How military personnel are given apartments. Housing for military personnel under contract

In 2011, Russia introduced a Unified Electronic Register of Military Personnel for Housing. In accordance with it, housing is distributed for military personnel who do not own it or are socially rented. Inclusion in the register does not occur automatically; for this, the serviceman needs to collect a package of documents indicating that he and his family members are in need of improved living conditions.

After all the documents have been collected, they will need to be submitted to the structural Department of Housing of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, in person or by registered mail, along with an application. Department specialists will thoroughly check all documents. Then the applicant and his family are recognized as in need of improved housing conditions and are entered into the Unified Electronic Register of Military Personnel for housing on the date on which the application was submitted. Finally, the applicant is assigned a personal identification number, by which he can always check the accuracy of the information in the Register on the Ministry of Defense website.

Documents required to obtain permanent housing:

  • Application in the prescribed form;
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It (USRP) on the rights of military personnel and members of their families to residential premises located in Russia, starting from January 31, 1998;
  • An extract from the service record with the date of issue;
  • Extract from the order of appointment to a position - copy;
  • Power of attorney;
  • Documents confirming the presence of a dependent child;
  • Documents on the right to additional space;
  • Documents on the right to provide additional social guarantees in terms of housing, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation - a copy;
  • Documents from the places of residence of military personnel and members of their families, starting from 1991: certificates (messages) of the BTI until January 31, 1998 and extracts from house books;
  • Identity documents of military personnel and members of their families

(passports with registration page, birth certificates) - copies;

  • Military service contract – copy;
  • Information about the availability of a TIN for a serviceman and his family members;
  • Information about the presence or absence of housing, which is the property of a serviceman and members of his family, or occupied by social rent - according to the recommended model;
  • Certificate of marriage or divorce - copy;
  • Certificate of registration at the place of residence - a copy;
  • Certificates about family composition, about military service, its total duration, about registration in Form No. 9 and about the delivery of official housing (lack of official housing) at the previous place of military service, including dormitories and living quarters of the maneuverable fund;
  • Financial personal accounts from the places of residence of military personnel and members of their families for the five years preceding the date of application - copies (they are not required to obtain official housing).

If desired, the serviceman can attach additional documents to this package. To obtain certificates, he needs to contact the structural unit of the authorized body (regional housing departments and their territorial offices (departments)), including the one under whose jurisdiction the applicant’s previous place of military service belongs.

Copies of documents must be submitted with presentation of the original, or be certified.

Service housing is provided to a serviceman and his family no earlier than he has rented out service housing at the place of his previous military service.

In order to resolve the housing issue for military personnel, the state is taking a number of measures. This issue requires special attention and must be resolved throughout the country. This is due to the peculiarity of this category: military service is not tied to a specific location, therefore, workers in this field should be able to receive it in the region where it is convenient for them.

The rights of military personnel to housing. Photo No. 1

These forms are:

  • issuance of housing certificates;
  • delivery of housing in kind;
  • subsidizing purchase costs.

In 2016, this issue underwent certain changes. So, instead of issuing natural housing, military personnel are offered loans on special terms.

Military mortgages are practiced by most domestic banks. State support is carried out by providing military support in the funded mortgage system. It should be taken into account that such a program has been successfully implemented for more than 10 years.

At the request of the loan program, the military can purchase square meters 3 years after the start of the military service. Under the program, the amount of mortgage lending can reach up to 3.5 million rubles.

Thus, by 2020, the Ministry of Defense intends to finally resolve the issue of providing housing for military personnel.

What problems do military personnel face when obtaining housing? Photo No. 2

The number of families in need today is about 40 thousand.

It is reported that with this measure the Ministry of Defense managed to bring the solution to the housing problem to a new level - close to completely closing the issue. The measure taken significantly reduced the queue of people for provision.

Many were interested in the fate of those houses that the Ministry of Defense is now building. They are finishing up. Initially, they were intended for military personnel and for transfer in kind. According to the department, they will be completed and transferred to needy military families. However, this will be the last batch of in-kind delivery.

It should be taken into account that the new form of security is more convenient in practice. So, if previously the military had to agree to housing where the department determined, now the right to choose the city is theirs.

What to do if housing is not provided for some reason. Photo No. 3

The state provides various options for providing housing. Upon the arrival of a serviceman to the ranks of officers, housing is provided from the garrison reserve within one quarter.

