What is a social mortgage under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan and how to get it? Memo to citizens in need of improved housing conditions Purpose of the Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan.

The State Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan is an online resource that contains information about residential properties in the republic that are under the jurisdiction of the state (private development is excluded).

The official website kooperativrt.ru (RT cooperative) through the personal section allows you to perform a number of important functions.


When you enter the address kooperativrt.ru in the address bar, the main page of the portal of the State Life Fund under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan opens.

Under the site header there is a menu with the main categories:

  • Emergency facilities. The section contains a list of emergency residential properties in the Republic of Tatarstan (Kazan, Nizhnekamsk, etc.) and current information for each (on the resettlement of apartments and approval of the status of emergency housing, etc.);
  • Arbitrage practice. This category contains a list of all court decisions on claims in which the housing stock took part; all materials on the cases are available for downloading;
  • Regulations. When you click on the link, a complete list of regulatory documents, forms to fill out and examples for drawing up appeals, applications, etc. opens. All materials are available for download and are divided into subcategories to simplify the search (for residents of rural areas, cities, etc.) . Also presented are the documents and resolutions on which the State Housing Fund operates;
  • FAQ. When you go to this section, a list of 28 questions about the work of the state housing stock opens, which most often arise among resource users and citizens in general;
  • Analysis of work from citizens' requests - the link provides reports on what work was performed in response to written requests and statements from citizens in 2015-2016.

Below, in the central part of the page, there are news and information about the current work of the fund.

To the left of it is a block of links for the second menu. By going through them you can get the following information:

  1. Ratings – you must enter the account number to see the rating of its processing;
  2. Quotas - a list of organizations is provided and what housing quotas they have (in sq. m);
  3. Competitions – using the link you can select the type of competition from the list and see the available ones;
  4. Representative offices – contact details of all organizations and representative offices that are part of this government structure;
  5. Personal page of the Civil Society Foundation under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan – form for entering the personal section;
  6. Administration – login form for administrative employees;
  7. For enterprises - a form for entering the portal for representatives of contractors;
  8. For customers – login form for customers of work;
  9. For those concluding agreements - a page with a login form for those who want to enter into an agreement with the State Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan on a particular issue, for example, mortgage, social mortgage (social mortgage), etc.;
  10. Receiving a login and password - a form for entering personal information to obtain credentials to enter the portal (registration);
  11. Rental housing - a section with regulatory and standard documents with which you can carry out transactions with rental housing, there is also a link to a list of rental houses;
  12. Vacancies - work in the State Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan.

Navigating the portal is not very easy due to its design. There are quite a large number of small links-buttons that are difficult to find. Also, their name often does not reflect the content. However, the functionality of the resource is wide and it presents most of the information that users sometimes need when contacting the State Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Personal page

A section of the website kooperativrt.ru - GJF RT “Personal Page” was created for applicants who have applied or want to contact the organization to resolve any issue.

To get into it, you must first register on the portal, providing the required minimum information on your documents.

To register in your personal account, follow the algorithm:

  1. In the left block on the main page, select the “Obtaining login and password” section and go to it;
  2. The registration form will open;
  3. In the first line you need to enter your last name, first name and patronymic;
  4. In the second line the TIN number:
  5. In the field below, enter your date of birth in the format DD.MM.YYYY;
  6. In the line below, type the series of your identification document
  7. In the last line you need to enter your passport number (or other identification document);
  8. Click the "Continue" button located below the form.

The user password will be generated automatically. In order to use it, that is, enter the resource, find the “Personal Page” section in the left block on the main page and go to it. Here you need to enter the account number in numbers in the format ****-******-******. Below you need to enter your password in capital Latin letters.

If necessary, place a marker in the checkbox next to the inscription “Specialized entrance for enterprises.” After that, click the “Confirm” button.

Thus, the user has the opportunity to track the process of processing his requests, as well as monitor the progress of consideration of the applications submitted by him for social mortgages.

A long-time beneficiary of the social mortgage program left amid high-profile scandals.

