Globalization Index. Introduction, globalization - the concept of globalization KOF-indices for Russia


We are currently witnessing a fundamental revolution in the means of communication. A whole series of seemingly separate outstanding technical achievements - television, transmitting images and sound over a distance, a computer, operating with huge amounts of information presented in digital form, space telecommunication lines covering the whole world, etc. - form, technologically interfacing and complementing each other, a rapidly growing and improving global information and communication system.

And all this is in direct connection with the global processes of globalization, covering all aspects of our lives from economics to culture.


Globalization is a process of worldwide economic, political, cultural and religious integration and unification.

Globalization is a process of changing the structure of the world economy, most recently understood as a set of national economies connected with each other by a system of international division of labor, economic and political relations, inclusion in the world market and the close intertwining of economies based on transnationalization and regionalization. On this basis, a single global network market economy is being formed - geo-economics and its infrastructure, and the destruction of the national sovereignty of states that have been the main protagonists of international relations for many centuries. The process of globalization is a consequence of the evolution of state-formed market systems.

The main consequence of this is the global division of labor, migration (and, as a rule, concentration) throughout the planet of capital, labor, production resources, standardization of legislation, economic and technological processes, as well as the rapprochement and fusion of cultures of different countries. This is an objective process that is systemic in nature, that is, it covers all spheres of society. As a result of globalization, the world is becoming more connected and more dependent on all its subjects. There is both an increase in the number of problems common to a group of states and an expansion in the number and types of integrating entities.

Views on the origins of globalization are controversial. Historians view this process as one of the stages in the development of capitalism. Economists are counting on the transnationalization of financial markets. Political scientists emphasize the spread of democratic organizations. Culturologists associate the manifestation of globalization with the Westernization of culture, including American economic expansion. There are information technology approaches to explaining globalization processes. There are differences between political and economic globalization. Regionalization acts as a subject of globalization, giving a powerful cumulative effect in the formation of world poles of economic and technological development.

At the same time, the origin of the word “globalization” itself indicates that the leading role in this process is played by the rapid growth of international trade that occurs at certain historical stages. The word “globalization” (meaning “intensive international trade”) was first used by Karl Marx, who in one of his letters to Engels in the late 1850s. wrote: “Now the world market really exists. With the entry of California and Japan into the world market, globalization is accomplished.” The same leading role of international trade in the processes of globalization is indicated by the fact that the previous globalization, which began in the era of Marx, ended in the 1930s, after all developed countries switched to a policy of strict protectionism, which caused a sharp curtailment of international trade, . Data from the report “KOF Index of Globalization 2014”, prepared by the Swiss research institute KOF Swiss Economic Institute.

The information for the expert analysis was provided by data for 2011 from a number of influential international organizations, such as the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, UNESCO and others.

The purpose of the study is to assess the level of involvement of the world's countries in global processes. The main result of the work of the staff of the Swiss institute was the globalization index (KOF Index of Globalization), thanks to which an updated world ranking of the level of globalization is published every year. The final index value, which ranges from 0 to 100 points, is formed by assessing 24 indicators combined into three components: globalization in the economic, social and political spheres. The higher the index value of a state, the more involved it is in global processes.

According to the report, the world championship in terms of globalization belongs to Ireland. The final value of its index was 92.17 points, thanks to which this country moved the winner of last year's rating - Belgium (91.61) to second position. The leading three, like a year ago, were completed by the Netherlands (91.33). Singapore is recognized as the most globalized state in Asia (88.63), which, taking 5th place, was the only non-European representative in the top ten of the ranking. Canada (85.63) is significantly ahead of the United States (74.94) in the dispute for the title of the North American state most involved in global processes (12th place versus 32nd). Australia, which took 19th place (82.93), turned out to be the best among the countries of Oceania. The UAE is recognized as the state with the highest level of globalization in the Middle East (76.02), closing the top thirty of the world list. The championship among Latin American countries went to Chile (72.41), which took 37th place in the world ranking. And the island of Mauritius (65.71), located on the 54th step, became the regional leader in Africa. At the same time, in Kiribati (26.20), Solomon Islands (25.43) and Somalia (24.03), according to experts, globalization had the least impact, which sent this trio to the bottom of the world rankings.

