How to get an insurance policy for a child. Obtaining a compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn

The birth of a child brings with it not only joys, but also troubles. Registration of documents for a newborn is often considered by young parents to be one of the most terrible bureaucratic tortures. Fortunately, in 2019, with the advent of multifunctional centers, almost all documents can be completed in one place and on one day. We hope that our simple step-by-step instructions will help you get documents for your baby quickly and painlessly.

What documents does a newborn need? Complete list for 2018-2019.

This article is a set of short instructions on how to quickly get the entire list of documents for a newborn. For each document, we have collected the necessary minimum information: what documents are needed to obtain and where to go to draw up a specific paper. If you are interested in the intricacies of drawing up certain documents, you can click on the “more details” link after each item and read about how certain documents are drawn up in non-standard situations.
All documents for a newborn from this list can be done at the MFC. If for some reason you are not comfortable using the MFC, you will need to visit a number of more traditional establishments, for example the registry office. All papers are issued free of charge, without duties.
Let's look at the baby's basic documents in order of importance:

1. Registration of a birth certificate for a newborn

The list of documents for a newborn begins with a birth certificate.
The birth certificate is the main document of the baby. Its presence is mandatory in almost every legal procedure, so it is mandatory to obtain it. The law requires parents to obtain the certificate within the first 30 days of the baby's life. True, there are no sanctions for missed deadlines: the only problem you may encounter is difficulties in obtaining other documents.

What documents are needed to obtain a birth certificate?

  1. Certificate of birth of a child from the maternity hospital.
  2. Parental passports
  3. In the presence of - Marriage certificate/ or 350 rubles state fee for filing paternity statements(if the parents are not officially married). The application is submitted simultaneously with the issuance of the certificate.

Where is a birth certificate issued?

  1. MARRIAGE REGISTRY(any nearest, does not depend on the place of registration of the parents/child)
  2. MFC(similarly, you can choose any convenient MFC)

How long does it take to issue a birth certificate?

It is issued immediately, on the day of application.

You can read about the intricacies of obtaining a birth certificate (for example, if a child was born outside the maternity hospital and there is no certificate) in a detailed article:

2. Citizenship

If both parents are citizens of the Russian Federation and the child was born in Russia, this item can be skipped.
In most cases, no physical movements are needed to officially register a child’s citizenship. If both parents are citizens of the Russian Federation and the child was born on the territory of Russia, then he is automatically considered a citizen of Russia (this is confirmed by information about the citizenship of the parents recorded in his birth certificate). However, in some cases (the parents have different citizenships, the child was born outside the territory of the Russian Federation), he will still have to put a stamp on his citizenship on the birth certificate.
Citizenship is needed to travel abroad and to obtain maternity capital.

What documents are needed to officially obtain citizenship for a child?

  1. Baby's birth certificate
  2. Parents' passports.

Where is the citizenship stamp placed?

  1. Federal Migration Service(Passport Office)
  2. Russian Consulate(if the case takes place in another country)

Where will information about the child’s citizenship be entered?

The child will be stamped with Russian citizenship on the back of the birth certificate.

How long does it take to obtain citizenship?

On the same day.

You can read about the intricacies of obtaining citizenship for a child in the article:

3. Registration of a compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn

Like any resident of Russia, the baby will need a policy in order to gain access to free medicine. Without a policy, a baby will be admitted to clinics only for 60 days from the date of birth (30 days from the date of birth are allocated for obtaining a birth certificate (which is necessary to obtain the policy), and another 30 days for the child to issue the compulsory medical insurance policy itself).

What documents does a newborn need to apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy?

  1. Birth certificate
  2. Passport of one of the parents

Where does a child get a compulsory medical insurance policy?

  1. MFC(any one closest to you)
  2. Any insurance company accredited to issue compulsory medical insurance policies. (for example, Rosgosstrakh, AlfaStrakhovanie and the like).

How long will it take to make the policy?

The policy takes two to three weeks to complete. When submitting your application, you will be told when you will need to come for the completed document. During the registration of a permanent policy, the child will be issued a temporary one.

You can read life hacks on how to get a policy faster and easier in the material:

4. Registration of SNILS (pension certificate) for a newborn

SNILS is not one of the strictly mandatory documents for a baby, but its production will help you gain access to many preferential and social programs. It will also be useful for using the government services portal (if you pay for classes and sections through it). Mandatory for disabled children.

What documents does a newborn need to apply for SNILS?