If for one reason or another this is not possible, then the serviceman and his family will be compensated for the cost of part of the housing. The exact share of compensation is established in regulations.

It may also be provided with the right of subsequent privatization. The exception is residential areas located in closed military camps. Considering the fact that they are on the balance sheet of the Ministry of Defense, their privatization is impossible.

In practice, resolving these issues may require the assistance of a military lawyer.


Subsidies are the most common method of government provision. They, unlike natural housing, allow you to choose an area, street, more spacious housing and even a city to live in.

The Federal Law “On the Status of Military Personnel” prescribes subsidized housing standards:

  • if a military man lives alone, then he is entitled to 33 square meters of space;
  • for a married couple this figure is 42 sq.m.;
  • for families – 18 sq.m. for each family member.

When determining the amount of the subsidy, the housing cost standard is also taken into account, which differs between regions and cities.

In 2016, for Moscow this figure is 90,400 rubles, and for St. Petersburg - 58,112. In addition, the number of years of military service is taken into account.

It should be taken into account that if there is more than one military personnel in the family, for example, both spouses, then the amounts due are not summed up, and the application is submitted to those of them who have more years of service.


This process with the participation of a military person becomes lengthy. The difficulty is that the houses belong to the Ministry of Defense, and are not always transferred to the balance sheet of municipal authorities on time. Problems include the lack of technical passports or other important documents.

Accommodation occurs on the basis of an application to the court submitted to the local judicial authorities. If the court rules in favor of the plaintiff, then the package of documents and the court decision are transferred to the Unified State Register for registration of property rights.

There is a list of premises that are not subject to privatization. These requirements are similar to those that apply to conventional privatization. These may be premises located in closed military garrisons, unsuitable for habitation or having significant technical changes without permitting documentation. When resolving such issues, you should contact a military housing lawyer.

Help from a military lawyer on housing issues

Legal assistance in obtaining housing for military personnel. Photo No. 4

Military personnel are a separate category of citizens whose rights are subject to special protection by the state. Social issues regarding these individuals must be considered strictly within the framework of military law. Meanwhile, in practice there are cases of violations by military personnel. To avoid such factors, you should contact a professional military lawyer.

The help of a specialist considers the problem as a whole, whether it is related to a mortgage or. With its help, legal issues can be resolved quickly and in accordance with the law.

More details about the changes in Military Mortgage 2016; You can watch the latest military mortgage news for 2016 in the video:

See this article

After a serviceman is included in the List, he receives the right to be provided with official residential premises (or the right to payment of monetary compensation (link) for renting or subletting residential premises from third parties).

Military personnel who entered into their first contract after January 1, 1998 are provided with office living quarters for the entire duration of their military service.

Service housing is provided no later than three months from the date of arrival at a new duty station, including upon first entry into military service under a contract.

Standards for the provision of official residential premises.

Service residential premises are provided according to the standards and in the manner prescribed by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, taking into account the right to additional living space.

Standards for provision to military personnel
total areaservice living quarters

Family composition
Table: website

Without the right to
add. square

15 - 25 sq. m.

up to 18 sq. m.

1 person 18 — 38 33 — 61 36 — 54
2 people 36 — 45 51 — 70 54 — 63
3 persons 54 — 63 69 — 88 72 — 81
4 people 72 — 81 87 — 106 90 — 99
5 people 90 — 99 115 — 124 108 — 117

Provision standards taking into account the design features of the house

In accordance with Article 15.1 of the Federal Law “On the Status of Military Personnel,” the norm for providing residential space provided in accordance with this Federal Law for free ownership or under a social tenancy agreement is 18 square meters of total residential area per person.

At the same time, taking into account the design and technical parameters of an apartment building or a residential building, residential premises or residential premises can be provided in excess of no more than 9 square meters. meters in total, and for a serviceman living alone - no more than 18 square meters

The right of a serviceman to additional space in official living quarters.

In accordance with Part 2 of Article 15.1 of the Federal Law “On the Status of Military Personnel”, a military personnel with the military rank of colonel, equal or higher, undergoing military service or discharged from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, for health reasons or in connection with organizational and staffing events, commander of a military unit, military personnel with an honorary title of the Russian Federation, military personnel - teacher of a military professional educational organization or military educational organization of higher education, military department at a state educational organization of higher education, military personnel - scientific worker with an academic degree and (or) academic title, when provided with living quarters, including office living quarters, have the right to an additional total living area ranging from 15 to 25 square meters.

