Accounting info. Accounting info Setting up payroll accounting

In this article I want to consider aspects of the calculation and withholding of personal income tax in 1C 8.3, as well as the preparation of reports in forms 2-NDFL and 6-NDFL.

Setting up registration with the tax authority

The most important setting, without it you will not be able to submit reports to regulatory authorities. Let's go to the "Organizations" directory (menu "Main" - "Organizations"). Having selected the desired organization, click the “More...” button. From the drop-down list, select “Registration with tax authorities”:

You must carefully fill out all the details.

Setting up payroll accounting

These settings are made in the “Salary and Personnel” section – “Salary Settings”.

Let’s go to “General Settings” and indicate that accounting is maintained in our program, and not in an external one, otherwise all sections related to personnel and salary accounting will not be available:

On the “Personal Income Tax” tab, you need to indicate in what order standard deductions are applied:

On the “ ” tab, you need to indicate at what rate insurance premiums are calculated:

Any accruals to individuals are made according to the income code. For this purpose, the program has a reference book “Types of personal income tax”. To view and, if necessary, adjust the reference book, you need to return to the “Salary Settings” window. Expand the “Classifiers” section and click on the “NDFL” link:

The personal income tax calculation parameters settings window will open. The reference book is located on the corresponding tab:

To set up personal income tax taxation for each type of accrual and deduction, you need to expand the “Salary Calculation” section in the “Salary Settings” window:

In most cases, these settings are enough to start accounting for salaries and personal income tax. I will only note that the directories can be updated when the program configuration is updated, depending on changes in legislation.

Personal income tax accounting in 1C: accrual and deduction

Personal income tax is calculated for each amount of income actually received separately for the period (month).

The personal income tax amount is calculated and accrued using documents such as “ “, “ “, “ “ and so on.

As an example, let’s take the “Payroll” document:

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On the “Personal Income Tax” tab we see the calculated tax amount. After posting the document, the following personal income tax transactions are created:

The document also creates entries in the “Accounting for Income for Calculating Personal Income Tax” register, for which reporting forms are subsequently filled out:

In fact, the tax withheld from the employee is reflected in the accounting when posting documents:

  • Personal income tax accounting operation.

Unlike accrual, the tax withholding date is the date of the posted document.

Separately, you should consider the document “Personal Income Tax Accounting Operation”. It is provided for calculating personal income tax on dividends, vacation pay and other material benefits.

The document is created in the “Salaries and Personnel” menu in the “Personal Income Tax” section, link “All documents on personal income tax”. In the window with a list of documents, when you click the “Create” button, a drop-down list appears:

Almost all documents that in one way or another affect personal income tax create entries in the register “Calculations of taxpayers with the budget for personal income tax.”

As an example, let’s consider the formation of tax accounting register entries using the document “Write-off from current account.”

Let's add the document "" (menu "Salaries and Personnel" - link "Statements to the Bank") and based on it we will create a "Write-off from the current account":

After this, let’s look at the postings and movements in the registers that the document generated:

Formation of personal income tax reporting

Above, I described the main registers that are involved in the generation of basic personal income tax reports, namely:

In the window with a list of documents, click the create button and fill out the employee certificate:

The document does not generate transactions and entries in registers, but is used only for printing.

  • (section 2):

The report relates to regulated reporting. You can also proceed to its registration from the “Personal Income Tax” section, “Salaries and Personnel” menu, or through the “Reports” menu, section “1C Reporting”, “Regulated Reports”.

An example of filling out the second section:

Checking withheld and accrued personal income tax

To check the correctness of the calculation and payment of tax to the budget, you can use “ “. It is located in the “Reports” menu, section – “Standard reports”.

You ask:How can I set up reporting to the second tax office in 1C: Accounting 8?

We answer: If your organization has a separate division that has the same details as the parent organization, for which it is necessary to report to another Federal Tax Service, you can connect it to sending reports as follows:

1. You must make sure that the number of the second Federal Tax Service has already been added to the list of registrations in your program. To do this you need to follow the path:

The main thing - Organizations - “Your organization” - More - Registrations with the tax authorities.

If the code for the required tax authority is missing, it should be added.