  1. Birth certificate
  2. Passport person applying for SNILS ( parent)

Where is SNILS issued for a child?

  1. Pension Fund at the place of registration
  2. MFC(any)

How long will it take to make SNILS?

2-3 weeks. When submitting your application, you will be informed of the date when the document will be ready.

For details on why a child needs SNILS and how to get it quickly and without problems, read the article:

5. Registration of the child. How to register a newborn?

You can only register a child in a place where one of the parents is already registered (legislation prohibits a child under 16 from living separately from their parents). Although, according to the law, every person on the territory of Russia must have registration, all other documents can be obtained without it. But sometimes it can come in handy: for example, it makes it easier to get on the waiting list for kindergarten and school. Registration can also provide access to some social benefits and benefits - for example, benefits for those who have unfavorable living conditions (too many people live in one apartment).

Where does the child register?

  1. Federal Migration Service(Passport Office)

What documents does a newborn need for registration?

  1. His birth certificate
  2. Parents' passports
  3. Marriage certificate/certificate of paternity
  4. If the parents are registered in different places, then it is additionally written a statement from one of the parents that he is not against registering the child with the second.

How long will it take for a child to register?

About a week. Attention! During the registration process, the parent with whom the child is registered will have their passport taken away. Instead, a special certificate must be issued.

In what document is the child's registration recorded?

The registration of the child at the place of residence will be recorded on a special form (registration certificate), which is considered an attachment to the birth certificate.
Read about registration details in a separate article:

6. Stamps in the parents’ passports about the child

At the moment (2019) they are no longer strictly mandatory. It will help in any case when you need to prove the parentage of a certain child (for example, if he is lost in a shopping center, because rarely does anyone carry a birth certificate with them), and also, for example, to obtain a foreign passport with information about children.

What documents are needed to include a child in a passport?

  1. Passport in which the child’s name will be stamped ( father's/mother's passports)
  2. Child's birth certificate

Where do they put a stamp in the parents' passport about the child?

  1. Federal Migration Service(passport office) regardless of place of registration

How long will it take to process?

The stamp and signature of the authorized person will be affixed immediately, on the day of application.


That's the entire main list of documents for a newborn. Also, you may have to issue an INN for your child (if he owns some property, for example, an apartment will be bought in his name) or a foreign passport.
The above list of documents will be enough for a child to be at least 14 years old. And many of the documents on the list are completed only once in a lifetime, so by providing your newborn with all the documents necessary for a Russian citizen, you will forever save yourself and your offspring from further hassle of obtaining paperwork.

The compulsory health insurance policy allows every citizen of the Russian Federation to receive medical care free of charge. Young children also require medical attention from time to time. We will tell you in detail what documents are needed to apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn.

How important is medical insurance for a newborn?

According to the current legislation, every citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to receive emergency medical care free of charge. If we are talking, for example, about a preventive examination, receiving benefits in the form of free medical care on the territory of the Russian Federation (in any locality of the country, without reference to the place of registration) is guaranteed by a compulsory medical insurance policy.

Adults need a health insurance policy if they get sick: they need to provide sick leave to their employer. A sick teenager will need it: the school will require a certificate from him. Why does a newborn need a policy? The reason is simple. In Russia, much attention is paid to the demographic situation and the health of citizens. Babies in the first year of their life should be examined by a pediatrician once a month and several times a year by other specialized specialists (ENT, cardiologist, pediatric dentist). The compulsory medical insurance policy guarantees the high quality of medical care provided. And insurance company employees regularly check the baby’s medical record to check whether he received the necessary help.

The law does not establish a strict framework for issuing a policy. If parents do this not immediately after the birth of the baby, but much later, they will not have to pay a fine or bear any other punishment. But, as practice shows, the ideal option is to receive this document within a month after the mother and newborn are discharged from the maternity hospital.

What documents will be required?

Medical insurance policies are not issued on the day of application. You have to wait from 2 to 4 weeks. You can find out about its readiness by coming to the insurance company, or simply wait until the agent calls and informs you that the document can be collected. All this time, when going to a medical institution, you can use a temporary one. It differs from a permanent one, it is more like a certificate from an insurance company, which contains information about the newborn.

Important! A temporary policy has a validity period of no more than 30 days. But by the time this period ends, a permanent policy, unlimited, is already issued to the parents.

To obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy, an insurance company employee is provided with the necessary documents:

  • birth certificate;
  • baby's SNILS;
  • passport of the parent who applied for the document.


