Geodetic work in industrial and civil construction. Geodesy in construction

Geodetic work is an integral part of the process of construction design and production; its content and technological sequence are determined by the stages and technology of the main production.

The pace and technology of modern construction require the use of quality labor and high-precision modern equipment. Few construction sites trust the process of laying out to a foreman with a theodolite. Increasingly, on construction sites, geodetic support is outsourced to specialized companies to speed up surveying and execution work and eliminate the risks associated with the work of unqualified personnel. Engineers from TsGiKU LLC » have extensive experience in supporting construction, ranging from cottage construction to Moscow City high-rises and complex hydraulic structures. By engaging our specialists, we provide the opportunity for both one-time visits and daily stay at the construction site. In any case, a team of surveyors will come to you with modern high-precision surveying equipment and a laptop, which will quickly be able to begin solving the tasks assigned to it.

Geodetic support of construction is:

  1. Creation of a geodetic basis for the object, i.e. fixing on the ground a single coordinate basis of the object in order to ensure geometric compliance of the objects under construction (passages, communications, buildings, landscaping elements, etc.) with the project.
  2. Carrying out the project into nature (a set of layout works) - taking out into nature
  3. main axes of buildings and structures, axes of passages, routes of underground utilities, landscaping elements. In addition, the implementation of the project may include the functions of control and acceptance of survey work carried out by geodetic services of subcontracting organizations.
  4. Carrying out control geodetic surveys, drawing up executive plans. They are carried out with the aim of monitoring the correctness of the project implementation and drawing up reliable as-built documentation.
  5. Maintenance of as-built documentation, as well as control and acceptance of as-built documentation of subcontractors.

Our advantages

A staff of certified cadastral engineers. SRO licenses.

Efficiency in resolving issues.

All work is carried out by our in-house specialists

The final payment is made upon completion of the work.

We work without intermediaries, so you save your money and time.

More than 5,000 completed projects in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Geodetic construction support is a set of procedures aimed at monitoring the compliance of design data with existing requirements and construction standards. These works are carried out at the initial design stage, in preparation for construction, as well as during basic installation procedures. At the same time, high accuracy and required volumes of measurements are maintained.

The geodetic control in construction under consideration includes such work as:

  • tracing the territory - applying the necessary markings, the limits of bulk formations and excavations;
  • main alignment activities - geo-basis and setting out of axes and angles, alignments at the construction site, formwork marks;
  • surveying and construction processes - checking the strength and stability of the object, as well as surveying at each stage of construction;
  • monitoring the manifested deformations of the object - control from the first stage until commissioning.

The specified list also includes the breakdown and organization of on-site structures, monitoring and verification of the geometric parameters of the object, inspection and correction of manifested deformations. All this is an integral part of construction, as it is in process.

Geodetic work in construction is a whole complex of engineering studies. Our participation is required in various areas of human activity. The main tasks for us are to study the terrain, create a plan and height justification, and the survey results serve as the basis for the design and creation of various drawings.

In the company “Izyskaniya MSK”, geodetic work during the construction of buildings is carried out by qualified specialists - graduates of the department of surveying, geodesy and land management. Using special instruments, we measure heights, distances, horizontal and vertical angles.

In our company, geodetic work is carried out using modern equipment:

  • electronic total station;
  • GPS receiver;
  • level;
  • laser tape measure;
  • locators;
  • theodolite.
Important! In our company, the main thing is the quality of measurements, so the devices undergo regular verification of accuracy and have certificates of serviceability.
Photo 1. Geodetic work in construction in Moscow and the region

Where do we carry out geodetic work in Moscow?