It is also necessary to check the presence of the second Federal Tax Service in the directories along the way:

Button with an arrow “Main Menu” - All functions - Directories - Tax authorities.

You can contact your service organization with a request to connect the tax authority you need to your account;

Or you can send an application to change the details yourself; in this case, you need to follow the path: Reports - Regulated reports - Settings - List of applications - Create an application to change application details or replace a certificate. In this application you will also need to indicate the second tax office. After this, you need to call your service organization back so that the application can be processed.

We also draw your attention to the fact that You can connect an additional tax office only to an already valid electronic signature key certificate. This list of actions is only suitable for those organizations that need to report to a separate division only at the Federal Tax Service.Such connection is carried out without additional charges!

If a separate division is an independent unit that needs to report to all regulatory authorities, then it is necessary to create a new connection application for it, which will be assessed at the general tariff. Keeping records and sending reports for such organizations is possible only from the software version of CORP.

You can familiarize yourself with the tariffs for connecting to the 1C-Reporting service at this link.

We invite you to cooperate on this service: we are ready to help you connect within 1 business day!

The directory is intended to store a list of Federal Tax Service inspections with which the organization is registered. The directory information is used when filling out regulated reports.

The directory is called up to enter and edit information from the “Organizations” directory by selecting the item “Go - Registration with the Federal Tax Service”.

Since an organization can be registered in several territorial inspectorates of the Federal Tax Service, depending on the reason code for registration and based on Art. 83 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, as well as clause 3.7 “Procedure and conditions for assigning, applying, as well as changing the taxpayer identification number and forms of documents used when registering legal entities and individuals with the tax authority,” approved by order of the State Tax Service of Russia dated November 27, 1998 No. GB-3 -12/309 (as amended by Order of the Ministry of Taxes of Russia dated December 24, 1999 No. AP-3-12/412), it is provided that a taxpayer-organization is assigned a code for the reason for registration with the tax authority at the location of the real estate it owns (vehicles, land plots), all territorial bodies where the organization is registered are entered into this directory.

Organization- the field indicates the organization registered with this inspection.

Tax authority code- tax authority code, usually four digits, for example 7722. The details will be used on the title pages of regulated reports.

checkpoint of the organization- code of the reason for registration of the organization. The attribute value is used to fill out the “KPP” field in regulated reports. If the data is entered by the entrepreneur, this detail is not displayed on the form and is not entered.

Full name of the tax authority- name of the tax authority with which the organization or entrepreneur is registered. The value of the attribute is used when auto-filling title pages of regulated reports.

Short name of the tax authority - short name of the tax authority with which the organization or entrepreneur is registered. This value is used as a representation of the directory element in all objects associated with it. If the details are not filled in, when recording an element of the directory, the details will be filled in based on the full name of the Federal Tax Service.

Representative information

Representative - V If the interests of the taxpayer in the territorial body of the Federal Tax Service are represented by the legal representative of the taxpayer (acting on the basis of relevant documents), in this field you must select the type of representative (LE or FL). When selecting a representative of a private individual, information about an individual is entered in the field; when selecting a legal entity, the full name of the legal entity of the representative of the organization.

Representative information is required for the cover pages of some regulated reports. If there is no representative, you do not need to fill out the details.

Full name of the authorized person of the representative - The full name of the specific authorized person in the representative organization is indicated.

Document confirming the authority of the representative
It is necessary to indicate a document confirming the authority of the representative. This detail is required if the name of the representative organization or the last name, first name, and patronymic of an individual is filled in.

We propose to consider the nuances of calculating and withholding personal income tax in the 1C 8.3 program. And how to properly prepare for reporting on forms 2-NDFL and 6-NDFL.

An important point is the setting in 1C “Registration with the tax authority”, which is responsible for submitting reports to the tax service. Go to the “Main” menu tab and select “Organizations”.

We go to our organization, click “More” and in the drop-down list select the item “Registration with the tax authority”:

The next important setting is “Salary Settings” in the “Salaries and Personnel” section.

Go to the “General Settings” section and indicate in the item “Payroll and personnel records are kept” - “In this program” so that the corresponding sections are available.

Here we go to the “Personal Income Tax” tab, in which we indicate the procedure for applying standard deductions “On a cumulative basis during the tax period”:

    Tariff of insurance premiums - “Organizations using SOS, except agricultural producers.”

