What is included in the list of free medical services provided under the compulsory medical insurance policy? What is compulsory health insurance (CHI)? Necessary documents for registration.

One of the important conditions for the social protection of the country’s population is providing its citizens with the necessary medical care. Health services that allow you to receive timely medical intervention are based on health insurance. The state provides the opportunity for its citizens and other persons to obtain compulsory health insurance (CHI) with a sufficient range of services that can support people’s health in the event of insured events. So what is compulsory health insurance (CHI)? How are citizens' rights to free medical care constitutionally protected? What does the compulsory medical insurance system guarantee to citizens? We will answer these and other questions in this article.

Basics of compulsory medical insurance

Compulsory health insurance is a set of measures to protect health, provide free medical care within the framework of current legislation, as well as carry out preventive measures. Insurance provides citizens with equal opportunities when medical intervention is necessary. Article 41 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees every citizen the right to health care and free medical care in state (municipal) institutions, which is carried out through the payment of insurance premiums, funds from the budget and other revenues. The provision of medical services is carried out at the expense of previously generated funds. The main guaranteed services include:

  • Emergency medical care (this does not include air ambulance services);
  • Primary health care delivery;
  • Therapeutic and preventive measures;
  • Specialized assistance;
  • Provision of services within the framework of the current compulsory medical insurance.

The implementation of compulsory health insurance occurs through specialized legal organizations - insurance companies. Providing the population with necessary medical care through the conclusion of contracts is considered among the main tasks. In addition, through the funds, payment is made for services provided to insured persons (patients) in medical institutions, and the rights of the population are protected.

Source of financing for health insurance

To implement a program of providing free medical care, it is necessary to have a significant financial base. The accumulator of funds in the compulsory medical insurance system is the Federal Compulsory Health Insurance Fund (MHIF). The main goal of the fund is to provide all persons participating in insurance with the necessary medical and medicinal assistance. Funds are generated from the following sources:

  • Contributions to the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund of employers for their employees;
  • Receipts in the form of fixed payments from individual entrepreneurs and self-employed persons;
  • Receipts from the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for non-working people.

Insurance premiums as receipts from employers are calculated at established rates for wages of employees. Payers are most organizations and entrepreneurial employers, with the exception of some representatives of small businesses, which are exempt from paying payments of this type.

Previously, the compulsory insurance fund was divided into federal and territorial; payments had to be transferred to each of these structures. Starting in 2012, the territorial Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund was abolished. Currently, payments are made only to the federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund at the basic rate of 5.1%.

Compulsory medical insurance policy

Guaranteed medical care is confirmed by the presence of a policy. You can obtain this document from the medical insurance company after concluding an appropriate agreement with it. The issuance of these documents in the compulsory medical insurance system is carried out to almost all persons, including:

  • Citizens of the country;
  • Non-working population and persons under the age of majority;
  • Temporarily or permanently residing in the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • Stateless persons;
  • To refugees.

The validity period of the policy depends on the status of the insured person. For citizens of the Russian Federation and those permanently residing in the country, the document has no expiration date. For temporary stayers, including refugees, the validity of the policy is limited to the established period of stay within the country.

The provisions on the rights of insured persons in the presence of a policy are listed in the law of November 29, 2010 No. 326-FZ “On compulsory health insurance on the territory of the Russian Federation.” Without presenting a document, an individual can only count on emergency free medical care. The policy covers the entire territory of the Russian Federation. In case of refusal of medical institutions to provide free services within the framework of compulsory medical insurance, it is possible to file a complaint at the location of the insurance company. Having a compulsory medical insurance policy gives some rights to its owners. With the help of the document, the following types of medical care become available:

  • Emergency provision of medical services;
  • Outpatient treatment in clinics, including diagnostic procedures and medical examinations, while free provision of medications in this case, as a rule, is not provided;
  • Inpatient treatment, which includes emergency hospitalization for the purpose of maintaining health, including during childbirth and exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Often, a medical policy provides the opportunity to diagnose diseases using special equipment. The owner of the document, if indicated, can become a participant in rehabilitation, preventive and health measures. For benefit categories of the population, a policy is required to confirm the right to free medicines. In addition, holders of a compulsory medical insurance document have the right to receive routine vaccinations and undergo a fluorographic examination. The presence of a compulsory medical insurance policy makes basic medical services accessible to the general population. This factor is especially important for low-income and socially vulnerable people.

How to get a compulsory medical insurance policy?

