How to print from taxpayer. How to print a tax return without a printer at home

How to submit a 3-NDFL declaration through the taxpayer’s personal account

When your 3-NDFL declaration is ready, it needs to be sent to the tax office. Let's consider one of the filing methods: through the taxpayer's personal account.

We offer you video instructions and, below, step-by-step photo instructions.

Through your personal account you can send not only the declaration itself, but also a set of accompanying documents.

Entrust filling out and sending the 3-NDFL declaration to a personal tax expert of the online service!

Step one: Log in to your Personal Taxpayer Account through the website of the Federal Tax Service. To do this, you need to know your TIN (this is your login) and password.

In addition, you can log in using a verified profile on the government services website.

After logging in, you need to select the “Life Situations” tab:

Step two: Select the “Submit 3-NDFL declaration” tab:

Don’t forget to register in the online service - we will help you return the maximum possible amount of tax deduction!

Step three: Select the method of filing the return and the year for which you are filing the return:

Step four: attach the declaration file in xml format, received earlier in our service, as well as documents confirming the right to deduct:

If you do not have an electronic signature, then you need to verify your electronic signature. If the certificate has already been received, then proceed to the next step.

Order an electronic signature through the online service we will not only fill out the declaration for you, but also send it to your tax office ourselves!

At this stage be sure to attach documents, confirming income and expenses declared in the declaration. Note! The total volume of all sent files should not exceed 20 MB.

Step five: after you have uploaded all supporting documents, you must enter the password for the electronic signature certificate.

Your documents have been sent to the tax authority. You can also find out about the results of a desk tax audit from your “Personal Account”, and there is no need to go to the tax office.

Step six: As soon as the declaration is verified, you will receive information about the result of the desk audit:

After completing the check and confirming the amount of tax to be refunded, in the “MY TAXES” section you will see the amount of tax to be refunded.

Fill out the tax refund application, enter the account number for the transfer and confirm sending.

The status of the refund application can be tracked in messages - the tax office will send you a notification:

The online service wishes you successful declaration! Remember that we are always in touch with you and are ready to resolve any issue regarding filling out the 3-NDFL declaration!

When a person plans to receive a tax deduction, he is faced with the question: how best to fill out the 3rd personal income tax return - manually or using a computer. Each of these methods has its own advantages, but if you use special programs to fill out the 3rd personal income tax declaration, it is better to download them on the official website of the Federal Tax Service.

This is where the “Declaration” software product is located, using which you can fill out the document as quickly and correctly as possible. Since the personal income tax declaration form 3 changes quite often, a new version of the program is posted on the tax website for each year. That is, if a declarant wants to fill out a document for 2015, he must download the Declaration 2015 program.

So, first you need to go to, download the program for the desired year and install it. Next, open the Declaration program shortcut on the desktop and proceed directly to filling out the data. Of course, the content of the document will directly depend on the purpose for which it is filled out: it could be obtaining a property deduction for, a tax deduction for, etc.

However, some tabs of the Declaration program are filled out regardless of the purpose of filling out the document, that is, data will be entered in them upon receipt of any deduction. First of all, fill out the section called “Setting conditions”. In it we select the type of personal income tax declaration 3.

Then you need to fill in the tax office number; you can select it in the directory of inspectorates that this program contains. This is very convenient because you do not need to additionally search the Internet for the necessary information. In order to select the required inspection number, click on the square, a list will appear:

Select your inspection there and click “Yes”. Then in the “Adjustment number” field we leave the value 0 if the declaration is being drawn up for the first time this year. After this, you need to select the taxpayer’s attribute, that is, indicate who the declarant is - an individual or individual entrepreneur, a notary, a lawyer, etc.

In the next field “Income available” you need to reflect the source of income of the person preparing the declaration. The program allows for the selection of several items at the same time; this is relevant for persons who, for example, receive profit from participation in investment partnerships and at the same time have income in foreign currency. Most citizens select the first item in this column, which reflects the declarant’s income received in the form of wages.

The last action in this section indicates who is providing the declaration - directly by the person making it or his representative. The next item is to fill in “Information about the declarant”.