The range of applications of geodesy is quite diverse. We carry out the following geodetic work in Moscow:

  • marking works. We create points with known coordinates and put the main design data into reality. These works are very important and influence subsequent construction;
  • executive and control shootings. The essence of this work is to monitor the compliance of the actual location of objects with design data. Once this work has been carried out, construction organizations take responsibility for the differences with the design and make decisions about further construction, taking into account the impact that may arise due to deviations. Upon completion of construction, our engineers conduct a control survey of the entire structure;
  • engineering and geodetic observations. We carry out this work to study the relief of the earth's surface, create graphic documentation at different scales;
  • thickening of state geodetic networks. Based on points with known coordinates and elevations, we create new points;
  • topographic works. We carry out terrain surveys, on the basis of which we create graphic documentation of different scales, depending on the area of ​​application;
  • study of deformations of the earth's surface. This set of works is carried out to observe the area and establish the causes that cause deformations;
  • façade shooting. These works are carried out to determine the coordinates and elevations of parts of the facade, determine the verticality of the structure;
  • volume calculation. We perform the most accurate calculation of volumes of bulk materials located in any shape and area.

Attention! Carrying out geodetic work during the construction of a residential building is of great importance. We carry out surveys at all stages of construction of structures: from design to commissioning.

The main works of our specialists during construction support are:
  • at the design stage, we map out the axes of the structure, carry out a survey of the area, and create technical documentation;
  • During construction, we monitor the compliance of each stage with design indicators, and carry out observations of deformations before and after the building is put into operation.

Stages of geodetic work

In our company, the organization of geodetic work has its own subtleties: the methodology for performing tasks, the use of certain instruments or the accuracy of measurements. In most cases, the algorithm of actions remains unchanged. We carry out geodetic work in the Moscow region in three stages:

  • preparation (drawing up a contract, calculating the price list of services, studying the details of the order, selecting the necessary devices, studying existing documents);
  • field work (we go to the area, establish reference points, conduct surveys of the area or object);
  • office geodetic work (we analyze the data received, make calculations, leveling, create technical documentation and drawings).

After carrying out geodetic work, we draw up a technical report. The customer receives it in paper and electronic form. The electronic version is created in pdf and dwg format. The report describes the characteristics of the object under study, the surveys carried out and includes graphical supplements.

Geodetic work in the Moscow region: price of services of the company “Izyskaniya MSK”

Geodetic works from 12,000 rub.

Considering that a complex of engineering and geodetic work is carried out to obtain different results, and the land plots or structures required for research have their own parameters, the price of services is always different. Our employees calculate the cost of geodetic work individually for each order.

The price of our services is based on the following indicators:

  • purpose of the research. The solution to any geodetic problem has its own characteristics. Therefore, removing the boundaries of a land plot and photographing the facade have completely different costs;
  • site parameters. Surveying the construction of a cottage requires less time than measuring a multi-storey building. Accordingly, prices for geodetic work in construction can be completely different for the same services.
  • time to conduct research. Preparation, measurements, processing of results and drawing up a competent report require a certain amount of time to complete. There are times when a client urgently needs to conduct research and obtain a technical opinion. This is possible, but the price of geodetic work will be higher;
  • object location. Measurements in Moscow will cost less than on the outskirts of the Moscow region, taking into account fuel and travel time;
  • availability of documentation on previous engineering work. Documentation allows you to better study the details of a terrain or object and save time; the complexity of the terrain.
Important! To order geodetic work from our company, you will need documents confirming the ownership of the site: a certificate of purchase or lease.

Advantages of the company “Izyskaniya MSK”

By ordering geodetic work from us during road construction, you are guaranteed to receive high-quality research. Our team are true professionals in their field. We carry out geodetic surveys in accordance with:

  • SRO approval, which gives us the right to carry out measurements during construction or its support;
  • extensive experience of engineers in the field of geodesy;
  • inspections and certification of equipment serviceability.

By contacting us, you will receive:

  • quick calculation of the cost of work;
  • solving assigned tasks in the shortest possible time;
  • well-written technical report;
  • measurements in accordance with regulatory documents and GOSTs;
  • flexible prices for services;
  • technical report in a format convenient for you;
  • guarantees of passing the examination. If necessary, we make adjustments free of charge as soon as possible.

If you have questions, call our employee. We will advise you free of charge on geodetic work and, if necessary, calculate the approximate cost of geodetic work during construction for you.

This is a type of engineering survey that is necessary to obtain data intended for the preparation of technical documentation.