The policy as a document confirming the right of its owner to receive free medical care must be carried with you. It is presented during treatment in hospitals, clinics and ambulance services.

The policy is issued by insurance companies in any region of the country. The choice of the insurance company itself is the right of any citizen and other person. Although, as a rule, the result is determined by the territorial presence of the insurance organization. At the same time, there are no significant differences in the choice of companies. The range of services provided is the same, although some insurance companies have the right to attract clients with various bonus programs. To obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy, you must provide insurance companies with the following documents:

  • Identification;
  • SNILS;
  • Other documents, depending on the status of the insured person (birth certificate, proof of temporary residence, etc.).

Often, upon application, insurance companies initially issue a temporary policy. Its validity is limited to a period of 1 month, after which the current document is replaced with a current sample. A temporary policy has the same powers as a permanent one. If the policy is lost or the owner's last name is changed, a replacement is expected.

The policy, as a document of compulsory health insurance, is better to do in advance. In this case, if unexpected health problems arise, there will be no bureaucratic obstacles to obtaining medical care.

What does free medical care include?

Free medical care, which citizens insured under the compulsory medical insurance system can count on, is included in the basic program. The list of diseases for which assistance is available under the compulsory medical insurance system is quite extensive. This includes the following insurance cases:

  • Pregnancy, childbirth, child care;
  • Infectious and bacterial diseases;
  • Diseases of the endocrine system;
  • Digestive problems;
  • Diseases of the ears, eyes;
  • Diseases resulting from chromosomal abnormalities;
  • Decreased immune strength of the body;
  • Poisoning;
  • Diseases of the nervous system;
  • Other insurance cases.

The right to receive free assistance is regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, and assistance included in the basic program (preventive, special, high-tech, emergency) is regulated by Article 35 of the Federal Law of November 29, 2010 No. 326-FZ (as amended on December 28, 2016) “On compulsory health insurance in the Russian Federation."


The rights of citizens to receive free medical care are regulated by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, according to which special programs are in place to protect the health of the population of Russia. The general compulsory medical insurance mechanism is an obligation imposed on certain persons by law to make contributions to the compulsory medical insurance fund for insurance and protection of interests related to the costs of medical care. For the working population, such persons are employers, for the non-working population - regional authorities.

Hello everyone, friends! Recently a friend approached me and asked for help. Once upon a time, he lived without worrying without free medicine, but then he had children, and the economic situation changed. So he asked me to explain the benefits compulsory medical insurance policy: what is included in the list of services provided and how to get them. I suggest we figure out the nuances together!

What is a compulsory medical insurance policy and what does it include?

The compulsory health insurance policy (CHI) is provided under a special program operating in the Russian Federation. It certifies that the costs associated with your treatment will be paid by the company that issued the document. The document is issued to citizens of the Russian Federation free of charge, without any expiration date. According to the law, when going to medical institutions you must have it with you: without presenting the paper, if an insured event occurs, you will only be provided with emergency assistance. If you have a compulsory medical insurance policy, you can go to the clinic to which you are attached.

Essence and purpose of the policy

What does the insurance policy guarantee? It provides free medical care to every citizen of the Russian Federation. This right is established in the Constitution, and funding comes through insurance funds at the federal and regional levels. They are replenished by regular contributions, which are made as follows:

  • employers make contributions for employees;
  • The state pays for the temporarily unemployed.

The list of compulsory medical insurance services is determined at the federal level. Regions are also reviewing the conditions and introducing additional items if necessary. If you are unsure whether your case is included in your area's basic plan, contact your insurance representative.

Legislative framework: how to determine what is included in compulsory medical insurance

According to the law, citizens of the Russian Federation, regardless of age, gender and social status, must receive the same medical care. This is regulated by the following provisions and acts:

  • Federal Law No. 326;
  • Government Decree No. 1403 (it stipulates what is included in the basic program for 2018-2019);
  • regional regulations.

To receive medical care, contact institutions included in the public health insurance program. If you want to get help in medical institutions that are not included in their list, you will need a VHI policy.

What types of services are guaranteed by the state?

What are citizens entitled to free of charge under compulsory medical insurance? The main services include emergency assistance, eliminating threats to human life and health. It also turns out outpatient care:

  • an appointment with a doctor at the clinic to which you are assigned;
  • ambulatory treatment;
  • clinical examination;
  • therapy at home or in a hospital;
  • gynecological services, including pregnancy management.