This tab contains information about the person submitting the declaration, namely:
-last name, first name and patronymic of the declarant;
-his TIN;
- date, month and year of birth;

Then fill out the section “Information about the identity document.” Opposite the “Type of document” line, click on the button and select the required document from the list, usually a passport (item 21 in this list). After that, we enter the passport data: series, number, date of issue, who issued it.

Next, click the “Information about place of residence” button to make it easier to find; the developers made an icon in the form of a house for this tab. Here you will need to enter the address of the declarant’s place of residence, including postal code and OKTMO code.

Then go to the “Income received in the Russian Federation” tab. This section contains the name and details of the organization where the declarant receives income, as well as the amount of this income by month.

Interest rates are located at the top of this tab. Since most citizens pay 13% income tax, this rate is selected by default in the program. If the declarant has income subject to other interest rates, this software product allows you to select the value the declarant needs.

Now fill in the “Sources of Payments” column. If the declarant works in several places at the same time, he must enter data for each source of income. To start filling out the information, you need to click on the green cross to the left of the table. A window will appear, in its lines you must enter the name of the organization where the declarant works, its tax identification number and checkpoint, OKTMO code. All this data can be taken from the 2-NDFL certificate, which is issued by the accounting department of the enterprise.

If the declarant has the right to receive a standard deduction for himself or for a child, and the deduction was not provided by the employer, then he must check the “Calculate standard deductions” checkbox. If a person has more than one source of income, then he can choose any of them. But you can only check one of these sources. After all the information has been filled in, you need to click the “Yes” button and the window will close.

Then we enter the data into the table; it will reflect the amount of income of the person filling out the declaration. To do this, click on the “Add income” button (green cross next to the second table). In the window that appears, select the Income Code - for wages it will be 2000.

Then we enter the amount of income for January and enter the month number in order, that is, January-1, February-2, etc. The remaining months for the entire past year are filled in similarly. You can copy data for the previous month; to do this, click the “Repeat income” button. In order to delete erroneously entered information, you need to click on the minus sign; you can also correct inaccuracies in the data using the "Edit income" button.

At this point, filling in the general information can be considered complete. The following articles will look at filling out the “Deductions” tab, data in which is entered differently depending on the type of deduction:
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Very often, accountants encounter some problems when printing tax returns, or the declarations are simply not printed. During normal operation of the program, you can print a tax return using the “Print” button from the bottom command line (Figure 5), when you click it, you can select one of the proposed actions :

1. Immediately print a form with a PDF417 two-dimensional barcode.
2. Display the form with the PDF417 2D barcode.

When choosing the first option, the declaration is printed without preview. You can also print a tax return without the PDF417 barcode; I will describe this option a little later.

I propose to consider an example when it is not possible to print tax returns for property tax and transport tax. At the same time, the program warns us that “to print this document, you must install the package “print ND S PDF417D” version 3.0.32 or higher.” To resolve the above problem, let’s try to follow the following recommendations.

In order to update or reinstall the ND printing components with PDF417, go to the “Tax and statistical reporting” menu (menu “Accounting - Regulated reports - Tax and statistical reporting”) and use the “Settings” item, you should use the “Settings” menu item. In the window that opens, we find the line “To install components for printing machine-readable forms, click here” - click (Figure 1).

Picture 1.

After this, the package installation assistant “Print ND with PDF417” opens (Figure 2). Here you need to click the "Next" button.

Figure 2.

Installing the package may take some time, so let's wait a little. After the message “Installation is complete” appears on the monitor, click the “Close” button (Figure 3).

Figure 3.

Having completed these steps, we will generate tax returns for printing (Figure 4).

Figure 4.

Now you can print machine-readable forms of regulated tax reports, including the “Property Tax Declaration” and the “Transport Tax Declaration” (Figure 5). This means that the problem with printing declarations has been solved.

Figure 5.

Now I’ll tell you how to generate and print tax return forms without the PD417 barcode. To do this, in the form of a regulated report, click on the "Settings" button to open the "Report Settings" window and check the "Allow printing without PD417 barcode" checkbox. This is clearly depicted in Figure 6.