The stories of the termination of the contract with the sociologist and the increase in the cost of housing in Innopolis became the last things that the GZhF era will be remembered for Talgata Abdullina. The Honored Economist of the Republic of Tatarstan came to the State Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan in 1997. The State Housing Fund was created two years earlier - in 1995, Tatarstan began implementing a program to resettle residents from dilapidated housing. At that time, out of 5.5 thousand houses, 1.5 thousand were more than 100 years old. Then the idea arose to create a State Housing Fund, into which commodity producers of the republic would contribute 1% of their revenue.

Since 2005, the Fund began implementing a social mortgage program. Note that until this moment the organization was called the State Extra-Budgetary Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan, but was transformed into a non-profit organization “State Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan” (GZhF), which does not have membership and does not aim to make a profit.

Work within the framework of the social mortgage program caused many complaints from residents of the republic, and then from the authorities. The State Housing Fund canceled the preliminary protocols for choosing apartments, and the price per square meter of housing rose. There have been complaints about delays in the construction of facilities built by the Foundation.

For example, in the spring of 2015, the quality of houses built by the State Housing Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan became the object of criticism from the Kazan authorities. Then the chairman of the city Housing and Communal Services Committee spoke at one of the operational meetings Iskander Giniyatullin. He said that the residential building at 44 Chelyuskina, built in 2004, had become “overgrown” with cracks on the façade over the course of 10 years. There were also other construction deficiencies.

A year later, in 2016, the Fund unilaterally revised its terms of the competition under which housing was distributed among those on the waiting list. The State Housing Fund again put up for auction the previously auctioned square meters of housing. Social activists, who dreamed of soon moving to new buildings, took to the streets, and mass and individual spontaneous rallies began. Only after the intervention of the President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov the scandal over the revision of the “rules of the game” was leveled out, and Talgat Abdullin made a statement to journalists that there would be no more changes in the system of apartment distribution.

Abdullin quarreled not only with sociologists, but also with contractors. The GZhF did not have a good relationship with Kamgesenergostroy and PSO Kazan. The State Housing Fund criticized these companies for their slowness and poor work and excluded them from the construction of facilities.

The collapse further weakened Abdullin's position. GZhF turned into a defendant of the bankruptcy trustee of the TSE - the Deposit Insurance Agency. The climax was the demand of the DIA to return the blocking stake of the State Housing Fund in Ak Bars Bank in the amount of 9.8 billion rubles. GZhF acted as a mortgagor under loan agreements between Tatfondbank and several companies associated with the former chairman of the board of the TSE Robert Musin. Ak Bars Bank shares acted as collateral. By the way, Talgat Abdullin was closely associated with ABB - for four years he was the chairman of the board of the financial organization.

As a result: 20.4% of the shares of Ak Bars Bank, owned by GZhF, were arrested as part of a criminal case about fraud in Tatfondbank. Moreover, the arrest was subsequently lifted by the Supreme Court of the Republic of Tajikistan. However, scandals seemed to haunt Abdullin’s organization. GZhF filed a claim with the Arbitration Court of the Republic of Tatarstan against the company in the amount of 7.2 billion rubles. Interestingly, the Fund owns a stake in the developer, and now they say that Talgat Abdullin will take the position of head of the ABD, displacing Marata Shagitova.

Yesterday (October 11 - Ed.), President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov instructed to look into the situation with the termination of the social mortgage agreement by the State Housing Fund. We are talking about a mother of many children Elvira Sadkina. The State Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan unilaterally terminated a social mortgage agreement with a woman for the construction of a three-room apartment in the Salavat Kupere residential complex. The mother of many children believes that in this way the State Welfare Fund is “punishing” her for her “active civic position.

The last nail in Abdullina’s ambition was driven by the State Housing Fund. Moreover, before this, the State Housing Fund regularly received complaints regarding shortcomings in the construction of housing in the city. It is interesting that the Fund itself did not refute the information about the increase. This was done by representatives of the Ministry of Communications of Tatarstan in response to a request from the KazanFirst editors. Reports of an increase in rental prices were called a mistake.

Meanwhile, Rustam Minnikhanov appointed the new head of the State Housing Fund Marata Zaripova, who previously served as head of the State Committee of the Republic of Tatarstan on Tariffs. It is curious that Zaripov’s transition to another position is not taking place against the most positive information background.