First, careful measurements and calculations are carried out, then a detailed drawing of the terrain, objects, and utilities is drawn up. Without carrying out geodetic work in construction, it is impossible to draw up a project and erect buildings. They are necessary both at the stage of site exploration and at the stage of installation and construction work.

Why the work is needed: the purpose of the work

Ground geodetic survey: types, instruments

There are many types of ground photography. The GEOMER GROUP company is ready to provide the following types of services:

  • making calculations of the volume of earthworks;
  • creation of maps and topoplans;
  • tree shooting;
  • drawing up graphic documents of any complexity;
  • installation of marks (benchmarks) on the ground;
  • monitoring the deformation of the relief, buildings, structures, foundations;
  • removal of the main axes of buildings, structures, etc.

Specific tools and equipment are designed for each type of geo-survey. The main ones:

  • GPS receivers and total stations;
  • locators;
  • levels;
  • rangefinders;
  • aerial photography equipment.

All our equipment is certified and undergoes annual inspection.

Stages of implementation at the construction site

  1. Preparatory stage. A site is selected, measurements are taken, and existing documentation is analyzed.
  2. Execution of design. A full range of surveys necessary to create a geological foundation is being carried out.
  3. Checking the compliance of building structure parameters.
  4. Determining the location for laying communications and access roads, paths, creates a layout basis.
  5. Monitoring compliance with all parameters during the construction of buildings and structures.
  6. After completion of construction, the finished facility is inspected and technical documentation is drawn up.

Geodetic work during road construction

When laying roads, a topographic survey is first carried out, and based on the data obtained, a design for the future route is developed. After its approval, special signs are installed in the area. When creating a breakdown basis, they are guided by previously compiled documentation.

Sometimes construction cannot begin for a long time due to lack of funding or bureaucratic obstacles, so some signs are lost. They must be restored before the construction of the road begins. Then the laying of the route is monitored so that it corresponds to the drawn up drawings.

Geodetic work during the construction of buildings

When constructing buildings, the following features are taken into account:

  • measurements are carried out exclusively with high-precision laser instruments;
  • a plan for carrying out geodetic work is drawn up in advance;
  • carrying out construction and installation work at all stages of construction;
  • strict coordination of all distribution networks is carried out;
  • It is necessary to check for displacement, deformation, subsidence and other deviations.

The greatest demands are made when creating a alignment base, which is built based on geonetworks. The slightest deviations from accepted standards are not allowed.

Geodetic work during bridge construction

The design and construction of bridges are subject to the most stringent requirements. Therefore, the qualifications of specialists must be quite high. Our cadastral engineers have the necessary experience, knowledge and approvals to provide a range of services to support bridge construction at all stages.

A special feature of bridges is the location of the supports in the water, on small areas of land. Therefore, the alignment network is located along the central axis of the linear structure and connection with the local geonetwork is necessarily ensured.

Benchmarks are securely fixed to the supports, and topographic survey is carried out during the laying of all bridge elements; the construction of the spans is especially carefully controlled.

Geodetic work during tunnel construction

The tunnels are laid underground, but thanks to modern satellite equipment it is possible to carry out calculations to obtain the necessary coordinates while on the ground surface. Reference points are marked near the entrances to the tunnel and in the area of ​​the shafts, if they are provided for by the design. They are necessary for coordinate reference.

The tunnel is laid along reference points, the heights are determined using geometric leveling.

Geodetic support of urban planning works

Our company is engaged in geodetic support of urban planning works. Groups of surveyors are equipped with modern equipment, which allows them to carry out surveys with the highest quality.

We perform:

  • linking the distribution network to the state network;
  • outlining projects for the location of linear objects, utility networks, and buildings;
  • comparison of data obtained during geodetic surveys with existing documents of the area;
  • designation of measurements in a uniform format.

The main thing is the creation of plans for districts, towns, cities in a single generally accepted system.

What does the client receive upon completion of the research?

Upon completion of the research, our engineers draw up a technical report in paper and digital format. The report contains the following information:

  • technical parameters of the land plot;
  • list of services provided;
  • complete information about the terrain;
  • additions (maps, plans, drawings, tables).