Figure 6.

When filling out 3-NDFL to receive a deduction, it is sometimes necessary to indicate information from the declaration for the previous year. But what if for some reason you don’t have it in your hands? And why even keep a second copy of a tax return that has already been filed? If you receive a standard tax deduction: from medical services, education, charity, and so on, then you do not need a declaration for the previous year, since such deductions cannot be carried forward to the next year.

But if you receive a property deduction from the purchase of a room, house or apartment, and this is not the first year you have been doing this, then the previous declaration is needed to fill out a new one, since it indicates the balance amount with which you will return the tax in subsequent years.

To understand why we need balances from the previous declaration, let’s look at a simple example.

EXAMPLE. The apartment was purchased in 2013 for 2,300,000 rubles. According to the law, the deduction is provided only from 2,000,000 - 260,000 rubles. Salaries for 2013 amounted to 387,792.19 rubles, and the return of 13%, respectively, was 50,413 rubles. (refund amount is always rounded).

Thus, not the entire deduction was received in 2013; the remainder can be returned in 2014 and subsequent years. Balance amount: 2,000,000 - 387,792.19 = 1,612,207.81 rubles. It is from this amount that income tax will be returned in the future. Therefore, without knowing it, it is impossible to fill out the declaration correctly.

It is also impossible to find out the balances based on the return amount for previous years, since they are rounded (as can be seen in the example), and the balance must be transferred from year to year accurate to the nearest kopeck.

How can you find out the balances if the declaration for last year has not been saved?

  • Go to the tax office - go to the tax office at your place of registration in person with your passport and ask for information from the 3-NDFL declaration. As a rule, they either name the amounts or provide a copy of the declaration itself.
  • Request a second copy of 3-NDFL from the organization or specialist where you filled it out last year.
  • Take a 2-NDFL certificate for the previous period - this method is acceptable if you received a deduction 1 or 2 times and did not reflect other information other than the purchase of an apartment in the declaration. In this case, you can manually calculate the balances.

If you annually fill out 3-NDFL declarations at TERRA-Consulting, you don’t have to worry about the safety of the second copy, our specialists always store them in paper or electronic form, they can always look at the balances and, without unnecessary trips to the tax office, fill out a new declaration for a 13% refund. .

A short Sunday post for aspiring entrepreneurs, in which I will talk about how to print a tax return without having a printer at hand.

Strange as it may seem to me, many individual entrepreneurs (and accountants) still fill out declaration forms manually. That is, they go to the printing house, buy ready-made forms and fill them out by hand. This is despite the fact that for filling out tax reports there are such excellent programs as “Taxpayer Legal Entity” and “Declaration 2013”.

There are entrepreneurs who have little understanding of computers, and it is difficult for them to understand the “Legal Taxpayer” program. In February, I will launch a channel on YouTube, in which I will post videos on setting up and working in the main accounting programs: Taxpayer Legal Entity, BusinessPack, Declaration 2013. But that’s not about that now.

There is a solution to this problem and it is called “Virtual Printer”. As you will see below, everything is very simple. You download the corresponding virtual printer program from the Internet. I use a program called “doPDF” for these purposes. It is free, multilingual, Russian is present. Downloaded and installed. All settings are selected by default.

An additional window appears asking you to save the declaration file in pdf format. Click on the “Browse” button, select your flash drive, check the “Built-in fonts” field and click “OK”.

To make it clearer, I am posting a picture with instructions.

Save the file to a flash drive and go to the nearest place where there is a printer: an office, a printing salon, a friend’s house... This way, you will save time, money and avoid arithmetic errors!

As you can see, nothing complicated! And one last thing. The pdf format has become widespread in recent years, but is not yet available on every computer. To open such files, you can use the Sumatra PDF program.

I hope the article was useful to you!