The State Committee of the Republic of Tajikistan on Tariffs has always been a separate “state within a state” in the system of government bodies of the republic, with its own operating rules and the absence of any control over their activities. This was explained by the specifics of federal legislation in the field of tariff regulation. As an example, we can recall the history of 2012, when the fact was revealed that the State Committee, by its decision, included in the heat tariffs of Tatenergo, then still headed, inflated costs for the purchase of gas. The talk was about the withdrawal of billions of rubles from Tatenergo, collected from consumers of the republic through heat tariffs.

At the time when Marat Zaripov was at the head of the State Tariff Committee, a system of public control over the activities of natural monopolies was launched in Russia. Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov supported the federal initiative, so the republic actually became a platform for testing the entire design of this system.

As a result, both the State Tariff Committee and the decisions it makes came under independent control. As noted by KazanFirst's interlocutors in the government of the republic, who wished to remain anonymous, as a result, alternative opinions appeared on many decisions of the State Committee and serious omissions of the department began to be revealed. On the other hand, over the past few years, the State Committee and Marat Zaripov himself personally have become open to the media, unlike their predecessors.

The State Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan explains:

How to register?

Those in need of improved housing conditions are recognized as:

Citizens of the Republic of Tajikistan registered at a permanent place of residence;

  • occupying less than 18 sq.m. total area per family member (for state employees), for employees of organizations (not state employees) the norm is 18 sq.m. not installed, i.e. there may be more, but it is necessary that your the organization participated in the financing of social mortgages. A list of organizations participating in the financing of social mortgages is available from representatives of the Consumer Cooperative “Building the Future” and on the website www.kooperativrt.ru/
  • living in unsuitable housing, recognized as such in accordance with current legislation (dilapidated, unsafe, etc., etc.).

Applications for registration are accepted:

  • at the place of residence - in local governments(usually in housing commissions under city and district administrations). List of addresses and performers of representatives of PC “Building the Future” (for public sector employees);
  • at the place of work - by officials appointed by order of the Head of the legal entity (if your organization is on the list of social mortgage financiers - you need to contact to the administration of the organization with an application for registration), if there is no housing commission at the enterprise, you need to contact the administration of the city or district.

To make sure whether you are on the list of those in need of improved housing conditions or not, you can:

    • at the place of application, in the lists approved by the State Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan;
    • on the website www.kooperativrt.ru (you need to know the registration file number of your family);
    • from representatives of PC “Building the Future”.

As a general rule, confirmation of registration can be obtained within 3-4 weeks from the date of submission of the application at the places where primary documents are submitted (ask for the registration file number of your family). If there is more than one family at the place of residence, they are subject to separate registration. Citizens are registered and receive the right to participate in social mortgages only after the family is accepted into the Consolidated List of the State Welfare Fund under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, i.e. in fact, after the approval of your application by the State Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan. If for some reason you are denied registration, and you consider these reasons to be unfounded and illegal, then you can contact the State Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan at the address: RT, 420043, Kazan, Gorky St., building 8/9 , tel./f.: 70-58-66, to local authorities and the prosecutor's office with a statement about violation of the procedure for implementing the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan “On state support for construction in the Republic of Tatarstan No. 69-3RT dated December 27, 2004. and Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tajikistan No. 190 dated April 15, 2005. “On approval of the Rules and procedure for registering those in need of improved housing conditions in the social mortgage system in the Republic of Tatarstan.”

A citizen who is registered as needing to improve their housing conditions must enter into a Social Mortgage Agreement with the State Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan. The attorney on behalf of the State Housing Fund is the PC “Building the Future”, acting on the basis of the agency agreement No. 258 dated August 18, 2005. and power of attorney No. 49 dated August 25, 2005, issued by the executive director of the State Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan T.M. Abdullin. To the Chairman of PC “Building the Future” Tsibizov A.A.

The State Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan enters into a social mortgage agreement with a citizen member of the PC “Building the Future”. To become a member of the PC “Building the Future” you need to write an application for membership in the PC “Building the Future” (the application form is available from representatives of the PC “Building the Future” locally) and pay the entrance membership fee. Family members under 18 years of age should not become members of the Cooperative and, accordingly, should not pay an entrance membership fee.

The social mortgage agreement is signed by all family members registered as in need of improved housing conditions. After concluding (signing) a social mortgage agreement, citizens can pay funds under a social mortgage agreement, thereby accumulating them for the purchase of a future apartment. All savings of citizens when moving into a new apartment are counted towards the redemption of square meters under a social mortgage agreement. Before moving into a new apartment, you can pay any amount at any time at your discretion.