    Accident contribution rate – indicate the rate as a percentage.

All accruals made are based on the income code for individuals, which can be viewed in the built-in directory “Types of personal income tax”.

This reference book can be adjusted; to do this, return to “Salary Settings”, expand the “Classifiers” section and follow the “Personal Income Tax” link:

Then the “Personal Income Tax Calculation Parameters” window opens and go to the desired tab “Types of Personal Income Tax”:

To set up personal income tax taxation based on accruals and deductions, in the “Salary Settings” window, expand the “Salary Calculation” section:

To start accounting for wages and personal income tax, the established parameters are sufficient. But do not forget to update the configuration to the current one.

Personal income tax is accrued and calculated for each actual income received monthly at the end of the reporting period (month) according to the documents “Payroll”, “Vacation”, “Sick Leave” and others. Let's look at the document “Payroll”.

The tax amounts for each employee will be reflected on the “Personal Income Tax” tab:

The same information can be viewed in transactions:

Based on the document, an entry is created in the register “Accounting for income for calculating personal income tax” and reporting forms are filled out:

    Expenditure cash order for the issuance of cash DS;

The document posting date will be the tax withholding date.

Let us pay attention to the document “Personal Tax Accounting Operation”. It is used to calculate personal income tax on dividends, vacation pay and other material benefits. To create a document, you need to go to the “Salaries and Personnel” tab, the “Personal Income Tax” section and click the “All documents on personal income tax” link.

We get into the magazine. To create a new document, click “Create” and select the desired option from the drop-down list:

An entry in the register “Settlements of taxpayers with the budget for personal income tax” forms almost every document that affects personal income tax.

Let's look at the example of the document “Write-off from a current account.” Let’s go to the “Salaries and Personnel” tab and open the “Bank Statements” item:

Let's create this document. And based on this we will write off from the account:

As well as movements across registers.

Individual entrepreneurs sometimes have a situation where it is necessary to submit 6-NDFL and 2-NDFL reports to the same tax authority, but using different OKTMO codes. It would seem that there is nothing complicated, however, when trying to generate such reporting in the 1C: ZUP 3.1 program, unexpected problems arise. Let's look at ways to solve them using a specific example.

In the program “1C: ZUP 3.1” we will create an organization - an individual entrepreneur and indicate registration for it with the tax authority, writing down the appropriate tax code and OKTMO (see Fig. 1)

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An individual entrepreneur has two divisions, Store 1 and Store 2, which are geographically located in different cities with different OKTMO codes. Let's say that the OKTMO of Store 1 coincides with the OKTMO of registration of an individual entrepreneur, and the OKTMO of Store 2 is different. In order to create a separate registration with the tax authority for Store 2, first of all, check the box The organization has branches (separate divisions)(see Fig. 2). In this situation, this is rather a formality, since we are not talking about any separate divisions of an individual entrepreneur. However, in the program this is the only way to create a separate registration with the tax authority for a division, so you will have to check the box.

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Next, through the main menu, go to the “Registrations with the tax authority” directory and create a new element of this directory. We indicate the same tax code as for the main registration, since both divisions belong to the same interdistrict tax office. We indicate the new OKTMO code (see Fig. 3).

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It would seem that everything is good and correct, but when we try to save the newly created element, we receive the message “There is already a record for this organization with the specified tax authority code” (see Fig. 4).

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The built-in verification algorithm does not allow you to create registrations with different OKTMOs for the same organization. How can this be? Do you really have to separate 2-NDFL and 6-NDFL reports manually? Let's try a non-standard approach.

First, let's change the tax authority code to some other one so that the program allows us to write down a directory element (see Fig. 5)

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Next we open Main menu -> All functions -> Processing -> Group change of details. In section Selecting Items to Change in the field Change select the directory. We also set the selection condition as a link to the problematic element of the directory (see Fig. 7).

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Then click on the button Additional options and check the boxes Show service details And Developer Mode(see Fig. 8).

As a result, we get two directory elements Registration with the tax authority with the same tax code and different OKTMO codes (see Figure 9).

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They can be selected in the 6-NDFL and 2-NDFL reports and automatically generate two reports for different OKTMOs to the same Federal Tax Service.