How it's made, how it works, how it works. Unified payment document Print a unified payment document for housing and communal services

How does a single payment document work? aslan wrote in July 22nd, 2016

Initially, I wanted to title this post “How the EIRC works and how the ENP works.” But I think not only you, but also I would get confused, later understanding the abbreviations. Like, what kind of yoprst is this? In fact, the topic of today’s report is much closer to each of you than about anything else in the community, because today there will be a story about utility bills, and where our money goes.

I am sure that each of you has come across them and you (like me) quite often have the question: “Why should I pay for this?” seeing incomprehensible numbers next to the electricity bill or for garbage collection. But first things first.

Today we are reporting on how a single payment document is formed and what it is.

About MosObleIRC

In order to find out what's new in the field of accepting utility payments, I came to Khimki, to the new office of MosOblEIRTS. Everyone knows housing and communal services, but the new abbreviation initially confuses you until they explain it to you - Moscow Regional Unified Information and Settlement Center. Where did the housing and communal services go, and why do we need MosOblEIRTS?

The creation of MosObleIRTs was initiated by the government of the Moscow region in order to make payments as transparent as possible both on the part of the service user and on the part of the management company. Management companies did not always do their job well, delaying payments for electricity, water, etc., so it was decided to create a single information and settlement center that would accept payments and be responsible for ensuring that money reaches service providers on time.

Since Mosenergosbyt had the largest base of service users, it was decided to create a unified information and settlement center based on them. Thus, housing and communal services ended up on the logo of Mosenergosbyt.

MosObleIRTs provided management companies (MCs) with their resources and services to perform payments for housing and communal services and organize cash services for residents. Thus, it turns out that the management company and the RSO (resource supply organizations) hired MosOblEIRTS to service personal accounts and work with residents.

To do this, an agreement is concluded with the management company, which is carefully prepared by lawyers and economists of the MosObleIRC. They not only prepare contracts with organizations, but also carry out claims work, defend the interests of management companies in court in cases of collecting receivables from defaulters.

About ENP

In order to streamline the process of payment by the user for utility services, a new form of receipt was created - EPD (single payment document), which immediately includes all housing and communal services: communication services, voluntary insurance, contribution for major repairs, intercom maintenance and other services related to accommodation in a residential area. This is the main idea: services are provided by different organizations, but there is one receipt.

The ENP includes several different services; accordingly, the management company enters into contracts with several different suppliers. Each service provider is assigned a corresponding portion of the payment. Where direct contracts have been concluded with the RNO, residents pay for the corresponding services directly to the RNO.

Receipts are generated in their final form in the payment system. All accruals and information necessary for generating receipts flow into the payment system. You can see receipts in your personal account only after they have been generated in the payment system. Each receipt is printed only in 1 copy, but there are 1.5 million of them printed in total! Ready-made EPDs are delivered to MosObleIRC clients throughout the Moscow region within 2-3 days.

Below, next to the photo of the receipt, you can see explanations for each item.

1. Tear-off form for transmitting readings from individual metering devices.
The completed form can be placed in a special “Box for receiving testimony” in the MosObleIRTs office or in the office of the management company.

2. Receipt for payment for the billing period (month), taking into account the debt for previous periods and recalculations.
It contains information about the premises and the payer, details of the payee, contact information, and the amount to pay.

3. In the table “Accruals for the maintenance and repair of residential premises, utilities, contributions for major repairs on the personal account [account number] for [billing period]” you can see all the accruals made on the personal account, taking into account tariffs, volumes, standards and recalculations . This table contains all the services for which payment is made using this single payment document.

4. The table “Information for making payments for [billing period] to suppliers of services, works and resources on the personal account [account number]” contains the details of service providers and the amounts that must be transferred to each supplier for the billing period.

5. Table "Reference information" it shows on what data the calculations were made (meter readings, average values, standard values).

6. Additional contact and reference information.

7. Contact information: subscriber's full name and residential address.

Today, the EPD contains all the information on the basis of which the accruals are made. It is not easy for an unprepared person who does not know the provisions of the law and the rules of calculation to understand all the intricacies of accruals, but now such an opportunity has arisen, and many residents of the region began to closely monitor changes in tariffs and the correctness of accruals. This is how the principle of transparency of payments is implemented. Moreover, thanks to the ENP, residents see what amounts are transferred and to which organizations.

