GOST for preparation of working documentation 21.1101. General data sheets for working drawings

GOST 21.101-97

UDC 691:002:006.354


System of design documents for construction


System of design documents for construction.


OKS 01.100.30

Date of introduction 1998-04-01


1 DEVELOPED by the State Enterprise - Center for Methodology, Standardization and Standardization in Construction (SE TsNS) of the State Construction Committee of Russia

VNESENDDepartment for the Development of Scientific and Technical Policy and Design and Survey Work of the State Construction Committee of Russia

2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification in Construction on December 10, 1997

3 ENTERED INTO EFFECT on April 1, 1998 as a state standard of the Russian Federation by Decree of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated December 29, 1997 No. 18-75

4 INSTEAD GOST 21.101-93

1 area of ​​use

This standard establishes the basic requirements for design and working documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures for various purposes.

The general rules for the execution of graphic and text documentation established in Section 5 of this standard also apply to reporting technical documentation on engineering surveys for construction.

GOST 2.004-88 ESKD. General requirements for the implementation of design and technological documents on computer printing and graphic output devices

GOST 2.101-68 ESKD. Types of products

GOST 2.102-68 ESKD. Types and completeness of design documents

GOST 2.105-95 ESKD. General requirements for text documents

GOST 2.108-68 ESKD. Specification

GOST 2.109-73 ESKD. Basic requirements for drawings

GOST 2.113-75 ESKD. Group and basic design documents

GOST 2.114-95 ESKD. Specifications

GOST 2.301-68 ESKD. Formats

GOST 2.302-68 ESKD. Scale

GOST 2.303-68 ESKD. Lines

GOST 2.304-81 ESKD. Drawing fonts

GOST 2.305-68 ESKD. Images - views, sections, sections

GOST 2.306-68 ESKD. Designations of graphic materials and rules for their application in drawings

GOST 2.307-68 ESKD. Drawing dimensions and maximum deviations

GOST 2.308-79 ESKD. Indication on drawings of tolerances of shapes and location of surfaces

GOST 2.309-73 ESKD. Designation of surface roughness

GOST 2.310-68 ESKD. Applying designations of coatings, thermal and other types of treatment on drawings

GOST 2.311-68 ESKD. Thread image

GOST 2.312-72 ESKD. Conventional images and designations of seams of welded joints

GOST 2.313-82 ESKD. Conventional images and designations of permanent connections

GOST 2.314-68 ESKD. Instructions on the drawings for marking and branding of products

GOST 2.316-68 ESKD. Rules for applying inscriptions, technical requirements and tables on drawings

GOST 2.317-69 ESKD. Axonometric projections

GOST 2.410-68 ESKD. Rules for making drawings of metal structures

GOST 2.501-88 ESKD. Accounting and storage rules

GOST 21.110-95 SPDS. Specification of equipment, products and materials

GOST 21.113-88 SPDS. Accuracy Characteristic Symbols

GOST 21.114-95 SPDS. Rules for making sketch drawings of general types of non-standard products

GOST 21.203-78 SPDS. Rules for recording and storing original project documentation

GOST 21.501-93 SPDS. Rules for the execution of architectural and construction working drawings.

3 General requirements for the content of documentation

3.1 The composition and content of design documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures are established by the current building codes and regulations.

3.2 The working documentation for the construction of a building or structure generally includes:

a) working drawings intended for construction and installation work;

b) working documentation for construction products in accordance with GOST 21.501;

c) sketch drawings of general types of non-standard products according to GOST 21.114*;

d) specifications of equipment, products and materials in accordance with GOST 21.110;

e) other attached documentation provided for by the relevant standards of the Construction Design Documentation System (SPDS);

f) estimate documentation according to established forms.

4 General requirements for completing documentation

4.1 Project documentation

4.1.1 Project documentation intended for approval (project stage, approved part of the detailed design) is compiled into volumes, as a rule, in separate sections provided for by building codes and regulations. Each volume is numbered with Arabic numerals.

Example - Volume 1 - General explanatory note

Volume 2 - Master plan and transport

If necessary, volumes are divided into parts. In this case, the volumes are numbered by type: Volume 1.1, Volume 1.2.

4.1.2 Text and graphic materials included in the volume are compiled, as a rule, in the following order:


Title page;

Project composition;

Explanatory note;

Basic drawings required by building codes.

Rules for the design of the cover, title page, content and composition of the project are given in section 9.

4.1.3 Each text and graphic document included in the volume is assigned a designation, which is indicated on the title page and in the main inscriptions.

The designation includes the base designation, established according to the system in force in the organization, and, separated by a hyphen, the brand and/or code of the project section. The marks of the sections of the project are adopted by analogy with the marks of the main sets of working drawings given in Appendix A.


1.2345-PZ Section “General explanatory note”

2.2345-GT Section “Master plan and transport”

3.2345-12-AS Section “Architectural and construction solutions”,

PZ - code of the project section;

GT and AC - marks of project sections.


4.1.4 Text and graphic materials, as a rule, are included in the volume on sheets folded in A4 format GOST 2.301.

Each volume includes no more than 250 sheets of A4 format, 150 sheets of A3 format, 75 sheets of A2 format and 50 sheets of A1 format.

4.1.5 General requirements for the implementation of graphic documentation are given in section 5.

Text documents are carried out in accordance with GOST 2.105, taking into account the requirements of section 5 of this standard.

4.2 Working drawings

4.2.1 Working drawings intended for construction and installation work are combined into sets (hereinafter referred to as the main sets) by grade in accordance with Appendix A.

4.2.2 The main set of working drawings of any brand can be divided into several main sets of the same brand (with the addition of a serial number) in accordance with the process of organizing construction and installation work.

Example - AC1; AC2; KZh1; KZh2

4.2.3 Each main set of working drawings is assigned a designation, which includes the basic designation established according to the system in force in the organization, and separated by a hyphen - the brand of the main set.

Example - 2345-12-AR,

where 2345 is the number of the agreement (contract) or code of the construction project;

12 - number of the building or structure according to the general plan*;

2345-12 - basic designation;

AR - brand of the main set of working drawings.


* For sections of the project related to the construction project as a whole (general explanatory note, master plan and transport, etc.), as well as for working drawings of linear structures, master plan, external communications, this part of the basic designation is usually excluded.

4.2.4 The main sets of working drawings include general data on working drawings, as well as drawings and diagrams provided for by SPDS standards.

General data on working drawings

4.2.5 On the first sheets of each main set of working drawings, general data on working drawings is provided, including:

a) a list of working drawings of the main set according to Form 1;

b) a list of reference and attached documents in Form 2;

c) a list of the main sets of working drawings in Form 2;

d) a list of specifications (if there are several layout diagrams in the main set), carried out according to Form 1.

e) symbols not established by state standards, and the meanings of which are not indicated on other sheets of the main set of working drawings;

f) general instructions;

g) other data provided for by the relevant SPDS standards.

Forms 1 and 2 with instructions for completing them are given in Appendix B.

4.2.6 The list of working drawings of the main set contains a sequential list of sheets of the main set.

4.2.7 The list of reference and attached documents is compiled into sections:

a) reference documents;

b) attached documents.

The "Reference Documents" section includes documents that are referenced in working drawings, including:

a) drawings of standard structures, products and assemblies indicating the name and designation of the series and production number;

b) standards, which include drawings intended for the manufacture of products, indicating their name and designation.

The design organization issues reference documents to the customer only under a separate agreement.

The section "Attached Documents" indicates documents developed in addition to the working drawings of the main set, including:

Working documentation for construction products;

Sketch drawings of general types of non-standard products*;

Specification of equipment, products and materials;

Local estimate;

Other documentation provided for by the relevant SPDS standards.

The design organization issues the attached documents to the customer simultaneously with the main set of working drawings.

4.2.8 The list of main sets of working drawings is given on the general data sheets of the main set of the leading brand **.

If there are several main sets of working drawings of one brand, a list of sets of this brand is compiled according to Form 2 of Appendix B, which is given on the general data sheet for each of these sets.

* Perform if necessary.

** The main set of working drawings is assigned by the general designer as the leading mark.

4.2.9 General guidelines include:

a) the basis for the development of working documentation (design assignment, approved project);

b) a mark accepted in the working drawings of a building or structure as conditionally zero (as a rule, given on architectural and construction drawings);

c) a record of the results of testing for patentability and patent purity of technological processes, equipment, devices, structures, materials and products used or developed in the project for the first time, as well as numbers of copyright certificates and applications for which decisions were made to issue copyright certificates for those used in the work documentation of the invention;

d) a record that the working drawings were developed in accordance with current norms, rules and standards;

e) a list of types of work for which it is necessary to draw up inspection reports for hidden work;

f) information about who owns this intellectual property (if necessary);

g) other necessary instructions.

In general instructions, you should not repeat the technical requirements placed on other sheets of the main set of working drawings, and give a description of the technical solutions adopted in the working drawings.

5. General rules for completing documentation

5.1 When executing design, working and other technical documentation intended for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures, one should be guided by the requirements of the relevant SPDS standards, as well as the standards of the Unified System of Design Documentation (USKD).

The list of ESKD standards that must be taken into account when performing graphic and text documentation for construction is given in Appendix B.

Documentation intended for microfilming must comply with the requirements of the Reprography standard system.

5.2 Drawings are carried out on an optimal scale, taking into account their complexity and richness of information.

The scales on the drawings are not indicated, with the exception of product drawings and other cases provided for in the relevant SPDS standards.

5.3 The list of abbreviations of words allowed in main inscriptions, technical requirements, tables, drawings and specifications compiled in addition to GOST 2.316 and is given in Appendix D.

Coordination axes

5.4 On the image of each building or structure, the coordination axes are indicated and an independent notation system is assigned to them.

Coordination axes are applied to images of buildings and structures with thin dash-dot lines with long strokes, denoted by Arabic numerals and capital letters of the Russian alphabet (with the exception of the letters: Ё, 3, И, О, ​​X, Ц, Ш, Ш, ъ, ы, ь) in circles with a diameter of 6-12 mm.

Gaps in digital and alphabetic (except for those indicated) designations of coordination axes are not allowed.

5.5 Numbers indicate coordination axes on the side of a building and structure with a large number of axes. If there are not enough letters of the alphabet to designate the coordination axes, subsequent axes are designated by two letters.

Example -AA; BB; BB.

5.6 The sequence of digital and letter designations of coordination axes is taken according to the plan from left to right and from bottom to top (Figure 1 A) or as shown in pictures 1 b, V.

5.7 Designation of coordination axes is usually applied on the left and bottom sides of the building and structure plan.

If the coordination axes of opposite sides of the plan do not coincide, the designations of the indicated axes in the places of discrepancy are additionally applied on the top and/or right sides.

5.8 For individual elements located between the coordination axes of the main load-bearing structures, additional axes are drawn and designated as a fraction:

above the line indicate the designation of the previous coordination axis;

below the line - an additional serial number within the area between adjacent coordination axes in accordance with Figure 1 G.

Picture 1

It is allowed to assign numerical and letter designations to the coordination axes of half-timbered columns in continuation of the designations of the axes of the main columns without an additional number.

5.9 In the image of a repeating element linked to several coordination axes, the coordination axes are designated in accordance with Figure 2:

« A» - when the number of coordination axes is no more than 3;

« b» - » »»» more than 3;

« V" - for all alphabetic and digital coordination axes.

If necessary, the orientation of the coordination axis to which the element is attached, in relation to the adjacent axis, is indicated in accordance with Figure 2 G.

Figure 2

5.10 To designate the coordination axes of block sections of residential buildings, the index “c” is used.

Example - 1s, 2s, Ac, Bs.

On the plans of residential buildings composed of block sections, the designations of the extreme coordination axes of the block sections are indicated without an index in accordance with Figure 3.

Figure 3

Applying dimensions, slopes, marks, inscriptions

5.11 The dimension line at its intersection with extension lines, contour lines or center lines is limited by serifs in the form of thick main lines 2-4 mm long, drawn with an inclination to the right at an angle of 45° to the dimension line, while the dimension lines should protrude beyond the outer extension lines by 1-3 mm.

When applying a diameter or radius dimension inside a circle, as well as an angular dimension, the dimension line is limited by arrows. Arrows are also used when drawing dimensions of radii and internal fillets.

5.12 Level marks (heights, depths) of structural elements, equipment, pipelines, air ducts, etc. from the reference level (conventional “zero” mark) are indicated by a conventional sign in accordance with Figure 4 and indicated in meters with three decimal places separated from the whole number comma.

Figure 4

The “zero” mark, usually accepted for the surface of any structural element of a building or structure located near the planning surface of the earth, is indicated without a sign; marks above zero - with a "+" sign; below zero - with a "-" sign.

On views (facades), sections and sections, marks are indicated on extension lines or contour lines in accordance with Figure 5, on plans - in a rectangle in accordance with Figure 6, except for cases specified in the relevant SPDS standards.

5.13 On the plans, the direction of the slope of the planes is indicated by an arrow, above which, if necessary, the value of the slope is indicated as a percentage in accordance with Figure 7 or as a ratio of height and length (for example, 1:7).

It is allowed, if necessary, to indicate the slope value in ppm, as a decimal fraction accurate to the third digit. On drawings and diagrams, in front of the dimensional number that determines the magnitude of the slope, the sign “р” is applied, the acute angle of which must be directed towards the slope.

The slope designation is applied directly above the contour line or on the shelf of the leader line.

Figure 5

Figure 6

Figure 7

5.14 Labels for multilayer structures should be made in accordance with Figure 8.

5.15 Position numbers (brands of elements) are placed on the shelves of leader lines drawn from images of the component parts of the object, next to the image without a leader line or within the contours of the depicted parts of the object in accordance with Figure 9.

In small-scale images, leader lines end without an arrow or a dot.

5.16 The font size for indicating coordination axes and positions (marks) should be one or two numbers larger than the font size adopted for dimensional numbers in the same drawing.

Images (sections, sections, views, fragments)

5.17 Sections of a building or structure are designated in Arabic numerals sequentially within the main set of working drawings.

Independent numbering is allowed only for sections of individual sections of a building, structure or installations, all drawings of which are placed on one sheet or group of sheets and if these drawings do not contain references to sections located on other sheets of the main set of working drawings.

It is allowed to designate cuts in capital letters of the Russian alphabet.

The direction of view for a section according to the plan of a building and structure is taken, as a rule, from bottom to top and from right to left.

5.18 If individual parts of the view (façade), plan, section require a more detailed image, then additional elements - nodes and fragments - are made.

5.19 When depicting a node, the corresponding place is marked on the view (facade), plan or section with a closed solid thin line (usually a circle or oval) with the serial number of the node indicated on the shelf in a leader line in an Arabic numeral in accordance with Figure 10.

If the node is placed on another sheet, then the sheet number is indicated under the shelf of the leader line (Figure 10 A) or on the shelf with leader lines nearby, in brackets, in accordance with Figure 10 b.

If necessary, references to a unit placed in another main set of working drawings, or to a standard unit, indicate the designation and sheet number of the corresponding main set of working drawings in accordance with Figure 10 V or a series of working drawings of typical units and issue number in accordance with Figure 10 G.

Figure 10

Above the image of the node, indicate its serial number in a circle in accordance with Figure 12 A or 12 b.

Figure 11

Figure 12

A node that is a complete mirror image of another (main) design is assigned the same serial number as the main design, with the addition of the index “n”.

5.20 Fragments of plans, sections, facades, as a rule, are marked with curly brackets in accordance with Figure 13.

Figure 13

Under the curly brace, as well as above the corresponding fragment, the name and serial number of the fragment are written. If the fragment is placed on another sheet, then a link to this sheet is given.

5.21 Images up to the axis of symmetry of symmetrical plans and facades of buildings and structures, layout diagrams of structural elements, layout plans for technological, energy, sanitary and other equipment are not allowed.

5.22 If the image (for example, a plan) does not fit on a sheet of the accepted format, then it is divided into several sections, placing them on separate sheets.

In this case, on each sheet where a section of the image is shown, a diagram of the entire image is given with the necessary coordination axes and a symbol (hatching) of the section of the image shown on this sheet in accordance with Figure 14.

Note - If drawings of image sections are placed in different main sets of working drawings, then the designation of the corresponding main set is indicated above the sheet number (according to 4.2.2)

Figure 14

5.23 If the floor plans of a multi-story building have slight differences from each other, then the plan of one of the floors is completed in full; for the other floors, only those parts of the plan that are necessary to show the difference from the plan depicted in full are carried out.

Under the name of the partially depicted plan, the following entry is given:

"For the rest, see the plan (name of the fully depicted plan)."

5.24 In the names of floor plans of a building and structure, indicate the finished floor mark or floor number, or the designation of the corresponding cutting plane.


1. Plan at elevation 0.000

2. Plan 2 - 9 floors

3. Plan 3 - 3

When executing a part of a plan, the name indicates the axes that limit this part of the plan.

Example -Plan at elevation 0.000 between axes 1 - 8 and A - D

It is allowed to indicate the purpose of the premises located on the floor in the title of the floor plan.

5.25 The names of sections of a building (structure) indicate the designation of the corresponding cutting plane.

Example -Section 1 - 1

5.26 The names of the facades of a building and structure indicate the extreme axes between which the facade is located.

Example -Facade 1 - 12

Basic inscriptions

5.27 Each sheet of a graphic and text document must have a main inscription and additional columns to it. The forms of the main inscriptions and instructions for filling them out are given in Appendix D.

5.28 In the design and working documentation, the main inscription is drawn up:

a) on sheets of the main sets of working drawings and main drawings of design documentation - according to Form 3;

b) on the first sheet of drawings of construction products - according to form 4;

c) on the first sheets of text documents and sketch drawings of general types of non-standard products - according to form 5;

d) on subsequent sheets of drawings of construction products, text documents and general sketch drawings - according to Form 6.

It is allowed to make the main inscription on the first sheet of the drawing of a construction product according to Form 5.

5.29 In the reporting technical documentation based on the results of engineering surveys, the main inscription is drawn up:

a) on sheets of graphic documents used in design as a basis - according to Form 3;

b) on the first sheets of other graphic and text documents - according to Form 5, on subsequent sheets - according to Form 6.

5.30 The location of the main inscription and additional columns to it, as well as dimensional frames on the sheets are given in Appendix E.

5.31 The main inscriptions, additional columns to them and frames are made with solid thick main and solid thin lines in accordance with GOST 2.303 in accordance with Appendix D.

5.32 Graphic and text documents bound in the form of a volume, album, issue or other publishing form are designed with a title page.

Rules for making the title page are given in section 9.

5.33 It is permissible to omit the title page and not bind textual working documents of small volume. In this case, the first sheet of the document is drawn up with the main inscription according to Form 3, the subsequent sheets - according to Form 6.

6 Rules for fulfilling specifications on drawings

6.1 For the layout of elements of a prefabricated structure, monolithic reinforced concrete structure, for drawings of installations (blocks) of technological, sanitary and other equipment, a specification is drawn up in Form 7 of Appendix G.

When making drawings using the group method, group specifications are drawn up in accordance with Form 8 of Appendix G.

6.2 Specifications for construction products are made in accordance with GOST 21.501.

7 Rulesmaking changes to the working documentation issued to the customer

7.1 A change to a working document previously issued to the customer is any correction, deletion or addition of any data to it without changing the designation of this document. The document designation may be changed only if different documents are mistakenly assigned the same designations or there is an error in the document designation.

7.2 Changes are made to the original document. Changes to calculations are not permitted.

7.3 Copies of sheets (modified, additional and issued instead of replaced sheets) of working documentation are sent to organizations to which copies of documents were previously sent, along with copies of general data of the corresponding main set of working drawings, specified in accordance with clause 7.5.


7.4.1 Changes to the document are carried out on the basis of a permission to make changes (hereinafter referred to as the permission), drawn up in accordance with Form 9 of Appendix I.

The permit is approved by the head of the organization that developed the document or, on his behalf, by another official.

7.4.2 The basis for obtaining original documents to make changes to them is permission.

7.4.3 Changes to each document (for example, the main set of working drawings, specifications of equipment, products and materials) are issued with a separate permit.

It is allowed to draw up one general permission for changes made simultaneously to several documents, if the changes are interrelated or the same for all documents being changed.

7.5 Alteration

7.5.1 Changes to original documents are made by crossing out or erasing (erasing). In this case, the physical condition of the original is taken into account.

7.5.2 After making changes, the images, letters, numbers, signs must be clear, the thickness of the lines, the size of the gaps, etc. must be carried out according to the rules provided for by the relevant ESKD standards and the Reprography standard system.

7.5.3 Changeable sizes, words, signs, inscriptions, etc. are crossed out with solid thin lines and new data is added next to them.

7.5.4 When changing an image (part of an image), it is outlined with a solid thin line, forming a closed contour, and crossed out crosswise with solid thin lines.

A new image of the changed area is made on a free margin of the sheet or on another sheet without rotation.

7.5.5 Changed, canceled and additional sections of the image are assigned a designation consisting of the serial number of the next change in the document and through a dot the serial number of the changed (cancelled, additional) section of the image within a given sheet. In this case, the new image of the changed area is assigned the designation of a change in the replaced image.

If a new image of the changed section is placed on another sheet, then the change designation assigned to it is saved and is not taken into account in the table of changes to this sheet.

7.5.6 Near each change, including changes corrected by erasing (washing), outside the image, a change designation is applied in a parallelogram in accordance with Figure 15.

Figure 15

A continuous thin line is drawn from the parallelogram to the changed area.

7.5.7 Changed sizes, words, signs, inscriptions, etc., located close to each other, are outlined with a solid thin line forming a closed contour, without crossing them out in accordance with Figure 16.

7.5.8 If a new image of the changed area is placed on another sheet, then the number of the sheet on which the new image is located is also indicated for the replaced image in accordance with Figure 17.

Figure 16

Figure 17

7.5.9 Above the new image of the changed section, a designation of the change in the replaced image is placed in a parallelogram, and in the parallelogram it is indicated: “Instead of the crossed out one.”

If a new image of the changed area is placed on another sheet, then with a parallelogram indicate: “Instead of the one crossed out on the sheet (number of the sheet on which the replaced image is located)” in accordance with Figure 18.

Figure 18

7.5.10 If a new image of the changed section is placed near the replaced one, then they are connected by leader lines indicating the change in accordance with Figure 19.

Figure 19

Above the additional image, a change designation is placed in the parallelogram, and with the parallelogram, the following is indicated: “Addition” in accordance with Figure 20.

Figure 20

7.5.11 When canceling an image (part of an image), when indicating the change, indicate: “Canceled.”

7.5.12 If there is not enough space to make changes or the clarity of the image may be impaired during correction, then a new original is made taking into account the changes made and its previous designation is retained.

If one or more sheets of the original are replaced or added, then the accession number assigned to the original is retained on them.

When all sheets of the original are replaced, it is assigned a new inventory number.

7.5.13 When making changes to the sheets of the main set of working drawings, in the list of working drawings of this set on the sheets of general data in the “Note” column indicate:

a) when making the first change - “Change 1”.

When making subsequent changes - additionally the next numbers of changes, separating them from the previous ones with a semicolon.

Example -Change 1; 2; 3

b) on the replaced sheets with the change number - “(Deputy)”.

Example -Change 1 (Deputy)

c) on canceled sheets with the change number - “Canceled”.

Example -Change 1 (Cancelled)

d) on additional sheets with the change number - “(New)”.

Example -Change 1 (New)

7.5.14 If additional sheets are included in the main set of working drawings, then they are assigned successive serial numbers and recorded as a continuation of the list of working drawings of the corresponding main set.

If there is not enough space in the sheet of working drawings to record additional sheets, the continuation of the sheet is transferred to the first of the additional sheets. In this case, at the end of the list of working drawings, placed in the “General Data”, the following entry is made:

“For the continuation of the statement, see the sheet (sheet number),” and above the statement on an additional sheet the heading is placed: “Sheet of working drawings of the main set (Continuation).”

The numbers and names of canceled sheets in the list of working drawings are crossed out.

When changing the names of sheets, appropriate changes are made to the “Name” column.

7.5.15 When changing the total number of sheets of a document on its first sheet in the title block, appropriate changes are made to the “Sheets” column.

7.5.16 When performing additional and canceling previously completed attached documents, corrections are made to the list of reference and attached documents of the corresponding main set of working drawings.

7.5.17 When performing additional and canceling previously completed main sets of working drawings, corrections are made to the list of main sets of working drawings.

7.5.18 Changes made to the original are indicated in the table of changes placed in the title block.

It is allowed to place the table of changes outside the main inscription (above it or to the left of it) in the same form.

7.5.19 The table of changes indicates:

a) in the column "Change." - serial number of the document change;

b) in the column "Number of students." - the number of changing areas of the image on a given sheet within the next change;

c) in the column “Sheet” - on sheets issued instead of replaced ones - “Deputy”, on sheets added again - “New”.

When replacing all sheets of the original (at the next document change number), indicate “All” on the first sheet in the “Sheet” column. In this case, the table of changes on other sheets of this original is not filled out.

In other cases, put a dash in the “Sheet” column;

d) in the column "Doc. No." - designation of permission;

e) in the column "Sub." - signature of the person responsible for the correctness of the change (the signature of the person responsible for standard control is placed in the field for filing the sheet);

f) in the “Date” column - the date the change was made.

7.5.20 The table of changes does not take into account corrections made to the statements of the general data sheet in connection with changes to the sheets of the main set and attached documents.

7.5.21 When making changes to text documents, it is recommended to follow the table for registering changes in Form 10 of Regulation K. The table for registering changes is placed on the title page of the text document.

7.5.22 Significant changes to text documents are made in one of the following ways:

a) replacing all or individual sheets of a document;

b) release of new additional sheets.

When changing the originals of text documents, it is allowed, when adding a new sheet, to assign it the number of the previous sheet with the addition of another Arabic numeral, separating it from the previous one with a dot.

Example - 3.1

In this case, the total number of sheets is changed on the first sheet.

In text documents containing mostly solid text, it is allowed, when adding a new paragraph, to assign it the number of the previous paragraph with the addition of the next lowercase letter of the Russian alphabet, and when canceling a paragraph, to preserve the numbers of subsequent paragraphs.

7.5.23 When canceling or replacing a document, all canceled and replaced original sheets are crossed out crosswise with solid thin lines and stamped in accordance with Form 11 of Appendix L.

8 Rules for linking working documentation

8.1. Working documentation - standard projects, standard design solutions (intended for reference) and working documentation for re-use are subject to reference to a specific construction site. A binding stamp is placed on each sheet of linked documentation in accordance with Appendix M:

a) on the first sheet - according to form 12;

b) on subsequent sheets - according to form 13.

8.2 Covers and title pages of the main sets of working drawings of standard projects (standard design solutions), published in the form of albums and issues, are not attached and are not sent to the customer.

8.3 The anchor stamp is applied on the free margin of the sheet, preferably above the main inscription or to the left of it.

8.4 It is allowed not to apply a reference stamp to unchangeable working drawings of structures, products and assemblies if they are reused by the organization that developed and approved these drawings. The specified working drawings are recorded in the section of the attached documents without changing the designation.

8.5 Changes during binding are made in accordance with paragraphs. 7.5.1-7.5.4, 7.5.14-7.5.17 and taking into account the following additional requirements:

a) if there are two or more changing areas of the image, then they are assigned serial numbers, which are marked in Roman numerals on the leader line shelf in accordance with Figure 21;

b) above the changed section indicate in Roman numeral the serial number of the changed section of the image and the inscription “Instead of the crossed out one” in accordance with Figure 22.

If a new image (part of an image) is placed on another sheet, then the number of the sheet on which the new image is located is also indicated for the replaced image.

Figure 21

Figure 22

8.6 The main inscriptions on the sheets of linked documentation published in the form of albums and issues are left unchanged.

8.8 Canceled sheets are excluded from the linked documentation without changing the overall numbering of the sheets.

9 Rules for preparing bound documentation

9.1 Each bound document is provided with a cover in accordance with Form 14 given in Appendix H. The cover is not numbered and is not included in the total number of pages.

9.2 The first sheet of a text (graphic) document or several bound documents is the title page. The title page is made according to form 15 of Appendix P. An example of filling out the title page is given there.

