Analysis of liquidity of the company's balance sheet. Determination of elasticity by monolith analysis

When analyzing solvency by groups of assets and liabilities (A1, A2, A3, A4, P1, P2, P3, P4), assets are grouped by degree of liquidity:

  • A1 - the most liquid assets;
  • A2 - quickly realizable assets;
  • A3 - slowly selling assets;
  • A4 - hard-to-sell assets.

Liabilities are grouped according to the degree of urgency of their payment:

  • P1 - the most urgent obligations;
  • P2 - short-term liabilities;
  • P3 - long-term liabilities;
  • P 4 - permanent (stable) liabilities.

To view specific lines for assessing balance sheet liquidity for the new balance sheet, you can follow the links in the table above.

Assets2015 2016 2017
Passive2015 2016 2017
Payment surplus (+) or deficiency (-)2015 2016 2017
2015 2016 2017
A1-P1 must be greater than zeroA1-P1>0A1-P1>0A1-P1>0
A2-P2 must be greater than zeroA2-P2>0A2-P2>0A2-P2>0
A3-P3 must be greater than zeroA3-P3>0A3-P3>0A3-P3>0
A4-P4 must be less than zeroA4-P4<0 A4-P4<0 A4-P4<0
If all conditions are met, then the company is absolutely solventYes or noYes or noYes or no
If all conditions are not met - a solvency crisisIs there no crisis or is there?Is there no crisis or is there?Is there no crisis or is there?
Limited solvency - in other casesLimited?Limited?Limited?

Best regards, Alexander Krylov,

Financial analysis:

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  • The analysis of asset dynamics is based on a comparison of absolute and relative changes in various interrelated balance sheet asset items. The difference or opposite direction of changes allows us to judge the nature and...
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Many companies and individual entrepreneurs report to statistical authorities. Some submit one form per year, while others submit several types monthly. One of these forms is P-4, which contains information about the number and salary.

To give up or not?

If your company is small, you do not need to take P-4. Individual entrepreneurs are also exempt from this obligation.

Other organizations, including separate divisions, must submit Form P-4.

Fill out and submit Form P-4 for free right now!
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Download form P-4 for free

Frequency and timing of reporting

If the average number of employees in an enterprise is less than 15, P-4 must be taken once a quarter (on an accrual basis), if more - once a month.

The form must be submitted by the 15th day of the month following the reporting month. For example, P-4 for June must be submitted by July 15.

How to fill out the title page P-4

In addition to the name of the organization, you must indicate OKPO and its postal address. If the legal address is different from the actual one, both must be noted.

How to fill out the tabular part

All indicators are distributed by type of activity according to OKVED.

The average number of employees is equal to the sum of the number of employees for each calendar day of the month, divided by the number of calendar days of the month.

The average number of employees for a quarter is equal to the sum of the average number of employees for each month of the quarter, divided by three.

The payroll number is all employees indicated in the timesheet, with the exception of some categories (clause 77

Columns 5 and 6 of the table include man-hours worked since the beginning of the year. This time includes all hours actually worked, even overtime. There is no need to count sick leave, vacations, etc. (clause 82 of the Instructions for filling out form No. P-4).

The accrued wage fund is indicated in columns 7-10 (clause 83 of the Instructions for filling out form No. P-4).

In column 11, organizations need to reflect social payments ( paragraph 88 Instructions for filling out form No. P-4).

Form P-4 (NZ)

In addition to Form P-4, legal entities with more than 15 employees report on the movement of personnel and part-time employment. For this purpose, the quarterly form P-4 (NZ) has been approved.

The deadline for submission is the 8th day of the month after the reporting quarter.

Concrete is simply an irreplaceable material for construction, which is used everywhere. But in order to choose the right type of solution, it is necessary to take into account the main characteristics of the mass, such as workability, cone settlement and mass mobility. And exactly what the mobility of concrete is is what this article will discuss.