This norm, complex in design, is interpreted by judicial practice as follows:

When providing residential premises to military personnel - citizens of the Russian Federation, recognized as needing residential premises, undergoing military service under a contract, including not in military service positions in connection with placement at the disposal of the commander(chief) until provision of living quarters (regardless of the date of conclusion of the first contract for military service, appointment to military positions and receipt of the first officer rank), and having the military rank of colonel, equal or higher, as well as commanders of military units, military personnel who have an honorary title of the Russian Federation, military personnel who are teachers of a military professional educational organization of higher education, a military department at a state educational organization of higher education, military personnel who are scientific workers who have an academic degree and (or) academic rank, the right to additional total living space is taken into account premises ranging from 15 to 25 sq.m.

When providing residential premises to citizens of the Russian Federation, discharged from military service and those registered as needing residential premises with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, take into account the right to additional total living area in the range from 15 to 25 sq.m. only in relation to citizens who have the military rank of colonel, equal or higher, and those dismissed from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, health reasons or in connection with organizational and staffing measures.

Laws on the topic

Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated September 30, 2010 N 1280 “On the provision of residential premises to military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation under a social tenancy agreement and official residential premises” Read

In addition, family members of military personnel with chronic diseases have the right to additional space (up to 18 square meters) based on:

  • 🔵 clause 2 art. 58 Housing Code of the Russian Federation;
  • 🔵 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 16, 2006 No. 378 “On approval of the list of severe forms of chronic diseases in which it is impossible for citizens to live together in the same apartment”;
  • 🔵 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 21, 2004 No. 817 “On approval of the list of diseases giving disabled people suffering from them the right to additional living space.”

What to do if they offer housing below the established standards?

If it is impossible to provide military personnel and members of their families with service living quarters in accordance with the specified standards, with their consent Smaller office living quarters suitable for temporary residence, flexible living quarters or dormitories may be provided.

However, a very unpleasant situation can arise here, especially if you are expecting a new addition to the family.

Accounting The norm in the city is 10 square meters of total living space. A serviceman's family of 3 people was provided with office living quarters slightly below the provision norm - 50 square meters. There is joy in the family - a second child, the fourth member of the family, was born. But this joy will be overshadowed by the fact that you will not receive the right to improve your living conditions, since each family member will have 50/4 = 12.5 square meters. meters, that is, more than the accounting norm.

A serviceman with a family of 3 people is provided with service housing with a total area of ​​38 square meters. The birth of a second child allows you to again be recognized as in need of improved housing conditions, since each family member will have 38: 4 = 9.5 square meters of total area, that is, less than the accounting norm established in your region.

Thus, it is necessary to calculate everything and make a decision - to get official housing or to consider the option of refusing the offered apartment. (Of course, it is necessary to take into account all the circumstances - after all, it is not known when a larger apartment will be offered?

Contrary to popular but erroneous belief, refusing to get an apartment does not entail any sanctions - you will not be moved to the end of the queue. However, in this case, you will lose the right to receive monetary compensation (link) for renting or subletting residential premises.

Procedure for providing office accommodation

Upon receipt of information about official living quarters that can be distributed, the RUZHO makes a decision on providing official living quarters to the serviceman. During 3 days RUJO is sent to a military personnel Message about the proposed residential premises

Attention: deadlines!
Violation of deadlines can lead to adverse consequences

If he agrees with the provided official living quarters, the serviceman in five-day agreement with the provision of office living quarters (tear-off spine No. 1 to the Decision).

If a serviceman disagrees with the living quarters provided, he five-day the period from the date of receipt of the message about the proposed residential premises is sent to RUZHO refusal from the provision of official residential premises (tear-off spine No. 2 to the Decision).

If the serviceman did not react in any way to the received Message during ten days from the date of receipt by the structural unit of the authorized body of the notification of delivery of the message, service living quarters are provided to other military personnel.

According to current legislation, contract military personnel have the right to join the savings-mortgage system (NIS). This does not require any investments from them - the state will transfer its funds to a personal savings account every month. The amount of transferred amounts is approved annually. This money can be put into circulation as a result of signing a loan agreement with a bank, for which the state will be mainly responsible, or after 20 years of military service. In the first case, a contract serviceman waits three years and then signs a loan agreement at the bank; in the second, after twenty years he takes back what has accumulated in his account. Reimbursement of mortgage debt is carried out in the process of transferring money from a personal account to an account registered with the bank with which the agreement has been concluded.