Inpatient care, provided for by the compulsory medical insurance policy, implies the following:

  • planned or emergency hospitalization for exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • hospital stay when pathologies of pregnancy or childbirth are detected;
  • treatment when the need for inpatient therapy arises.

The possibility of receiving treatment, if it requires high-tech methods, is separately discussed. Since 2014, this option has been included in the policy, which has ensured the availability of medicine for the population. But in order to determine whether a case falls under a type of disease requiring TMV, one has to take into account all the nuances of the condition. Difficulties also arise with quotas - the amounts allocated for treatment under the policy.

If your condition is life-threatening (you were poisoned, broke a leg, got a burn), you must be accepted regardless of whether you have a policy.

What list of services is included in the compulsory medical insurance policy: what needs to be taken into account

Services under the basic compulsory medical insurance program are provided for the following diseases:

You will also receive help for injuries, poisoning, mental disorders, and the appearance of tumors (diagnosis, treatment and, if necessary, removal are carried out). Free services are also provided for congenital defects, chromosomal abnormalities and conditions arising during the perinatal period.

Who can receive services under the compulsory medical insurance policy included in the list

Who receives services under the general program? The following categories may qualify:

  • citizens of the Russian Federation who received the policy;
  • nationals of another state permanently residing in Russia;
  • stateless persons(refugees).

If in the first case the policy is issued on a permanent basis, then citizens of other countries do not enjoy this privilege. For them, the compulsory medical insurance will expire when the temporary residence permit expires.

How to find out if a service is included in the compulsory medical insurance program

Information about what is included in the types of basic assistance for your constituent entity of the Russian Federation can be obtained directly from the insurance company. Medical institutions also provide a list of services under the compulsory medical insurance policy, although in fact patients are rushed to sign an agreement for paid treatment. You can check the veracity of the data on the website of the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, but it can be difficult to understand the details. If you can’t find your way on your own, write an email or call the hotline: you will find contact information on the main page.

Where can you find out the list of compulsory medical insurance services: how to clarify the nuances

In some cases, it is enough to contact the insurance company to avoid paying for expensive services. By calling the phone number indicated on the policy, you will find out that not everything is as scary as the doctor said.

For example, there was a need to remove a cyst. Doctors are likely to say that the free option under the policy will be highly traumatic, but when concluding an agreement on paid services, the matter will involve minimal intervention. But once you involve the insurance company’s experts, the operation can be performed using modern methods.

List of free tests for compulsory medical insurance

By calling the phone number indicated on the policy, you will find out the list of free tests under compulsory medical insurance. After all, sometimes doctors themselves do not know whether the patient needs to pay: There is no approved list in the legislation.

For example, if you have diabetes, you are given a blood test to check your sugar levels. It is provided free of charge because it is part of the standard of treatment. But to identify the reasons that caused the malfunction in the body, a comprehensive examination is required. It includes a hormone test, which is not done in every clinic due to lack of equipment. As a result, the doctor recommends contacting a private laboratory. But go straight away or get free service?

Find out what is included in the free service

To find the answer to the question, proceed as follows: first, check whether the disease is included in the basic compulsory insurance program. If you find the position you need, open the standard of treatment on the Ministry of Health website and look for an analysis. Is it not on the list? Then you'll have to spend money.

Typically, all-Russian and territorial analysis lists include the following:

  • testing for syphilis, HIV, etc.;
  • detection of helminths in feces;
  • general and clinical blood test;
  • Ultrasound, MRI, CT;
  • X-ray;
  • biopsy;
  • general analysis of urine and feces;
  • glucose level test;
  • skin scrapings, saliva smears.

The complete list must be clarified depending on the region of your location.

Have you been undergoing treatment for a long time, undergoing tests, doing examinations, but there is no progress? The insurer is not interested in paying the costs indefinitely. This means that after your request, he will connect experts. They will request primary medical documentation and check whether the doctor made any mistakes during treatment. In other words, the list of compulsory medical insurance services also includes free quality control of services.

Dental services under compulsory medical insurance policy

The question of whether free dental services are provided under the compulsory medical insurance policy is often asked. If you don't want to pay the dentist, expect the following:

  • You will be admitted and your oral cavity examined;
  • cure inflammation;
  • they will put fillings;
  • remove plaque (up to 6 teeth);
  • splinting will be done with quick-hardening plastic;
  • cure hypersensitivity or diseases of the salivary glands;
  • they will remove a tooth (including complex cases), open an abscess and generally carry out surgical procedures;
  • They will do an x-ray.