About programs and databases

Historically, different cities and districts of the region used different programs to calculate the cost of housing and communal services. Today MosOblEIRTS is forced to carry out calculations in 4 different billing programs. Each program has its own characteristics and disadvantages, therefore the main task of MosOblEIRTS in 2016 is the transfer of all payments to a single billing. The creation of a unified system of payments and services for residents in the Moscow region will greatly facilitate mutual settlements between service users and their suppliers.

To perform calculations, you must enter data for calculations into the database, sorry for the tautology. Some of this data, such as the area of ​​the house or premises, does not change. Other parts of the data change rarely, such as tariffs. Readings from common house metering devices are entered into the database every month. And some of the data changes daily: information about payment, readings of individual (apartment) meters, information about shortfalls in the supply of resources. All these parameters need to be monitored and updated.

In addition, each locality, each management company, each house has its own characteristics, its own tariffs, its own providers of services and resources. It is very difficult to understand this mess of these features, but the employees of MosObleIRC are trying very hard.

Therefore, every day, many employees of the MosObleIRC receive residents, enter information into the database and do a lot of other work to prepare information for making calculations.

About service

To provide residents of the Moscow region with a service that meets modern requirements, MosOblEIRTS created a network of territorial departments located in 50 municipalities. In total, there are more than 250 offices and cash desks of MosObleIRTs in the region, where they will answer all questions, give an extract from the financial and personal account, accept meter readings and payment using a single payment document. Right there, at the cash desk, you can print out the EPD if for some reason you did not receive it. The number of personal accounts served is more than 1.5 million.

You can still pay for housing and communal services using MosObleIRTs receipts at post offices, in some payment systems and in the most common banks in the Moscow region: MKB (Moscow Credit Bank), Sberbank, Vozrozhdenie, VPB, Mosoblbank, Rosinterbank.

Well, for those who don’t want to once again visit the office of the payment center to pay for utilities, there is client's personal account, in which you can download clear instructions for using your personal account - how to register, manage your personal account, change information in the account, find out information on the EPD, download its electronic version, transfer meter readings and finally pay for housing and communal services.

To work with citizens’ appeals, a special service has been organized at MosObleIRC, which includes a telephone contact center. Employees of this service daily process thousands of requests from residents of the Moscow region regarding the transfer of readings from individual metering devices and legal issues.

This is roughly how the work of the Moscow Regional Unified Information and Payment Center works and the creation of a single payment document.

I hope you understand what MosObleIRC and EPD are needed for. If it’s not very clear, ask questions in the comments, we’ll try to answer!

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The Moscow Housing and Public Utilities Department has published a brochure “How to understand the ENP.”

Every month, Muscovites take out the Unified Payment Document (UPD) from their mailbox - a receipt for payment for housing and communal services. The document contains all the information about housing and communal services: tariffs, consumption volumes, charges, etc. It can be difficult to understand, and Muscovites often ask questions about what this or that column means.

What information does the EPD contain?:

1 . Full name – last name, first name, patronymic of the owner/responsible tenant.
2 . The address of the residential premises at which payments for housing and communal services were made.
3 . Barcode. Graphic representation of 28 digital characters. Required for paying for EPD via electronic terminals.
4 . The month for which the EPD was formed.
5 . Payer's personal code. It is this that must be indicated when paying for housing and communal services at terminals, ATMs and via the Internet.
6 . Information about the management organization: name, address, contact details.
7 . Information about the residential premises: type of ownership (own or state (municipal), total and residential area, number of registered (privileged categories of the population are indicated separately), date of creation of this EAP and the date of the last payment for housing and communal services.
8 . Types of services for which accruals are made.
Abbreviations used:
Cold water/hot water supply– cold/hot water supply
Drainage– Water disposal (sewerage)
CPU– apartment metering device
DPU- communal metering device
Cod. and repair.– maintenance and repair of residential premises within the social norm
Sod.and repair maintenance and repair of residential premises (excess space)
Sod.and maintenance and repair of residential premises (for those who have a second home or owners who are not registered in the apartment)
Heating main pl.- heating of the main area
Fear.– voluntary insurance
9 . Volumes of consumption of housing and communal services. Each service uses its own units of measurement: water supply and sewerage cubic m (cubic meter), maintenance and repair, social rent of housing - sq. m. m. (square meters), heating - Gcal (gigacalories), gas is charged based on the number of registered.
10 . Current tariffs per unit of service.
11 . The amount of charges for services (the product of column 9 by column 10).
12 . Information on the amount of benefits for certain types of housing and communal services.
13 . Information about recalculation. For example, recalculation for temporary absence and recalculation for services of inadequate quality.
14 . Accruals payable for the service, taking into account benefits and recalculation.