Basic terms and definitions

Before defining the main characteristics of the solution, it is necessary to clearly understand what this building material is.

Concrete is a composition consisting of four main components:

  1. Cement;
  2. Sand;
  3. Water;
  4. Crushed stone.

Pay attention! If in , then it's just cement.

Main task. Achieving this goal is possible only if the correct proportions of the two main components such as water and cement are observed.

Sand and crushed stone are referred to as fillers of the composition, and are used to impart strength to the mass and reduce possible deformations of the monolithic product after hardening. It is these fillers that make up the structural frame of a monolithic product, which makes it possible to increase the elasticity of the structure and reduce deformation under severe loads.


The mobility or elasticity of a solution is an important property that can influence the choice of material for the construction of buildings and structures for various purposes. Mobility is the ability of a mass to fill the shape in which it is placed.

Pay attention! The ability of a mass to fill a shape can manifest itself both under the influence of external forces and under the influence of its own mass.

According to GOST, the mobility of the concrete mixture is divided into 4 categories from p2 to p5, depending on the amount of added liquid. The less liquid, the thicker the solution, the thickest has the index p2, the most liquid, respectively, p5.

Based on plasticity indicators, building materials are divided into 2 groups:

  1. Slow or hard mixtures. They contain a small amount of water and are not able to fill the form in which they are placed under the weight of their own weight without the influence of external forces. Such compositions have indicators p2 or p3. Laying of the sedentary mass is carried out using vibrating and compacting equipment, which allows voids to be removed from the monolith;

Advice. If construction work using hard concrete is carried out in winter, the solution must first be heated.

  1. High fluidity mixtures, liquid or castable. Solutions of this type have indicators equal to n4 or n5. Such masses are used in the process of pouring formwork, densely reinforced products and do-it-yourself columns.

Dilution with water

The low elasticity of the material can significantly increase the time required for construction work if the necessary equipment is not available at the construction site. And in order to solve this problem, many resort to the dilution method, making p4-p5 mixtures from p2-p3 mixtures.

If compaction is carried out correctly and the dilution method is eliminated, then you will get a strong, reliable structure that can be machined using methods such as cutting reinforced concrete with diamond wheels and diamond drilling holes in concrete.

Mobility indicators

In the case when the grade of concrete in terms of mobility has been chosen correctly, but it is ordered from a supplier and you have doubts about the compliance of the delivered product with the declared characteristics, and the price of the mixture is not so low, then you can check it at the construction site.

The mobility of a concrete mixture can be determined directly during unloading in 2 ways:

  • Determination by monolith analysis;
  • Cone for determining the mobility of a concrete mixture.

Determination of elasticity by monolith analysis

The instructions for such a test stipulate the possibility of determining any indicator of the plasticity of the mixture:

  1. Before starting the inspection, you should build several boxes in the shape of a cube with sides measuring 10-15 cm from wooden boards;
  2. Before pouring concrete into prepared forms, the wood should be slightly moistened to prevent moisture from being absorbed from the solution;
  3. We pour the solution into the boxes, after which the mass must be pierced with a sharp rod of reinforcement, thus compacting the monolith and releasing the air;

Advice. Additional compaction can be achieved by tapping the walls of the drawers with a hammer.

  1. The cubes must dry for 28-30 days at a temperature of at least 20 0 C and a humidity of at least 90%;
  2. After the created samples have dried, they should be sent to the laboratory, where the mixture will be checked for compliance with the declared indicators.

The obvious disadvantage of this method is its duration, therefore the method of determining plasticity using a cone is more often used.

Determination of elasticity by cone

Concrete is simply an irreplaceable material for construction, which is used everywhere. But in order to choose the right type of solution, it is necessary to take into account the main characteristics of the mass, such as workability, cone settlement and mass mobility. And exactly what the mobility of concrete is is what this article will discuss.

Construction mixture

Basic terms and definitions

Before defining the main characteristics of the solution, it is necessary to clearly understand what this building material is.