But not everything is rosy, because the list of free positions under compulsory medical insurance includes only the simplest options. For example, a filling is made of cement; You will have to pay money to use light-curing imported materials.

As for prosthetics, the use of metal-ceramics or the manufacture of clasp structures remains paid. Benefits are provided for some categories (disabled people, veterans), but false jaws will not be made from expensive materials.

To receive dental care within the territorial compulsory medical insurance program, contact the clinic.

When wondering what dental care is included in the compulsory medical insurance policy, take into account the differences in regions. If in prosperous Moscow, clinics offer treatment no worse than what you will receive from private providers, then in small cities the situation changes. Depending on the region, the list of free services ranges from 20 to 200 items. There is no question of prosthetics under compulsory medical insurance: in many regions they are not even provided to veterans or disabled people. How can you get dental treatment without paying?

Doctors recommend not to delay a visit to the clinic: patients often walk with carious teeth for more than one year. And they turn to help when they cannot do without expensive intervention. According to dentists, up to 70% of the funds allocated under the compulsory medical insurance program are spent on the treatment of caries complications. If you do not want to pay, apply for a preventive examination 1-2 times a year. It is possible to treat simple cases under the compulsory medical insurance policy!

How to treat teeth according to compulsory medical insurance

Please note: when you go to the dentist with acute pain, he may take the opportunity to offer paid treatment. A common reason for referrals is inflammation of wisdom teeth, and doctors were able to monetize the scheme. They say that the patient needs to undergo numerous tests, and in some cases, go to the hospital, since a complex operation awaits. As an alternative, they offer a paid service: there is no need to test blood for hepatitis and study its biochemical composition.

When a person with acute pain is asked whether he wants to take tests and wait for the result or get help for money, the choice is clear. The main thing is that you keep the receipt and contact the insurance company, and, if necessary, the compulsory medical insurance fund. In such cases, the medical institution must compensate you for your expenses.

How to register with a clinic and receive treatment under the compulsory medical insurance policy

To receive medical care under the compulsory medical insurance program, contact the clinic to which you are assigned. If you have not yet chosen an institution, decide on the option and apply locally. You will need a package of documents:

  • passport citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • SNILS;
  • compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • if you are submitting documents for a child - representative statement;
  • if you are attached personally - your completed application.

Take care of the attachment in advance, since staff are given 4 working days to verify the information provided. Also find out if the clinic has a gynecology and dentistry department. If they are available, you will not have to submit new applications; in other cases, select a suitable clinic and apply with the same documents.

How to get help if the service is included in the compulsory medical insurance policy

Once you are assigned to a clinic, seek treatment from a general practitioner or general practitioner. He will determine further measures: within the framework of the policy, you cannot simply come into the office and state that you need an X-ray or MRI.

Check out the list and find out if your condition is included in it

The timing of assistance depends on the region, so check the conditions in specific cases. For example, in St. Petersburg the following rules apply:

  • primary health care must be provided within 2 hours. after treatment;
  • see a doctor for treatment primary specialized care you will get there no later than in 5 days;
  • to pass laboratory tests, you have to wait until 10 working days;
  • do CT or MRI you are obliged within 30 working days;
  • For planned hospitalization have to wait until 30 days.

Despite the agreed deadlines, you must receive emergency assistance immediately. You do not need to have compulsory medical insurance or be affiliated with a clinic.

How to get a referral for surgery under compulsory medical insurance

If you require serious treatment, proceed as follows:

  1. Once attached, make an appointment with the appropriate doctor. When you are examined and tested, based on the results you will be sent to a commission.
  2. She will make a decision, and you will receive a referral from your doctor for hospitalization. If necessary, you will undergo additional tests.
  3. Arrange for a hospital stay.

In practice, patients are faced with having to wait a long time for a free operation. If you are not provided with the required treatment within six months, file a complaint with the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.

The policy also provides services for the rehabilitation of the patient: if necessary, you will receive a voucher to a sanatorium from the attending physician.

Where to get treatment free of charge if it is included in the compulsory medical insurance policy

You can go not only to a public clinic, but also to a private one. Indeed, since 2011, such institutions have received the right to participate in the compulsory health insurance system. To find out if there are private clinics involved in the program nearby, find the website of the territorial compulsory medical insurance fund for your region on the Internet. Another option is to contact your insurance company. She will provide the necessary information and help you attach to the right center.

