Where in 1s 8.3 form odv 1. Report on the form sv-experience

About how many wonderful reports each new year prepares for us! Yes, so what am I actually talking about? Well, of course, about the new, as yet unknown form of SZV-STAZH. Of course, most accountants will say, why so early? It’s still April 2017, for the first time this report must be submitted no later than March 1, 2018. Of course, everything would be fine, except for one thing... If your employee retires, then you must submit this to the Pension Fund within three days after his application report. And it was this “lucky” incident that made our long-time client call our office today asking for help finding and filling out this form.
Well, of course, this is an everyday matter, so we decided to write a short article on this topic: where to find and how to fill out a new report to the Pension Fund in 1C programs.
Let's start with the 1C program: Salaries and personnel management 8, ed. 3.1
In the section Reporting, certificates find the point Pension Fund. Packs, registers, inventories:

Click the Create button to select a form

Since we are generating this reporting in connection with the retirement of our employee, we need to select the type of information

Now let's use the button Selection, since we need to select only one employee, and the button Fill in will generate a report for all employees of our organization:

As soon as we have selected the required employee, checkboxes become available below to indicate information about the calculation of insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance and at additional rates:

If you double-click on the line with the employee, a form for editing the length of service opens (if necessary). In my case, everything was filled out correctly and there is no need to correct the information:

Now let's display a printed form of this report and see how and where all our checkboxes are checked:

Well, it looks like all the boxes are in place.

Checking with various programs showed that everything is fine. The report can be sent. And finally, it’s possible to send a report from the program:

Phew, you can breathe out. Looks like we did it. Now let's look at other configurations.
Report in configuration 1C:ZUP 8, ed. 2.5 is a little easier to find. The log of information about insured persons is located on the tab Pension Fund:

Next, we proceed in the same way as in the program 1C: ZUP 8, edition 3. That is set the information type switch to Assignment of pension, check the boxes for calculating insurance premiums, and click the Selection button to select the employee we need. In this form, you do not need to open a new window to edit your experience information. All information is located nearby, which is perhaps to some extent more convenient for the user:

The print button is located at the bottom of the window, and the send button is at the top. Well, however, this does not interfere with work at all. The main thing is that here you can also send a report from the program.

For 1C: Accounting 8 programs, both editions 2.0 and 3.0, this form is filled out in the same way as the corresponding editions of the payroll program. I'll just show you where to look for them.
So, Accounting, ed. 3.0. In the section Salary and personnel open the magazine Pension Fund. Packs, registers, inventories:

Further, everything is as in the 1C program: Salaries and personnel management, ed. 3.1.
And finally, we got to the 1C: Accounting 8 program, ed. 2. Here, too, I will only show you how to find the report we need. For those who are accustomed to using the top menu in the program, the report can be easily found in the menu Personnel:

For those who prefer to work with bookmarks on the program desktop, the path will be one step longer. On the Personnel tab, open the magazine Personalized accounting documents of the Pension Fund of Russia:

And already in this magazine by clicking the button Add select the report we need:

Published 02/18/2018 23:02 Not long ago, a new calendar year arrived, and with it came the need to submit annual reports for the first time using a new form. In this article I would like to talk about the reporting form regarding insurance of individuals - information about the work experience of the insured persons SZV-Experience. I will tell you about the main stages of preparing this report and the nuances of checking it using the example of the program “1C: Salaries and Personnel of a Government Institution 8, Edition 3”, but the material will also be of interest to users of other 1C software products.

The report for the past year must be submitted using the new form no later than March 1. SZV-STAZH must be accompanied by another form - information on the policyholder in the EDV-1 form.
When preparing any reporting, it goes through three conventional stages:
1. Preparation of the necessary data (this includes various checks of reference information, its completeness and correctness).
2. Direct generation of the report.
3. Checking the report for submission to the regulatory authority.
In this article, we will go through these stages sequentially and figure out what exactly you need to pay attention to when creating the annual reporting form.
At the beginning of the article, I would like to note that I will generate and check this report for the article in the program “1C: Salaries and personnel of a government institution 8, edition 3”, the current version of which is 3.1.5. As you know, at the moment the 1C company team is ceasing to support not only the program “1C: Salaries and personnel of a budgetary institution, edition 1.0” (the so-called first version of ZBU), but also version 3.1.2 of the program “1C: ZGU, edition 3”. Versions 3.1.2 and 3.1.5 (the latter was released quite recently) are very different from each other, and the 1C company reminds that it is also necessary to plan the transition to a newer version of the program, which receives full support and timely updates.
The document “Information on the insurance experience of insured persons” is intended for the SZV-Experience report in the program. You can find it:

You can use the “1C-Reporting” command:

Or you can select a separate item:

These forms list all the reports available in the database.