How do you choose the apartment you will receive under a social mortgage agreement?

To streamline the selection of apartments, the following procedure is used:

All funds received under a social mortgage agreement before moving in, in addition to the fact that they are reflected in rubles, are also reflected in the form of points. Points are calculated by multiplying the amount of receipts in thousands of rubles by the number of days until the points are calculated. For example: You transferred under a social mortgage agreement 5 000,00 rubles and 10 September they arrived at the Attorney's bank account, and you need to find out how many points you have on 17 September then

5 * 8 days, 40 points,

8 days – number of days from the date of receipt of funds to the date of calculation of points,

5 – received funds, in thousands of rubles,

If you transferred another 7,000 rubles, which arrived at the Attorney’s account on October 3, then as of November 25 you will have:

5 * 77 days + 7 * 54 days = 385+378 = 763 points,

77 days = 21 days (in September) + 31 days (in October) + 25 days (in November),

54 days = 29 days (in October) + 25 days (in November).

Thus, you can independently calculate the number of your points (approximately, since you cannot know exactly the day the funds are received in the Agent’s account). You can find out the exact number of points on the website of PC “Building the Future” (instructions for using the site from representatives of PC “Building the Future”) or in the monthly newsletter from representatives of PC “Building the Future”.

  • employees of organizations (enterprises) involved in financing social mortgages;
  • public sector workers,
  • citizens in need of urgent support (out-of-turn).

You must know which accounting group you belong to!

There are accounting subgroups, for example, employees of a particular enterprise belong to the accounting group “enterprise employees” or large families belong to the accounting group “out-of-turn”.

  • In addition to the fact that you receive information about exactly what place you occupy in the list in your city, district and in your accounting group, the State Housing Fund and PC “Building the Future” will provide you with data on objects under construction and finished objects (houses, apartments). The specified information is posted on the website www.kooperativrt.ru/ and from a representative of PC “Building the Future”, and presents the following data:
      • about objects under construction and finished (houses, apartments),
      • on the degree of their readiness and the timing of commissioning (occupancy).
      • about apartment numbers, their floor by floor distribution, areas, floor layouts,
      • estimated cost of one square meter (at the construction stage),
      • the initial cost of one square meter after the start of the competition.

At any time from a representative of PC “Building the Future” and on the website www.kooperativrt.ru/ you can obtain information about the beginning and date (time) of the end of the competition for objects under construction and finished objects (houses, apartments).

From the moment the competition begins, if you have a desire to purchase an apartment in this particular building, and if you have paid at least 1,000 rubles under the social mortgage agreement. - for public sector workers and citizens in need of urgent support, or at least 10% of the cost of a future apartment (determined by multiplying the declared cost per square meter per total area) - for employees of enterprises, you can come to the representative office of PC “Building the Future” at the place where the social mortgage agreement was executed or to the head office in Kazan and fill out the “Protocol for choosing a future apartment.”

The “Protocol of participation, selection and transfer of a citizen’s future own apartment to a social mortgage agreement” is signed by the applicants, indicating the apartment number and the cost per square meter at which you are willing to purchase it. The cost per square meter that you declare cannot be lower than the announced Civil Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan. The declared cost per square meter increases your points (accumulated points increase by a step-by-step factor), 1 step – 100 rubles.

Odds table











For example, you have accumulated 763 points (section 3), the initial cost of one square meter is 11,000.00 rubles. You declare the price at which you are ready to purchase a future apartment: 11,200.00 rubles, the step is 200 rubles, the coefficient is K = 1.06; 763*K=763*1.06=808.78 points. Moreover, each apartment you requested may have a different price, i.e. apartments on the 3rd floor, for example, at a price of 11,200 rubles. per square meter, and apartments on the 9th floor cost 11,000 rubles. per one square meter. In addition, in the “Protocol of participation, selection and transfer of a citizen’s future own apartment to the social mortgage agreement,” you can declare a shorter installment period than is provided to you in accordance with current legislation. In this case, the final cost of your future apartment will be less. Apartments in the “Protocol” are indicated as interest in them decreases (by priority), i.e. 100-apartment single-entrance 10-storey building. You want to purchase a one-room apartment, there are 2 of them on each floor. Theoretically, you can indicate all 20 apartments in the “Protocol”. For example, first of all you would like to purchase apartment No. 22 on the third floor, secondly, apartment No. 24 on the third floor, then apartment No. 76 on the 8th floor, etc.

