Generating transactions in 1s. Formation and control of transactions according to documents


1C:ERP Formation of transactions (Reflection in regulated accounting)

Many users, when starting to work in the 1C:ERP configuration (especially accountants), ask the question: “Where are the postings?!”! We hasten to say that the 1C company employs smart people who had important reasons to do just that, namely, to remove the process of creating entries in the “Cost Accounting” accounting register from the general process of document processing. Now let's talk about everything in order!

Where are my wires?! - the accountant shouted

The first thing to note is that accounting registers are the slowest in the 1C:Enterprise platform. And since users like to post a document one more time (or close it with the “OK” button), why delay the transaction? According to the author of the article, precisely because of the low speed of the accounting registers, the number of sub-accounts is limited to three.
Second! Postings for the purposes of GENERAL accounting do not carry any important information, because all the data is in the accumulation registers and in the information registers, according to which almost all reports (with the exception of accounting ones) are built. Thus, having complete information, the wiring can be “drawn” later, and no one will get hurt.

Background job for generating transactions

In the configuration, for the purpose of generating transactions in the background, there is a routine task named "Reflection of Documents in Regulatory Accounting" (Synonym - Reflection of documents in Regulatory Accounting), which calls the method "RegulationAccountingAccountingServer.ReflectAllRegulations" (information from release

The figures show where the settings for the regulatory task are located in the interface, as well as where to view general information about the reflection of documents in the regulation. accounting

Configuration Objects

Now let's list the main configuration objects that affect the process of generating transactions (according to release version
  • Register of information: Parameters of Targeted Financing of Intangible Intangibles
  • Information Register: OS Target Financing Parameters
  • Information Register: Procedure for Reflecting Income
  • Register of information: Order of Reflection of Nomenclature
  • Information Register: Order of Reflection of the Nomenclature Transferred to the Commission
  • Information Register: Order of Reflection of Gift Certificates
  • Register of information: Order of Reflection of Production
  • Register of information: Order of Reflection of Other Operations
  • Information Register: Procedure for Reflecting Expenses
  • Information Register: Procedure for Reflecting Calculations with Partners
  • Register of information: Order of Reflection of TMCVEOperation
  • Information Register: Calculation of Differences in Valuation of Assets and Liabilities
  • Information Register: Methods of Reflecting Depreciation and Amortization Expenses NMAAccounting
  • Register of Information: Methods of Reflecting Expenses for Depreciation OSAccounting
  • Register of information: Accounts of NMA
  • Register of information: Accounts of OS
The form for setting up the data stored in the above registers is available via the hyperlink “Set up accounting accounts”, and has the following form

All of the listed registers have a different structure, but the data in them is responsible for what will be reflected in the accounting registers and, as a result, in the accounting reports (SALT, account card, account analysis, etc.)

Manual adjustments of postings in documents

I don’t remember from which version of 1C:ERP release ( definitely already exists) they implemented the ability to manually adjust transactions that were generated automatically. This feature is regulated by a separate option. The screenshots show how to enable this mechanism


Setting up accounting entries in "1C:ZUP 8"

Setting up accounting entries in the 1C: Salary and Personnel Management program 8 edition 3.0

With the release of the 1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8 configuration version 3.0, the procedure for setting up the formation of postings for reflecting wages in regulated accounting has become much simpler. Developers of the program “1C: Salary and Human Resources Management 8th ed. 3.0" separated Accounting and Payroll. Now, to set up postings, you do not need to download the chart of accounts and cost items from the accounting program. This is immediately done in “1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8”. We can still specify the method of reflection: - for the organization as a whole, - separately for divisions, - separately for employees. To begin with, we create Methods for reflecting wages in accounting (Settings - Methods for reflecting wages in accounting), add a new Reflection Method, and assign a Name to it. (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1

Having specified the required number of methods for reflecting salaries in accounting, we make the settings:

  1. Overall for the organization (see Fig. 2).

Enterprise - Organizations (if there are several organizations, select the organization in which we will make the settings) - Accounting policies and other settings - Accounting and salary payment - Reflection method - Select the desired reflection method.

  1. By analogy, it is configured by divisions.
  2. Separately for the employee (see Fig. 3).

Enterprise - Employees - Cost accounting - Reflection method - Select the desired reflection method.