That is why the Department of Housing and Public Utilities of the city of Moscow published a brochure “How to understand the Unified Payment Document”, which tells in an accessible language what information is contained in the payment document, the procedure and method of calculation for each utility service, as well as a lot of other useful information necessary for “reading” the payment document.

The brochure will help you understand how to correctly apply marginal indices, who is entitled to social support measures for housing and communal services, and what threatens persistent defaulters for housing and communal services debts.

What is EPD

A single payment document is a kind of “calling card” of the city system of payments and charges for housing and communal services.

A single payment document is generated every month by specialists from the Multifunctional Centers for the provision of public services of the city of Moscow (MFC) or state government institutions "Engineering Services" of the districts (GKU IS) and is delivered to residents by the 15th. On average, employees of the city settlement and accrual system generate about 4 million (!) payment documents per month.

When creating a payment document, a huge database is used: addresses and surnames of owners and tenants of residential and non-residential premises, a list of services and their suppliers, information about social support measures, etc. This entire array of information is processed by the EIRC ACS computer program. Several thousand specialists take part in the creation of the ENP. And all to ensure that the payment document ends up in your mailbox.

Control of EPD delivery together with residents

The city has a well-established system for monitoring the timing of delivery of payment documents. If the payment document is delivered later than the 15th day of the month, please report this to the EPD delivery quality control service.

To leave a message about late delivery of a payment document, you must fill out a form on the website of the State Public Institution “Coordination Center for GU IS”


Some residents and management organizations have decided to make payments and charges for housing and communal services on their own. Their payment documents for housing and communal services may differ from the Unified Payment Document. The information contained in the brochure and further in the article relates exclusively to the ENP.

What do we pay for?

The services specified in the payment document can be divided into several parts. Housing services, these include the “Rent” service (payment for residential premises for the tenant), and the “Housing Maintenance and Repair” service. Utilities: hot and cold water supply, water disposal (sewage), heating, gas supply. In some areas of the capital, electricity is also included in the ENP. But in most cases, this utility service is paid for on a separate receipt. The payment document also includes other services: locking device, radio, antenna.

Rates, prices and tariffs for housing and utility services are established by the Moscow Government. Thus, tariffs for housing and communal services for 2014 were approved by Decree of the Moscow Government dated November 26, 2013 No. 748-PP.

The cost of services classified as “other” is determined by a civil contract and is not regulated by the Moscow Government. Let's look at all the services in order.

Housing services

If a family uses housing on a rental basis, it pays for rent, as well as for the maintenance and repair of the living space. The rental fee is calculated based on the area of ​​the residential premises and the rate established by the Moscow Government for a specific type of rental - social, commercial or rental of residential premises in non-subsidized buildings.

Homeowners pay for the “Maintenance and Repair of Residential Premises” service.

The cost of the “Maintenance and Repair of Residential Premises” service includes fees for the management of an apartment building (MAD), maintenance and ongoing repairs of common property, and work stipulated by the MKD management agreement.

The amount of payment for the maintenance and repair of residential premises in an apartment building is determined at a general meeting of owners of premises in the house. If the owners have not decided on the amount of payment for the maintenance and repair of residential premises, the calculation is made at prices approved by the Moscow Government.