“Competition”, the selection of apartments will occur automatically (by computer) on a certain day and time of the Civil Housing Fund, taking into account all received “Protocols of participation, selection and transfer of a citizen’s future own apartment to a social mortgage agreement”, accumulated points and priorities. Every citizen participating in the “Competition” has the opportunity to verify the correctness and fairness of the choice.

Attention! Please report all cases of pressure on you by indicating the apartment numbers, their declared value when filling out the “Protocol of participation, selection and transfer of a citizen’s future own apartment to the social mortgage agreement” indicating the person who exerted the pressure.

Information about who will receive which apartment as a result of the “Competition” can be found on the website www.kooperativrt.ru/ and from representatives of the Consumer Cooperative “Building the Future”.

After the results of the “Competition” are published (on the website and from representatives of PC “Building the Future” the day after the “Competition”), citizens must come to the place where the contract was drawn up and receive a “Protocol for choosing an apartment” indicating the apartment number and its cost , purchased square meters, installment period and payment schedule.

The social mortgage agreement and the “Protocol of participation, selection and transfer of a citizen’s future own apartment” to the social mortgage agreement, signed by the parties, are the basis for moving into and living in the selected apartment, in other words, with the agreement and protocol, you must go to the housing department or to the “key holder” , demand the keys to the apartment and conclude an agreement for the provision of housing and communal services. Payment for housing and communal services arises from the date of the competition, so it is in your interests to immediately receive the keys after the “Competition” and notify the housing maintenance organizations. This is due to the fact that at the time of the competition the apartments were put into operation, and the costs of its maintenance (heating, security) must be borne by the future owners.

The social mortgage agreement and the “Protocol for choosing an apartment” give you all the rights associated with accommodation, such as “registration”, registration in medical institutions, connecting a telephone, receiving subsidies, subsidies and other rights.

Rights and responsibilities after moving in and how to become the owner of your home?

After moving into a new apartment, you bear all the responsibilities and enjoy all the rights of citizens living as a “tenant,” the future owner.

Your rights:

  • obtaining ownership of the apartment after full payment,
  • receiving the full scope of housing and communal services that are provided to the residents of your home,
  • carrying out routine repairs,
  • registration at the place of residence of your family members,
  • participation in the management of houses by proxy.

Your responsibilities:

  • You cannot sell, exchange, gift, etc., etc. apartment until you receive it as your property,
  • You cannot carry out redevelopment in the apartment without the permission of the relevant authorities and the State Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan,
  • You should not “register” non-family members into the apartment,
  • You cannot assign the rights of claim under the Social Mortgage agreement to a third party, without the permission of the State Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan,
  • You must keep it in a condition suitable for habitation and in compliance with sanitary and technical standards during all the time you use the apartment before receiving ownership,
  • You are required to regularly (monthly) make payments under the Social Mortgage Agreement in accordance with the payment schedule that you will receive upon moving in (the payment schedule indicates the monthly cost per square meter and when to make payments).

Attention! You can pay earlier and more than indicated in the payment schedule. In this case, the final cost of your apartment will be less, and you will receive ownership of the apartment earlier.

After you pay in full the cost of the apartment, PC “Building the Future”, by order of the State Housing Fund, issues you a Payment Reconciliation Certificate and a certificate of full payment of the cost of the apartment. With these documents, as well as the Social Mortgage Agreement, the “Protocol for Selecting an Apartment,” you can register ownership with the State Registration of Rights and receive a Certificate of Ownership.

All. Congratulations! Not only have you lived all this time in a comfortable apartment with all the amenities, worked for the benefit of the Republic, raised children, but you also became the full owner of your home.