Program for filling out 3 personal income taxes, how to fill out the 3 personal income tax declaration in the program

Several years ago, a program was developed for filling out 3 personal income taxes. You need to enter the initial data into it, and it automatically calculates the tax. The program for free completion of personal income tax declaration 3 is called “Declaration”.

Tax program for filling out 3 personal income taxes

The document for tax form 3 personal income tax must be filled out by individuals if they have additional income (other than the main one, which is indicated by the employer in declaration 2 personal income tax).

In addition, individual entrepreneurs (if they use the general taxation system), lawyers and foreign citizens who work in Russia must submit a declaration before May 2.

3 Personal income tax must be filed if you need to return part of the tax already paid - that is, tax deductions.

If the declaration is submitted only to receive deductions, then you can contact the tax office on any working day in 2017.

If the 2nd personal income tax certificate is filled out by accountants who know the intricacies of filling out tax documents, then you need to deal with the 3rd personal income tax declaration yourself.

The Declaration program greatly simplifies the filling out process. You can download it on the website of the Federal Tax Service and on some third-party sites. The program is free.

An alternative to the program is to fill out a declaration in your personal account on the Federal Tax Service website. In this case, you can do without downloading.

The presence of the program does not mean that you cannot fill out the declaration in the classic way - by hand on paper.

The program will help you avoid mistakes. Another plus: the final version can be saved on a flash drive and shown to the tax inspector. If he finds an error, there is no need to rewrite the entire sheet (there cannot be corrections in the declaration). The corrected version can be quickly printed and left at the inspection.

To work with the program, you will need to have documents for tax deductions.

The most important task, on which all further calculations depend, is filling in the initial data. You need to record data in three required blocks:

  1. Setting conditions. Enter the type of declaration, tax office number, taxpayer attribute, type of income. Examples of tax numbers are on the Federal Tax Service website.
  2. Information about the declarant. You need to rewrite the information from your passport. The only thing that can cause confusion is the OKTMO code - the digital code necessary to designate populated areas. The Federal Tax Service website will come to the rescue again with code instructions.
  3. Income received in the Russian Federation. You will need a personal income tax certificate 2 to write off all the employer’s data from it (TIN, OKTMO and other data). From the same certificate, you will need to rewrite the monthly income data indicating the taxes withheld.

The following sections will cover tax deductions. They are grouped as follows: property deductions, standard and social.

If a citizen has purchased real estate, he needs to fill out the “Property deductions” tab. If you need deductions for minor children or disabled children - “Standard deductions”. If a person spent money on expensive treatment or voluntary insurance - “Social deductions”.

Please note that deductions for children are often issued by the employer in certificate 2 of the personal income tax. In this case, they do not need to be duplicated in the declaration in question.

After filling out the electronic form of the declaration, you need to print the document and take it to the tax office.

A sample of filling out program 3 personal income tax can also be viewed on the main assistant website - the portal of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation.


How to fill out 3-NDFL using a 2-NDFL certificate

In this consultation we talk about how to fill out 3-NDFL according to 2-NDFL. What you need to pay attention to, as well as how and when you can fill out a declaration in Form 3-NDFL if you do not have a certificate of income. What to follow The rules for entering information into the 3-NDFL declaration are not clear...

What is the difference between 2-NDFL and 3-NDFL

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3-NDFL for 2017 for individual entrepreneurs in the program from the Federal Tax Service “Declaration 2017”

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We save and print 3-NDFL for 2017 from the Federal Tax Service program “Declaration 2017”

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Tax authorities have released a new version of the program for filling out the 3-NDFL declaration for 2017

The Federal Tax Service of Russia on its official website has updated the version of the program for filling out the 3-NDFL declaration for 2017. This adjustment is due to changes in the reporting form. This section of the site also contains versions of the program for earlier tax periods. The “Declaration” program is available for download on the website of the Russian Tax Service from...

Sample of filling out 3-NDFL in the program: example for 2017

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Form 3-NDFL in 2018

The reporting of individuals on form 3-NDFL in 2018 has undergone some changes. These improvements are related both to changes in legislation and to the improvement by the Russian Tax Service of the declaration form itself and its electronic format. We tell you what changes and nuances you need to keep in mind in 2018...