The current value of the Belarusian globalization index was 59.85 points, and for its geographical neighbors this figure was Russia (65.42) and Ukraine (68.85).

Political globalization

Globalization is closely related to the process of centralization of management subjects (centralization of power).

In politics, globalization is about weakening nation states and contributing to the change and reduction of their sovereignty. There is a process of transformation of national states into post-modern ones. On the one hand, this is due to the fact that modern states are delegating more and more powers to influential international organizations such as the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, the European Union, NATO, the IMF and the World Bank. On the other hand, by reducing government intervention in the economy and lowering taxes, the political influence of enterprises (especially large transnational corporations) increases. Due to easier migration of people and free movement of capital abroad, the power of states in relation to their citizens is also reduced.

In the 21st century, along with the process of globalization, a process of regionalization is taking place, that is, the region is increasingly influencing the state of the system of international relations as a factor, the relationship between the global and regional components of world politics is changing, and the influence of the region on the internal affairs of the state is increasing. Moreover, regionalization is becoming characteristic not only for states with a federal form of structure, but also for unitary states, for entire continents and parts of the world. A clear example of regionalization is the European Union, where the natural development of the regionalization process led to the development of the concept of a “Europe of Regions,” reflecting the increased importance of regions and aiming to determine their place in the EU. Organizations such as the Assembly of European Regions and the Committee of the Regions were created.

Problems of global politics are solved mainly by two clubs, such as the G8 and G20; and the second concerns mainly economic problems.

Economic globalization

Globalization of the economy is one of the laws of world development. The interdependence of the economies of different countries, which has increased immeasurably compared to integration, is associated with the formation of an economic space, where the industrial structure, exchange of information and technology, and the geography of the location of productive forces are determined taking into account global conditions, and economic ups and downs acquire planetary proportions.

The growing globalization of the economy is expressed in a sharp increase in the scale and pace of capital movement, faster growth of international trade compared to GDP growth, and the emergence of world financial markets operating around the clock in real time. The information systems created over the past decades have immeasurably increased the ability of financial capital to move quickly, which contains, at least potentially, the ability to destroy stable economic systems.

Economic globalization is a complex and contradictory process. On the one hand, it facilitates economic interaction between states, creates conditions for countries to access the advanced achievements of mankind, ensures resource savings, and stimulates global progress. On the other hand, globalization leads to negative consequences: the consolidation of a peripheral economic model, the loss of their resources by countries not included in the “golden billion”. Globalization extends competition to all participants, including weak countries, which leads to the ruin of small businesses, a decrease in the standard of living of the population, etc.

Making the positive effects of globalization accessible to the maximum number of countries, while at the same time mitigating the negative consequences, is one of the declared goals of international policy.

The WTO states that in recent decades the volume of world trade has been growing much faster than all world production.

Cultural globalization

Cultural globalization is characterized by the convergence of business and consumer culture between different countries of the world and the growth of international communication. On the one hand, this leads to the popularization of certain types of national culture around the world. On the other hand, popular international cultural phenomena can displace national ones or turn them into international ones. Many regard this as a loss of national cultural values ​​and are fighting for the revival of national culture.

Modern films are released simultaneously in many countries around the world, books are translated and become popular among readers from different countries. The ubiquity of the Internet plays a huge role in cultural globalization. In addition, international tourism is becoming more widespread every year.

The World Values ​​Survey, which analyzed 65 countries and 75% of the world's population, showed that core cultural values ​​persist despite globalization. Moreover, traditional values, changed under the influence of globalization and modernization, can be restored.