1. Let’s proceed to the first stage of generating the “SZV-Experience” report - this is data preparation.

We will check the correctness of filling in the data directly about the policyholder (that is, about your institution for which you are preparing a report). This is important information for submitting reports to regulatory authorities, and it is located in the institution’s card:

Please pay attention to filling out the following fields:

In addition to the important fields about the institution, it is also worth checking the data about the insured persons (about the employees who work in the institution). Since the report is submitted to individuals, the necessary information should be looked for in the directory of the same name. You can view the data you are interested in in two ways:

Important information that must be filled in: last name, first name, patronymic of the individual and insurance certificate number:

If your organization employs many individuals, you can check the information with a report:

Once we have made sure that the necessary background information is filled out correctly, we will proceed to check the experience data. In the program, the following personnel documents are responsible for the formation of experience:

For the correct formation of records of experience, it is necessary that these documents for the reporting period be entered in full, checked and posted.
When concluding an employment contract with an employee, a “Hiring” document is generated. You must provide information about your experience:

After checking the personnel documents, we will proceed to checking the types of accruals. Let me explain why it is also necessary to check the types of accruals: each of them indicates the type of PFR experience. You can find the types of charges:

A list of charges opens. Let’s consider, for example, the “Sick Leave” accrual:

Let's go to the “Time Tracking” tab, there we will look at the important details:

Each type of accrual must indicate the type of length of service for correct inclusion in the report in the future.
Accordingly, all documents for registering sick leave, vacations and other absences of employees for the reporting period must also be entered into the program and posted.
In general, we can finish checking information in the information base.

2. Let's start generating the report.

In the reporting form, use the “Create” button: a list of report types opens, select the one you need:

A new SZV-Stazh report is created, in which you must indicate the year:

After we have specified the reporting period, use the “Fill” button:

The report is filled out by employees, focusing on the dates of hiring and dismissal or the dates of concluding a civil contract (if there are employees registered under contracts for work/services or an author's order). Moreover, the report also includes those employees whose length of service is only partially in the reporting year. For example, if an employee worked only one day in the reporting year and was fired, he will still be included in this report for the Pension Fund. In this case, it does not matter at all whether wages and insurance payments were accrued to this employee in the current reporting period.
Result of filling out the report:

This tab is also filled in automatically if there are grounds for early assignment of a pension. The report finds the necessary information in the staffing table or position directory (if the accounting does not use a staffing table).
Since information about the length of service in the SZV-Experience form is necessarily accompanied by the EDV-1 form “Information on the policyholder transferred to the Pension Fund for maintaining individual (personalized) records,” this report has two printed forms.
Both forms can be viewed by clicking the “Print” button:

The printed form of SZV-Stazh looks like this:

Let’s also look at the EDV-1 form:

Sections 1, 2 and 3 in this report are always filled out, but section 4 is filled out if the SZV-Experience form is of the original type (information type: original) or for submitting information for early retirement (information type: pension assignment):

Also in this form there is section 5, which is filled out if there are positions in the institution that are the basis for early retirement.

3. The next point will be checking the report for submission to regulatory authorities.

Directly in the report itself there is a built-in check using the internal algorithms of the 1C program. To check, use the special button:

Based on the results of checking the report, messages about filling errors or successful completion of the check will be issued:

The program will also offer to check the report with third-party programs (for example, CheckPFR is often used).
I would also like to dwell separately on checking data on employees. The report allows you to decipher the rows in the “Employees” table, that is, reveal the information in more detail. This is done by double-clicking on a row in the employee table. The following form opens:

This is a form of information about the length of service of an individual. In some cases, this form contains 1 line that describes the employee’s length of service for the reporting period. Other situations can also be described: for example, an employee works in an institution both under an employment contract and under a civil law contract, then 2 lines will be indicated here, one of which will be marked with the code “Agreement”. Or, during the reporting period, the employee had special periods (for example: temporary disability - sick leave, or maternity leave) - these periods will also be highlighted in separate lines:

In general, filling out information about length of service using the SZV-Experience form is currently not 100% automated in the program. That is, some unique cases based on length of service will have to be entered into the report manually. If the institution is large with a large number of employees, then generating and checking this report can present certain difficulties.
Below is a table prepared by 1C about the features of automatically filling out this report in some situations:

As can be seen from the table, some information, if there are special conditions, will still have to be entered manually in order for the report to be correct and include all the necessary data.

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In this article we will tell you how to correctly fill out the SZV-STAZH in 1C: Enterprise Accounting 3.0 for subsequent transfer both on paper and in electronic format to the Pension Fund of Russia.

