete list of documents for the insurance company

In general, in order to pay for insurance, you need to provide an impressive package of documents containing:

  • claim for damages;
  • civil passport;
  • STS and PTS;
  • power of attorney if the vehicle was not driven by the owner;
  • notification of an accident, protocol;
  • current bank details for transfer.

However, in each specific case, the list of required papers is determined by the scale of the accident and the severity of its consequences.

Minor incident

In case of a minor incident, the list of documents for registration of an accident with the insurance company is reduced as much as possible. These are mainly the papers mentioned above. As a rule, the usual registration procedure is applied, the form of which is attached to the policy. It needs to be added to the documents, but in this case there will be no accident report from the traffic police.

Damaged property

Property disputes always require careful preparation. The Investigative Committee approaches such matters scrupulously. The list of documents to be submitted to the insurance company will be expanded. In addition to those already mentioned, you will have to provide:

  • title documents;
  • expert report;
  • receipts for payment of the examination, tow truck, parking, other documents reflecting the damage caused and expenses caused by the accident.

You will also have to show the damaged vehicle. OSAGO does not deal with it, so such certificates are not needed.

Road accident with victims

If there are victims, in addition to contacting the insurance company after an accident under compulsory motor liability insurance, the following are provided:

  • confirmation of expenses for medicines and medical services;
  • certificate of hospitalization by ambulance, extract from the medical history;
  • medical report, certificate of disability or need for constant care, loss of ability to work;
  • certificate of average monthly income;
  • documents confirming the cost of retraining;
  • birth certificate of a dependent child.

It is always difficult to resolve issues related to compensation for personal injury. But it’s even more difficult after the death of a participant in the incident.

Fatal accident

Regardless of the degree of guilt and circumstances, the cause-and-effect relationship between the accident and the death of a person must be clearly visible, as well as the impact of this incident on the future life of the family of the deceased and those in his care. In this case, the additional documents provided to the insurance company in case of an accident under compulsory motor liability insurance are as follows:

  • death certificate (copy);
  • documents confirming funeral expenses;
  • papers with information about the dependent persons of the deceased. If these are children, birth certificates and certificates from places of study will be required;
  • consent of the guardianship authorities if payments are received by a representative of the minor.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated. As a last resort, you can resort to the help of a traffic lawyer.

Main deadlines

It is required to notify the insurance company of the occurrence of an insured event immediately, at the first opportunity, or within the time period specified in the contract.

The period for submitting documents to the insurance company after an accident is limited to 15 days. If a European protocol was drawn up - five.

If it is not possible to provide papers on time, supporting documents are required. Five days after the client’s request, the company is obliged to set a date for the examination.

After submitting the application within the next 20 working days, the insurer is obliged to compensate for the damage or provide a reasoned refusal in writing.


So, we can draw brief conclusions:

  1. The application procedure, list of documents and amount of compensation depend on the nature and consequences of the accident.
  2. You should take care of paying compensation at the stage of registering the incident.
  3. An independent examination will help get rid of the arbitrariness of the Investigative Committee.
  4. The application for reimbursement must be submitted as soon as possible.

Not a single driver is insured against an accident, so information about the procedure for claiming insurance payments under MTPL is important. This is insurance that implies compulsory motor third-party liability. It is subject to registration by all vehicle owners, and in its absence, a fine is provided for by law.

According to the MTPL policy, it is not the driver who signed the contract who is insured, but the degree and completeness of his responsibility to other road users. That is, if an insured event occurs, the cause of which was the holder of compulsory motor liability insurance, the damage is compensated not from his personal funds, but from the finances of the insurance company. It should be mentioned that the amount of insurance payments cannot exceed 400 thousand rubles.

The person responsible for creating an emergency receives nothing; repairs to his own car are carried out using personal savings. And the owner of the vehicle who was recognized as injured in an accident receives insurance.

How long does it take to submit documents to obtain insurance?

The owner of the vehicle, considered a victim, is obliged to provide a complete package of documents to the insurance company as soon as possible. This time frame is 5 working days from the moment the insured event is recorded. The driver, through whose fault the insured event occurred, provides insurers with a notice containing information about the accident. In this case, the same rules apply, the application deadline is 5 working days.

Required package of documents

The list of documents for payment of compulsory motor insurance must be considered as a separate item. This list includes:

  • A copy of your passport, certified by a notary.
  • The statement itself of intention to receive insurance payments;
  • If necessary, a power of attorney is issued to represent the interests of the beneficiary.
  • Bank account details, provided that payments will be non-cash.
  • If necessary, a consent document received from the guardianship or guardianship authority in a situation where insurance payments are made to a representative of the victim under 18 years of age.
  • A certificate from the traffic police confirming the occurrence of an insured event.
  • Notification of an accident.
  • Copies of all protocols in which an administrative offense is recorded, court decisions in a case of an administrative offense or refusal to initiate one.
  • If police officers took part in the preparation of documents recording the accident, which is permitted by the legislation of the Russian Federation, then copies of their protocols are also provided.