Globalization is often identified with Americanization, which is associated with the increasing influence of the United States in the world in the second half of the 20th century. Hollywood produces the majority of films for worldwide distribution. World corporations have their origins in the USA: Microsoft, Intel, AMD, Coca-Cola, Apple, Procter&Gamble, Pepsi and many others. McDonald's, due to its prevalence in the world, has become a kind of symbol of globalization. Comparing prices in different countries for a Big Mac sandwich from a local McDonald's restaurant, The Economist magazine analyzes the purchasing power of different currencies (Big Mac index).

Despite the fact that McDonald's often symbolizes globalization, upon closer inspection, the menu of these eateries takes into account local customs and very often includes a wide variety of local dishes. For example, in Hong Kong it is the Shogun Burger (pork teriyaki with lettuce on a sesame bun), in India - Makalu Tikkiburger, a vegetarian burger with potatoes, peas and spices, McShaverma in Israel, McArabia in Saudi Arabia, and so on. Many other international corporations, for example, Coca-Cola, do the same.

However, other countries also contribute to globalization. For example, one of the symbols of globalization - IKEA - appeared in Sweden. The popular instant messaging service ICQ was first released in Israel, and the famous IP telephony program Skype was developed by Estonian programmers.

Europe at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries: Economic problems Gennady Petrovich Chernikov

The globalization index characterizes the country

In recent years, the interest of specialists in the quantitative analysis of the phenomenon of globalization has been growing. This is evidenced, in particular, by the globalization rating, which the consulting company A. began compiling at the beginning of 2001. T. Kearney" together with the editors of the magazine "Foreign Policy". Rating is based on calculations globalization index, formed according to indicators of economic, political, technological and social integration of 62 countries, which account for 96% of world GDP and 84% of the world population.

Of interest, first of all, is the methodology developed by specialists “A. T. Kearney" and "Foreign Policy". With the help of the globalization index, using various indicators (from the volume of foreign investment to solving problems of the international division of labor, international communications, the degree of Internetization of the economy), it is possible to give a comprehensive description of the country's development. The index is based on four groups of indicators:

Economic integration;

Technological problems;

Issues affecting human relationships;

Problems of a political nature.

ECONOMIC INTEGRATION. The most important component of globalization processes is economic integration. First of all, the problems should be considered international trade. In 1998–2002 the total turnover of trade in goods and services in the European Union countries increased from $5,000.1 billion to $5,964.9 billion (in the USA - from $2,028.2 billion to $2,366.2 billion). Only Germany, Great Britain and France not only caught up with the United States, but also began to surpass this country in absolute terms of international trade (in 2002, their trade volume amounted to $2964.1 billion). The US lags behind European countries (in particular, “small” developed countries - EU members) in terms of relative indicators. In 2002, the total turnover of trade in goods and services in Germany was more than 67%, in the UK - 51%, in France - about 60% of the country's GDP (in the USA - 19%).

However, it should be noted that the economic, financial and human potential of the United States indicates a higher level of self-sufficiency in this country. For example, the share of imports and exports in American GDP may not be as high as in some “small” developed countries. And this applies not only to trade, but also to a number of other indicators of globalization.

No less changes are taking place in the area global capital flows. In 2001–2002, during a period of worsening economic difficulties, the volume of direct investment decreased significantly, but in 2003 there was a tendency towards an improvement in the situation, which continued in 2004.

Despite certain contradictory trends, the balance of forces in the most important area of ​​accumulation of capital investments is also changing in favor of the European Union among the 10 largest investors - France, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Great Britain and Italy. The total volume of their direct investments in foreign economies in 2002 amounted to 304.5 billion dollars (the United States invested $177.4 billion) The second ten largest global investors included Ireland, Sweden, Finland and Denmark. And the total foreign direct investment of all EU countries was 4 times higher than the volume of US investments

It is important to emphasize that in recent years the growth rate of foreign direct investment in the European Union countries is higher than in the United States. For the period 1998–2002. American capital investments fell by almost half (from $321.6 billion to $177.4 billion), while in France they doubled and amounted to $114.7 billion. If we add up the volumes of investments from France and Germany, the total amount will be more than what the US has invested in recent years.