To begin with, let us remind you a little that this reporting form is necessary to provide the Pension Fund with data on the periods of work of insured persons, as well as on the insurance premiums calculated and transferred for them for these periods. It must be submitted no later than 01.03 of the year following the reporting year. The SZV_STAZH form must be accompanied by an inventory according to the EDV-1 form.

To fill out the SZV-STAZH in 1C, you need to perform preparatory work, namely, check that the necessary information is filled out correctly in the database:

 Organization card, in particular name, INN and KPP, head and Pension Fund section;

 Employee cards – full name and SNILS

If an organization, or a division territorially separated from it, operates in a territory with special working conditions, then you need to fill in data about the territorial conditions, for this see Administration → Accounting parameters → Salary settings → Territorial conditions tab.

Also pay attention to the timely execution of personnel records documents responsible for recording admissions, transfers, sick leave and dismissals of employees.

Please leave the topics that interest you in the comments, so that our experts will analyze them in instructional articles and video instructions.

After all the data has been entered and verified, we move on to the actual generation of the reporting itself. This can be done in the Pension Fund journal. Packs, registers, inventories. By clicking the Create command, you will be offered a list of available options, among them you need to find and select Information about the insurance experience of the insured persons, SZV-STAGE.

In the new document, fill out the heading: organization, date, year (for which information should be generated) and type of information (if the report is submitted for the first time in this reporting period, then the original one, if not the first, then the supplementary one, if for the employee’s retirement, then type Assignment of pension).

Filling in data is done using the Fill command, which is located above the tabular part of the document. As a result, lines with a list of employees will be added to the document. Here you can open more detailed information about the employee’s length of service by clicking on the line with him.

To make changes to an employee's card, for example, correcting the SNILS number, use the Edit employee card link. You can view the designations of information for calculating length of service by opening the corresponding reference book.

Once a document has been prepared, the following options are available after you post it:

Checking for correctness of compilation using specialized programs that must first be downloaded (for example, from the Pension Fund of Russia website) and installed on your PC;

Upload to your PC for the purpose of sending it to the Pension Fund in electronic form.

Transfer to the pension fund directly from the 1C program (available for companies that have timely connected to the 1C-Reporting service), you can also carry out a preliminary check on the Internet.

Output of printed forms;

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07.05.2018 11:20:43 1C:Servistrend ru

How to fill out SZV-STAZH in the 1C: Accounting 8.3 program

The SZV-STAZH form was established by Resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation dated January 11, 2017 No. 3p and was first submitted in 2017. The reporting period for submission is a year, the deadline is no later than March 1 of the year following the reporting one; additional forms are sent if a pension is assigned to an employee.

This report reflects information about the length of service of employees, broken down by length of service calculation codes, such as DLOTPUSK, VRNETRUD, CHILDREN, etc., which allows regulatory authorities to collect complete information about the employment of employees.

To generate a report in the 1C Accounting 8.3 program, you need to follow the navigation path: Salaries and personnel / Insurance premiums / Accounting documents.

By clicking the “Create” button on the action panel of the open list of documents, the person responsible for submitting reports creates a new document “Information on the insurance experience of insured persons, SZV-STAZH”.

  • Organization;
  • The year for which the report is generated and submitted;
  • The date in the newly created report is set to the current system date;
  • The number will be assigned when recording a report in accordance with the system numerator;
  • Type of information (initial, supplementary or pension assignment).

To fill in the information in the report, you need to click the corresponding “Fill” command on the action bar. The tabular section will include all insured employees for the specified year.

In the details at the bottom, the fields “Manager” and “Position” are automatically filled in from the organization details located in the “Signatures” section of the organization card along the navigation path: Main / Settings / Organizations.

By double-clicking on a row in the tabular section, you can go to the detailed form for the employee and, if necessary, edit the data. Personalized data is filled in automatically from the employee’s card; if errors are identified, corrections are required in the “Employees” directory.

By clicking the “Upload” button, the xml report file is saved; if the connection settings have been completed, the file can be downloaded directly from the program using the “Submit / Send to PF” button.

After receiving a receipt for the report from the Pension Fund, it is recommended to set the “Document accepted by the Pension Fund” flag. The data will be closed for editing, and the “Record” and “Post” buttons will become unavailable.

Corrections to previously submitted reports are reflected by the “Document Type” attribute in the form header. In case of correcting errors in the primary report or entering an absent employee, you must create an additional form with the “Additional” type and select the required employees from the “Individuals” directory using the “Selection” button. If an employee retires and the form for this period has not yet been submitted to the Pension Fund, then a report with the type “Pension Assignment” is generated.

Still have questions? We will help you register SZV-STAZH in 1C 8.3 as part of a free consultation!