How can I pay for my studies at the bank? How to get a tax deduction for education How to pay for university education through Sberbank.

Currently, there is a tendency towards an increase in the number of paid educational institutions. Perhaps in the near future school education will also become paid.

Higher education institutions operate to a greater extent on a fee-paying basis. This is contract training. At the same time, students and their parents are forced to contact the bank to pay for a certain period of study. Typically, payments are made either monthly or quarterly, for half a year or once for the entire academic year.

But due to the workload, students experience some inconvenience, since going to banks takes a lot of time. Then students and their parents think: “how to pay for their studies through Sberbank Online.” But thanks to the Internet and special features, and a specific option, such an action is quite accessible today.

How to pay for studies through Sberbank Online

It is known that timely payment guarantees education at a university, technical school or other educational institution. If you do not pay the required amount of money on time, this can be fraught with troubles, including expulsion. Educational institutions currently function without problems to a large extent precisely thanks to the funds paid by pupils (students) who study on a contract basis.

From this money, teachers are paid salaries, as well as funds are allocated for repair work. This is why it is so important to deposit money on time. But due to lack of time, it is not always possible to do this on time. Students are wondering: how to pay for their studies through Sberbank?

Thanks to the fact that banks today are striving to alleviate the plight of their clients to a greater extent, many opportunities have emerged that allow them to deposit funds without leaving their home. Payment for training through Sberbank is currently available. This is one of the most reliable organizations that have long proven themselves to be the best. This is the most reliable bank that clients can contact for various issues.

Please note that it is important to fill out the receipts correctly. Otherwise, the transferred funds will go to the wrong address and a serious problem will arise. Every university and other educational institution has many different faculties. If an error occurs when filling out the forms, payment will be made in favor of another faculty.

We pay for studies through Sberbank Online

Payment through Sberbank Online is very convenient and greatly simplifies the task for students and their parents. In this case, there are certain instructions that allow you to eliminate errors. The task of “how to pay for education” is not difficult and can be easily accomplished thanks to the well-functioning online system at the Savings Bank. Step-by-step instruction:

  1. You should log into the bank online, select the desired educational institution and open the “transfers and payments” tab. In this case, you first need to deposit 70% of the full amount (then the remaining 30%).
  2. In the window that opens, you need to select “organization transfer”.
  3. Now you need to open another window and enter the account number, BIC, INN.
  4. The next step is to select a card or account - a “debit account”; the amount necessary to pay for your studies will be withdrawn from it.
  5. You need to click the “continue” button and select the option “show the result without taking into account the region.”
  6. Next, a page will open with a large list of links; you need to select “payment by details”.
  7. A page will open on which all the previously entered details will be indicated; you will need to fill out a personal account.
  8. By clicking on “continue”, you can open “found contractors”, here students select their faculty.
  9. After clicking “continue”, the KBK page will open, which should be filled out.
  10. Then you should fill out the checkpoint and OKTMO.
  11. The next step is to fill out the “purpose of payment”, as well as the ShMP, indicating the student’s last name, middle name, subject and semester for which the required amount will be paid.
  12. The next window is “document type”, you need to click the button with a refusal to provide it.
  13. In the next window you need to indicate the required amount (70% of the total amount).
  14. A second payment in the amount of 30% of the cost of the entire payment is made to the accounting department of your educational institution. You need to fill out your TIN, BIC, and write-off account.
  15. Select “show results without region” again.
  16. Select “payment by details”.
  17. When a window opens with all the entered data, you need to fill in: BCC and personal account.
  18. After this, fill in the following lines: KPP (recipient’s name), OKTMO.
  19. By selecting “payment purpose”, you need to indicate the percentage of the amount paid, the name of the faculty, SMP, last name, first name and patronymic of the person paying, subject, semester.
  20. Next - payment for training through Sberbank Online after filling out the line that requires you to indicate the amount of money.

Payment to nowhere through Sberbank Online

Everyone knows that you can pay for your studies through Sberbank Online. This makes the task easier for every student studying at an educational institution on a contract basis. But, unfortunately, it happens that the errors made when filling out the lines turn out to be so significant that the transferred amount of money goes in an unknown direction.

The academic semester or year ends up unpaid, although the student himself is firmly convinced that he was able to pay for his studies correctly. And then significant problems arise, because the administration of the educational institution does not see the transferred amount of funds and can expel the student from the university (other educational institution), without any special ceremony.

To avoid serious problems, you need to know how to pay for training through Sberbank Online without making mistakes. It is quite difficult to find your payment, which has gone in an unknown direction. Therefore, it is so important to carefully fill out all the details, all the required fields, without making the slightest mistake.

Before sending the payment, you need to double-check everything several times, making sure that the money will be sent to its destination. Paying for your studies through the Savings Bank is quite easy, but care and slowness are very important to avoid mistakes.

Students studying on a commercial basis and their parents do not have to go to the bank at the end of the next semester to pay receipts for their studies. Sberbank clients have the opportunity to make payments from any modern gadget. All you need is Internet access and a valid account in the Sberbank Online system.

Payment for studies on the system website

To perform card transactions, you first need to log in to the website - enter your login and the correct password.

Login to your personal account

Tuition is paid in the “Transfers and Payments” tab,

Go to the menu item “Payments and transfers”

where you can get by clicking on the second item in the main menu at the top of the page. Here you need to find the “Payment for purchases and services” section, then the “Education” subsection and select the “Universities, schools, colleges, technical schools” item.

