Document receipt of goods in 1s. Accounting info

In order to register the receipt of goods in the 1C: Retail 2.2 program, we will need to go to the section Procurement further on the right side select Receipts of goods.

A list of all documents will appear Receipts of goods created earlier, in order to create a new document, click Create. For each invoice (TORG-12 or Universal Transfer Document) a new document is created Receipts of goods.

Fill in the fields in the document Provider(select the organization from which the goods were received), Shop(the store where we receive the goods) and Stock(warehouse of the store where the goods are received). Add to the table section Goods via button + , after you fill out all the Products, go to the tab Payment stages to register payment to the supplier.

Fill out the tabular part of the document Payment stages via button + . In our example there will be a Cashless payment to the supplier. After filling out the tabular part, go to the button Create based on and choose .

Since the document Registration of non-cash payment we created based on the document Goods receipts, then all details are filled in automatically from the foundation document. All we have to do is check the data and post the document by clicking Swipe and close.

After conducting we were returned back to our document Receipts of goods. As seen in the document Receipts of goods payment status changed to Paid. This means that the funds for this income are reflected in the accounting.

You can see what movements the document generated in the program Receipts of goods. To do this you need to select Document movements.

The document “Receipt of goods and services” in 1C Accounting 8 formalizes transactions of receipt of goods, materials, services, fixed assets and accounting for VAT received. Thus, the name of the document does not fully reflect its functionality, as one would expect.

This is one of the most used and multifunctional documents in 1C, since the receipt of goods, materials and services (and not necessarily a purchase) are important business transactions for both trading and manufacturing organizations.

To process transactions receipt of materials, goods, services and fixed assets in 1s Accounting 8, You must open the “Purchase” menu and select the “Receipt of goods and services” document. When creating a new document, select the transaction type “Purchase, commission” to register the receipt of goods, materials, services, or “Equipment” to register the purchase of new fixed assets. It is also possible to create a document based on a previously issued one.

The header of the document is filled out in the standard way: the field indicates the supplier, contract and warehouse for the receipt of goods and materials (not necessary for services).

But filling out the tabular parts of a parish document has interesting features. The composition of the tabular parts depends on the type of acquisition transaction. If the “Purchase, commission” operation is selected, then the tabular parts “goods” (used for goods and materials) and “services” (used to register received services) appear in the document. And if the “equipment” operation is selected, then the “equipment” tabular part appears for entering the purchased fixed assets (any OS, it does not have to be equipment).

In addition, if it is established that a record of returnable packaging is being maintained, then another tabular part for packaging appears in the receipt document.

You can fill out tabular sections line by line by adding a new row (Inset or green plus sign in the tabular section toolbar) or through the “Select” button. A separate selection form is convenient if you enter a large number of items, because the form window does not close after each selection of a directory item, but allows you to make a multiple selection of goods received, indicating the quantity and price of the receipt.

Also in the tabular parts for each line it is necessary to indicate the VAT rate, the goods accounting account (where the goods and materials are received) and the incoming VAT. When selecting a name from the directory, the program substitutes default account values ​​for each item entered in accordance with the setup of the item and warehouse accounts. If necessary, you can set other accounting accounts for the current receipt document.

On the “Settlement Accounts” tab, the settlement account with the counterparty (in this case, the supplier), the settlement account for advances and the settlement account for packaging, if necessary, are indicated. If at the time of posting the document in the program there is no payment to the supplier under the agreement of the current document, then the program will take into account the settlement account for advances. If there is no need to make advances, then you can specify the same account in the advance account field as in the “settlement account with the counterparty” field.

Accounting for accepted VAT in documents for receipt of goods and services

To account for the accepted value added tax, it is necessary to correctly reflect the receipt of the invoice from the supplier. The invoice received from the supplier is also processed using the 1C document “Receipt of goods and services”.

You can do this in two ways:

1) Go to the last tab of the document, which is called “Invoice”. Here you need to check the “Invoice presented” checkbox, indicate the number and date of the invoice received and the transaction type code (important). Be sure to enable the “Reflect VAT deduction in the purchase ledger” checkbox so that the invoice is automatically included in the purchase ledger.

In the second method, a new window opens (a separate document is entered), in which you also need to indicate the number and date of the incoming invoice, the transaction type code, enable the “Reflect VAT deduction” checkbox and check whether the details are entered correctly: invoice type, document basis and code of the type of operation. You can also choose how the invoice was received: electronic or paper.

The second method has two distinctive features:

  1. A separate document “Invoice received” is required not only to be recorded in the information base, but to be posted like any other 1C document, despite the fact that it does not generate accounting entries. To do this, click on the “Proceed” button in the toolbar or the OK button. In this case, the document is posted and closed.
  2. A separate document “Invoice received” can be issued for several documents of receipt of goods and services. VAT accounting rules allow such an operation. To do this, turn on the “List” checkbox and fill in the list of supporting documents in the tabular part that opens.