The insurance company will give you a printed application form. All that is required of you is to enter information about the child in the appropriate fields:

  • Date of Birth;
  • SNILS number;
  • registration address (where registered);
  • address of the actual residence;
  • passport details, contact phone number (for parents).

There should be no difficulty in filling out this document. If necessary, detailed information can be found on the official website of the insurance company.

Birth certificate

In order to verify the accuracy of the information specified in the application, IC employees will need the original Birth Certificate. This document is issued at the registry office. In order to receive it, one of the parents (often this is done by the father) provides:

  • (discharge) from the maternity hospital;
  • marriage certificate (if you have one);
  • completed application form.

The certificate is issued on the day of application.


A document confirming the assignment of an Individual Personal Account Insurance Number to a child is issued at the territorial office of the Pension Fund. It is better to contact us 7-10 days after receiving your Birth Certificate. During this time, information about the newly registered citizen of the Russian Federation (your baby) will be transferred to the Pension Fund. You will have to wait some time (usually a week) before SNILS is ready.

Certificate of registration

In order to receive an insurance policy issued in the name of a newborn, it is not necessary to provide a certificate of registration of the baby. But since you will include this information in the application for a policy, it will not be superfluous. For the same reason, you will need the original of your passport: an employee of the insurance company will check whether you have provided the necessary information correctly in the application.

Important! When contacting the insurance company to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy, the parent must provide the original of his passport. Copies, even certified by a notary, are not accepted.

The completed insurance policy must be picked up by the person who submitted the application. Someone else can do this (for example, a grandmother, a baby’s aunt), but when submitting an application, you must provide information about this person and provide a power of attorney. It is written by hand in free form. There is no need to have it certified by a notary.

You can learn more about how to apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn from the following video:

Registration of documents for a newborn is an important process. In Russia they devote a lot of time to it. If parents do not worry about preparing certain papers in time, the baby will face certain problems. What documents are needed to apply for a policy for a newborn? Is this paper really necessary? What does it give? Where can I get it? We will have to understand all this further. Understanding the rules established in Russia is actually not as difficult as it seems.

What is a compulsory medical insurance policy?

To begin with, you should generally understand what we are talking about. What is an insurance policy? Do citizens really need it?

In Russia, the population can receive free medical care. It requires compulsory medical insurance - this is a document that gives citizens of any age guarantees for the provision of free treatment in public and even some private medical institutions.

Accordingly, only paid services are provided without this paper. The compulsory medical insurance policy is a small piece of paper on which information about the owner is indicated, as well as the number of his insurance account (assigned when applying to certain authorities with an application).

Who can receive

Who has the right to receive it in Russia? This question worries those who first arrived in the country. After all, the majority of the population is aware of this information.

Currently, the following persons can be distinguished among the recipients of the compulsory medical insurance policy:

  • adult citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • children;
  • Foreign citizens.

It turns out that almost anyone has the right to receive this document. Only in the case of foreigners you will have to try hard. For them, the paperwork and conditions are somewhat difficult.

Where to contact

Where can I get a policy? Another important point worthy of public attention. Understanding this topic is not so difficult. Citizens are offered several options for the development of events. But the main advantage of obtaining a policy is the actual freedom to choose the organization to which you will need to contact with the corresponding request.

All citizens have the full right to draw up the document being studied (including newborns) in the following places:

  • in educational organizations (in practice it almost never occurs);
  • in insurance companies;
  • in multifunctional centers.

In practice, most often the population turns to insurance companies. It is in such organizations that it is possible to implement an idea very quickly. Therefore, it is first recommended to decide which insurance company’s services you are most interested in.

Does a newborn need a policy?

Some parents doubt the need to obtain a medical insurance policy for their baby. Is this document really necessary? In general, as practice shows, it is impossible to live without it in Russia. More precisely, it is very difficult to do this.

A policy for a newborn is one of the most important documents. It must be formalized. You can do without, for example, a passport. But there must be a compulsory medical insurance policy. Why?

Without this document, the newborn will not be able to receive free medical care. Also, it will not be possible to assign him for observation to one or another children’s clinic. Accordingly, the local doctor will not visit the baby at home, or on call. No free medical care is provided to a child without a medical policy. Everything is only on a paid basis, and not in all organizations.