Choosing a service

On the page that opens, a list of educational institutions will appear where you can pay for your studies. The list is usually multi-page, so for convenience you should use the search bar: enter the name of the educational institution, TIN or current account.

Attention! The list of educational institutions that appears will depend on the specified region of the cardholder. If the region is specified incorrectly, the desired organization may not be listed in the search results. You can view and change the selected region using the gray link next to the page title “Payment: Universities, schools, colleges, technical centers.”

If the required institution is not available in the issue, you can use payment using the details in the “Transfers and Payments” tab - “Transfers” section - “Transfers to organizations” item.

Select the section “Organization transfer”

To pay, you will need to enter the details in accordance with the receipt and confirm the operation with the code from SMS.

If the desired educational institution was in the list, after clicking on it, a form for filling out the details will appear. Depending on the selected organization, the list of requested data may differ. The system may require you to fill in the following fields:

  • TIN of the recipient institution;
  • personal account of the recipient institution;
  • KBK (in most cases it is filled in automatically);
  • OKTMO (indicated in the receipt or training agreement);
  • UIN (most often an optional field; to be specified by the territorial tax authority);
  • Country of Citizenship;
  • type, series and number of the document on the basis of which the payment will be made;
  • transfer amount (must not exceed 500 thousand rubles);
  • purpose of payment.

As for the purpose of payment, for many universities there is a division of payment: first you need to pay 70% of the amount, and then the remaining 30%. Thus, you will have to perform two similar operations in turn. You need to indicate which part of the amount is to be paid in the “payment purpose” field. You will also need to indicate the card from which funds will be debited to pay for your studies.

After filling out all the fields, you need to click the “Confirm by SMS” button, after which a message containing a one-time code to verify the identity of the card owner will be sent to the number associated with the card. You need to enter it in the “Enter SMS password” field, click the “Confirm” button, and then information about the status of the operation will be displayed on the screen with the “Completed” stamp. On the same page, you can print a check to present to an educational institution or create a transaction template that will significantly speed up your next payment for studies - all details will be filled in by the system. Also on the page there will be a button “Connect auto payment”,
clicking which will activate the service for automatic payment for studies using the specified details.

Payment for studies through the bank's mobile application for Android

To pay for your studies from a smartphone or tablet, it is more convenient to use a special application. First of all, to gain access to perform operations, you must enter a five-digit password.

Enter the password

Then you need to scroll to the second tab “Payments”,

Select the item “Payments”

find the "Other" subsection

Select "Rest"

The operation is confirmed with one touch, after which a notification about successful payment for studies is displayed on the screen and an offer to save the receipt to the device gallery, create a template and view detailed information about the payment.

Payment for studies through the bank's mobile application for iOS

Login using the mobile application for iOS

Select the “Rest” service

in the section of the same name and scan the barcode from the receipt or enter all the details yourself.

2017, . All rights reserved.

Payment for training through Sberbank to the AONO VPO Institute of Management, Marketing and Finance is often made at self-service devices. Since bank employees motivate everyone to make payments on their own by directing everyone to the terminal, it is worth paying attention to the following features: 1) payments are accepted using the following bank details: TIN 3666067518, KPP 366601001, current account 40703810513000019281, BIC 042007681, correspondent account 301018106000000 00681. 2) Payment available by bank card or cash. 3) The operation can be performed in the Voronezh region through payment terminals and many ATMs.

Select the ALL PAYMENTS button

The abbreviated name of the recipient - IMMiF - will be displayed on the screen, in a list or in the form of buttons. Select the one you need, and then verify the details. Following the instructions on the screen, you must fill in the additional details presented for entry. Data entry can be carried out either using the keyboard at the bottom of the terminal or on the virtual keys of the terminal screen.
Enter the value (Last Name). The maximum allowed line length is 40 characters.
Enter the value (Name). The maximum allowed line length is 40 characters.
Enter the value (Middle name). The maximum allowed line length is 40 characters.
Enter the value (Group number). The maximum allowed line length is 4 characters.
Enter the value (Fiscal period (format: MMYY)). The maximum allowed number length is 4 characters.
Enter the value (Faculty). The maximum allowed line length is 40 characters.
Enter the value (Purpose). The maximum allowed line length is 40 characters.
Enter the value (Amount). The maximum allowed length is 8 characters.
Before completing the transaction, the payment terminal will go to the details screen for your transaction.
Check the information on the screen with your payment notice.
Carefully check the bank details of the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), current account, name of the organization, as well as your payment information and the total payment amount.
Complete the transaction by clicking the PAY button. If you select ADD TO CART, you can go back to the top menu and make another payment, adding to the total amount. Typically, the payment method through a basket is used when many payments are made simultaneously or when accepting cash to collect an amount that is a multiple of the denomination of the bill.

Please note that a 0% commission will be deducted from this payment.
Please accept the printed receipt as confirmation of the transaction. Remember that you need to get your plastic card if you made a payment by bank transfer, and distribute the change if you paid in cash.
Please note that the reception scenario described above may change over time due to changes in the contractual relationship between the bank and the organization or the entry into force of new legislation. Nevertheless, this instruction is quite clear and shows the basic principles of making a payment through the terminal.