The Moscow government approves two types of prices for the maintenance and repair of residential premises:
- per area within the established standards(listed below), this price is subsidized by the Moscow Government and now for most Muscovites it is 17.84 rubles. for 1 sq. m.,
- for an area exceeding the established standards. This is the actual cost of services and work for maintenance and current repairs; now for most Muscovites it amounts to 24, 53 rub. for 1 sq.m.

The price per area within the established standards applies to registered residents who have a single residence. In the ENP this service is designated “sod. repair zh.p.”

The difference between the total area of ​​the residential premises and the area within the established area norms (in the EPD it is designated “construction and repair of iz. zh.p.”) is paid at the price for the area established in excess of the norms. For owners who are not registered in the residential premises or who have a second home, accrual is made at the rates for the area established in excess of the norms for the entire residential premises (in the EPD it is designated “construction and renovation of second residential premises”).

To charge fees for the maintenance and repair of residential premises, the following rules apply. For a citizen living alone – 40 sq. m. of total living space, for a family of two people, 56 sq. m. m., for a family of three or more people, 25 sq.m. total living space for each family member.

For example, in an apartment with an area of ​​60.3 sq. m. 2 people are registered. The established norm for a family of two is 56 square meters. m. This means that the area within the established norms will be calculated at a price within the established norm, and the excess area will be 4.3 sq. m. m – at a price per area above the norm.

Utilities: water supply

Payments for water supply can be calculated according to the readings of apartment metering devices, according to the readings of a house metering device or according to standards.

If you pay for water supply services using an apartment meter (KPU), then the following abbreviations are used in the EPD: “HVS KPU”, “GVS KPU”, “Water drain. KPU" - cold and hot water supply according to the readings of the apartment water meter, water disposal (sewage) according to the readings of the KPU (the sum of the readings of cold and hot water supply).

The cost of water is calculated based on the volume according to the readings of the apartment metering device (KPU), multiplied by the tariff.

The payment document indicates the water consumption in the billing month according to the readings of the apartment meter. But if the KPU readings were not transmitted on time, they will be calculated based on the average monthly consumption volume for the previous 6 months.

If you pay using a home metering device (DPU), the payment document indicates the abbreviations: “HVS DPU”, “DHW DPU” and “Water drain. DPU" - cold and hot water supply, water disposal according to the readings of the house water meter.

Calculation of charges for cold and hot water for apartments where no control units are installed is carried out in accordance with the resolution of the Moscow Government dated February 10, 2004 No. 77-PP.

From the volume of water consumption according to the readings of the house meter, the volume of consumption for all apartment appliances, the volume of consumption for non-residential premises (if the house has, for example, shops, a hairdresser, etc.) are subtracted, and also general household expenses are deducted, which are determined according to the readings metering device installed at the place where water is collected for general household needs. If there is no such device, then common household expenses are accepted to be no more than 5 percent of the volume of consumption for a common household device. The resulting balance is distributed among apartments without communal housing in proportion to the number of citizens living in them. At the same time, the resulting volume of consumption per person should not exceed two standards for the consumption of utilities.

If there are neither apartment nor house meters, charges are made according to consumption standards: 6.935 cubic meters. m of cold water per person per month, 4.745 cubic meters. m of hot water per person per month, drainage 11.68 cubic meters per person per month.

Heating and gas supply

Payment for heating residential premises in Moscow, in accordance with Moscow Government Decree No. 468-PP dated September 10, 2014, is calculated based on the average monthly heat energy consumption. To calculate it, the volume of heat consumed over the previous year is taken and divided by 12 months. Then the average monthly volume consumed by the entire house is divided by the total area of ​​the house - this is how the amount of heat required to heat 1 square meter of the house is determined. The result obtained is multiplied by the total area of ​​the apartment and the tariff.

At the beginning of each year, the management organization carries out a reconciliation of the volumes billed to the population for payment and the volumes of thermal energy actually spent for the current year. Based on the results of the reconciliation, a payment adjustment is made, which is usually indicated in the payment document in the “recalculation” column. It can be done both in the direction of increasing and in the direction of decreasing it.

In the absence of metering devices, charges are made according to consumption standards: 0.016 Gcal per 1 sq. m of total housing area.