Instructions for filling out 3-NDFL in 2018 in the “Declaration 2017” program

Practice shows that in 2018, an even larger number of individuals preferred to fill out reports in Form 3-NDFL on their income for 2017 not on paper, but electronically using special software. Therefore, we consider in detail how to fill out 3-NDFL in the Federal Tax Service “Declaration 2017” program. Accounted for...

Installing the “Declaration” program for filling out 3-NDFL for 2017: instructions

The income tax declaration campaign for 2017 traditionally starts in January 2018. The deadline is approaching soon when many individuals must report their financial successes to the tax authorities using Form 3-NDFL. Our consultation will help you install the “Declaration” program from the Federal Tax Service and fill it out. Why download...

Download the “Declaration” program for 3-NDFL for 2017

The Russian Tax Service is constantly improving its electronic services and programs for filling out and submitting reports. One of the most useful and popular of them is called “Declaration” - this is a special program for 3-NDFL. In 2018, it will help you quickly and without errors fill out this reporting form…

Resave the file from 3-NDFL for 2011 to 2012

Many people fill out 3-NDFL in the Declaration 20xx program from GNIVTs, which has its own format for storing declaration files. In many cases, it is possible to resave the file with the declaration for the previous year so as not to enter most of the data again.

First, open the file as text:

We find the text “DLSG Decl20110102” at the very beginning and change the last digit indicating the year of the declaration:

After this, all that remains is to change the file extension to dc2:

After the manipulations have been completed, the file with the declaration for 2011 can be opened in the program for filling out 3-NDFL for 2012 and the data in the declaration will already be entered.

In this way, you can resave a file with 3-NDFL in .dcX format not only between 2011 and 2012, but also any other, but not always. Success is affected by the contents of the file. For example, the presence of deductions that could have changed, which is why the file format has changed. If you have to fill out declarations for several years, it is better to fill out your passport data, transfer the declaration to other years, and only then enter data on income and deductions.

3 Personal income tax in Excel and the Declaration program. Advantages of filling out the 3NDFL form in Excel

Russian legislation provides for several forms of tax returns. One of them is Form 3 Personal Income Tax.

How to file a tax return

Thanks to widespread computerization, the process of filing a tax return has been greatly simplified. Now you can fill out a declaration without leaving your computer and send it to the tax office via the Internet. True, the taxpayer will still have to visit this government agency. After all, he will still need to put his signature on the submitted declaration. We can only hope that in the future, when electronic digital signatures become widespread, the need to visit the tax office when filing a return will completely disappear.

Ways to fill out a tax return

The taxpayer can fill out the declaration in form 3 of the personal income tax in Excel format or using a program for automatically filling out the declaration.

Advantages of filling out personal income tax form 3 in Excel

The most convenient way to fill it out is to use the Excel format. Template form 3 personal income tax in this format can be easily downloaded on the Internet. Excel has pre-written formulas, thanks to which you can simply substitute your income figures into the already created columns. Using formulas when summarizing results will reduce the likelihood of an arithmetic error compared to manually filling out the declaration.

How to use the “Declaration” program

Taxpayers can fill out personal income tax form 3 not only in Excel format, but also using a special “Declaration” program. It can be downloaded from the tax service website. This program can automatically check the correctness of the entered data, which reduces the likelihood of errors. Just 20 years ago such opportunities would have been unthinkable. And taxpayers were forced to spend a lot of time to correctly record all the data in the declaration.

In order to create a file that will be sent to the tax office, after entering all the data in the program, you need to go to the “Declaration” section on the top panel and select the “Export” section. Next, the user can only select a location on the computer where the declaration will be saved in xml format, and send this file via the Internet to the tax office.

Payment according to notifications

In order to check the completion of all columns, click the “Check” button located at the top. The declaration will be checked for completeness and compliance of the entered data. Upon completion of the test, the message “Test completed successfully” will be displayed or the program will issue any comments.