The terminal menu and the system of sequentially displayed prompts are organized so that even the most inexperienced client can use the device. Let's see this with a specific example by looking at such a popular operation as paying for utilities through a Sberbank payment terminal.

Step 1 . First, choose what you will pay with - card or cash.

But thanks to the Internet and special features, and a specific option, such an action is quite accessible today. It is known that timely payment guarantees education at a university, technical school or other educational institution. If you do not pay the required amount of money on time, this can be fraught with troubles, including expulsion.

Educational institutions currently function without problems to a large extent precisely thanks to the funds paid by pupils (students) who study on a contract basis.

1, as well as in the largest shopping centers in Moscow.

Students paying for their education need to know their Personal Student Number to pay through the terminal. For information about your Personal Number, contact the directorate of the institute.

Instructions for using the terminal Approach the PLAT-FORM terminal from the front side, make sure that the terminal is in working condition.

But there are also cases when you are given a receipt with details for payment through a bank.

You will be required to inform the operator of the details, amount and purpose of payment. Some banks may ask for a passport.

Show the operator your passport, provide the details for the transfer, the amount and purpose of payment.

Then sign the proposed documents and receive confirmation of payment in the form of a check.

Give a command to make a payment, if necessary, enter an additional identifier (payment password, variable code, etc.).

Visit a bank branch to receive confirmation of payment with the appropriate mark.

Vologda region, Cherepovets, st. Komarova, house 8

Payments through the Sberbank terminal using a card






The duty receipt must contain the following information:

  1. amount of duty,
  2. information about the payer: full name, address;
  3. name of the body that receives the funds;
  4. details of the addressee, purpose of payment, current account number and status of the sender of funds;
  5. date and signature of the payer.

You can pay off the duty at Russian Post, as well as at almost any Russian bank.

To pay using this method, you first need to find out whether the educational institution accepts online payments. Most often, universities in the regions are not connected to the system. Before making a transaction, you should register in the service, having first received your own identifier.

In most cases, this service is activated from the moment the card is issued. You can obtain an identifier for registration through the terminal after issuing a check, where the necessary information is indicated.

These include timely payment of monthly payments for kindergarten.

Sberbank offers parents who cannot spend precious minutes queuing at cash register windows to learn a convenient and fast method of making payments through information and payment terminals. The procedure for transferring funds to a preschool institution will not cause any problems.

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Payment for services through the Privatbank terminal. Comfortable. Promptly. Reliable.

  • Payment for training through Sberbank Online: transfer fee
  • How to pay for your studies at Sberbank Online without commission

Recently, the largest Russian bank began accepting tuition payments through its online service. The process does not take much time, no commissions are charged, and most importantly, all operations can be performed from home or on the road if you use the Sberbank Online application for a smartphone or tablet.

All you need to pay is a card with sufficient funds, a device with Internet access and a few minutes of free time. In addition, first obtain payment details from the accounting department of the educational institution or find your training agreement, perhaps all the data is there. In any case, before paying, you need to make sure that the school or university has not changed your payment information, because sometimes such situations happen.

The advantage of paying for various types of services through Sberbank Online is that there are no additional fees for transfers. Of course there are exceptions, but they do not apply to payment for services. Commission is charged only when transferring money to cards of other banks. And as you know, most non-profit institutions are serviced by the main bank of Russia.

After payment, if you wish, you can check if you have a printer nearby or make this request at a bank branch; you can also check at the nearest Sberbank ATM. In order to receive a statement confirming payment for training at a bank branch, you will need to present your passport, and the manager will provide you with a receipt indicating full payment for services, supported by a Sberbank stamp.
By the way, if you make payments through self-service terminals, the maximum payment is limited to 15 thousand rubles, which means you will have to carry out two transactions in a row or more, depending on the cost of one semester of study. This is another advantage of online payments, since the daily limit for payments in the Sberbank Online personal account is 500,000 rubles per day.

Now let's take a closer look at exactly how to pay for services through your personal account.

After completing the registration procedure in your Sberbank Online personal account, go to the main page of the Sberbank website and log in with your name and password. Now step by step:

  1. We are interested in payments, so go to the menu of the same name on the website (Transfers and payments)
  2. All categories are divided into intuitive names, we need the “Education” item
  3. If you can’t find it yourself, type this word into the search bar on the site
  4. Once you have entered this menu, select from the proposed set the tab that corresponds to your educational institution
  5. Fill out all the details and check that the entries are correct
  6. Confirm the transfer of funds by entering the secret code from the SMS sent to your mobile phone
  7. Save the payment as a template by clicking the appropriate button in the site interface (for ease of payment in the future)

You can see what details you will need in the image. Why do we save the template? If you do not want to enter data every time, then the easiest way is to save the sample and in the future just change the payment amount and time periods. This will allow you to pay for your studies in just a few clicks. In addition, if you use the Sberbank Online phone program, you can pay according to the template directly from your smartphone.

Payment for studies through the multifunctional service Sberbank Online is a new offer from the largest banking institution in the Russian Federation. Every student studying on a contract basis knows that timely payment is a guarantee of further studies. And everyone knows the simple truth that a student never has enough time. Therefore, it is worth finding out how to pay for your studies through Sberbank Online.