Payment for gas supply is calculated according to the tariff for each consumer living in the apartment.

Limit indices

The maximum index of changes in the size of citizens' payments for utility services is a universal tool for monitoring charges for hot and cold water supply, sewerage, heating, and gas. Changing the fee above the maximum index is unacceptable and should entail an immediate response from the executive authorities to eliminate this situation.

In the capital, the maximum index was approved by Order of the Mayor of Moscow dated June 30, 2014 No. 542-RM and from November 1 to December 31, 2014 it is 6.5 percent. In this case, the maximum permissible deviation from the value of the limit index for a specific residential premises is 3.2 percent.

Also, in the form of formulas, the Moscow Government approved the maximum indices for changing the amount of payments made by citizens for utility services for 2015 - 2018.

Marginal Index = Consumer Price Index x Ratio + 3.5%.

In this formula, the Consumer Price Index is calculated based on the forecast of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the year preceding the year for which the change indices are calculated (based on the results of 9 months). The coefficient is a decreasing or increasing coefficient for the corresponding year of the long-term period, determined taking into account the forecast of socio-economic development of Russia for this year.

How to apply marginal indices?

To determine whether the increase in utility charges exceeds the marginal index, it is necessary to compare the charges for the two periods. The fee for any month of the current year must be divided by the fee for December of last year. The resulting value must not exceed the limit index. However, for the first long-term period (from July 1 to December 2014), the selected month must be compared with June 2014.

If the change in the amount of the fee exceeds the size of the established limit index, it is necessary to seek clarification from the MFC/GKU IS of the district, the managing organization. And if you have not been able to find out the objective reasons for exceeding the maximum payment index for utility services, you should contact the State Housing Inspectorate of the city of Moscow and the city executive authorities.

Limit indices cannot be used in the following cases.

1. In relation to one utility service.

Limit indices apply to the total payment for all utility services provided to a citizen. Those. It is incorrect to say that the increase in tariffs for any particular utility service has exceeded the limit index.

2. To the total amount in the EPD.

Limit indices apply only to public services (hot and cold water supply, sewerage, heating, gas). And the ENP, in addition to them, includes charges for housing and other services.

3. To public services, if the volume of their consumption changes.

In Moscow, the majority of the population pays for utilities based on the readings of apartment or communal metering devices. Accordingly, the volume of consumption, as a rule, is not the same every month, so the payment amount varies from month to month.

In addition, the volume of utility services provided is affected by an increase in the number of citizens living or registered in residential premises. Some services are charged for each resident or registered person: gas, and in the absence of individual water meters, cold and hot water supply, sewerage.

4. If your eligibility for benefits has changed.

The amount of the payment depends on whether the citizen has benefits for paying for housing and communal services. When calculating payments, the amount of payment for a specific service is reduced by the amount of benefits provided to it for its payment. In case of loss of the right to a benefit or a change in its size, the citizen’s payment may also change upward and its growth will exceed the approved index.

For convenience and ease of checking whether the increase in utility bills corresponds to the maximum indices, the Government of the Russian Federation has developed an information tool that allows you to make the necessary calculations online.

Currently, this information tool is posted on the websites of executive authorities of the city of Moscow.

Who is eligible for benefits?

The Moscow government provides citizens with an effective system of social support in the housing and communal services sector. Currently, in the capital, more than 50 categories of citizens are entitled to benefits, which is significantly more than provided for by federal legislation.

Benefits are provided in the form of discounts for no more than one apartment (residential premises) based on rates, prices and tariffs established by the Moscow Government. If a consumer has the right to social support measures for paying for housing and communal services on two or more grounds, benefits are accrued on one of them.

A housing and communal services payment document is a special receipt that contains data that allows payment to be made according to them.

There are other names for this document: payment notice, notification, etc.

This document reflects the following information:

  • information about the owner who must pay;
  • recipient details;
  • services provided and the amount of payment for them in the current month.

The payment receipt also contains information about money spent on maintaining housing in order and the amount allocated for major repairs, readings of hydro and electric meters, consumption standards and other information.