In the declaration for 2015 and for 2015, on sheet “A”, the type of income code is entered for each income (two digits on the right). Salary and gift have different codes. Therefore, if you received from your employer not only wages, but also some kind of gift, the program deliberately “splits” your income into the gift and wages. This is exactly what the instructions for filling out the declaration require.

Despite the fact that in these programs errors and bugs periodically appear, such as an error with the formation of additional. sections in the UTII declaration, which many taxpayers encountered in January, it is still more convenient and much faster to fill out the report in a special program.

How to fill out 3 personal income taxes in the Declaration program

In the next field “Income available” you need to reflect the source of income of the person preparing the declaration. The program allows for the selection of several items at the same time; this is relevant for persons who, for example, receive profit from participation in investment partnerships and at the same time have income in foreign currency. Most citizens select the first item in this column, which reflects the declarant’s income received in the form of wages.

Program for filling out form 3-NDFL for 2015

First of all, an applicant for any type of deduction will need to set certain conditions relating to both the declaration itself and the taxpayer. In order to open the corresponding page in the vertical panel located on the left edge of the window, you need to click the “set conditions” tab. The page that appears as a result of these actions is divided into five blocks:

To use the “Declaration 20__” program, the taxpayer only needs to enter the initial data, on the basis of which the program will not only automatically generate declaration sheets for all taxable income received from sources in the Russian Federation and received from sources outside the Russian Federation, but will also calculate tax amounts for payment or return from the budget.

Tax return program 2017 - step-by-step instructions for filling out

  • If the family is large, indicate the number of children starting from the third. If you have disabled children, please also indicate.
  • If during the year you have an addition to your family, then uncheck the appropriate category of children and indicate the number of children in the columns.

How to fill out your own tax return for 2017 (3-NDFL)

We go to the tax service website and download the required version of the 3-NDFL reporting form. To do this, you need to go to the tax website of your region, scroll down the main page and find the “Software” section there. Now go to the “Declaration” subsection. In the next window, download the Installer for 2017.

How to print a 3rd personal income tax declaration from a program on another computer

if unsaved changes were made to the active declaration, a dialog will appear asking you to save the declaration to a file, and if the answer is yes, if the file name has not yet been selected, a dialog will appear asking for the name and location of the file to be saved.

How to save personal income tax declaration 3 from the program in pdf

How to create, print a declaration and generate an xml file in the Tax Return 2018 program

In this article, we will consider the formation of a tax return in a special program developed by the Russian Tax Inspectorate for citizens. This program, which can be downloaded on the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia (go to, and at the bottom of the page click on the “Software” link, select “Declaration” there), allows you, in addition to printing a tax return, to also generate an xml download file, which can be sent to the tax office via the Internet - without a personal visit. We talked about how to do this here.

How to print a tax return without a printer at home

Despite the fact that in these programs errors and bugs periodically appear, such as an error with the formation of additional. sections in the UTII declaration, which many taxpayers encountered in January, it is still more convenient and much faster to fill out the report in a special program.

Payment according to notifications

  1. Check whether you installed the program as a user with administrator rights? It is necessary to set it as an administrator.
  2. Did you restart your computer after installing the program?
  3. On your computer, on the “Regional Settings” tab in the list of the “Language Standards and Formats” section (Start -> Control Panel -> Language and Regional Standards) “Russian” should be selected, in the “Location” list - “Russia”; on the “Advanced” tab, “Russian” should be selected in the list of the “Language of programs that do not support Unicode” section.
  4. If all the previous steps have been completed, try running the command C:\WINDOWS\system32\regsvr32 TAXDOCPrt.dll on the command line to manually register the TAXDOCPrt.dll file
  5. If all four points do not help, you need to contact the developer (GU GNIVS Federal Tax Service of Russia), at:

Program for filling out the 3-NDFL declaration for 2017

The new form 3-NDFL (approved by Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated October 25, 2017 No. ММВ-7-11/) and intended for filling out a report on income received in 2017, has minor differences from the previous form, therefore the 08.12 I described. The 2014 algorithm below is quite suitable for working with the program for filling out a declaration of income received in 2015, 2016 and 2017.