TECHNOLOGICAL PROBLEMS. Closely related to the integration process is technological development in the field computerization The USA is significantly ahead of the EU countries.

In 2001 (according to the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Research of France), the number of computer owners who more or less regularly accessed the Internet (the so-called internets) was:

But the pace of computerization in the European Union countries is steadily growing. For example, in the period 1997–2001 alone, the number of Internet sites in France increased 30 times.

ISSUES AFFECTING HUMAN RELATIONS. Among the indicators of the globalization index affecting the sphere of human contacts, the growth in the volume of international telephone conversations and international tourism is of interest. So, back in 1998 the indicators international telephone contacts residents of the United States (34.8 billion minutes) differed very little from the total indicators of telephone contacts of residents of the leading countries of the European Union - Germany, Great Britain, France, Italy, Spain and the Netherlands (45.6 billion minutes). And in 2002, the European “six” exceeded the United States in this indicator by 1.5 times - 73.3 billion minutes (in the USA - 49.7 billion minutes).

In recent decades international tourism has become one of the most important sectors of the world economy. The globalization index includes only data on the number of tourists arriving in a given country and its citizens leaving the country as tourists. But even this incomplete picture allows us to identify serious changes in the life of the modern world. According to the World Tourism Organization, in 1950 the number of tourists was 25.2 million people (this business generated income of $2.1 billion), and at the end of the 20th century their number exceeded 600 million people (income of $500 billion). . According to experts, if such growth rates were maintained, in 2005 the number of international tourists should have reached 900 million people.

Tourism today provides approximately 10% of global GDP and accounts for more than 10% of global trade in goods and services. France became the leader in the total number of foreign tourists. Next come the USA, Germany, Great Britain, Italy and Spain. And the inclusion of other data in the globalization index, in particular financial income from tourism, will make the growth of the tourism industry in the EU countries and the lag in this area of ​​the United States more clear.

PROBLEMS OF A POLITICAL CHARACTER. The political indicators included in the globalization index include:

1) participation in international organizations;

2) financial contribution to the preservation of peace;

3) the number of international agreements concluded;

4) the volume of government revenues and expenses.

General sum of government revenues and expenditures shows the importance of the redistributive function of the state apparatus. Today, the main role in the global economy is played by the countries of the European Union, and Germany is the leader:

By degree participation of individual countries and their citizens in international organizations The countries of the European Union are significantly ahead of the United States. 1st – 2nd places are occupied by France and Great Britain, 3rd place by the United States. At the same time, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Denmark, Austria, Finland and the Netherlands practically do not lag behind the European leaders.

Most funds in maintaining peace The United States invests (in 2002 - $630 million), but in terms of total indicators Germany, France, Great Britain and Italy (in 2002 - $681.7 million) surpass the United States.

An analysis of the data presented in Foreign Policy at the beginning of 2004 allows us to conclude that a number of EU member states are highly involved in globalization processes. Belgium and Luxembourg can also be classified as having the highest globalization index.

The characteristics of the four groups of indicators that make up the overall globalization index confirm the superiority of the European Union countries in various aspects of economic integration. Only in terms of indicators related to the field of new technologies, the United States is the undisputed leader.

It is interesting that the first positions in the globalization index are, as a rule, occupied by the “small” developed countries of Western Europe. This is especially true for Ireland, the Netherlands, Finland, Denmark and Austria. None of the major countries (Germany, UK, France, Italy) are in the top ten. Only in terms of participation in solving problems of a political nature do they surpass many other countries.

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Annotation. The article describes the procedure for calculating four globalization indices proposed by the consulting agency A.T. Kearney, the Swiss Economic Institute, the Center for Research on Globalization and Regionalization at the University of Warwick and a team of researchers from the Otto-Friedrich University in Bamberg. Based on a generalization and comparative assessment of the presented indicators, a new tool for quantitative analysis of globalization processes is proposed - the integral index of globalization (IIG-index), which includes a set of 12 indicators compiled on the basis of a weight matrix of indicators of four globalization indices.