Video: How to get an apartment as a participant in the savings-mortgage system

Personal savings account

If a serviceman wants to immediately purchase housing, without waiting for dismissal, he needs to make sure that a personal savings account is opened for him. To do this, you can, for example, send a request to the regional housing authority. If the result turns out to be negative, then you will need to provide consent to participate in the program.

A personal savings account is automatically opened for warrant officers and midshipmen after more than three years from the date of concluding a contract for military service, if they first concluded it after 01/01/2005. If sailors, soldiers, sergeants and foremen want to receive housing, then their contract must be signed after the specified date and be the second. Also, to open an account, military personnel must inform about their desire and submit a report to the commander of the military unit. On average, 10 working days after this, the applicant will be notified of joining the program.

Video: Story by a specialist from the Federal State Institution “Rosvoenipoteka” about personal savings accounts

Cost and location of housing for contract military personnel

Housing for military personnel under a contract can be purchased in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The only limit is set on its cost, but in Moscow it is higher. Also, the older the serviceman, the smaller the loan amount will be for him. Currently, the largest loan is 2.4 million rubles. The serviceman himself decides how long he must pay for housing, but he must be no more than 45 years old by that time. The lowest rate is 8.5% per annum.

A contract serviceman has the right to add his own funds to the mortgage loan in order to qualify for more expensive housing. For example, you can sell an apartment that the borrower already owns and use the proceeds. Also, contract housing does not apply to military personnel.

Many military personnel of our country live in service apartments.

But at the same time, many citizens from the military category do not know the procedure for providing them.

And even if they received it, they don’t know how to register in it? What documents need to be collected? Where should you go anyway? Who can be registered and how to be discharged from it, if necessary?

Let's consider all these questions in more detail.

Legislative regulation

Today, the issue of providing departmental (official) housing is regulated by the following: legislative norms:

  1. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, which guarantees the provision of service housing to military personnel in the absence of their own;
  2. Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 510, which is an addition to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation and guarantees the receipt of official housing for military personnel in need;
  3. Federal Law No. 76, including the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, which clearly regulates the issue of living space standards for military personnel.

These are the main legislation that must be relied upon in the event of any misunderstandings between military personnel and military units.

Who is entitled to office housing and the standards for issuing it?

Get company housing have every right military personnel of such categories as:

It is worth noting the fact that the entire specified list of military personnel is final, and only they have the right to receive official housing.

It is necessary to take into account that the process of providing office space itself implies strict compliance with the living space standards for one serviceman and each member of his family.

Despite the fact that the current legislation provides for a clear norm, depending on the rank of the serviceman himself, the required “quadrature” is slightly different.

For one serviceman, including members of his family today, it is generally accepted as the norm is 18 square meters. It is imperative to pay attention to the clauses of the social tenancy agreement. Why? This is due to the fact that these norms must be specified in this agreement, and if they are violated, you can safely file a complaint against the military unit.

Moreover, in real life, a serviceman’s family, when receiving departmental housing, can count on 9 square meters of living space for each of them. In turn, 18 sq. meters are calculated by military personnel whose family consists of 4 or more people, including minor children.

It is necessary to understand that when issuing living space with an area of ​​9 square meters. meters for each person is provided exclusively with the consent of the military personnel. But, if we take into account that there are often situations when a decision is made on a voluntary-compulsory basis, then it is better to be content with what you have.

Procedure for providing official housing

Many military personnel in our country do not know where to apply and how to write an application correctly.

Let's consider these questions separately.

Where should I contact?

In order to be able to obtain official housing from the service fund of the military executive department at the place of military service of the military personnel, it is necessary to contact directly Housing Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

How to write an application

When applying, in addition to the basic documents, the serviceman must provide the appropriate statement.

If we talk about the statement itself, then in it must be contained information such as:

  • applicant's initials;
  • passport details;
  • name of the institution where it is submitted;
  • the address where the serviceman performs his contract service;
  • date of compilation and signature.

List of required documents

If there should be no problems with the application itself, then there is still no reason for joy, since you need to know about the main list of documents that accompany the application itself.