Postings for accounting for accepted VAT upon receipt of materials are generated by the document “Receipt of goods and services” in accordance with the accounting accounts in the tabular sections, regardless of the method of registering the invoice. After posting the document, it is recommended to check the postings of receipt of materials and tax accounting of VAT accepted for deduction.

Another feature of VAT processing in 1C is the “ Prices and currency» in the document menu bar. If you open the price and currency settings form and enable the “Include VAT in price” setting, then the VAT amounts for materials will be accepted as part of the cost of materials, and not in the incoming VAT accounts.

Sometimes such an operation is necessary. For example, according to this document, it is not necessary to take into account accepted VAT for deduction for any reason. And sometimes this setting leads to subtle VAT accounting errors: the invoice has been posted, the tabular part of the document accounts are correct, but the amount of incoming VAT is not included in the transactions.

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To account for services in 1C Accounting 8.3, the document “Receipts (acts, invoices)” is used, which is located in the “Purchases” section.

Next, a list of all documents (Receipts) that have already been created opens. If there are several organizations in the information base and we need to see Receipts only for a specific organization and counterparty, then in the header it is possible to set selections in the appropriate fields.

Since the Receipts document has several types of operations, after clicking on the “Receipts” button, you must then select “Services (act)”.

If selections were previously set in the form of a list of documents, then in the form of a new document the Counterparty and Organization will be filled in automatically, in some cases this can be convenient.

In the header of the document, in the “Act” field, enter the number and date of the Incoming act on the provision of services from the supplier. If the Counterparty has a main agreement (you can see this in the counterparty’s card, in the “Agreements” section), then the “Agreement” field of the document will also be filled in automatically. Also in the header should be filled in the accounting accounts and the procedure for crediting the advance. Price type – substituted from the Agreement. The “Original received” flag in the document header is intended only to indicate which primary documents were received and which were not.

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You can add an item to the tabular part of the document, which has the “Item Type” – “Services” (this can be viewed in the item card itself). In addition, you can change the VAT rate of any item in the table section by clicking on the corresponding field.

In this example, accounting for services in 1C Accounting 8 is assigned to account 26 with cost items “Other costs” and “Transport services”.

After posting, the document will generate the following transactions. Since VAT is not included in the price, separate entries for incoming VAT were generated for it.

We can also register the document “Invoice received for receipt” (the corresponding button under the tabular part of the document) and print it if necessary. And print out the “Act on the provision of services for the supplier” itself

It is possible to keep track of services through the “Supplier Account”, when the “Receipt” document is entered on its basis.

In this case, the “Receipt” document will be filled out completely automatically. If it is necessary to immediately reflect both goods and services in one document, then a document with the transaction type “Goods, services, commission” is intended for this purpose.

After completing the documents, we will create a balance sheet for our organization. To do this, go to the “Reports” section and select “Turnover balance sheet” in the Standard reports group. After which we will see the following, we will see the following:

On the 60th account, a debt was formed to the supplier in the amount of 10,974 rubles, on the 19th account, VAT was reflected in the amount of 1,674 rubles, and services were received in the amount of 9,300 rubles on the 26th account.

Configuration: 1c accounting

Configuration version:

Publication date: 04.12.2017

The main business operations of an organization are the purchase of goods or services from suppliers. Document Receipts of goods and services (Receipts (acts, invoices)) is one of the most basic in the program, this document formalizes the receipt of goods for subsequent resale, services provided to our company, the receipt of fixed assets or materials for production. The purchase of goods from a supplier in the program is reflected in 2 stages:

The purchase of goods from a supplier begins with payment for the goods (prepayment purchase).

Stage 1: Payment to the supplier
The supplier issues an invoice for the goods, and based on this invoice we generate a payment order in 1C.

Go to Bank and cash desk - Payment orders and click the Create button.

Fill out the Payment Order.
When using the DirectBank system, you can immediately upload this payment order to the client bank.
Type of transaction: “Payment to supplier”, Date, Recipient (select the supplier of goods), enter the amount of payment on the invoice, Purpose of payment. When creating a payment purpose, you can use a dictionary of synonyms, which will help you easily operate in Russian!
In the "Status" field, select Paid and follow the link "Enter a debit document from the current account."

The document “Write-off from the current account” appears where all fields are filled in automatically from the base document (from the payment order). We check the correctness of the entered data. Uncheck the "Verified by Bank Statement" checkbox because the funds have not yet been debited by the bank. When saving the document "Write-off from the current account", no transactions are generated.