I would like to note that when you did not live in the apartment as an owner, you did not pay property tax. You will receive an income tax benefit by presenting to the tax authorities the Certificate of receipt of ownership of the apartment, the Social Mortgage Agreement and all receipts for payment of its cost (please do not lose and keep the receipts). In addition, in the event of the birth of a child in your family, you will be credited under the Social Mortgage agreement with the cost of 18 (Eighteen) square meters of housing, - two children– 36 (Thirty-six) square meters will be counted. To do this, you need to submit an application to the State Welfare Fund under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan for the birth of a child. In addition to all of the above, you can get advice from our representatives at any time.

In conditions of economic crisis, the Government of the Russian Federation is offering new mechanisms to support socially vulnerable citizens. To improve their quality of life, housing loan programs with state support are being developed. Borrowers who meet the conditions of a specific project will be able to use a social mortgage.

The programs cover many categories of the population: low-income citizens, young families, public sector employees (doctors, teachers, young scientists), military personnel.

The social mortgage program was prepared by the Department of Housing Policy and is aimed at fulfilling the instructions of the Government of the Russian Federation. The Housing Fund has approved the procedure for providing residential real estate with a social mortgage. Applicants can purchase an apartment under a purchase and sale agreement with registration of the document in the Department of Housing and Housing Policy.

To receive a preferential loan, socially vulnerable citizens can apply to any state or commercial bank that provides mortgages with government guarantees.

According to the department, over the past five years, every seventh participant in state programs has been able to take advantage of the presidential social mortgage and improve their living conditions with the help of government subsidies and mortgage lending.

Under the terms of social programs, low-income borrowers can purchase real estate on the primary and secondary markets, as well as social housing at reduced prices, which is owned by local authorities.

Mortgages under the president have many options: they provide a subsidy for part of the cost of the purchased apartment or a subsidy for the interest rate. Municipal housing is sold to participants in social programs at an affordable price. Which type is used in a particular region depends on the initiative of local authorities.

A good example in this matter can be the Republic of Tatarstan, where since 2004 they have successfully implemented a bill on social housing lending developed at the local level, which differs significantly from the standard version.

How to get

The implementation of the program is controlled by the State Housing Fund (SHF) and the President of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The peculiarities of the presidential program are that the borrower and the State Housing Fund enter into an agreement, according to which the project participant undertakes to regularly contribute a certain amount to form a reserve. Savings are necessary to partially pay the cost of purchased housing. A mortgage is issued for the remaining amount.

The contract term is up to 28.5 years. The bank's tariff (7%) is fixed, set for the entire lending period. A down payment (10-30%) is required. You can use:

  1. Maternity capital;
  2. Savings generated during the period of participation in the project;
  3. State support for young families (the amount of the subsidy can reach 40% of the cost of the apartment);
  4. By own means.

Sometimes, to pay the down payment, they take out an additional loan, leaving the existing housing as collateral (if the borrower or co-borrowers are its owners).

Under the terms of the project, mortgages are also provided to childless families. If a child is born during the contract period, the spouses are provided with financial assistance in the amount of 200 thousand rubles. The funds must be used to pay off mortgage obligations.

The peculiarity of the presidential project is that participants can make monthly contributions not always in the traditional way - they are paid with labor or products produced in their personal household.

Where can I get housing?

The difference between a presidential mortgage is that the applicant can choose an apartment only from the real estate that was built as part of this project. Such housing complexes (LCs) are built mainly in large cities and some small towns. In addition to the limited choice, apartments also differ in price: square meters in the capital will be more expensive than in the periphery. These factors also influence the loan size and rating points.

The exact list of areas where construction is being carried out by partner companies of the project can be found on the website of the state housing fund. There is information on the websites of banks and developers. An important requirement for the latter is to build housing in a comprehensive manner, so the program participant receives an apartment in microdistricts with normal infrastructure. After submitting the documentation to the State Housing Fund and approving the application by the housing commission, the participant waits for his option of real estate.

  1. Kazan. Social houses are being built in Aviastroitelny, Kirovsky, Privolzhsky, Pakhitovsky and Sovetsky districts. The most popular microdistrict is “Salavat Kupere”, where it is planned to solve the housing problems of 14 thousand families. More than 350 hectares are being built up with residential complex houses to accommodate about 40 thousand people. The Rainbow MK is also located in an ecologically clean area, but there are more apartments there for commercial sale. A school for a thousand children is being built.
  2. Naberezhnye Chelny. The most popular complexes are located on the city outskirts: the cost of housing here is significantly lower, and these areas are noticeably cleaner environmentally. Among the complexes actively under construction are Yalyshek-2, as well as the 63rd complex. In addition to the presidential mortgage, city residents can participate in the “Building the Future” project, which also helps to purchase real estate on terms favorable to the participant.