9.3 All sheets of the bound document, starting with the title page, must have continuous page numbering. In this case, the title page is not numbered.

The page number on sheets of text and graphic documents is indicated in the upper right corner of the working field of the sheet.

In addition, in the title block of text and graphic documents included in a volume, album or issue and having an independent designation, the serial numbering of sheets within the document with one designation is indicated.

9.4 When compiling several documents in the form of a volume, album or issue, after the title page, “Contents” is given, which is performed in accordance with Form 2 of Appendix B.

The first sheet of “Contents” is drawn up with the main inscription according to Form 5 of Appendix D, the subsequent ones - according to Form 6 of Appendix D. “Contents” are assigned a designation consisting of the document designation and code “C”.

Example -2345-GT.S, 2345-11-KZh.IS, 2345-11-TH.NS

9.5 Title pages of project documents are signed with the following signatures:

head or chief engineer of the organization;

chief engineer (architect) of the project.

The title pages of working documents are signed by the responsible person - the chief engineer (architect) of the project.

The title page of the reporting survey documentation is drawn up taking into account the additional requirements of the relevant building codes and regulations.

9.6 The composition of the project, in accordance with 4.1.2, is given in a statement prepared in accordance with Form 16 of Appendix R.

The statement provides a sequential list of volumes of project documentation.

The first sheet of the statement is drawn up with the main inscription according to Form 5 of Appendix D, the subsequent sheets - according to Form 6 of Appendix D.

The statements are assigned a designation consisting of the basic designation of the document and, separated by a hyphen, the code “SP”.

Example - 2345-SP

Brands of main sets of working drawings

Table A.1

Name of the main set of working drawings


Production technology

Technological communications

When combining working drawings of all technological communications

General plan and transport facilities

When combining working drawings of the general plan and transport structures

General plan

Architectural solutions


Working drawings can be combined with the main set of marks AP and AC

Reinforced concrete structures

Wooden structures

Architectural and construction solutions

When combining working drawings of architectural solutions and building structures

Metal structures detailing

Water supply and sewerage

Heating, ventilation and air conditioning

Thermomechanical solutions for boiler houses

Air supply

Dust removal


Gas supply (internal devices)

Power equipment

Electric lighting (internal)

Communication systems

Radio communications, radio broadcasting and television


Fire alarm

Security and fire alarm systems

Hydraulic solutions


Many replace the name and brand of the corresponding main set of working drawings

Comprehensive automation

When combining working drawings of various technological processes and engineering systems

Anti-corrosion protection of structures and structures

Anti-corrosion protection of technological devices, gas ducts and pipelines

Thermal insulation of equipment and pipelines

Car roads


Vehicle structures

When combining working drawings of roads, railways and other roads

External water supply networks

External sewerage networks

External water supply and sewerage networks

When combining working drawings of external water supply and sewerage networks

Thermomechanical solutions for heating networks

External gas pipelines

Outdoor electric lighting

Electricity supply

Note ¾ If necessary, additional brands of the main sets of working drawings can be assigned. In this case, for stamps, capital letters (not more than three) of the Russian alphabet are used, corresponding, as a rule, to the initial letters of the names of the main set of working drawings.



General data sheets for working drawings

Form 1 - List of working drawings of the main set

Specification Sheet

Instructions for filling out the list of working drawings of the main set

In the list of working drawings of the main set indicate:

a) in the “Sheet” column - the serial number of the sheet of the main set of working drawings;

b) in the “Name” column - the name of the images placed on the sheet, in strict accordance with the names given in the main inscription of the sheet;

c) in the “Note” column - additional information, for example, about changes made to the working drawings of the main set.

Instructions for completing the specification sheet

The specification sheet indicates:

a) in the “Sheet” column - the number of the sheet of the main set of working drawings on which the specification is placed;

b) in the “Name” column - the name of the specification in exact accordance with its name indicated on the drawing;

c) in the “Note” column - additional information, including changes made to the specifications.

Form 2 - List of main sets of working drawings

List of referenced and attached documents

Instructions for filling out the list of main sets of working drawings

The list of main sets of working drawings indicates:

a) in the “Designation” column - designation of the main set of working drawings and, if necessary, the name or distinctive index of the organization that issued the document;

b) in the “Name” column - the name of the main set of working drawings;

c) in the "Note" column - additional information, including changes in the composition of the main sets of working drawings.

Instructions for filling out the list of referenced and attached documents

The list of referenced and attached documents indicates:

a) in the “Designation” column - the designation of the document and, if necessary, the name or distinctive index of the organization that issued the document;

b) in the “Name” column - the name of the document in full accordance with the name indicated on the title page or in the title block;

c) in the “Note” column - additional information, including changes made to the recorded documents included in the working documentation.



List of ESKD standards to be taken into account when performing graphic and text documentation for construction

Table B.1

Designation and name of the standard

Conditions for application of the standard

GOST 2.004-88

ESKD. General requirements for the implementation of design and technological documents on computer printing and graphic output devices

GOST 2.101-68

ESKD. Types of products

GOST 2.102-68

ESKD. Types and completeness of design documents

Taking into account the requirements of GOST 21.501 related to the execution of drawings of construction products

GOST 2.105-95

ESKD. General requirements for text documents

Taking into account the requirements of sections 4, 5 and 9 of this standard

GOST 2.108-68

ESKD. Specification

Taking into account the requirements of section 6 of this standard and GOST 21.501

GOST 2.109-73

ESKD. Basic requirements for drawings

GOST 2.113-75

ESKD. Group and basic design documents

Taking into account the requirements of GOST 21.501

GOST 2.114-95

ESKD. Specifications

Taking into account the requirements of 5.27, 5.28, 5.30-5.32 of section 5 and section 9 of this standard. 3.7.1 and 3.8 GOST 2.114 are not taken into account

GOST 2.301-68

ESKD. Formats

Taking into account the requirements of the relevant SPDS standards

GOST 2.302-68

ESKD. Scale

GOST 2.303-68

ESKD. Lines

GOST 2.304-81

ESKD. Drawing fonts

GOST 2.305-68

ESKD. Images - views, sections, sections

Taking into account the requirements 5.17-5.26 of this standard

GOST 2.306-68

ESKD. Designations of graphic materials and rules for their application in drawings

Taking into account the requirements of GOST 21.302, tables 4 and 5

GOST 2.307-68

ESKD. Drawing dimensions and maximum deviations

Taking into account the requirements 5.11-5.13 of this standard

GOST 2.308-79

ESKD. Indication on drawings of tolerances of shapes and location of surfaces

Taking into account the requirements of GOST 21.113

GOST 2.309-73

ESKD. Surface roughness designations

GOST 2.310-68

ESKD. Applying designations of coatings, thermal and other types of treatment on drawings

GOST 2.311-68

ESKD. Thread image

GOST 2.312-72

ESKD. Conventional images and designations of seams of welded joints

GOST 2.313-82

ESKD. Conventional images and designations of permanent connections

GOST 2.314-68

ESKD. Instructions on the drawings for marking and branding of products

GOST 2.315-68

ESKD. Simplified and conventional images of fasteners

GOST 2.316-68

ESKD. Rules for applying inscriptions, technical requirements and tables on drawings

Taking into account the requirements 5.14-5.16 of this standard

GOST 2.317-69

ESKD. Axonometric projections

GOST 2.410-68

ESKD. Rules for making drawings of metal structures

GOST 2.501-88 ESKD. Accounting and storage rules

Regarding the form of the inventory book, subscription card and instructions for folding drawings

Note - The conditions for applying the ESKD standards of classification group 7 are determined by the relevant SPDS standards.

List of allowed abbreviations of words (addition to GOST 2.316)

Table D.1

Full name



Anti-seismic seam


Asphalt concrete

Concrete, concrete

Ventilation chamber

ventilation chamber

Chief Engineer

Ch. Eng. (*)

Chief engineer (architect) of the project

GIP (GAP) (*)

Chief Specialist

Ch. specialist. (*)

Expansion joint





Unit change (T)

Capacity (ts, t)


Reinforced concrete, reinforced concrete


Insulation, insulating





staircase, staircase

Workshop (in design organizations)


materials (t)


normal load



calc. load


san. tech.


san. node



Temperature seam


Rail head level

ur. g.r. (And)

Ground level

Finished floor level

ur. ch.p.(i)


Cement, cement

Cement concrete


Crushed stone, crushed stone


el-t (i.t.)

Note - Abbreviations marked with (*) are used only in the title block; (t) - in tables; (ts) - with numbers or codes; (i) - on graphic images



Main inscriptions and additional columns to it

Form 3 - For sheets:

main sets of working drawings;

main drawings of sections of design documentation;

graphic documents for engineering surveys

Form 4 - DlI drawings of construction products (first sheet)

Form 5 - Forall types of text documents (first sheets)

Note - The main inscription in Form 5 can be used for graphic documents on engineering surveys that are not used as a basis

Form 6 - For drawings of construction products and all types of text documents (subsequent sheets)

Note - The main inscription in Form 6 can be used for graphic documents on engineering surveys that are not used as a basis

Instructions for filling out the main inscription and additional columns to it

In the columns of the main inscription and additional columns to it (the column numbers are indicated in brackets) the following is given:

a) in column 1 - designation of the document, including a section of the project, the main set of working drawings, product drawing, text document, etc.;

b) in column 2 - the name of the enterprise, housing and civil complex or other construction project that includes the building (structure), or the name of the microdistrict;

c) in column 3 - name of the building (structure) and, if necessary, type of construction (reconstruction, expansion, technical re-equipment, major repairs);

d) in column 4 - the name of the images placed on this sheet, in exact accordance with the name on the drawing.

The names of specifications and other tables, as well as text instructions related to images, are not indicated in the column;

e) in column 5 - name of the product and/or name of the document;

f) in column 6 - designation of the design stage:

1) P - for design documentation, including the approved part of the detailed design;

2) P - for working documentation;

g) in column 7 - the serial number of the sheet or page of the text document for double-sided printing. On documents consisting of one sheet, the column is not filled in;

i) in column 8 - the total number of sheets of the document. The column is filled out only on the first sheet.

On the first sheet of a text document for duplex printing, indicate the total number of pages;

j) in column 9 - the name or distinctive index of the organization that developed the document;

k) in column 10 - the nature of the work performed (developed, checked, standard control).

Depending on the design stage, complexity and significance of the document, empty lines may be filled in at the discretion of the organization’s management (indicate the positions of the persons responsible for the development of the document (drawing);

l) in columns 11-13 - the names and signatures of the persons indicated in column 10, and the date of signing.

Signatures of other officials and approving signatures are placed on the filing field of the sheet;

m) in columns 14-19 - columns of the table of changes, which are filled out in accordance with clause 7.5.19;

o) in column 20 - the inventory number of the original;

p) in column 21 - the signature of the person who accepted the original for storage and the date of acceptance (day, month, year);

c) in column 22 - the inventory number of the original document, in replacement of which the original was issued;

r) in column 23 - designation of the material of the part (the column is filled in only on drawings of parts);

y) in column 24 - the mass of the product shown in the drawing, in kilograms without indicating the unit of measurement. The mass of the product in other units of measurement is given with an indication of the unit of measurement.

Example - 2,4 T;

t) in column 25 - scale (indicated in accordance with GOST 2.302);

w) in column 26 - signature of the person who copied the drawing (if necessary).



Location of the main inscription and additional columns to it

and dimensional frames on sheets

Note - Dimensions in brackets are for standard design documentation frames.



Form 7 - WITHspecification

Form 8 - GRpack specification

Instructions for filling out the specification and group specification

The specifications indicate:

a) in the column "Pos." - positions (brands) of structural elements, installations;

b) in the “Designation” column - designation of the main documents for structural elements, equipment and products recorded in the specification or standards (technical conditions) for them;

c) in the “Name” column - names of structural elements, equipment and products and their brands. It is allowed to indicate the name once and underline it for a group of elements of the same name;

d) in the column "Quantity." forms 7 - number of elements. In the column “Number...” of Form 8, instead of an ellipsis, write “according to the scheme”, “per floor”, etc., and below - the serial numbers of the layout diagrams or floors;

e) in the column “Mass, unit kg” - mass in kilograms. It is allowed to give the mass in tons, but indicating the unit of measurement;

f) in the “Note” column - additional information, for example, the unit of measurement of mass.



Form 9 - Permission to make changes

Instructions for completing a change authorization

The permission columns indicate:

a) in column 1 - designation of the permit, consisting of the serial number of the permit according to the permit registration book in accordance with GOST 21.203 and separated by a hyphen of the last two digits of the year.

Example - 15-97;

b) in column 2 - designation of the document to which the change is made;

c) in column 3 - the name of the enterprise, building (structure) under construction;

d) in column 4 - the next serial number assigned to changes that are made to the document under one permit. It is indicated for the entire document, regardless of how many sheets it is made on. Serial numbers of changes are indicated in Arabic numerals;

e) in column 5 - numbers of sheets of the document to which changes are made;

f) in column 6 - the content of the change in the form of a text description and/or graphic image;

g) in column 7 - code of the reason for the change in accordance with the table

i) in column 8 - additional information;

j) in columns 9-11 - the names of the persons signing the permit, their signatures and the date of signing;

k) in column 12 - the name of the design organization and the unit (department) that issued the permit;

l) in columns 13-16 - the name of the relevant departments or organizations, positions and surnames of persons with whom the permit is agreed upon in the prescribed manner, their signatures and dates of signing, as well as the signature of the normative inspector;

m) in column 17 - the serial number of the permit sheet. If the permit consists of one sheet, the column is not filled in;

n) in column 18 - the total number of permit sheets.

Form 10 - Change registration table

Instructions for filling out the change registration table

In the columns of the change registration table indicate:

a) in the columns “Changes,” “Doc. Number,” “Sub.” and “Date” - similar to filling out the corresponding columns of the table of changes;

b) in the columns “Numbers of sheets (pages) changed, replaced, new, canceled” - numbers of sheets (pages) respectively changed, replaced, added and canceled under this permit.

When replacing the entire document, in the column “Numbers of sheets (pages) replaced” indicate “All”;

c) in the column "Total sheets (pages) in the document." - the number of sheets (pages) in the document. The column is filled in if the columns “Numbers of sheets (pages), new” and/or “Numbers of sheets (pages), canceled” are filled in.



Form 11 - Stamp of cancellation (replacement) of original document sheets

Instructions for filling out the cancellation (replacement) stamp for sheets of the original document

The stamp indicates:

a) in line 1 - the serial number of the next change in the document, in accordance with which the sheet was canceled or replaced (for example, “Change 3”). When canceling a sheet, the word “Replaced” in the stamp is crossed out;

b) in columns 2-5 - position, surname, signature of the person responsible for making the changes, and the date of signing.



Form 12 - Binding stamp (first sheet)

Form 13 - Binding stamp (subsequent sheets)

Instructions for filling out binding stamps

When filling out the binding stamps, indicate:

a) in column 1 - the new designation of the linked document;

b) in column 2 - the name of the organization that performed the linking;

c) in column 3 - the name of the enterprise, building or structure under construction for which the link was made;

d) in columns 4-7 - the positions and names of the persons responsible for the binding, as well as the person who carried out normative control, their signatures and the date of signing;

e) in column 8 - the inventory number assigned to the linked document;

f) in column 9 - the number of sheets of the linked document;

g) in columns 10, 11 - the signature of the person who accepted the linked document for storage, and the date of signing.



Form 14 - Cover

Note - The name of the governing body is indicated for government organizations.



Form 15 - Title page


1 The name of the governing body is indicated for government organizations.

2 The field for signing the document is filled out in accordance with the instructions in section 9.

Example of title page design



Form 16 - Project composition

Instructions for filling out the form

The statement indicates:

In the column “Volume number” - the number of the volume or its part;

In the “Designation” column - the designation of the document indicated on the title page, and, if necessary, the name or distinctive index of the organization that issued the document;

In the “Name” column - the name of the document in exact accordance with the name indicated on the title page;

In the "Note" column - additional information.

Key words: working documentation, working drawings, general data on working drawings, composition, basic sets, specifications, changes, binding, design documentation, graphic and text documents, title page, main inscriptions, signatures.

1 area of ​​use

3 General requirements for the content of documentation

4 General requirements for completing documentation

4.1 Project documentation

4.2 Working drawings

General data on working drawings

5 General rules for completing documentation

Coordination axes

Applying dimensions, slopes, marks, inscriptions

Images (sections, sections, views , fragments)

Basic inscriptions

6 Rules for fulfilling specifications on drawings

7 Rules for making changes to working documentation issued to the customer

7.4 Permission to make changes

7.5 Changes

8 Rules for linking working documentation

9 Rules for preparing bound documentation

Appendix A Marks of main sets of working drawings

Appendix B Forms 1 and 2 - Statements of general data according to working drawings

Appendix B List of ESKD standards to be taken into account when performing graphic and text documentation for construction

Appendix D List of permitted word abbreviations (addition to GOST 2.316)

Appendix E Forms 3-6 - Main inscriptions and additional columns to it

Appendix E Location of the main inscription, additional columns to it and dimensional frames on the sheets

Appendix G Forms 7 and 8 - Specifications

Appendix AND Form 9 - Authorization to Make Changes

Appendix K Form 10 - Change Registration Table

Appendix L Form 11 - Stamp of cancellation (replacement) of sheets of the original document

Appendix M Forms 12 and 13- Binding stamps (first and subsequent sheets)

Appendix H Form 14 - Cover

Appendix P Form 15 - Title page. Example of title page design

Appendix P Form 16 - Project composition

GOST R 21.1101-2013 Basic requirements for design and working documentation

The goals and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation are established by the Federal Law of December 27, 2002 No. 184-FZ “On Technical Regulation”, and the rules for applying national standards of the Russian Federation are GOST R 1.0-2004 “Standardization in the Russian Federation. Basic provisions"

Information about the GOST R 21.1101-2013 standard

  • DEVELOPED by the Open Joint-Stock Company "Center for Methodology of Standardization and Standardization in Construction" (JSC "CNS")
  • INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee TC 465 “Construction”
  • APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated June 11, 2013 No. 156-ST from 01/01/2014.
  • This standard implements the norms of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2004 No. 190-FZ
  • INSTEAD GOST R 21 .1101-2009


3.1 Terms and definitions

GOST R 21.1101-2013 "Basic requirements for design and working documentation" uses terms according to GOST R 21.1001, GOST R 21.1002, GOST R 21.1 003, as well as the following terms with corresponding definitions:

3.1.1 title block- a set of information about the design document contained in the columns of a table of the established form placed on sheets of design and working documentation.

3.1.2 main set of working drawings- a graphic document containing necessary and sufficient information in the form of drawings and diagrams, intended for the production of construction and installation work of a certain type (brand).

3.1.3 complete set of working documentation- a set of basic sets of working drawings necessary for the construction of a building or structure, supplemented by attached and reference documents.

3.1.4 brand- an alphabetic or alphanumeric index included in the designation of working documentation and determining its relationship to a certain type of construction and installation work, or denoting the main distinctive features of building structures and their elements.

3.1.5 specification of equipment, products and materials- a textual design document defining the composition of equipment, products and materials intended for acquisition, preparation and implementation of construction.

3.1.6 sketch drawing of a general view of a non-standard product- a document defining the initial design of a non-standard product, containing a simplified image, basic parameters and technical requirements for the product in the amount of initial data (tasks) necessary for the development of design documentation.

3.1.7 non-standard product- a product (design, device, installation block) of technological systems, internal and external systems and networks of engineering support for buildings and structures, first developed and manufactured, as a rule, at the installation site (in the procurement workshop of the installation organization).

3.1.8 building structure- part of a building or structure that performs certain load-bearing, enclosing and (or) aesthetic functions.

3.1.9 construction product- a product intended for use as an element of buildings, structures and building structures.

3.1.10 building structure element- an integral part of a prefabricated or monolithic structure.

3.1.11 construction material- material, including piece material, intended for the manufacture of building products and the construction of building structures of buildings and structures.

3.1.12 equipment- technological equipment (machines, devices, mechanisms, lifting and other technical means that ensure the corresponding technological process), as well as engineering equipment of buildings and structures that provide safe and favorable conditions for people’s life.

3.1.13 coordination axis- one of the coordination lines that determine the division of a building or structure into modular steps and floor heights.

3.1.14 plan- top view or horizontal section of a building or structure.

3.1.15 facade- orthogonal projection of the outer wall of a building or structure onto a vertical plane.
Note. There are main, side, courtyard, etc. facades. 3.1.16

3.1.16 document details- an element of document design containing information about it.
Note. As a rule, a prop consists of attributes (composite props).

3.1.15 document attribute- identified (named) characteristic of a part of the props.

3.1.18 document execution- putting down the necessary details and attributes established by the documentation rules.

3.1.19 signature- details of the document, which is a handwritten signature of an authorized official.
Note. For electronic documents, an analogue of a handwritten signature is used - an electronic digital signature.

3.1.20 designation- details of the document, which is its identification (distinctive) index.
Note. Each document is assigned a designation, which is written down in designated places (in the main inscriptions, on title pages, etc.).



1 DEVELOPED by the Open Joint-Stock Company “Center for Methodology of Standardization and Standardization in Construction” (JSC “CNS”)

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 “Construction”

3 APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated June 11, 2013 No. 156-st

4 This standard implements the norms of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2004 No. 190-FZ

5 INSTEAD GOST R 21.1101-2009

The rules for applying this standard are established in GOST R 1.0-2012 (section 8). Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual (as of January 1 of the current year) information index “National Standards”, and the official text of changes and amendments is in monthly information index “National Standards”. In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, the corresponding notice will be published in the next issue of the monthly information index “National Standards”. Relevant information, notices and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet (gost.ru)

1 area of ​​use. 3

3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations. 5

3.1 Terms and definitions. 5

3.2 Abbreviations. 7

4 General requirements for the composition and completion of design and working documentation. 7

4.1 Design documentation. 7

4.2 Working documentation. 9

4.3 General data on working drawings.. 11

5 General rules for completing documentation. 12

5.1 General provisions. 12

5.2 Basic inscriptions. 13

5.3 Coordination axes. 14

5.4 Applying dimensions, slopes, marks and inscriptions. 16

5.5 Images (sections, sections, views, detail elements) 19

6 Rules for fulfilling specifications on drawings. 22

7 Rules for making changes. 22

7.1 General provisions. 22

7.2 Permission to make changes. 23

7.3 Changes. 23

7.4 Features of making changes to design documentation.. 28

7.5 Features of making changes to working documentation.. 29

8 Rules for the preparation of bound documentation. thirty

Appendix D (mandatory) Statements of general data for working drawings.. 35

Appendix D (mandatory) List of ESKD standards to be taken into account when performing graphic and text documentation for construction. 36

Appendix G (mandatory) Basic inscriptions and additional columns to them.. 38

Appendix I (mandatory) The location of the main inscription, additional columns to it and the dimensions of the frames on the sheets. 42

Appendix K (mandatory) Specifications. 43

Appendix P (for reference) Examples of making title pages. 52

Bibliography. 55


System of design documents for construction


System of design documents for construction.
Main requirements for design and working documents

Date of introduction- 2014-01-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard establishes the basic requirements for design and working documentation for the construction of facilities for various purposes.

Note - In this standard, the concept of “construction” includes new construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment and major repairs of capital construction projects.

The general rules for the execution and compilation of graphic and text documentation established in 4.1 and in sections 5 and 8, and the rules for making changes established in section 7, also apply to reporting technical documentation based on the results of engineering surveys for construction.

This standard uses normative references to the following standards:

GOST R 6.30-2003 Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements

GOST R 21.1001-2009 System of design documentation for construction. General provisions

GOST R 21.1002-2008 System of design documentation for construction. Standard control of design and working documentation

GOST R 21.1003-2009 System of design documentation for construction. Accounting and storage of project documentation

GOST R 21.1703-2000 System of design documentation for construction. Rules for the execution of working documentation for wired communications

GOST 2.106-96 Unified system of design documentation. Text documents

GOST 2.308-2011 Unified system of design documentation. Indication of tolerances of shape and location of surfaces

GOST 2.309-73 Unified system of design documentation. Surface roughness designations

GOST 2.314-68 Unified system of design documentation. Instructions on the drawings for marking and branding of products

GOST 2.317-2011 Unified system of design documentation. Axonometric projections

GOST 2.501-88 Unified system of design documentation. Accounting and storage rules

GOST 21.110-95 System of design documentation for construction. Rules for fulfilling the specifications of equipment, products and materials

GOST 21.113-88 System of design documentation for construction. Accuracy Characteristic Symbols

GOST 21.114-95 System of design documentation for construction. Rules for making sketch drawings of general types of non-standard products

GOST 21.302-96 System of design documentation for construction. Conventional graphic symbols in documentation for engineering-geological surveys

GOST 21.408-93 System of design documentation for construction. Rules for the execution of working documentation for automation of technological processes

GOST 21.501-2011 System of design documentation for construction. Rules for the execution of working documentation of architectural and structural solutions

GOST 21.709-2011 System of design documentation for construction. Rules for the execution of working documentation for linear structures of irrigation systems

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or using the annual information index “National Standards”, which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and on issues of the monthly information index “National Standards” for the current year. If an undated reference standard is replaced, it is recommended that the current version of that standard be used, taking into account any changes made to that version. If a dated reference standard is replaced, it is recommended to use the version of that standard with the year of approval (adoption) indicated above. If, after the approval of this standard, a change is made to the referenced standard to which a dated reference is made that affects the provision referred to, it is recommended that that provision be applied without regard to that change. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference to it is given is recommended to be applied in the part that does not affect this reference.

3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations

3.1 Terms and definitions

This standard uses terms according to GOST R 21.1001, GOST R 21.1002, GOST R 21.1003, as well as the following terms with corresponding definitions:

3.1.1 main inscription: A set of information about a design document contained in the columns of a table of the established form placed on sheets of design and working documentation.

3.1.2 main set of working drawings: A graphic document containing necessary and sufficient information in the form of drawings and diagrams, intended for the production of construction and installation work of a certain type (brand).

3.1.3 full set of working documentation: A set of basic sets of working drawings required for the construction of a building or structure, supplemented by attached and reference documents.

3.1.4 brand: An alphabetic or alphanumeric index included in the designation of working documentation and determining its relationship to a certain type of construction and installation work, or denoting the main distinctive features of building structures and their elements.

specification of equipment, products and materials: A textual design document defining the composition of equipment, products and materials intended for acquisition, preparation and implementation of construction.

[GOST 21.110-95, section 3]

sketch drawing of a general view of a non-standard product: A document defining the initial design of a non-standard product, containing a simplified image, basic parameters and technical requirements for the product in the amount of initial data (tasks) necessary for the development of design documentation.

[GOST 21.114-95, article 3.1]

3.1.7 non-standard product: A product (design, device, mounting block) of technological systems, internal and external systems and networks of engineering support for buildings and structures, first developed and manufactured, as a rule, at the installation site (in the procurement workshop of the installation organization).

building construction: A part of a building or structure that performs certain load-bearing, enclosing and (or) aesthetic functions.

[GOST 21.501-2011, article 3.3]

building structure element: An integral part of a prefabricated or monolithic structure.

[GOST 21.501-2011, article 3.5]

3.1.12 equipment: Technological equipment (machines, devices, mechanisms, lifting and other technical means that ensure the corresponding technological process), as well as engineering equipment of buildings and structures that provide safe and favorable conditions for people’s life.

coordination axis: One of the coordination lines that determines the division of a building or structure into modular steps and floor heights.

[GOST 28984-2011, article 3.12]

3.1.14 plan: Top view or horizontal section of a building or structure.

3.1.15 facade: Orthogonal projection of the outer wall of a building or structure onto a vertical plane.

Note - There are main, side, courtyard, etc. facades.

document details: An element of a document's design that contains information about it.

Note - As a rule, an attribute consists of attributes (composite attribute).

[GOST 2.104-2006, article 3.1.1]

document attribute: An identified (named) characteristic of a part of a prop.

[GOST 2.104-2006, article 3.1.2]

signature: A document detail representing a handwritten signature of an authorized official.

Note - for electronic documents, an analogue of a handwritten signature is used - an electronic digital signature.