Key words: globalization, globalization indices, integral globalization index.


Abstract. The article describes the procedure of calculating four indicators of globalization suggested by A.T. Kearney consulting agency, Swiss Economic Institute, Center of Research of Globalization and Regionalization of Warwick University and a team of researchers from Otto-Friedrich University in Bamberg. Based on a generalization and comparative evaluation of the indicators shown, new tools for quantitative analysis of processes of globalization are suggested: Integral Index of Globalization (IIG index) that includes a set of 12 indicators based on a weight matrix of indicators of four indices of globalization

Keywords: globalization, indices of globalization, integral index of globalization.

The term “globalization” turned out to be most adequate to the new phase of development of the world economy and the world market, which they entered at the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st century. Undoubtedly, the leading role in this process belongs to economic globalization, the international division of labor, the impressive scope of international trade in goods, services, capital, property rights, including intellectual property.

The differentiation of points of view on the forms and types of globalization is due to insufficient knowledge of this process. In many cases, globalization is interpreted as a complex process of the complex impact of many external factors on economic, environmental, social and other phenomena.

Various indicators give an idea of ​​the degree of involvement of the national economy and all world production in international exchange. In this regard, it should be noted that the economic literature quite fully presents the results of empirical studies on various aspects of globalization.

From our point of view, the most popular are four globalization indices: A.T. globalization index. Kearney / Foreign Policy Magazine (The A.T. Kearney/Foreign Policy Magazine's Globalization Index); KOF Index of Globalization; CSGR Globalization Index; sociological globalization index (Global Index).

For clarity, the procedure for calculating the globalization index, which includes a universal algorithm of actions, can be presented in the form of Figure 1.

Rice. 1. Main stages of calculating the globalization index

A.T. Kearney / FP index was developed by the International consulting company A.T. Kearney and is published in the monthly Foreign Policy (USA) magazine. The essence of the methodology for assessing globalization based on this index is to combine indicators of four aspects of globalization: economic integration, development of communication technologies,

nology, intensity of personal contacts and political integration.

Quantitative assessment of the key components of globalization records trade between countries, investment flows, movement of people across borders, volume of international communication, participation in international organizations, etc. A set of indicators in A.T. The Kearney/FP index is presented in Table 1.

Table 1.

Indicators of the FP index of globalization

Indicators Specification

1 Economic integration Trade turnover

Foreign direct investment

Number of Internet users

2 Technologies Number of Internet hosts

Number of secure servers

International travel and tourism

3 Personal contacts International telephone traffic

Transfers of personal funds

Membership in international organizations

4 Political integration Participation in UN peacekeeping missions (personal and financial)

International agreements

Government assistance


Note: To construct a globalization index, the entire set of values ​​of individual indicators is summed up, with weighting coefficients of 3 for foreign direct investment, 2 for trade turnover and 1 for other indicators - the authors of the index justify the special importance of economic flows in the dynamics of globalization.

The next important indicator for assessing the development of globalization processes is the KOF index, proposed by the Swiss Economic Institute (Konjunkturforschungsstelle), which is based on the principles for calculating the globalization index proposed back in 2002 by A. Dreher.

The methodology for assessing the KOF index includes three dimensions of globalization: economic, political and social. The list of main criteria for assessing the KOF - globalization index is presented in Table 2.

The Center for the Study of Globalization and Regionalization's Globalization Index has developed its own globalization index (CSGR), which takes into account the influence of 18 criteria. The uniqueness of the CSGR index is that when calculating it, a number of geographical and demographic characteristics of countries are taken into account. The CSGR methodology allows for assessment on the basis of regression equations in which the dependent variables are successively trade turnover, foreign direct investment, portfolio investment and income, and the independent variables are region, population and territorial isolation ( availability of seaports), “predict” the values ​​of the dependent variables for each country.

Table 2.