The contract for the selected apartment is preliminary and has no special legal force. If a program participant violates the debt repayment schedule or does not score enough points, other applicants may be moved into the selected apartment.

If the borrower got a part-time job or left the public sector altogether, he no longer has the right to demand an apartment under a social mortgage. During the crisis, many building materials have even become cheaper, so the developer sees no reason to increase the cost of housing.

Who can participate in the project

Social mortgage under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan covers many segments of the population:

  • Budget workers - teachers, scientists, doctors, young specialists, cultural and social security workers;
  • Military personnel, combatants;
  • Citizens who live in unsafe or unsuitable premises for living;
  • Young families (age limit - up to 35 years) with and without children;
  • Applicants whose living space does not meet the standards (18 sq. m per tenant);
  • Large families;
  • Disabled people and families with disabled children;
  • Single-parent families if their income has fallen by 30%;
  • Employees of investor enterprises, participants in the presidential mortgage program.

Participants in the project can be solvent working citizens with a stable income and a normal credit history, who meet the program criteria and have the funds for the first payment. The applicant must also have the status of a person who needs to improve their living conditions.

Families with an income above the subsistence level can apply for social housing if they can make regular contributions to repay the loan.

State employees must have at least three years of work experience in their specialty. Citizens aged 18 to 54 years with continuous work experience in their last place of 6 months can apply. For the military, the minimum service life is 10 years. Applicants must live and work in the Republic of Tatarstan for at least 10 years.

Applying for a home loan

To obtain the status of a program participant, you must contact the administration with an application. Here you can consult on the chosen program and make a preliminary calculation. Employees of companies sponsoring the program can apply through their manager.

While waiting for your application to be pre-approved, prepare all necessary documentation. Officials have 1 month to make a final decision. If the decision is positive, a social mortgage agreement is signed, after which monthly contributions are made to the State Housing Fund (the amount depends on the family budget).

All that remains is to wait for one or more offers of living space from the State Housing Property Fund, which can be purchased as part of the project.

You can participate in a competition similar to a rating auction. To do this, you need to register on the GZhF website and gain access to your personal account, from where applications for participation are sent. The higher the rating, the more chances the contestants have to win. Points are generated based on the amount of savings each participant has made and the length of stay in the program.

There is another option for obtaining a mortgage, when state support is provided out of turn. Each case is studied individually in the shortest possible time.

What documents to prepare

Applicants for a presidential mortgage must submit documentation:

  • Passports of family members;
  • TIN and SNILS;
  • Certificate of marriage or divorce (if any);
  • Birth certificates of children (if available);
  • Military ID (for those liable for military service);
  • Education documents;
  • Certificate of income;
  • Documents on real estate rights;
  • Confirmation of the status of a person who needs to improve their living conditions.

The completed application form is attached to the documents. The commission has the right to request additional confirmation of the applicant’s solvency.

Pros and cons of a presidential mortgage

A presidential mortgage in the Republic of Tatarstan is an opportunity to purchase an apartment on terms that are more favorable than in the country as a whole.

The participation of the GJF allowed applicants to receive a number of advantages:

  • Reduce the down payment to 10% of the apartment price (maximum limit – 30%).
  • For single mothers and some other categories on an individual basis, a complete exemption from the down payment is possible.
  • With a base rate of 7.4%, a social mortgage is given at 7% per annum.
  • The maximum repayment period (28.5 years) can be reduced and the loan can be closed early without overpayments.
  • At the birth of a baby, the family receives 200 thousand rubles. to pay off mortgage obligations.
  • After the birth of your second and subsequent children, you can contribute funds from maternity capital to repay the loan.
  • You can pay for a mortgage not only with money, but also with labor and agricultural products.
  • There is no additional insurance - only the purchased apartment and the participant’s liability are insured.

If a difficult financial situation arises in the family, the borrower is afraid of losing the apartment - the State Housing Fund considers all cases individually, developing a convenient option for repaying the debt (deferment, restructuring, etc.). Deferring payments does not relieve the bank client from having to pay apartment rent.