[GOST 2.104-2006, article 3.1.4]

3.1.20designation: A document attribute that represents its identification (distinctive) index.

Note - Each document is assigned a designation, which is written in designated places (in the main inscriptions, on title pages, etc.).

3.2 Abbreviations

The following abbreviations are used in this standard:

DE - electronic document;

ESKD - Unified System of Design Documentation;

CAD - computer-aided design system(s);

SPDS - System of design documentation for construction;

EDMS is an electronic document management system(s).

4 General requirements for the composition and completion of design and working documentation

4.1 Project documentation

4.1.1 The composition of design documentation for capital construction projects and the requirements for its content are established by legislation approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, Regulations and regulatory legal acts of federal executive authorities.

Project documentation is compiled, as a rule, into separate sections and subsections established by the Regulations. The names and codes of sections of the design documentation are given in tables A.1 and A.2 (Appendix A).

In paper form, design documentation is compiled into volumes in accordance with 4.1.4, 4.1.5 and section 8.

If there is a large volume (in paper form) of a section or subsection, as well as, if necessary, in other cases (for example, when involving subcontractors), it is allowed to divide it into parts, and parts, if necessary, into books. Each part and book are packaged separately. All parts and books are given names that reflect the content of the parts or books. Subsections, parts and books are assigned serial numbers in Arabic numerals within, respectively, a section, subsection or part.

4.1.2 Each section, subsection, part and, if necessary, book included in the volume, as well as each text and graphic document included in the volume, is assigned an independent designation, which is indicated on the cover, title page and/or in the title block, as well as in headers and footers of text documents executed without title blocks.

4.1.3 The section designation includes the basic designation established according to the system in force in the design organization, and separated by a hyphen * - the design documentation section code. The basic designation includes, for example, the agreement (contract) number and/or the code of the construction project (numeric, alphabetic or alphanumeric). The basic designation may include other codes used in CAD and EDMS.

* It is allowed to use other delimiting characters in the designation, such as a dot, a slash, etc.

If a section is divided into parts, then the part designation is made up of the section designation, to which the part number is added.


1 2345-PZ- Section 1. Explanatory note.

2 2345-ROM1- Section 2. Scheme of planning organization of the land plot. Part 1. General information.

3 2345-ROM2- Section 2. Scheme of planning organization of the land plot. Part 2. Solutions for inland rail transport.

If a part is divided into books, then the book designation is made up of the part designation, to which the book number is added through a dot.

The subsection designation is made up of the section designation, to which the subsection number is added.

If a subsection is divided into parts, then the part designation is made up of the subsection designation, to which the part number is added through a dot. If a part is divided into books, then the book designation (if necessary) is made up of the part designation, to which the book number is added through a dot.


1 2345-IOS4.1.1- Section 5. Information about engineering equipment, engineering support networks, list of engineering activities, content of technological solutions. Subsection 4. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning, heating networks. Part 1. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Book 1. Basic solutions.

2 2345-IOS4.1.2- Section 5. Information about engineering equipment, engineering support networks, list of engineering activities, content of technological solutions. Subsection 4. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning, heating networks. Part 1. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Book 2. Automation systems for heating, ventilation and air conditioning.

3 2345-IOS4.2- Section 5. Information about engineering equipment, engineering support networks, list of engineering activities, content of technological solutions. Subsection 4. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning, heating networks. Part 2. Heat networks.

Based on the provisions of 4.1.1 - 4.1.3, 4.2.3 - 4.2.7, standards of organizations can be developed for the designation of text and graphic documents included in the design and working documentation, taking into account the designation features depending on the volume of documentation, document flow conditions and used CAD and EDMS.

4.1.4 Text and graphic materials included in the volume are generally compiled in the following order:


Title page;

Statement “Composition of design documentation”.

Note - It is allowed not to include the statement “Composition of design documentation” in each volume, but to complete it in a separate volume;

Text part;

Graphic part (drawings and diagrams).

Rules for the design of the cover, title page, contents of the volume and the statement “Composition of project documentation” are given in section 8.

4.1.5 The number of sheets included in the volume is determined from the need to ensure ease of use, as a rule, no more than 300 sheets of A4 format according to GOST 2.301 or an equivalent number of sheets of other formats.

4.1.6 General requirements for the implementation of graphic documentation are given in section 5.

4.1.7 Text documents containing mainly solid text (including text parts of sections and subsections of design documentation) are carried out in accordance with GOST 2.105, taking into account 5.1, 5.2 of this standard.

4.1.8 It is allowed to execute text documents specified in 4.1.7 without main inscriptions, additional columns to them and frames. In this case:

The first sheet contains a list of performers, which indicates the positions, initials and surnames of persons who took part in the development, control and approval of the text document, and provides space for signatures and dates of signing. On the second and, if necessary, on subsequent sheets, the contents (table of contents) are placed, including numbers (designations) and names of sections, subsections and appendices of the text document indicating the numbers of sheets (pages);

In the upper part (header) of each sheet the document designation is indicated: in the left corner (for single-sided printing) or the right corner of even pages and the left corner of odd pages (for double-sided printing);

At the bottom (footer) of each sheet indicate: the logo and name of the organization that prepared the document, the name of the document, the sheet (page) number of the document (in the lower right corner - for single-sided printing or in the left corner of even pages and the right corner of odd pages - for duplex printing), as well as, if necessary, the document version number, file identifier (name) and other information. It is allowed to display the logo and name of the organization in the header;

Data on changes is indicated in accordance with 7.3.

4.1.9 Calculations of design and technological solutions, which are a mandatory element of the preparation of project documentation, are not included in the design documentation. They are drawn up in accordance with the requirements for text documents and stored in the archives of the design organization. Calculations are presented to the customer or examination bodies upon their request.

4.2 Working documentation

4.2.1 The working documentation transferred to the customer includes:

Working drawings, combined into main sets of working drawings by brand. The brands of the main sets of working drawings are given in Table B.1 (Appendix B);

Attached documents developed in addition to the working drawings of the main kit.

4.2.2 The main sets of working drawings include general data on working drawings, drawings and diagrams provided for by the relevant SPDS standards.

4.2.3 The main set of working drawings of any brand can be divided into several main sets of the same brand (with the addition of a serial number) in accordance with the process of organizing construction and installation work.

Example - AP1; AP2; KZh1; QOL2.

4.2.4 Each main set of working drawings is assigned a designation, which includes the basic designation established according to the system in force in the organization, and separated by a hyphen - the brand of the main set.

Example - 2345-12-AR,

where 2345-12 is the base designation. The basic designation includes, for example, the number of the agreement (contract) and/or code of the construction site (see 4.1.3), as well as the number of the building or structure according to the master plan *;

* For working drawings of linear structures, general plans, external communications, this part of the basic designation is excluded or replaced with zeros.

AR - brand of the main set of working drawings.

4.2.5 It is allowed to draw up the main set of working drawings as separate documents, assigning them a designation consisting of the basic designation, the brand of the main set, and adding a document serial number in Arabic numerals through a dot.

Example - 2345-12-E0.1; 2345-12-E0.2,

where 2345-12 is the basic designation;

EO - brand of the main set of working drawings;

1, 2 - serial numbers of documents of the main set of working drawings.

The first document when preparing the main set of working drawings in this way should be general data on working drawings.

4.2.6 The attached documents include:

Working documentation for construction products;

Sketch drawings of general types of non-standard products, made in accordance with GOST 21.114;

Specification of equipment, products and materials, carried out in accordance with GOST 21.110;

Questionnaires and dimensional drawings made in accordance with the data of equipment manufacturers (suppliers);

Local estimate;

Other documents provided for by the relevant SPDS standards.

The specific composition of the attached documents and the need for their implementation are established by the relevant SPDS standards and the design assignment.

The design organization transfers the attached documents to the customer simultaneously with the main set of working drawings in the quantity established for working drawings.

4.2.7 Each attached document is assigned the designation of the main set with the addition of the code of the attached document through a dot. The codes of the attached documents are given in Table B.1 (Appendix B).

Example - 2345-12-EO.S,

where 2345-12-EO is the designation of the main set of working drawings;

C - specification code for equipment, products and materials.

If there are several attached documents of the same type, a serial number or, separated by a hyphen, the product brand (for product drawings) is added to their designation.

Example - 2345-12-VK.N1; 2345-12-VK.N2, 2345-12-KZH.I-B1, 2345-12-KZH.I-B2

4.2.8 In working drawings it is allowed to use standard building structures, products and assemblies by referring to documents containing working drawings of these structures and products. Reference documents include:

Standards, which include drawings intended for the manufacture of products;

Drawings of standard structures, products and assemblies **.

** If necessary, drawings of standard structures, products and assemblies are recorded in the “Attached Documents” section (as a rule, without changing the designation) and transferred to the customer in accordance with 4.2.6.

Reference documents are not included in the working documentation transferred to the customer. The design organization, if necessary, transfers them to the customer under a separate agreement.

4.2.9 The form, execution rules and designations of the document, which contains the composition of all working documentation completed in accordance with the contract, are established in the organization’s standards.

4.3 General data on working drawings

4.3.1 On the first sheets of each main set of working drawings, general data on working drawings is provided, which includes:

List of working drawings of the main set, performed according to Form 1;

List of reference and attached documents, performed according to Form 2;

List of main sets of working drawings, carried out according to Form 2;

List of specifications (if there are several layout diagrams in the main set), performed according to Form 1;

Symbols not established by national standards and the meanings of which are not indicated on other sheets of the main set of working drawings;

General instructions;

Other data provided for by the relevant SPDS standards. Forms 1 and 2 with instructions for completing them are given in Appendix D.

4.3.2 The list of working drawings of the main set contains a sequential list of sheets of the main set.

When preparing the main set of working drawings as separate documents (see 4.2.5), instead of a list of working drawings of the main set, the general data includes a list of documents of the main set in Form 2, and in each of the subsequent documents of the main set, links to general data on working drawings are provided .

4.3.3 The list of reference and attached documents is compiled into sections:

Reference documents;

Attached documents.

In the “Reference Documents” section, documents in accordance with 4.2.8 are indicated. At the same time, in the corresponding columns of the statement, indicate the designation and name of the series and the issue number of drawings of standard structures, products and assemblies or the designation and name of the standard.

In the “Attached Documents” section, documents are indicated in accordance with 4.2.6.

4.3.4 The list of main sets of working drawings is provided on the general data sheets of one of the main sets of working drawings of a building or structure (at the discretion of the person responsible for the development of working documentation). The statement contains a sequential list of the main sets of working drawings that are part of a complete set of working documentation for a building or structure.

If there are several main sets of working drawings of one brand (see 4.2.3), a list of sets of this brand is compiled in Form 2 (Appendix D), which is usually given in the general data of each of these sets.

4.3.5 General guidelines include:

Information about the documents on the basis of which the decision to develop working documentation was made (for example, design assignment, approved design documentation);

A record of the compliance of the working documentation with the design assignment, the issued technical specifications, the requirements of current technical regulations, standards, codes of practice, and other documents containing established requirements;

List of technical regulations and normative documents containing requirements for technical solutions and further work, links to which are given in the working drawings;

The absolute elevation, taken in the working drawings of a building or structure as conditionally zero (as a rule, is given on drawings of architectural and structural solutions);

A record of the results of testing for patentability and patent purity of technological processes, equipment, structures, products and materials used for the first time in design documentation, as well as numbers of patents and applications for which decisions were made to issue patents for inventions used in the design documentation (if necessary);

A list of types of work that affect the safety of a building or structure and for which it is necessary to draw up inspection reports for hidden work, critical structures and sections of engineering support networks;

Information about who owns this intellectual property (if necessary);

Operational requirements for the designed building or structure (if necessary);

Other necessary instructions.

In general instructions, you should not repeat the technical requirements placed on other sheets of the main set of working drawings, and give a description of the technical solutions adopted in the working drawings.

Points of general instructions must have continuous numbering. Each point of general instructions is written on a new line.

5 General rules for completing documentation

5.1 General provisions

5.1.1 When executing design and working documentation, as well as reporting technical documentation for engineering surveys for construction, one should be guided by the provisions of the SPDS and ESKD standards.

The list of ESKD standards that must be taken into account when performing graphic and text documentation for construction is given in Table D.1 (Appendix D).

5.1.2 Documentation, as a rule, is carried out in an automated manner on paper (in paper form) and/or in the form of DE.

Documents of the same type and name, regardless of the method of execution, are equal and interchangeable. Mutual correspondence between documents in electronic and paper forms is ensured by the developer.

General requirements for electronic documents - according to GOST 2.051.

5.1.3 In graphic documents, images and symbols are drawn with lines in accordance with GOST 2.303. It is allowed to use lines of other types, the names, style, thickness and main purposes of which are established in the relevant SPDS standards.

5.1.4 In graphic documents, symbols should be written mainly in black. Some symbols or their individual elements may be done in other colors. Instructions on the color of symbols are given in the relevant SPDS standards. If the colors of the symbols used in the drawings and diagrams are not established in the standards, their purpose is indicated in the drawings.

In originals intended for making black and white copies, color symbols and their elements should be done in black.

5.1.5 When executing graphic documents, fonts in accordance with GOST 2.304 are used, as well as other fonts used by computer technology, while ensuring the availability of these fonts to users of the documents.

5.1.6 Drawings are carried out on an optimal scale in accordance with GOST 2.302, taking into account their complexity and richness of information.

The scale of images in the drawings is not indicated, with the exception of product drawings and other cases provided for in the relevant SPDS standards. In these cases, the scales are indicated in parentheses immediately after the names of the images in accordance with GOST 2.316 (clause 4.19).

5.1.7 Paper drawings and electronic drawings (2D) can be made on the basis of an electronic model (3D) of a building or structure (GOST 2.052).

5.1.9 The structure and composition of the DE details must ensure its circulation within the framework of software (display, modification, printing, recording and storage in databases, as well as transfer to other automated systems) while complying with regulatory requirements for document execution.

5.1.10 Copies of design and working documentation documents, completed as specified in 4.1 and 4.2, are submitted for review, approval, examination and approval.

5.1.11 The form of presentation of design and working documentation (paper or electronic), if it is not specified in the design assignment, is determined by the developer in agreement with the customer. It is allowed to include documents in various forms of presentation in the design and working documentation.

5.1.12 The rules for transferring documentation on electronic media, including the nomenclature and forms of necessary accounting and reporting documents, are established in the organization’s standards developed on the basis of GOST 2.051, GOST 2.511 and GOST 2.512.

5.1.13 The list of word abbreviations allowed in graphic documents is compiled in addition to GOST 2.316 and is given in Table E.1 (Appendix E).

5.2 Title blocks

5.2.1 Each sheet of a graphic and text document, as a rule, is drawn up with a main inscription and additional columns to it. Forms of main inscriptions and instructions for filling them out are given in Appendix G.

Note - Basic inscriptions are not used for text documents carried out in accordance with 4.1.8, estimates, etc.

The main inscription is located in the lower right corner of the sheet.

On sheets of A4 format in accordance with GOST 2.301, the main inscription is placed along the short side of the sheet. For text documents in tabular form, it is allowed, if necessary, to place the main inscription along the long side of the sheet.

On the sheets of the main sets of working drawings and sheets of the graphic part of the design documentation - Form 3;

On the first sheet of drawings of construction products - form 4;

On the first or title * sheets of text documents and the first sheets of sketch drawings of general types of non-standard products issued in the form of a release - Form 5;

* For text documents executed with a title page and formatted with main inscriptions, the title page is the next sheet after the title page.

On subsequent sheets of drawings of construction products, text documents and general sketch drawings - Form 6.

It is allowed to draw up the first sheet of the drawing of a construction product with the main inscription according to Form 5.

5.2.3 If some text documents (for example, specifications of equipment, products and materials) are issued without a title page, then in this case the first sheet of the document is drawn up with the main inscription according to Form 3, the subsequent ones - according to Form 6.

When preparing the main set of working drawings as separate documents, documents containing continuous text and/or in the form of tables (for example, general data, cable log, etc.) are drawn up as text documents. In this case, the first sheet of the document is drawn up with the main inscription according to Form 3, the subsequent sheets - according to Form 6.

5.2.4 In the reporting technical documentation based on the results of engineering surveys, the main inscription is used:

On sheets of graphic documents used in design as a basis - according to Form 3;

On the first sheets of other graphic and text documents - according to Form 5, on subsequent sheets - according to Form 6.

5.2.5 The main inscription, additional columns to it and frames are made with solid thick main and solid thin lines in accordance with GOST 2.303.

5.2.6 The table of changes in the main inscription (columns 14 - 19), if necessary, can be continued up or to the left of the main inscription. When the table of changes is located to the left of the main inscription, the names of columns 14 - 19 are repeated.

5.2.7 The location of the main inscription and additional columns to it, as well as the dimensions of the frames on the sheets are shown in Figures I.1 and I.2 (Appendix I).

5.2.8 The location and dimensions of additional columns for identifying DE are determined by the design organization independently.

5.2.9 It is allowed to additionally identify project documents using a barcode.

In this case, the document designation, version number and document format designation should be used as barcode details. Additionally, the country code, developer organization code and other details can be used.

5.3 Coordination axes

5.3.1 Images of a building or structure indicate the coordination axes of its load-bearing structures, intended to determine the relative position of the elements of the building or structure and linking the building or structure to the construction geodetic grid or alignment basis.

5.3.2 Each individual building or structure is assigned an independent system of designation of coordination axes.

Coordination axes are applied to images of buildings and structures with thin dash-dot lines with long strokes, designated in circles with a diameter of 6 - 12 mm in Arabic numerals and capital letters of the Russian alphabet (with the exception of the letters: Ё, 3, И, О, ​​X, Ц, Ш, Ш , Ъ, ы, ь) or, if necessary, letters of the Latin alphabet (except for the letters I and O).

Gaps in digital and alphabetic (except for those indicated) designations of coordination axes are not allowed.

The numbers indicate the coordination axes on the side of the building and structure with a large number of axes. If there are not enough letters of the alphabet to designate the coordination axes, subsequent axes are designated by two letters.

Example - AA, BB, BB.

5.3.3 The sequence of designations of coordination axes is taken according to the plan, as shown in Figure 1a: digital axes - from left to right, letter axes - from bottom to top, or as shown in Figure 1 b and 1 V.

5.3.4 Designation of coordination axes is usually applied on the left and bottom sides of the building and structure plan.

If the coordination axes of opposite sides of the plan do not coincide, in places of discrepancy, additional designations of the indicated axes are applied on the upper and/or right sides.

5.3.5 For individual elements located between the coordination axes of the main load-bearing structures, additional axes are marked, which are assigned a designation in the form of a fraction, the numerator of which indicates the designation of the previous coordination axis, and the denominator - an additional serial number within the area between adjacent coordination axes in according to Figure 1 G.

It is allowed to assign numerical and letter designations to the coordination axes of half-timbered columns in continuation of the designations of the axes of the main columns without an additional number.

5.3.6 In the image of a repeating element linked to several coordination axes, the coordination axes are designated in accordance with the figure:

2a - when their number is no more than 3;

2b- when their number is more than 3;

2V- for all letter and digital coordination axes.

If necessary, the orientation of the coordination axis to which the element is attached relative to the adjacent axis is indicated in accordance with Figure 2 G.

Picture 1

Figure 2

5.3.7 On the plans of residential buildings composed of block sections, the extreme coordination axes of the block sections are assigned designations in accordance with 5.3.1 - 5.3.3, which are indicated in accordance with Figure 3a.

The coordination axes of block sections, including the outer ones, are assigned independent designations in accordance with 5.3.1 - 5.3.3 with the addition of the index “c” (see Figure 3 b). If necessary, designations of the coordination axes of a building composed of block sections are indicated on the block section plan.

Figure 3

5.3.8 A three-dimensional (3D) electronic model of a building or structure is performed in a single plan-elevation coordinate system.

The coordinate system of a three-dimensional model of a building or structure is depicted by three mutually perpendicular lines with the origin located at the intersection point of axes 1 and A at the zero level of this building or structure in accordance with Figure 4.

Figure 4

In this case, for a building rectangular in plan (see Figure 1a), the positive direction is taken to be: axes X- towards increasing digital designations of coordination axes, axes Y- towards increasing the letter designations of the coordination axes, axes Z- vertically upward from the conditional zero level of the building.

5.4 Applying dimensions, slopes, marks and inscriptions

5.4.1 Linear dimensions in the drawings are indicated without units of length:

In meters, accurate to two decimal places - on drawings of external networks and communications, general plan and transport, except for cases specified in the relevant SPDS standards;

In millimeters - on all other types of drawings.

5.4.2 The dimension line at its intersection with extension lines, contour lines or center lines is limited by serifs 2 - 4 mm long, applied with an inclination to the right at an angle of 45° to the dimension line, while the dimension lines continue beyond the outer extension lines (or, respectively, beyond contour or axial) by 0 - 3 mm.

When applying a diameter or radius dimension inside a circle, as well as an angular dimension, the dimension line is limited by arrows. Arrows are also used when drawing dimensions of radii and internal fillets.

When drawing dimensions on axonometric diagrams of process pipelines and engineering systems, dimension lines can be limited by arrows.

5.4.3 Markings of levels (height, depth) of structural elements, equipment, pipelines, air ducts, etc. from the reference level (conventional “zero” mark) are indicated in meters without indicating a unit of length with three decimal places separated from the whole number by a comma, beyond except in cases specified in the relevant SPDS standards.

Level marks on facades, sections and sections are placed on extension lines (or on contour lines) and are indicated by the sign “¯”, made with solid thin lines with a stroke length of 2 - 4 mm at an angle of 45° to the extension line or contour line, in accordance with Figure 5; on plans - in a rectangle in accordance with Figure 6, except for cases specified in the relevant SPDS standards.

Figure 5

Figure 6

The “zero” mark, usually accepted for the surface of any structural element of a building or structure located near the planning surface of the earth, is indicated without a sign; relative marks above zero are indicated with a “+” sign, below zero - with a “-” sign.

Note - As a rule, the level of the finished floor of the first floor is taken as the zero level for buildings.

5.4.4 On the plans, the direction of the slope of the planes is indicated by an arrow, above which, if necessary, the numerical value of the slope is indicated as a percentage in accordance with Figure 7a or as a ratio of the plane height unit to the corresponding horizontal projection (for example, 1:7).

It is allowed to indicate the numerical value of the slope in ppm or as a decimal fraction accurate to the third digit.

On sections, sections and diagrams, in front of the dimensional number that determines the numerical value of the slope, the sign “р” is applied, the acute angle of which should be directed towards the slope (except for the steepness of the slopes of embankments and excavations). The slope designation is applied directly above the contour line or on the shelf of the leader line in accordance with Figure 7b .

Figure 7

5.4.5 Position numbers or brands of elements are placed on the shelves of leader lines drawn from images of structural elements of buildings or structures, next to the image - without a leader line or within the contours of the depicted elements in accordance with Figure 8.

Figure 8

A leader line usually ends with a dot. If a leader line is drawn away from the line indicating the surface, then it ends with an arrow. In small-scale images, leader lines end without an arrow or a dot.

5.4.6 Labels for multilayer structures are carried out in accordance with Figure 9.

Note - The numbers conventionally indicate the sequence of arrangement of layers of structures and inscriptions on the shelves of leader lines.

Figure 9

5.4.7 The font size for indicating coordination axes, positions (marks), names and designations of images should be 1.5 - 2 times larger than the size of the dimensional numbers used in the same graphic document.

5.5 Images (sections, sections, views, detail elements)

5.5.1 Images in the drawings are made in accordance with GOST 2.305, taking into account the requirements of this standard and other SPDS standards.

5.5.2 Sections of a building or structure are indicated in Arabic numerals sequentially within the graphic document. Sections are designated in a similar way.

Note - In design and working documentation drawings, a section is usually called a vertical section of a building or structure, i.e. a section made by a secant plane perpendicular to the horizontal projection plane.

Independent numbering is allowed for sections and sections of individual sections of a building, structure or installation, all drawings of which are placed on one sheet or group of sheets and if these drawings do not contain references to sections and sections located on other sheets of the graphic document.

It is allowed to designate cuts in capital letters of the Russian alphabet, and sections - in capital or lowercase letters of the Russian alphabet (except for the letters specified in 5.3.2).

The position of the cutting plane is indicated in the drawing by a section line (open line according to GOST 2.303). In case of a complex cut, strokes are also made at the intersection of the cutting planes. Arrows should be placed on the initial and final strokes indicating the direction of view; arrows should be applied at a distance of 2 - 3 mm from the end of the stroke (Figure 10).

The direction of view for a section according to the plan of a building and structure is, as a rule, taken from bottom to top and from right to left.

5.5.3 If individual parts of the view (facade), plan, section require a more detailed image, then additionally local views and detailed elements - nodes and fragments - are performed.

5.5.4 On the image (plan, facade or section) from which the node is taken out, the corresponding place is marked with a closed solid thin line (circle, oval or rectangle with rounded corners) with the designation of the node in Arabic numeral on the shelf leader line in accordance with Figures 11a , eleven b or a capital letter of the Russian alphabet in accordance with Figure 11 V.

If necessary, references to a unit placed in another graphic document (for example, the main set of working drawings), or to working drawings of a typical construction unit, indicate the designation and sheet number of the corresponding document in accordance with Figure 11 b or a series of working drawings of typical units and issue number in accordance with Figure 11 V.

Figure 10

Figure 11

Above the image of the node, its designation is indicated in a circle in accordance with Figure 13a, if the node is depicted on the same sheet from which it is taken, or 13b, if it is placed on another sheet.

A node that is a complete mirror image of another (main) design is assigned the same designation as the main design, with the addition of the index “n”.

Figure 12

Figure 13

5.5.5 Local species are designated in capital letters of the Russian alphabet, which are placed next to the arrow indicating the direction of view. The same designations are applied above the images of species.

5.5.6 For each type of images (sections and sections, nodes, fragments), an independent numbering order or letter designations are used.

5.5.7 On the image (plan, facade or section) from which the fragment is removed, the corresponding place is usually marked with a curly bracket in accordance with Figure 14.

The name and serial number of the fragment are placed under the curly bracket or on the shelf of the leader line, as well as above the corresponding fragment.

Figure 14

5.5.8 Images up to the axis of symmetry of symmetrical plans and facades of buildings and structures, layout diagrams of structural elements, layout plans for technological, energy, sanitary and other equipment are not allowed.

5.5.9 If the image of a section, section, node, view or fragment is placed on another sheet, then after the designation of the image indicate in brackets the number of this sheet in accordance with Figures 10, 11a, 12 and 14.

5.5.10 Images may be rotated. At the same time, the names of the images in the drawings do not include the conventional graphic designation “rotated”

according to GOST 2.305, if the position of the image is determined unambiguously, i.e., oriented by coordination axes and/or elevation marks.

5.5.11 If the image (for example, a plan) does not fit on a sheet of the accepted format, then it is divided into several sections, placing them on separate sheets.

In this case, on each sheet where a section of the image is shown, a diagram of the entire image is given with the necessary coordination axes and a symbol (hatching) of the section of the image shown on this sheet in accordance with Figure 15.

Note - If drawings of image sections are placed in different main sets of working drawings, then the full designation of the corresponding main set is indicated above the sheet number.

Figure 15

5.5.12 If the floor plans of a multi-story building have slight differences from each other, then the plan of one of the floors is completed in full; for other floors, only those parts of the plan that are necessary to show the difference from the plan depicted in full are carried out.

Under the name of the partially depicted plan, the following entry is given: “For the rest, see plan (name of the fully depicted plan).”

5.5.13 In the names of the plans of a building or structure, indicate the word “Plan” and the mark of the finished floor or the floor number, or the designation of the corresponding cutting plane (when two or more plans are made at different levels within the floor).


1 Plan at elevation. 0.000

2 2nd floor plan

3 Plan 3-3

When executing a part of a plan, the name indicates the axes that limit this part of the plan.

Example- Plan at elevation 0.000 between axes 21-30 and A-D

It is allowed to indicate the purpose of the premises located on the floor in the name of the floor plan.

5.5.14 In the names of sections of a building (structure), the word “Section” and the designation of the corresponding cutting plane according to 5.5.2 are indicated.