KOF Globalization Index Indicators

No. Globalization indicators Weight of indicators or index in a higher order index (in %)

Economic globalization 38

1 Actual flows 50

2 Trade turnover 19

3 Foreign direct investment flows 20

4 Foreign direct investment, funds 23

5 Portfolio investments 17

6 Payments to foreign citizens (non-resident income) 21

7 Restrictions on the movement of economic flows 50

8 Hidden barriers to imports 21

9 Average tariff rate 29

10 Taxes on international trade 25

11 Capital restrictions 25

Social globalization 39

12 Personal contacts 34

13 Telephone traffic 26

14 Transfers 3

15 International tourism 26

16 Foreign population 20

17 International correspondence 26

18 Information flows 34

19 Internet users 36

20 Television 36

21 Sales of news publications 28

22 Cultural affinity 32

23 Number of McDonald's restaurants 37

24 Number of IKEA stores 39

25 Book turnover 24

Political globalization 23

26 Number of embassies in the country 25

27 Membership in international organizations 28

28 Participation in UN Security Council missions* 22

29 International agreements** 25


Note: * In 2009, unlike previous versions, data is used on the number of personnel (per capita) who participated in UN peacekeeping missions, rather than the number of missions, as previously.

** Until 2009, this variable was not included in the KOF index.

In order to level out the shortcomings of previous methods, the Global Index was developed and proposed as an indicator for quantitative measurement of globalization parameters, operating with a large number of variables (Table 4), more accurately reflecting and assessing the development of globalization in 116 countries.

Table 3.

Indicators of the CSGR globalization index

No. Globalization indicator Weight of indicators or index in a higher order index

Economic globalization

1 Trade turnover 0.418

2 Foreign direct investment, flows 0.092

3 Portfolio investments 0.220

4 Non-resident income 0.270

Social globalization

5 Globalization of people 0.331

6 Foreign population 0.266

7 Influx of foreign population 0.629

8 Remittances from workers 0.079

9 International tourism 0.026

10 Globalization of ideas 0.669

11 Telephone communication 0.004

12 Internet users 0.004

13 Movies 0.061

14 Sales of news publications and books 0.577

15 Correspondence 0.054

Political globalization

16 Number of embassies in the country 0.378

17 Membership in international organizations 0.357

18 Participation in UN missions 0.266


Table 4.

Indicators Global Index - globalization index

No. Globalization indicator Weight of indicators or index in a higher order index (in %)

1 Cable TV 1

2 Daily newspapers 9

4 Sale of foreign books and brochures 18

5 Sale of foreign newspapers and periodicals 18

6 Landline and mobile telephone communications 11

7 Cultural globalization 31

8 Logic of expansion 50

9 Urban population 37

10 High-tech export 27

11 R&D expenses 36

12 Values ​​and standards 50

13 Freedom House - index 11

14 Population coverage with primary school education 28

15 Enrollment of girls in primary school education 28

16 Public expenditure on education 16

17 Number of McDonald's restaurants 17

18 Political globalization 7

19 Number of embassies in the country 36

20 Membership in international organizations 36

21 Participation in UN Security Council missions 29


Taking into account the noted advantages and disadvantages of each of the indices discussed above, we propose the following set of criteria for assessing the level of development of globalization processes, which can be designated as the integral index of globalization (II - integral index of globalization). The set of criteria for its evaluation is based on two principles: optimality and repeatability of this indicator in each of the globalization indices discussed above. Based on this, it can be stated that the proposed IIG index includes a set of the most significant indicators, compiled on the basis of a matrix of evaluation parameters discussed above indices of globalization.

Table 5.