Then the document Reflection of salary in accounting is created (Salary - Reflection of salary in accounting - Create a document). See fig. 4

After all the described procedures, it is necessary to upload it to the accounting program (more precisely, Data Synchronization). If synchronization has not yet occurred, you need to make synchronization settings (see Fig. 5).

Then, in “1C: Accounting 8” edition 3.0, we make additional adjustments to the Methods for reflecting salaries in accounting. Employees and salaries - Methods of reflecting salaries in accounting - Select our Method and fill in the missing data (see Fig. 6).

1. Regularly create copies of infobases

1C specialists talk about this all the time, everyone knows this rule, but, unfortunately, not everyone follows it. It’s a pity if you have to remember the obligation to regularly copy the 1C database based on your own bitter experience. Believe me, those clients who have restored their accounting at least once after losing their database will forever remember how important this rule is.
In what cases can database copies help you:
- physical breakdown of the computer/server;
- virus infections;
- damage to the 1C information base itself;
- “unexpected” changes in data in the information base (if you suddenly discover that for some reason the data from previous periods has changed, it is possible to restore a copy and compare the information, find the reasons for the discrepancies).

You can create copies in different ways: upload manually (I described in detail how to do this in the article « Creating a copy of the database - what is it for and how to do it ») or use special programs for automatic copying. But in this case, you must remember that in order to protect the database from viruses and physical damage to the computer, you need to store copies of the database on some other media, for example, connect an external drive or flash drive, unload the database and disconnect the drive. However, it is very inconvenient to act this way every day, so the best option is to connect the 1C: Cloud Archive service. In this case, copies of your database will be created automatically and stored outside your local network - in the cloud. In the event of a breakdown or virus infection, you can restore copies from another computer at any time and start working. If you want to find out details about connecting this service, which is also part of a comprehensive agreement for the support of 1C: ITS, then fill out application form, we will definitely call you back and tell you everything in detail.

2. Set a date for banning editing
After you have submitted your reports, you must close the period for editing to prevent accidental changes to the data. In 1C: Enterprise Accounting 8 edition 3.0, for this you need to go to the “Administration” tab and select “Support and Maintenance”.

Then expand the “Routine Operations” item, put a tick next to the date of prohibition of changes and click on the “Configure” link.

We indicate the date – the last day of the closing period.

3. Close documents with a cross
Acquire a useful habit - closing documents with a cross if you opened them just to look. Very often I come across a situation where an accountant generates an OCB, expands to the account card to find out detailed information, opens the necessary document to look at it, and then closes it by clicking the “Post and Close” or “OK” button. In this case, the document is reposted, the amounts in the postings may change, and the sequence of document posting is confused. And then, at the close of the next month, the accountant is in for a surprise - in September the program “wants” to repost all the documents from January or even from last year. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to set a date for prohibiting editing and not to repost documents unnecessarily, but simply close them with a “cross”.

4. Do not rename directory elements and carefully change their settings

Why can’t this be done or must it be done very carefully? It is necessary to understand that the changes made will affect the entire period of accounting in the program. For example, if you change the name of the counterparty, then the new name will be displayed in all printed forms, including earlier documents. To prevent this from happening, in 1C: Enterprise Accounting 8 edition 3.0, to change the name there is a special “History” link, where you can indicate from what date the new value is valid.

You also need to remember that, for example, changing the settings of the “Cost Items” and “Other Income and Expenses” directories may lead to changes in financial results after the month is closed and data in regulated reports. I talked about one similar situation that happened with my clients in the article « Why might data in closed period reports change? ».

5. Regularly update information databases and analyze changes
Updates for 1C programs are currently released quite often, and they need to be installed sequentially, so it is imperative to keep your databases up to date in order to avoid emergency situations during the reporting period. After all, it may turn out that you urgently need a new reporting form, which are released with enviable regularity, and the neglected situation with updates can greatly fray your nerves. If you work in 1C via the Internet or you have a support agreement with our partners, you will not need to worry about this issue. If you update your databases yourself, then please pay due attention to this serious issue.
It will also be useful to take an interest in the results of the past update, because new functions are constantly appearing in the program and operating algorithms are changing. To keep abreast of all events, you can go to the “Administration” tab, select “Support and Maintenance”.