Example- Section 1-1

Note - In the names of product sections, the word “Cut” is not indicated.

The names of sections are numerical or alphabetic designations of cutting planes.

Example- 5 -5 B-B, ah-ah

5.5.15 In the names of the facades of a building or structure, indicate the word “Facade” and the designations of the extreme axes between which the facade is located.

Example- Facade 1-12, Facade 1-1, Facade A -G

It is allowed to indicate its location in the name of the facade, for example “main”, “yard”, etc.

5.5.16 The names of images in the drawings are not underlined.

6 Rules for fulfilling specifications on drawings

6.1 For layout diagrams of elements of a prefabricated structure, monolithic reinforced concrete structure, for drawings of the location of technological equipment and/or pipelines, installations (units) of technological, sanitary and other equipment, as well as for other drawings, specifications are drawn up in Form 7 (Appendix K).

When making drawings using the group method, group specifications are drawn up according to Form 8 (Appendix K).

6.2 The specification is usually placed on a sheet of drawings, which shows diagrams, plans for the location of equipment and pipelines, and installation plans. It is allowed to carry out the specification on separate sheets as subsequent sheets of drawings.

6.3 In electronic models, if necessary, specifications and other tables in the drawings may be performed in the working space of the electronic model, taking into account the provisions of GOST 2.052. In this case, it is recommended to perform them at a separate information level.

6.4 Specifications for construction products are made in accordance with GOST 21.501.

7 Rules for making changes

7.1 General provisions

7.1.1 Based on the provisions of Section 7 of this standard, standards of organizations can be developed that take into account the specifics of making changes to design documents depending on the volume of documentation, document flow conditions and the CAD and EDMS used.

7.1.2 A change to a document previously transferred to the customer is any correction, deletion or addition of any data to it without changing the designation of this document.

The document designation may be changed only if different documents are mistakenly assigned the same designations or there is an error in the document designation. Changes to calculations are not permitted.

7.1.3 If a change to a document is not acceptable, a new document with a new designation must be issued.

7.1.4 Any change in a document that causes any changes in other documents must be simultaneously accompanied by corresponding changes in all related documents.

7.1.5 Changes are made to the original document.

7.1.6 Information about the fact of a change in the document is indicated by:

In paper documents - in the title block of these documents and/or in tables for recording changes;

In DE - in the details part of these documents;

In the “Note” column of documents and statements intended for document accounting.

7.2 Permission to make changes

7.2.1 Changes to a document (including its cancellation) are carried out, as a rule, on the basis of permission to make changes (hereinafter referred to as permission). The permit is issued on paper using Forms 9 and 9a (Appendix L) or as a DE.

The permit is registered in accordance with GOST R 21.1003.

7.2.2 The permit is approved by the head of the organization that developed the document or another official authorized by him.

Permission is the basis for obtaining original documents and making changes to them.

7.2.3 Original permits on paper are stored in the organization’s archives.

7.2.4 Changes to each document (for example, the main set of working drawings, specifications of equipment, products and materials) are made on the basis of a separate permit.

It is allowed to draw up one general permission for changes made simultaneously to several documents, if the changes are interrelated or the same for all documents being changed.

Changes to the documents of the main set of working drawings, drawn up in separate documents (see 4.2.5), as well as to the documents of the volume of design documentation, are made on the basis of one general permission.

7.2.5 When making changes to the DE, permission may not be issued if CAD and EDMS keep records and store versions of the document and provide access control that excludes the possibility of unauthorized changes.

7.3 Making changes

7.3.1 Changes are designated by serial numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.). One serial change number is assigned to all changes made to the document under one permit. It is indicated for the entire document, regardless of how many sheets it is made on.

7.3.2 When changes are made to the DE original, any change is indexed as a new version of this document.

7.3.3 Changes to paper original documents are made by:


Cleaning (washing);

Painting with white;

Introduction of new data;

Replacing sheets or the entire document;

Introduction of new additional sheets and/or documents;

Except for individual sheets of the document.

In this case, the physical condition of the original is taken into account.

7.3.4 Changes to documents are made using automated and handwritten methods.

7.3.5 Handwritten changes are made to paper original documents in accordance with 7.3.9 - 7.3.16.

After changes are made, the originals must be suitable for making copies of documentation of appropriate quality using reprographic methods.

7.3.6 Changes to the DE are made by releasing a new version of the document with the changes made.

7.3.7 When changes are made using an automated method, a new original is produced taking into account the changes made and its previous designation is retained.

A new original is also made if there is not enough space for handwritten changes or the clarity of the image may be impaired during correction.

If one or more sheets of the original are replaced or added, then the accession number assigned to the original is retained on them.

When all sheets of the original are replaced, it is assigned a new inventory number.

7.3.8 Changes to the estimate documentation are carried out in an automated way with the replacement of the entire document.

7.3.9 Changeable sizes, words, signs, inscriptions, etc. are crossed out with solid thin lines and new data is added next to them.

7.3.10 When changing an image (part of an image), it is outlined with a solid thin line, forming a closed contour, and crossed out crosswise with solid thin lines in accordance with Figure 16.

A new image of the changed area is made on a free margin of the sheet or on another sheet without rotation.

Figure 16

7.3.11 Changeable and additional sections of the image are assigned a designation consisting of the serial number of the next change in the document and through a dot the serial number of the changed (additional) section of the image within a given sheet. In this case, the new image of the changed area is assigned the designation of a change in the replaced image.

If a new image of the changed section is placed on another sheet, then the change designation assigned to it is saved and is not taken into account in the table of changes to this sheet.

7.3.12 Near each change, including near a place corrected by erasing (washing) or painting with white, outside the image or text, a change designation is applied in a parallelogram (see Figure 16) and a solid thin line is drawn from this parallelogram to the changed area .

It is allowed not to draw a line from the parallelogram indicating the change to the changed section.

When making changes to text documents (to the text part of documents), lines from the parallelogram indicating the change are not drawn.

7.3.13 Changed sizes, words, signs, inscriptions, etc., located close to each other, are outlined with a solid thin line forming a closed contour, without crossing them out in accordance with Figure 17.

Figure 17

7.3.14 If a new image of the changed area is placed on another sheet, then the number of the sheet on which the new image is located is also indicated for the replaced image (see Figure 16).

7.3.15 Above the new image of the changed section, a designation of the change in the replaced image is placed in a parallelogram, and in the parallelogram it is indicated: “Instead of the crossed out one.”

If a new image of the changed area is placed on another sheet, then with a parallelogram indicate: “Instead of the one crossed out on the sheet (number of the sheet on which the replaced image is located)” in accordance with Figure 18.

Figure 18

7.3.16 If a new image of the changed section is placed near the replaced one, then they are connected by leader lines indicating the change in accordance with Figure 19.

Figure 19

Above the additional image, a change designation is placed in the parallelogram, and with the parallelogram, the following is indicated: “Addition” in accordance with Figure 20.

Figure 20

7.3.17 When adding a new sheet of a text document, it is allowed to assign it the number of the previous sheet with the addition of another lowercase letter of the Russian alphabet or through an Arabic numeral dot, for example 3a or 3.1.

In text documents containing mostly solid text, when adding a new paragraph, it is allowed to assign it the number of the previous paragraph with the addition of the next lowercase letter of the Russian alphabet, and when deleting a paragraph, keep the numbers of subsequent paragraphs.

7.3.18 When changing the total number of sheets of a document on its first sheet in the title block, appropriate corrections are made in the “Sheets” column.

7.3.19 Data on changes made to the original are indicated in the table of changes placed in the main inscription (if any), and if there is not enough space - in an additional table to it (see 5.2.6).

In the new (changed) version of DE, the table of changes indicates only data about the last change.

7.3.20 When making changes to documents, the table of changes is filled out on sheets (sheet):

The first (capital) of the new original, made as a whole to replace the old one;


Released instead of replaced ones;

Newly added.

7.3.21 The table of changes indicates:

a) in the “Change” column - serial number of document changes. When replacing an original with a new one, the next serial number is assigned based on the last change number indicated in the replaced original;

b) in the column “Count. uch." - the number of changing areas of the image on a given sheet within the next change;

c) in the “Sheet” column:

1) on sheets issued instead of replaced ones - “Deputy”;

2) on sheets added again - “New.”;

3) when replacing all sheets of the original when manually making changes on the first (header) sheet - “All” (in this case, the table of changes on other sheets of this original is not filled out), in an automated way - “Zem.” on all sheets.

In other cases, put a dash in the “Sheet” column;

d) in the column “Doc. No.” - designation of permission;

e) in the column “Sub.” - signature of the person responsible for the correctness of the change. When replacing all sheets of the original using an automated method, the signature is placed only on the first (title) sheet. The signature of the normative inspector is affixed to the field for filing the sheet (except for sheets issued in place of replaced and new ones);

f) in the “Date” column - the date of the change.

7.3.22 It is recommended to register changes in text documents in the change registration table in Form 10 (Appendix M), which is placed on the separate last sheet of the document when making the first and subsequent changes.

7.3.23 When replacing sheets of documents issued with main inscriptions in forms 3 - 5, the sheets issued in place of the replaced ones are signed in columns 10 - 13 of the main inscriptions in accordance with the procedure provided for the newly developed sheets.

7.3.24 When canceling or replacing sheets of a document, all canceled and replaced sheets of the original are stamped “Canceled (replaced)” in the form given in GOST R 21.1003 (Appendix D), which is filled out in accordance with the instructions given there.

7.4 Features of making changes to design documentation

7.4.1 Changes to the design documentation are made in accordance with 7.1 - 7.3, taking into account the provisions of 7.4.2 - 7.4.8.

7.4.2 Changes to the design documentation previously transferred to the customer, as a rule, are made in an automated way and carried out:

Replacing, adding or excluding individual sheets of a volume;

Replacement (re-release) of a volume - when it is completely reworked;

Release of additional volumes.

7.4.3 When completely revising a section or subsection of the design documentation, it is recommended to provide information about the changes made at the beginning of its text part: the basis for the changes, a brief description of the changes made.

7.4.4 If changes are made on the basis of a negative conclusion from the examination of the design documentation, then a certificate describing the changes made to the design documentation is included as an appendix in the “Explanatory Note” section. The certificate must be signed by the person responsible for the preparation of project documentation - the chief engineer of the project.

7.4.5 Registration of changes (versions) of the volume as a whole is carried out in the table for registering changes in Form 11 (Appendix M), which is placed when changes are made on its title page and cover. It is allowed to show the table only on the cover.

The change registration table does not take into account corrections made to the list “Composition of project documentation” in connection with changes in other volumes of project documentation.

7.4.6 Information about changes to sheets of graphic documents is indicated in the “Note” column of the volume contents:

a) for replaced sheets when making the first change - “Change. 1 (Deputy)", subsequent changes - additionally the next numbers of changes, separating them from the previous ones with a semicolon.

Example- Change 1 (Deputy);

b) for excluded (cancelled) sheets with the change number - “(Cancelled)”.

Example- Change 1 (Annul.);

c) for additional sheets with the change number - “(New.)”

Example- Change 1 (New).

7.4.7 When completing additional volumes of project documentation, corrections are made to the “Composition of project documentation” sheet.

Information about changes in the statement “Composition of design documentation” is not provided in the contents of the volume.

7.4.8 Changes to the approved design documentation related to changes in the parameters of the construction project affecting its structural reliability and safety, and the need to re-approve the design documentation, are made by decision of the customer on the basis of a new design task or addition to a previously approved design task.

7.5 Features of making changes to working documentation

7.5.1 Changes to the working documentation are made in accordance with 7.1 - 7.3, taking into account the provisions of 7.5.2 - 7.5.9.

7.5.2 When making changes to the sheets of the main set of working drawings, in the list of working drawings of this set in the “Note” column indicate:

For replaced, canceled and additional sheets - information in accordance with listings a) - c) 7.4.6;

For changed sheets (handwritten) when making the first change - “Change. 1", subsequent changes - additionally the next numbers of changes, separating them from the previous ones with a semicolon.

Example- Change 1; 2; 3.

In case of replacement of general data sheets, in the list of working drawings of this set, it is allowed to provide information only about the last change in the sheets of the main set.

7.5.3 If additional sheets are included in the main set of working drawings, then they are assigned successive serial numbers and recorded as a continuation of the list of working drawings of the corresponding main set.

If there is not enough space in the sheet of working drawings to record additional sheets, the continuation of the sheet is transferred to the first of the additional sheets. In this case, at the end of the list of working drawings placed in the “General Data”, an entry is made: “For continuation of the sheet, see sheet (sheet number)”, and above the sheet on an additional sheet the heading is placed: “List of working drawings of the main set (Continued)” .

When changing the names of sheets, appropriate corrections are made in the “Name” column.

When making changes in handwriting, the numbers and names of canceled sheets in the sheet of working drawings are crossed out; in an automated way, the “Name” column for canceled sheets is not filled out.

7.5.4 When making changes to the documents of the main set, drawn up in separate documents, appropriate corrections are made to the list of documents of the main set of working drawings.

7.5.5 When performing additional and canceling previously completed attached documents, corrections are made to the “Attached Documents” section of the list of reference and attached documents of the corresponding main set of working drawings.

When replacing reference documents in working drawings (see 4.2.8), corrections are made to the corresponding section of the list of reference and attached documents.

7.5.6 When performing additional and canceling previously completed main sets of working drawings, corrections are made to the list of main sets of working drawings.

7.5.7 In tables of changes on general data sheets, corrections made to general data sheets in connection with changes to the main set sheets and attached documents are not taken into account as areas of changes in accordance with 7.3.11.

7.5.8 Registration of changes in working documentation documents drawn up with title pages is also carried out in the table for registering changes in Form 11 (Appendix M), which is placed on the title page when changes are made.

7.5.9 Copies of sheets (modified, additional and issued instead of replaced sheets) of working documentation on paper are sent to organizations to which copies of documents were previously sent, along with copies of general data of the corresponding main set of working drawings, specified in accordance with 7.5.2 - 7.5 .6.

New versions of documents with amendments are sent to organizations electronically (see 7.3.6).

8 Rules for preparing bound documentation

8.1 Copies of text and graphic materials of design documentation and technical reporting documentation for engineering surveys are bookleted into volumes folded in A4 format GOST 2.301.

Note - Stitching refers to the placement of project documentation materials on paper in binders or in hard folders with easily removable fastenings (locks).

8.2 Copies of working documentation documents are compiled into folders sheet by sheet, folded in A4 format, as a rule, separately according to the main sets of working drawings.

It is allowed to bind copies of working documents into volumes in accordance with 8.1 or into albums folded in A3 format.

The number of sheets included in a folder or album must comply with 4.1.5.

8.3 Each document, volume or album intended for binding, as well as a folder with documents folded in it, is decorated with a cover in accordance with Form 12 (Appendix H). The cover is not numbered and is not included in the total number of sheets.

8.4 The first page of a bound document, as well as a volume consisting of several documents, an album or a folder with working documentation, is the title page.

The title page is made according to Form 13 (Appendix P). Examples of making title pages are shown in Figures P.1 and P.2 (Appendix P).

In a volume of project documentation consisting of several independent documents, including a text part, a title page for the text part, as a rule, is not provided.

8.5 It is recommended that all sheets of a bound volume (album) be numbered consecutively, starting with the title page. In this case, the title page is not numbered. The sheet number is indicated in the upper right corner of the working field of the sheet (see Appendix I).

In addition, text and graphic documents included in a volume (album) and having an independent designation must have a serial numbering of sheets within the document with one designation in the title block or footer (in accordance with 4.1.8).

8.6 When compiling several documents in the form of a volume, album, as well as in a folder, after the title page, the contents of the volume (album, folder), which is a list of documents included in the volume (album, folder), are given. The content is carried out according to form 2 (Appendix D) on A4 sheets.

Documents in the table of contents are recorded in the order in which they are compiled into a volume, album or folder. Graphic documents of design and reporting technical documentation for engineering surveys are recorded page by page. The cover and title page are not included in the contents.

In the “Name” column - the name of the document in full accordance with the name indicated in the title block or on the title page;

In the “Note” column - information about the changes made to the recorded documents, as well as the volume sheet number according to the continuous numbering of volume sheets in accordance with 8.5, from which the document begins.

If continuous numbering is not performed, then in the “Note” column the total number of sheets of each document is given. At the end of the contents, the total number of sheets included in the volume (album, folder) is given.

The first sheet of contents of a volume (album, folder) is drawn up with the main inscription according to Form 5 (Appendix G), the subsequent ones - according to Form 6 (Appendix G). The content is assigned a designation consisting of the designation of the volume (album, folder) and, through a hyphen, the code “C”.

Example - 2345-PZU2-S; 2345-11-KZh.I-S; 2345-11-OV.OL-S; 2345-11-ТХ.Н-С

In column 5 of the main inscription indicate “Volume Contents” or, respectively, “Album Contents” and “Folder Contents” and then - the number of the corresponding volume, album or folder (if any).

8.7 Title pages of volumes of design documentation are signed with the following signatures:

The head or chief engineer of the organization;

The person responsible for the preparation of project documentation, for example the chief engineer (architect) of the project.

The title pages of working documents are signed by the person responsible for the preparation of working documentation - the chief engineer (architect) of the project.

The title page of the technical report based on the results of engineering surveys is signed by the head of the organization or his deputy and, if necessary, other officials.

The title pages of copies of documentation transferred to the customer are certified with the seal of the organization that prepared this documentation.

8.8 The composition of the design documentation, as well as the composition of the reporting technical documentation based on the results of engineering surveys, is given in a statement made according to Form 14 (Appendix C) on A4 sheets.

The statements provide a sequential list of volumes of design or reporting technical documentation for engineering surveys.

The first sheet of the statement is drawn up with the main inscription according to Form 5 (Appendix G), the subsequent sheets - according to Form 6 (Appendix G).

The composition of the design documentation is assigned a designation consisting of the basic designation of the design documentation and, through a hyphen, the code “SP”.

Example - 2345-SP

When stitching a statement into a separate volume, it is designed with a cover and title page in accordance with 8.3 and 8.4. The volume number is not indicated on the cover or title page.

The composition of the reporting technical documentation based on the results of engineering surveys is assigned a designation consisting of the basic designation of the documentation and, through a hyphen, the code “SD”.

Example - 2344-SD

Codes of sections of project documentation

A.1 Codes for sections of design documentation for capital construction projects for industrial and non-production purposes are given in Table A.1.

Table A.1



Explanatory note

Scheme of planning organization of a land plot

Architectural solutions

Constructive and space-planning solutions

Information about engineering equipment, networks of engineering support, list of engineering activities, content of technological solutions

Project for organizing work on demolition or dismantling of capital construction projects

List of environmental protection measures

Measures to ensure access for people with disabilities

Requirements for ensuring safe operation of a capital construction facility

Estimates for the construction of capital construction projects

Measures to ensure compliance with energy efficiency requirements and requirements for equipping buildings, structures and structures with metering devices for energy resources used

List of civil defense measures, measures to prevent natural and man-made emergencies, and counter-terrorism measures

Other documentation established by legislative acts of the Russian Federation

Note - It is allowed to give the numbers of sections 10 1 and 11 1 in the form 10(1), 11(1) or 10-1, 11-1.

A.2 Codes of sections of design documentation for linear objects are given in Table A.2.

Table A.2


Name of the design documentation section


Explanatory note

Right-of-way design

Technological and design solutions for a linear facility. Artificial constructions

Buildings, structures and structures included in the infrastructure of a linear facility*

Construction organization project

Project for organizing demolition (dismantling) of a linear facility

Environmental protection measures

Fire safety measures

Construction estimate

Other documentation in cases provided for by federal laws, including:

List of measures for civil defense, measures to prevent emergencies of a natural and man-made nature, measures to counter terrorism

Declaration of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities

Declaration of safety of hydraulic structures

* Design documentation for buildings, structures and structures is developed in accordance with the composition of the documentation in Table A.1.

Note - If necessary, codes for sections of project documentation may be designated in Latin letters in accordance with the rules established in the standards of organizations.

Brands of main sets of working drawings

Table B.1

Name of the main set of working drawings


General plan and transport facilities

When combining working drawings of the general plan and transport structures

General plan

Car roads


Transport structures

When combining working drawings of roads, railways and other roads

Architectural and construction solutions

When combining working drawings of architectural and structural solutions (except KM)

Architectural solutions


Working drawings can be combined with the main set of the AP or AC brand

Reinforced concrete structures

Metal structures

Metal structures detailing

Wooden structures

Hydraulic solutions

Anti-corrosion protection of building structures and structures

Electricity supply

Outdoor electric lighting

Power equipment

Electric lighting (internal)

External water supply networks

External sewerage networks

External water supply and sewerage networks

When combining working drawings of external water supply and sewerage networks

Internal water supply and sewerage systems


Heating, ventilation and air conditioning

Air supply

Dust removal


Thermomechanical solutions

Boiler houses, thermal power plants, etc.

Thermomechanical solutions for heating networks

Wired communications*

The names of the main kits and brand designations are accepted according to Appendix A of GOST R 21.1703

Radio communications, radio broadcasting and television

Fire alarm

Security and fire alarm systems

External gas pipelines

Gas supply (internal devices)

Production technology

Technological communications

When combining working drawings of all technological communications

Anti-corrosion protection of technological devices, gas ducts and pipelines

Thermal insulation of equipment and pipelines

Comprehensive automation

When combining working drawings for automation of various technological processes and engineering systems

Automation +

The names of the main kits and brand designations are accepted according to Appendix A of GOST 21.408

Irrigation linear structures *

The names of the main kits and brand designations are accepted according to Appendix A of GOST 21.709

* General names of objects are given.


1 If necessary, additional marks of the main sets of working drawings can be assigned. In this case, it is recommended to include no more than three capital letters of the Russian alphabet in the stamp, corresponding, as a rule, to the initial letters of the name of the main set of working drawings.

2 If necessary, marks of the main sets of working drawings may be designated by letters of the Latin alphabet or numerical codes in accordance with the rules established in the standards of organizations.

Codes of attached documents

Table B.1

Name of the attached document

Specification of equipment, products and materials

Sketch drawing of a general view of a non-standard product

Working drawing of a building product

Questionnaire, dimensional drawing

Local estimates

Calculations *

* Calculations, as a rule, are not included in the working documentation, unless otherwise specified in the agreement (contract) and design assignment.


1 Codes for other types of attached documents are given in the relevant SPDS standards or organizational standards.

2 It is allowed, if necessary, to designate the codes of the attached documents in letters of the Latin alphabet in accordance with the rules established in the standards of organizations.

Appendix D

General data sheets for working drawings

Form 1 - List of working drawings of the main set

Specification Sheet

D.1 In the list of working drawings of the main set indicate:

In the “Sheet” column - the serial number of the sheet of the main set of working drawings;

In the “Name” column - the name of the images placed on the sheet, in accordance with the names given in the main inscription of the sheet;

In the “Note” column - additional information, for example, about changes made to the working drawings of the main set.

D.2 The list of specifications indicates:

In the “Sheet” column - the number of the sheet of the main set of working drawings on which the specification is placed;

In the “Name” column - the name of the specification in exact accordance with its name indicated on the drawing;

In the "Note" column - additional information, including changes made to the specifications.

Form 2 - List of main sets of working drawings

List of referenced and attached documents

List of documents of the main set of working drawings

D.3 The list of main sets of working drawings indicates:

In the “Designation” column - the designation of the main set of working drawings and, if necessary, the name or distinctive index of the organization that issued the document;

In the “Name” column - the name of the main set of working drawings;

In the “Note” column - additional information, including changes in the composition of the main sets of working drawings.

D.4 The list of references and attached documents indicate:

In the “Designation” column - the designation of the document and, if necessary, the name or distinctive index of the organization that issued the document;

In the “Name” column - the name of the document in exact accordance with the name indicated on the title page or in the title block;

In the “Note” column there is additional information, including changes made to the recorded documents included in the working documentation. For documents in electronic form, indicate, if necessary, the identifier of the file(s).

D.5 In the list of documents of the main set of working drawings indicate:

In the “Designation” column - the designation of the document;

In the “Name” column - the name of the document in accordance with the name indicated in the title block. For graphic documents consisting of several sheets, the names of the images placed on each sheet are also given in accordance with the names given in the title block of the sheet;

In the “Note” column there is additional information, including changes made to the recorded documents, and, if necessary, the total number of sheets of the document. For documents in electronic form, indicate, if necessary, the identifier of the file(s).

D.6 The dimensions of the statement columns, if necessary, can be changed at the discretion of the developer.

D.7 It is allowed, if necessary, to include additional columns (columns) in the statements, for example “Quantity. sheets”, etc.

D.8 When filling out statements using an automated method, horizontal lines demarcating lines may not be drawn. In this case, it is necessary to maintain an interval of at least one print digit between the texts of adjacent lines.

Appendix D

List of ESKD standards to be taken into account when performing graphical
and text documentation for construction

Table E.1

Designation and name of the standard

Conditions for application of the standard

GOST 2.004-88 Unified system of design documentation. General requirements for the implementation of design and technological documents on computer printing and graphic output devices

GOST 2.051-2006 Unified system of design documentation. Electronic documents. General provisions

GOST 2.052-2006 Unified system of design documentation. Electronic model of the product. General provisions

GOST 2.101-68 Unified system of design documentation. Types of products

GOST 2.102-68 Unified system of design documentation. Types and completeness of design documents

Taking into account the provisions of GOST 21.501 relating to the execution of drawings of construction products

GOST 2.105-95 Unified system of design documentation. General requirements for text documents

Subject to the provisions of sections 4, 5 and 8 of this standard

GOST 2.109-73 Unified system of design documentation. Basic requirements for drawings

GOST 2.113-75 Unified system of design documentation. Group and basic design documents

Taking into account the provisions of GOST 21.501

GOST 2.114-95 Unified system of design documentation. Specifications

Taking into account the provisions of 5.2.1, 5.2.2, 5.2.5 - 5.2.7 and section 8 of this standard.

Provisions 3.7.1 and 3.8 of GOST 2.114 are not taken into account

GOST 2.301-68 Unified system of design documentation. Formats

Taking into account the requirements of the relevant SPDS standards

GOST 2.302-68 Unified system of design documentation. Scale

Subject to the provisions of 5.1.6 of this standard

GOST 2.303-68 Unified system of design documentation. Lines

Subject to the provisions of 5.1.3 of this standard

GOST 2.304-81 Unified system of design documentation. Drawing fonts

Subject to the provisions of 5.1.5 of this standard

GOST 2.305-2008 Unified system of design documentation. Images - views, sections, sections

Subject to the provisions of 5.5 of this standard

GOST 2.306-68 Unified system of design documentation. Designations of graphic materials and rules for their application in drawings

Taking into account the provisions of GOST 21.302, tables 4 and 5

GOST 2.307-2011 Unified system of design documentation. Drawing dimensions and maximum deviations

Subject to the provisions of 5.4.1 - 5.4.4 of this standard

GOST 2.308-2011 Unified system of design documentation. Specifying tolerances for the shape and location of surfaces

Taking into account the provisions of GOST 21.113

GOST 2.309-73 Unified system of design documentation. Designation of surface roughness

GOST 2.310-68 Unified system of design documentation. Applying designations of coatings, thermal and other types of treatment on drawings

GOST 2.311-68 Unified system of design documentation. Thread image

GOST 2.312-72 Unified system of design documentation. Conventional images and designations of seams of welded joints

GOST 2.313-82 Unified system of design documentation. Conventional images and designations of permanent connections

GOST 2.314-68 Unified system of design documentation. Instructions on the drawings for marking and branding of products

GOST 2.315-68 Unified system of design documentation. Simplified and conventional images of fasteners

GOST 2.316-2008 Unified system of design documentation. Rules for applying inscriptions, technical requirements and tables on graphic documents. General provisions

Taking into account the provisions of 5.4.5 - 5.4.7 of this standard

GOST 2.317-2011 ESKD. Axonometric projections

GOST 2.501-88 ESKD. Accounting and storage rules

Regarding the form of the inventory book, subscription card and instructions for folding drawings

GOST 2.511-2011 Unified system of design documentation. Rules for the transfer of electronic design documents. General provisions

GOST 2.512-2011 Unified system of design documentation. Rules for the execution of a data package for the transfer of electronic design documents. General provisions

Note - The conditions for application of the ESKD standards of classification group 7 are determined by the SPDS standards, which contain references to these standards.