Indicators of the integral index of globalization (IIG-index)

No. Name of indicator Weight of indicators in the index (in%)

1 Foreign trade turnover 9

2 Foreign direct investment 10

3 Transfers of personal funds 1

4 International agreements 9

5 Membership in international organizations 10

6 Participation in UN peacekeeping missions (personal and financial) 8

7 Number of embassies in the country 8

8 International travel and tourism 9

9 Number of McDonald's restaurants 11

10 Foreign population 8

11 Number of Internet users 10

12 International telephone traffic (landline and mobile telephony) 7

Despite the individual shortcomings inherent in the described globalization indices, they generally represent an analytical tool that allows cross-country comparisons and assessment of the effect of globalization for countries with different institutional structures, as confirmed by extensive lists of publications on the websites of the Swiss Economic Institute and the Center for Research on Globalization and Regionalization at the University of Warwick .

Thus, all the noted globalization indices reflect a certain stage in the scientific understanding of globalization and can serve as the basis for further statistical research in this direction.


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The new era is distinguished not only by the scale of its geographical coverage and the influence of global factors on market participants, it is accompanied by significant changes in consumer behavior and a decline in the effectiveness of marketing strategies based on the classical approach to consumer behavior.

The following factors in the global marketing environment can be identified that are driving changes in consumer behavior:

  • high rates of globalization of world markets;
  • intercultural penetration and cross-cultural perspective;
  • development of innovation and availability of modern technologies for the production of goods around the world;
  • dissemination of quality management systems;
  • the spread of the Internet, the development of new information technologies and the availability of mobile communications;
  • rapid changes in the socio-economic environment;
  • development of network trade, logistics centers and implementation of effective goods distribution systems;
  • etc.

Factors in the global marketing environment are dynamic, interconnected, and interdependent. It is important to understand the degree of involvement in globalization

a single country, regions of the world, etc., in order to assess the level of influence of this process on various aspects of social life, including the behavior of Russian consumers and buyers.

KOF globalization index

To assess the processes of globalization, a large number of different measures are proposed (KFP-globalization index; KOF-globalization index; CSGR-globalization index; sociological globalization index Global Index; Ernst and Young globalization index and Economist Intelligence Unit; CEIP, GIndex, MGI and NGI indices), of which many researchers choose the KOF globalization index proposed by the Federal Polytechnic School of Zurich.

The results of the analysis of data from the Center for Market Research of the Federal Polytechnic School of Zurich on the KOF index indicate that, in general, the process of globalization continues, although there has been a slight slowdown since 2007 (Fig. 1).

The unevenness of the globalization process

The process of globalization development occurs unevenly on individual continents and countries, as evidenced by the analysis of the KOF index (Fig. 2).

As can be seen from Fig. 2, on most continents the process of globalization is proceeding at a fairly high pace, while in Europe this process has slowed down significantly. This trend is due to EU measures to curb the penetration of China and developing economies into their markets and US actions to maintain dominant positions in the global economy and increase influence on the economies of individual regions. In particular, the United States creates TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership), TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) and other associations.

The slowdown in the pace of globalization does not mean its end. As noted in the UN Millennium Declaration, globalization is an inevitable phenomenon in human history, helping to bring people around the world closer together through the exchange of goods and products, information and achievements of science and culture.

An analysis of the globalization process in the context of individual countries shows that this process is also proceeding ambiguously: some countries demonstrate a slowdown in the pace of globalization or its decline, while in other countries, on the contrary, this process is gaining momentum (Fig. 3).

From Fig. 3 shows that, in general, the process of globalization continues. This is mainly due to developing economies, including Russia. Developed economies are driving the slowdown. This trend does not mean a stop in the process of globalization, but indicates a temporary slowdown in the pace of its development. This is also due to the fact that some countries have exhausted their potential for penetration into the global space compared to new participants in the global market.

KOF indices for Russia

In table 1 presents individual KOF indices of the globalization process in Russia in the context of world trends.

As can be seen from table. 1, the involvement of the Russian Federation in the world process of globalization in many areas is happening significantly faster than the world average. In particular, the social, cultural, political and information KOF indices are ahead of the world average.