All documents provided by us have legal force. The company has an impeccable reputation; our clients have never made any complaints about the content and execution of documentation.


Prices for geodetic work during construction start from 12 thousand rubles. A surveyor's visit will cost from 10 thousand rubles. per day, teams - from 16 thousand rubles. Construction support will cost from 120 thousand rubles. per month. Approximate prices for services are indicated in the price list. If necessary, we will draw up an estimate for a specific object.

New Year discounts up to 10%

Favorable prices

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High quality performance
and proper design.


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to every client.

What is called geodetic work?

Geodetic work in construction in Moscow is a set of engineering actions aimed at obtaining elevation and planning data. The result of surveys by our surveyors is the preparation of graphic documentation. The drawings show the terrain, construction sites, and communications. Our research is in demand in various fields of human activity.

Types of geodetic work

Today there are several methods of geodetic surveys. The choice of method depends on the purpose of the observations, terrain features and the wishes of the customer. We divide shooting into the following variations:

  • Ground geodetic survey. Perhaps the most popular method. Our surveyors use geodetic instruments to obtain plan elevations of terrain objects. The result is the preparation of topographical and as-built drawings.
  • Aerial photography. Currently, aerial photography is being replaced by space photography from satellites.
  • Hydrographic measurements. These studies are used in navigation and provide work for geologists and construction organizations. Surveyors use satellite survey data to link objects to a coordinate network. Surveyors carry out surveys from the shore or using an echo sounder to determine the bottom of the reservoir.

Ground geodetic survey: types, goals, instruments

This type of geodetic survey is the most popular. Carrying out geodetic work allows you to solve problems for different spheres of human activity. We carry out a full range of geodetic measurements and solve problems of any complexity:

  • we remove the main axes of structures;
  • we create topographic plans and maps;
  • We carry out as-built surveys during the construction process;
  • We observe the deformations of areas of the terrain;
  • We carry out tree surveys;
  • We carry out a complex of engineering and geodetic works;
  • We thicken the geodetic network and establish benchmarks on the ground - permanent points with known coordinates and elevation.
  • We calculate the volume of excavation work and the volume of bulk materials of stretched, complex shapes.
  • We draw up any graphic documentation: plans, maps, master plans, sections, profiles;
  • We carry out reconnaissance;
  • leveling;
  • updating documentation;
  • surveys to create navigation maps.

Each type of work has its own nuances and is performed using specific techniques and equipment. Everyday observation instruments in our company are:

  • electronic tacheometers;
  • levels;
  • optical rangefinders;
  • locators;
  • GPS receivers.

You can order geodetic work from us and receive an approximate cost of the survey within 2 hours.

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Geodetic work during the construction of buildings in Moscow

High-quality construction of any facility (industrial or civil) is impossible without geodetic work. Our engineers have extensive experience working on construction sites. We carry out:

  • façade shooting;
  • executive and control measurements;
  • special shootings.

Facade photography is a fairly popular service in our company. Geodetic work is necessary when:

  • reconstruction of the facility;
  • construction of a new façade;
  • calculating the volume of finishing work.

Allows you to determine the verticality of the building. Having completed these works, we draw up vertical graphic documentation. Façade measurements require high precision and detail, so our employees carry out surveys using a modern total station.

At any stage of construction (from design to commissioning), our surveyors conduct executive surveys at construction sites. Carrying out this work plays an important role. As-built surveying is carried out to control all stages of construction.

Our specialists conduct research that serves as the basis for creating graphic documents. Afterwards, these drawings are compared with the construction project and a conclusion is made about the errors made. Since the responsibility for the construction of objects lies with construction organizations, they make a decision on further construction: they consider the issue of correcting mistakes or continuing construction (if the difference between the data and the project is insignificant).

When construction is completed, we carry out. These observations make it possible to evaluate and compare the parameters of the entire structure with the design.

When measuring facades, our employees create a three-dimensional model of your facade.