Receiving a receipt

There are two ways to receive a housing and communal services payment document::

  1. by regular mail: the postman delivers these receipts, placing them in residents' boxes;
  2. online method of receiving a document - by e-mail, upon receipt it can be printed;

Most homeowners receive pay stubs by regular mail, but gradually more and more people are taking advantage of the opportunity to receive them online.

Service providers always send payment documents for housing and communal services payments in one way or another. It must be remembered that the absence of this document from the payer within the required period does not exempt him from payment.

If an individual wants to receive notification of payment online, then he needs to register on the “System City” website and fill out an application for subsequent notification of upcoming payment by e-mail.

This application must be accompanied by::

  1. documentation confirming ownership of the apartment:
    • for homeowners - this is the original and a copy of the certificate of state registration of ownership of the apartment, and information from the Unified State Register;
    • Tenants will need to present documentation of the fact of social rental housing.
  2. Passport – certified copy and original (only the first few pages of the document will be of interest).

What payment documents are used to pay for legal entities? persons for housing and communal services?

In the previous section, we wrote about what document is used to make payments for utility services by individuals.

As practice shows, currently notifications about payment for housing and communal services by legal entities are sent, as a rule, only by e-mail.

To receive payment documents electronically, an organization or company must register on the “Unified Settlement Center” website. Sometimes it is also called “System City”.

After registering a legal entity. persons must submit the following list of types of documents with the corresponding application:

  • on approval of the right of a company or organization to use and own residential space;
  • passport of the person who applied to the site with an application to further receive receipts via the Internet;
  • power of attorney from legal entity person to person who submitted an application to the “System City”;
  • documents approving the establishment of a specific organization;
  • or, perhaps, an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

If an application to receive a payment document via the Internet is submitted by the director of a company, then the following documents must be presented:

  • documents for ownership of the residential premises in which the organization’s office is located;
  • passport of the director himself;
  • documents approving the establishment of a specific organization or an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

After registering with the Unified Center and submitting an application to receive a payment receipt for housing and communal services, payment is made in exactly the same way as the law states.

Authenticity of information

Upon receipt of the payment document (no matter by what method), the owner suddenly discovers that the payment data indicated in it poorly corresponds to the actual services consumed.

What to do in this case? Who has the right to print bills for housing and communal services?

If the owner is not sure that he has been correctly charged for utility services, he must come to the office of the company providing the services and request a reconciliation of the calculations specified in special documents. The tenant should not be denied this.

In this case, the owner can ask the data of these documents to be certified with a seal, and the service company can do this without objection.

However, such situations do not arise so often.

Decoding the housing and communal services payment document

When the payment receipt has already been received in hand, the owners are not always able to understand the decoding of the housing and communal services bill and the content of the abbreviations adopted in this document.

The payment document consists of two large sections - the notice and the receipt itself.

The “Notice” section includes the following items:

  1. Full name – everything is obvious here: last name, first name and patronymic of the home owner or tenant.
  2. The actual address to which the invoice is issued.
  3. A barcode that provides the ability to pay for services through electronic devices and consists of 28 characters.
  4. The period is the time for which the current payment is generated.
  5. Code is the payer’s personal identifier, without which it is impossible to pay for utility services via an ATM or the Internet.

The receipt section itself consists of the following items:

  1. information about the company providing services: name, address and contact details;
  2. It is worth talking separately about the services provided, for each of which a certain abbreviation is used:
    • HVSGVS – cold and hot water supply, respectively;
    • Drainage – sewerage;
    • KPU - apartment metering device;
    • DPU - metering device for the whole house;
    • Sod. and repair. – maintenance and repair of residential premises;
    • Sod. and repair – the same thing, only indicating the excess area;
    • Sod. and repair of secondary housing. – indications for those who have other housing and for unregistered residents;
    • Heating main pl. – amount for heating;
  3. quantity – these are quantitative measures of consumed services for water and electricity. Each type of service has its own physical units of measurement;
  4. tariff – numeric indicator of tariff data;
  5. beginning by tariff - the amount of charges for tariffs (the content of the “Tariff” column multiplied by the content of the “Quantity” column);
  6. benefit – information on the amount of benefits (if any);
  7. recalculation - if recalculation was made for poor quality of services or for their complete absence;
  8. Separately, we should talk about such indicators of the payment document as ODN and the clause on apartment insurance.