To pay using this method, you first need to find out whether the educational institution accepts online payments. Most often, universities in the regions are not connected to the system. Before making a transaction, you should register in the service, having first received your own identifier. In most cases, this service is activated from the moment the card is issued. You can obtain an identifier for registration through the terminal after issuing a check, where the necessary information is indicated.

Example of payment for English courses: stages 3 and 4

You can connect yourself. To do this, you will need to go to the website of the banking institution and click on the “Registration” option. The login will be the card number, the one-time password will be sent via SMS. After confirming your login, you completely change your ID. After completing all the steps, go to your Personal Account.

Example of payment for English courses: stages 5 and 6

Now let’s look at how to pay for your studies through Sberbank Online step by step, if the university is on the service list:

It is worth paying attention to one point regarding tax deductions. In this case, the payer must be the one who will file the declaration with the tax service. It is his data that is entered into the payment document. In this case, a document with a “wet” seal is provided to the service. It will be placed on a printed receipt at a banking institution. When applying, you must have your passport with you.

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If, when searching on the service, your university or technical school is not in the list, then payment can be made using arbitrary details. You can do this as follows:

  • After logging in, select the “Translations” section in the menu;
  • in the section, click on “Organization transfer”;
  • then fill in the details of the recipient bank yourself:
  • indicate the bank account, BIC and INN;
  • select a card to write off;
  • continue filling out the remaining details - KBK, KPP and OKTMO;
  • indicate the details of the payer and the student (filled out in the same way as in the previous version);
  • verify data using an agreement with the university;
  • make a payment by confirming the operation with the code from SMS.

When paying for training through the Sberbank Online service, a number of data will be required to carry out the operation correctly.

Please note that errors when entering data may be the main reason why your payment may go “nowhere”. Therefore, be especially careful when entering data.

All required data is divided into two groups: the details of the recipient himself and the personal data of the sender, in this case the student.

Recipient data requested by the banking institution:

  • payee's bank;
  • name of the recipient (educational institution);
  • current account number;
  • TIN;
  • BIC.

When filling out a payment document, the sender must provide the following information:

  • last name, first name, patronymic of the sender (in full);
  • sender's address;
  • last name, first name, patronymic of the student;
  • name of the faculty and group number;
  • indication of the period for which payment is to be made (per semester - write “first”, “second”, monthly - name of the month);
  • identifier;
  • Course of Study;
  • payment amount in accordance with the agreement with the university.

Payment for studies without commission at Sberbank is possible only if the educational institution has entered into a service agreement with the banking institution. In all other cases, the commission fee will be 1% of the amount of funds transferred.

How to check payment and not make a mistake

The biggest trouble for a student is an unpaid semester. If the university’s accounting department does not show enrollment, the student faces serious trouble, including expulsion. But sometimes situations arise when a student made a payment transaction, but the money never arrived in the educational institution’s bank account. This can happen if:

  • errors were made when filling out the details of the receiving bank or in the personal data of the payer (even the slightest mistake will cause the payment to “hang”);
  • The university has changed its details;
  • The educational institution's account is closed for various reasons.

It is worth noting that if the card details are entered incorrectly, or for some other reason, the non-credited payment will be returned after 5 days to the sender’s account, but without the commission paid. The only way out is to contact a banking institution and write a statement indicating all the necessary corrections. The sending bank will send a letter to the receiving bank with clarifications, and the transaction will be counted. But time will be lost.

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The best advice to avoid making mistakes in filling out a payment document is to carefully fill it out just once, make sure that the payment has gone through, and create a template.

Student time is the most wonderful time. In order not to overshadow it with unnecessary problems, when paying for a contract form of education, it is necessary to make payments on time and in full. The most economical and fastest way to pay for training is to carry out the transaction through Sberbank Online.


With the help of Sberbank Online ( you can pay for training / accommodation in a hostel at any time, in a place convenient for you and, most importantly, without queues and the need to visit Sberbank offices. Important! All transactions take place on the Sberbank Online website. The information presented on the Institute's website is for informational purposes only. Internet bank Sberbank Online provides the opportunity to pay for education/dormitory accommodation from current and card accounts of Sberbank clients. Transfer amount: from 0.01 rubles, no commission. To pay, log in to the Sberbank Online website and go to the “Transfers and Payments” section. Then, in the search field “Payment for purchases and services,” fill in “SKFU Pyatigorsk” and click the “Find” button. The following list will open in front of you.

After that, click on “ENTER” 8. Select your status “STUDENT” or “APPLICANT”, click “CONTINUE” 9. Enter the name of the group or your specialty. Click on “ENTER” 10. Enter the phone number and click on “CONTINUE” 11.

Now enter the amount you are going to pay. Click on “CONTINUE” 12. Last step. Check all the payment details and confirm it by clicking on “PAY” 13. Payment is completed! Don’t forget to take your receipt with you. On the main page of the USTU website on the left there is a section Payment for training and accommodation in a hostel. Select the type of payment “Tuition” or “Dormitory” and fill in the empty fields.

You should also read the payment rules and provide your confirmation.

As a last resort, they can be found on the official websites of universities. If the account numbers match, then we proceed to the next stage - fill in the payment information. At the first stage, we select the card from which the payment will be made and enter our full name: Next, we check the payment details of the university, enter the full name, registration address, group number and the period for which the payment is to be made.
In the line “Add. Information" you can write - payment for training: The last step will be to select the amount for payment and confirm the payment via SMS, the same as when logging into the system: Click "Confirm by SMS" and wait for the code to be sent to your cell phone, then enter it in the line that appears. If everything goes well, the service will display the appropriate message: That’s it, the payment has been made.