Geodetic work in construction in the Moscow region: how we carry out your order

We try to leave everyone who contacts the company satisfied with the result of the work. To do this, we have developed a methodology that allows you to complete your order quickly and not miss a single detail. In our company, the organization of geodetic work is divided into three stages:

  1. Preparation. Our specialists work on your order from the first day. We calculate the price of services, send a contract for the work by e-mail, study archival documents on the object and details of the technical specifications, determine the methodology for performing observations and the necessary instruments.
  2. Field measurements. At this stage, our engineers go to the area, make a survey justification, conduct research and transfer the information received to the processing department.
  3. Office geodetic work. Engineers process the results: analyze, perform calculations, and adjustments. Accepted for the creation of graphic documents: plans, maps, sections, profiles.

Geodetic surveys with the company “SGI”: what does the client receive upon completion of the survey?

After all stages of work, we draw up a technical report. It is this document that our clients receive in paper and digital form. We try to create a reliable report on the work performed, without “water” and unnecessary information. Our report contains:

  • brief information about the land plot (address, area);
  • description of the terrain;
  • description of the work performed;
  • additions: tables with data, drawings.

We work with SRO approval. Accordingly, we bear legal responsibility for the work performed. Over the years of practice, we have not had any problems with legislation or customer dissatisfaction with the quality of research.

You can order construction support. We will assign our specialist to your property. When ordering this service, prices for geodetic work in construction will be lower.

The cost of geodetic work during construction in Moscow

The question is individual. We calculate the cost for each separately. After all, each type of observation has its own characteristics, method of implementation, each site has its own area, and relief features. We calculate the cost based on the following factors:

  • type of geodetic measurements. Each type of geodetic work has its own methods and complexity. Therefore, the cost of geodetic work during construction will be more than the removal of 4 points on the ground;
  • shooting purposes;
  • geolocation of the site. We carry out field geodetic work in the Moscow region. If it is necessary to conduct research on the outskirts of the region, we include in the price the cost of time and fuel on the road to you;
  • relief characteristics. For example, large elevation changes or measurements in mountainous areas complicate the usual surveys for our specialists;
  • speed of research submission. There are many orders and we fulfill them one by one. But there are times when it is necessary today to carry out work as quickly as possible and get results. We always try to accommodate our clients even in such cases. But for diligence and beyond working hours, services will cost you more;
  • special wishes of the client. For example, you order a topographic survey of the area, but ask not to indicate on the graphic part a building that will be demolished in the near future;
  • necessary geodetic equipment;
  • built-up area.

Approximate prices of our company for geodetic work in Moscow:

You can always call and find out the approximate cost of geodetic work from our specialists.

Advantages of our company

The SGI team are specialists with extensive experience. Our engineers often undergo retraining and can solve problems of any complexity. We work in Moscow and the region. 99% of clients start working with us on an ongoing basis.

Working with us, you will receive:

  1. prompt processing of orders(we calculate the price, study the details, send the contract on the day of the order);
  2. observations qualified surveyors at your site;
  3. use of modern equipment(devices are regularly checked for accuracy and have certificates of serviceability);
  4. high-quality technical conclusion(without water, only the necessary information);
  5. convenient report format(paper and digital in AutoCAD file);
  6. flexible prices(we respect our clients and offer regular discounts for complex orders of geodetic and geological surveys and for regular customers);
  7. guarantee for passing the examination. If there are any comments, we will make adjustments within 2-3 business days;
  8. doing work without deviation from the technical specifications.

If you have questions about how geodetic work is carried out in the Moscow region or the price of services, you can always ask our specialist. Call our hotline, consultation is free!

Geodetic work is one of the most important components of any construction. They represent the process of measuring, designing and performing calculations in the form of drawings. Thanks to geodesy work, it is possible to determine the most accurate and expedient placement of construction projects in accordance with the requirements of legal norms, violation of which is fraught with serious consequences.

The definition of the science of geodesy is the study of the earth's crust, its structure, surface, as well as any changes associated with it. Geodesy has a close connection with such sciences as mathematics and physics. It is geodesy that helps specialists transfer the coordinate system to the surface and model on a real scale, create geodetic networks, and determine the necessary points.