Not everything is so rosy: commercial establishments participating in the program are pursuing their own interests. They don't just provide free treatment that is covered by insurance. The main goal is to offer patients expensive “concomitant” procedures, impose examinations, and convince them of the need for additional tests. Frankly charlatan methods such as “early diagnosis of cancer by blood” are also possible. If you are offered this type of treatment, contact your insurance representative. He will determine whether there is a need for the procedure and will tell you whether you need to pay for it.

You can also choose where to receive treatment in public clinics. Do you live in the same area, but want to receive medical care in a clinic located opposite your place of work? Go to the selected institution and write an application addressed to the head physician. Please provide the following:

  • actual address;
  • place of registration;
  • Compulsory medical insurance number;
  • address of the clinic to which you are assigned.

Within 12 working days, the information will be verified and you will be transferred to the selected institution.

What is not included in free treatment under the compulsory medical insurance policy?

You should not count on free treatment in the following cases:

  1. You went to a clinic that does not participate in the compulsory medical insurance program. This happens even in cases where you were previously covered by insurance. There are discrepancies due to the fact that institutions annually submit an application for participation: if the period has expired and the clinic has not extended it, you will have to pay for treatment. The clinic can only serve certain areas under compulsory medical insurance (gynecology, dentistry), so check the conditions.
  2. Compulsory medical insurance does not include sexually transmitted diseases, HIV, AIDS, tuberculosis, and some types of dental and orthopedic services. The program does not provide assistance for mental illness or behavioral disorders. You will also not receive palliative care services (relief of suffering in incurable cases). But this does not mean that you will have to pay for services out of your own pocket, since there are separate programs in the regions.
  3. The state does not pay for examinations that you do on your own initiative. The program does not include homeopathic and cosmetological treatment, as well as anonymous services. The latter are provided only in exceptional cases provided for by law.
  4. If you want increased comfort, a separate room, a specially designated bed, you will have to pay for them. The insurance does not include the cost of an individual medical worker in your room. You will also purchase additional food at your own expense.
  5. Consultations and treatment at home, except in cases where the patient cannot visit a medical facility for health reasons, are subject to payment.

Conditions must be clarified in each case, so do not hesitate to contact a representative of the insurance company.

What to do if you are not provided with services included in compulsory medical insurance

Are you sure that the service should be provided free of charge under compulsory medical insurance, but you are denied? Take the following measures:

  • contact your primary doctor;
  • contact a representative of the insurance company;
  • call the compulsory medical insurance fund (phone numbers are indicated on the stand at the medical institution).

If you don’t have time to figure it out and you are forced to pay for help, warn that you will keep the receipt. With this document, you will file a complaint against the actions of the medical institution, and it will return the money.

Still have questions? Watch the video that explains what is included in the compulsory medical insurance policy:

If you are not served on time

Please note that there is essentially no free medicine in Russia: it remained in the USSR. Our system is not free, but insurance. This means that you should not tolerate if you do not get the help you need, and humbly wait for the result. If the deadline has passed, call your insurance agent. Did he not respond to the appeal? The quality control service will help you, where you can file a complaint.


To avoid overpaying for services that are provided free of charge, find out what your health insurance covers. If necessary, contact a representative of the company that issued compulsory medical insurance, and he will help you register at the desired clinic.

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State health insurance of citizens

State health insurance of citizens is a mandatory procedure. Due to this, free medical care is provided. The insurers are territorial or federal authorities.

Citizens are persons who have, and the insurer is a municipal or village budget. What is included in the free service if you have a compulsory medical insurance policy?

Professional assistance from medical workers can be obtained free of charge. Moreover, the planned examinations are carried out in the territory where the person is insured, that is, in order to receive the services of specialists, it is necessary to purchase a policy. Insurance calculations are based on contractual obligations. The policy is issued directly in organizations, enterprises or funds located in different areas.

For each locality, a register of medical services is approved. Any hospital or clinic has this list, agreed upon with municipal or regional authorities.

The modern program includes the following areas of assistance:

  • first medical;
  • specialized;
  • ambulance;
  • used in the treatment of pain in incurable pathologies.

These directions are defined by regulatory documents.

About types of assistance

Types of first aid and which specialists provide it:

  1. Nurses provide health care support to the patient.
  2. Paramedics or obstetrician-gynecologists provide pre-medical care.
  3. Medical care is provided by local doctors, including therapists and pediatricians.

First aid is provided by medical staff in a clinic, directly at the patient’s home or in a day hospital.

The specialist's responsibilities include:

  • reception of a citizen;
  • prescribing procedures to clarify the diagnosis;
  • determining the name of the disease;
  • prescription of complex therapy;
  • control over recovery.