In the received list of payment recipients, select one of the items (services) you are interested in:

  • NCFU, Pyatigorsk - Payment for student training
  • NCFU Pyatigorsk - Payment for training applicants
  • NCFU, Pyatigorsk - Payment for accommodation in a hostel
  • NCFU Pyatigorsk-Other services
  • NCFU Pyatigorsk-Penya for training students
  • NCFU Pyatigorsk-Penya for living in a hostel

Then fill out the payment form, indicating your six-digit personal account number (You can find out the student’s personal account: 1) in the dean’s office of your faculty; 2) through a special form on the Institute’s website) and click the “Continue” button. A window with the filled in details of the Institute will open in front of you. Fill in the “Payer's full name” field and click the “Continue” button.

In the window that opens, you must fill in the “Payment Amount” field and click the “Continue” button.


Very soon, “in this country,” all education, from first grade to higher education, will become paid. Such trends greatly impact the family budget and force one to keep one more item in mind, which should not be forgotten by the end of the financial year - “Pay for studies.” Fortunately, there are already quite a few online services that can make our lives easier.

Leshino's right

Next, select “Ukhta State Technical University” 4. In the “SELECT A SERVICE” column, indicate “USTU - Training at the main branch” 5. Check the payment details, in the “PAYMENT AMOUNT” column, indicate the desired amount to be paid 6.

Press the “CONFIRM BY SMS” button, after which you will receive an SMS password on your phone 7. Enter the SMS password in the appropriate field and click the “CONFIRM” button If you have a SBERBANK card, you can pay for training and accommodation in a hostel at an ATM 1. Insert the card into the ATM and enter the 4-digit password 2. In the main menu, select “PAYMENTS IN OUR REGION” 3. Then click on “OTHER CATEGORIES” 4. Select the “EDUCATION (GARDENS, SCHOOLS, UNIVERSITIES)” section 5. Next select “UNIVERSITIES” 6. In the list of higher educational institutions, select “USTU (STUDYING AT THE HEAD BRANCH)” 7. Now you need to enter the “FULL NAME OF THE STUDENT” for whom the tuition fee is being paid.

  • Bank transfer
  • Sberbank Online
  • Payment through Sberbank terminals
  • Payment on the USTU website
  • Payment at the USTU cash desk by card

Details for paying for tuition and living in a dormitory Recipient: UFK for the Komi Republic (OFK 02, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "UGTU" l.s. 20076X21050) INN 1102011331KPP 110201001BIK 048702001OKATO 87425000000OKTMO 8772 5000 KBK 00000000000000000130 Current account 40501810500002000002 Name of bank Branch - National Bank of the Komi Republic Purpose of payment: Tuition payment / Payment for accommodation in a hostel 1. To pay through Sberbank Online, you need to go to the website, enter your login and password (they can be obtained in Sberbank terminals when you activate the Sberbank Online service). 2. In the section “PAYMENTS AND TRANSFERS” “PAYMENT FOR PURCHASES AND SERVICES” select “EDUCATION” “UNIVERSITIES, SCHOOLS, COLLEGES, TECHNIQUES” 3.

How to pay for your studies through Sberbank terminal, entering your last name

To pay for the training, first we must log in to the Sberbank Online system, which is now available at the new address - To do this, you need to enter the login and password that you received on the check through an ATM. More recently, Sberbank introduced a new user verification system and therefore now confirmation via SMS is required to enter the service: After entering the secret code, we will find ourselves inside Sberbank Online.

In the main menu, select the item “Payments and transfers”: Then we find the search line - Payment for goods and services. We enter the name of our educational institution there. In my case, this is the Russian University of Cooperation (hands). The search results will display banking information for our university. To be more confident, you can compare them with those in your contract or in the payment receipt issued by the educational institution itself.

Students studying on a commercial basis and their parents do not have to go to the bank at the end of the next semester to pay receipts for their studies. Sberbank clients have the opportunity to make payments from any modern gadget. All you need is Internet access and a valid account in the Sberbank Online system.

To perform card transactions, you first need to log in to the site - enter your login and the correct password.

Login to your personal account

Tuition is paid in the “Transfers and Payments” tab,

Go to the menu item “Payments and transfers”

where you can get by clicking on the second item in the main menu at the top of the page. Here you need to find the “Payment for purchases and services” section, then the “Education” subsection and select the “Universities, schools, colleges, technical schools” item.

Choosing a service

On the page that opens, a list of educational institutions will appear where you can pay for your studies. The list is usually multi-page, so for convenience you should use the search bar: enter the name of the educational institution, TIN or current account.

Attention! The list of educational institutions that appears will depend on the specified region of the cardholder. If the region is specified incorrectly, the desired organization may not be listed in the search results. You can view and change the selected region using the gray link next to the page title “Payment: Universities, schools, colleges, technical centers.”

If the required institution is not available, you can use payment using the details in the “Transfers and Payments” tab - “Transfers” section - “Transfers to organizations” item.

Select the section “Organization transfer”

To pay, you will need to enter the details in accordance with the receipt and confirm the operation with the code from SMS.