Let's return to the Payment order document. To see a printed form of the document, click the "Payment order" button. Swipe and close

After you have received a bank statement showing the debiting of funds for the goods, you must confirm the previously created document “Debit from the current account” to generate transactions.
section Bank - Bank statements - Debit from current account and check the box "Confirmed by bank statement. Post." To view the transactions, click the button "Show transactions and other document movements"

The operation was reflected on account 60.02, since in the example payment was made on an advance payment basis.

Stage 2: Accounting for receipt of goods
So, to reflect the receipt of goods in 1C, open the section Purchases - Receipts (acts, invoices)

Receipt button - select Goods (invoice)

Fill in the fields in the Goods Receipt document. By clicking the Add button, we add goods that were received according to the invoice from the supplier. If the required item is not in the Nomenclature list, we create it.

After filling out the document, click the Submit button. To view the transactions that have been generated, click the Dt/Kt button

When you have completed filling out the document, click Submit and Close.

The receipt of goods in 1C is an integral part of working with the program, this type of document is primary, that is, it is these documents that form the input of primary data on suppliers and work with a bank account, errors at the filling stage will lead to distortion of accounting and incorrect formation of the tax base at closing months or generating reports,

Fill in the receipt of goods and services in the 1C 8.3 Accounting program

Receipt of goods and services in the 1C Accounting 8.3 (3.0) program is carried out by a document of the same name (in the latest versions of the program it is called “Receipt (acts, invoices)”). This article provides consistent instructions for recording the purchase of services and goods, and we will also consider the entries that the document makes.

How to create a new posting

In the interface of the 1C 8.3 program, this document is located on the “Purchases” tab, item “Receipts (acts, invoices)”:

After this we get to the list of documents that have ever been entered. To create a new receipt, you need to click on the “Receipt” button, where a menu for selecting the desired type of operation will appear:

  • Goods (invoice) - a document is created only for goods with an accounting account - 41.01
  • Services (act) - reflection only of services
  • Goods, services, commission - a universal type of transaction that allows you to reflect commission trade and the receipt of returnable packaging
  • Materials for processing - a special type of operation for accounting for tolling scheme; in postings, such receipt will be reflected in off-balance sheet accounts
  • Equipment and Construction Objects - to reflect the receipt of fixed assets on accounts 08.03 and 08.04
  • Leasing services - generates postings to account 76

Let us consider in detail the receipt of goods and services.

Receipt of goods in 1C Accounting 8.3

To complete the purchase of a product in the 1C program, you need to enter a document with the “Products” type. In the header of the document, you must indicate the organization receiving the item, the warehouse for acceptance, the counterparty-seller and his agreement:

Below, in the tabular section, information about the items of the nomenclature is entered:

What goods were purchased, in what quantity, at what price and at what VAT rate (if your company is a VAT payer). Accounting accounts may or may not be present in the tabular section. It depends on the program settings. In postings, the goods are usually credited to account 41.01.

This completes filling out the document.

If the supplier has provided an invoice, it must be reflected in the program. This is done by filling out the number and date fields at the bottom of the document:

After clicking on the “Register” button, 1C itself will create a new document “Invoice received”. This document makes entries for VAT (for example, 68.02 - 19.03) and creates an entry in the purchase book.
Let's look at the postings of the created 1C using the document “Receipt of goods and services”. This can be done by clicking the button Debit-credit - debit credit:

As you can see, the document generated two postings:

  • Debit 41.01 Credit 60.01 - receipt of goods and accrual of debt to the supplier
  • Debit 19.03 Credit 60.01 - reflection of the incoming document

In this case, the goods are sold on credit, that is, on a post-payment basis. If we had paid for the goods first, the program would have generated an advance offset entry (Dt 60.01 - Kt 60.02) for the amount of the prepayment.

Receipt of services in 1C 8.3

Purchasing services in the program is not much different from purchasing goods. Filling out the header is absolutely the same, except for indicating the warehouse. The primary document for reflecting such a transaction is usually the “Service Rendering Certificate”.

The only difference is the indications in the tabular part of the nomenclature with the “service” type. For example, we arrange for delivery services:

In the “Accounts” field you can specify the required analytics. We indicate that we want to distribute expenses to account 26 (General business expenses), with the cost item “Transportation expenses“. After filling out the document, you can, similar to goods, register an invoice.

The key difference when receiving services is in the postings:

For this example, it is advisable to pre-pay the supplier for this service.

  • Debit 60.01 Credit 60.02 - offset of advance payment to supplier
  • Debit 26 Credit 60.01 - accrual of debt to the supplier and increase in company expenses
  • Debit 19.04 Credit 60.01 - reflection of incoming VAT on services

If you need to reflect both goods and services in one receipt (for example, goods with paid delivery), you need to use the document “Receipt (act, invoice)” with the type of operation “Goods, services, commission”.

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