List of allowed abbreviations of words used in graphic documents
(addition to
GOST 2.316 )

Table E.1

Full name


Full name





Anti-seismic seam


Asphalt concrete

calc. load

Concrete, concrete


san. tech.

Ventilation chamber

ventilation chamber


san. node


Contains (ts, t)

Chief Engineer

Ch. Eng. (O)


Chief engineer (architect) of the project

GIP (GAP) (o)


Chief Specialist

Ch. specialist. (O)

Temperature seam


Expansion joint



doc. (That)

Rail head level

ur. g.r. (And)


Groundwater (underground) water level


Ground level


Finished floor level

Reinforced concrete, reinforced concrete




Cement, cement


Cement concrete





staircase, staircase

Crushed stone, crushed stone

Workshop (in design organizations)



materials (t)

el-t (i, t)


normal load


1 Abbreviations marked with (o) are used only in the main inscription; (t) - in tables; (ts) - with numbers or codes; (i) - on graphic images

2 Abbreviations of words indicated in this table and GOST 2.316 may be indicated in text documents divided into columns.

Appendix G

Main inscriptions and additional columns to them

Form 3 - For sheets of main sets of working drawings, graphic documents of design documentation and graphic documents for engineering surveys

Note - For graphic documents on engineering surveys, the entry “N. counter." (“Normal control”) in the title block may not be fulfilled.

Form 4 - For drawings of construction products (first sheet)

Form 5 - For sketch drawings of general types of non-standard products, all types of text documents (first or title page)

Note - The main inscription in Form 5 can be used for graphic documents on engineering surveys that are not used in design as a graphic basis.

Form 6 - For drawings of construction products, sketch drawings of general types of non-standard products and all types of text documents (subsequent sheets)

Note - The main inscription in Form 6 can be used for subsequent sheets of graphic documents on engineering surveys that are not used in design as a graphic basis.

In the columns of the main inscription and additional columns to it (the column numbers are indicated in brackets) the following is given:

In column 1 - designation of the document, including a text or graphic document of a section, subsection of design documentation, the main set of working drawings, product drawing, etc.;

In column 2 - the name of the enterprise and, if necessary, its part (complex), housing and civil complex or other construction project that includes a building (structure), or the name of the microdistrict;

In column 3 - the name of the building (structure) and, if necessary, the type of construction (reconstruction, technical re-equipment, major repairs);

In column 4 - the name of the images placed on this sheet, in accordance with their name in the drawing. If there is one image on a sheet, its name may be given only in column 4.

The names of specifications and other tables, as well as text instructions related to images, are not indicated in column 4 (except for cases where the specifications or tables are made on separate sheets). On the sheet(s) of general data for working drawings, in column 4, write down “General data”. In the case provided for in 5.2.3, in column 4 the name of the document or non-standard product is given;

In column 5 - name of the product and/or name of the document;

In column 6 - the symbol for the type of documentation: P - for design documentation, P - for working documentation.

For other types of documentation, the column is not filled out or the symbols established in the organization’s standards are given;

In column 7 - the serial number of the document sheet. On documents consisting of one sheet, the column is not filled in;

Column 8 shows the total number of sheets of the document. The column is filled out only on the first sheet;

In column 9 - the name or distinctive index of the organization that developed the document;

In column 10 - the nature of the work performed by the person signing the document in accordance with forms 3 - 5. In the open lines, at the discretion of the design organization, the positions of specialists and managers responsible for the development and verification of the document are given. In the line under the entry “Developed”, instead of the position, it is allowed to enter the entry “Checked”.

The signatures of the person who developed this document and the normative inspector are required.

The bottom line shows the position of the person who approved the document, for example, the chief engineer (architect) of the project, head of the department or other official responsible for this document (sheet).

Signatures of the person responsible for the preparation of design or working documentation (chief engineer (architect) of the project) are required on sheets of general data on working drawings, the most significant sheets of the graphic part of project documentation and working drawings;

In columns 11 - 13 - the names and signatures of the persons indicated in column 10, and the date of signing. Signatures of other officials and approving signatures are placed on the filing field of the sheet;

In columns 14 - 19 - information about changes that are filled out in accordance with 7.3.21;

In column 20 - the inventory number of the original;

In column 21 - the signature of the person who accepted the original for storage and the date of acceptance;

In column 22 - the inventory number of the original document, to replace which a new original was issued;

In column 23 - designation of the material of the part (the column is filled in only on drawings of parts);

In column 24 - the mass of the product shown in the drawing, in kilograms without indicating the unit of mass. The mass of the product in other units of mass is given with the unit of mass indicated.

Example- 2.4 t;

- in column 25 - scale (indicated in accordance with GOST 2.302);

In column 26 - designation of the sheet format according to GOST 2.301. For an electronic document, indicate the sheet format on which the image will correspond to the established scale;

Column 27 contains the short name of the customer organization.


1 In columns 13, 19, 21, when indicating the calendar date on paper, the year is indicated in the last two digits, for example 02/06/12.

2 Column 27, indicated by the dashed line, is entered if necessary.

3 The “Agreed” columns (10 - 13), located on the filing field, may only be shown on those sheets where it is necessary. They are repeated if necessary.

4 It is allowed, if necessary, to change the location and size of additional columns placed on the filing field in accordance with GOST 2.004.

Appendix I

Location of the main inscription and additional columns to it
and dimensions of frames on sheets

Figure I.1 - Location of the main inscription, additional columns and frame sizes

Figure I.2 - Permissible location of the main inscription on an A4 sheet

Appendix K


Form 7 - Specification

Form 8 - Group Specification

K.1 The specifications indicate:

In the column "Pos." - positions (brands) of structural elements, installations;

In the “Designation” column - designation of the main documents for structural elements, equipment, products or standards (technical conditions) for them recorded in the specification;

In the “Name” column - the name of structural elements, equipment, products, materials and their designations (brands), as well as, if necessary, technical characteristics of equipment and products. It is allowed to indicate the name once for a group of elements of the same name and underline it.

The specification records materials directly included in the specified structure, product, etc.

In a specification made in electronic form, the horizontal line included in the designation of materials (rolled products, pipes, etc.) can be replaced with a slash (/);

In the column "Count." forms 7 - number of elements.

In the column "Count." Form 8 - instead of an ellipsis, write “according to the scheme”, “per floor”, etc., and below - the serial numbers of layout diagrams or floors;

In the column “Unit mass, kg” - mass in kilograms. It is allowed to give the mass in tons, but indicating the unit of mass;

In the “Note” column - additional information, for example, unit of mass.

K.2 The dimensions of the specification columns can be changed at the discretion of the developer, if necessary.

K.3 When filling out specifications using an automated method, lines delimiting horizontal lines may not be drawn.

Permission to make changes

Form 9 - Permission to make changes (first sheet)

Form 9a - Permission to make changes (subsequent sheets)

L.1 In the permission columns indicate:

In column 1 - the designation of the permit, consisting of the serial number of the permit according to the permit registration book in accordance with GOST R 21.1003 and, through a separating sign (hyphen, slash, etc.) - the last two digits of the year.

Example - 15-12; 15/12;

In column 2 - the designation of the document to which the change is made;

In column 3 - the name of the construction project;

Column 4 contains the next serial number assigned to changes made to the document under one permit. It is indicated for the entire document, regardless of how many sheets it is made on. Serial numbers of changes are indicated in Arabic numerals;

In column 5 - the numbers of the document sheets to which changes are made;

In column 6 - the content of the change in the form of a text description and/or graphic image;

Column 7 contains the code for the reason for the change in accordance with Table L.1.

Table L.1

It is permissible not to indicate the change reason code. In this case, the column is crossed out;

Column 8 contains additional information;

In columns 9 - 11 - the names of the persons signing the permit, their signatures and the date of signing;

In column 12 - the name of the design organization and the unit (department) that issued the permit;

In columns 13 - 16 - the name of the relevant departments or organizations, the positions and names of the persons with whom the permit is agreed upon in the prescribed manner, their signatures and dates of signing, as well as the signature of the normative controller;

Column 17 contains the serial number of the permit sheet. If the permit consists of one sheet, the column is not filled in;

Column 18 shows the total number of permit sheets.

L.2 It is allowed to use Form 9 for subsequent permission sheets.


1 It is allowed to supplement the form with columns to identify the permit in electronic form. The location and dimensions of the graphs are determined by the design organization independently.

2 In columns 11, 16, when indicating the calendar date on paper, the year is indicated in the last two digits.

Change registration tables

Form 10 - Change registration table (text document)

M.1 The dimensions of the table columns in Form 10 are established by the document developer.

M.2 In the columns of the change registration table indicate:

In the "Change" column - serial number of the document change;

In the columns “Numbers of sheets (pages) changed, replaced, new, canceled” - numbers of sheets (pages) respectively changed, replaced, added and canceled under this permit.

When replacing all sheets of the original (at the next serial number of document changes), indicate “All” in the “replaced” column. In the remaining columns put a dash;

In the column “Total sheets (pages) in the document.” - the number of sheets (pages) in a text document after making changes;

In the column “Doc. Number.” - designation of permission;

M.3 When replacing all sheets of the original in the table for registering changes in Form 10, the numbers of changes and other data relating to all changes previously made to the document are not reproduced.

Form 11 - Table of registration of changes (title page and cover)

M.4 In the columns of the table for registering changes in Form 11 indicate:

In the "Change" column - serial number of changes to the document or volume;

In the column “Doc. No.” - designation of permission to make changes in accordance with the instructions in Appendix L;

In the column "Sub." - signature of the person responsible for the correctness of the change;

In the “Date” column - the date the change was made.

M.5 If necessary, the number of lines can be increased.

M.6 When replacing a document or volume, the change numbers and other data relating to all previously made changes are not reproduced in the change registration table in Form 11.


H.1 The following details are given on the cover:

Field 5 - name of the capital construction project and, if necessary, type of construction. The name of the construction project on the cover must correspond to the information given in columns 2 and 3 of the main inscription (see Appendix G);

Field 9 - volume number according to the statement “Composition of design documentation” or “Composition of reporting documentation based on the results of engineering surveys” (if available);

Field 10 - year of issue of the document;

Field 11 - to place the table for registering changes in Form 11 of Appendix M (if necessary).

H.2 The sizes of fields 1 - 11 are set arbitrarily; the margin lines indicated on the form are not drawn; Field numbers and names are not indicated.

N.3 It is allowed to include additional details and attributes on the cover in accordance with the requirements established in the organization’s standards.

H.4 The dimensions of the cover are taken depending on the format of the volume, folder or album to which it is applied.

Title page

P.1 The following details are given on the title page:

Field 1 - abbreviated, and in its absence - the full name of the parent organization (if any); indicate, as a rule, for government organizations;

Field 2 - logo (optional), full name of the organization that prepared the document;

Field 3 - number and date of issue of the certificate of admission to the relevant types of work (preparing design documentation or conducting surveys) that affect the safety of the capital construction project;

Field 4 - short name of the customer organization (if necessary). The name is indicated in the form: “Customer - name of the customer organization”;

Field 5 - name of the capital construction project and, if necessary, type of construction. The name of the construction project on the title page must correspond to the information provided

in columns 2 and 3 of the main inscription (see Appendix G);

Field 6 - type of documentation (if necessary);

Field 7 - document name;

Field 8 - document designation;

Field 9 - volume number according to the statement “Composition of design documentation” or “Composition of reporting documentation for engineering surveys” (if available);

Field 10 - positions of persons responsible for developing the document;

Field 11 - signatures of the persons indicated in field 10, performed in accordance with GOST R 6.30. This field is also affixed with the certifying seal of the organization that prepared the document;

Field 12 - initials and surnames of the persons indicated in field 10;

Field 13 - year of issue of the document;

Field 14 - to place the table for registering changes in Form 11 of Appendix M (if necessary);

Field 15 - for additional columns of the title block in accordance with Appendix G. The information contained in these columns may be provided in another form in accordance with the requirements established in the organization's standards.

P.2 The sizes of fields 1 - 14 are set arbitrarily; the lines of these fields indicated in the form are not drawn; the numbers and names of the fields are not indicated.

Clause 3 It is allowed to design the title page without frames.

Clause 4 It is allowed to provide additional details and attributes on the title page in accordance with the requirements established in the organization’s standards.

P.5 The dimensions of the title page are taken depending on the format of the volume, folder or album to which it is applied.

Appendix P

Examples of title pages*

* The examples given are conditional.

Figure P.1 - Example of a title page for a volume of project documentation

Figure P.2 - Example of a title page for a volume (folder) of working documentation

Composition of project documentation.
Composition of reporting documentation based on the results of engineering surveys

C.1 The statement indicates:

In the “Volume number” column - the serial number of the volume or volume number, including the section number and, if available, the number of the subsection, part, book (see 4.1.1, 4.1.3), separated by dots.

Example - 1, 2.1, 2.2, 5.5.1, 5.5.2;

- in the “Designation” column - the designation of the document (volume) indicated on its title page, and, if necessary, the name or distinctive index of the organization that issued the document;

In the “Name” column - the name of the document (volume) in exact accordance with the name indicated on its title page;

In the “Note” column there is additional information, including changes made.

C.2 The dimensions of the statement columns can be changed at the discretion of the developer, if necessary.

C.3 When filling out the statement using an automated method, horizontal lines delimiting the lines may not be drawn.


Key words: design documentation, working documentation, basic requirements, main set of working drawings, title block, amendments, title page

and GOST 21.101-97.

Explanations for the most important changes in GOST R 21.1101-2013

(compared to GOST R 21.1101-2009)

Section 3 “Terms and Definitions”

The terms “basic set of working drawings”, “plan”, “facade”, “equipment”, “building material” were introduced.
Because Some terms were included in the interstate standard GOST 21.501-2011, then in this national standard (GOST R) they are given as borrowed (within the framework, with references to GOST 21.501).
The section is supplemented with terms from GOST 2.102 (props, attribute, etc.), which are necessary to understand the rules for filling out main inscriptions, covers and title pages.

Subsection 4.1 “Project documentation”

Clause 4.1.1
Section 5 is usually the largest section. For large projects, as it turns out, dividing this section into “parts (aka subsections) - books” is often not enough. Therefore, for Section 5, it is provided that the subsections of this section are divided into parts and books.
In accordance with this major change, corresponding changes have been made to paragraphs 4.1.2 and 4.1.3.
It is determined that the words about a “large volume” of documentation refer to documentation on paper. Based on this volume, the section (or subsection) is divided into parts and books.
In addition, a new provision has appeared that a section and subsection can be divided into parts and books not only depending on the volume of documentation, but also on other grounds (for example, when some part of the project documentation is completed by subcontractors).

Clause 4.1.3
This paragraph has been revised due to the fact that both sections and subsections are divided into parts and books. For section 5, another degree of division has appeared.
“The designation of a subsection compiled as a separate volume (see 4.1.1) is made up of the section designation to which the subsection number is added.
If a subsection is divided into parts, then the part designation is made up of the subsection designation, to which the part number is added through a dot. If a part is divided into books, then the book designation (if necessary) is made up of the part designation, to which the book number is added through a dot.”
In this regard, the examples have been changed.
At this point the following paragraph appeared:
“Based on the provisions of 4.1.1 - 4.1.3, 4.2.3 - 4.2.7, standards of organizations can be developed for the designation of text and graphic documents included in the design and working documentation, taking into account the features of the designation depending on the volume of documentation, document flow conditions and the CAD and EDMS used."

Clause 4.1.4
In this paragraph, the words “in general, they are completed in the following order” have been added.
This means that the volume may not necessarily include all of the following documents.
For very large projects, numbering many tens or even hundreds of volumes, it is possible that the document “Composition of project documentation” is not included in each volume - it is compiled as a separate volume.
Naturally, this assumption should be applied when the number of volumes is significantly greater (several times) than the number of sections of the project documentation (currently there are 14).

Subsection 4.2 “Working documentation”

Clause 4.2.1. The first listing has been abbreviated because everything is already written in the definition of the term “Basic kit”.

Clause 4.2.5
According to the new edition of the standard, it is allowed to prepare the main sets of working drawings as separate documents for any brand, and not just electrical brands.
Clauses 4.2.6 and 4.2.7
This paragraph lists only the most common included documents that may be included with any brand.
By “others” we mean, for example, “pipeline list” in GOST 21.401-88, “rolled metal specification” in accordance with GOST 21.502-2007.
The general principles for naming the attached documents are given in greater detail.
In the example, for the specification of equipment, products and materials, the code “C” is given - according to the current GOST 21.110-95. In the draft of the new GOST 21.110, this code has been changed to “SO”.

Clause 4.2.8
Due to the uncertainty of the status of “standard building structures (“series”) (they have not been canceled, but currently there is no current regulatory document establishing the procedure for the development and application of these drawings), a footnote is given to this paragraph:
“If necessary, drawings of standard structures, products and assemblies are recorded without changing the designation in the “Attached Documents” section and transferred to the customer in accordance with 4.2.6.”

Clause 4.2.9
“4.2.9 The form, execution rules and designations of the document, which contains the composition of all working documentation completed in accordance with the contract, are established in the organization’s standards.”

Clause 4.3.5
Some requirements for general guidelines, in particular for the list of regulatory documents, have been clarified.
A paragraph has been added about the need to number the points of general instructions.

Subsection 5.1 “General Provisions”

This subsection has been significantly supplemented, mainly by references to ESKD standards for electronic documents and rules for their circulation, which, with certain assumptions, can be used for project documentation.
A clause has been introduced on the possibility of using line types that are not included in GOST 2.303:
“5.1.3 In graphic documents, images and symbols are drawn with lines in accordance with GOST 2.303. It is allowed to use lines of other types, the names, style, thickness and main purposes of which are established in the relevant SPDS standards.” (Here we mean GOST 21.501-93 (clause 2.5.1), GOST 21.204-93, GOST 21.302. They establish line types that are not included in GOST 2.303).

The subsection has been supplemented with requirements for the execution of drawings in color:
“5.1.4 In graphic documents, symbols should be written mainly in black. Some symbols or their individual elements may be done in other colors. Instructions on the color of symbols are given in the relevant SPDS standards. If the colors of the symbols used in the drawings and diagrams are not established in the standards, their purpose is indicated in the drawings.
In originals intended for making black and white copies, color symbols and their elements should be done in black.”

It should be noted that GOST 21.302 has long established requirements for the colors of symbols. Therefore, this point is simply a statement of fact.

Clause 5.1.6
The rules for drawing image scales on drawings have been clarified.
The second paragraph of this paragraph is supplemented with the following sentence:
“In these cases, the scales are indicated in parentheses immediately after the names of the images in accordance with GOST 2.316 (clause 4.19).”

Clause 5.1.10
“5.1.10 Copies of design and working documentation documents, compiled as specified in 4.1 and 4.2, are submitted for review, approval, examination and approval.”
This clause establishes (or rather reminds) what exactly is transferred to customers. The definition of the term “copy” is given in GOST R 21.1003.
Subsection 5.2 “Main inscriptions”
Clause 5.2.1
This paragraph provides a clarified answer to a very old and frequently asked question: “Is it possible to place the main inscription along the long side of A4 format?”
Now the answer is “you can,” but in certain cases:
“For text documents in tabular form, it is allowed, if necessary, to place the main inscription along the long side of the sheet.”
Appendix I contains the corresponding figure I.2.
Clause 5.2.2
The concept of “title page” has been introduced for documents with title pages - this is the next page after the title page of a text document, which is drawn up in the main inscription according to Form 5. This sheet cannot in any way be called the first, because The first page of the document drawn up as a title page, according to clause 8.5, is the title page. Indeed, in this case, in the “Sheet” column of the main inscription according to Form 5, the number 2 is placed!
This term is not something new; it is used in ESKD standards (GOST 2.104 and GOST 2.106) and was in SN 460-74 (part 1).
The title of Form 5 in Appendix G has been corrected accordingly.

Clause 5.2.3
The word “text” has been added to the first paragraph: “If some text documents...”.
The note to Form 6 from Appendix G has been moved and supplemented to this paragraph:
“When preparing the main set of working drawings as separate documents, documents containing continuous text and/or in the form of tables (for example, general data, cable log, etc.) are drawn up as text documents. In this case, the first sheet of the document is drawn up with the main inscription according to Form 3, the subsequent sheets - according to Form 6.”

New paragraph 5.2.9
“5.2.9 It is allowed to additionally identify project documents using a bar code.
In this case, the country code, the code of the developer organization, the document designation and the document format designation should be used as barcode details. Additionally, other details may be used.
It is recommended to place the barcode in the lower right corner of the document format field above the main inscription.”
A barcode makes it possible to quickly search for documents using a hand-held scanner installed at the user’s workplace. The barcode is also used for identification during streaming scanning.
The barcode is calculated automatically when filling in the details of the title block and is written in a special field.
The recommended location for the barcode is taken from the ESKD standard.
This provision is given in subsection 5.2, because The barcode contains much of the same data as the title block.
Subsection 5.2 “Coordination axes
Clause 5.3.1
This new paragraph formulates the main purpose of the coordination axes:
- to determine the relative position of the elements of a building or structure;
- to link a building or structure to a construction geodetic grid or alignment basis.

Clause 5.3.2
The ability to designate coordination axes using Latin letters has been introduced.

Clause 5.3.3
The point is given in a more precise form: “The sequence of designations of the coordination axes is taken according to the plan as shown in Figure 1a: digital axes - from left to right, letter axes - from bottom to top, or as shown in Figures 1b and 1c.”

Clause 5.3.7 is given in a new edition. Instead of an example with the designation of the coordination axes of sections, a more understandable Figure 3b is given, which was in the 1980 standard.

Clause 5.3.8
This paragraph provides the most general provisions related to coordination axes in a 3D model.

Subsection 5.2 “Applying dimensions, slopes, marks and inscriptions”

Clause 5.4.3
The size of the dimension line protrusion has been changed. It is proposed to change the minimum value to 0, i.e. “...in this case, the dimension lines continue beyond the outer extension lines (or, respectively, beyond the contour or axial lines) by 0 3 mm.”
Those. the serif can be the same as in the example from ISO 4066:1994 (see right).

For example, in GOST 28984-2011 there are only such serifs. See also SP 63.13330.2012.

The last paragraph of this paragraph, which establishes the rules for drawing dimensions with arrows in construction drawings, has been restored.
Also included is the following additional paragraph:
“When drawing dimensions on axonometric diagrams of process pipelines and engineering systems, dimension lines may be limited by arrows.”
If you carefully read the first paragraph of clause 5.4.2, then its requirement cannot be met, for example, for an oblique isometric projection (at an angle of 45°).

Clause 5.4.3
The word “relative” has been added to the last sentence, i.e. it turned out “relative marks above zero are indicated with a “+” sign, below zero – with a “–” sign.”
In accordance with current standards, absolute elevations are indicated without the “+” sign - on drawings of the general plan, roads and railways, irrigation and other structures.
A note is provided to explain the concept of “zero elevation” for buildings:
“As a rule, the level of the finished floor of the first floor is taken as the zero level for buildings.”

Clause 5.4.4
Additional Figure 7b is shown, explaining the rule for applying slopes.

Clause 5.4.6
A new Figure 8 is provided, which establishes the order of bringing out callouts for all cases, in particular, when the arrow is below. In GOST 21.701 and GOST 21.702 (replacing GOST R 21.1701-97 and GOST R 21.1702-96) examples that do not meet this requirement have been corrected.
Subsection 5.5 “Images (sections, sections, views, callouts)”
Clause 5.5.2
This paragraph provides a note explaining the peculiarities of using the term “section” in construction drawings - as opposed to design documentation.
All terms for images are given in GOST 2.305-2008, and this standard contains only terms that define certain types of images that are used only in construction documentation (plan, facade), and which are not included in GOST 2.305.

Clause 5.5.15
New last paragraph added:
“It is allowed to indicate its location in the name of the facade, for example, “main”, “yard”, etc.”

Section 6 Rules for executing specifications on drawings
Clause 6.1
The words “as well as to other drawings” have been added, since specifications in forms 7 and 8 are used for product drawings (in accordance with GOST 21.501-2011) and for sketch drawings of non-standard products.

Clause 6.3
This paragraph provides the most general requirements (from GOST 2.316) for the implementation of specifications and tables in a 3D model of a building or structure.
What needs to be noted here.
From this paragraph, as well as paragraph 4.1 of GOST 2.316-2008, it follows that specifications and other tables in electronic models are allowed (in GOST 2.316 it is even recommended) to be carried out in separate documents, and paragraph 4.2.5 of this standard shows how this can be done in relation to working documentation.

Section 7 “Rules for making changes”
This section has been significantly revised. First, general provisions are given (7.1 - 7.3), and then subsections are given with the specifics of making changes to the design and working documentation.

Clause 7.1.1
This paragraph states that, based on the provisions of Section 7, standards of organizations can be developed that take into account the specifics of making changes in these organizations.

Subsection 7.2 “Permission to make changes”

Clause 7.2.4
New paragraph added:
“Changes to the documents of the main set of working drawings, drawn up in separate documents (see 4.2.5), as well as to the documents of the volume of design documentation, are made on the basis of one general permission.”

New clause 7.2.5
“7.2.5 When making changes to the DE, permission may not be issued if CAD and EDMS keep records and store versions of the document, and provide access control that excludes the possibility of unauthorized changes.”
A necessary clarification for this point. The permit may not be issued if the design organization signs documents with electronic signatures - only this eliminates the possibility of unauthorized changes to the CAD and EDMS.

Subsection 7.3 “Making Changes”

This subsection provides general requirements for design and working documentation. (The numbering of the corresponding paragraphs in GOST R 21.1101-2009 is given in parentheses)

Clause 7.3.5
You should pay attention to this point:
“7.3.5 Handwritten changes are made to paper original documents in accordance with 7.3.9 – 7.3.16.”

Clause 7.3.11 (
The words about “cancellable” plots have been removed here, because in relation to the images in the drawing, this word has not been used anywhere before and is no longer used.
There is no need to specifically note this - even if crossed out: if it is not indicated where to look at the new image (as indicated in paragraph 7.3.14), then this means that the area was deleted without replacement.
If the section was simply deleted (which was allowed even when manual changes were made - by washing), then there is simply no place to give this number.

Clause 7.3.12 (
Two new paragraphs added:
“It is allowed not to draw a line from a parallelogram indicating a change to the changed section.
When making changes to text documents (to the text part of documents), lines from the parallelogram indicating the change are not drawn.”

Clause 7.3.19 (
Here you need to clarify the words about the additional table for making changes (see 5.2.6). This continuation of the table is only necessary when making changes in handwriting.
Paragraph added:
“In the new (changed) version of DE, the table of changes indicates only data about the last change.”

Clause 7.3.21 (
The rules for filling out the “Sheet” column in the table of changes have been changed
3) when replacing all sheets of the original when manually making changes on the first (header) sheet - “All” (in this case, the table of changes on other sheets of this original is not filled out), in an automated way - “Zem.” on all sheets.
According to many, the number of the current version of the sheet (document) should be on all sheets of the document. This is exactly what, by the way, is given in GOST 2.503-90.
Those. when replacing all sheets of a document using an automated method, the table of changes is filled in on all sheets: columns “Changes”, “Doc. No.” and “Date” (these columns on text documents are usually filled in automatically on all sheets).
Column "Number of students" is not filled in, because sections are not allocated when a document is completely replaced.
About the column “Sub.” see below.
(If text documents are executed without title blocks, then the version number of this document is indicated in the footer on all sheets).

Listing e) is given in the new edition:
"e) in the column "Sub." – signature of the person responsible for the correctness of the change. When replacing all sheets of the original using an automated method, the signature is placed only on the first (title) sheet. The signature of the norm inspector is placed in additional columns in the field for filing the sheet (except for sheets issued instead of replaced and new ones);
When replacing all sheets of the original with manual changes, the table of changes (and therefore the “Sub.”) column is filled out only on the first (header) sheet.
If we do not cite this underlined provision, it turns out that when automated changes are made in the column “Sub.” tables of changes must be signed even where it is not intended to be signed when making changes manually, for example, in the main inscriptions according to Form 6 on all subsequent sheets of a text document, and the number of sheets can reach several hundred!
It is simply absurd to force someone to sign this column on all sheets of the replaced document, because when replacing sheets, all performers sign again in columns 12 of the main inscription (according to clause 7.3.23).