If the desired educational institution was in the list, after clicking on it, a form for filling out the details will appear. Depending on the selected organization, the list of requested data may differ. The system may require you to fill in the following fields:

  • TIN of the recipient institution;
  • personal account of the recipient institution;
  • KBK (in most cases it is filled in automatically);
  • OKTMO (indicated in the receipt or training agreement);
  • UIN (most often an optional field; to be specified by the territorial tax authority);
  • Country of Citizenship;
  • type, series and number of the document on the basis of which the payment will be made;
  • transfer amount (must not exceed 500 thousand rubles);
  • purpose of payment.

As for the purpose of payment, for many universities there is a division of payment: first you need to pay 70% of the amount, and then the remaining 30%. Thus, you will have to perform two similar operations in turn. You need to indicate which part of the amount is to be paid in the “payment purpose” field. You will also need to indicate the card from which funds will be debited to pay for your studies.

After filling out all the fields, you need to click the “Confirm by SMS” button, after which a message containing a one-time code to verify the identity of the card owner will be sent to the number associated with the card. You need to enter it in the “Enter SMS password” field, click the “Confirm” button, and then information about the status of the operation will be displayed on the screen with the “Completed” stamp. On the same page, you can present a check to an educational institution or create a transaction template that will significantly speed up your next payment for studies - all details will be filled in by the system. Also on the page there will be a button “Connect automatic payment”, clicking which will activate the service for automatic payment for studies using the specified details.

To pay for your studies from a smartphone or tablet, it is more convenient to use a special application. First of all, to gain access to perform operations, you must enter a five-digit password.

Enter the password

Then you need to scroll to the second tab “Payments”,

Select the item “Payments”

find the "Other" subsection

Select "Rest"

The operation is confirmed with one touch, after which a notification about successful payment for studies is displayed on the screen and an offer to save the receipt to the device gallery, create a template and view detailed information about the payment.

Login using the mobile application for iOS

Select the “Rest” service

in the section of the same name and scan the barcode from the receipt or enter all the details yourself.

© 2017, Pay easily. All rights reserved.

You can pay for educational services in cash at the cash desk of the educational institution, through a third-party bank (for example, Sberbank) without opening an account, by depositing money into its cash desk, or from your account at any bank. In the last two cases, the bank usually charges a commission for the transfer, but there may be another agreement between it and the specific educational institution.

You will need

  • - payment details;
  • - money in the amount of the cost of training or part thereof;
  • - passport (not in all cases).


Upon payment


directly at the educational institution you will be given papers with which you will have to go to the cashier and deposit cash. In small educational institutions (various courses, driving schools, and sometimes

universities, etc.) the person you will be with can also accept payment

about your purchase of educational services.

and cases when you are given a receipt with details for payment through a bank.

Most often payment


through Sberbank of Russia. In addition, this option may be stipulated as the only possible one for paying money for additional services, for example, public secondary schools. For example, in Moscow this is stipulated by order of the city department


In other situations, you can make payments through other banks. The availability of such a service and the size of the commission must be clarified with a specific bank.

You will be required to inform the operator of the details, amount and purpose of payment. Some banks may ask for a passport.

To pay for training from your account, you can contact


the bank in which it is opened (the possibility of servicing the client in a limited number of branches or any throughout the country depends on the policy of a particular credit institution).

Show the operator your passport, provide the details for the transfer, the amount and purpose of payment. Then sign the proposed documents and receive confirmation of payment in the form of a check.

If you have a connection to your account


Client you can make a payment with his help.

These details can also be on the website of the educational institution, and all the necessary information, except for the account number, can be found on the website of the bank where this account is opened.

Give a command to make a payment, if necessary, enter an additional identifier (payment password, variable code, etc.).

Visit a bank branch to receive confirmation of payment with the appropriate mark.

Helpful advice

If you are a personal income tax payer at a rate of 13% (personal income tax, withheld from wages, remuneration under civil contracts, income under sales contracts, income from abroad, etc.), keep the payment receipt or payment slip , an agreement for the provision of educational services, and ask the educational institution for a copy of the license. All these documents will be useful when applying for a social tax deduction.


  • Instructions for paying for training through Sberbank Online

How to pay for tuition in 2018

With the help of Sberbank Online ( you can pay for training / accommodation in a hostel at any time, in a place convenient for you and, most importantly, without queues and the need to visit Sberbank offices. Important! All transactions take place on the Sberbank Online website. The information presented on the Institute's website is for informational purposes only. Internet bank Sberbank Online provides the opportunity to pay for education/dormitory accommodation from current and card accounts of Sberbank clients. Transfer amount: from 0.01 rubles, no commission. To pay, log in to the Sberbank Online website and go to the “Transfers and Payments” section. Then, in the search field “Payment for purchases and services,” fill in “SKFU Pyatigorsk” and click the “Find” button. The following list will open in front of you.

After that, click on “ENTER” 8. Select your status “STUDENT” or “APPLICANT”, click “CONTINUE” 9. Enter the name of the group or your specialty. Click on “ENTER” 10. Enter the phone number and click on “CONTINUE” 11.

Now enter the amount you are going to pay. Click on “CONTINUE” 12. Last step. Check all the payment details and confirm it by clicking on “PAY” 13. Payment is completed! Don’t forget to take your receipt with you. On the main page of the USTU website on the left there is a section Payment for training and accommodation in a hostel. Select the type of payment “Tuition” or “Dormitory” and fill in the empty fields.