Concrete is a composition consisting of four main components:

  1. Cement;
  2. Sand;
  3. Water;
  4. Crushed stone.

Pay attention! If there is no crushed stone in the concrete, then it is just cement.

Concrete composition

The main task of concrete is to connect all components into a monolithic structure. Achieving this goal is only possible if the correct proportions of the two main components such as water and cement are observed.

Sand and crushed stone are referred to as fillers of the composition, and are used to impart strength to the mass and reduce possible deformations of the monolithic product after hardening. It is these fillers that make up the structural frame of a monolithic product, which makes it possible to increase the elasticity of the structure and reduce deformation under severe loads.


The mobility or elasticity of a solution is an important property that can influence the choice of material for the construction of buildings and structures for various purposes. Mobility is the ability of a mass to fill the shape in which it is placed.

Pay attention! The ability of a mass to fill a shape can manifest itself both under the influence of external forces and under the influence of its own mass.

According to GOST, the mobility of the concrete mixture is divided into 4 categories from p2 to p5, depending on the amount of added liquid. The less liquid, the thicker the solution, the thickest has the index p2, the most liquid, respectively, p5.

Based on plasticity indicators, building materials are divided into 2 groups:

  1. Sedentary or hard mixtures. They contain a small amount of water and are not able to fill the form in which they are placed under the weight of their own weight without the influence of external forces. Such compositions have indicators p2 or p3. Laying of the sedentary mass is carried out using vibrating and compacting equipment, which allows voids to be removed from the monolith;

Advice. If construction work using hard concrete is carried out in winter, the solution must first be heated.

  1. Mixtures with high mobility, liquid or castable. Solutions of this type have indicators equal to n4 or n5. Such masses are used in the process of pouring formwork, densely reinforced products and do-it-yourself columns.

Dilution with water

Liquid imported product

The low elasticity of the material can significantly increase the time required for construction work if the necessary equipment is not available at the construction site. And in order to solve this problem, many resort to the dilution method, making p4-p5 mixtures from p2-p3 mixtures.

If compaction is carried out correctly and the dilution method is eliminated, then you will get a strong, reliable structure that can be machined using methods such as cutting reinforced concrete with diamond wheels and diamond drilling holes in concrete.

Mobility indicators

In the case when the grade of concrete in terms of mobility has been chosen correctly, but it is ordered from a supplier and you have doubts about the compliance of the delivered product with the declared characteristics, and the price of the mixture is not so low, then you can check it at the construction site.

The mobility of a concrete mixture can be determined directly during unloading in 2 ways:

  • Determination by monolith analysis;
  • Cone for determining the mobility of a concrete mixture.

Determination of elasticity by monolith analysis

Monolithic cube

The instructions for such a test stipulate the possibility of determining any indicator of the plasticity of the mixture:

  1. Before starting the inspection, you should build several boxes in the shape of a cube with sides measuring 10-15 cm from wooden boards;
  2. Before pouring concrete into prepared forms, the wood should be slightly moistened to prevent moisture from being absorbed from the solution;
  3. We pour the solution into the boxes, after which the mass must be pierced with a sharp rod of reinforcement, thus compacting the monolith and releasing the air;

Advice. Additional compaction can be achieved by tapping the walls of the drawers with a hammer.

  1. The cubes must dry for 28-30 days at a temperature of at least 200C and a humidity of at least 90%;
  2. After the created samples have dried, they should be sent to the laboratory, where the mixture will be checked for compliance with the declared indicators.

The obvious disadvantage of this method is its duration, therefore the method of determining plasticity using a cone is more often used.

Determination of elasticity by cone

The photo shows a diagram of a cone

To use this method, you will need a cone to test the mobility of concrete with a height of about 30 cm. This form should not contain more than 6 liters of material.