Clause 7.3.23 (new)
“7.3.23 When replacing sheets of documents issued with main inscriptions in forms 3 - 5, the sheets issued instead of the replaced ones are signed in columns 10 - 13 of the main inscriptions in accordance with the procedure provided for the newly developed sheets.”

Subsection 7.4 “Features of making changes to design documentation”

Clause 7.4.5
This paragraph, as well as in Appendices M, N and P, clarifies the rules for applying the table for registering changes in Form 10 on covers and title pages.
New paragraph added:
“The change registration table does not take into account corrections made to the list “Composition of project documentation” in connection with changes in other volumes of project documentation.”

Clause 7.4.7
This is the new position:
“7.4.7 When completing additional volumes of project documentation, corrections are made to the list “Composition of project documentation”.
Information about changes in the statement “Composition of design documentation” is not included in the contents of the volume.”

Clause 7.4.8
Added underlined words:
“7.4.8 Changes to the approved design documentation related to changes in the parameters of the construction project affecting its structural reliability and safety, and the need to re-approve the design documentation, are made by decision of the customer on the basis of a new design task or addition to a previously approved design task.

Subsection 7.4 “Features of making changes to working documentation”

Clause 7.5.3 (
The paragraph is supplemented with the following paragraph:
“When making changes in handwriting, the numbers and names of canceled sheets in the sheet of working drawings are crossed out; in an automated way, the “Name” column for canceled sheets is not filled in.”

Clause 7.5.4 (new)
“7.5.4 When making changes to the documents of the main set, drawn up in separate documents, appropriate corrections are made to the list of documents of the main set of working drawings.”

Clause 7.5.5 (
Fixed bug. The point is given in the wording of GOST 21.101-97:
“7.5.5 When performing additional and canceling previously completed attached documents, make corrections to the “Attached Documents” section of the list of reference and attached documents of the corresponding main set of working drawings.”
This sheet is not intended to track changes in the documents recorded in it!
Otherwise, it turns out that a new version of the main set is being created, when we did not make any changes to it at all, and the changes were only in documents not included in the main set!
The versions of the attached documents are not related to the versions of the main set.
The same in clause 7.5.6 ( The list of main sets does not reflect information about the versions of the main sets recorded in this sheet - only information is provided on the execution of additional and cancellation of previously completed main sets of working drawings!

Clause 7.5.7 (
The paragraph is supplemented with underlined words:
“7.5.7 In tables of changes on general data sheets, corrections made to general data sheets in connection with changes to the main set sheets and attached documents are not taken into account as areas of changes in accordance with 7.3.11.”

Section 8 “Rules for the preparation of bound documentation”

Clause 8.5
The provisions of this paragraph have become “recommended”. At the same time, the standard now provides (in clause 8.6) how to fill out the contents in the absence of additional continuous numbering of sheets.

Clause 8.6
This paragraph states:
“Graphic documents of design and reporting technical documentation based on the results of engineering surveys are recorded page by page.”

Here are the rules for filling out the content:
“The content columns indicate:
- in the “Designation” column – document designation;
- in the “Name” column – the name of the document in full accordance with the name indicated in the title block or on the title page;
- in the “Note” column - information about changes made to the recorded documents, as well as the volume sheet number according to the continuous numbering of volume sheets in accordance with 8.5, from which the document begins.
If continuous numbering is not performed, then in the “Note” column the total number of sheets of each document is given. At the end of the contents, the total number of sheets included in the volume (album, folder) is given.”

It should also be noted here that in Appendix B it is now written that in Form 2 “It is allowed, if necessary, to include additional columns (columns) in the statements, for example, “Count. sheets" etc."

Clause 8.7. With the introduction of the last paragraph of this paragraph, questions and disputes about the need for stamps on title pages should cease. For some reason, this was necessary for survey documentation and not necessary (more precisely, it was not installed) for design and working documentation.

Section 9 of GOST R 21.1101-2009 is not included in the draft new standard. It is proposed to develop a separate national standard or set of rules. This section was not requirements for project documentation - it contained provisions (rules) for the reuse of already developed documentation.
It was impossible to leave it in its existing form, because... it doesn't correspond to anything.
In addition, there is a bill on the reuse of foreign design documentation, which should also be taken into account in the new document on reuse documentation.

Appendix A

Added a note about the possibility of denoting section ciphers using Latin letters.
The numbers of sections 101 and 111 are given according to the draft amendment to Government Resolution No. 87.
Recommendations are given on the acceptable spelling of these strange section numbers:
“It is allowed to give the numbers of sections 101 and 111 in the form 10(1), 11(1) or 10-1, 11-1.”
Those. Any option is possible, but there should not be an option with a dot, because according to clause 4.1.3, it turns out that this will be the designation of part 1 of section 10 or 11, and not the number of an independent section.

Appendix B
The grades of the working documentation are given (attempted to be given) in the sequence corresponding to the sections and subsections of the project documentation.
Added a note about the possibility of marking the brands of the main sets with letters of the Latin alphabet.
The designation of brands of the main sets in Latin letters is possible in two ways:
1) when stamps use letters that coincide in the Russian and Latin alphabets (for example, AR, VK, NVK, TS, etc.), then transliteration of the Russian designation is not performed. New stamps in Latin letters are assigned only in cases where the stamp includes Russian letters that are not in the Latin alphabet (B, G, D, ZH, Z, P, E, etc.);
2) when all brands are designated in Latin letters without taking into account the coincidence of letters, but, for example, based on the English translation of the brand name.
All this can be established at the discretion of the design organization in the standards of organizations.

Appendix D

The instructions for filling out general data sheets contain provisions that allow changing the size of the form columns of these sheets, as well as the possibility of adding additional columns (columns).
The explanation for filling out the list of documents of the main set (clause D.5) provides the following:
“For graphic documents consisting of several sheets, the names of the images placed on each sheet are also given in accordance with the names given in the title block of the sheet.”
This means that on the first sheet of the document of the main set there is no need to provide a list of working drawings of the document, as was provided for in GOST 21.607-82. Not all documents in the main set are graphic. For text documents, it is enough to indicate the number of sheets of this document in the “Note” column.

Appendix E

Two new abbreviations have been introduced:
Canceled - Canceled.
Groundwater (underground) water level – GWL.

There was a proposal to shorten “canceled” to “Ann.”, but this does not correspond to clause 6.5 of GOST R 7.0.12-2011 “System of standards for information, library and publishing. Bibliographic record. Abbreviation of words and phrases in Russian. General requirements and rules."
An abbreviation similar to the abbreviation of the word “abstract” - “annot.”
Changed abbreviations:
Coefficient" - coefficient; (6.5 If the part of the word being cut off is preceded by a doubled consonant, one of the consonants should be retained when abbreviating).
Efficiency factor - efficiency.
Finished floor level – UHP.
The following note is provided:
“The abbreviations of words indicated in this table and GOST 2.316 may be used in text documents containing text divided into graphs.”

Appendix G

Please note that the number of lines in the “agreed” columns on the left margin of the sheet is reduced to three, because There have been comments that the word “agreed” does not print on some types of printers. It should be noted that the same was done in a similar Ukrainian standard in 2009.
Underlined words have been added to the instructions for filling out column 2:
“- in column 2 – the name of the enterprise and, if necessary, its part (complex)..” Further - according to the text.
The instructions for filling out column 4 are supplemented by three provisions, which are followed by almost everyone, but were not described in the standard:
“If one image is placed on a sheet, its name is allowed to be given only in column 4.
On the sheet(s) of general data for working drawings, write “General data” in the column.
In the case provided for in 5.2.3, the name of the document or non-standard product is given in column 4.”
The instructions for filling out column 10 have been significantly revised. In the last paragraph, the order of the “most significant sheets” has been changed, because For some reason, from the previous edition it was concluded that the GUIs sign all the sheets of the graphic part of the design and documentation:
“The bottom line shows the position of the person who approved the document, for example, the chief engineer (architect) of the project, head of the department or other official responsible for this document (sheet).
The signatures of the person responsible for the preparation of design or working documentation (chief engineer (architect) of the project) are required on sheets of general data on working drawings, the most significant sheets of the graphic part of project documentation and working drawings.”
In the note to the explanations for filling out the main inscriptions, “for example, 02/06/12” was added. This should clarify what a “calendar date” is and the format for filling out the “Date” column.
It is possible to perform (“if necessary”) in the title block additional column 27 (above column 1) to indicate the name of the customer organization. Now in many cases column 2 is used for this.
This column is by no means mandatory - it is entered “if necessary”, which the design organization itself sets for itself.
A similar column is provided in the design GOST 2.104-2006 - and also “if necessary”.

Appendix I

Figure I.2 has been added, which shows the acceptable location of the title block for format A.4 (see 5.2.1). Please note that the margin for filing still remains on the long side of the sheet.

Appendix K

The instructions for filling out the “Name” column have been significantly expanded.

Appendix L

Forms 9 and 9a have been slightly changed - the sizes and location of columns 2 and 3 have changed. They have become more convenient to fill out.

Appendices N and P

The new edition of the standard provides separate forms for the cover and title page.
The title page and cover forms are supplemented with fields for recording data about the SRO certificate and, if necessary, the name of the customer organization.
(The “customer” here means not necessarily the “technical customer” (according to the Civil Code), but also the general designer) - for the subcontractor.
In the instructions for filling out the title page and cover, the listing relating to filling out the “Volume Number” field has been corrected. Now it is given as follows:
“- volume number according to the statement “Composition of design documentation” or “Composition of reporting documentation based on the results of engineering surveys” (if available).”
Instructions for filling out the cover and title page are supplemented with the following explanation:
“field sizes are set arbitrarily; the margin lines indicated on the form are not drawn; the numbers and names of the fields are not indicated.”

GOST R 21.1101-2013

Group Zh01


System of design documents for construction


System of design documents for construction. Main requirements for design and working documents

OKS 01.100.30

Date of introduction 2014-01-01


1 DEVELOPED by the Open Joint Stock Company "Center for Methodology of Standardization and Standardization in Construction" (JSC "CNS")

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 "Construction"

3 APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated June 11, 2013 N 156-st

4 This standard implements the norms of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2004 N 190-FZ

5 INSTEAD GOST R 21.1101-2009

The rules for the application of this standard are established in GOST R 1.0-2012 (section 8). Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual (as of January 1 of the current year) information index "National Standards", and the official text of changes and amendments is published in the monthly information index "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, the corresponding notice will be published in the next issue of the monthly information index "National Standards". Relevant information, notices and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet (gost.ru)

Amendment made by database manufacturer

1 area of ​​use

This standard establishes the basic requirements for design and working documentation for the construction of facilities for various purposes.

Note - In this standard, the concept of “construction” includes new construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment and major repairs of capital construction projects.

The general rules for the execution and compilation of graphic and text documentation established in 4.1 and in sections 5 and 8, and the rules for making changes established in section 7, also apply to reporting technical documentation based on the results of engineering surveys for construction.

2 Normative references

This standard uses normative references to the following standards:

GOST R 6.30-2003 Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements

GOST R 21.1001-2009 System of design documentation for construction. General provisions

GOST R 21.1002-2008 System of design documentation for construction. Standard control of design and working documentation

GOST R 21.1003-2009 System of design documentation for construction. Accounting and storage of project documentation

GOST R 21.1703-2000 System of design documentation for construction. Rules for the execution of working documentation for wired communications

GOST 2.051-2006

GOST 2.052-2006

GOST 2.106-96 Unified system of design documentation. Text documents

GOST 2.109-73

GOST 2.305-2008

GOST 2.308-2011 Unified system of design documentation. Indication of tolerances of shape and location of surfaces

GOST 2.309-73 Unified system of design documentation. Surface roughness designations

GOST 2.312-72

GOST 2.314-68 Unified system of design documentation. Instructions on the drawings for marking and branding of products

GOST 2.317-2011 Unified system of design documentation. Axonometric projections

GOST 2.501-88 Unified system of design documentation. Accounting and storage rules

GOST 21.110-95 System of design documentation for construction. Rules for fulfilling the specifications of equipment, products and materials

GOST 21.113-88 System of design documentation for construction. Accuracy Characteristic Symbols

GOST 21.114-95 System of design documentation for construction. Rules for making sketch drawings of general types of non-standard products

GOST 21.302-96 System of design documentation for construction. Conventional graphic symbols in documentation for engineering-geological surveys

GOST 21.408-93 System of design documentation for construction. Rules for the execution of working documentation for automation of technological processes

GOST 21.501-2011 System of design documentation for construction. Rules for the execution of working documentation of architectural and structural solutions

GOST 21.709-2011 System of design documentation for construction. Rules for the execution of working documentation for linear structures of irrigation systems

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or using the annual information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and on issues of the monthly information index "National Standards" for the current year. If an undated reference standard is replaced, it is recommended that the current version of that standard be used, taking into account any changes made to that version. If a dated reference standard is replaced, it is recommended to use the version of that standard with the year of approval (adoption) indicated above. If, after the approval of this standard, a change is made to the referenced standard to which a dated reference is made that affects the provision referred to, it is recommended that that provision be applied without regard to that change. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference to it is given is recommended to be applied in the part that does not affect this reference.

3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations

3.1 Terms and definitions

This standard uses terms according to GOST R 21.1001, GOST R 21.1002, GOST R 21.1003, as well as the following terms with corresponding definitions:

3.1.1 main inscription: A set of information about a design document contained in the columns of a table of the established form placed on sheets of design and working documentation.

3.1.2 main set of working drawings: A graphic document containing necessary and sufficient information in the form of drawings and diagrams, intended for the production of construction and installation work of a certain type (brand).

3.1.3 full set of working documentation: A set of basic sets of working drawings required for the construction of a building or structure, supplemented by attached and reference documents.

3.1.4 brand: An alphabetic or alphanumeric index included in the designation of working documentation and determining its relationship to a certain type of construction and installation work, or denoting the main distinctive features of building structures and their elements.

3.1.7 non-standard product: A product (design, device, mounting block) of technological systems, internal and external systems and networks of engineering support for buildings and structures, first developed and manufactured, as a rule, at the installation site (in the procurement workshop of the installation organization).

3.1.12 equipment: Technological equipment (machines, devices, mechanisms, lifting and other technical means that ensure the corresponding technological process), as well as engineering equipment of buildings and structures that provide safe and favorable conditions for people’s life.

3.1.14 plan: Top view or horizontal section of a building or structure.

3.1.15 facade: Orthogonal projection of the outer wall of a building or structure onto a vertical plane.

Note - There are main, side, courtyard, etc. facades.

3.1.20 designation: A document attribute that represents its identification (distinctive) index.

Note - Each document is assigned a designation, which is written in designated places (in the main inscriptions, on title pages, etc.).

3.2 Abbreviations

The following abbreviations are used in this standard:

DE - electronic document;

ESKD - Unified System of Design Documentation;

CAD - computer-aided design system(s);

SPDS - System of design documentation for construction;

EDMS is an electronic document management system(s).

4 General requirements for the composition and completion of design and working documentation

4.1 Project documentation

4.1.1 The composition of design documentation for capital construction projects and the requirements for its content are established by legislation approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, Regulations and regulatory legal acts of federal executive authorities.

Project documentation is compiled, as a rule, into separate sections and subsections established by the Regulations. The names and codes of sections of the design documentation are given in tables A.1 and A.2 (Appendix A).

In paper form, design documentation is compiled into volumes in accordance with 4.1.4, 4.1.5 and section 8.

If there is a large volume (in paper form) of a section or subsection, as well as, if necessary, in other cases (for example, when involving subcontractors), it is allowed to divide it into parts, and parts, if necessary, into books. Each part and book are packaged separately. All parts and books are given names that reflect the content of the parts or books. Subsections, parts and books are assigned serial numbers in Arabic numerals within, respectively, a section, subsection or part.

4.1.2 Each section, subsection, part and, if necessary, book included in the volume, as well as each text and graphic document included in the volume, is assigned an independent designation, which is indicated on the cover, title page and/or in the title block, as well as in headers and footers of text documents executed without title blocks.

4.1.3 The section designation includes the basic designation established according to the system in force in the design organization, and separated by a hyphen* - the design documentation section code. The basic designation includes, for example, the agreement (contract) number and/or the code of the construction project (numeric, alphabetic or alphanumeric). The basic designation may include other codes used in CAD and EDMS.
* It is allowed to use other separating characters in the designation, such as a dot, a slash, etc.

If a section is divided into parts, then the part designation is made up of the section designation, to which the part number is added.


1 2345-PZ - Section 1. Explanatory note.

2 2345-PZU1 - Section 2. Scheme of planning organization of the land plot. Part 1. General information.

3 2345-PZU2 - Section 2. Scheme of planning organization of the land plot. Part 2. Solutions for inland rail transport.

If a part is divided into books, then the book designation is made up of the part designation, to which the book number is added through a dot.

The subsection designation is made up of the section designation, to which the subsection number is added.

If a subsection is divided into parts, then the part designation is made up of the subsection designation, to which the part number is added through a dot. If a part is divided into books, then the book designation (if necessary) is made up of the part designation, to which the book number is added through a dot.


1 2345-IOS4.1.1 - Section 5. Information about engineering equipment, engineering support networks, list of engineering activities, content of technological solutions. Subsection 4. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning, heating networks. Part 1. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Book 1. Basic solutions.

2 2345-IOS4.1.2 - Section 5. Information about engineering equipment, engineering support networks, list of engineering activities, content of technological solutions. Subsection 4. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning, heating networks. Part 1. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Book 2. Automation systems for heating, ventilation and air conditioning.

3 2345-IOS4.2 - Section 5. Information about engineering equipment, engineering support networks, list of engineering activities, content of technological solutions. Subsection 4. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning, heating networks. Part 2. Heat networks.

Based on the provisions of 4.1.1-4.1.3, 4.2.3-4.2.7, standards of organizations can be developed for the designation of text and graphic documents included in the design and working documentation, taking into account the designation features depending on the volume of documentation, document flow conditions and used CAD and EDMS.

4.1.4 Text and graphic materials included in the volume are generally compiled in the following order:


Title page;

Statement "Composition of design documentation".

Note - It is allowed not to include the statement “Composition of design documentation” in each volume, but to complete it in a separate volume;

Text part;

Graphic part (drawings and diagrams).

Rules for the design of the cover, title page, contents of the volume and the statement “Composition of project documentation” are given in section 8.

4.1.5 The number of sheets included in the volume is determined from the need to ensure ease of use, as a rule, no more than 300 sheets of A4 format according to GOST 2.301 or an equivalent number of sheets of other formats.

4.1.6 General requirements for the implementation of graphic documentation are given in section 5.

4.1.7 Text documents containing mainly solid text (including text parts of sections and subsections of design documentation) are carried out in accordance with GOST 2.105, taking into account 5.1, 5.2 of this standard.

4.1.8 It is allowed to execute text documents specified in 4.1.7 without main inscriptions, additional columns to them and frames. In this case:

The first sheet contains a list of performers, which indicates the positions, initials and surnames of persons who took part in the development, control and approval of the text document, and provides space for signatures and dates of signing. On the second and, if necessary, on subsequent sheets, the contents (table of contents) are placed, including numbers (designations) and names of sections, subsections and appendices of the text document indicating the numbers of sheets (pages);

In the upper part (header) of each sheet the document designation is indicated: in the left corner (for single-sided printing) or the right corner of even pages and the left corner of odd pages (for double-sided printing);

At the bottom (footer) of each sheet indicate: the logo and name of the organization that prepared the document, the name of the document, the sheet (page) number of the document (in the lower right corner - for single-sided printing or in the left corner of even pages and the right corner of odd pages - for duplex printing), as well as, if necessary, the document version number, file identifier (name) and other information. It is allowed to display the logo and name of the organization in the header;

Data on changes is indicated in accordance with 7.3.

4.1.9 Calculations of design and technological solutions, which are a mandatory element of the preparation of project documentation, are not included in the design documentation. They are drawn up in accordance with the requirements for text documents and stored in the archives of the design organization. Calculations are presented to the customer or examination bodies upon their request.

4.2 Working documentation

4.2.1 The working documentation transferred to the customer includes:

Working drawings, combined into main sets of working drawings by brand. The brands of the main sets of working drawings are given in Table B.1 (Appendix B);

Attached documents developed in addition to the working drawings of the main kit.

4.2.2 The main sets of working drawings include general data on working drawings, drawings and diagrams provided for by the relevant SPDS standards.

4.2.3 The main set of working drawings of any brand can be divided into several main sets of the same brand (with the addition of a serial number) in accordance with the process of organizing construction and installation work.

Example - AP1; AP2; KZh1; QOL2.

4.2.4 Each main set of working drawings is assigned a designation, which includes the basic designation established according to the system in force in the organization, and separated by a hyphen - the brand of the main set.

Example - 2345-12-AR,

where 2345-12 is the base designation. The basic designation includes, for example, the number of the agreement (contract) and/or code of the construction site (see 4.1.3), as well as the number of the building or structure according to the master plan*;
* For working drawings of linear structures, general plans, external communications, this part of the basic designation is excluded or replaced with zeros.

AR - brand of the main set of working drawings.

4.2.5 It is allowed to draw up the main set of working drawings as separate documents, assigning them a designation consisting of the basic designation, the brand of the main set, and adding a document serial number in Arabic numerals through a dot.

Example - 2345-12-EO.1; 2345-12-EO.2,

where 2345-12 is the basic designation;

EO - brand of the main set of working drawings;

1, 2 - serial numbers of documents of the main set of working drawings.

The first document when preparing the main set of working drawings in this way should be general data on working drawings.

4.2.6 The attached documents include:

Working documentation for construction products;

Sketch drawings of general types of non-standard products, made in accordance with GOST 21.114;

Specification of equipment, products and materials, carried out in accordance with GOST 21.110;

Questionnaires and dimensional drawings made in accordance with the data of equipment manufacturers (suppliers);

Local estimate;

Other documents provided for by the relevant SPDS standards.

The specific composition of the attached documents and the need for their implementation are established by the relevant SPDS standards and the design assignment.

The design organization transfers the attached documents to the customer simultaneously with the main set of working drawings in the quantity established for working drawings.

4.2.7 Each attached document is assigned the designation of the main set with the addition of the code of the attached document through a dot. The codes of the attached documents are given in Table B.1 (Appendix B).

Example - 2345-12-EO.S,

where 2345-12-EO is the designation of the main set of working drawings;

C - specification code for equipment, products and materials.

If there are several attached documents of the same type, a serial number or, separated by a hyphen, the product brand (for product drawings) is added to their designation.

Example - 2345-12-VK.N1; 2345-12-VK.N2, 2345-12-KZH.I-B1, 2345-12-KZH.I-B2

4.2.8 In working drawings it is allowed to use standard building structures, products and assemblies by referring to documents containing working drawings of these structures and products. Reference documents include:

Standards, which include drawings intended for the manufacture of products;

Drawings of standard structures, products and assemblies*.
* If necessary, drawings of standard structures, products and assemblies are recorded in the “Attached Documents” section (as a rule, without changing the designation) and transferred to the customer in accordance with 4.2.6.

Reference documents are not included in the working documentation transferred to the customer. The design organization, if necessary, transfers them to the customer under a separate agreement.

4.2.9 The form, execution rules and designations of the document, which contains the composition of all working documentation completed in accordance with the contract, are established in the organization’s standards.

4.3 General data on working drawings

4.3.1 On the first sheets of each main set of working drawings, general data on working drawings is provided, which includes:

List of working drawings of the main set, performed according to Form 1;

List of reference and attached documents, performed according to Form 2;

List of main sets of working drawings, carried out according to Form 2;

List of specifications (if there are several layout diagrams in the main set), performed according to Form 1;

Symbols not established by national standards and the meanings of which are not indicated on other sheets of the main set of working drawings;

General instructions;

Other data provided for by the relevant SPDS standards.

Forms 1 and 2 with instructions for completing them are given in Appendix D.

4.3.2 The list of working drawings of the main set contains a sequential list of sheets of the main set.

When preparing the main set of working drawings as separate documents (see 4.2.5), instead of a list of working drawings of the main set, the general data includes a list of documents of the main set in Form 2, and in each of the subsequent documents of the main set, links to general data on working drawings are provided .

4.3.3 The list of reference and attached documents is compiled into sections:

Reference documents;

Attached documents.

In the "Reference Documents" section, documents in accordance with 4.2.8 are indicated. At the same time, in the corresponding columns of the statement, indicate the designation and name of the series and the issue number of drawings of standard structures, products and assemblies or the designation and name of the standard.

In the section "Attached documents" indicate documents in accordance with 4.2.6.

4.3.4 The list of main sets of working drawings is provided on the general data sheets of one of the main sets of working drawings of a building or structure (at the discretion of the person responsible for the development of working documentation). The statement contains a sequential list of the main sets of working drawings that are part of a complete set of working documentation for a building or structure.

If there are several main sets of working drawings of one brand (see 4.2.3), a list of sets of this brand is compiled in Form 2 (Appendix D), which is usually given in the general data of each of these sets.

4.3.5 General guidelines include:

Information about the documents on the basis of which the decision to develop working documentation was made (for example, design assignment, approved design documentation);

A record of the compliance of the working documentation with the design assignment, the issued technical specifications, the requirements of current technical regulations, standards, codes of practice, and other documents containing established requirements;

List of technical regulations and normative documents containing requirements for technical solutions and further work, links to which are given in the working drawings;

The absolute elevation, taken in the working drawings of a building or structure as conditionally zero (as a rule, is given on drawings of architectural and structural solutions);

A record of the results of testing for patentability and patent purity of technological processes, equipment, structures, products and materials used for the first time in design documentation, as well as numbers of patents and applications for which decisions were made to issue patents for inventions used in the design documentation (if necessary);

A list of types of work that affect the safety of a building or structure and for which it is necessary to draw up inspection reports for hidden work, critical structures and sections of engineering support networks;

Information about who owns this intellectual property (if necessary);

Operational requirements for the designed building or structure (if necessary);

Other necessary instructions.

In general instructions, you should not repeat the technical requirements placed on other sheets of the main set of working drawings, and give a description of the technical solutions adopted in the working drawings.

Points of general instructions must have continuous numbering. Each point of general instructions is written on a new line.

5 General rules for completing documentation

5.1 General provisions

5.1.1 When executing design and working documentation, as well as reporting technical documentation for engineering surveys for construction, one should be guided by the provisions of the SPDS and ESKD standards.

The list of ESKD standards that must be taken into account when performing graphic and text documentation for construction is given in Table D.1 (Appendix D).

5.1.2 Documentation, as a rule, is carried out in an automated manner on paper (in paper form) and/or in the form of DE.

Documents of the same type and name, regardless of the method of execution, are equal and interchangeable. Mutual correspondence between documents in electronic and paper forms is ensured by the developer.

General requirements for electronic documents - according to GOST 2.051.

5.1.3 In graphic documents, images and symbols are drawn with lines in accordance with GOST 2.303. It is allowed to use lines of other types, the names, style, thickness and main purposes of which are established in the relevant SPDS standards.

5.1.4 In graphic documents, symbols should be written mainly in black. Some symbols or their individual elements may be done in other colors. Instructions on the color of symbols are given in the relevant SPDS standards. If the colors of the symbols used in the drawings and diagrams are not established in the standards, their purpose is indicated in the drawings.

In originals intended for making black and white copies, color symbols and their elements should be done in black.

5.1.5 When executing graphic documents, fonts in accordance with GOST 2.304 are used, as well as other fonts used by computer technology, while ensuring the availability of these fonts to users of the documents.

5.1.6 Drawings are carried out on an optimal scale in accordance with GOST 2.302, taking into account their complexity and richness of information.

The scale of images in the drawings is not indicated, with the exception of product drawings and other cases provided for in the relevant SPDS standards. In these cases, the scales are indicated in parentheses immediately after the names of the images in accordance with GOST 2.316 (clause 4.19).