It is customary to distinguish the following stages of work:

  • preparatory;
  • field;
  • desk.

The first stage is intended to study existing documentation that is directly related to the territory. Here, in the future, it is assumed that the planned goals will be realized and carefully designed objects will be erected. Preparation time frames will depend on the size of the facility and the locality in which the research is being conducted.

The engineering and geodetic process falls on the field stage. During this period, all work is associated with direct reference and removal of rocks. Based on the measurements, a topo map is drawn up to scale. The scale of the map is determined by the assigned tasks. So, if the task is to study the area as accurately as possible and give the most complete description of the rock on which construction is planned, then a three-dimensional topographic map is drawn up.

Graphs can be drawn up in the form of drawings, or can be recorded in digital media.

Geodesy of the land plot ends with the desk stage. The completion of this stage is the preparation of the most detailed report on the actions taken and the results obtained. The document contains catalogs of coordinates and heights, recording the location of an altitude geodetic network or several networks schematically. This stage is considered final, but no less important, since it is at the end that the information received is summarized and decisions are made.

Types of geodesy

Geodetic work is divided into several types. Each of them is responsible for a certain category of measurements and surveys.

Types of geodetic work:

  1. Topography is a description of the earth's surface. This type is engaged in surveying of various scales, updating topographic maps and plans, surveying utilities, underground and above-ground buildings. When conducting a survey, a mandatory requirement is the use of established scales and compliance with them. It is necessary to carry out such work during the construction of high-rise buildings, if it is necessary to carry out redevelopment, reconstruction of large-scale engineering and technical structures, and carry out work on landscaping parts of the city. The most accurate scale is used for measurements in populated areas, when planning the construction of a highway, transport interchanges, and large industrial production companies.
  2. Engineering or practical geodesy is a set of works consisting of studying and surveying the terrain in the area where construction is proposed.
  3. Hydrography is a type of work that deals with the description of water space.
  4. Staking work is a type of activity of surveyors, which involves the placement of specialized signs for reference to the state geodetic network. These signs are placed and maintained until the completion of all construction. This allows you to control the quality of construction work. When carrying out marking work, drawings are drawn that are linked to the actual terrain. After drawing up the drawings, the actual production takes place. To do this, key points are fixed directly on the ground. The results of the work performed are sent to the design surveyors with all graphs and drawings.
  5. As-built surveys are work that is carried out until the completion of construction. With the help of surveys, you can control the order of construction of the building and compare it with the planned drawings. Increased attention is directed to that part of the object that is the load-bearing one and the main focus of the entire structure. In other words, this part of the building or structure completely ensures the stability of the entire structure. All possible deviations that arise during the period of work are compared with the established rules and regulations of GOST. Based on the results of the filming, acceptance certificates are drawn up.
  6. Control over the deformation of structures - this type of measures is carried out not only at the construction stages, but also after its completion. Monitoring is carried out during the laying of the foundation, and so on every five floors. At the end of construction, a control inspection is carried out, and then an operational inspection. The shrinkage of the building, the flexibility of structures and individual parts of the entire monolith are controlled. In addition, surveyors conduct research into how the erected building affects nearby buildings and structures.
  7. Surveying underground networks - there are many factors that can influence the shrinkage of a constructed building. It is impossible to predict them all. In this regard, it is necessary to constantly measure the condition of underground networks. This type of control is carried out using photography, which records the position of all communication networks, drainage, wells and sewers. The results of such a study are the drawing up of a situational plan.

In addition to the above types of work, surveying work, which deals with measurements during the construction of tunnels, underground roads, and structures in the mining industry, will stand out. Geodesy also deals with cadastral work, which citizens who have a plot of land have to deal with.

It is very important to remember that when ordering work, you need to take into account the level of skill and experience of the surveyor. If the company is not well-known or has negative reviews, you should not contact this organization, as there is a high probability that the work will be carried out poorly. As proof of professionalism, you can ask the surveyor or geodetic service employee to show a document confirming his qualifications. Geodetic work must be carried out by a qualified specialist.