In any state support program there are details that the participant does not pay due attention to at first. But later such nuances can create additional difficulties.

After purchasing housing as part of the project, the participant does not have the right to stop working or leave the public sector for 10 years. If the condition is violated, the balance of the debt will have to be repaid at double the rate. It is possible to terminate an employment relationship with an enterprise without penalties if the dismissal was by agreement of the parties.

After receiving an apartment, a program participant will no longer be able to take part in other social projects aimed at improving living conditions. With a presidential mortgage, housing can be purchased only once in a lifetime, so it makes sense to study all the possible benefits and subsidies that a family can count on and choose the best option for state assistance. The total price of square meters of housing also includes children's benefits.

Standards for the size of mortgage living space have been developed:

  1. Singles - 33 sq. m;
  2. For a childless family (2 people) – 42 sq. m;
  3. A family of 3 people – 18 sq. m per resident.

There is another important point: until full payment is made for the mortgaged housing, the borrower uses the living space under a social tenancy agreement. He also pays rent (at minimum state tariffs). He will be able to receive a certificate of ownership only after the final repayment of the debt.

Partner banks

The number of financial institutions participating in the program is limited, since many have representative offices only in large cities. Among the program participants there are not only banks of the republic, but also partners providing services throughout Russia: Sberbank, Kara-Altyn, Rosbank, Ak Bars.

According to the terms of the presidential mortgage, borrowers enter into an agreement with the representative office of the housing stock under the president. And in the bank that is a partner, you need to open an account for monthly payments, taking into account the cost of 1 sq. m of social housing (from 11%). If a bank client violates the payment schedule for mortgage obligations, the State Housing Fund has the right to terminate the agreement on its own initiative.

In parallel with the presidential mortgage, the republic’s banks offer their clients to solve housing problems with the help of the “Young Family” program. The first requirement for candidates: one of the spouses must be under 35 years of age. The project makes it possible to purchase housing at a base rate (from 7.4%) on both the primary and secondary markets.

In accordance with the bill, the social mortgage under the president in the Republic of Tatarstan will operate until 2019. We can only hope that after its completion, regional authorities will develop even more effective measures to provide socially vulnerable citizens in need with housing.

The city of Naberezhnye Chelny actively participates in the implementation of the Social Mortgage Program. The investor - the State Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan - entrusted DOMKOR LLC (formerly Housing Investment Company LLC), the main customer and developer of residential buildings in the city of Naberezhnye Chelny, to carry out technical supervision of housing construction under this program.

Social mortgage - it's affordable

The non-profit organization “State Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan” (NO GZhF RT) was founded on March 30, 1995 by Decree of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan M.Sh. Shaimiev No. 213 “On measures for the development of housing construction in the Republic of Tatarstan” for the development and implementation of non-traditional methods of financing and attracting extra-budgetary funds for housing construction. The Fund has been implementing the Social Mortgage Program since 2005 in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Tatarstan No. 69-ZRT “On state support for housing construction in the Republic of Tatarstan” dated December 27, 2004.

The main activity of the fund is the implementation of housing programs adopted by the Government of the Russian Federation, state authorities of the Republic of Tatarstan and local governments, as well as the sale of housing to the population of the Republic of Tatarstan on the principles of social mortgages, mortgage lending to citizens and legal entities. The Social Mortgage Program is planned for the long term - until 2019.

Social mortgages are designed specifically for certain categories of the population who need to improve their living conditions, but cannot afford it.

Social mortgage provides the opportunity to purchase housing on privileged terms for certain categories of the population using government financial support and mortgage lending. Social mortgage of the Republic of Tatarstan is regulated by Law of the Republic of Tatarstan No. 69-ZRT dated December 27, 2004 “On state support for the development of housing construction in the Republic of Tatarstan.”

Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tajikistan dated April 15, 2005 No. 188, No. 189, No. 190, No. 233, No. 479, No. 480. It is important to remember that living conditions are improved only within the limits of established social norms (today this norm is 18 sq. m per person).

Since 2004, more than 5,000 families have celebrated housewarmings under the social mortgage program.

For specific information on social mortgages, please contact the Non-Profit Organization “State Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan”.