5.1.7 Paper drawings and electronic drawings (2D) can be made on the basis of an electronic model (3D) of a building or structure (GOST 2.052).

5.1.9 The structure and composition of the DE details must ensure its circulation within the framework of software (display, modification, printing, recording and storage in databases, as well as transfer to other automated systems) while complying with regulatory requirements for document execution.

5.1.10 Copies of design and working documentation documents, completed as specified in 4.1 and 4.2, are submitted for review, approval, examination and approval.

5.1.11 The form of presentation of design and working documentation (paper or electronic), if it is not specified in the design assignment, is determined by the developer in agreement with the customer. It is allowed to include documents in various forms of presentation in the design and working documentation.

5.1.12 The rules for transferring documentation on electronic media, including the nomenclature and forms of necessary accounting and reporting documents, are established in the organization’s standards developed on the basis of GOST 2.051, GOST 2.511 and GOST 2.512.

5.1.13 The list of word abbreviations allowed in graphic documents is compiled in addition to GOST 2.316 and is given in Table E.1 (Appendix E).

5.2 Title blocks

5.2.1 Each sheet of a graphic and text document, as a rule, is drawn up with a main inscription and additional columns to it. Forms of main inscriptions and instructions for filling them out are given in Appendix G.

Note - Basic inscriptions are not used for text documents carried out in accordance with 4.1.8, estimates, etc.

The main inscription is located in the lower right corner of the sheet.

On sheets of A4 format in accordance with GOST 2.301, the main inscription is placed along the short side of the sheet. For text documents in tabular form, it is allowed, if necessary, to place the main inscription along the long side of the sheet.

On the sheets of the main sets of working drawings and sheets of the graphic part of the design documentation - Form 3;

On the first sheet of drawings of construction products - form 4;

On the first or title* sheets of text documents and the first sheets of sketch drawings of general types of non-standard products issued in the form of a release - Form 5;
* For text documents executed with a title page and formatted with main inscriptions, the title page is the next sheet after the title page.

On subsequent sheets of drawings of construction products, text documents and general sketch drawings - Form 6.

It is allowed to draw up the first sheet of the drawing of a construction product with the main inscription according to Form 5.

5.2.3 If some text documents (for example, specifications of equipment, products and materials) are issued without a title page, then in this case the first sheet of the document is drawn up with the main inscription according to Form 3, the subsequent ones - according to Form 6.

When preparing the main set of working drawings as separate documents, documents containing continuous text and/or in the form of tables (for example, general data, cable log, etc.) are drawn up as text documents. In this case, the first sheet of the document is drawn up with the main inscription according to Form 3, the subsequent sheets - according to Form 6.

5.2.4 In the reporting technical documentation based on the results of engineering surveys, the main inscription is used:

On sheets of graphic documents used in design as a basis - according to Form 3;

On the first sheets of other graphic and text documents - according to Form 5, on subsequent sheets - according to Form 6.

5.2.5 The main inscription, additional columns to it and frames are made with solid thick main and solid thin lines in accordance with GOST 2.303.

5.2.6 The table of changes in the main inscription (columns 14-19), if necessary, can be continued up or to the left of the main inscription. When the table of changes is located to the left of the main inscription, the names of columns 14-19 are repeated.

5.2.7 The location of the main inscription and additional columns to it, as well as the dimensions of the frames on the sheets are shown in Figures I.1 and I.2 (Appendix I).

5.2.8 The location and dimensions of additional columns for identifying DE are determined by the design organization independently.

5.2.9 It is allowed to additionally identify project documents using a barcode.

In this case, the document designation, version number and document format designation should be used as barcode details. Additionally, the country code, developer organization code and other details can be used.

5.3 Coordination axes

5.3.1 Images of a building or structure indicate the coordination axes of its load-bearing structures, intended to determine the relative position of the elements of the building or structure and linking the building or structure to the construction geodetic grid or alignment basis.

5.3.2 Each individual building or structure is assigned an independent system of designation of coordination axes.

Coordination axes are applied to images of buildings and structures with thin dash-dot lines with long strokes, designated in circles with a diameter of 6-12 mm in Arabic numerals and capital letters of the Russian alphabet (with the exception of the letters: E, Z, Y, O, X, Ts, Ch, Shch , Ъ, ы, ь) or, if necessary, letters of the Latin alphabet (except for the letters I and O).

Gaps in digital and alphabetic (except for those indicated) designations of coordination axes are not allowed.

The numbers indicate the coordination axes on the side of the building and structure with a large number of axes. If there are not enough letters of the alphabet to designate the coordination axes, subsequent axes are designated by two letters.

Example - AA, BB, BB.

5.3.3 The sequence of designations of coordination axes is taken according to the plan, as shown in Figure 1 A: digital axes - from left to right, letter axes - from bottom to top or as shown in Figure 1 b and 1 V.

Picture 1

5.3.4 Designation of coordination axes is usually applied on the left and bottom sides of the building and structure plan.

If the coordination axes of opposite sides of the plan do not coincide, in places of discrepancy, additional designations of the indicated axes are applied on the upper and/or right sides.

5.3.5 For individual elements located between the coordination axes of the main load-bearing structures, additional axes are marked, which are assigned a designation in the form of a fraction, the numerator of which indicates the designation of the previous coordination axis, and the denominator - an additional serial number within the area between adjacent coordination axes in according to Figure 1 G.

It is allowed to assign numerical and letter designations to the coordination axes of half-timbered columns in continuation of the designations of the axes of the main columns without an additional number.

5.3.6 In the image of a repeating element linked to several coordination axes, the coordination axes are designated in accordance with the figure:

2A- when their number is no more than 3;

2b- when their number is more than 3;

2V- for all letter and digital coordination axes.

Figure 2

If necessary, the orientation of the coordination axis to which the element is attached relative to the adjacent axis is indicated in accordance with Figure 2 G.

5.3.7 On plans of residential buildings composed of block sections, the extreme coordination axes of block sections are assigned designations in accordance with 5.3.1-5.3.3, which are indicated in accordance with Figure 3 A.

Figure 3

The coordination axes of block sections, including the outer ones, are assigned independent designations in accordance with 5.3.1-5.3.3 with the addition of the index “c” (see Figure 3 b). If necessary, designations of the coordination axes of a building composed of block sections are indicated on the block section plan.

5.3.8 A three-dimensional (3D) electronic model of a building or structure is performed in a single plan-elevation coordinate system.

The coordinate system of a three-dimensional model of a building or structure is depicted by three mutually perpendicular lines with the origin located at the intersection point of axes 1 and A at the zero level of this building or structure in accordance with Figure 4.

Figure 4

Moreover, for a building rectangular in plan (see Figure 1 A) the positive direction is taken as follows: axes - in the direction of increasing digital designations of the coordination axes, axes - in the direction of increasing letter designations of the coordination axes, Z axes - vertically upward from the conditional zero level of the building.

5.4 Applying dimensions, slopes, marks and inscriptions

5.4.1 Linear dimensions in the drawings are indicated without units of length:

In meters, accurate to two decimal places - on drawings of external networks and communications, general plan and transport, except for cases specified in the relevant SPDS standards;

In millimeters - on all other types of drawings.

5.4.2 The dimension line at its intersection with extension lines, contour lines or center lines is limited by serifs 2-4 mm long, applied with an inclination to the right at an angle of 45° to the dimension line, while the dimension lines continue beyond the outer extension lines (or, respectively, beyond contour or axial) by 0-3 mm.

When applying a diameter or radius dimension inside a circle, as well as an angular dimension, the dimension line is limited by arrows. Arrows are also used when drawing dimensions of radii and internal fillets.

When drawing dimensions on axonometric diagrams of process pipelines and engineering systems, dimension lines can be limited by arrows.

5.4.3 Markings of levels (height, depth) of structural elements, equipment, pipelines, air ducts, etc. from the reference level (conventional “zero” mark) are indicated in meters without indicating a unit of length with three decimal places separated from the whole number by a comma, beyond except in cases specified in the relevant SPDS standards.

Level marks on facades, sections and sections are placed on extension lines (or on contour lines) and are indicated by the sign "", made with solid thin lines with stroke lengths of 2-4 mm at an angle of 45° to the extension line or contour line, in accordance with the drawing 5; on plans - in a rectangle in accordance with Figure 6, except for cases specified in the relevant SPDS standards.

Figure 5

Figure 6

The “zero” mark, usually accepted for the surface of any structural element of a building or structure located near the planning surface of the earth, is indicated without a sign; relative marks above zero are indicated with a “+” sign, below zero - with a “-” sign.

Note - As a rule, the level of the finished floor of the first floor is taken as the zero level for buildings.

5.4.4 On the plans, the direction of the slope of the planes is indicated by an arrow, above which, if necessary, the numerical value of the slope is indicated as a percentage in accordance with Figure 7 A or as a ratio of the plane height unit to the corresponding horizontal projection (for example, 1:7).

Figure 7

It is allowed to indicate the numerical value of the slope in ppm or as a decimal fraction accurate to the third digit.

On sections, sections and diagrams, in front of the dimensional number that determines the numerical value of the slope, a “” sign is applied, the acute angle of which must be directed towards the slope (except for the steepness of the slopes of embankments and excavations). The slope designation is applied directly above the contour line or on the shelf of the leader line in accordance with Figure 7 b.

5.4.5 Position numbers or brands of elements are placed on the shelves of leader lines drawn from images of structural elements of buildings or structures, next to the image - without a leader line or within the contours of the depicted elements in accordance with Figure 8.

Figure 8

A leader line usually ends with a dot. If a leader line is drawn away from the line indicating the surface, then it ends with an arrow. In small-scale images, leader lines end without an arrow or a dot.

5.4.6 Labels for multilayer structures are carried out in accordance with Figure 9.

Note - The numbers conventionally indicate the sequence of arrangement of layers of structures and inscriptions on the shelves of leader lines.

Figure 9

5.4.7 The font size for indicating coordination axes, positions (marks), names and symbols of images should be 1.5-2 times larger than the size of the dimensional numbers used in the same graphic document.

5.5 Images (sections, sections, views, detail elements)

5.5.1 Images in the drawings are made in accordance with GOST 2.305, taking into account the requirements of this standard and other SPDS standards.

5.5.2 Sections of a building or structure are indicated in Arabic numerals sequentially within the graphic document. Sections are designated in a similar way.

Note - In design and working documentation drawings, a section is usually called a vertical section of a building or structure, i.e. a section made by a cutting plane perpendicular to the horizontal projection plane.

Independent numbering is allowed for sections and sections of individual sections of a building, structure or installation, all drawings of which are placed on one sheet or group of sheets and if these drawings do not contain references to sections and sections located on other sheets of the graphic document.

It is allowed to designate cuts in capital letters of the Russian alphabet, and sections - in capital or lowercase letters of the Russian alphabet (except for the letters specified in 5.3.2).

The position of the cutting plane is indicated in the drawing by a section line (open line according to GOST 2.303). In case of a complex cut, strokes are also made at the intersection of the cutting planes. Arrows should be placed on the initial and final strokes indicating the direction of view; arrows should be applied at a distance of 2-3 mm from the end of the stroke (Figure 10).

Figure 10

The direction of view for a section according to the plan of a building and structure is, as a rule, taken from bottom to top and from right to left.

5.5.3 If individual parts of the view (facade), plan, section require a more detailed image, then additionally local views and detailed elements - nodes and fragments - are performed.

5.5.4 On the image (plan, facade or section) from which the node is taken out, the corresponding place is marked with a closed solid thin line (circle, oval or rectangle with rounded corners) with the designation of the node in Arabic numeral on the shelf leader line in accordance with Figure 11 A, 11b or a capital letter of the Russian alphabet in accordance with Figure 11 V.

Figure 11

If necessary, references to a unit placed in another graphic document (for example, the main set of working drawings), or to working drawings of a typical construction unit, indicate the designation and sheet number of the corresponding document in accordance with Figure 11 b or a series of working drawings of typical units and issue number in accordance with Figure 11 V.

Figure 12

Above the image of the node its designation is indicated in a circle in accordance with Figure 13 A, if the node is depicted on the same sheet from which it was taken, or 13 b, if it is placed on another sheet.

Figure 13

A node that is a complete mirror image of another (main) design is assigned the same designation as the main design, with the addition of the index “n”.

5.5.5 Local species are designated in capital letters of the Russian alphabet, which are placed next to the arrow indicating the direction of view. The same designations are applied above the images of species.

5.5.6 For each type of images (sections and sections, nodes, fragments), an independent numbering order or letter designations are used.

5.5.7 On the image (plan, facade or section) from which the fragment is removed, the corresponding place is usually marked with a curly bracket in accordance with Figure 14.

Figure 14

The name and serial number of the fragment are placed under the curly bracket or on the shelf of the leader line, as well as above the corresponding fragment.

5.5.8 Images up to the axis of symmetry of symmetrical plans and facades of buildings and structures, layout diagrams of structural elements, layout plans for technological, energy, sanitary and other equipment are not allowed.

5.5.9 If the image of a section, section, node, view or fragment is placed on another sheet, then after the designation of the image indicate in brackets the number of this sheet in accordance with Figures 10, 11 A, 12 and 14.

5.5.10 Images may be rotated. At the same time, in the names of images in the drawings, the conventional graphic designation “rotated” according to GOST 2.305 is not given if the position of the image is unambiguously determined, i.e. oriented by coordination axes and/or elevation marks.

5.5.11 If the image (for example, a plan) does not fit on a sheet of the accepted format, then it is divided into several sections, placing them on separate sheets.

In this case, on each sheet where a section of the image is shown, a diagram of the entire image is given with the necessary coordination axes and a symbol (hatching) of the section of the image shown on this sheet in accordance with Figure 15.

Note - If drawings of image sections are placed in different main sets of working drawings, then the full designation of the corresponding main set is indicated above the sheet number.

Figure 15

5.5.12 If the floor plans of a multi-story building have slight differences from each other, then the plan of one of the floors is completed in full; for other floors, only those parts of the plan that are necessary to show the difference from the plan depicted in full are carried out.

Under the name of the partially depicted plan, the following entry is given: “For the rest, see plan (name of the fully depicted plan).”

5.5.13 In the names of the plans of a building or structure, indicate the word “Plan” and the mark of the finished floor or the floor number, or the designation of the corresponding cutting plane (when two or more plans are made at different levels within the floor).


1 Plan at elevation. 0.000

2 2nd floor plan

When executing a part of a plan, the name indicates the axes that limit this part of the plan.

Example - Plan at elevation. 0.000 between axes 21-30 and A-D

It is allowed to indicate the purpose of the premises located on the floor in the name of the floor plan.

5.5.14 In the names of sections of a building (structure), the word “Section” and the designation of the corresponding cutting plane according to 5.5.2 are indicated.

Example - Section 1-1

Note - In the names of product sections, the word “Cut” is not indicated.

The names of sections are numerical or alphabetic designations of cutting planes.

Example - 5-5, B-B, a-a

5.5.15 In the names of the facades of a building or structure, indicate the word “Facade” and the designations of the extreme axes between which the facade is located.

Example - Facade 1-12, Facade 1-1, Facade A-G

It is allowed to indicate its location in the name of the facade, for example “main”, “yard”, etc.

5.5.16 The names of images in the drawings are not underlined.

6 Rules for fulfilling specifications on drawings

6.1 For layout diagrams of elements of a prefabricated structure, monolithic reinforced concrete structure, for drawings of the location of technological equipment and/or pipelines, installations (units) of technological, sanitary and other equipment, as well as for other drawings, specifications are drawn up in Form 7 (Appendix K).

When making drawings using the group method, group specifications are drawn up according to Form 8 (Appendix K).

6.2 The specification is usually placed on a sheet of drawings, which shows diagrams, plans for the location of equipment and pipelines, and installation plans. It is allowed to carry out the specification on separate sheets as subsequent sheets of drawings.

6.3 In electronic models, if necessary, specifications and other tables in the drawings may be performed in the working space of the electronic model, taking into account the provisions of GOST 2.052. In this case, it is recommended to perform them at a separate information level.

6.4 Specifications for construction products are made in accordance with GOST 21.501.

7 Rules for making changes

7.1 General provisions

7.1.1 Based on the provisions of Section 7 of this standard, standards of organizations can be developed that take into account the specifics of making changes to design documents depending on the volume of documentation, document flow conditions and the CAD and EDMS used.

7.1.2 A change to a document previously transferred to the customer is any correction, deletion or addition of any data to it without changing the designation of this document.

The document designation may be changed only if different documents are mistakenly assigned the same designations or there is an error in the document designation.

Changes to calculations are not permitted.

7.1.3 If a change to a document is not acceptable, a new document with a new designation must be issued.

7.1.4 Any change in a document that causes any changes in other documents must be simultaneously accompanied by corresponding changes in all related documents.

7.1.5 Changes are made to the original document.

7.1.6 Information about the fact of a change in the document is indicated by:

In paper documents - in the title block of these documents and/or in tables for recording changes;

In DE - in the details part of these documents;

In the "Note" column of documents and statements intended for document accounting.

7.2 Permission to make changes

7.2.1 Changes to a document (including its cancellation) are carried out, as a rule, on the basis of permission to make changes (hereinafter referred to as permission). The permit is issued on paper using Forms 9 and 9a (Appendix L) or as a DE.

The permit is registered in accordance with GOST R 21.1003.

7.2.2 The permit is approved by the head of the organization that developed the document or another official authorized by him.

Permission is the basis for obtaining original documents and making changes to them.

7.2.3 Original permits on paper are stored in the organization’s archives.

7.2.4 Changes to each document (for example, the main set of working drawings, specifications of equipment, products and materials) are made on the basis of a separate permit.

It is allowed to draw up one general permission for changes made simultaneously to several documents, if the changes are interrelated or the same for all documents being changed.

Changes to the documents of the main set of working drawings, drawn up in separate documents (see 4.2.5), as well as to the documents of the volume of design documentation, are made on the basis of one general permission.

7.2.5 When making changes to the DE, permission may not be issued if CAD and EDMS keep records and store versions of the document and provide access control that excludes the possibility of unauthorized changes.

7.3 Making changes

7.3.1 Changes are designated by serial numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.). One serial change number is assigned to all changes made to the document under one permit. It is indicated for the entire document, regardless of how many sheets it is made on.

7.3.2 When changes are made to the DE original, any change is indexed as a new version of this document.

7.3.3 Changes to paper original documents are made by:


Cleaning (washing);

Painting with white;

Introduction of new data;

Replacing sheets or the entire document;

Introduction of new additional sheets and/or documents;

Except for individual sheets of the document.

In this case, the physical condition of the original is taken into account.

7.3.4 Changes to documents are made using automated and handwritten methods.

7.3.5 Handwritten changes are made to paper original documents in accordance with 7.3.9-7.3.16.

After changes are made, the originals must be suitable for making copies of documentation of appropriate quality using reprographic methods.

7.3.6 Changes to the DE are made by releasing a new version of the document with the changes made.

7.3.7 When changes are made using an automated method, a new original is produced taking into account the changes made and its previous designation is retained.

A new original is also made if there is not enough space for handwritten changes or the clarity of the image may be impaired during correction.

If one or more sheets of the original are replaced or added, then the accession number assigned to the original is retained on them.

When all sheets of the original are replaced, it is assigned a new inventory number.

7.3.8 Changes to the estimate documentation are carried out in an automated way with the replacement of the entire document.

7.3.9 Changeable sizes, words, signs, inscriptions, etc. They are crossed out with solid thin lines and new data is added next to them.

7.3.10 When changing an image (part of an image), it is outlined with a solid thin line, forming a closed contour, and crossed out crosswise with solid thin lines in accordance with Figure 16.

Figure 16

A new image of the changed area is made on a free margin of the sheet or on another sheet without rotation.

7.3.11 Changeable and additional sections of the image are assigned a designation consisting of the serial number of the next change in the document and through a dot the serial number of the changed (additional) section of the image within a given sheet. In this case, the new image of the changed area is assigned the designation of a change in the replaced image.

If a new image of the changed section is placed on another sheet, then the change designation assigned to it is saved and is not taken into account in the table of changes to this sheet.

7.3.12 Near each change, including near a place corrected by erasing (washing) or painting with white, outside the image or text, a change designation is applied in a parallelogram (see Figure 16) and a solid thin line is drawn from this parallelogram to the changed area .

It is allowed not to draw a line from the parallelogram indicating the change to the changed section.

When making changes to text documents (to the text part of documents), lines from the parallelogram indicating the change are not drawn.

7.3.13 Changed sizes, words, signs, inscriptions, etc. located close to each other. circled with a continuous thin line forming a closed contour, without crossing out in accordance with Figure 17.

Figure 17

7.3.14 If a new image of the changed area is placed on another sheet, then the number of the sheet on which the new image is located is also indicated for the replaced image (see Figure 16).

7.3.15 Above the new image of the changed section, a designation of the change in the replaced image is placed in a parallelogram, and in the parallelogram it is indicated: “Instead of the crossed out one.”

If a new image of the changed area is placed on another sheet, then with a parallelogram indicate: “Instead of the one crossed out on the sheet (number of the sheet on which the replaced image is located)” in accordance with Figure 18.

Figure 18

7.3.16 If a new image of the changed section is placed near the replaced one, then they are connected by leader lines indicating the change in accordance with Figure 19.

Figure 19

Above the additional image, a change designation is placed in the parallelogram, and with the parallelogram, the following is indicated: “Addition” in accordance with Figure 20.

Figure 20

7.3.17 When adding a new sheet of a text document, it is allowed to assign it the number of the previous sheet with the addition of another lowercase letter of the Russian alphabet or through an Arabic numeral dot, for example 3a or 3.1.

In text documents containing mostly solid text, when adding a new paragraph, it is allowed to assign it the number of the previous paragraph with the addition of the next lowercase letter of the Russian alphabet, and when deleting a paragraph, keep the numbers of subsequent paragraphs.

7.3.18 When changing the total number of sheets of a document on its first sheet in the title block, appropriate corrections are made in the “Sheets” column.

7.3.19 Data on changes made to the original are indicated in the table of changes placed in the main inscription (if any), and if there is not enough space - in an additional table to it (see 5.2.6).

In the new (changed) version of DE, the table of changes indicates only data about the last change.

7.3.20 When making changes to documents, the table of changes is filled out on sheets (sheet):

The first (capital) of the new original, made as a whole to replace the old one;


Released instead of replaced ones;

Newly added.

7.3.21 The table of changes indicates:

a) in the column "Change." - serial number of document changes. When replacing an original with a new one, the next serial number is assigned based on the last change number indicated in the replaced original;

b) in the column "Number of students." - the number of changing areas of the image on a given sheet within the next change;

c) in the “Sheet” column:

1) on sheets issued instead of replaced ones - “Deputy”;

2) on sheets added again - “New.”;

3) when replacing all sheets of the original when manually making changes on the first (header) sheet - “All” (in this case, the table of changes on other sheets of this original is not filled out), in an automated way - “Deputy.” on all sheets.

In other cases, put a dash in the “Sheet” column;

d) in the column "N doc." - designation of permission;

e) in the column "Sub." - signature of the person responsible for the correctness of the change. When replacing all sheets of the original using an automated method, the signature is placed only on the first (title) sheet. The signature of the normative inspector is affixed to the field for filing the sheet (except for sheets issued in place of replaced and new ones);

f) in the “Date” column - the date the change was made.

7.3.22 It is recommended to register changes in text documents in the change registration table in Form 10 (Appendix M), which is placed on the separate last sheet of the document when making the first and subsequent changes.

7.3.23 When replacing sheets of documents issued with main inscriptions in forms 3-5, the sheets issued instead of the replaced ones are signed in columns 10-13 of main inscriptions in accordance with the procedure provided for the newly developed sheets.

7.3.24 When canceling or replacing sheets of a document, all canceled and replaced sheets of the original are stamped “Canceled (replaced)” in the form given in GOST R 21.1003 (Appendix D), which is filled out in accordance with the instructions given there.

7.4 Features of making changes to design documentation

7.4.1 Changes to the design documentation are made in accordance with 7.1-7.3, taking into account the provisions of 7.4.2-7.4.8.

7.4.2 Changes to the design documentation previously transferred to the customer, as a rule, are made in an automated way and carried out:

Replacing, adding or excluding individual sheets of a volume;

Replacement (re-release) of a volume - when it is completely reworked;

Release of additional volumes.

7.4.3 When completely revising a section or subsection of the design documentation, it is recommended to provide information about the changes made at the beginning of its text part: the basis for the changes, a brief description of the changes made.

7.4.4 If changes are made on the basis of a negative conclusion from the examination of the design documentation, then a certificate describing the changes made to the design documentation is included as an appendix in the “Explanatory Note” section. The certificate must be signed by the person responsible for the preparation of project documentation - the chief engineer of the project.

7.4.5 Registration of changes (versions) of the volume as a whole is carried out in the table for registering changes in Form 11 (Appendix M), which is placed when changes are made on its title page and cover. It is allowed to show the table only on the cover.

The change registration table does not take into account corrections made to the “Composition of project documentation” sheet in connection with changes in other volumes of project documentation.

7.4.6 Information about changes to sheets of graphic documents is indicated in the “Note” column of the volume contents:

a) for replaced sheets when making the first change - “Change 1 (Change)”, subsequent changes - additionally the next numbers of changes, separating them from the previous ones with a semicolon.

Example - Change 1 (Deputy);

b) for excluded (cancelled) sheets with the change number - “(Cancelled)”.

Example - Change 1 (Annul.);

c) for additional sheets with the change number - "(New)"

Example - Change 1 (New).

7.4.7 When completing additional volumes of project documentation, corrections are made to the list “Composition of project documentation”.

Information about changes in the statement “Composition of design documentation” is not provided in the contents of the volume.

7.4.8 Changes to the approved design documentation related to changes in the parameters of the construction project affecting its structural reliability and safety, and the need to re-approve the design documentation, are made by decision of the customer on the basis of a new design task or addition to a previously approved design task.

7.5 Features of making changes to working documentation

7.5.1 Changes to the working documentation are made in accordance with 7.1-7.3, taking into account the provisions of 7.5.2-7.5.9.

7.5.2 When making changes to the sheets of the main set of working drawings, in the list of working drawings of this set, in the “Note” column, indicate:

For replaced, canceled and additional sheets - information in accordance with listings a)-c) 7.4.6;

For changed sheets (handwritten) when making the first change - “Change 1”, subsequent changes - additionally the next numbers of changes, separating them from the previous ones with a semicolon.

Example - Change 1; 2; 3.

In case of replacement of general data sheets, in the list of working drawings of this set, it is allowed to provide information only about the last change in the sheets of the main set.

7.5.3 If additional sheets are included in the main set of working drawings, then they are assigned successive serial numbers and recorded as a continuation of the list of working drawings of the corresponding main set.

If there is not enough space in the sheet of working drawings to record additional sheets, the continuation of the sheet is transferred to the first of the additional sheets. In this case, at the end of the list of working drawings placed in the “General Data”, an entry is made: “For continuation of the sheet, see sheet (sheet number)”, and above the sheet on an additional sheet the heading is placed: “List of working drawings of the main set (Continued)” .

When changing the names of sheets, make appropriate corrections in the “Name” column.

When making changes in handwriting, the numbers and names of canceled sheets in the sheet of working drawings are crossed out; in an automated way, the “Name” column for canceled sheets is not filled out.

7.5.4 When making changes to the documents of the main set, drawn up in separate documents, appropriate corrections are made to the list of documents of the main set of working drawings.

7.5.5 When performing additional and canceling previously completed attached documents, corrections are made to the “Attached Documents” section of the list of reference and attached documents of the corresponding main set of working drawings.

When replacing reference documents in working drawings (see 4.2.8), corrections are made to the corresponding section of the list of reference and attached documents.

7.5.6 When performing additional and canceling previously completed main sets of working drawings, corrections are made to the list of main sets of working drawings.

7.5.7 In tables of changes on general data sheets, corrections made to general data sheets in connection with changes to the main set sheets and attached documents are not taken into account as areas of changes in accordance with 7.3.11.

7.5.8 Registration of changes in working documentation documents drawn up with title pages is also carried out in the table for registering changes in Form 11 (Appendix M), which is placed on the title page when changes are made.