It turns out that a newborn baby needs a medical insurance policy. If parents only plan to monitor their child’s health for a fee, they don’t have to rush to complete this document. But you shouldn’t forget about him. No one knows exactly when and in which organization a compulsory medical insurance policy will be required.

Time limits

Almost every document has its own order time limits. If you fail to meet the deadlines established by law, you will have to incur administrative penalties. In other words, pay a fine. Is there any time frame for obtaining a medical insurance policy for a child?

Here the opinions of the population are divided. Some say that there are such restrictions. Only a month is allotted for registration from the moment the baby is born. And some point to the real absence of any time restrictions in this matter. Who to believe?

The second category of persons should be more trustworthy. As practice shows, there are no legal restrictions on issuing a medical insurance policy. You can submit the relevant documents in a month, or in a year. There will be no fine or any other penalties.

Indeed, parents are not limited in time. But there are unspoken rules among the people. To ensure that the newborn does not have problems with medical care, it is recommended to apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy within a month from the moment the child is born. So the document will be prepared by the time of the first independent visit to the state children's clinic.

Not right away

An insurance policy for a newborn is important. But you should know one more fact: when you contact an insurance company, you won’t be able to get the document you are studying instantly. It takes approximately 2-3 weeks to make, sometimes a month. But this does not mean that the child will not be able to receive free medical care.

Instead of a permanent compulsory medical insurance policy, citizens will be issued a temporary document upon application. It lasts for about 2 weeks. And it allows you to replace a permanent medical insurance policy. Usually, by the time the temporary paper expires, the permanent one is already ready.

A temporary policy looks like a certificate from an insurance company. It indicates information about the recipient (in this case, a newborn), as well as the validity period of the document. The stamp of the institution where the certificate was issued is placed on the side. The temporary policy is now either laminated or placed in a special protective file. When receiving a permanent document, you can destroy the previously issued one. Or keep it as a souvenir.


But now you can find out what documents are needed to apply for a policy for a newborn, and where to get them. The first thing you need is a statement of the established form. There is no need to think about it in advance. After all, it is filled out, as a rule, on a computer at the insurance company. It is then printed and given to parents for signature.

By the way, it is the legal representatives of the newborn who must draw up an application in the established form in order to receive a compulsory medical insurance policy for the child. The main thing is that you don’t have to worry about this item in the general list of papers in advance. It is much more interesting to learn about the remaining documents. There are not as many of them as it seems.

Birth certificate

What documents will a newborn need first of all to apply for a policy? The main piece of paper, which you absolutely cannot do without, is the birth certificate. Only the original must be provided. It is not collected, information about the name and parents is simply checked.

You can only obtain a birth certificate at the registry office. A month is given for the production of this paper from the moment the child is born. You must contact the Newborn Registration Department. There, parents write a statement in the established form, after which they attach to it a marriage certificate, as well as identity cards and an extract from the maternity hospital. A few minutes of waiting - and confirmation of naming the baby in your hands!

Parent's ID

What other documents are required for a newborn to apply for a policy? There are no problems at all with the next paper. After all, we are talking about one of the parents. The one who will act as an applicant when contacting the insurance company.

If the parents' passports are exchanged at the time of registration, it is recommended to wait. After all, there are no fundamental restrictions on the production of a compulsory medical insurance policy. You only need to present your original passport. Insurance companies do not accept copies, even those certified by a notary. And it's worth knowing about this.


But these are not all the documents for issuing a policy for a newborn. Recent innovations in Russian legislation have given parents more trouble when preparing their child's first papers. The thing is that previously the list of everything necessary to obtain ended. Now SNILS is required from citizens. Without it, you don’t have to contact the insurance company - a policy cannot be ordered for your child.

To take SNILS, you need to write an application in the established form to the Pension Fund. To do this, one of the parents of the newborn must come to this organization and present their identity card, as well as the baby’s birth certificate. Then, either immediately or a few days later, SNILS will be issued to the child’s legal representatives.

In practice, many parents try to contact the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation immediately after receiving the birth certificate of their newborn. But even the registry office recommends doing this only after 7-10 days. This way, information about the registered citizen will be transferred to the Pension Fund. And there will be no problems with obtaining SNILS.

Do I need registration?

Many people are interested in whether supporting documents are needed to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy. In general, these papers will not be superfluous. But they are not included in the required documents for issuing a policy for a newborn.