6. Do not duplicate entries in directories, use the 1C: Counterparty service
It happens that, having not found some counterparty in the directory, users add a new one, although in fact the required counterparty has already been entered into the database, but with some errors in the name, TIN or necessary fields are simply not filled in. It also happens that counterparties double-check when downloading bank statements for the same reasons. In this case, problems begin with the offset of advances, the balance of accounts 60 and 62 varies, problems arise with calculating VAT on advances and paying expenses to get into the KUDiR under the simplified tax system. In order to prevent such situations, I recommend using the 1C: Counterparty service, which will automatically fill in all the necessary information correctly, and regularly monitor the order in your directories.

7. Do not number documents and reference books manually
The program provides certain algorithms for automatic document numbering. If you decide to interfere with them, correct some number, for example, by adding a slash or some other symbols to it, then be prepared for the fact that in the future you will also have to monitor the numbering manually.

8. Enable display of accounting accounts in settings
By default, in the 1C: Enterprise Accounting 8 edition 3.0 program, the display of accounting accounts in documents is disabled. But I believe that an accountant is obliged to “keep his finger on the pulse” and constantly monitor the correctness of entering primary documents, without trusting the program to completely fill out such important details as accounting accounts. Therefore, we make sure to enable the display of accounting accounts in documents and make sure that materials are received on account 10, and not on account 41. To do this, go to the “Main” tab, “Personal settings” item.

Check the box “Show accounting accounts in documents.”

9. Correctly use subaccounts for 60 accounts
I have already spoken many times about how important it is to correctly use the advance accounts - 60.02 and 62.02, and how important it is to control the status of mutual settlements on the 60 accounts. Now I have decided to make this point a separate rule, which also must be observed. You should not argue with the program, trying to impose on it your opinion that the account data is not needed, you will still lose in this dispute, receiving in return a mess in your accounting.
I discussed this question in detail in one of my video tutorials. « How to bring order to account 60 in 1C programs »

10. Do not change the chart of accounts yourself
If you decide to add your accounts to the chart of accounts, you need to be prepared for the fact that this will entail certain difficulties. For example, once they approached me with the following problem: “We decided to put things in order in the accounting of fixed assets and added subaccounts to account 01 in accordance with the fixed assets groups, after which depreciation stopped accruing.” When adding subaccounts to account 20, there may be problems with closing the month, and subaccounts to a number of other accounts will not be included in the balance sheet - assets and liabilities will not match.
Very often, the issue can be resolved in another way without changing the chart of accounts, and if this is still required, then it is necessary to seek the help of specialists who could assess the consequences and make the necessary changes, ensuring the correct operation of the program.
I also discussed this question in detail in my article. « Adding your own accounts and subaccounts - is it necessary to do this and what could be the consequences? ».

11. Minimize manual entries and adjustments
I always encourage people to avoid manual operations and document movement adjustments as much as possible. Currently, accounting in 1C: Accounting 8 is automated quite well and the need for manual entries does not arise so often.
The fact is that it is not always possible to make the entries correctly on your own; for example, the picture below shows an attempt to close advances to a supplier using a manual operation, but the third subconto (“Settlement Documents”) is not filled out. Such an adjustment can only aggravate the situation with mutual settlements, and in no way solve it.

I also published a detailed article on this topic, which I highly recommend reading: « Manual wiring - why doesn’t 8 “like” them? »

12. Correctly reverse documents
In order to reverse document movements, you need to create a special operation with the “Document Reversal” type.

In no case should you simply generate transactions manually, because in addition to entries in accounting accounts, the program reflects information in various registers necessary, for example, for calculating VAT. If you do not reverse the entire document, but correct something manually, then corrections also need to be made for all other registers.

Prompt receipt of information from regulatory authorities about changes in report statuses and received requests- without leaving the program, it is possible to quickly see changes in the status of the report, quickly find out about its acceptance or return with errors, it is also possible to receive requests from regulatory authorities and immediately respond to them.

You can always easily find the latest version of the report, which was actually sent - this is a very important point! After all, there are situations when, in attempts to finally collect information into a final report, several copies of one form are created, the data is changed, saved, and then it is very difficult to find the version that was actually sent. And this becomes especially relevant if it is necessary to prepare a corrective document. It takes a long time and tediously to verify information manually, wasting precious minutes of working time. If you send reports directly from 1C, next to the desired option it will be indicated that the report has been submitted; a long search will not be required.

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