Column ONE

The ODN column in housing and communal services bills stands for “general household needs.”

Its appearance happened in 2009, according to one of the resolutions.

ONE is the amount of electricity consumed for the needs of the entire apartment building.

In 2017, they decided to cancel this column. This was done for the reasons that now money spent on electricity will be carried out either according to social standards or according to established meters.

Thus, according to the initiators of the amendment, it will be easier for owners to understand the structure of housing costs.

Apartment insurance on the receipt

In some regions, receipts for payment for housing and communal services include a column about voluntary insurance of housing property.

Apartment insurance in the housing and communal services payment plan is provided for the apartment itself for violations of the functioning of the housing system.

For example, if the owner is flooded by his neighbors, then the damage will be covered from his insurance.

  1. To conclude an agreement for apartment insurance, you need to fill out a special insurance form, which is placed once a year in the mailbox.
  2. To make insurance contributions when paying by receipt, you need to check the box next to the “Including insurance” item. Paid before the beginning of the month following the month the contract was concluded.
  3. If an incident occurs as a result of which you are injured, you need to contact the insurance company within 3 days.

If the accident occurred due to the fault of the residents, then this will not be considered a reason for paying insurance. We are talking about a deliberate simulation of an accident.

As you can see, it is not necessary to take out home insurance, but it is preferable for owners to avoid unforeseen circumstances.

New column in the payment slip

New introductions in the payment document were formed due to the transition of some housing services to utilities.

For the same reason, a new line may appear in the housing and communal services payment bill.

So, with the beginning of 2017, money for maintaining order in the house and major repairs goes into the column for paying for utilities used to maintain property in the apartment building.

For example, a new column has appeared in payment for housing and communal services for garbage removal. Garbage and waste removal has now become a public service. If household waste is sorted, the fee will correspondingly be lower. Now a MSW column will be provided - collection and transportation of municipal solid waste.

How to apply correctly?

In order for correct information about payments to be entered into the GIS Housing and Communal Services, it is necessary to correctly fill out payment orders. In this section you will find several recommendations on this issue.

The housing and communal services payment order must be correctly executed as follows::

  1. in field number 22 called “Code” you need to indicate the identifier number of the IPD payment document located in the GIS housing and communal services system that issued the invoice to you;
  2. and field number 24 called “Payment purpose” should be formatted only this way:

    The “///” icon and one of the identifiers must be indicated

    • Housing and communal services identifier and payment period are formatted as: ЖКУ000000000000000;MM.YYYY (where zeros are the identifier number, and the letters are month and year) /// Note: the triple separator at the end is required;
    • a single personal account and payment period are filled in as: ELS0000000000;MM.YYYY (where zeros are the personal account number, and the letters are month and year);
    • number of the payment document according to which the payment was made, filled out as follows: PDI000000000000000000000000000000/// (where zeros are the number of the payment document);
    • personal account for making payments indicating the date: LSI000000000000000000000000000000;MM.YYYY/// (where zeros are the number and letters are the month).

If it was decided to indicate several types of numbers, then they are separated strictly by “;”, and the date is entered once.

To summarize, an example of filling out a housing and communal services payment order would look like this: ZHKU0000000000000;06.2016///Payment of invoice No.... from... for...

IPD, PDI, LSI and others may be indicated on the receipt or can be obtained when registering on the government services website.


As a result, we can conclude that the housing and communal services payment document is a necessary intermediary in the further proper provision of housing and utility services.

And innovations related to electronic payment for these services make the life of homeowners much easier.

Watch the video: what is a single payment document?

A single payment document (UPD) is a payment document for payment for utilities provided to citizens, services for the repair and maintenance of residential premises and other services (contributions) provided to citizens as part of the operation of residential premises and common property in the apartment building.

The EPD form was approved by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated September 20, 2016 No. 679/30 “On approval of the form of the Unified Payment Document for payment for residential premises and the provision of utilities and Methodological recommendations for filling it out.”