7.5.9 Copies of sheets (modified, additional and issued instead of replaced sheets) of working documentation on paper are sent to organizations to which copies of documents were previously sent, along with copies of general data of the corresponding main set of working drawings, specified in accordance with 7.5.2-7.5 .6.

New versions of documents with amendments are sent to organizations electronically (see 7.3.6).

8 Rules for preparing bound documentation

8.1 Copies of text and graphic materials of design documentation and technical reporting documentation for engineering surveys are bookleted into volumes folded in A4 format GOST 2.301.

Note - Stitching refers to the placement of project documentation materials on paper in binders or in hard folders with easily removable fastenings (locks).

8.2 Copies of working documentation documents are compiled into folders sheet by sheet, folded in A4 format, as a rule, separately according to the main sets of working drawings.

It is allowed to bind copies of working documents into volumes in accordance with 8.1 or into albums folded in A3 format.

The number of sheets included in a folder or album must comply with 4.1.5.

8.3 Each document, volume or album intended for binding, as well as a folder with documents folded in it, is decorated with a cover in accordance with Form 12 (Appendix H). The cover is not numbered and is not included in the total number of sheets.

8.4 The first page of a bound document, as well as a volume consisting of several documents, an album or a folder with working documentation, is the title page.

The title page is made according to Form 13 (Appendix P). Examples of making title pages are shown in Figures P.1 and P.2 (Appendix P).

In a volume of project documentation consisting of several independent documents, including a text part, a title page for the text part, as a rule, is not provided.

8.5 It is recommended that all sheets of a bound volume (album) be numbered consecutively, starting with the title page. In this case, the title page is not numbered. The sheet number is indicated in the upper right corner of the working field of the sheet (see Appendix I).

In addition, text and graphic documents included in a volume (album) and having an independent designation must have a serial numbering of sheets within the document with one designation in the title block or footer (in accordance with 4.1.8).

8.6 When compiling several documents in the form of a volume, album, as well as in a folder, after the title page, the contents of the volume (album, folder), which is a list of documents included in the volume (album, folder), are given. The content is carried out according to form 2 (Appendix D) on A4 sheets.

Documents in the table of contents are recorded in the order in which they are compiled into a volume, album or folder. Graphic documents of design and reporting technical documentation for engineering surveys are recorded page by page. The cover and title page are not included in the contents.

In the "Name" column - the name of the document in full accordance with the name indicated in the title block or on the title page;

In the "Note" column - information about the changes made to the recorded documents, as well as the volume sheet number according to the continuous numbering of volume sheets in accordance with 8.5, from which the document begins.

If continuous numbering is not performed, then in the “Note” column the total number of sheets of each document is given. At the end of the contents, the total number of sheets included in the volume (album, folder) is given.

The first sheet of contents of a volume (album, folder) is drawn up with the main inscription according to Form 5 (Appendix G), the subsequent ones - according to Form 6 (Appendix G). The content is assigned a designation consisting of the designation of the volume (album, folder) and, through a hyphen, the code “C”.

Example - 2345-PZU2-S; 2345-11-KZh.I-S; 2345-11-OV.OL-S; 2345-11-ТХ.Н-С

In column 5 of the title block indicate “Volume Contents” or, respectively, “Album Contents” and “Folder Contents” and then - the number of the corresponding volume, album or folder (if any).

8.7 Title pages of volumes of design documentation are signed with the following signatures:

The head or chief engineer of the organization;

The person responsible for the preparation of project documentation, for example the chief engineer (architect) of the project.

The title pages of working documents are signed by the person responsible for the preparation of working documentation - the chief engineer (architect) of the project.

The title page of the technical report based on the results of engineering surveys is signed by the head of the organization or his deputy and, if necessary, other officials.

The title pages of copies of documentation transferred to the customer are certified with the seal of the organization that prepared this documentation.

8.8 The composition of the design documentation, as well as the composition of the reporting technical documentation based on the results of engineering surveys, is given in a statement made according to Form 14 (Appendix C) on A4 sheets.

The statements provide a sequential list of volumes of design or reporting technical documentation for engineering surveys.

The first sheet of the statement is drawn up with the main inscription according to Form 5 (Appendix G), the subsequent sheets - according to Form 6 (Appendix G).

The composition of the design documentation is assigned a designation consisting of the basic designation of the design documentation and, through a hyphen, the code “SP”.

Example - 2345-SP

When stitching a statement into a separate volume, it is designed with a cover and title page in accordance with 8.3 and 8.4. The volume number is not indicated on the cover or title page.

The composition of the reporting technical documentation based on the results of engineering surveys is assigned a designation consisting of the basic designation of the documentation and, through a hyphen, the code “SD”.

Example - 2344-SD

A.1 Codes for sections of design documentation for capital construction projects for industrial and non-production purposes are given in Table A.1.

Table A.1

Section number

Section code

Explanatory note

Scheme of planning organization of a land plot

Architectural solutions

Constructive and space-planning solutions

Information about engineering equipment, networks of engineering support, list of engineering activities, content of technological solutions

Project for organizing work on demolition or dismantling of capital construction projects

List of environmental protection measures

Measures to ensure access for people with disabilities


Requirements for ensuring safe operation of a capital construction facility

Estimates for the construction of capital construction projects

Measures to ensure compliance with energy efficiency requirements and requirements for equipping buildings, structures and structures with metering devices for energy resources used

Other documentation established by legislative acts of the Russian Federation

Note - The numbers of sections 10 and 11 may be given in the form 10(1), 11(1) or 10-1, 11-1.

A.2 Codes of sections of design documentation for linear objects are given in Table A.2.

Table A.2

Section number

Name of the design documentation section

Section code

Explanatory note

Right-of-way design

Technological and design solutions for a linear facility. Artificial constructions

Buildings, structures and structures included in the infrastructure of a linear facility*

Construction organization project

Project for organizing demolition (dismantling) of a linear facility

Environmental protection measures

Fire safety measures

Construction estimate

Other documentation in cases provided for by federal laws, including:

List of measures for civil defense, measures to prevent emergencies of a natural and man-made nature, measures to counter terrorism

Declaration of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities

Declaration of safety of hydraulic structures

* Design documentation for buildings, structures and structures is developed in accordance with the composition of the documentation in Table A.1.

Note - If necessary, codes for sections of project documentation may be designated in Latin letters in accordance with the rules established in the standards of organizations.

Table B.1

Name of the main set of working drawings


General plan and transport facilities

When combining working drawings of the general plan and transport structures

General plan

Car roads


Transport structures

When combining working drawings of roads, railways and other roads

Architectural and construction solutions

When combining working drawings of architectural and structural solutions (except KM)

Architectural solutions


Working drawings can be combined with the main set of the AP or AC brand

Reinforced concrete structures

Metal structures

Metal structures detailing

Wooden structures

Hydraulic solutions

Anti-corrosion protection of building structures and structures

Electricity supply

Outdoor electric lighting

Power equipment

Electric lighting (internal)

External water supply networks

External sewerage networks

External water supply and sewerage networks

When combining working drawings of external water supply and sewerage networks

Internal water supply and sewerage systems


Heating, ventilation and air conditioning

Air supply

Dust removal


Thermomechanical solutions

Boiler houses, thermal power plants, etc.

Thermomechanical solutions for heating networks

Wired communications*

The names of the main kits and brand designations are accepted according to Appendix A of GOST R 21.1703

Radio communications, radio broadcasting and television

Fire alarm

Security and fire alarm systems

External gas pipelines

Gas supply (internal devices)

Production technology

Technological communications

When combining working drawings of all technological communications

Anti-corrosion protection of technological devices, gas ducts and pipelines

Thermal insulation of equipment and pipelines

Comprehensive automation

When combining working drawings for automation of various technological processes and engineering systems

Automation +(**)

The names of the main kits and brand designations are accepted according to Appendix A of GOST 21.408

Irrigation linear structures*

The names of the main kits and brand designations are accepted according to Appendix A of GOST 21.709

* General names of objects are given.


1 If necessary, additional marks of the main sets of working drawings can be assigned. In this case, it is recommended to include no more than three capital letters of the Russian alphabet in the stamp, corresponding, as a rule, to the initial letters of the name of the main set of working drawings.

2 If necessary, marks of the main sets of working drawings may be designated by letters of the Latin alphabet or numerical codes in accordance with the rules established in the standards of organizations.

** The text corresponds to the original. - Database manufacturer's note.

Table B.1

Name of the attached document

Specification of equipment, products and materials

Sketch drawing of a general view of a non-standard product

Working drawing of a building product

Questionnaire, dimensional drawing

Local estimates

* Calculations, as a rule, are not included in the working documentation, unless otherwise specified in the agreement (contract) and design assignment.


1 Codes for other types of attached documents are given in the relevant SPDS standards or organizational standards.

2 It is allowed, if necessary, to designate the codes of the attached documents in letters of the Latin alphabet in accordance with the rules established in the standards of organizations.

Appendix D (mandatory). General data sheets for working drawings

Appendix D

Form 1 - List of working drawings of the main set

Specification Sheet

D.1 In the list of working drawings of the main set indicate:

In the "Sheet" column - the serial number of the sheet of the main set of working drawings;

In the "Name" column - the name of the images placed on the sheet, in accordance with the names given in the main inscription of the sheet;

In the "Note" column - additional information, for example, about changes made to the working drawings of the main set.

D.2 The list of specifications indicates:

In the "Sheet" column - the number of the sheet of the main set of working drawings on which the specification is placed;

In the "Name" column - the name of the specification in exact accordance with its name indicated on the drawing;

In the "Note" column - additional information, including changes made to the specifications.

Form 2 - List of main sets of working drawings

List of referenced and attached documents

List of documents of the main set of working drawings

D.3 The list of main sets of working drawings indicates:

In the "Designation" column - the designation of the main set of working drawings and, if necessary, the name or distinctive index of the organization that issued the document;

In the "Name" column - the name of the main set of working drawings;

In the "Note" column - additional information, including changes in the composition of the main sets of working drawings.

D.4 The list of references and attached documents indicate:

In the “Designation” column - the designation of the document and, if necessary, the name or distinctive index of the organization that issued the document;

In the "Name" column - the name of the document in exact accordance with the name indicated on the title page or in the title block;

In the "Note" column - additional information, including changes made to the recorded documents included in the working documentation. For documents in electronic form, indicate, if necessary, the identifier of the file(s).

D.5 In the list of documents of the main set of working drawings indicate:

In the "Designation" column - the designation of the document;

In the "Name" column - the name of the document in accordance with the name indicated in the title block. For graphic documents consisting of several sheets, the names of the images placed on each sheet are also given in accordance with the names given in the title block of the sheet;

In the "Note" column - additional information, including changes made to the recorded documents, and, if necessary, the total number of sheets of the document. For documents in electronic form, indicate, if necessary, the identifier of the file(s).

D.6 The dimensions of the statement columns, if necessary, can be changed at the discretion of the developer.

D.7 If necessary, it is allowed to include additional columns (columns) in the statements, for example, “Number of sheets,” etc.

D.8 When filling out statements using an automated method, horizontal lines demarcating lines may not be drawn. In this case, it is necessary to maintain an interval of at least one print digit between the texts of adjacent lines.

Appendix D (mandatory). List of ESKD standards to be taken into account when performing graphic and text documentation for construction

Appendix D

Table E.1

Designation and name of the standard

Conditions for application of the standard

GOST 2.004-88 Unified system of design documentation. General requirements for the implementation of design and technological documents on computer printing and graphic output devices

GOST 2.051-2006 Unified system of design documentation. Electronic documents. General provisions

GOST 2.052-2006 Unified system of design documentation. Electronic model of the product. General provisions

GOST 2.101-68 Unified system of design documentation. Types of products

GOST 2.102-68 Unified system of design documentation. Types and completeness of design documents

Taking into account the provisions of GOST 21.501 relating to the execution of drawings of construction products

GOST 2.105-95 Unified system of design documentation. General requirements for text documents

Subject to the provisions of sections 4, 5 and 8 of this standard

GOST 2.109-73 Unified system of design documentation. Basic requirements for drawings

GOST 2.113-75 Unified system of design documentation. Group and basic design documents

Taking into account the provisions of GOST 21.501

GOST 2.114-95 Unified system of design documentation. Specifications

Taking into account the provisions of 5.2.1, 5.2.2, 5.2.5-5.2.7 and section 8 of this standard. Provisions 3.7.1 and 3.8 of GOST 2.114 are not taken into account

GOST 2.301-68 Unified system of design documentation. Formats

Taking into account the requirements of the relevant SPDS standards

GOST 2.302-68 Unified system of design documentation. Scale

Subject to the provisions of 5.1.6 of this standard

GOST 2.303-68 Unified system of design documentation. Lines

Subject to the provisions of 5.1.3 of this standard

GOST 2.304-81 Unified system of design documentation. Drawing fonts

Subject to the provisions of 5.1.5 of this standard

GOST 2.305-2008 Unified system of design documentation. Images - views, sections, sections

Subject to the provisions of 5.5 of this standard

GOST 2.306-68 Unified system of design documentation. Designations of graphic materials and rules for their application in drawings

Taking into account the provisions of GOST 21.302, tables 4 and 5

GOST 2.307-2011 Unified system of design documentation. Drawing dimensions and maximum deviations

Subject to the provisions of 5.4.1-5.4.4 of this standard

GOST 2.308-2011 Unified system of design documentation. Specifying tolerances for the shape and location of surfaces

Taking into account the provisions of GOST 21.113

GOST 2.309-73 Unified system of design documentation. Designation of surface roughness

GOST 2.310-68 Unified system of design documentation. Applying designations of coatings, thermal and other types of treatment on drawings

GOST 2.311-68 Unified system of design documentation. Thread image

GOST 2.312-72 Unified system of design documentation. Conventional images and designations of seams of welded joints

GOST 2.313-82 Unified system of design documentation. Conventional images and designations of permanent connections

GOST 2.314-68 Unified system of design documentation. Instructions on the drawings for marking and branding of products

GOST 2.315-68 Unified system of design documentation. Simplified and conventional images of fasteners

GOST 2.316-2008 Unified system of design documentation. Rules for applying inscriptions, technical requirements and tables on graphic documents. General provisions

Taking into account the provisions of 5.4.5-5.4.7 of this standard

GOST 2.317-2011 ESKD. Axonometric projections

GOST 2.501-88 ESKD. Accounting and storage rules

Regarding the form of the inventory book, subscription card and instructions for folding drawings

GOST 2.511-2011 Unified system of design documentation. Rules for the transfer of electronic design documents. General provisions

GOST 2.512-2011 Unified system of design documentation. Rules for the execution of a data package for the transfer of electronic design documents. General provisions

Note - The conditions for application of the ESKD standards of classification group 7 are determined by the SPDS standards, which contain references to these standards.

Appendix E (recommended). List of allowed abbreviations of words used in graphic documents (addition to GOST 2.316)

Table E.1

Full name




Anti-seismic seam


Asphalt concrete

Concrete, concrete

Ventilation chamber

ventilation chamber


Contains (ts, t)

Chief Engineer

Ch. Eng. (O)

Chief engineer (architect) of the project

GIP (GAP) (o)

Chief Specialist

Ch. specialist. (O)

Expansion joint



doc. (That)




Reinforced concrete, reinforced concrete


Insulation, insulating





staircase, staircase

Workshop (in design organizations)


materials (t)


normal load


calc. load


san. tech.


san. node



Temperature seam


Rail head level

ur. g.r. (And)

Groundwater (underground) water level

Ground level

Finished floor level


Cement, cement

Cement concrete


Crushed stone, crushed stone


el-t (i, t)


1 Abbreviations marked with (o) are used only in the title block; (t) - in tables; (ts) - with numbers or codes; (i) - on graphic images.

2 Abbreviations of words indicated in this table and GOST 2.316 may be indicated in text documents divided into columns.

Appendix G (mandatory). Main inscriptions and additional columns to them

Appendix G

Form 3 - For sheets of main sets of working drawings, graphic documents of design documentation and graphic documents for engineering surveys

Note - For graphic documents on engineering surveys, the entry "N. control." (“Normal control”) in the main inscription may not be fulfilled.

Form 4 - For drawings of construction products (first sheet)

(Amendment. IUS No. 1-2015).

Form 5 - For sketch drawings of general types of non-standard products, all types of text documents (first or title page)

Note - The main inscription in Form 5 can be used for graphic documents on engineering surveys that are not used in design as a graphic basis.

Form 6 - For drawings of construction products, sketch drawings of general types of non-standard products and all types of text documents (subsequent sheets)

Note - The main inscription in Form 6 can be used for subsequent sheets of graphic documents on engineering surveys that are not used in design as a graphic basis.

In the columns of the main inscription and additional columns to it (the column numbers are indicated in brackets) the following is given:

In column 1 - designation of the document, including a text or graphic document of a section, subsection of design documentation, the main set of working drawings, product drawing, etc.;

In column 2 - the name of the enterprise and, if necessary, its part (complex), housing and civil complex or other construction project that includes a building (structure), or the name of the microdistrict;

In column 3 - the name of the building (structure) and, if necessary, the type of construction (reconstruction, technical re-equipment, major repairs);

In column 4 - the name of the images placed on this sheet, in accordance with their name in the drawing. If there is one image on a sheet, its name may be given only in column 4.

The names of specifications and other tables, as well as text instructions related to images, are not indicated in column 4 (except for cases where the specifications or tables are made on separate sheets).

On the sheet(s) of general data for working drawings, in column 4, write down “General data”.

In the case provided for in 5.2.3, in column 4 the name of the document or non-standard product is given;

In column 5 - name of the product and/or name of the document;

In column 6 - the symbol for the type of documentation: P - for design documentation, P - for working documentation.

For other types of documentation, the column is not filled out or the symbols established in the organization’s standards are given;

In column 7 - the serial number of the document sheet. On documents consisting of one sheet, the column is not filled in;

Column 8 shows the total number of sheets of the document. The column is filled out only on the first sheet;

In column 9 - the name or distinctive index of the organization that developed the document;

Column 10 - the nature of the work performed by the person signing the document, in accordance with forms 3-5. In the free lines, at the discretion of the design organization, the positions of specialists and managers responsible for the development and verification of the document are given. In the line under the entry “Developed”, instead of the position, it is allowed to enter the entry “Checked”.

The signatures of the person who developed this document and the normative inspector are required.

The bottom line shows the position of the person who approved the document, for example, the chief engineer (architect) of the project, head of the department or other official responsible for this document (sheet).

Signatures of the person responsible for the preparation of design or working documentation (chief engineer (architect) of the project) are required on sheets of general data on working drawings, the most significant sheets of the graphic part of project documentation and working drawings;

In columns 11-13 - the names and signatures of the persons indicated in column 10, and the date of signing.

Signatures of other officials and approving signatures are placed on the filing field of the sheet;

In columns 14-19 - information about changes that are filled out in accordance with 7.3.21;

In column 20 - the inventory number of the original;

In column 21 - the signature of the person who accepted the original for storage and the date of acceptance;

In column 22 - the inventory number of the original document, to replace which a new original was issued;

In column 23 - designation of the material of the part (the column is filled in only on drawings of parts);

In column 24 - the mass of the product shown in the drawing, in kilograms without indicating the unit of mass. The mass of the product in other units of mass is given with the unit of mass indicated.

Example - 2.4 t;

In column 25 - scale (indicated in accordance with GOST 2.302);

In column 26 - designation of the sheet format according to GOST 2.301. For an electronic document, indicate the sheet format on which the image will correspond to the established scale;

Column 27 contains the short name of the customer organization.


1 In columns 13, 19, 21, when indicating the calendar date on paper, the year is indicated in the last two digits, for example 02/06/12.

2 Column 27, indicated by the dashed line, is entered if necessary.

3 The “Agreed” columns (10-13), located on the filing field, may only be shown on those sheets where it is necessary. They are repeated if necessary.

4 It is allowed, if necessary, to change the location and size of additional columns placed on the filing field in accordance with GOST 2.004.

Appendix I (mandatory). The location of the main inscription, additional columns to it and the size of the frames on the sheets

Appendix I


1 The permissible size of the bottom frame is indicated in parentheses.

2 The column indicated by the dashed line is entered if necessary.

Figure I.1 - Location of the main inscription, additional columns and frame sizes

Figure I.2 - Permissible location of the main inscription on an A4 sheet

Appendix K (mandatory). Specifications

Appendix K

Form 7 - Specification

Form 8 - Group Specification

K.1 The specifications indicate:

In the column "Pos." - positions (brands) of structural elements, installations;

In the "Designation" column - the designation of the main documents for the structural elements, equipment, products or standards (technical conditions) for them recorded in the specification;

In the "Name" column - the name of structural elements, equipment, products, materials and their designations (brands), as well as, if necessary, technical characteristics of equipment and products. It is allowed to indicate the name once for a group of elements of the same name and underline it.

The specification records materials directly included in the specified structure, product, etc.

In a specification made in electronic form, the horizontal line included in the designation of materials (rolled products, pipes, etc.) can be replaced with a slash (/);

In the column "Count." forms 7 - number of elements.

In the column "Count." Form 8 - instead of an ellipsis, write “according to the scheme”, “per floor”, etc., and below - the serial numbers of the layout diagrams or floors;

In the column "Unit mass, kg" - mass in kilograms. It is allowed to give the mass in tons, but indicating the unit of mass;

In the "Note" column - additional information, for example, unit of mass.

K.2 The dimensions of the specification columns can be changed at the discretion of the developer, if necessary.

K.3 When filling out specifications using an automated method, lines delimiting horizontal lines may not be drawn.

Form 9 - Permission to make changes (first sheet)

Form 9a - Permission to make changes (subsequent sheets)

L.1 In the permission columns indicate:

In column 1 - the designation of the permit, consisting of the serial number of the permit according to the permit registration book in accordance with GOST R 21.1003 and, through a separating sign (hyphen, slash, etc.) - the last two digits of the year.

Example - 15-12; 15/12;

In column 2 - the designation of the document to which the change is made;

In column 3 - the name of the construction project;

Column 4 contains the next serial number assigned to changes made to the document under one permit. It is indicated for the entire document, regardless of how many sheets it is made on. Serial numbers of changes are indicated in Arabic numerals;

In column 5 - the numbers of the document sheets to which changes are made;

In column 6 - the content of the change in the form of a text description and/or graphic image;

Column 7 contains the code for the reason for the change in accordance with Table L.1.

Table L.1

It is permissible not to indicate the change reason code. In this case, the column is crossed out;

Column 8 contains additional information;

In columns 9-11 - the names of the persons signing the permit, their signatures and the date of signing;

In column 12 - the name of the design organization and the unit (department) that issued the permit;

In columns 13-16 - the name of the relevant departments or organizations, the positions and names of the persons with whom the permit is approved in the prescribed manner, their signatures and dates of signing, as well as the signature of the normative inspector;

Column 17 contains the serial number of the permit sheet. If the permit consists of one sheet, the column is not filled in;

Column 18 shows the total number of permit sheets.

L.2 It is allowed to use Form 9 for subsequent permission sheets.


1 It is allowed to supplement the form with columns to identify the permit in electronic form. The location and dimensions of the graphs are determined by the design organization independently.

2 In columns 11, 16, when indicating the calendar date on paper, the year is indicated in the last two digits.

Form 10 - Change registration table (text document)

Change registration table

Sheet (page) numbers

Total sheets (pages) in the document.

Doc number




M.1 The dimensions of the table columns in Form 10 are established by the document developer.

M.2 In the columns of the change registration table indicate:

In the "Change" column - serial number of the document change;

In the columns “Numbers of sheets (pages) changed, replaced, new, canceled” - numbers of sheets (pages) respectively changed, replaced, added and canceled under this permit.

When replacing all sheets of the original (at the next serial number of document changes), indicate “All” in the “replaced” column. In the remaining columns put a dash;

In the column "Total sheets (pages) in the doc." - the number of sheets (pages) in a text document after making changes;

In the column "Doc number." - designation of permission;

M.3 When replacing all sheets of the original in the table for registering changes in Form 10, the numbers of changes and other data relating to all changes previously made to the document are not reproduced.

Form 11 - Table of registration of changes (title page and cover)

M.4 In the columns of the table for registering changes in Form 11 indicate:

In the "Change" column - serial number of changes to the document or volume;

In the column "N doc." - designation of permission to make changes in accordance with the instructions in Appendix L;

In the column "Sub." - signature of the person responsible for the correctness of the change;

In the "Date" column - the date the change was made.

M.5 If necessary, the number of lines can be increased.

M.6 When replacing a document or volume, the change numbers and other data relating to all previously made changes are not reproduced in the change registration table in Form 11.

H.1 The following details are given on the cover:

The name of the construction project on the cover must correspond to the information given in columns 2 and 3 of the main inscription (see Appendix G);

Field 9 - volume number according to the statement “Composition of design documentation” or “Composition of reporting documentation based on the results of engineering surveys” (if available);

Field 10 - year of issue of the document;

Field 11 - to place the table for registering changes in Form 11 of Appendix M (if necessary).

H.2 The sizes of fields 1-11 are set arbitrarily; the margin lines indicated on the form are not drawn; Field numbers and names are not indicated.

H.3 It is allowed to include additional details and attributes on the cover in accordance with the requirements established in the organization’s standards.

H.4 The dimensions of the cover are taken depending on the format of the volume, folder or album to which it is applied.

P.1 The following details are given on the title page:

Field 1 - abbreviated, and in its absence - the full name of the parent organization (if any); indicate, as a rule, for government organizations;

Field 2 - logo (optional), full name of the organization that prepared the document;

Field 3 - number and date of issue of the certificate of admission to the relevant types of work (preparing design documentation or conducting surveys) that affect the safety of the capital construction project;

Field 4 - short name of the customer organization (if necessary). The name is indicated in the form: “Customer - name of the customer organization”;

Field 5 - name of the capital construction project and, if necessary, type of construction.

The name of the construction project on the title page must correspond to the information given in columns 2 and 3 of the main inscription (see Appendix G);

Field 6 - type of documentation (if necessary);

Field 7 - document name;

Field 8 - document designation;

Field 9 - volume number according to the statement “Composition of design documentation” or “Composition of reporting documentation for engineering surveys” (if available);

Field 10 - positions of persons responsible for developing the document;

Field 11 - signatures of the persons indicated in field 10, performed in accordance with GOST R 6.30. This field is also affixed with the certifying seal of the organization that prepared the document;

Field 12 - initials and surnames of the persons indicated in field 10;

Field 13 - year of issue of the document;

Field 14 - to place the table for registering changes in Form 11 of Appendix M (if necessary);

Field 15 - for additional columns of the title block in accordance with Appendix G. The information contained in these columns may be provided in another form in accordance with the requirements established in the organization's standards.

P.2 The sizes of fields 1-14 are set arbitrarily; the lines of these fields indicated in the form are not drawn; the numbers and names of the fields are not indicated.

Clause 3 It is allowed to design the title page without frames.

Clause 4 It is allowed to provide additional details and attributes on the title page in accordance with the requirements established in the organization’s standards.

P.5 The dimensions of the title page are taken depending on the format of the volume, folder or album to which it is applied.

Appendix P (for reference). Examples of making title pages

Appendix P

* The examples given are conditional.

Figure P.1 - Example of a title page for a volume of project documentation

Figure P.2 - Example of a title page for a volume (folder) of working documentation

Appendix C (recommended). Composition of project documentation. Composition of reporting documentation based on the results of engineering surveys

C.1 The statement indicates:

In the column "Volume number" - the serial number of the volume or volume number, including the section number and, if available, the number of the subsection, part, book (see 4.1.1, 4.1.3), separated by dots.

Example - 1, 2.1, 2.2, 5.5.1, 5.5.2;

In the “Designation” column - the designation of the document (volume) indicated on its title page, and, if necessary, the name or distinctive index of the organization that issued the document;

In the "Name" column - the name of the document (volume) in exact accordance with the name indicated on its title page;

In the "Note" column - additional information, including changes made.

C.2 The dimensions of the statement columns can be changed at the discretion of the developer, if necessary.

C.3 When filling out the statement using an automated method, horizontal lines delimiting the lines may not be drawn.