You should also read the payment rules and provide your confirmation.

As a last resort, they can be found on the official websites of universities. If the account numbers match, then we proceed to the next stage - fill in the payment information. At the first stage, we select the card from which the payment will be made and enter our full name: Next, we check the payment details of the university, enter the full name, registration address, group number and the period for which the payment is to be made.
In the line “Add. Information" you can write - payment for training: The last step will be to select the amount for payment and confirm the payment via SMS, the same as when logging into the system: Click "Confirm by SMS" and wait for the code to be sent to your cell phone, then enter it in the line that appears. If everything goes well, the service will display the appropriate message: That’s it, the payment has been made.

In the received list of payment recipients, select one of the items (services) you are interested in:

  • NCFU, Pyatigorsk - Payment for student training
  • NCFU Pyatigorsk - Payment for training applicants
  • NCFU, Pyatigorsk - Payment for accommodation in a hostel
  • NCFU Pyatigorsk-Other services
  • NCFU Pyatigorsk-Penya for training students
  • NCFU Pyatigorsk-Penya for living in a hostel

Then fill out the payment form, indicating your six-digit personal account number (You can find out the student’s personal account: 1) in the dean’s office of your faculty; 2) through a special form on the Institute’s website) and click the “Continue” button. A window with the filled in details of the Institute will open in front of you. Fill in the “Payer's full name” field and click the “Continue” button.

In the window that opens, you must fill in the “Payment Amount” field and click the “Continue” button.


Very soon, “in this country,” all education, from first grade to higher education, will become paid. Such trends greatly impact the family budget and force one to keep one more item in mind, which should not be forgotten by the end of the financial year - “Pay for studies.” Fortunately, there are already quite a few online services that can make our lives easier.

Leshino's right

Next, select “Ukhta State Technical University” 4. In the “SELECT A SERVICE” column, indicate “USTU - Training at the main branch” 5. Check the payment details, in the “PAYMENT AMOUNT” column, indicate the desired amount to be paid 6.

Press the “CONFIRM BY SMS” button, after which you will receive an SMS password on your phone 7. Enter the SMS password in the appropriate field and click the “CONFIRM” button If you have a SBERBANK card, you can pay for training and accommodation in a hostel at an ATM 1. Insert the card into the ATM and enter the 4-digit password 2. In the main menu, select “PAYMENTS IN OUR REGION” 3. Then click on “OTHER CATEGORIES” 4. Select the “EDUCATION (GARDENS, SCHOOLS, UNIVERSITIES)” section 5. Next select “UNIVERSITIES” 6. In the list of higher educational institutions, select “USTU (STUDYING AT THE HEAD BRANCH)” 7. Now you need to enter the “FULL NAME OF THE STUDENT” for whom the tuition fee is being paid.

  • Bank transfer
  • Sberbank Online
  • Payment through Sberbank terminals
  • Payment on the USTU website
  • Payment at the USTU cash desk by card

Details for paying for tuition and living in a dormitory Recipient: UFK for the Komi Republic (OFK 02, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "UGTU" l.s. 20076X21050) INN 1102011331KPP 110201001BIK 048702001OKATO 87425000000OKTMO 8772 5000 KBK 00000000000000000130 Current account 40501810500002000002 Name of bank Branch - National Bank of the Komi Republic Purpose of payment: Tuition payment / Payment for accommodation in a hostel 1. To pay through Sberbank Online, you need to go to the website, enter your login and password (they can be obtained in Sberbank terminals when you activate the Sberbank Online service). 2. In the section “PAYMENTS AND TRANSFERS” “PAYMENT FOR PURCHASES AND SERVICES” select “EDUCATION” “UNIVERSITIES, SCHOOLS, COLLEGES, TECHNIQUES” 3.

How to pay for your studies through Sberbank terminal, entering your last name

To pay for the training, first we must log in to the Sberbank Online system, which is now available at the new address - To do this, you need to enter the login and password that you received on the check through an ATM. More recently, Sberbank introduced a new user verification system and therefore now confirmation via SMS is required to enter the service: After entering the secret code, we will find ourselves inside Sberbank Online.

In the main menu, select the item “Payments and transfers”: Then we find the search line - Payment for goods and services. We enter the name of our educational institution there. In my case, this is the Russian University of Cooperation (hands). The search results will display banking information for our university. To be more confident, you can compare them with those in your contract or in the payment receipt issued by the educational institution itself.

If you select ADD TO CART, you can go back to the top menu and make another payment, adding to the total amount. Typically, the payment method through a basket is used when many payments are made simultaneously or when accepting cash to collect an amount that is a multiple of the denomination of the bill. Please note that a 0% commission will be deducted from this payment. Please accept the printed receipt as confirmation of the transaction. Remember that you need to pick up your plastic card if you made a non-cash payment, and distribute the change if you paid in cash. Please note that the acceptance scenario described above is due to a change in the contractual relationship between the bank and the organization or the entry into force of a new legislation may change over time. Nevertheless, this instruction is quite clear and shows the basic principles of making a payment through the terminal.

After payment, if you wish, you can check if you have a printer nearby or make this request at a bank branch; you can also check at the nearest Sberbank ATM.