Therefore, it will be enough to simply provide the baby’s registration address. The one that is planned. Nothing more is needed from the parents of the newborn. After submitting documents for issuing a policy, the original of the paper being studied can be collected from the insurance company. In fact, everything is not as difficult as it seems. It will not be difficult for a newborn to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy in Russia if you prepare in advance.

Like any other individual living on the territory of the Russian Federation, a newborn has the right to use almost all medical services that are provided to every citizen on a gratuitous basis, that is, without requirements for payment of funds.

However, in order to fully exercise this right, the parents of a newborn child must properly, and within the time limits established by law, issue a medical policy, which gives the right to receive it at any medical institution that has state status.

Documents and deadlines for obtaining a medical policy for a newborn child

To register in accordance with the law in the name of your child, one of his parents, or, if they are absent, a legal representative, you need to contact one of the many companies providing insurance services that are located on the territory of the state.

To obtain this document, you need to collect a certain number of documents:

  • Completed application form, drawn up in accordance with a single template, which can be obtained directly from the office of the company that provides insurance services to the population.
  • A copy as well as the original passport or, in exceptional cases, another document capable of confirming the identity of the applicant.
  • A copy, as well as the original document, confirming the identity of the newborn, that is, a birth certificate.

After the application, directly on the same day, the child’s legal representative will have temporary status. The validity of this document is very limited and is no more than 30 days. It fully replaces the policy, that is, it gives newborns the right to receive a full package of medical services provided by the state to citizens.

An original sample of a medical policy is produced within a month from the moment a representative of a newborn child contacts the company with a corresponding application.

Any child is provided with medical services free of charge for three months from the date of his birth. That is, after the specified period, any hospital or clinic may refuse admission or offer services for a fee. Parents or legal representatives of the newborn must submit documents for registration and no later than within three months from the date of birth of the baby.

Requirement of registration to obtain a medical policy

Before you begin registration, it is necessary to register a newborn child at his place of residence, that is, arrange registration in accordance with legislative norms. Otherwise, the insurance company has the right to refuse to provide services.

In order to register a child in accordance with the address where his parents live and are registered, it is necessary to contact the passport office, which has jurisdiction over this territory. We also recommend that you read our article which will tell you.

To register (registration), you must provide the following documents:

  • Copies, as well as original samples of identification documents both the child and the parents. That is, a birth certificate and passports, respectively.
  • A photocopy of the certificate of paternity establishment, or of the registration of the parents’ marriage.
  • A document that confirms the right of one or both parents to own living space, where the newborn will be registered directly.
  • Arrival sheet, issued at the passport office.
  • Statement, the form of which should be filled out in accordance with the accepted sample.

Patronage and payment for medical services. services

During the first month of a child's life, the doctor of the clinic where the child’s parents are registered must visit the newborn at least three times for inspection. Parents also have the right to go to a medical facility themselves if the need arises.

Primary care of a newborn child

All services for treatment, as well as preventive examination of the child, are provided absolutely free of charge, even in the absence until the newborn turns three months old.

Observation of a newborn baby

If for any reason parents are not satisfied with the quality of services provided by a medical institution serving the relevant territory, they have the right to contact any other hospital or clinic. According to the law, a child under three months old who does not have a policy, as well as an older child who has the specified document, has the right to be observed, as well as receive a number of necessary medical services in any institution located on the territory of the state.

The moment a baby is born, he immediately comes under the close attention of doctors. In order for this to continue in the future, parents are obliged to insure their child as quickly as possible. And this is not a whim, but a requirement of the law of the Russian Federation. Every person living in the Russian Federation must receive medical care. And it's free. This is why compulsory health insurance exists. Applying for a compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn is not difficult, and you won’t have to spend a lot of time. But we will tell you exactly how to do this in our article.

The baby needs a policy

In the first couple of months of a child’s life, according to documents, he is still inseparable from his mother. Therefore, all necessary medical procedures for him are covered by her policy. But subsequently it will be very difficult and expensive for you to communicate with doctors if you fail to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn on time. If you take out insurance in a timely manner, you can qualify for special baby food (dairy cuisine), as well as free medications if necessary.

Some mothers evade the compulsory health insurance program, arguing that the whole family is voluntarily insured under the VHI policy and this is quite enough. However, such arguments do not stand up to criticism. Despite the fact that a voluntary policy provides a much wider range of medical services and, perhaps, provides better and more expensive treatment, it has one drawback, which, upon closer examination, outweighs all the advantages. The point is that in the current difficult conditions, no one can guarantee you that by the time the insured event occurs, your insurance company will still exist.