Moreover, the purchase of medicines is not included in the list of free services.

Specialized medical care is provided when the patient is under observation in a day hospital.

This includes IVs, injections, massage, physiotherapy and surgery that does not require hospitalization.

Ambulance services are divided into:

  1. Specialized and urgent. That is, the deterioration of a citizen’s well-being does not threaten his life as a whole.
  2. Emergency urgent or emergency. The citizen's condition is dangerous to his life.

In the presence of acute diseases, hospitalization is prescribed, namely in case of:

  • vascular hemorrhages;
  • heart attack conditions;
  • in case of poisoning;
  • injuries;
  • infectious pathologies.

According to the order of the Ministry of Health, in the next two years there will be a complete medical examination of all Russian citizens. As a result of this examination, each person will be assigned a specific health group.

If any chronic disease is detected, you will be required to undergo a medical examination as many times a year as necessary based on the diagnosis.

If a person misses this examination, he will receive a message about this in the form of an SMS message. According to the introduced rules, insurance companies will have to process requests and complaints from citizens and provide assistance in the event of controversial situations.

If a patient has doubts about the quality of medical services provided to him, insurance workers will have to order an examination.

Amendments will be introduced to the Labor Code that will legislate an additional annual leave day. This day will be provided to workers over 40 years of age to undergo a medical examination while maintaining their average earnings.

The policy can be issued in paper form, as before, or in the form of an electronic card, which will not require presenting a passport at medical institutions. The temporary policy will be valid for 45 days.

Modern assistance programs provide for:

  1. Providing free medications to patients with chronic pathologies.
  2. Surveys of workers employed in hazardous or difficult conditions, as well as whose activities are related to food.
  3. Ensuring monitoring of the condition of young children, including those under guardianship or orphans.
  4. Conducting examinations of pregnant women on the eve of childbirth.
  5. Examinations of newly born babies for hereditary pathologies.

Maternity services

The policy provides women with the right to free qualified medical care while expecting a baby. The document provides for the possibility of choosing a clinic and a doctor for the expectant mother while she is expecting her baby.

When presenting the policy to the clinic, a woman has the right to a whole range of procedures and examinations, which include:

  1. Treatments are therapeutic or preventive.
  2. Visiting a visiting nurse at home.
  3. Study of biomaterial in specialized laboratories.
  4. Hospitalization, if necessary.
  5. Diagnosis of pathologies of the unborn child.
  6. Preparing for...
  7. Rules and recommendations for breastfeeding.
  8. Consultations with specialists of other profiles.
  9. Choosing a gynecologist with the consent of the specialist himself.
  10. Preventive, therapeutic and diagnostic measures in special organizations that have the right to engage in these activities.
  11. Pain relief if surgery is necessary.
  12. Ensuring the protection of health information.
  13. Right to refuse assistance.
  14. Presence of relatives or friends at the birth.

If a premature baby was born, then according to a free program, such children are nursed and operated on for organ transplantation.

Benefits in dentistry

Dentist services are quite expensive, so many people are confused about what kind of help they are entitled to receive without paying. To do this, you must have health insurance.

In each territory there is an individual Program according to which dental services are provided, and throughout Russia only provision of emergency care is provided.

Specialized dental care covers:

  1. Treatment in regional clinics.
  2. Treatment of children in children's clinics.

Moreover, each institution must approve a list of services, and the patient must be informed:

  1. About the types of services.
  2. About the working hours of specialists.
  3. About telephone numbers and locations of insurers.
  4. About the benefits provided.

Many private medical institutions also provide services without payment, and you can learn about this from the operators.

The following types of services are provided for children:

  • restoration of tooth enamel not affected by caries;
  • silver treatment and remineralization of teeth;
  • orthodontic appointments and services.

Free service

Free adult service includes:

  • doctor's appointment, specialist consultation and examination of the oral cavity;
  • treatment of the pathology of periodontal disease and gingivitis, caries and pulpitis;
  • elimination of exacerbation;
  • building up hard tooth tissues with damaged roots;
  • surgical interventions;
  • cleaning teeth from stones;
  • straightening the jawbone;
  • removal of decayed teeth;
  • radiography;
  • treatment of salivary glands;
  • physiotherapy;
  • local and general anesthesia.

Medicines can be issued free of charge if they are on the list of free medicines approved at the regional level. Typically, these are domestically produced products.

Complaints about specialists

If controversial issues arise and conflict situations are brewing, you can file a complaint against the doctor.