Not only construction companies with large projects, but also individuals are faced with geodetic measurements and topographic surveys of sites. Anyone who purchases a plot of land for individual construction must obtain a cadastral passport for the object.

To systematize all real estate in Russia, special cadastral records are maintained. It contains information about all objects, their location, size, and their purpose. Each object is assigned its own number.

In order to obtain a cadastral passport for an object, it is necessary to follow a sequence of actions. First of all, work should be carried out to survey the site. A citizen must contact an organization that has a license to carry out land cadastral work.

The cost of performing the work will depend on the method and region in which the research is carried out.

The total scope of cadastral work carried out by surveyors includes:

  1. Cadastral survey of a plot of land.
  2. Request for information in cadastral registration. Information is provided in the form of a site plan.
  3. The surveyor notifies the neighbors of the site about a meeting to agree on the boundaries of the location of the land plot.
  4. A boundary plan is generated on paper and electronic media. It is necessary to register an object for cadastral registration and obtain a passport.

After carrying out all the necessary geodetic work, the applicant can apply for the production of a cadastral passport. Until January 1, 2013, only BTI dealt with it. Now the Cadastral Chamber, which is part of Rosreestr, is handling the registration.

You can receive a passport issued by the cadastral chamber in two ways: at the MFC or order it on the Rosreestr website. Sending documents using any of the above methods will have legal force.

The production time for a cadastral passport through the MFC is 5 working days; when submitting an application via the Internet, the period will be 2 working days.

Geodetic and cadastral works are closely interrelated. They cannot exist separately. Without carrying out geodetic work, it is impossible to obtain a cadastral passport. Carrying out this kind of research of territories makes it possible to determine what category the land belongs to and whether legislation in the field of land use is being violated.

If a cadastral passport has already been issued for an object and a cadastral number has been assigned to it, anyone can obtain information on it. It is freely available. To receive it, you need to write an application indicating the number or find the object on the official website of Rosreestr.

If the property is just being registered in the cadastral register, then this can only be done after a land survey, which is ordered personally by the owner of the property.

A decree for cadastral registration is necessary both for the owner himself and for the state as a whole. First of all, we are talking about paying property taxes. This allows you to streamline taxes and fees. But to perform such actions you need to have accurate information about objects. In this regard, the state obliged citizens to draw up cadastral documents. Without them, it is impossible to complete a single transaction.

Having assigned a number and received a passport, the owner acquires full rights, and the state acquires complete information necessary for calculating taxes.

A passport issued by the cadastral chamber is required in the following cases:

  • when making transactions with real estate, this includes purchase and sale, donation, will;
  • when remodeling an apartment, changing the boundaries of a site;
  • during legal proceedings;
  • according to bank requirements.

A cadastral passport will always be required in cases where it is necessary to confirm that an object is registered in the cadastre.

A cadastral passport is obtained for the following types of objects:

  1. Plots of land.
  2. Houses, buildings, unfinished buildings.
  3. Premises.

The cadastral passport does not have an expiration date; it will be valid until the data entered in the cadastre is changed. A new paper is required when the premises have been redeveloped or the boundaries of a plot of land have been changed.

A cadastral document received before January 1, 2013 has its own validity period. For residential premises, the document was valid for one year, after which it was necessary to apply again to the cadastral chamber for an extension, for all other structures - 5 years. But after the transfer of powers from the BTI to Rosreestr, such actions are no longer carried out.

When working on sites, surveyors use specialized tools. With their help, accurate calculations are made, measurements are taken in compliance with the required scale.

Such tools include:

  1. A level is a device used to measure points on an object during construction.
  2. A total station is a tool for measuring the heights and angles of points in space. Often an electronic device is used that stores information and then sends it to a computer.
  3. A theodolite is a device for measuring angles. It can be optical and electronic. In order to install it reliably, you must have a special tripod.

Geodetic work is a method of precise design. Their task is to bring the structure to life as accurately as possible. All measurements are entered into special geodetic documentation, which is maintained from the moment construction begins until the stage of putting the structure into operation.