Details about the documents

Notification of an accident. The insurance company issues a detailed form to the driver when concluding a contract under compulsory motor liability insurance. The front part of this form is filled out by both owners (both the culprit and the victim) jointly. The reverse sides are filled out individually. This document is filled out in any case, regardless of whether drivers want to file an insurance claim themselves or involve traffic police officers in the process.

Important: in practice, it is permissible for each participant to fill out their entire form. For example, when more than two vehicles were damaged in an accident or one of the owners does not want to provide policy data. But the notice must indicate the reason on the basis of which it was filled out individually.

A notarized copy of the passport is required to be submitted when claiming payments. As well as a statement of intention to obtain insurance. There is no legally established form, so it is written in any form. However, it is better to write and submit using the insurer’s standard form. Account details, like many other documents from the list above, are submitted only when necessary.

Important: if the vehicle is so damaged that it can no longer be a road user, then a corresponding note is made about this in the application.

Additional Documentation

The insurer may request an additional list of documents from the driver, provided that such a possibility is provided for in the contract:

  • Original STS and PTS.
  • If the damage affected not only the vehicle, then documents confirming ownership may be required.
  • Documents certifying the right to insurance compensation for damage to property owned by other persons. For example, if you have a loan, a rented car, or a lease, they provide an agreement.
  • If the victim considered it necessary to conduct an independent examination - an examination conclusion.
  • Receipts for payment for the services of an independent examination, if it was paid for by the victim themselves.
  • Receipts of payment for the tow truck that transported the vehicle from the scene of the accident to the storage location or to the service station.
  • Receipts for payment for storage services of the damaged vehicle (from the date of the insured event until the examination or inspection.
  • Any documents confirming claims for compensation for damage caused.

Typically, insurers require originals, but the driver has the right to provide copies if they are certified in accordance with the established procedure.

What is the procedure for submitting documents to insurers?

The entire package of documents is transferred to policyholders in two ways:

  • personal appeal;
  • registered letter.

The victim can act at his own discretion and either send a statement to the insurers of the person responsible for the incident, or apply for direct compensation for losses to the company where he is insured. But the victim can submit an application to the company with which the contract is signed only if the following requirements are met:

  • At the time of the insured event, only two vehicles were damaged and each owner has an MTPL policy.
  • The damage and harm was caused exclusively to the vehicle.

If these conditions are not met, the victim is obliged to contact the insurance company on behalf of the person responsible for the accident. If the culprit refuses to tell the other party the details of his insurance policy, then these issues are resolved automatically between the insurers. But the victim himself can easily find out where the insurance of the intractable driver was purchased. You need to submit an application to the Professional Association of Insurers. They will provide all the information you need.

What to do if the driver does not agree with the amount of payment

In the event that the compensation received does not satisfy the ambitions of the victim, he can first receive what was offered, determined by the insurers themselves, and then make a legal attempt to claim the missing amount. Practical decisions on payments are often made by insurance companies to their advantage and to the detriment of the driver. The amount paid by insurance is sometimes not enough to repair the vehicle.

You need to seek the help of a lawyer specializing in road accidents, providing him with all the documents for paying compulsory motor insurance. If the case is won, all attorney's fees will be borne by the insurer, so the plaintiff will lose nothing.

Independent technical expertise

To clarify the amount of insurance payment, companies must inspect the damaged vehicle. Based on documents received from independent experts (and the assessment cannot last more than 5 working days from the date of filing the application for payments), the amount of compensation is agreed upon and assigned.

Insurers are required to notify the driver of the place and time of the examination. The owner, in turn, provides the vehicle in accordance with the notification. If the inspection by the driver is ignored, the procedure may be postponed, and, therefore, this will affect the timing of compensation payments.

Important: if the damage caused does not allow the vehicle to become a participant in traffic, the car is inspected at its location.

Insurers who shirk their responsibilities and fail to confirm the inspection 5 days in advance may assign this responsibility to the owner. The examination will be carried out at his expense, but then the cost of the service will be included in the amount of compensation.

What determines the timing of receiving compensation?

The insurer reviews the set of documents provided to the victim within 20 days (calendar days, excluding weekends and public holidays), determines the amount of insurance compensation and makes a payment (issues a referral for repair services).

If there was no progress on the part of the company within the agreed period, then the victim has every right to receive a penalty. Each day of delay (working day) is 1% of the assigned amount. To claim a penalty, the vehicle owner submits a corresponding application to the insurers.

In conclusion, it should be noted that you can receive payments under the MTPL policy on the basis of Chapters 3 and 4 of the set of rules governing compulsory motor vehicle insurance by vehicle owners.