In order to receive a statement confirming payment for training at a bank branch, you will need to present your passport, and the manager will provide you with a receipt indicating full payment for services, supported by a Sberbank stamp. By the way, if you make payments through self-service terminals, the maximum payment is limited to 15 thousand rubles, which means you will have to carry out two transactions in a row or more, depending on the cost of one semester of study.

This is another advantage of online payments, since the daily limit for payments in the Sberbank Online personal account is 500,000 rubles per day.

Payments and methods of accepting them.

Sberbank Online, go to the main page of the Sberbank website and log in with your name and password.

Now step by step:

  1. We are interested in payments, so go to the menu of the same name on the website (Transfers and payments)
  2. All categories are divided into intuitive names, we need the “Education” item
  3. If you can’t find it yourself, type this word into the search bar on the site
  4. Once you have entered this menu, select from the proposed set the tab that corresponds to your educational institution
  5. Fill out all the details and check that the entries are correct
  6. Confirm the transfer of funds by entering the secret code from the SMS sent to your mobile phone
  7. Save the payment as a template by clicking the appropriate button in the site interface (for ease of payment in the future)

You can see what details you will need in the image.

Students are wondering: how to pay for their studies through Sberbank? Thanks to the fact that banks today are striving to alleviate the plight of their clients to a greater extent, many opportunities have emerged that allow them to deposit funds without leaving their home.

Payment for training through Sberbank is currently available.

This is one of the most reliable organizations that have long proven themselves to be the best.

This is the most reliable bank that clients can contact for various issues.

Otherwise, the transferred funds will go to the wrong address and a serious problem will arise.

Every university and other educational institution has many different faculties.


If an error occurs when filling out the forms, payment will be made in favor of another faculty.

How to pay for your studies through Sberbank online

November 2013 Payment for training through Sberbank to the Institute of Management, Marketing and Finance is often made at self-service devices.

Since bank employees motivate everyone to make payments on their own by directing everyone to the terminal, it is worth paying attention to the following features: 1) payments are accepted using the following bank details: TIN 3666067518, KPP 366601001, current account 40703810513000019281, BIC 042007681, correspondent account 301018106000000 00681.

Payment by credit card or cash is available. 3) The operation can be performed in the Voronezh region through payment terminals and many ATMs.

Memo - how to pay for training at the Institute of Management, Marketing and Finance through the Sberbank terminal. Enter the PAYMENTS IN OUR REGION menu.

We continue filling out the details:

  • indicate the group number using any number, for example 1
  • contract number
  • payment period – set the number 1 (one-time payment)
  • passport series and number

And click the “continue” button 7.
In the window that opens, we check the payment details, indicate the payment amount 8. Next, we confirm the payment via SMS. All! You have paid for your education and confirmed the conclusion of the education contract. Thank you! St. Petersburg, st. Tankista Khrustitsky, 94 About banks and finance The following window will appear in front of you: When you become friends with the terminal, be sure to get a “Personal Account” and enter data about your regular payments into it. This will help you speed up and simplify the payment procedure.

Step 3. But because you don’t have an account yet, use the “Search for payee” button.


Payment for training through Sberbank to the AONO VPO Institute of Management, Marketing and Finance is often made at self-service devices. Since bank employees motivate everyone to make payments on their own by directing everyone to the terminal, it is worth paying attention to the following features: 1) payments are accepted using the following bank details: TIN 3666067518, KPP 366601001, current account 40703810513000019281, BIC 042007681, correspondent account 301018106000000 00681. 2) Payment available by bank card or cash. 3) The operation can be performed in the Voronezh region through payment terminals and many ATMs.

Select the ALL PAYMENTS button
The abbreviated name of the recipient - IMMiF - will be displayed on the screen, in a list or in the form of buttons. Select the one you need, and then verify the details. Following the instructions on the screen, you must fill in the additional details presented for entry. Data entry can be carried out either using the keyboard at the bottom of the terminal or on the virtual keys of the terminal screen.
Enter the value (Last Name). The maximum allowed line length is 40 characters.
Enter the value (Name). The maximum allowed line length is 40 characters.
Enter the value (Middle name). The maximum allowed line length is 40 characters.
Enter the value (Group number). The maximum allowed line length is 4 characters.
Enter the value (Fiscal period (format: MMYY)). The maximum allowed number length is 4 characters.
Enter the value (Faculty). The maximum allowed line length is 40 characters.
Enter the value (Purpose). The maximum allowed line length is 40 characters.
Enter the value (Amount). The maximum allowed length is 8 characters.
Before completing the transaction, the payment terminal will go to the details screen for your transaction.
Check the information on the screen with your payment notice.
Carefully check the bank details of the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), current account, name of the organization, as well as your payment information and the total payment amount.
Complete the transaction by clicking the PAY button. If you select ADD TO CART, you can go back to the top menu and make another payment, adding to the total amount. Typically, the payment method through a basket is used when many payments are made simultaneously or when accepting cash to collect an amount that is a multiple of the denomination of the bill.
Please note that a 0% commission will be deducted from this payment.
Please accept the printed receipt as confirmation of the transaction. Remember that you need to get your plastic card if you made a payment by bank transfer, and distribute the change if you paid in cash.
Please note that the reception scenario described above may change over time due to changes in the contractual relationship between the bank and the organization or the entry into force of new legislation. Nevertheless, this instruction is quite clear and shows the basic principles of making a payment through the terminal.