How to read the EPD

Water disposal The removal of wastewater from premises and its treatment is taken into account by the “water disposal” service. If the residential premises are equipped with a wastewater meter, then the volume of service is determined by the readings of the device; if it is not equipped with a device, then it is calculated as the sum of the volumes of cold and hot water supply services determined by the IPU.

Heating The amount of heat consumed to heat the room (the volume for the heating service) directly depends on the area of ​​the room, without taking into account the number of people living in the room.

Electricity supply The cost of this service is calculated based on the readings of individual electricity meters (IMU). In the absence of a metering device - according to standard indicators.

Voluntary insurance The service allows you to ensure the protection of rights in the event of damage to residential premises as a result of emergency events. The EPD contains two total amounts - with insurance and without insurance. By checking the box next to a specific amount, you can choose whether to pay for the insurance service or not.

Major renovation The amount of the contribution for major repairs is determined based on the total occupied area of ​​the owner. Payment is made to the Capital Repair Fund account or to a special account.

Gas supply The amount of payment for gas is determined based on the cost approved by the Government of the Moscow Region per person, multiplied by the number of registered/residing citizens, or according to the readings of a meter, if available.

Water supply The volume of services is calculated based on the readings of individual metering devices (IMU) or according to service consumption standards. In most cases, the water supplier is one organization, and the water is heated by another organization, so the law requires calculations and payments for hot water to be made for each organization separately.

Solid waste removal and disposal This service relates to the maintenance of the house, and its cost is calculated based on the total area of ​​the apartment.

Other services The EPD may include cable television, Internet services, intercom services, etc.

Advantages of the ENP

Save time. All payments in a single document

Transparent accrual system

Housing and communal services / Tariffs for housing and communal services

A single payment document (UPD) is a receipt for payment of housing and communal services. For more than 10 years, Moscow residents have been discovering EDP in their mailboxes every month. However, not everyone is able to understand the mysterious abbreviations and abbreviations of utility bills.

What do these or those fields mean in the EPD structure, as well as the abbreviations used in the “Type of payment” column? Explained by the Department of Economic Policy and Development of the City of Moscow.

Unified payment document: how to decrypt correctly?

1. Full name - last name, first name, patronymic of the owner / responsible tenant

2. Address of the residential premises for which you pay housing and communal services

3. Barcode - 28 digital characters. Required for paying for EPD via electronic terminals.

4. Month and year for which the EPD was formed.

5. Personal code of the payer. It is this code that must be indicated when paying for housing and communal services at terminals, ATMs or via the Internet.

6. Information about the management organization: name, address, details.

7. Information about the residential premises: type of ownership (own or state (municipal)); area - general and residential; number of registered (preferential categories of the population are indicated separately); the date of creation of this EPD and the date of the last payment for housing and communal services.

8. Types of services for which accruals are made.

Abbreviations used:

  • Cold water supply - cold water supply
  • DHW - hot water supply
  • Drainage - Water disposal (sewerage)
  • KPU - apartment metering device
  • DPU - common house metering device
  • Heating main pl. — heating of the main area
  • Sod.irem.zh.p. - maintenance and repair of residential premises within the social norm
  • - maintenance and repair of residential premises (excess space)
  • Sod.irem.second.residential — maintenance and repair of residential premises (for those who have a second home or owners who are not registered in the apartment)
  • Fear. - voluntary insurance

9. Volumes of consumption of housing and communal services (each service uses its own units of measurement):

  • water supply, sewerage and gas - m³ (cubic meter);
  • maintenance and repair, social rent of housing - sq. m. (square meters);
  • heating - Gcal (gigacalories);
  • radio point, locking devices, antenna, etc. - pcs. (pieces).

10. Current tariffs per unit of measurement of service - rub. (rubles).

11. Amount of charges for services (the product of the values ​​in the “Quantity” column and the “Tariff” column).

12. Information on the amount of benefits for certain types of housing and communal services.

13. Information about recalculation. For example, recalculation for temporary absence or recalculation for services of inadequate quality.

14. The amount of charges for services (the product of the values ​​in the “Quantity” column and the “Tariff” column), taking into account benefits and recalculations, if any, in the current period.