According to current legislation, together with the application it is necessary to provide such list of documents:

  • an extract indicating that the serviceman himself, as well as each member of his family with whom he is applying for service housing, does not have his own housing. This extract is provided from the unified register of the database at the passport office. Moreover, this extract must indicate that over the past 5 years the serviceman has not sold or purchased any real estate, otherwise they may be denied service housing;
  • a copy of the marriage registration certificate. If the serviceman is divorced, it is necessary to provide a copy of the relevant certificate;
  • a copy of the passport of the serviceman himself, as well as his family members. If there are children, you must provide copies of their birth certificate;
  • a copy of documents confirming military service in the region where the serviceman wants to receive official housing;
  • original ;
  • documents that confirm the fact of the absence of housing, which was obtained under a social rental agreement;
  • and, strictly speaking, the statement itself.

In addition to this main list of documents, they may be asked for a certificate indicating the region of residence of minor children who remained living with their mother after the divorce, or to present other documents.

Registration procedure

Registration process

Registration process serviceman in service housing is as follows:

Consent or refusal to register:

  • if the report was accepted and a positive decision was made on this issue, it is necessary to submit the received written response, together with the necessary documents, to the passport office in the region where the military unit is located;
  • if, in the opinion of the serviceman, the refusal to grant the right to registration was unlawful, he has every reason to appeal to a judicial authority or to the military prosecutor's office.

It is worth noting that there is no need to give permission or refuse registration if the registered military personnel decided to additionally register a minor child or children in the service apartment.


To register a military personnel, you must present the following: documentation:

  • a document indicating the consent of the apartment owners to the registration of a military personnel there. Such a document is issued by the Department of the Ministry of Defense in a specific region of residence;
  • originals and copies of passports of all family members who apply for registration. If there are children, originals with copies of birth certificates are also required;
  • application for registration;
  • report.

It is worth noting that the registration procedure is free and no fees are charged for it.

The application itself is drawn up in Form No. 6, only in addition to the address of the military unit, it is necessary to indicate the address of the housing itself, where it is located.

All documents must be submitted personally by the military personnel and no powers of attorney are valid in this case.

How to write a report?

The report is submitted to the commander of the military unit, who gives his consent to registration in official housing.

This document requires must be contained the following information:

  • initials of the serviceman;
  • what rank;
  • what is the composition of the family;
  • request for permission to register.

As you can see, the procedure for registering a residence permit in a service apartment is quite simple and any serviceman in our country can handle it.

Is it possible to privatize official housing?

According to the Federal Law “On the Privatization of the Housing Stock of the Russian Federation,” military personnel who live in an apartment provided by the state or a municipal body under a rental agreement have the full right to privatize it.

Military personnel, including members of their families, have the full right to freely register the apartments or houses they occupy as their own. However, there are small exceptions: apartments or other residential premises cannot be privatized if they are located in closed towns. In simple terms, this has a direct bearing on military camps, where civilian access is limited.

In order to be able to privatize, it is necessary, first of all, to change the status of this housing and formalize the transfer to municipal ownership.

After this procedure, the apartment or other residential premises will no longer have the status of official housing and there is every reason for its further privatization.

But it is necessary to take into account that this will take a lot of time and nerves, but, as practice shows, it is worth it.

Eviction procedure

The law clearly stipulates that eviction from official housing is possible only if a serviceman is dismissed or transferred to another region.

In the event that a serviceman retires or is transferred to a new duty station, service housing must be handed over and, accordingly, everything registered in it is discharged.

In addition, it is necessary to remember one more nuance: the agreement can be terminated by voluntary agreement of the parties or if the serviceman acquired ownership of his personal real estate.

According to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, a serviceman is obliged to move out of the apartment upon the occurrence of any of the above conditions within 3 months.

If a serviceman refuses to evict voluntarily, this can be done forcibly by a court decision.

Without fail, a special commission checks its condition before accepting the apartment. If it turns out that after delivery it is unsatisfactory, the serviceman will have to compensate for losses.

How to refuse this type of housing

If we are talking about how to refuse a service apartment that is offered to a serviceman, then you need to refer to the instructions that are clearly stated in Order of the Ministry of Defense No. 1280.

It clearly states that after a serviceman has been offered living space, within the next 5 days he has all the rights to refuse it.

During this period, he notifies the relevant authority that provides this accommodation of his disagreement.

In the event that no notification has been received from the serviceman, the relevant authority has the right to provide this housing to other needy servicemen who are included in the list and follow the line after the military man who refused housing.

About the provision of official housing, see the following video: