Master plan for the development of Parnassus. Parnassus will become paradise

In the 18th century, on the site of the future area of ​​new buildings, there were the possessions of Count Shuvalov. In them, by order of Empress Catherine the Great, the Parnassus mound, about 60 meters high, with an observation deck, was created. Hence the name of the territory.

In the 19th century, this place was still used for recreation, but then its history turned out to be connected with the development of industry, in particular peat mining.

Serious start

Housing construction on Parnassus began in the 1970s. But then houses were built on the southern side of the Pargolovo-Ruchi railway line.

Comprehensive development of the territory north of the railway started 12 years ago. At the end of 2006, the northernmost station of the St. Petersburg metro (and, by the way, the northernmost in the whole world) “Parnas” opened.

And in May 2009, the implementation of the Glavstroy-SPb company began nearby. The scale of the project is serious: about 2.7 million square meters will be built on an area of ​​270 hectares. m of housing. Construction of the 15th phase of the project has recently begun.

Somewhat later, a number of companies began to develop the territories between the Northern Valley and Shuvalovsky Park. Thus, the Norman company has already completed the first stage, is constructing the second stage, and is also constructing (however, with this developer).

The KVS company will commission several phases in 2018-2020. IC Pragma plans to put it into operation this year.

Evgeny Viktorov, musician

We bought an apartment in the very first stage of the Northern Valley. I remember that there were many doubts: the huge scale of the development, the proximity to an industrial zone, it was unclear whether the construction would be completed... But the proximity to the metro (only a few hundred meters!) and city registration won out. Actually, I drive a car myself, and my wife often uses the subway.

I don’t regret my choice; I’ve heard a lot about transport collapses in Kudrovo and Murino. We don’t have this: you can leave the microdistrict at the Ring Road interchange, Engels Avenue, Suzdal Avenue relatively quickly.

The microdistrict is really located quite conveniently. It is included within the city limits and belongs to the Vyborg district of St. Petersburg. Traffic jams are possible during rush hour (especially at the exits to Suzdalsky Prospekt and the Ring Road). But according to residents, there are problems with parking. Those who return after 21.00 have to park their car far from home.

Alexey Rezenkov, BN columnist

I myself once considered the option of buying an apartment in the first stage of the “Northern Valley” - it is very close to the metro there.

But, of course, not the entire territory of the Parnas microdistrict can boast of being close to the subway. Thus, the distance from the station of the last stages of the “Northern Valley” is one and a half to two kilometers.

Some people prefer to walk, others use minibuses. One way or another, the time to get to the metro must be included in the overall path to the final point.

As for the residential complexes near Shuvalovsky Park, the metro station is also one and a half to two kilometers from them, and now the route actually runs through off-road roads and construction sites. Over time, of course, this problem will be solved.

Between greenery and industrial areas

In terms of ecology, the territory of Parnassus looks ambiguous. This is especially felt in certain wind directions.

Lyudmila Virolainen, logistician

We live in a new complex next to Shuvalovsky Park. This neighborhood, of course, pleases. There are places to go for a walk with the children. On the other hand, the presence of an industrial zone can still be felt: there is an unpleasant smell in the air. I'm not sure if it's straight from there, maybe it's due to the construction that's still going on around here. Wait and see.

Not far from our residential complex - not critical, of course, but life would be calmer without them.

Already now we, like residents of other complexes near the park, feel the lack of social infrastructure. In the “Northern Valley”, kindergartens and schools are already overloaded, and going to the “big city” is not very convenient, along Zarechnaya Street to the Vyborg Highway. There is a high risk of traffic jams.

Let us add that approximately a few kilometers from Parnassus there are many water recreational areas: Big (Lower) Suzdal Lake, Napoleon's Shirt Pond, etc.

The Northern Valley planning project provides for the creation of a large park along Zarechnaya Street. Its concept is currently being developed.

According to the developer, there will be green areas with a central square, recreation areas, sports and children's playgrounds. But the park will be created by the end of the project - and these dates have not yet been announced precisely.

Infrastructure promises to improve

Like any other developing microdistrict, Parnas is experiencing certain problems with social infrastructure. Glavstroy-SPb should build, according to plans, 10 schools and 13 kindergartens; Now several kindergartens and two schools are already operating, but, of course, this is not enough.

Many residents of Parnassus still use the infrastructure of long-established neighborhoods south of Suzdal Avenue.

Marina Shatalova, housewife

My child goes to the new school 482, which was built directly in the Parnas microdistrict. Parents often complain that the school is overloaded, there are a lot of first-graders, which is why the older grades suffer, because they don’t have enough classrooms. There is a shortage of teachers.

Meanwhile, I can say that we used to go to an ordinary old school on Prosveshcheniya Avenue, and there were also over 30 people in the classes, plus old classrooms, equipment... At the school on Parnas, everything is new, fresh.

The main problem is getting there. There are more people willing than the institution's capabilities. Another school, as far as I know, is already being built. All difficulties, I think, are temporary.

Those who wish can use the services of private kindergartens - they have been operating in Parnassus for a long time. But this, firstly, is expensive, and secondly, in fact it does not always guarantee the same quality of services as in state gardens, which are more strictly controlled.

According to local residents, there are no problems with the trading infrastructure in Parnassus. The microdistrict is full of small and medium-sized shops and service facilities.

Near Parnassus there are two large shopping centers - Mega Parnassus and Grand Canyon. Large complexes will appear on the territory of the microdistrict itself, but later.

In general, the residents of Parnassus have no serious complaints about the territory. The area is systematically developing. Few people complain about the high-rise development - in comparison with many new integrated development projects, sometimes reminiscent of Shanghai, the same “Northern Valley” is perceived as a single, albeit overly urban, architectural ensemble.

Families with children who need to be sent to kindergarten or school may have some temporary difficulties. But everything is solvable.

And, of course, prices in Parnassus are attractive to buyers: they are approximately the same as (just over 80 thousand rubles per sq. m), despite the fact that Parnassus is a city, and the Kudrovsky lands are the Leningrad region. City “registration” is still a serious argument.

Text: Alexey Rezenkov Photo: Alexey Alexandronok

Just some seven years ago, rare passengers reached the Parnas metro station - employees of enterprises in the industrial zone of the same name, and owners of garages stretching in a single chain along Engels Avenue. Now there is no trace left of the garage cooperatives, and the metro station has to be stormed in the morning and evening hours. Still would! Parnassus has turned into a lived-in micro-city, whose population is growing every year.

Where to buy an apartment

The key project of this location remains from the company. It was from this complex that a new life began in the northern outskirts of the Vyborg region in 2009. “Northern Valley” still remains the largest project for the integrated development of territories in St. Petersburg, which is designed for 80 thousand residents. In total, more than 2.5 million square meters will be built here. m. of housing. Now half has already been built - eight phases with a total area of ​​more than 1.7 million square meters have now been put into operation. m. The project should be fully completed in 2021.

Several years ago, other construction companies began to join the major market player. Currently, six more residential complexes are being built on Parnassus: , . Prices for apartments here start from 1 million 700 thousand rubles. The average cost per square meter in new buildings in Parnassus is 65 thousand rubles. With our service you can.

Transport situation: passengers on the metro, motorists in traffic jams

A metro station within walking distance is a really significant plus, especially in a metropolis where not a single new metro station has appeared over the past four years. So the residents of Parnassus are, one might say, lucky. The first stages of the Northern Valley, which have been populated for a long time, are located very close to the metro. From distant buildings and other residential complexes to the station you will have to walk 10-20 minutes, or even half an hour. However, after the opening of new roads, you can easily get to the metro and by minibus. It is also easy to get to the metro station by public transport. "Etc. Enlightenment", buses also run in suburban directions.

The key developer of Parnassus - the company is also building new roads. True, with some delay. The new road network stretches along the perimeter of several blocks. However, roads are just being laid to newly commissioned or still under construction buildings. Because of this, getting to remote houses of the residential complex is problematic. The situation is the same in another part of the microdistrict, where other developers are building the remaining residential complexes. So, for example, st. M. Dudin was connected to Zarechnaya Street, but temporary roads still lead to the houses under construction.

The biggest problem for residents of new buildings in Parnassus is leaving the neighborhood during rush hours. Now there are only two exits, and one of them is conditional. The main road leading from the neighborhoods is M. Dudin Street. Along it you can get to Engels Ave. and then either to the Ring Road, or to the populated areas of the Vyborg region and to the center. The second path is the bumpy 4th Upper Lane, which is difficult for a passenger car to overcome. Therefore, few people risk using this exit. The narrow Engels Avenue cannot cope with the load, especially the viaduct over the railway tracks, where the traffic jam mainly accumulates.

Prospects: new exits - salvation from traffic jams

If the Engels viaduct etc. is unlikely to be expanded in the near future, then additional exits should appear soon. Yes, st. N. Rubtsov is planned to be continued and connected to Engels Ave. The Glavstroy company planned to do this last year, but by mid-2016 the departure had not appeared. In the same 2015, they were supposed to connect and extend two more streets – F. Abramova and Zarechnaya to the 8th stage of the “Northern Valley”, but this has not happened yet. Subsequently, Zarechnaya will also be located on Engels Ave. Once all plans are implemented, motorists will be able to travel home comfortably. In the meantime, there are eternal traffic jams on the road.

Exiting onto the Vyborg Highway could make life easier for motorists. To do this, you just need to connect the broken street. Zarechnaya, from which you can easily get to the Vyborg highway. In addition, the construction of this section of the road is provided for by the territory planning project. However, no money is provided for these purposes in the city budget for the coming years. The construction of a street extension can only be an initiative of developers. But this is hardly possible in the current economic conditions.

But there is a chance to implement one of the city projects, which will only worsen the transport situation in the neighborhood. The city is not abandoning the idea of ​​launching a light rail tram from Sertolovo to the metro station. "Parnassus". Undoubtedly, this will increase passenger traffic at the final station of the St. Petersburg metro. Even now, getting to Parnas station in the morning is a big problem. And this despite the fact that not all houses are built and occupied. However, according to the latest data, the light rail project has again been frozen indefinitely.

Ecological situation: between the park and the ring road

Despite the fact that on the opposite side of Engels Ave. from the residential areas there is a vast industrial zone, the surroundings of Parnassus are relatively safe from an environmental point of view. The main air pollutant is motor transport. The microdistrict is surrounded on one side by large highways with intense traffic - Engels Ave. and the ring road.

But, on the other hand, the new buildings are closely adjacent to a large green area, where the destroyed buildings of the gardens that once flourished here live out their days.

A little further is the large-scale Shuvalovsky Park. You can walk to it from the nearest new buildings in about half an hour. In the microdistrict itself there is clearly a lack of green space. It can be seen that trees are being planted, but all these plantings so far resemble a withering oasis in the desert.

But if Glavstroy-SPb and the Northern Valley Management Company are doing at least something to green the area, then next to other new buildings there are only asphalt spaces and a few surviving bushes and trees.

According to the territory planning project, the creation of a park is envisaged. It should appear between Gavrilin and Zarechnaya streets. Now there is a swamp there. And it will turn into a park only by 2021, when the residential complex construction project is fully completed.

By that time, most likely, the trees inside the neighborhoods will grow stronger and turn into small public gardens. In the meantime, Parnassus is a clear example of a real “concrete jungle”.

Infrastructure: minimum set

Now about 30 thousand people live on Parnassus. Among the social infrastructure in the microdistrict there are only two kindergartens, one school and the Polis consultative and diagnostic center. Clinic." Obviously, with such a population, this is not enough. Residents bombard the City Administration and deputies with petitions with one question: “When?” The answers are very spatial. It is clear that this year, as promised, two more kindergartens and a school will be commissioned. They are almost completed, and there is every reason to believe that by September 1 they will open for the children of the neighborhood.

The rest of the plans are more like an unsubscribe. So, officials promise that in 2017 another school and kindergarten will be built. In 2018, things will continue to grow - two kindergartens and two educational institutions. And in the period from 2019 to 2021, the six remaining kindergartens and five schools should be commissioned. And these are just the company's plans.

Other developers of this location did not stand aside either. A kindergarten will be built on the territory in 2018, and in the same year a kindergarten will appear in. In a year, two schools will be built here. And in 2019, a kindergarten will open in.

Of course, if all plans are implemented on time, these facilities should be enough for residents of the microdistrict. But, looking at the history of the construction of already completed objects, plans are usually adjusted towards extending the construction period.

But the children’s and adult clinics on the territory of the “Northern Valley” are only in the project. When they will appear is the big question.

But everything is fine with the commercial infrastructure on Parnassus. Several shopping centers have already opened. There are many shops, restaurants and service businesses. The microdistrict really takes on the shape of a lived-in “dormitory”. Everything you need can be purchased without leaving the neighborhood.

However, being in the courtyards of the “Northern Valley” and other already commissioned objects, one cannot leave the feeling of not being comfortable. There is not much greenery, children's playgrounds do not shine with variety, only in a few courtyards there are really bright and interesting children's towns. The situation is aggravated by the large number of personal vehicles of residents of the Northern Valley.

There is a catastrophic shortage of parking spaces. All courtyards, open parking lots and sidewalks are clogged with cars. As a result, the impression from the complex is concrete and iron.

If the “Northern Valley” is built up in blocks, and all courtyards are comprehensively landscaped, then the territories of other residential buildings are improved, as they say, “no further than my front door.” While some of them are adjacent to mountains of construction waste, dilapidated abandoned buildings and overgrown vacant lots.

Parnas metro station is a key pricing factor

This location certainly has good prospects. The determining factor, of course, is the Parnas metro station. There are practically no new buildings left near the metro at reasonable prices in the city. An alternative, and even a dubious one, is Murino, which is already part of the Leningrad region.

Not long ago, new projects started on the territory of Parnassus. In addition, sales are opening in new phases of already built complexes. So, you can buy an apartment close to the metro within the city, and even inexpensively, in Parnassus. But you should be careful when choosing a developer. So, for example, a company building here may not meet the expectations of shareholders in terms of the timing of commissioning of its facility. The partners building the facility have been arguing in the courts for a long time. Now, according to some reports, they have come to an agreement that suits both parties. The complex is promised to be completed at the end of 2017. In the meantime, several floors have been built.

And, of course, the buyer of an apartment in Parnassus should be prepared for a hectic life in a densely populated “sleeping area.” This is exactly how Parnassus appears now. This is exactly what it will be like, only on an even larger scale, in six years, when this location is fully formed.

Accelerating economic growth, regional development.

The People's Freedom Party (PARNAS), the country's oldest democratic party, was restored by the force of public protest and the activism of citizens who share the ideals of freedom and democracy. PARNAS, which has united democratic opposition forces, adopts its political program.

We proceed from the fact that human and civil rights guaranteed by the Russian Constitution of 1993 are today in serious danger. The protection of these rights - to life and property, to expression of one's own opinion, to freedom of assembly and religion, to fair elections, to an impartial trial - is our common cause, around which we unite.

Our main principles:
1) republic - Res Publica (common cause),
2) people,
3) freedom.

We have united for a common cause. People means - Russia for the people! Freedom - economic and political, freedom from arbitrariness and corruption, the rule of law and a fair trial.

We are convinced that power should serve people, and not vice versa. We want this principle to be the basis of state policy not in words, but in deeds. An ineffective, corrupt state machine seeks to subjugate the lives and will of the people. Power is encroaching on the space of political freedoms. Private initiative is being squeezed out of the economy. Corruption penetrating from the upper levels of power corrodes the morals and values ​​of society. The quality of education and healthcare is falling. Prices, fines and administrative pressure are rising. We cannot watch what is happening in inaction.

The development and prosperity of our society depends on people, and not on natural resources or gold and foreign exchange reserves. Only an independent and responsible person is able to resist arbitrariness and lawlessness, corruption and bureaucracy. Only a person who is self-confident and independent of the will of others can create and create for the benefit of his family and society. Russia should become a country conducive to such people - smart, young, energetic, proactive, free.

Guaranteed freedoms for every person are the key to the country's revival. To do this, we all need to become citizens - people who are able to jointly express their demands and values ​​and are ready to defend their rights and self-esteem. Relations between a person and the state must be placed on a modern civilized basis. We intend to defend the right of citizens to independently determine their future, curb the omnipotence of officials, and strictly define the boundaries of state intervention in people’s lives.

WE WANT TO SEE RUSSIA as a modern society, and therefore we declare: we are for a Russia without arbitrariness and corruption! These words are the slogan of our party.

WE INTEND TO CONSISTENTLY and tirelessly move towards our goal - transforming Russia into a country where a person's rights and freedoms are the highest value, and their protection is the main responsibility of the state.

We must remember that the struggle for civil rights has never been easy anywhere. Therefore, we need to choose priorities and focus on what matters.



The bureaucracy that has usurped all power in the country, condemning us to a vicious circle of arbitrariness and corruption; establishing restrictions for citizens and exceptions to the rules for themselves; generating feelings of injustice and hopelessness in society; turning taxpayers' pockets and the economy into its own fiefdom. Limiting the omnipotence of the bureaucracy, curbing corruption, returning citizens to political rights and faith in a fair trial - all this will be the first necessary step towards a free society, where the state respects the dignity of everyone, and citizens consciously form an effective and responsible government.


The government, which during the years of financial abundance was unable to propose a strategy for sustainable development, attract investment, provide the entire country with a network of quality roads and introduce modern infrastructure, create conditions for economic modernization and the emergence of new modern industries, is, to say the least, incompetent. We do not need handouts in the form of national projects and federal programs. We need a state development strategy!


As a result of the predatory policies of the federal government, the population of Russian regions, cities and villages is still deprived of political rights and economic independence. The Russian Federation urgently needs genuine federalization, decentralization and liberalization. Russia needs a compact but influential center and independent, prosperous regions and municipalities. The socio-economic responsibilities of the center and the regions must be clearly delineated. Regions and municipalities must finally gain the right to manage the money that the people living in them earn. Without liberating and unlocking the potential of Russian regions, the tasks facing the country cannot be solved.


Carry out comprehensive political reforms!
Curb the bureaucracy!

The main principle that guides us is democracy. We have to, for the first time in Russian history, put the country's political system under effective public control. Half-hearted, imitative concessions to the authorities do not suit us. We are fighting for deep and comprehensive political reform!

The current political system does not allow the formation, identification and representation of values, worldviews and interests of various sectors of Russian society. The lack of conditions for political competition undermines the principle of people's sovereignty guaranteed by the Constitution.

In Russia, “capitalism for its own” has developed - a corporate state led by an uncontrollable autocratic president and the new bureaucratic nobility supporting him. Power and property in this system are inseparably fused, and corruption, arbitrariness and lawlessness have become the norm.

We do not need either a “vertical of power” or an inverted “power pyramid”. We need working transparent institutions, clear rules and a new social contract in which the state will serve the person, and not the person - the state!

The time has come to carry out a large-scale political reform, a constitutional maneuver that will change the relationship between citizen and state. Our main task is to establish real public control over the institutions of power. The executive branch should finally become only one of the branches of government, and not replace the entire statehood. We will strive to ensure that real politics returns to Russia, where candidates will compete fairly for votes in free elections, and those who win this fight will be responsible to citizens for their promises.

Rights and freedoms

The universal values ​​of human rights and freedoms, enshrined in the Constitution of Russia and the fundamental documents of the Council of Europe, are a priority for the activities of our party. We are categorically against any “special” interpretations of these values. To ensure the rights and freedoms of citizens, we intend to implement the following priority measures:

1.1 Ratification of Protocol No. 6 to the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, final and irrevocable abolition of the death penalty.

1.2 Exclusion from legislation of norms allowing prosecution for dissent, repeal of anti-extremist legislation.

1.3 Review of cases of persons recognized as political prisoners. Broad amnesty for non-violent crimes.

1.4 Changes in the principles of work of the Constitutional Court, ensuring priority and impartiality of consideration of issues related to violations of the rights of citizens.

1.5 Abolition of the institution of registration at the place of residence and liberalization of migration control norms.

1.6 Prohibition for state and municipal bodies, state and municipal or enterprises, institutions and organizations with a share of state and municipal participation to be founders or owners of print, television, radio broadcasting and electronic media, except for official publications intended exclusively for the publication of their own decisions and legal acts.

1.7 Tightening liability for interference in the independent activities of the media and the exercise of censorship functions.

1.8 Ensuring a notification procedure for holding mass public actions.

1.9 Ensuring a notification procedure for registering public associations, including political parties.

1.10 Restoring full access of the media to information; adoption of a new law on guarantees of citizens' access to information about the activities of government bodies and officials, liability for obstructing access to it - administrative and criminal in cases involving a danger to people's lives.

Electoral system

In order to return fair and free elections, to restore and ensure the normal functioning of the institution of elections, we consider it necessary:

1.11 Reducing the threshold for elections under the proportional system to 3%.

1.12 Return of the right to create electoral blocs.

1.13 Formation of the Central Election Commission exclusively by representatives of political parties (full term
whose CEC member cannot be renewed).

1.14 Changes in the procedure for forming territorial election commissions:

  • formation of election commissions exclusively by political parties and public organizations:
  • election of heads of election commissions (chairman, deputy, secretary) exclusively by members of the commissions;
  • limiting the functions of state and municipal administration bodies to providing material, organizational and technical assistance to election commissions;
  • prohibition of state and municipal employees from joining commissions.

1.15 Banning absentee ballots, “additional voter lists,” limiting the practice of early voting to exceptional cases.

1.16 Classification of crimes related to violation of the electoral rights of citizens by members of election commissions, officials of state and municipal bodies, as well as other persons, to the category of especially serious crimes.

1.17 Restoration of the right of public associations to appoint election observers.

Every citizen or representative of a public organization should receive the right to become not only a voter, but also an observer.

1.18 Restoration of the electoral deposit as an alternative to collecting signatures as a basis for registering candidates and lists of candidates for elections.

1.19 Introduction as an additional basis and guarantee for the registration of candidates and lists of candidates for elections, the submission of a certain number of signatures of deputies of state and municipal representative bodies of the corresponding or higher level.

1.20 Reinstatement of the mandatory minimum turnout to recognize elections as valid.

1.21 Introduction of general and precinct electronic voter lists with automatic registration of those who voted in elections at all levels.

Thus, we will once and for all rid the country of the cynical “carousels” organized by falsifiers.

1.22 Introduction of sanctions in case of unmotivated refusal of the mandates of candidates elected on the party list; Candidates taking leave from government positions during any election campaigns.

1.23 Radical simplification of election legislation and the introduction of a long-term moratorium on its changes.

In the sphere of government, to balance powers and prevent the usurpation of power, we intend to implement the following fundamental measures. We propose to amend the Constitution and other laws to limit the powers of the president and expand the powers of parliament.

The government will be formed by a parliamentary majority based on the results of parliamentary elections and will be accountable to parliament, not the president. The control powers of parliament will be significantly expanded, including the right to conduct parliamentary investigations. The president will be responsible for defense, foreign policy, law enforcement, and the government will be responsible for the socio-economic policy of the country.

President of Russia

1.24 Exclusion from the powers of the President of the Russian Federation of any grounds to actually stand above all other branches of government, including the judiciary.

1.25 Prohibition of the possibility of holding the position of President of the Russian Federation more than twice during one’s life; the term of office of the head of state is reduced to 4 years.

1.26 Assignment of the duties of the President in the event of early termination of his powers to the Chairman of the Federation Council, and not to the Chairman of the Government.

1.27 Granting the President the right, in the event that the Duma does not submit an agreed candidacy for the position of Chairman of the Government, to independently form a Government for a period of no more than one year, after which the Duma must consider the issue of trusting such a Government.

Federal Assembly and Government of the Russian Federation

1.28 Return to the mixed system of elections to the State Duma (225 seats - under the majoritarian system and 225 - under the proportional system).

1.29 The Federation Council will be elected by citizens in direct elections by the population of the regions. Nomination of candidates will be free.

1.30 Amendment to the Law on Parliamentary Investigations: each chamber should have the right to independently create its own commissions of inquiry, on the initiative of one tenth of the members of the chamber (the objects of investigation may include, among others, the President of the Russian Federation, other senior officials of the country, as well as federal judges ).

1.31 The Accounts Chamber will become a body of exclusively parliamentary control.

1.32 The candidacy of the new Chairman of the Government will be presented to the President by the State Duma after the parliamentary elections or after the resignation of the Government.

1.33 The resignation of the Government of the Russian Federation will take place before the newly elected State Duma.

1.34 Exclusion of the power of the President of the Russian Federation to arbitrarily dismiss the Government (or its Chairman). The President should have the right to dismiss the Government only in the absence of confidence on the part of the State Duma.

1.35 The term of office of the State Duma, governors and regional parliaments will be reduced to 4 years. Governors will not be able to serve more than two terms.

Fight against corruption

In Russia, corruption has become a system closely linked to power. Power has become synonymous with corruption. This is why the fight against corruption will be especially difficult. That is why it must be energetic and comprehensive. That is why the fight against corruption is in everyone’s interests. We propose to implement a nationwide anti-corruption program, involving in the process all citizens who are ready to contribute.

We are implementing the following priority measures:

1.36 Inclusion in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation of the provisions of Art. 20 of the UN Convention against Corruption, which refers to the crimes of “illegal enrichment, i.e. a significant increase in the assets of a public official in excess of his lawful income, which he cannot reasonably justify.”

1.37 Check for involvement in corruption of all senior officials of the state, regions, municipalities and state corporations without exception.

1.38 Prohibition for persons holding a federal, regional or municipal position, as well as state and municipal employees:

  • engage in any form of entrepreneurial activity;
  • represent the interests of the state or local community in business companies;
  • engage in any other highly paid activities, including scientific, teaching and creative activities;
  • make calls for participation or non-participation in elections, show interest in certain election results;
  • apply to court with claims for the protection of honor and dignity if public opinion about them is expressed in connection with their activities.

1.39 Introduction of the obligation of a person engaged in entrepreneurial activity before his election or appointment to a state or municipal position, before entering public service, within a week after filling the position to transfer all rights to manage his property to third parties or organizations, on the basis of a publicly accessible agreement and with the provision public periodic reporting.

1.40 Before participating in the competition for a position in the public service, all candidates must submit information about the sources of income and property status of both themselves and their close relatives.

The introduction of mandatory annual expense declarations for officials, deputies and their immediate relatives, as well as real sanctions for failure to provide declarations and false information.

1.41 We will create an independent Anti-Corruption Agency, accountable to Parliament, whose task will be to combat corruption in the highest echelons of power (presidential administration, government, state agencies, regional authorities) with the broadest powers.

1.42 Prohibition for state and municipal employees, after retirement, to work for four years in commercial organizations with which they had relationships within the scope of their competence.

1.43 Amendments to the law providing for the confiscation of all property of citizens and members of their families whose participation in corrupt transactions is recognized by the court.

1.44 Elimination of class privileges of officials (special hospitals, sanatoriums, flashing lights and other attributes of inequality).

1.45 A radical reduction in the number of state and municipal employees (by no less than 30%) with their subsequent retraining at the expense of budgetary funds.

1.46 We will abolish the immunity from prosecution of deputies and officials at all levels for effective control over their implementation of laws. We will create an institute of independent prosecutors to investigate offenses by officials.

1.47 Creation of a system of independent Administrative Courts to resolve disputes between citizens and government authorities. We will provide citizens with the right to private prosecution in all cases where corruption is suspected.

1.48 We will completely eliminate the commercialization of the provision of public services and provide simple and convenient electronic document flow for them.


Ensure dynamic and balanced economic growth!

Only the creation of favorable conditions for dynamic economic growth can lead Russia out of the impasse of raw material dependence and stagnation, social stagnation and cultural degradation. We are capable of creating a real Russian economic miracle, relying on:


Economic success accompanies countries that are best adapted to the development of market relations. Market and competition are two main components of modern economic success. Over the twenty post-Soviet years, a fundamentally new economy has been built in Russia, but competition has not been allowed. Russia today is a market economy without competition.

Its absence is the main problem of modern Russian politics and economics. Its absence gives rise to corruption, condones the arbitrariness of officials who dispose of economic benefits, gives rise to monopolies that inflate prices, and finally turns power itself into a source of enrichment for officials and their relatives.

Only healthy competition will create the preconditions for strong economic growth, reduce costs and stabilize prices on the domestic market. Only competition will allow us to destroy the bureaucratic “Russia” Corporation, into which the corrupt and greedy government has turned our country.

To develop competition, we intend to:

2.1 Limit the role of the state in the economy as an economic entity, dismantle the system of state corporations; The state's share in the country's GDP should not exceed 25%. Prohibit the state and local authorities, state-owned companies, state-owned banks and state-owned corporations from owning assets in competitive sectors.

2.2 Make the fight against the dominance of monopolism, cartels and price collusion at any level a priority direction of state economic policy; The antimonopoly agency should receive the broadest powers.

2.3 Abolish the concept of strategic industries, allow private, including foreign capital, to build and own infrastructure facilities, including railways, roads, pipelines, etc.

2.4 Change the legislation on procurement competitions and government contracts, ensuring their real openness for Russian and foreign companies.

2.5 Organize the state’s withdrawal from competitive sectors of the economy; transfer blocks of shares owned by the state to the Russian Pension Fund with restrictions on voting with these shares.

2.6 Ensure transparency and consistency of rules and procedures for access to natural resources (land, water, forests, subsoil) and infrastructure (utilities, transport, energy, telecommunications).

2.7 Fundamentally reform infrastructure monopolies (including “local”), highlighting competitive types of activities.

2.8 Switch to European standards of technical regulation and rules of “entry” to the market, in a short time create a free trade area with the European Union, and in the future - a customs union.


The degradation of transport and logistics infrastructure in the last decade has turned Russia into a kind of feudal state, where each region, region, republic, district lives its own life and is weakly connected with each other. Due to the incompetence and inaction of the authorities, roads, airfields and ports are in chronic disrepair. Communication between settlements is carried out through the center, even if we are talking about neighboring regions thousands of kilometers from Moscow. Centralization of transport flows not only makes the movement of goods and people more expensive, but also directly limits one of the main freedoms - freedom of movement, without which there can be no competitive economy, investment, or normal economic development.

We advocate that investment in infrastructure become a priority of state economic policy.

We will actively work to:

2.9 Dramatically increase investment in infrastructure with the attraction of private capital on the terms of public-private partnership.

2.10 Initiate a program for the construction of roads, railways and airport complexes according to European standards and with the attraction of foreign investment.

2.11 Provide direct transport links between regional centers of the Russian Federation.


It is obvious that the “vertical of power” does not work.

A huge, complex, diverse country lives in “manual control” mode. Society is tired of bad management. We spend our lives fighting officials instead of working, creating, and developing. Society needs modern institutions - transparent, predictable, fair and simple procedures and rules. That is why the fight against corruption must be accompanied by the dismantling of cumbersome and complex administrative barriers and bureaucratic procedures.

The current political system predetermines not only the authoritarian style of government, but also the decay of all institutions, including those that should guard the law - the court, the prosecutor's office, the police, the intelligence services, etc.

The time has come to make the construction of modern institutions the main concern of the state and society.


To do this you need:

2.12 Eliminate units of the FSB, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Investigative Committee and other law enforcement agencies that have stained themselves with corruption and systematic violations of the rights and freedoms of citizens. Dissolve the traffic police and form a compact traffic police from new people.

2.13 Transform the FSB into the Federal Counterintelligence Service; remove from its functions the investigation, the fight against corruption, and from its structure - the government communications units and the Border Troops.

2.14 Demilitarize the Ministry of Internal Affairs, withdraw internal troops from its composition and create on their basis a people's National Guard under the leadership of the President of the Russian Federation and under the control of parliament, with clearly defined functions. Introduce a legislative ban on the use of riot police units against peaceful civil actions. The total number of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs should be reduced by at least a third.

2.15 Transform the army into a modern institution capable of fully ensuring the security of Russia, abolish forced conscription, move to a contract system for the formation of armed forces, significantly reduce the number of armed forces and equip them with modern weapons and equipment.

2.16 Fundamentally change the state’s foreign policy, putting it at the service of real national interests. Restore normal, friendly relations with neighboring states and former republics of the USSR. Become part of the pan-European space, focusing on comprehensive integration with the European Union. Soberly assess existing threats and challenges to international security, gradually move towards the formation of the Russia-NATO Union to ensure European and global security based on common values.

2.17 Exclude from the laws the provisions on the nomination of candidates for chairmen of the Constitutional, Supreme and Supreme Arbitration Courts by the President of the Russian Federation.

2.18 Elect the chairmen of all courts as judges of the relevant courts, establishing short terms in this position. The judges themselves must be elected with the participation of parliaments at the appropriate level, and magistrates must be elected by citizens.

2.19 Place courts of general jurisdiction on a district basis; The boundaries of the districts should not coincide with the boundaries of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

2.20 Deprive the chairmen of all courts of the authority or ability to distribute cases among judges, influence the recommendation of a candidate for the position of judge, initiate disciplinary proceedings against judges, determine the career growth and financial support of judges.

2.21 Abolish judicial qualification boards.

2.22 Establish an exhaustive list of grounds for depriving a judge of office.

2.23 Fundamentally expand the list of cases in which jury trials are used, if the defendants so require. Return all cases under the jurisdiction of the FSB to jury trials. Prohibit the overturning of jury decisions by a higher court.

2.24 Amend the law so that the testimony of law enforcement officers is considered by the courts as the testimony of interested parties.

Entrepreneurs and the state

The Russian economy is hideously deformed. The public sector is bloated beyond measure. In order for the economy to be resistant to crises, the share of the public sector should not exceed a quarter; in our country this figure is twice as high. Russian entrepreneurs today are more vulnerable than ever, enterprises and companies have no rights in the face of government raiders, regulatory services are strangled with inspections and nagging, companies are forced to maintain armies of employees in order to satisfy the endlessly changing demands of tax authorities and other controllers.

We believe that without liberation and full support for private initiative, Russia will never develop successfully!

We will work persistently to:

2.25 Eliminate, and where this is impossible, minimize all formal barriers:

Simplify tax and customs administration; reduce administrative checks; abolish the permit and license system;

Simplify the procedure for collecting insurance payments.

2.26 Reduce administrative pressure and taxes on small businesses, simplify tax and accounting reporting to the utmost.

2.27 Introduce electronic document management everywhere between small businesses and government agencies.

2.28 Stimulate business through tax holidays for newly opened enterprises in the field of material production and for new mineral deposits.

2.29 Reduce insurance fees from wages to 25% of its amount - with the exception of small businesses paying taxes under a simplified system. Individual taxes should be paid by individuals themselves, not entrepreneurs.

2.30 Increase the tax on dividends to 13% for Russian residents and to 26% for non-residents.

2.31 Introduce a 10-year moratorium on any tax changes after the completion of the tax reform.

2.32 Implement a program of deep modernization of the village, with an emphasis on supporting farms and peasant households. Including the provision of long-term loans for the development of mini-farms with modern technologies, assistance in creating a system for collecting and purchasing products at competitive prices, encouraging the creation of consumer and marketing cooperation for the storage and processing of agricultural raw materials in villages and regional centers, the development of transport and social infrastructure in the village.

2.33 Declare an amnesty to all entrepreneurs convicted and serving sentences for “fraud,” and introduce changes to the legislation that protect entrepreneurs from unfair criminal prosecution.

Human capital

We are convinced that investing in people is no less important a purpose of the state and a task of society than defense or maintaining public order. Today, people occupy the last place in the government’s system of priorities.

The taxpayer spends 4 times more on maintaining the state and its security apparatus than on healthcare.

The results of this policy are obvious: we are experiencing a demographic catastrophe, millions of people suffer from alcoholism and drug addiction, and the number of disabled people is growing.

For us, a free and responsible person is the highest value. Freedom, which we understand as autonomy and responsibility, is inseparable from the right to universal basic, accessible and free education and health care. Today this right is not guaranteed to us in practice.

2.34 We consider it our primary task to establish a uniform standard of costs (with adjustment factors) per patient and student in all schools, universities and medical institutions in the country. Inequalities in education and health care must be eliminated.

2.35 We stand for a legally established minimum level of hourly wages in the Russian Federation.

2.36 Considering human health to be the highest value, we insist that investments in maintaining and strengthening the health of working-age citizens become a priority area for spending budget funds.

2.37 In the healthcare sector, we consider it urgent to introduce a drug insurance system; return medicine to a preventive nature through regular free medical examinations; allow fair competition for funds from compulsory medical insurance and budgets of all levels between state medical institutions and non-state clinics; create a system of judicial and legal protection for patients in case of medical errors; introduce mandatory treatment standards and protocols adopted in developed countries and oblige doctors to strictly follow these standards; reduce the bureaucratic burden on health workers; give patients the right to be treated in any health care facility in the country; develop and implement a system for protecting the health of citizens over 65 years of age.

2.38 Accessible, quality education is a key tool for ensuring justice and equality of opportunity.

We believe it is necessary to ensure that everyone has meaningful access to quality education throughout the country; to use for this purpose all the variety of its forms, as well as flexible models of targeted financing; raise the prestige of the teaching profession; expel political parties, national and religious associations from state educational institutions; prohibit the management of schools and universities from being members of political parties.

2.39 We advocate expanding the number of subjects studied by students and instilling self-education skills in young people, while simultaneously developing a system of targeted support for outstanding teachers and talented students.

2.40 We consider it necessary to make the study of foreign languages ​​a priority in preschool and school education.


Power and money - from the center to the regions!

Over ten years, Russia has in fact turned into a unitary state, the subjects of which bear heavy financial responsibilities to Moscow, but are deprived of the rights to a share of expenses proportional to the real contribution to the economy, for development, for historical and cultural diversity. We advocate the immediate dismantling of the notorious and harmful “vertical of power” for Russia.

We consider the situation in which only two cities are developing in all of Russia - Moscow and St. Petersburg - to be unfair and dangerous. Most of the regional income is withdrawn to the federal budget. The regions are forced to humiliatingly beg Moscow for funds for their own development.

We believe that the economic prosperity of the country is unthinkable without the economic development of regions and municipalities. We advocate that power - political, economic, administrative - be returned to the regions and municipalities.

For this we consider it necessary:

3.1 Elect the Federation Council in direct free elections by the population of the regions with free nomination of candidates.

3.2 Restore general and direct elections of governors (presidents of republics) by the population of the constituent entities of the Federation without any “filters” or other restrictions.

3.3 Move to a parliamentary model in the constituent entities of the federation, for which purpose, introduce into the Law on the General Principles of the Organization of Legislative and Executive Power in the Subjects of the Russian Federation a rule according to which the highest regional executive body is formed by the legislative (representative) body of the region and is accountable to it.

3.4 Legislatively assign to the subjects of the federation and local authorities revenue sources sufficient to exercise their powers. Eliminate arbitrariness in the formation of interbudgetary transfers. It is necessary to carry out a radical reform of the tax system - to expand the tax system from the center to the regions and give the regions the opportunity to independently manage the funds they earn.
The share of the federal center in the consolidated revenues of the country should not exceed 40%, the share of municipalities should not be less than 40%.

3.5 Introduce a tax on the property of federal monopolies with payment at the location of the physical location of the relevant property; transfer a tax on land occupied by federally owned objects in the amount of 0.1% of its market value to regional and local budgets.

3.6 Eliminate the executive vertical of the system of federal districts, dissolve the corresponding bureaucratic institutions.

3.7 Eliminate the possibility of early dissolution from the center of regional legislative assemblies.

3.8 Eliminate any forms of discrimination against Russian citizens based on nationality and/or place of residence.

3.9 Develop a strategy for the development of border and/or coastal territories as platforms for integrating the Russian economy into the global economic system and international trade.

3.10 Abandon the policy of closing the Kaliningrad region and turn it into a springboard for cooperation between Russia and the EU, with easier business activities and the abolition of visas for EU citizens; ensure the development of the region as a fully free economic zone.

3.11 Abandon the “Greater Moscow” project. It is necessary to stop stimulating the growth of Moscow, which is already immensely swollen and already unsuitable for life, by directing resources to the development and improvement of the Russian province.

3.12 Eliminate duplication of powers at the federal and regional levels.

3.13 Set the goal of providing the state to citizens with sites for the construction of affordable housing with supplied engineering infrastructure and a ready-made project for the creation of social infrastructure.

3.14 Enshrine (in the Constitution or a special law) universal and direct elections of mayors of cities, districts and towns.

3.15 Ensure the formation of municipal police outside the Ministry of Internal Affairs system with the transfer to it of the functions of patrol and guard service, district inspectors, etc.

3.16 Ensure the formation of full-fledged municipal authorities in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

3.17 Siberia and the Far East should have a special legal status and a large-scale long-term federal program for exploration and development.

Over the past years, Russia has again become a country that is unfree, ineffective, and unfair. The state continues to remain authoritarian, suppressing society and preventing it from developing. Metastases of the criminal Stalinist regime continue to haunt our present and future.

Many people, not wanting to live in an atmosphere of uncertainty and fear, left the country. But millions continue to live and work in Russia and, like us, firmly believe in its future, in the future of their children here in their homeland.

Our party sees its patriotic duty in the open and courageous defense of the rights and freedoms of Russian citizens, because the greatness of Russia lies in the freedom and dignity of its citizens. Our duty is to restore democracy and justice in Russia - in an atmosphere of freedom!

Only the eradication of corruption, fair and free elections, an end to police brutality and the dominance of the security services, and the creation of conditions for the development of the economy and society will make it possible to launch mechanisms of sustainable economic growth, limit price increases, create millions of new jobs, increase the incomes of citizens, reversing the destructive processes of the destruction of morality, the growth of alcoholism and drug addiction, the decline of the economy, the decomposition of the state apparatus and the increase in the arbitrariness of the bureaucracy.

Only the implementation of PARNAS' program priorities will provide a new quality of life and create confidence in the future among millions of Russian citizens. The party sees its main task in implementing this program, in changing the situation in the country for the better.

The People's Freedom Party (PARNAS) is open to all Russian citizens who not only dream of a better life, but are also ready to actively fight for change.

We call on everyone who wants the power and prosperity of Russia and its citizens to grow in an atmosphere of freedom and justice, to join the ranks of our party and give it votes in the elections!

Parnassus is the northernmost district of St. Petersburg. Also called the industrial zone located nearby. A very favorable location for those who love the nature of the Leningrad region and recreation on the lakes and the Gulf of Finland. The proximity of the Ring Road is very convenient

On the other hand, if you work in the center of St. Petersburg, then this is a completely inconvenient location

The area is quite large. On its outskirts there is a new residential area with the romantic name "Northern Valley". The price per square meter here is not bad and the infrastructure is already ready

Of course, most of you will say that living in such a bedbug-infested anthill is not an option, but for some, such economy-class housing in not the worst houses is the way out. There are excellent front doors with concierges, 4 elevators in each building. There are two new kindergartens and one secondary school in the yard. In general, everything you need for life. There are also excellent chain grocery stores, and not only them. There’s even an Irish pub here in one of the houses by Fyodor Abramov

View from the 25th floor to the front door of the school

The windows look directly into the neighbors'

When you are below, you feel like an insignificant ant :)

Noise removal at the kindergarten

The downside is a large number of cars. There is underground parking under each house, but this, of course, is not enough. In the evening on a normal workday you can spend a lot of time looking for parking.

The area is very well maintained and clean

Playgrounds everywhere

Young trees

Balconies can hardly even be called balconies. As you can see, even the wheels barely fit. In general, a decorative element :)

It takes about 25 minutes by metro to the city center without transfers. By the way, this particular residential area is located two minutes from the Parnas metro station - the final blue line in the north. By car on a weekend it takes 20-25 minutes to get to the center along the fairly wide Engels Avenue. I don’t know during rush hour, to be honest.