This check is carried out as follows:

  1. The cone is filled with solution;
  2. Concrete is pierced to compact and remove voids;
  3. The cone is removed and placed next to the solution;
  4. We test for elasticity:
    • If the concrete settlement is 5 cm, then you have hard concrete;
    • If the settlement is more than 5 cm, then you have moving concrete.

Condition of the mass after removing the cone

In conclusion

Imported product

When working with concrete, it is necessary to choose the right grade of material in accordance with the elasticity of the mass and the purpose for which it will be used. Well, if you doubt that, for example, the mobility of P3 concrete is easy to check using the described methods.

The video in this article will tell you even more about how important it is to correctly select concrete in accordance with the elasticity parameters of the mass.

Mobility of concrete mixture

The mobility of a concrete mixture is the most important indicator affecting workability. It depends on several parameters, but the main one remains the percentage of water content in the mixture. Before starting any project, the necessary parameters must be assessed to ensure both maximum strength and the possibility of quick installation.

Types and marking of concrete by mobility

Building materials are also classified according to their mobility. In accordance with GOST 25192-82, special markings are made that allow you to evaluate the performance of the mixture before ordering.

  • Zh1 – especially hard;
  • Zh2 – increased rigidity;
  • Zh3 – hard;
  • Zh4 – moderately hard;
  • Zh5 – sedentary;
  • P1 – mobile;
  • P2 – plastic;
  • P3 – very plastic;
  • P4 – cast;
  • P5 – liquid.

Physical properties are usually tested in a laboratory before the material is shipped to the customer. If a person still has doubts, he can use one of the methods of determination in “field conditions”. After which you will be able to confidently begin to carry out the work, taking into account the requirements of the drafted project.

Application of concrete depending on mobility

Rigid concrete has practically no mobility, so this indicator is not calculated for them. Other types of building materials are widely used on sites, but depending on the physical properties, some restrictions appear.

Application of P2 and P3 concretes

At the site, the low mobility of concrete P2 and P3 creates some difficulties. Such mixtures are characterized by a low percentage of water, so when using them it is necessary to use compaction or vibrating equipment. The material is not capable of occupying free volume under its own weight, therefore, without mechanical action, large and through pores are formed, violating the strength of the structure. Inexperienced builders often dilute the finished composition with water, but this should not be done. In this case, workability increases, but the compressive strength sharply decreases.

Application of P4 and P5 concrete

P4 and P5 concretes are easy to use, so they are excellent for pouring formwork, creating paths and platforms, as well as filling densely reinforced foundations. The material is fluid and freely fills the volume, tightly adhering to the surface of the reinforcement. Craftsmen do not have to resort to construction equipment, which makes it possible to use such a mixture in everyday life without special skills.

Now St. Petersburg offers to order concrete in any quantity at the plant. Our own production allows you to buy a high-quality mixture with the required characteristics. In the assortment it is possible to find a material that is suitable for performing various works, and compliance with current GOSTs guarantees the implementation of a project of any complexity.

Concrete mobility value

Concrete is an indispensable material in construction, without which nowadays it is impossible to build either a country cottage or a modern skyscraper. The high consumer qualities of this material make it possible to use it in almost any area of ​​construction - from house building to laying transport highways.

Flexibility is a workability characteristic that is capable of deforming under its own weight.

In order to choose the right solution for certain purposes, you need to know its main characteristics, which include workability, cone slump and concrete mobility. Taking these factors into account will allow construction work to be completed with the highest possible quality, which will guarantee a long service life and reliability of the constructed facility.

Definition of the term

Before talking about the characteristics and properties, it is necessary to find out what this building material is. The so-called ready-mixed concrete is a composition that has a certain mobility and consists of 4 main components: cement, sand, water and crushed stone. If crushed stone is not used in the mixture, it is called cement mortar.

The main task is to connect the required components together into a single monolithic structure.

Determination of mobility using a cone: a – general view; b – hard mixture; c – sedentary; g – mobile; d – very mobile; e – cast.