Criticism of indexes

According to the authors of the article, the globalization indices proposed in the scientific literature and widely used in practice do not take into account the peculiarities of the mechanisms and paths of globalization, the specific factors in the development of globalization characteristic of individual countries and regions. An economic globalization index that relies only on trade (% of GDP), foreign direct investment (% of GDP), portfolio investment (% of GDP), import barriers, average tariff levels, etc. does not contribute to understanding the diversity and depth of economic ties between countries and regions does not allow us to draw conclusions about how the economic integration of countries and regions will affect the consumer behavior of the population of different countries. In particular, it is difficult to agree that Japan or Germany, whose KOF economic globalization index in 2014 was 45 and 66, respectively (Table 2), are less integrated into the world economy or have weaker economic ties compared to Canada (76), Finland (85.5) or Ukraine (65.7) and Qatar (80). Some shortcomings of globalization meters are also noted by a number of foreign authors.

Globalization indices would become more correct if the calculation took into account the number of countries, companies or industries involved in the investment process and participating in trade turnover.

In addition, the KOF index of cultural globalization, which is calculated based on data on the number of McDonald’s restaurants and IKEA enterprises in the country per capita, on book trade as a percentage of GDP, also raises doubts from the point of view of the usefulness of the meters. According to the authors, these indicators can show the extent to which people adhere to American and European consumer behavior. However, the absence of McDonald's restaurants and IKEA enterprises does not mean that the country is not involved in the global cultural process. In particular, in Russia the number of mass catering establishments offering oriental food culture (Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Indian, etc.) is rapidly increasing.

Source: Ramazanov I.A., Shalnova O.A., Shvaiko V.V. AWARE OF BUYERS IN THE AGE OF GLOBAL MARKETS AND NEW INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES // Marketing in Russia and abroad, 2017, No. 2 The impact of globalization on the economies of the world Stages of development of globalization Dynamics of GDP of the world in national currency The problem of growing public debt of the world World innovation index 2015 Global debt in the world in 2000-2014 Forecast of growth of the world economy and a number of countries in 2015 - 2019. Indicators of countries that achieved an “economic miracle” Share of investments in fixed capital in the GDP of countries of the world

The KOF Globalization Index measures globalization by economic, political and social indicators of society.

Keywords: globalization, cross-country research

Data is available in the form of tables, bar charts, maps, and in .xls format.

Brief history. The index was created in 2002 at the Swiss Economic Institute and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology). The project leader is Axel Dreher, Professor of Economics at Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg, Germany.

Project leaders define globalization as a process that destroys national borders and integrates national economies, cultures, technologies and management. This process also produces complex relationships of interdependence and interconnection, mediated through a variety of flows including people, capital, ideas, etc. In this regard, the index includes variables that measure the political, economic and social aspects of globalization.

Data. In general, the database contains more than 24 variables ()

Sub-indices and variables included in the COF globalization index:

A. Economic globalization

1) Real streams

Trade (percentage of GDP) (19%)

Foreign direct investment flows (percentage of GDP) (20%)

Foreign direct investment, shares (percentage of GDP) (24%)

Portfolio investment (percentage of GDP) (19%)

2) Limitations

Import barriers (22%)

Average tariff level (28%)

Taxes on international trade (percentage of operating income) (27%)

Capital Account Restrictions (22%)

B. Social globalization

1) Data on personal contacts (33%)

Telephone traffic (26%)

Remittances (percentage of GDP) (3%)

International tourism (26%)

Foreign population (26%) (percentage of total population) 20%

International letters (per capita) (25%)

2) Data on information flows (33%)

Internet users (per 1000 people) (36%)

Television (per 1000 people) (36%)

Newspaper trade (percentage of GDP) (28%)

3) Data on cultural integration

Number of McDonald's (per capita) (43%)

Number of IKEA stores (per capita) (44%)

Book trade (percentage of GDP) (12%)

C. Political Globalization

Embassies in the country (25%)

Membership in international organizations (28%)

Participation in UN Security Council missions (22%)

International treaties (25%)

Methodology. The database is of a compilation nature. The methodology for calculating each variable is described in the corresponding original source ()