If this happens, your sick child risks being left without the necessary medical care. In extreme cases, you will have to pay for the treatment yourself.

So it does not in any way cancel the compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn; rather, it complements it.

and baby

Correctly and timely insurance gives the baby the right to receive timely and free medical care in any state clinic in the Russian Federation. So if you went to visit your grandmother on the other side of the country and suddenly fell ill, you can be sure that your baby will not be left without help. But whether it will be paid or not depends on whether your baby has a compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn.

In addition, if they have compulsory health insurance, children under 3 years of age have the right to use free medications in accordance with the instructions of the attending physician. Without compulsory medical insurance, this is impossible.

Mothers should know that even without an insurance document, during the first three months of a child’s life they are required to provide him with all necessary medical services free of charge. But during this time the document should still be drawn up.

Where to contact

To apply for a policy, parents must contact any insurance organization. If you don't know how to choose it, you can use a little advice. In the first months of your baby’s life, decide on the clinic where you are going to continue receiving services.

This does not necessarily have to be the institution closest to your home - it is likely that you will prefer the pediatrician who sees you on the other side of the city, and you will want to be treated only by him, despite the difficulties of travel.

When you have decided on a doctor and a medical institution, ask the employees which insurance company they have an agreement with, and feel free to go there. In this case, you are guaranteed not to have any difficulties. By the way, if you suddenly want to change the selected insurance system to another, you can do this freely and freely once a year.

How to prepare documents

To obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy for newborns, you need to start preparing documents in advance. This is due to the fact that the little one has not yet completed any paperwork and the matter may drag on.

First of all, the baby needs to issue a birth certificate. It's very easy to do. To do this, you need to contact the local registry office and present an extract from the maternity hospital and parents’ passports. This must be done within a month from the moment of birth.

When the certificate is received, the child must be registered, that is, registered at the address of the parents (or one of them, if they do not live together). To do this you need to go to the passport office. Failure to register a child is an administrative offense and entails a fine or warning.

Now you need to go to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and submit documents for registration of SNILS. Although this point is not mandatory, it should not be neglected. You will definitely need SNILS in the future.

Here, in fact, are all the documents for obtaining a compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn:

  • passport of one of the parents (the one with whom the baby is registered);
  • birth certificate;
  • application form filled out in the prescribed form;
  • SNILS.

Although the law allows three whole months for all the paperwork, there is no point in delaying the registration.


When all the documents for the compulsory medical insurance policy for the newborn have been collected, we go to the insurance company. An IC employee will check everything and give you a temporary certificate. It is valid for 30 days and completely replaces a permanent policy. This was done so that the baby does not suffer from bureaucratic delays and receives free medical care from the moment the parents contact the insurance company. After a month, a permanent document will be issued for the child, which will be valid throughout his life.

There is one nuance here. If a child (as well as his parents) has only temporary registration, then insurance will be issued only for the period of its validity. The policy will be automatically renewed along with an increase in the registration period.

How to order compulsory medical insurance remotely?

Many young parents are very interested in the question: “Is it possible to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn remotely, through electronic services or mail?”

Unfortunately, although technological progress has gone far, the issuance of a compulsory medical insurance document remotely is not provided for by Russian legislation. The fact is that to receive such a document you will have to sign in a special journal, because these forms belong to the category of strict reporting.

But it is very possible to use postal services to submit documents. To do this, it is enough to send notarized copies of the necessary documents and a completed application form to the selected insurance company.

Many insurance companies have their own websites and offer to fill out an application online and scan documents. You can do this, but to receive the policy itself you will still have to appear in person.

In some regions of the country, you can apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy using the government services website. You only need to fill out an electronic application form, and all other documents will be received as a result of interaction between various departments.

What happens if you don't take out insurance?

You probably already understand that a compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn is very important. Without this document, only emergency doctors will serve you free of charge. Without compulsory medical insurance, you won’t be able to register with a clinic, and there can be no talk of a free hospital.

A few days spent on correct paperwork is certainly not worth the health of your child. The risk in this case is absolutely not justified, so it is better to get insurance quickly.

How to recover a document

If you have lost or damaged your compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn, or if the baby’s personal data has changed, the document must be replaced. This is not difficult to do. You need to contact the same insurance company where it was issued and report the loss of the document or change in personal data. The employee will record the information and issue you a temporary policy. A month later you will receive a new document with all the changes.