This is only possible if the correct proportion of the two main components is observed - water and cement. Sand and crushed stone are added to the composition not for strength, but to reduce possible deformations of the cement stone after hardening. They create a structural frame that is able to absorb shrinkage stress, due to which the structures shrink less. In addition, elasticity increases and deformation under load decreases.

Mobility is an important factor influencing the choice of material for the construction of various types of objects. The workability of concrete is the ability to fill the form in which it is placed. Moreover, this property can be achieved both under the influence of external force and under the influence of its own weight.

Methods for determining consistency: a - by mobility using a standard cone: 1 - funnel; 2 - cone; 3 - pallet; 4 - measuring ruler; b - according to hardness - with a technical viscometer: I - device; II - concrete before vibration; III - after vibration; 1 - cylindrical ring; 2 - reference cone; 3 - funnel; 4 - tripod; 5 - disk with holes; 6 - rod; 7 - vibration platform.

Nowadays, the workability of concrete is divided into several categories (from p2 to p5) and depends on the amount of water that is added. The smaller the amount of water, the correspondingly thicker the mixture. The thickest concrete has an index of p2, and the thinnest concrete has an index of p4 or p5.

Read also: Strip foundation repair technology

Sedentary mixtures, often called hard mixtures, contain a small amount of water and, under the weight of their own weight, cannot fill the required shape. Compositions such as p2 and p3 are placed in molds using special vibrating and compacting devices. If work is carried out in the winter season, the mixture is preheated. Also, in rigid concrete p2 and p3, voids often form, which must be removed with a vibropress tool. Concrete compositions p2 and p3 are used for standard monolithic work.

Mixtures with indicators p4 and p5 have higher mobility, which allows them to be used when pouring narrow formworks, densely reinforced structures, to create columns and hard-to-reach cavities. Several years ago, a similar building material was called “cast concrete” and was widely used in construction.

Dilution with water

Concrete composition diagram.

Often, the low mobility of concrete significantly slows down the progress of construction work. As a rule, this happens when the construction site does not have necessary equipment such as vibrators. In such a case, to facilitate the pouring of p2 or p3, foremen prefer to dilute the concrete, achieving an increase in its mobility to the levels of p4 or p5. But, according to experts, doing this is categorically undesirable.

The ratio of water and cement in concrete is a key proportion, the violation of which can lead to a loss of quality and strength, which in turn can have negative consequences. Even an inconspicuous addition of water usually leads to a loss of strength by 1-2 indicators.

Mobility indicators

Graph of water demand for plastic (a) and rigid (b) concrete mixture made using Portland cement, medium-sized sand (water requirement 7%) and gravel of the largest size: 1 – 70 mm; 2 – 40 mm; 3 – 20 mm; 4 – 10 mm.

If it is necessary to order concrete, suppliers may have doubts about the compliance of the delivered material with the required one. In this case, a workability or mobility test can be performed.

The value of the expression cos (2n / 3) can be found in more than one way. Let's look at the main ones.

Way first.
This method is the simplest of the existing ones. Consists in using the main arguments.

Often, arguments presented in radians are converted to degrees before using this table. This makes it easier to understand the meaning of a function. We use a table in which we can determine the value of the trigonometric function both from the argument in degrees and in radians.
Using the table, we determine the value of the cosine from 2Pi / 3 - this is -1/2.
Mathematically it is written like this:

Method two.
It is convenient to use when there is no table. The method is used to calculate the value of the cosine (or other trigonometric function).

When using a trigonometric circle (or circle), you must remember that the cosine value contains the x-axis. According to the assignment, the argument of the function is 2n / 3. On a circle, this value corresponds to 120 degrees. To calculate the value of the cosine function from this argument, you need to lower the perpendicular to the abscissa axis, after which we get the point -1/2. Therefore, the cosine of 2n/3 is equal to -1/2.

Method three.
If it is not possible to look at the table or use a trigonometric circle, then you can draw. The required value can be determined from it.